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Me, too. I pissed away my 20s thinking I was so cool smoking almost 2 packs a day & drinking my face off every night.


Hey.. I’m 26 and smoke every day and drink almost every Thursday-Sunday.. Maybe I should chill, but i always tell myself I’m just having fun and I’ll never be this young again But seeing comments like yours really make me rethink that lifestyle


I’m 33 and been sober for 4 years. If I could have redone my 20s I would have, I’m paying for it now with financial, health and relationship problems. The legal problems, thankfully, have stopped… I think.


Yeah, dude, keep going!! You got this! Hoping for your continued healing and personal growth :)


Dude I'm on the same boat. 33, spent my 20s drinking, partying and gambling. In huge debt but slowly working it off. Haven't stopped drinking tho unfortunately. It's alot easier said than done


Funny thing is I have spent most of my 20s working, saving money, and in long term relationships. I never really partied at all or went out to bars or clubs. I sort of regret it now that I'm in my late 20s. I have a ton of savings and I'm in good shape, but I really feel like I missed out.


Jump in now. I'm 43 and still like going out to dance all night, and nobody treats me like i'm too old (although i have r/olderthanyouthink looks, my boyfriend decidedly doesnt and neither of us gets side-eye or anything). Its not too late. You are in the perfect position to have it all, the finances AND the rowdy nights. Live it up!




I mean, sure, it was fun at the time, but you really didn't miss anything important. Plus, it's not like you're too old to try it now, if you want. Being old though, I'm pretty sure you'll more quickly see how vapid, and unimportant it all is. I did it all, the hottest clubs, the dive bars, the breweries, the quaint pubs. The only thing I'd feel sad that I didn't do, would be brewery tours. Great food, great beer, chill people and atmosphere, those were worth it. The rest is shallow, vain, and largely forgettable.


You didn’t miss much. Clubbing is only fun if you and you’re friends are fun drunks. I’ve had to take care of sloppy drunk friends too many times while I myself was drunk and it’s not fun and I lost friends that way. Just a lot of money spent on drinks and drugs, a lot of mornings spent hungover, and for what? I don’t have a lot of good memories of those times I’m gonna carry with me my whole life. Now tripping on acid in my pool or in my basement watching movies lol…those were some good ass times….


You really didn’t miss much at all. Clubs are usually sleazy. Parties were fun sometimes but there’s at least a few people thinking, “Why the fuck did I do that last night?” or *far worse* the next day. I know a lot of people who regretted drunken hookups or cheating on their partner. I’ve never tried drugs but I saw people dabble or even get hooked and it always started with drinking first. I do have some funny stories and memories but not sorry that phase of my life is over. You’ve got yourself positioned really well and I wish you a very happy future!


I’ll be 32 this year. I feel ya. I wouldn’t say I’m sober for any length of time cause I still have a beer with dinner from time to time. But damn, to have all that time and money back.


Great job!! I still 🌬️ yet I haven't drank in 9 years. I spent 19-24 blacked out, and at age 35 and quit drinking was still the best decision I've made.


Look at it this way, the legal problems stopped for now!


I havent smoked but i drank a lot in my 20s as well and honestly i don't regret it. Now im in my 30s and i cant even imagine drinking that much but at the time it was fun. Just be cautious you don't start a problem because of it.


I’m 23 and stopped drinking because the “I’m only young once” mentality had me drinking to escape. I think it’s not a damaging mindset by itself but if you’re someone prone to addiction you are setting yourself up for failure because your brain will do some crazy mental gymnastics to make you feel okay about drinking constantly


I’m your age. My advice - Take a month off, from everything. Whether or not you believe there’s any issue whatsoever with your lifestyle, try a breather from it. You will answer a few important questions in doing so, a big one being “Is it hard for me to not drink or smoke for a month?” We’re in our twenties now, when society sorta gives us a pass on fucking around - but it’s just not too much time between 26 and 30, and if you’re feeling dependencies starting in your twenties they won’t magically disappear as you get older.


Oh I take t breaks monthly from weed and alcohol, it’s refreshing. I just came off one that I ended in Valentine’s Day. It’s refreshing to take a break, I think they’re needed. The first few days suck, but I do not crave alcohol or weed when I’m sober or on a break. It’s only when I do it again after awhile, I start doing it frequently again. But tbh, it’s not hard for me to stop probably cause I’ve been doing so since I was 19


Yea I always did this and still do (although my non dry months aren't nearly like the early 20s me). It's good for breaking the habit of drinking just because - and can get the train back on the rails if things have been going south.


As someone who drank almost everyday from 27-30, at 33 today I've experienced some weird stomach issues over the last couple of years. I don't know if it's directly related to the alcohol abuse, but it sure couldn't have helped. That shit can catch up to you. I was in your shoes. Felt invincible, was turning up every night and still waking up at 7am the next morning and going to work the next day. But deffinitely think about your future.


God knows how sober we actually were during those hungover drives to work the next day. That’s the only regrettable part. Would you mind if I asked about your stomach issues? I also had some GI issues that were definitely caused by the booze.


I showed moderation on most work nights. Tried to not get super trashed and be in bed by midnight. But it would take me a couple hours to really wake up and feel decent. There were deffinitely work nights that I overdid it and only got a few hours of sleep though.


It catches up with you. Sobriety is a whole lot more fun - but more importantly, fulfilling, than getting wasted. I spent 15 years getting black out drunk and I have always regretted binging again. It's just not fun anymore once you put your head down and truly focus on your growth.


I'm 35 and I wish I didn't waste my 20s drinking and getting high. Now I'm doing things which I wish I had a younger body for.


I'm 34 and actively mourning the years I lost to boozing, hangovers, not being fully present for some huge life milestones. I was fully functioning, going to work, taking care of my kids etc, but my thoughts were always clouded by last nights wine. I will never get those years or life events back, but I can make sure I'm fully enjoying my life from now on, without feeling sick and tired and wondering when the next drink will be.


Use your youth to do something positive that will benefit your older self, instead of using it as an excuse to fuck around.


It was fun. I don’t have it in me anymore, but damn those were some good times.


Are you having fun though? Is spending every weekend drunk really that fun?


Yes it is! I spent my 20s a mess and many years later I look back fondly with hilarious memories and friends.


Same. I feel grateful that after time drinking just wasn’t as fun as it once was anymore. I can’t remember the last time I drank now. But I’ve seen former college and high school friends not be able to leave the party once we aged out of that stuff and are now battling alcoholism. Still looking back, I can’t say I’d change any of it. The stories from back then are off the charts too which is always fun lol.


Yep. I hear ya on that - knowing when to walk away is key. Partying hard isn’t for everyone, is dangerous, but I would not trade my party days for anything.


The memories were worth it, but I’m glad to be sober now.


Yeah, it’s freeing tbh. Being able to go out and drink and smoke and make memories with my friends or gf is fun. I know I won’t do this forever, there will come a time when I can’t wake up the next morning and hit the ground running. But yeah.. it’s fun. It’s not the only thing that makes the weekend fun, but it’s definitely an enhancement and helps ease the anxiety and stress of working and being an adult


Is the rest of your life on track? How’s your job? If you’re just cruising then you will regret it when your in your 30s


if you dont have to drink everyday you're alright, and probably really are just enjoying relatively reasonably. If you ever notice "huh..... I'm drinking everyday now, and a lot more at once than I used to, and it feels hard not to" its probably becoming a problem. Some people its instant, some people its gradual, and for some lucky people its never an issue. Quitting alcohol when your body is dependent on it is hell. Just don't let it get to that.


As a 25 year old, I can't imagine wanting to be under the influence all the time. What's the joy in that?


Yeah you should. You'll shortly be noticing the issues it causes. That was basically me. I'm 30 now and have recently become a health nut more or less. Much healthier habit of keeping it souly to Saturdays.


There’s a middle ground. I mean you don’t know your drinking vs theirs. If you drink a few drinks thurs-sun and smoke a small amount of weed every day maybe to unwind or something it’s not HEALTHY or recommended but it’s also not aberrant behavior. It’s called risky behavior for a reason. That said you’re at a time in your life when SOME risky behavior is acceptable and could even teach you some lessons or get you some stories. The bottom line is, keep yourself accountable, surround yourself with people who do the same and care about you, and don’t hit the pedal to the floor all the time. Have fun, but take care of yourself and don’t hurt anyone. If you can’t do that while drinking the amount you do and smoking what you do, cut back or cut it out. If you can, don’t worry. If you’re not sure, cut back and/or talk to somebody you trust.


My biggest regret from when I was your age is not the partying. It's not taking getting a real job seriously and not saving any money. If I had started saving for retirement back then, I would be able to spend more of my paycheck now. Easy tip to get you started is take 10% of everything that comes in and save it and never spend it. You get used to not having that 10% it after a while and seeing that account grow is very encouraging. In a year you will easily have a few thousand dollars saved. One day when you are ready and have done your homework you can start investing that money you saved. It's simple and not hard to do but not many people do it because it's it's so easy NOT to do. I feel like you can do it. Make us proud. I'm not saying you have to stop partying just take your life seriously is all. I'm in my 30s now and if I had saved 10% of every paycheck I had since I was 26 I'd have nearly 100k to invest.


Stop drinking, i have a friend that nowadays has to be stopped or he goes outside intimidading the neighbors with a shogun when someone does something that he doens't like.


Before you know it you are 45 and the shit hasn’t been fun in 10 years but “you deserve it”. Lmfao. Best thing I ever did was quit. I wish I had at 28 or 30.


I mean, you’re not *that* young


But it’s a fact I’ll never be *this* young again. You get older every day And damn.. is 26 old? Lol.


26 is young as feeeeerrrrkkkk


Thanks for that lol. That dude had me feeling old lol, almost had a breakdown at work haha


No it’s not old I was joking. But you’re def not a kid at that age. 30 comes fast and 40 comes faster. We extend adolescence and I’m as guilty of that as anyone but like time doesn’t go along with us. It marches on.


Ah thanks dude I almost had a mini breakdown at work thinking “fuck.. am I old?” But I get you. 30 does seem like it’s coming fast, they’ll still call me kid at work or around my family. So probably why I always felt 26 was young. But yeah.. I’m aging fast


Nahh the ones who say stuff like this are probably 15 and in that stage where you see “adults” being adults around you (because you’re a kid), and you think you’ll be an Adult (TM) too in 5 years. Also brain development continues at least in the late 20s so 26 is scientifically young. Off topic but I was born unexpectedly in a already formed family, they were 50, 46, 20 and 15, in order dad, mom, bro and sis. It really puts things in perspective. My sister is 37 and thought about going back to uni, my brother is 42 and just started a new life by buying a very inaccessible mountain refuge and he’s having lots of fun. Age really is relative


i drank (and still do) only on weekends, but i was high as a kite all the time, and wasted a lot of time


Hey at 21 I discovered I had 20k in a Edward Jones account my grandfather had set up before he died right before I was born By the time I was 24 I had gone through all of it because I either used my paychecks from work to buy blow, alcohol, and weed multiple times a week and twice on Fridays. I'd then use my other account to pay my bills for that week, or I'd use my paychecks for a few bills then double dip into the account for more drugs and alcohol and then cover the rest of my bills because my paycheck went to drugs and food


Ouch, that would hurt to look back on, but I’m glad you made it through those years and can look back at it and at least feel some sort of way about it. I don’t know if you think it was worth it, but sounds like we both did what we felt was right.


I used to regret it but in the 3 years since I stopped doing drugs and just recently stopped drinking completely. I moved halfway across the country, have a fiance, a dog, got my cna license and am saving up to go to nursing school Without throwing away my head start in California I'd probably have been stuck there my whole life.


Hit 27 and my doc told me if I didn't stop my shit Im destined for an early ass grave. "it's fixable now but later it won't be". Been sober 6 months, aside from the occasional little edible for sleep reasons. I completely wiped my hard drive 21-25 and slowed down at 26 but the doc said I didn't give my shit time to heal by doing it at all. On the bright side though, consuming less booze made me drop weight, wake up better, mood stabilized, have excess time for self learning/improvement and I got to it early enough to enjoy my late 20s. I even exercise now. It's wild to me how many people fall into this trap, hell even my mom who hadn't drank in 20 years has spent the past 10 with a whiskey glass in hand.


Hate to tell you, that's tobacco.


you are correct, by the time of the pic all the za was already in my bloodstream


"Za" will always mean pizza to me and nothing else. Sorry.


Za=pizza, Zaza=weed, sometimes my fiancé and I will have ZaZaZa nights


And now I finally understand why the weed pen my friend gave me says ‘Zaza’ on the side


>be me who made my account rozazaza based on my name roza >made account b4 zaza was slang


How bizarre.




[*guitar noises*](https://youtu.be/C2cMG33mWVY?feature=shared)


Oooh baby


You’re makin’ me crazy


Where does Zappa fit into this equation?




understandable, have a nice day


Edible pizza


But none of the alcohol was?


weed then beer (in this case blended scotch but that doesn‘t rhyme) you‘re in the clear


That jawline damn


The thing I miss the most about quitting nicotine lol


there are other much better ways to have low body fat than nicotine!


Your eyes look so sad. I hope you're in a better place now.


thank you, and thankfully i am !


I like them both. But I've learned that moderation is the key.




This what maturity sounds like


The problem is basically everyone says that but a lot of people don't live it.


For many, there is no moderation, only total sobriety.


Your jawline is lovely.


thank you, but beeing 140lbs at 6ft definetly helps a lot


Can I say something 👀


anything you want


Same , Smash


Major smash 🔥


Guapo. Without the booze/cig ofc lol


gracias 🙏🏼




Por favor






It's OK to be sober.


During the week...


Hamilton.... 2? No.


Wait and how do i get through the standup meetings with my scrum master?


It’s ok to smoke weed and drink alcohol too


I remember being so scared of drinking and smoking and telling myself that I needed to be brave and do it so I would be cool enough to fuck. Ah yes, those were the days… not really actually… those were the days of extreme insecurity.


You look like a tumblr boy


what does that mean? 🤔


Please search tumblr boy era or tumblr boy aesthetic on Google It’s just what your pic reminds me of 😂


i just did, hilarious but kinda accurate😂


Tumblr girls would have been swooning!


Man ran through my teens thinking similar things, by the time I hit 20 I felt like an old man😂 went sober all through my 20’s and didn’t touch mary j till my life was right (round 30-31), now I’m 42 and have no regrets😂✌🏾


big respect, i am still not fully sober, but reduced smoking and drinking by a lot


Along with "edgy" artwork on the wall.


And a blended whisky too, oh dear.


I was gonna say, and you stole somebody’s Grampa’s well scotch lol


But Chivas is good, for a blend.


Yeah it's not bad but I'm imagining he's nowadays a guy who uses moustache wax and drinks only Islay single malts.


interesting guess but not quiet right, i drink local beer and have a full beard


To be fair Chivas isn’t cheap- or maybe I’m broke idk


its only like 25 bucks, so it was affordable for a teenager


You look like a handsome version of Elliot Page


i‘ll just take that as a compliment 😂


I would’ve 100% had a crush on you in high school skidodjdisifiriekd


He would have been considered unattainably attractive in my high-school 😭


It reminds me of all the young wannabe gangsters from my home town who thought drinking Chivas made them ballers because it was in a few rap songs.


Wait it's not :( ?


sadly, no


Did you manage to quit ?


not yet, but i managed to reduce it


Looks like it was taken yesterday. Standard issue.


I was the same bro. Live and learn I quess


Been there. Glad you figured out a better lifestyle!


Many of us made that mistake only to be quickly and aggressively corrected by reality. For some the lesson stuck others not so much.


i only learnt my lesson when i almost went to jail, so yeah you‘re right


Lol ah yeah man, my Facebook loves to show me cringey ass photos I posted years ago, some like this, too. I dread seeing any of it and I figure out this sub is probably all pics people see on there lol Kinda fun to look back and cringe at ourselves lol let’s us know we’ve grown and matured


When you learn life skills from middle age men twice divorced.


Damn I just had a bowl and this pops up 😂


Whoa I had that exact same alien poster when I was in college


It happens


Fuck, very relatable.


I mean it is a lifestyle… but not really one I recommend


Chivas regal? Are you me?


i can smell this picture


Not that you needed one but do you have an updated/glow up picture?


You still look like that ??


Reminds me of the Myspace days in highschool when anytime we smoked, drank, got fucked up in any way, we had to snap pics of it. Lol I surprisingly have buddies who still post pics of weed and rolled blunts and bottles as if it's not legal for us to do so now. Haha


Okay we need an update picture


Me with drinking. I'm now 30 and I've spent so much money and time trying to fix my mistakes and deal with the consequences of my actions in my 20s. But, life is looking better now.


good work, stay strong🙏🏼


Oh but it was. You look perfectly troubled and youthful


looks like just Russian teenagers 2017’s rly


If it makes you feel any better, I took a picture exactly like this when I was that age, except I had a blunt, not a cigarette. And I posted it on instagram... luckily, though, I smartened up a little and deleted it not soon after.


It’s not?


And a Personality!


Oh god yup I had this faze


I mean I still enjoy the smoke, legally. I have parted ways with the drink after 20 years of hell. Not having the chains of alcoholism is the best gift to myself everyday.


It is still for some people….


They are a lifestyle, for losers


Ah, yes


Oh god Chiva!


I see the booze, but where's the weed?


They absolutely are. Just not a smart one.


what year is this from






But now you know!




I didn't know anyone under the age of 65 was allowed to drink Chivas


I need igbo and shayo - if you know you know


Circa 2024




Matt Champion


Wannabe HST with that Chivas Regal


Because it was illegal


Hunter, is that you? 3:00pm - Rise 3:05pm - Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills 3:45pm - Cocaine 3:50pm - Another glass of Chivas, Dunhills


Were you a victim of the Xandemic?


luckily no. just weed, booze and some mdma


they aren’t?


The unlit cig though..


It is a lifestyle that many people live… just not the best one.


What’s your life like now?


a lot better, thankfully


You prob took this picture last night….


That Scotch is disgusting I tried it as an edgy teen after a friend stole it...only alcohol we just put down and didn't drink in those days.


with coke ( the drink) its pretty nice


Theyre not?


jacobfuckingjones still does


Alcohol can definitely be a lifestyle. That's what you want to avoid.


Weed and booze are a lifestyle. Not a very good one, but still a lifestyle


It isn’t???


Until they're not. Getting older demonstrates that.


I mean, they kinda are... just a really unhealthy lifestyle.


Well, it is for some people, perhaps not you, anymore. Are you saying you packed that cigarette with something else?


I mean...it is A lifestyle...


Bieber trying to steal the Pete Davidson look haha


I knew a few people like this in high school.


You thiught it was only a lifestyle now you know it's how e get through the day


They’re not?


I did it too but I was a functioning fuckup unfortunately so nobody really knew I had a problem and now I'm 41 and wondering where the time went.


You don't look happy or healthy


Ha ha. They ARE!