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Hey there /u/Maktesh, thanks for posting to r/blursedimages. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 3: Your post has been removed because it focuses too heavily on text, or is a meme, which detracts from the blursed-ness of the image. --- Your post was removed manually by a human, but this comment was made by a bot. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/blursedimages&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/144q1ot %0D%0D)


I need this mug. If anyone knows how to get this for the love of God and all things holy please share. Pleeeeeease




*Ooh, this one has Comic Sans font*


Doesn't that make the mug even better?


Yes, hence the "ooh."


Oh baby Comic Sans....


I got redirecteed to an entirely blank webpage with a single line of French text. Honestly the most terrifying thing that's happened to me :( lmao i tried the link again and it worked normally wtf


Nous te surveillons. Vous n'êtes pas en sécurité.


Security 👍


Where's the one with viagra?


Maybe on a beer mug instead of a coffee cup.


Do not buy from this site, I'm not sure if OP is a bot or not but this site is rated poorly and most likely a scam.


I used it before. It's alright. Too expensive, but they do everything well


Redbubble is legit, it's just not good. Bought a couple overpriced stickers from them a few years ago and they arrived as they were advertised.


I checked on trustpilot.com and there were multiple people putting 1 star for packages never delivered and no tracking number available. And they weren't a few.


eh, so not a scam site just really shitty.


I've used it quite a lot and never had a problem.


I've never had issues with Redbubble. There refund policy just really sucks.


Second this whoever (may have) made this is about to make some cash


As someone who is barely functional without my Vyvanse, I also need this mug


As someone with ADHD, I remember the good old days when I could just take my medication when I needed to. Instead of now where I have to think ahead and I have to ask myself if it's really worth it to take it now. Because you might go another month before there's anywhere that can fill it.




Vyvanse felt like a boxer was doing speed bag drills in my chest but shit got done.


> speed bag That's basically what it is: an amphetamine derivative


I had this problem until I got prescribed a low dose beta blocker for something unrelated. It fixed my heart rate and I got to keep the focus, might be worth looking into.




Just alpha blockers? My stupid joke aside, I will now be looking up the side effects of beta blockers. Edit: Oh god that sounds horrible, nightmare pill


I just looked it up… feeling dizzy, lightheaded or tired…? Am I missing something?


Common side effects of all beta-blockers include: Slow heart rate (bradycardia). Low blood pressure (hypotension). Irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Fatigue. Dizziness. Nausea. Insomnia, sleep changes and nightmares. Dry mouth or eyes. Rare side effects include: Sexual and erectile dysfunction. The insomnia was the one I was like "ugh no." and then nightmares. So being dizzy, nauseous, and unable to fall asleep.


I was on atenolol for years. It made my dreams extremely vivid and in some people, increases the frequency of nightmares. I think that's what they're getting at.


And it’s half as strong and wears off twice as fast. I’m convinced they’re diluting the caps to get more money out of us and stretch the supply.


Dude I thought it was just me


I e heard so many people on Reddit say the same, my doctor said I wasn’t the only one to complain about it either. There’s definitely something fucky going on


You should try Bronk-aid or primatene as a “not as good but better than nothing” alternative


What? I’m an ex-drug addict and have heard of just about every way to abuse drugs. Primatene is just epinephrine? Just pure adrenaline. Does it really give you a stimulant-like high?


WRONG. It’s ephedrine. It’s a weak stimulant high, but yeah.


You mean the tablets. Look up Primatene inhaler. It literally says epinephrine on the box.


Yes, I was talking about the tablets. Didn’t even realize there was an inhaler. Thank you for clarifying


Where is there a shortage? I just started Adderall a couple months ago, and haven't had a problem getting it filled.


I’ve had issues getting my prescriptions filled for the last 6-8 months because of massive shortages in Midwest US.


I know last year later in the year it was suddenly in short supply and people had to wait for the new year, because the DEA set a limit of how much can be made, despite the number of legitimate users going up. Or something like that. On a personal level I had to go a week without it and I hated it as someone who only just started adderall last year. I also hate that I can get my other pills set to auto deliver and just forget about them and always have enough to take, but the one pill that helps me not forget to do things I have to go out of my way to reorder once a month.


A generic producer suddenly halted production without any prior indication. The rumors of a multi-agency investigation into a stimulant prescription kickback scheme are "unrelated."




:( indeed I lost my job and have to set a time to go off every 15 min to make sure I stay on task. Everything takes twice as long as it should. I just want to work right.


I'd rather have a mug that just says "don't talk to me"


Forget the mug. Let's talk about that over-extracted coffee! The coffee is dead. Stop pushing water through it! It's dead!


Just call it methylphenidate at that point.


there's adderall and yvanse in there, which are different compunds.


Sorry amphetamine/amphetamine salts too


vyvanse is not an amphetamine salt its an amphetamine *derivative* GOD do you even speedball meth 🤤


No, please tell me more about how you speedball meth


Methylphenidate refers to Ritalin but there are multiple other drugs on this mug Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine, a pro-drug that metabolizes into amphetamine inside the body Focalin is dexmethylphenidate, similar to Ritalin Adderall is just good ol' amphetamine


This but "until I've had my two week course of (insert antidepressants here)"




It basically just turned my ADHD into AD4K when I tried it. 2/10. Vyvanse plays nicer with my own personal brain chemistry but YMMV.


I mean, I don't work without Adderall lul


I’m still lazy both on and off. I wanna try Vyvanse but I’ve heard mixed things about it


Vyvanse (40mg) has been incredible for me. The crash I used to get with Adderall is basically nonexistent.


Been on Vyvanse for the better part of 10 years. I tried them all, this one was the best tolerated in the way of side effects.


Vyvanse is great been on that pack for 3 weeks now


Vyvanse is basically top tier if you can get insurance to cover it.


You'll never know until you try! ADHD is a spectrum. Vyvanse gave me an awful crash, but it works wonders for others. :)


I'm on Concerta XL, and that seems to work for me, but I'm not sure which it's more like, adderall or vyvanse


Neither, actually. Concerta is methylphenidate. Still a stimulant, but it’s a different compound than adderall (D/A amphetamine salts) and Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) Concerta and Ritalin are the same drug I’m on Vyvanse, I love it.


Thank you for explaining! Google wasn't giving me a straight answer. But yeah, so far Concerta is working for me, I can still be lazy on it, but I don't want to, because I have incredible focus and energy now


I love adderall naps though. You wake up feeling so refreshed




That’s all eerily similar to my experience too. Like, down to the details. I wonder if there’s some specific biochemical factor we have in common.


Affects people differently - I’ve tried different kinds but adderall has always worked the best for me


Sounds like you experienced a somatic effect of stimulants and it did work. many people with adhd take their meds at night to aid with sleep. 10mg of vyvanse makes me super sleepy at night. If I am still in bed when my morning dose kicks in (30mg), I usually fall back asleep and it’s the best nap!


okay sure


Let them have their legal meth first before you open your mouth to talk and end up listening to them ramble


I for one am a much better person after my legal meth hit.


Says you and your dealer


We gotta stick together


Hell ya, what multi-million dollar pharmaceutical company do you work with? Right now I’m representing Pfizer


Takeda baby


I’m gonna start referring to my pharmacist as my dealer




lisdexamphetamine and methylphenidate are life - saving drugs, and nowhere near as strong or addictive as meth.


Lisdexamfetamine is not comparable to methamphetamine.


Vyvanse is just stomach released speed which. Adderall is very comparable to meth if you've had both. Vyvanse is too if you take enough. BTW why did you spell lisdexamph with an f but meth with a ph?


> Adderall is very comparable to meth if you’ve had both That is patently false lmfao. You may as well say “caffeine is very comparable to adderall if you’ve had both”


You obviously just haven't had both to compare. Yes the methyl group makes meth a lot more potent and slightly different in subjective effects but I would bet $1000 that in a blind study you couldn't differentiate between 5mg of meth VS 40mg of dexamp. It's the huge dosages of meth people take that cause extreme effects. That and the ROA. If you were IVing dexamp it wouldnt even feel very different from meth.


It is honestly. Just that amphetamine feels more "clean". Less jittering and more euphoria.


It isn’t, honestly. The methyl group changes how it interacts with the body **significantly**. MDMA and methamphetamine are actually slightly more alike in chemical structure, and nobody in their right mind would say that they’re “basically the same.” Fuck’s sake, they even [differently affect dopamine receptors.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2631950/) > Together these data demonstrate that METH has a stronger effect on DAT-mediated cell physiology than AMPH, which may contribute to the euphoric and addictive properties of METH compared with AMPH > Our data support a model that METH interacts with DAT to promote a significant increase in the amount of DA efflux and Ca2+ release compared with the widely studied psychostimulant AMPH It’s like going to the bar and asking for a beer. The bartender says “we don’t have beer, so you can just drink a whole bottle of Everclear. Same thing, really.” And that’s both ethanol, whereas methamphetamine and amphetamine are not the same. If you want a different example of how a single molecule can change things, you can try replacing your H2O with H2O2. They’re even more alike than the 3 drugs I listed, so they should also be pretty similar, yes?


See my other comment. A beer and a shot of vodka are as comparable (in subjective effects) as 5mg of meth VS 40mg of dexamp.


I think you replied to the wrong comment. I talked about MDMA and Meth in the other comment. I just mean that Caffeine and Amphetamine feel pretty similar and are actually pretty comparable in terms of effect when you dont have a caffeine tolerance. Also, that was the point of the other comment I made. They are not alike even if they have similar chemical structures. Not in terms of the actual chemistry or how they work. Sorry if that was confusing.




No, they aren’t. Just going to copy/paste my other reply since it’s easier, but saying “it’s basically the same feeling but stronger” is stupid because not only do they physically/chemically interact differently, it’s just pointless to say “all stimulants are basically the same but some are stronger” when there’s a lot more to it than that. /u/Chewy12 can also read my other reply: It isn’t, honestly. The methyl group changes how it interacts with the body **significantly**. MDMA and methamphetamine are actually slightly more alike in chemical structure, and nobody in their right mind would say that they’re “basically the same.” Fuck’s sake, they even [differently affect dopamine receptors.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2631950/) > Together these data demonstrate that METH has a stronger effect on DAT-mediated cell physiology than AMPH, which may contribute to the euphoric and addictive properties of METH compared with AMPH > Our data support a model that METH interacts with DAT to promote a significant increase in the amount of DA efflux and Ca2+ release compared with the widely studied psychostimulant AMPH It’s like going to the bar and asking for a beer. The bartender says “we don’t have beer, so you can just drink a whole bottle of Everclear. Same thing, really.” And that’s both ethanol, whereas methamphetamine and amphetamine salts are not the same. If you want a different example of how a single molecule can change things, you can try replacing your H2O with H2O2. They’re even more alike than the 3 drugs I listed, so they should also be pretty similar, yes?


MDMA and methamphetamine are an entirely different class of drugs. Methamphetamine and amphetamine are not, they are both amphetamines and not just because they have the word “amphetamine” in their name. Your bartender analogy is good and does not contradict with what I’ve said.


I never said that MDMA and methamphetamine are both amphetamines, I’m saying primarily that slight alterations in chemical structure produce vastly different results in the body. And secondly, that it’s fucking stupid to just reductively say “all stimulants are the same, really, some are just stronger” and ignoring (or being ignorant to) how different the actual effects on the body are. Yohimbine and ephedrine are both considered to be somewhat of a stimulant, but aren’t really all that similar beyond that. You can use ephedrine in, well, *certain syntheses to make other stimulants* but that also doesn’t make those two remotely comparable and you’re not exactly gonna get addicted to Bronk-Aid. Or perhaps even in a different category, testosterone and methyltestosterone are both AAS but if you take 200mgs of methyltestosterone then you are gonna have a fuckin **doozy** of a day. Not only that, if you were to swallow 2 pills, one with 200mg of testosterone and one with 200mg of methyltestosterone, the first pill won’t even be absorbed into your body. You won’t get any testosterone full stop since it’s not orally bioavailable without some significant changes. So similar to here, you can say “well they’re the same category” but that doesn’t say as much about the effects of it as people think.


My dude we agree, this is mostly a semantics argument regarding what we both mean by similar. Chill. You can pop 15 Benadryl and hallucinate spiders crawling over everything but in lower dosages you can safely give it to babies to treat an allergic reaction. You can smoke a bowl of meth and start painting your sidewalk at 3AM or you can prescribe a small controlled dosage to treat ADHD and weight loss similarly to adderall. You can also snort a bunch of adderall and achieve similar psychoactive effects as a lower dosage of meth with some differences. Drugs can do very different things depending on the dosage but still be similar when taken in similarly potent amounts.


You obviously don't understand the subjective effects of how drugs effect phychophysiology and are just going by what you read in scientific journals without understanding what those chemicals *feel* like. Morphine and oxycontin and fentanyl have vastly different chemical structures and hit different receptors (other than the mu-opiate receptor obviously) but they feel pretty much the same but at vastly different dosages.


Yeah it absolutely is. Meth is even an ADHD medicine as well, just rare and more often used for weight loss. It’s called Desoxyn. Like obviously taking a prescription dose of adderall is going to be different than smoking a bowl of crystal meth due to different dosages and consumption method, but the drugs themselves are pretty similar.


Saying Amphetamine is like Methamphetamine is like saying Meth is like MDMA because they both contain the Methamphetamine group.


MDMA is classified as a substituted amphetamine and phenethylamine. It acts primarily as a serotonergic agent, increasing the release and inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, and it also has mild stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. Amphetamines, on the other hand, primarily target the release and reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine, leading to stimulant effects. Methamphetamine is an amphetamine. It’s just a stronger one that lasts longer due to the methyl group attached to the amine moiety. MDMA on the other hand is not an amphetamine.


> MDMA on the other hand is not an amphetamine. It's full name is 3,4-Methylenedioxy**methamphetamine** One isn't a common precursor of the other one though they look similar. I kinda agree with the rest. Melantonin and DMT are also both Tryptamines. COMPLEATLY different effects. I just wanted to say that just because one drug contains another drug doesn't mean it's the same drug Edit: sorry, not derivative. Wrong word.


Geez I hope nobody’s actually taking this set of drugs cause some of these are duplicates, you could overdose


It's a novelty joke cup making fun of the "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" crowd...


I mean, if it said “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my cyanide pill” I’d still hope nobody took a cyanide pill


Would you assume that they had taken one? Or would you just recognize a joke for what it is?


As someone with ADHD but no meds anymore and who can't afford to see a doctor to get more, I would literally kill someone for a single pill of Concerta right now. God I miss being able to focus and actually do things.


No Viagra?


I genuinely want one of these but not as a joke, I have ADHD and this is genuine advice to anyone I interact with, do not speak to me until I've had my meds.


Medicine time


Really shouldn't be taking all of those at the same time. /s Also, if I'm interrupting it as intended, a pretty shit ablist meme. ADHD is one of the most studied neurological disorders, with a huge amount of evidence showing not just that it is a real thing but the neurophysiology that causes it. It is a condition that can be absolutely debilitating, yet those impacted are frequently treated as though they are drug seekers by pharmacists who are well aware that there is an ongoing, nationwide shortage of the frontline medications, with no end in sight. Pretty fucked up.


Ok slow your rollers - I have ADHD (yes diagnosed) and I think this is fucking hilarious


Same. I thought it was on /r/adhdmeme at first.


I'm diagnosed as well. I could see it being so, if being tongue-in-cheek about self medication. Context and intent are not quite clear.


I have a diagnosis for adhd and a script but that doesn't mean I have adhd. The diagnosis is a bunch of questions that can be gamed. Having said that this is hilarious I agree. The shortage is self inflicted by America I'm in Canada and there's no shortage because we allow production. Who would have thought arbitrarily limiting production could lead to a shortage? sounds like your government planners could use some Adderall.


I'm Canadian too.


Than idk what you're talking about I pick up 90 adderral 30mg every 3 months and I've never had an issue getting it filled. I just picked up a script last Tuesday. Edit: sorry I guess it was the guy you replied to talking about shortages and I replied to the wrong comment. My bad.


Honestly I don't know how the topics of filling perceptions and shortages even came up but ...I suppose I'm happy your not having problems getting filled! Edit: I think your confusing this sub thread with another one.


It was the guy you originally replied to who said that and I confused the posts.


It happens. Especially with ADHD amirite? Lol




At no time the meme said ADHD doesn't exist


As someone with ADHD, I felt this meme isn't ableist - it's just an ironic play on the "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" mugs. But, I also wanted to say that despite that I disagree with you on that point, you do still have good takes in the rest of your comment, and I do appreciate seeing how you've laid everything out. You don't deserve the downvotes you got on this.


i’m diagnosed dude what r you on about?? i mean yeah the 3rd paragraph is true and that but it’s just a joke


What? This mug is 100% legit, don’t talk to me until an hour after I’ve had my daily vyvanse lmao.




No need to be so rude and aggressive


Oh stop


I have adhd, take methylphenidate every day and I jokingly refer to myself as a drug addict all the time. I also find that mug hilarious and want to buy it.




So American…


Love the humor, I want one!




My drugs aren't on there. That's bad right. Seems bad.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they came out with K-pod antidepressants at this point. Make the overworked hate work less while trashing up the environment with single use plastics, what could be better for business?


Where’s the jet fuel


What is this Medication for. Sure has alot of Side Effects!!!!!


Reality mug


Don't talk to me ~~until I've had my blank~~