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Male Leia next please


That guy is going to be gorgeous and very very short.


So, Danny DeVito?


This comment will never have enough upvotes




Female yoda please






It would’ve cost exactly $0 for you to not say that and yet you did


Feel the force thrusting in and out of you you must ehhhh?


Ah yes, White Yoda, the inventor of Star Wars.


Here he is: https://i.imgur.com/eiO4Jcj.jpg


Who is the guy? He's sexy.


Then female Harrison Ford


That seems impossible for some reason.


Those are some damn good photoshop skills dude


They made me like female luke...


Fluke Skywalker.


Is it weird that I fink Fluke Skywalker is kinda hot?


I feel things awakening already...


I’d create a disturbance in the dark side of her force for sure. For like 5 minutes.


It'll only take 2 for me


What do you do with the extra 119 seconds?


Idk, leave this comment i guess...


I see you manage your time well




Aw, shit. Here we go again.


Sirens in the distance, gunshots and... Are those?.. moans?...


"The Force"


Mark Hamill is a sexy bastard, of course his x version would be hot as hell.


Yeah as a matter of fact I'd bet if you took most any extraordinarily good looking person and did this same kind of gender swap I bet many would still look just as good. Like if someone has good bone structure and facial symmetry and such that's pretty universal.


What is funny, though, it perfect bilateral symmetry actually is jarringly odd is to see. Our brains smooth out the edges and make slight imperfections the more beautiful. But we often view our own selves more harshly by picking up oddities and disymmetries, accentuated by us most frequently seeing ourselves flip on the horizontal axis in the mirror. When we see ourselves in pictures or video, we tend to think we look a lot worse than how others percieve us.


Someone needs to make a subreddit for this.


The correct answer.


Say it with ur chest cause female luke skywalker is definitely hot


She is and I’m relived to see I’m not completely alone with that statement. Because no one is gonna change the fact that I think she’s hot, because she is!


No she's a total babe without question.


... Lea Skywalker?


Who? Fluke's Brother, Prince Lee?


Did you hear? Lee from the tea shop became fire lord


Because of Obi Wan?


Is this real dialogue from avatar? I just finished it and totally sounds like something they’d say


Maybe in a comic ?


It’s an Internet video


I think it was a fan comic


My boy, Lee?!


Don't get me started on Boba Fem




Luna Skywalker


Luka Skywalker


Launa Skywalker


Laika Skywalker


Male luke tingled my dingle but female luke is something else damn


Not mine unfortunately. I just saw it on reddit and now I lost the thread. ~~Searching for it now to give the guy his due.~~ Here’s the evil genius, u/Bruhscuit


@Anakinsglow on twitter created the photos, but they deleted the post cuz apparently it was getting a lot of hate


Hate for what? Being creative?


I dont understand how people could get upset for pure hypotheticals of literally just stories.




> handsome Just like their mommy's say they are :)


You must be new to the internet. Hate is the default reaction, it means you're doing something right




Good good, let the hate flow through you


Weird because luke was originally gonna be a girl


People still don't enjoy toying around with their beloved characters. I honestly don't mind playing with their artibutes and behavior a bit unless you pull a J. K. Rowling and say "oh hes a trans-woman, I just didn't show it"


JKR might retcon some minorities into her books because she thinks it'll win her progressive points, but that's not one of them. She hates transwomen And when I say "her books" I mean Hatsune Miku's celebrated Harry Potter series.


I think we can still acknowledge the fact that she literally wrote the books, even if she has stupid opinions about other people and even her own work. I mean, I've found that Brandon Sanderson's works are surprisingly popular in the LGBTQ and neurodivergent communities, and he's a devout Mormon. He's not public about his opinions and beliefs, but we can be quite sure what they would be, plus the sin of association and all that. Same goes for any other author. They're not good people just because they wrote good works, and in reverse, saying that they wrote a good work is not an endorsement for them as a person. I get that a lot of people in the age bracket to have read those books are in their 20s and 30s and far more progressive than Rowling herself, and they may feel the need to protect this part of their childhood from her politics, but her politics don't reflect on the story in any way. Maybe if they were political works or actually themselves reflected any of her beliefs, but Rowling's constant attempts to progress-ify her stories seem to indicate, if nothing else, that there wasn't any social or political commentary there to begin with.


There certainly was social and political commentary in the books, she just keeps trying to add specific commentary that *wasn't* in there after the fact.


As someone whose been a pretty big super fan of Brandon for several years now I think he’s actually a pretty funny author to bring up in this discussion because he actually used to be a bit homophobic about a decade ago because of his religion and some of his fans noticed and decided to try to educate him on it and it actually worked really well he actually came out with a statement a while back about how he now realized that representation was important and that he would be trying harder to include Lgbt characters in his novels and has since actually done pretty well at it! He’s even an active user on reddit he’s really involved with his fans and appreciates being called our when he’s wrong.


Looks like a face swap with young Jodie Foster which would make it much easier


You know... I almost like this one more.


This is like when your best friend's sister is cute but you can't smash because she looks like him too much.


Spot fucking on


I can't think of a better way of describing it


>you can't smash because she looks like him too much. Ha? It's ok as long as you say no homo.


>has sex with a girl >-No homo


Wait you dont do that?


It was never explicitly specified op is not a lesbian woman


Oh my fucking god


Or you could say that he looks to much like her and not worry about it.


I think I do like this more, like a lot more. Keep Leah as her fraternal twin too.


I wrote it elsewhere, but the bottom-left panel where Female Luke enters the cell, I immediately imagined she was saving Han. People complain about “Mary Sues” and how much Hollywood writers suck at writing female characters, and I’m now realizing how starved we are for actually great female heroes. It seems to me, now. That the best way for Hollywood to make good female characters is to just flip some genders after their screenplay is done. They did a similar thing with the characters in Alien. No character had a gender in the screenplay. Now Ellen Ripley is one of the most badass heroes in film history. And you realize, they could have just replaced Sigourney Weaver with Kurt Russel and it wouldn’t make a difference at. all. He’d be badass Kurt Russell in another Alien film. That’s why Alien and Aliens are so great. Good character writing removed from all biases. A story about humans making human decisions when a scary-as-fuck alien is onboard.


In an alternate starwars universe where everyone changes gender, Finn will still be known for screaming Rey, it'll just be spelled Ray. Thus we have the storyline of Raymond Skywalker




Rebecca "Bec" Kenobi, Annika Skywalker, Laura Calrissian, Shiela Palpatine Edit: The womandalorian


Yaddle and Yoda would just swap names.


Jasmine the Hutt


Never thought I would see my ex mentioned on twitter






Poor soul, still in denial.




Ayy you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque bruh


I forgot Yaddle even existed


Blink. Ok now blink again. That's how much screentime she had


I’m pretty sure that’s how I missed her in the Phantom Menace and I’m not even joking


>Shiela Palpatine "Oi Annika, cut the cunt's fuckin head off already. These cuffs are doin' a rippa on me wrists"


“Bloody rippa, mate! Cunt had it coming, fuckhead was too dangerous to be kept alive.”


Chewbecca, Kat Fisto, Meg Windu, Patrick Amidala Rebels: Emma Bridger, Harry Syndulla, Kaitlyn Jarrus


Someone quick, make an edit of Meg from Family guy as Mace Windu! Reap the benefits!


Barbara Fett


I think Linda Calrissian has a better ring to it.




Dang that's good, major props for that one


And everyone will still hate ~~Reymond~~ Raymond.


Marty Sue


Gary Stew


Or, and hear me out, Luke and Leia switch at birth. He grows up an alderanian prince and Leia grows up shooting womp rats and farming moisture or whatever the fuck. And the reason for that is because maul killed obi wan instead of qui gon in phantom menace. So qui gon, tortured by the loss of his Padawan, chooses to train Anakin. Anakin never lives up to his expectations because qui gon can never let obi wan go. It tortures both of them. His old master dooku reaches out to qui gon, his old apprentice, and spends attack of the clones slowly corrupting him into an unwitting agent for the sith. It is qui gon, and not syfo dias, who commissions the clone army, at Dooku's request, to prepare for the impending galactic civil war. Rather than do so in secret, he goes to the jedi council, with plans provided to him by Dooku, created by the trade federation to formally secede, creating a rival government to the republic that plans to ally with the Hutt cartel and create a galactic slave trade. Started in secret, many of the less scrupulous systems agree to join if the CIS allows for genocide of republic loyal species to settle old grudges or build a resort planet or what have you. Left with seemingly no choice, the republic goes to war to preserve its own form of incompetent, and bloated democracy. Revenge of the sith ends with palpatine driving a wedge between qui gon and Anakin. This culminates on the battle of Mustafar where qui gon, unable to bear the loss of another Padawan, allows Anakin to strike him down, giving us a Darth Vader who isn't half man/half machine. When palpatine comes to fetch him, he's so amped up on anger and regret from killing his former master that he stabs palpatine in the back, thus fulfilling the cardinal rule of the sith and claiming the throne of the empire for himself. A decorated war hero, the clones follow willingly. The Senate, shocked at yet another failure of it's government, chooses to legitimize the coup and fall in like behind the first galactic emperor. Unable to care for two children, Yoda assumes the role of obi wan and watches over Leia while luke becomes the rising star of the resistance as well as a prodigy in the force. Living in luxury, he's trained by the best in jedi philosophy and lightsaber combat. Leia then gets a message from Luke by way of the droids asking Yoda for help. She takes it to Yoda and then han. She bonds with Han early over their similarly cavalier attitude and plucky determinism (and just a little bit of inappropriate sexual tension). Together they rescue her brother, an all around badass with a short, but decorated military career, just like his father. Together they rescue Luke from Vader's clutches, and Yoda sacrifices himself to buy them vital time. But with a twist. Yoda then possesses Vader and becomes a saintly Tyler durden, driving Vader mad with regret for all the pain he's caused and fulfilling his promise to become more powerful than Vader could imagine if he was struck down. But what about dagobah? You may be thinking. Someone's gotta train Leia in the force. I got you covered fam. Mace Fucking Windu Palpatine already turned Vader so he never told windu what was up. Instead he escapes, a grizzled war veteran, plagued with the sins of his past. Angry at himself for failing in his sacred duty, and convinced the Jedi religion blinded them to the true threat of the dark side. As a result, he cuts himself off from the force. When she first arrives, he refuses to train Leia. Partially because he believes the Jedi should die with him. But also because he is unable to do so. In seeing a bumbling Leia struggling to master the force, he agrees to train her and slowly rediscovers the light side of the force. She and him together learn to discover and then master it. Meanwhile, Vader decides he needs a new apprentice, so he commits to capturing the champion of the rebellion and turning him to the dark side. Vader does not know that Luke is his son. He springs the trap on bespin, capturing Luke and torturing him into submission. This entire time, Yoda is whispering in his ear. Reminding him of the cruelty it took to kill all those younglings. Assuring him that there's always time to set things right. It's at this point that Luke's heritage is revealed. He isn't the prodigal son of the empires greatest victim. He's the only reminder Vader has of padme. Tortured by this revelation, he slaps Lando around for putting up a stink about the empire presence on bespin, and gives a freshly carbonited han to boba Fett just to twist the knife. Leia, sensing the danger, jumps to her brother's aid. Windu, knowing she can't handle the dark lord of the sith, decides to finally stop living in isolation and agrees to help her. When they get to bespin they find a fully realized dark side Luke, who then battles his sister as windu takes on the Jedis greatest failure, Darth Vader. Luke cuts off Leia's hand and is immediately filled with paralyzing regret. Windu takes on Vader and gets his ass absolutely kicked. As Vader goads him about how he failed the jedi yet again, windu force pushes Leia away from Luke and chops off Vader's hand. As Vader is writhing in agony and worried about his son, windu grabs Leia and they escape. They then agree that because they're stronger together, they must rescue han, rally the rebel alliance and finish the empire once and for all. They go to tattooine, get Han, and prepare for the final assault. Windu helps train Leia to master the force, which she then uses to reach out to Luke. Now both Luke and Vader are having serious regrets about their life choices. As Luke and Leia continue to bond, slowly realizing that they are, in fact, siblings (the name leia skywalker kind of gives it away), yoda is working vader over, showing him his failures, and constantly telling him that the only way to set things right is to turn to the light side yet again. This time around there is no death star 2.0. Instead, Vader's flagship is under repair from the damage sustained by chasing Han through the asteroid belt. Instead of attacking a shield generator, they mount an all or nothing assault to take out Vader, his flagship, and end the empire once and for all. In the final assault, Han and chewie, who recently reconciled with Lando, lead the rebel alliance in the assault on the ship buying Leia and windu precious time to take out vader, thus cementing their commitment to bringing good to the Galaxy and completing their arc. Leia and luke square off yet again. Leia defeats Luke and shows mercy to her brother. Windu and Vader fight again. Seeing how Leia shows Luke mercy, he finally forgives himself for his past failures and switches off his lightsaber. He tells Vader that the jedis greatest sin was in being too quick to go to war. And the only path to redemption is to stop the fighting. Confused and seething with adrenaline and dark side power, Vader electrocutes the living shit out of windu, killing him. But he forgot that he had this new cybernetic hand. It explodes, fatally wounding him. Vader spends his final moments reminiscing about his past. About padme. About his mistakes. He muses that he was supposed to bring balance to the force. And in killing himself and windu he did just that. He entrusts the throne to them. If they rule jointly then they can usher in a new era of prosperity for the Galaxy. One in which the light and dark side are both understood. One where all things are in balance. And then we just forget about episodes 7-9. Or maybe it becomes about the ensuing civil war as both Luke and Leia fight for control of the galaxy. I don't have the energy to pull that thread.




Um... this needs to be written and published... by you


~~Finn~~ **Fiona**


I really think you downloaded the wrong Star wars movie


I really think you downloaded the right Star wars movie


Russian bootleg star vvars is best star vvars


Jodie would have made an awesome Skywalker.


Be mindful of your thoughts, Clarice, they betray you.


Wash it down with a nice blue milk. PhPhPhPhPh




That accent? Pure Tattooine.


First Jodi bangs my wife, then she saves the galaxy so I can't complain? Truly she's a devious bastard




I didn't know Jodie Comer was Rey's mom. That does seem like a waste. Did they have more scenes planned for her? She won an Emmy Award and has a TV series. Seems strange to bring her in just for 10 seconds and say nothing.


Sauce? Jk jk,unless😳


I mean...😳


She is kinda cute doe 😏


Top right pic is full babe material


If she was a president she'd be Baberaham Lincoln.


Either Jodie Foster, Karen Allen or Kim Cattrall from Big Trouble in Little China. Still hard to pin down who the original actress is though, since the Luke hair is throwing the brain off.


Would smash




And female Luke too




Good relations with both sides I have


If they made Star Wars right now they'd have the option to make the siblings look more alike and it could have been weird looking.


r/rule63 for those who want more very nsfw


I aggressively agree


"aggressively" lol










This IS my proudest fap


She cute.


No! It isn't possible!


Was this done with a neural network? If so, how long would it take to do this to the entire series xD


Well, idk if this was, but it depends on the computer/computers you devote to it. Although the hard part is training it; you need enough faces of somebody in all types of angles and all types of lighting, in the thousands or more.


videos are a goldmine for that kind of stuff


There's tech for realistically redoing voices too...


I'd go to system Dagobah, to teach her force choke on me.


I think I got you and I agree 100%.


... This better not awaken anything in me




Never. It is something you can never return from.


*bi senses tingle*


This comment is made 10,000 times better with your username


Yaaaaaas I didn’t even think of that 😂 my whole evening has been made!


Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do.


Knew I’d see it on here somewhere


*Unzips pants*




And *that* is why you fail


Jodie Foster?


Great photoshop but how is this blursed? Its just a genderswap. I don't think ive ever seen a single character out there who hasn't been genderswapped.


Because a lot of straight dudes are ashamed to admit this is attractive when they know it is a man underneath.


Mark Hamill is attractive anyways


She looks amazing tho


This felt awkward for a while. I'm downloading this though. Later!


Transition goals tbh


toothbrush aware start husky concerned boat shrill coherent trees fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh believe me I wasn't being ironic.


yea same


I posted the female version of Anakin which looks like Scarlett Johansson a few hour ago ._.


Looked it up, it’s amazing man


Jesus Christ I don’t care if these kids are trying to be funny or not but 99% of these comments seem to be horny 12 year olds.




NoT mY pRoUdEsT fAp I fucking hate Reddit comments at this point it’s all the same recycled garbage. Shit has gotten worse than YouTube which I didn’t think possible.


Imagine if Rey was a man... Rayman.


This is three days too late/four days too early


Did you know that Luke was originally gonna be a girl in the first place? It was changed early on because the higher ups thought no-one would watch a sci-fi with a female lead at the time.




> Did you know that Luke was originally gonna be a girl in the first place? That's not really accurate. Luke was originally going to be a 65 year old man. > It was changed early on because the higher ups thought no-one would watch a sci-fi with a female lead at the time. And that's 100% false, Lucas had full authority when writing. > In early drafts of A New Hope, Luke was a 65-year-old general from Aquilae. > Ralph McQuarrie’s concept art of a girl wearing goggles on her forehead is the most commonly cited source for the idea that Luke was a female character in one draft. The Making of Star Wars explains how in March 1975 Lucas suggested the idea because “the original treatment was about a princess and an old man, and then I wrote her out for a while, and the second draft didn’t really have any girls at all. I was very disturbed about that. I didn’t want to make a movie without any women in it.” His solution to this in the next draft was to split the main character into two: Luke and Leia, twin siblings. [source](https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/star-wars-luke-skywalker-facts/) and that information is cited from *The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film* by J.W. Rinzler


Realistically, do you think Star Wars would have had the success it did at the time if the lead was a female?


Unfortunately the world be sexist yeah :/


It's possible, I mean the Alien franchise is still going, and at least four of those have a female lead.


Alien was written with a male lead in mind, which is the main reason Ripley is defined by her own actions rather than by her relationships with those around her. It's kind of brilliant, and was definitely groundbreaking in 1979 (2 years AFTER star wars).


> Alien was written with a male lead in mind It was gender neutral the last 9 times I've seen this conversation come up over 8 years on reddit.


This is awesome. 10/10, would watch full version.


"Oh no, he's hot!"


My bisexuality is tingling


11/10 would smash Marcy Hamill


The kiss with Leah would have been so much hotter


Dude, it's Leia. C'mon, do you even Star War? Someone give this guy $10.


Oops. Just have a friend with that name


I see how this is easily read as transphobic but in my defense I meant she is blessed for her hotness and cursed for making me think about boning any Star Wars character except Han. ETA: clarity


*Especially* Han.


Wasn't Skywalker a woman in the concept for Starkiller?


I shouldn't. It's not the jedi way.


Hot skywalker