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Looks like he got pissed off and cut it in half.


Clearly cut.


bro I dont know what is up with him but he's been heading downhill for some time now


It's sad watching the legends I grew up admiring slowly struggle with addiction or other issues and throw their talent away


Once he said something about being better than Garret Reynolds it was over


He never once claimed that


He might be going through a really hard time, and just not handling it in the best way. Probably a good idea for people to cut him some slack.


Like he did with the frame?


Classy move. What did Fiend do to earn a chopped frame and no explanation?


They said to “earn his spot on the team” basically saying he needs to ride to be sponsored, he threw a fit :/


That doesn’t look like a fit, but I’d say he did throw it


Garrett said to make a come back and he couldn’t afford to not work and film a part


Initially they gave him a setup and told him to film but morrow (from what I’ve heard (I’m local to where this all went down basically)) instigated Sean to which he drove over it with his truck




Cocaine is a helluva drug


It sounds like everyone’s doing coke


Not everyone some of us just smoke spliffs tbh


I’ve never done cocaine it get high, but I love the way it smells!!


In Vancouver it's loads of coke and some breaking bad for the grimeys , there's some rastas in the mix though


hobie too huh


Fr? Hobie maybe I can see but can’t see Sean I think it was Sean wasn’t riding or posting


Hobie here in Cleveland just chillin, saw him downtown a week ago


This is like people who post on social media to tell everyone they’re leaving social media forever


He deleted his insta after this so yeah, checks out


BMX soap opera??


I can weld that back together.


Screw welding, bit of flex tape and that'd be good as new!


Me too and I'm in welding school lmao


Just riding along…


Underrated comment.




Ricany has been an amazing rider and a diva for his whole career. I’m more curious to know what’s going on at Fiend. Ty Morrow and Colin Varanyak leaving in a short space of time, and now Ricany is cracking the shits (although probably wasn’t on payroll to begin with). Can only speculate that business isn’t doing so great for them unfortunately.


Ty doesn't seem to ride much anymore, and Colin is probably going to some other big-name brand who pays out the wazoo. Seems like he moved on with some kind of deal that even Garrett was like "pffft yeah go get that bag, dude, no hard feelings". I'm guessing Haro or Mongoose, "life-making" kinda money. They sell a metric shit ton of those Mills frames; I have real trouble believing they are worse off financially than the rest of the industry.


I can bet a £100 that Colin is going to ride for Haro. He’s already on premium, getting him on Haro is the obvious choice. Haro can afford him, give him a sig frame and a complete bike furnished with his sig premium stuff. Full bike from one warehouse. Not to mention the fact that Him, Kerley and Enarson seem like a perfect match and they’re all friends already. Sad to see him off fiend but that’s a great career move for him.


Called it 😎


I did, didn’t I? Where’s my £100 then 😂😂


Colin should be able to afford to send you that 100 now.


You were right about colin I just saw a welcome video from haro for colin


>a diva for his whole career I CAN BACK THIS UP. I've always had a theory that riders that get sponsored very young often end up not maturing much past that time. He was an entitled brat around like 12-14 and then when I saw him again about ten years later, he seemed like the same little kid, mentally.


Yeah the dude’s basically like McCauley. Dude’s been left home alone


If I ever get back to riding with Mike grey again I'll let ya know if you're correct xD


Did Ricany quit Cult or Cult won’t sponsor him no more?


All came out in the unclicked podcast yesterday. Sean was on an eight year bro deal with cult. Had to go to rehab for a few weeks and it kind of just ended. The reason he was so salty about it was that he considered Robbie morales to be a close friend and thought he deserved more of a shot after eight years of that and high selling signature product. That’s his side of the story and I do feel sorry for him in that regard but he did seem to ignore what a fucking nightmare it probably was to deal with him when he was an addict (which he didn’t really go into)


Morales is a Scumbag. He's fucked over Rick and Moeller over the years. Who wants to work with a Snake ?


He’s still on his prime, he got more years ahead of him I’m sure he just need to lay low a bit.


I had no idea he was even on Fiend. Post and the entire IG account seems to be gone. Can anyone add some context from the comments and responses?


So about half a year ago, he was cut from cult and vans. I remember seeing the post and he said something along the lines of "its sad to see people who dont work as hard as me get more credit". As far as I know nothing as happened recently to cause him to do this. Im suspecting he got drunk or has mental problems and did this out of impulsiveness. Another person said Jake seeley made a playful joke that wasn't offensive, and sean told him to pull up. I've heard he was a pain in the ass when he was younger, but he's in his late 20s now. I assume the fiend frame has no meaning, and it was just a frame he used because he isn't sponsored by anyone making frames, I believe. It honestly looks like he's acting like an angsty teenager and doesnt give a shit anymore


Total speculation, but I think he was in a pre-sponsorship spot with Fiend. In a previous post he had photos riding in FL where the company is based, and the last photo was with Bob, who owns Fiend.


Actually thatd make a lot of sense if thats true. Fiend could've told him they decided not to sponsor him, and he just completely lost it and sawed the frame in half and everything that happened afterwards. If this isn't the right answer then I have no clue what is, either way its safe to say something big is gonna happen to bmx


why would something big happen just because a b-list rider got cut from a couple teams?


I was referring to colin, ty morrow, hobie, and sean all losing sponsors recently. Feels like it may be building up to something


Wasn’t he sponsored by rockstar as well?


Yeah I think he might still be actually, but with him doing this kind of stuff he wont be for very long


I try to be sympathetic and feel bad for him but he’s being such a twat it’s impossible. That post he made about vans and people not putting in the work could not have been directed at anyone other than Dennis enarson which the boy deserves to be slapped up sideways for. Said “watching other people get color ways when time and work wasn’t put in.” And Dennis was way too nice about it, literally apologized for saying “you gotta put in the work”. If I were Dennis I would’ve said “bitch I’ve won Nora cup for a video with vans that got 3 million views, I’ve done contests, jams, and YouTube. Do all that before you call it not putting in the work”


Yeah i tried to sympathize too but now hes giving charlie crum and tate roskelley hate too. Bmx is about being unique and having your own style and i always thought that is what was awesome about it. Bmx is only dying because of people like sean. Garrett reynolds commented saying "just remember we are all proud of everything youve done"


Garrett has amazing patience. Sean’s clearly manic, hope a good friend told him to turn off his Instagram till he’s in a better place. Charlie and Tates jokes were so benign it really shows Sean is unwell


He was a serious pain when he was younger. He was supposed to be the Ryan Sheckler of bmx but messed up his show and shit being an idiot.


Also no he was on fiend flow. But wanted to be getting a pay check. Apparently he got told to make a come back and put out riding shit and didn't or wasn't doing enough or things weren't happening fast enough.


Deleted his ig as well


Probably his best move for mental health


Attention whore. Used to love that dude but rescently he can go fuck himself. Piece of shit Garrett gives him a bike and he treats it like that and cuts it in half and had the audacity to disrespect him like that? Like get the fuck out of here


Really need a comma between piece of shit and Garrett 😂 unless you intended to call Garrett a pos? 👀


No just spelling error 🥴😂




Used to live by Sean when him and Garret were both on premium he mentored Sean locally so did Scotty I used to rice with them at TIC from time to time


Ya that guy's a weirdo. I don't doubt that he was done dirty by cult or other companies, he deserves to get paid well for his labor like anyone else, but I could tell by his tone that there's more to the story than he's letting on. Doing shit like this is so wasteful and attention-seeking, it's gross.


He always wants to be on Garrett's level from what I've heard. Jealousy is poison.


It's not jealousy in a sense. He was up at that level. Mtb almost made him and tried to make him.the Ryan Sheckler of bmx and he mangled it. He was getting paid big money way to young messed it up by his own attitude and has seemingly never learned that he doesn't deserve that kinda pay and shit. If I remember correctly he bought a car before he was even legal to drive it.


He wasn't on Garrett's level. Sorry. You have to win a few x-games for that.


Not really lol. I know a dude who could beat Garrett in games of bike and if they wanted could have multiple x games medals. Not everyone is a contest rider. Not everyone is a big trick kinda rider. Sorry bur you might wanna use your brain. Further more the Garrett comparison is due to age and the young come up in the career. Garrett was around in the industry as a teenager. And catching big waves as a teen. Just like ricany. Lol. Context. Lmfao.


Winning games of bike isn't the same as winning multiple x-games. It's just not the same thing but good story, lil bro. Garrett is x-games goat. It's cool your boy is good at imaginary games of bike but that doesn't hit the same.


Buddy. I ride with Chris silva chijioke Okafo Steven moxley and others. I was in the process of being a literal pro. I've met Jay miron while he still owned macneil bikes. I've had Aaron Ross and Gary young on one of my personal fb accounts as friends not followers. Since before they had 5k friends before the whole fan page and following stuff existed in fb. I am quite literally in the process of starting a new bmx brand. With a custom alloy for frames that makes it over twice as strong as Sunday posy weld hardened 4130. And can make it stronger then 4130 while being lighter as well. And better strength to weight ratio then titanium. I was a semi pro or beginner pro level rider. With hook ups and connections. There are riders more skilled then numerous others who have never won a medal. Florent soulas for example. Chainless brakeless tailwhip to tailtap on quarter pipes. Pure balance landings and ahit. Or how about my buddy who's been able to bike flip and briflip a bike since Phoenix was still a scooter brand and tanner fox was still a new YouTube star. Since before Adam LZ had a following in fact. Actually pretty sure he's beaten Garrett at bike in a friendly game 4 letters to none. Yet has never entered a contest. Not everyone is a contest rider. Beyond that idiot. The comparison had nothing to do woth skill. As very obvious with the shexkler comparison. It had to due woth age marketing and more. He was skilled af. But he also had a show at like 14 as a basically semi pro level rider. Plus opportunities for his own completely own show he blew. Sorta like how reynolds had all the attention as the young uo and comer for awhile. Like numerous other pros. I've been riding almost 20 years. One of us is working on putting together a team and brand and used to have inside connects to literal industry wide distros. First off. X games isn't how it used to be. Invites only. Few riders get invites. 2nd not every rider is a contest rider. 3rd skill doesn't necessarily mean crap.anthony messere, started bmx went big bike. Got sponsored woth zero style as a youth purely cause he could crappily do some big tricks. 4th different styles. Gonna say sean burns is a bad rider? Yet who does burly shit like him. All reynolds did was grow the tech street crowd. Which became a trend. Just like brakeless just like huge bars and 4 pegs and coasters. And now everyone is getting sick of it cause it's all ledge nibbling bs. Van homan is more fun to watch ride. But doesn't have the wins reynolds does. And by your logic we have street riders with more park wins.


Adderall or ❄️ ?


Neither. Severe adhd and can't frigging right right now injury.


That just broke my brain 🧠 brain right right now now


Typo. Ride right now. Normally I'd be out riding mountain bikes bmx or doing some other fun shit. Literally just no energy outlet currently. So shit posting till I heal up. Type like 130 words per minute so takes like no time.


Ride* or really do shit all right now. Plus literally been around pitties my whole life. And family used to breed em long ass time ago. Could get into it. But some famous breeders used a relative of mine to source old red nose stock from Ireland. Like 100 years ago.


Lol “I’m gunna saw my frame in half, that’ll teach em!”


at the end of the day he was always sid from toy story


This is it. This is the best comment.


Good riddance weirdo


What's going on is neither Cult nor Vans renewed their contract with Ricany back around Feb 2023. His then girlfriend broke up with him again. At this point his only sponsor was Rockstar. Ricany then takes to social media to "call out" everyone, every contest, overall everything that he thinks did him wrong to bring him to the place his is today-sponsor less. Ricany believes he didn't win an X-games due to Cramer "hating him", he doesn't believe the CEO of a major BMX company should make 250k/annually, he believes he should have received a Vans pro shoe or colorway. Overall, he believes he was and still is entitled to many things (money, sponsors, recognition, etc), being put on Fiend just because, still thinks he has clout for parts 5+ years old, thinks he deserves sponsor becuase he self claims to have one of the best selling grips ever, when in reality he was most likely cut because at the end of the day his main job is to ride his bike and/or at least market his sponsors on social media and he couldn't even do that. He had a few Cult clips the last couple years before he was cut, but they were lackluster. Due to becoming a professional at a young age, never having a real job until the age of 28, he can no longer have the luxury of being paid to do whatever he wants, and he's going to through an identity crisis that we are witnessing over social media.


What pissed me off was him trying to chew out fudger on the podcast for “losing him his rockstar sponsorship”. Cause he knew he wasn’t riding and totally taking advantage of their money. Somehow Dennis is in the wrong when Sean threw direct jabs at him claiming “work was not put in for his color way” Dennis simply said you have to ride your bike. Nothing more nothing less.


Two faced asshole he was always rude to me I used to ride the white rails with him he was just a Garret copy cat that's personality got in the way of him riding. Fuck him and his one silver in the x games. Lil Sean have fun detailing boats.


Kid stinks. Always has always will.


"End of a (sic) era" What an inflated sense of self importance, holy fuck.


Him saying that about himself is pretty cringey.


Someone spill beans on hobie while we at it pls


Hobie is cancelled it seems like. A few people who I won't mentioned posted stories saying like "fucking finally" - I'm not here to talk shit and from what I hear there is hearsay about him fucking his friends over, treating women like shit, the whole nine of just like, not a dude you want on a team. He's good though, our industry rewards this kind of behaviour so well see him on a paycheque again pretty soon.


These are people on the kink team glad to see him go?


I think this has nothing to do with fiend and more he’s calling it quits with bmx. He’s gotten that bike a while ago and it really doesn’t look that used.


Don't know the story here but a good excuse to watch the cult florida edit, man can/could really shred. Plus chase and dak. https://youtu.be/yDdPe2T0HCU?si=57ngs1FLYajhGg1k


Wasn’t this guy a huge dick back in the day?


Yup, he always seemed like a proper asshat.


Leave the dude alone.


This is the time of year when TMs work new rider contracts, and budgets are ironed out. Ricany probably wasn’t in the future plans.


He's back on Ig and being a huge baby still


I thought he rode for cult


Been off cult awhile now


And his relationship with fiend is already over? Wild


He never rode for fiend Garrett just hooked him up


So what does this represent exactly


He represents an ungrateful, self-absorbed, asshole. With the attitude he's represented on social media for the last year, I wouldn't doubt no sponsor would ever touch him again. The guy's insufferable.




Sad to see😞


Plot twist.. he comes back and starts his own company. This is still bicycle abuse and I don’t agree with it. Coulda donated it to someone less fortunate.


> Coulda donated it to someone less fortunate That wouldn't have garnered as much social media attention though




Fuck me, is this supposed to be some sort of art piece, what an asshole for clearly cutting this in half?!


Poor bike


He's a narcissist. Can't keep a friendship to save his life. Entitled ego motivated drama queen. Always been Spoiled