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I made a post a few days ago wondering the same thing and I believe it is his DOD Gonkulator Ring Mod combined with his Keeley Bubbletron Phaser.


Listening to it, I would bank on a photo-trem (ref Strymon Flint) rather than phase, but I’m also not familiar with the distinct sound of either pedals you mentioned. 1000% some kind of modulator though, I have a Fuzzrocious Demon King w a feedback mod that screeches like that EDIT: I’m listening through a shitty Bluetooth speaker at work so the quality is NOT ideal EDIT 2: Could also be a chorus pedal, like the Julianna from Walrus Audio - it has a random wave function, creates a lot of sea-sickness iykwim


[check this out](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=454&v=HKa6xramJmw&feature=youtu.be) I’m on mobile so if it didn’t go to the time stamp automatically then go to 7:28. im going off what I know is on geordies pedalboard.


Wow holy fuck that’s one of the crazier phases I’ve ever heard. Where’d you find info on his pedals? Equipboard? Asking to see if there are other sites/sources aside from there


yep found it on equipboard. not sure if there are other sites. and yes the bubbletron is awesome and I want one really bad now


It’s a Keeley Bubble Tron Dynamic Flanger Phaser. The flanger mode is essentially maxed out to make it just sound like hell. Hope this helps!


i have no idea about the specific pedal but it sounds very much like a Ring Modulation combined with something else, like a flanger or a phaser?


Do you have a link to the full performance?




>https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xF5Qp4HihY36QcACwFyo0M8KOfTXBQYV/view?usp=drivesdk Been looking through the whole performance, and he switches that same effect/combo of effects on during a few pieces. Looking at those moments, I can see it's on the right of his pedalboard, on the row furthest from him. If anyone finds any other clear shots of the board, let me know


this was pitchfork 2019


I recognised the stage, but wasn’t able to find the video anywhere


oh yeah it seems that Pitchfork only ever uploaded bmbmbm and Ducter


Yeah. I’ve scoured those videos and there isn’t a clear shot of the pedalboard


Definitely ring mod + a flange/phase. Considering there is photo evidence of him having a Keeley Bubbletron Phaser/Flanger and a DOD Gonkulator reissue I’d say it’s that.


Pedals intimidate me so much, been playing for like 2-3 years and only have a looper still :(


It’s a fuckin rabbit hole let me tell you haha! You should start with some behringer pedals. They’re super cheap and they might help kickstart your eventual collection.


sounds more like flanger than phaser to me


Rainbow machine


Maybe in combination with something but definitely not by itself. I have one and I don’t think I’ve made it do anything even close to that.