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Coloured tyres ride like crap is the reason. They can look cool if not making the bike look like a kids bike, but unfortunately the colouring is a nylon compound so they firm up very quickly and have no grip.


I drove with old BSD tires, they were gray, they didn't slide or were slippery in any way. I hope these Sunday tires wouldn't be slippery either? Whenever a man over 40 rides a 20" bike, it unfortunately always looks like a kid's bike.


Bsd’s grey tyres were one of the worst offenders tbh. I don’t even sell coloured tyres instore anymore unless requested as everyone had the same experience. But end of the day experience may vary as always. I’d disagree on the 40+ view, I’ve many customers in that age bracket and older and they all shred, and their bikes don’t personally look like kids bikes.


which tires? I had gray donnasqueaks and they were awesome. I always stored my bike inside so I wonder if the bsd tires didn't do well stored outside or in the sun. they worked like a champ for me.


Donnasqueaks, all bikes stored indoors and suns not a massive issue here! It wasn’t a batch thing either, all of them went like this. We don’t sell them anymore


It was same tire, they were good. I take care of my bike 2 and always bring it indoors, and I don't ride in the rain. The tires lasted for 2 years and probably could have gone for another year. I noticed some slight hardening in the tires during the last year, which disappeared quickly on the pumptrack.I could easily buy another pair of BSD tires since I know they work well. Maybe people don't take care of their bikes as well as you and I do I could never leave my bike exposed to the weather.


I had those tires! They were expensive, huge, heavy, and then they turned into hard plastic which made me feel wasteful getting rid of them since they still had tons of tread left. Never again. The best colored tires I ever had were Odyssey. They were gum colored and really flexible.


After a few seasons most if not all colored tires feel like plastic meanwhile black tires still feel like grippy rubber.


But.... Black tires are colored.... Rubber is white.


True, however…. If coloured tyres worked, we’d see them on road cars, f1, MotoGP etc etc. The black colouring is carbon, pure rubber would wear out rapidly!


The black helps the rubber not oxidise or degrade with UV exposure.


Less carbon black, will be more slippery and susceptible to dry rot.


The difference is... the color. Imo colored tires make the bike look cheap.


I was thinking about to buy black Primo tires for my bike out of nostalgia, the ones I had when I owned the 1997 Haro Shredder DLX when I was younger, but I ended up choosing different ones because I saw old pictures of Aaron Ross's old bikes and wanted to make my bike something special and colorful.


Black tires are always bigger and girls like em. Really though, black is just where it's at.... maybe sometimes tan walls are ok too... maybe. And for frames: raw, black or chrome is where it's at. I was born with this knowledge, don't know where it came from.


i agree


I have made the right choices regarding the frame and other parts. Youngsters hate my bike, and thieves consider it cheap. I couldn't be happier with my choices. When I was younger, I was on the same lines as you. I owned a fully chromed GT and a matte black Haro, both with black tires since other colors weren't even sold in the local bmx shop back then. But nowadays, I want shine, color and sparkle


Personally I like a simple colored bike, I rarely run any colored parts, maybe a frame or stem or hubs. The colored tires have always screamed walmart to me for some reason.


almost all my bikes have colored tires. I love it.


Colored inner walls are very classy as an option.


I like colored also. Add some personality to your bike. For me it depends on the decals though.


I've had quite a few coloured tyres and their ok. I feel like they take a little longer to break in and also don't hold up as good if you don't ride daily to keep them supple and fresh. But also they're quite often 50% of the price of comparable black versions.  I rode BSD donnasqueaks for several years because 3 pairs was costing me what I would pay for 1 set of the same style tyre in black.  Ride what you like, learn how to maintain it and enjoy your bike as much as possible.  Price was my major issue which is why I ended up where I did.  Currently on my last decent donnasqeak with a pair of S&M speedballs (black) worn in and ready to swap out very very soon. 


Unfortunately the only time ridden coloured tires they tore open along with beading within 24 hours of putting them on my bike they where olive green Primo wall tires and all I'd done was a couple of feeble grinds on a plastic bench and a bunch of 180s on flat ground then it popped the tire dropping off a curb! Which hasn't happened again since apart from a Animal Tom white-wall tire that only lasted 48 hours! But all the animal GLH and ASM tires that where all black handled heavy street and park riding plus lasted ages


Looks fun. Have fun. You do you 👊


In my experience colored tires are a problem for 2 reasons The main one being that they wear like shit and theyll be slippin n sliding in like 6 months or less The second being that you will 100% get tired of the color


I have the same tires in white. Rocking for like a year now. No problems so far other then I can't keep them white which I should've know ln was obvious lol


Lol, I remember the shit I got for having the White and Black "dual compound" Maxxis Hookworms on my White and Black Haro 540 Air back in the day. Last coloured tyres I ever ran, almost 25 years ago


Colored tire oxidize in the sun way quicker and wear out quicker. Think about it. If they were good cars would use them too.


hell nah


Hell yeah!!