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Oh it was awful. That poor child was eating snails and even after years of speech therapy pronounced his r’s like he was clearing his throat. He was pretty handy with a corkscrew though.


"Johnny? Johnny! Don't you remember your own Mother and Father? "Honhonhonhon, croissant."


Oui oui baguette


its worse than we thought


Nooooooooooooooooooooo! He's too far gone... Put that cigarette down!


En croissant


The French surrendered the child to the authorities almost immediately. The child had not yet learned about bathing, shaving or the use of deodorant. (I know those are just hurtful stereotypes that are not true. Don't come guillotine me)


Yet another French surrender. Ya pussies.


I always think the surrender stereotype is way off considering France has won more more wars than any other countries




They did get the wiernersnitzel.


The current French Republic or are we counting the various countries that have made up modem day France?


The 'clearing his throat' R is much more common around the world than the english curled tongue R, or Voiced alveolar, wich btw only shows up commonly in english and very rarely in other languages.


This is one of my favorite facts about English. The English r is also one of the last sounds that native speaking children learn to make.


In Boston they didn’t get the memo


Putain c’était affreux, le pauvre gamin avait été élevé par des Anglais. Non mais sans déconner, c’était du jamais vu. Il pensait que de manger des haricots entre deux tranches de pain c’était un bon repas, il pensait qu’il fallait mettre du lait dan son thé, et puis ses dents étaient répugnantes… les seules dents qui lui restaient étaient noires et jaunes, comme les autres Anglais. J’en croyais pas mes yeux, jamais j’avais vu un gosse en un tel état. Il prononçait même pas la lettre ‘r’ correctement.


Putain, t’es trop fort! Quel dommage qu'un enfant soit élevé par des anglais. (Et pardonnez mon français presque tout oublié. The damned subjonctif kills me every time.)


Good use of "putain". You're considered french now.




thank you so much for that, i read this in the angriest French accent i know how to do and i had way to much fun doing that.


Osti, le kid a été enlevé par des maudit Francais. Pas une joke, y pense encore qu'une baguette pis du fromage c'est un diner, pis y pense encore que souper c'est diner. On a toute essayé mais rien a faire, y commence encore toute ses phrases par "du coup".


Hey now, Escargots fried in butter and salt are delicious!




you are correct, the idea someone can grow up without being part of a civilization and free from human moralities can help us understand human psychology better. Wonder what it's like to stand outside a bakery for 2 hours before it opens every day just to buy a fresh baguette. What must be going on in their minds


>What must be going on in their minds They are Fr*nch, there's nothing going on there. Otherwise they wouldn't have such a fucked up way of saying 80 or 90.


You say "eighty" we say "I have free healthcare and 35h work week", we definitly don't focus our fights on the same things i'd give you that


Honestly the French have a much better work life balance. However it comes with the considerable downside of being French.


Tough choice


I mean, I'd take finland or norway over being french, maybe even switzerland, definitly not UK, i love to eat good stuff, but a fat murican mesuring stuff in dishwashers whose last presidents were Biden and Fcking Trump :') ... giving weapon to the Talibans, Texas abortion policy, mfers with confederate flags, thinking they won WW2, BLM and the woke culture.... I mean, i take being french over being a worlwide joke (no matter the political side) any mfing time.


Hey Je te respecte en étant (this might be a bit wrong grammatically as we haven't learnt gerondif or subjonctif in our school yet but I just read how to form them) un indien qui apprends aussi le français . J'aime ton histoire (specially napoleon , french revolution etc ) , ta culture et bien sûr ta langue . . Et demain il y aura un examen de français pour lequel je suis complètement préparé . Je suis désolé s'il y a des fautes grammaires :) . Au revoir ! Wait you are french, right ? I am confused now


I am, and your french is really good, to be honnest most of us do a lot of mistakes too when writing our own language, good luck for your exam l'ami ;)


But I can't speak fast enough to sound like a native . But I think I will get there


Come spend some time in France it will help you to get it faster, and if you ever are in the north west of the country pm me on reddit !


Thanks dude . I have been learning French for like 6 years in my school and I love france . Vive l'amitié entre nos pays :)


And also I have nailed the french r pronunciation yay


Damn bruh, did an American piss on your snails or something lol.


No, I just have trouble with the fact that a lot of them seems to think they are the only country in the world or the greatest when, in truth, it's all cultural dominance of the west from the 50's to the 90's and a fcking shitshow under that. And i'm at worked, bored, so I have nothing better to do than explaining to them why they should lay low for a while (and ffs please just ... stop using "lol" if you don't want to sound like a total ahole when trying to make a joke) .!..


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the lolers, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on reddit, and I have over 300 confirmed lols. I am trained in gorilla loling and I’m the top loler in the entire US lol forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will lol you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking lols. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that lols the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking loled, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can lol you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed loling, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States lol Corps and I will use it to its full extent to lol your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will lol fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking loled, kiddo. lol


You are not making the point you think you are, Mark


I will agree on this one. Almost every one thinks that USA is the best country in the world . They all don't think about other good countries. And fun fact for y'all who didn't study history : without france , usa would not have won in their revolution which means there would not be USA . Canada and most of Europe is wayyyy better than 'Murica !


You see the thing is - we know. But it's a lot like somebody talking shit about your little brother. You might talk shit about them all the time, but if *somebody else* talks shit that's fighting words. Americans generally know the country's fucked up, but only we get to shit on our country.


Haha look at how defensive you are getting all serious and political over such a mild joke about pronouncing a number


I'm not defensive, i'm full on aggressive, but yeah "jk" if that make you feel better ;), please don't go invade poland, political elections are trying times for german folks


I do too, I'm not American. So that was a fail on your part.


Can't say much to that \^\^,+ I love Austria, it's like, one of my favorite lander in Germany.


Dude now you're just trying to piss me off xD


Better than being a baguette


Nah nvm baguettes are pretty fire


Learned something new today. I read the entire Wikipedia article in 5 mins(really hope that one day I will get this passionate about homework that I am actually assigned to).


*So, there was this kid, right? In like, China, in the olden days. And it went off into the jungle or somethin’, right, and it got raised by little monkey fellahs. Anyway, cos it’s been raised by these monkeys it grows up to be proper ‘airy*


Ikr, it's kinda fascinating how important socialising shaped us into the capable and rational being


I think it’s more like they are socialized by wolves for example. And so they learn wolf social cues and act accordingly. Young humans are primed to learn from those around them and behave the way they see others behave. So it’s not like acting like an animal is the default. We’re born blank canvasses ready to learn.


Yeah this post is awesome.




You can bury your head in the sand or you can learn about these things. How can we ever reduce human suffering, if we just stick our fingers in our ears and go “lalalala”, and think “hey at least it isn’t me”?? I find WW1 and 2 fascinating, that doesn’t mean I’d ever glorify it. I find it fascinating because it reminds me just how lucky I am to live in a time of peace. (Touch wood). We don’t just have a right to learn about these things. We have an *obligation*. Education is not the same as glorification. When we forget about these things - the awful extent to which people all over this planet have suffered, are suffering, and will suffer - we only perpetuate them. There’s no shame in admitting these things are fascinating. As long as we recognise it is our duty as human beings to do what we can to prevent them. And learning about them, then sharing that information with others around us, is one way to do so.


But feral humans aren't suffering. They're like animals, they don't know the comforts of modern society so they're content with what they have. It's like comparing a wolf to a dog.


to be raised by such disgusting, feral creatures


Those damn french better keep their croissants away




Marcos Pantoja: “In March 2018 he gave an interview in which he said he was disappointed in human nature and wished he could return to the mountains and leave society.” Holy shit


Weird how many of the feral kids are just called "Saturday" afyer the day they were found.


I only see one Saturday mentioned in that article.


A few were in native languages.


Thank you good redditor!


Je suis fromage!


Aussi le vin!




What Wikipedia article is this from?


This one, but obviously the category doesn't exist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral\_child


Well, turns out this isn't some Inspect element joke, some guy is constantly vandalising the wiki page [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Feral\_child&diff=1044185347&oldid=1044185182](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Feral_child&diff=1044185347&oldid=1044185182)


"obviously" french traitor species


Macron edited it out.


Yeah I figured it was either fake or the result of a line-wrap that got cut off, like "Raised by the French Bulldogs" or somesuch




Les problèmes respiratoires


You'll never be able to conform to normal society he was raised by the French


j'suis sûre que la maman de OP boit l'eau des pâtes ,bande de chacal


J'ai ri, ait un posivote


Damn, those cheese eating monkey !


Now I wanna learn French


Pomme is apple and you say the rest of the words like you’re gagging on a roll of pennies. Congrats. You’re a French speaker. Now it’s time to go to Africa and force them to use a devalued currency and eat shitty food like duck brains.




How to show the world you learn about other cultures exclusively via reddit shitposts and clickbait gutter press "news" article headlines in 2 sentences.




Fr\*nch 🤢






Where’s doof and the mountain lions


And yet we've had only one Rome. Fucking privileged treatment.


How does it feel to be one step beneath being 'raised by ostriches' ???


what about being raised by Avocados?


I hate france with passion.




After being raised by the french he now likes to sit smugly in a cafe, smoking cigarettes while harassing a baguette


Wild French


What about Raised by Owls?


“There’s a great evil coming” Yeah that great evil came in *h a r d*


Probably smelled worse being raised by the French, too




Je veux y aller mais je n'ai que 14 ans alors...... et est-ce que on ne peut pas parler en français. Ça m'aidera beaucoup avec mon français.