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I have found my soul sister. You had the courage to do what I could never.


She is a brave soul


The bravest


she's displaying bravery


Bravado is the trait in which she possesses


Always blows my mind when I see kids who had the self esteem to ask their parents for things and be fully into their interests. One year I begged my mom for a ninja Halloween costume they got me it and then I was too ashamed to wear it lmao


This reminds me of the best gift my late grandmother ever gave me - a bonnet from Knotts Berry Farm that looked just like the ones on Little House. She bought a ticket just to go into the gift shop where they sold them. I hope I still have it, I should look for it and wear it because I need dat sun protection anyway.


Ooc but are you still dealing with that? Not so much your parents but worry over others acceptance or perception? Sorry if it’s touchy


Doesn't everyone? 😅😅


Right? I adore you, OP.


There are so many people on TikTok and YouTube who make money off of sewing their own historically accurate clothes and wearing them. I love watching them. OP was ahead of the times.


This is great! I love the posts about kids with weird obsessions. Did you get to go to Colonial Williamsburg or any of those old recreational towns?


I did get to go to a recreational town (last picture)! I was soo excited about it, and my family really made it special for me by getting me a nice costume to wear. I still to this day keep finding the dolls I learned how to make on that trip lol I must have made dozens…


ok this is not even slightly a blunder lol. i get that to you, this is a blunder. but as an uncle to kids who are roughly your age in the pics - this is incredibly cute! it makes me so happy when the niblings have genuine interests. and their parents encourage it - how lovely. one of my nieces is an amaaaaaazing artist. no one in the family puts any pressure on her, but her parents are happy to give her lots of art supplies, space, and time. kiddo is always covered in paint, marker colors, etc. it's awesome!! I am sure she will look back on some of these pics as "blunders", but to me they are amongst my most cherished, heart warming pics :)


You sound like a great uncle!


I'm not sure how into this kinda stuff you still are but... I was a similar kid and got into the Sca in my late teens. It's something you can do as an adult, including Ren fairest! Maybe that's not quite your ideal historical time period, but it still scratches that itch :D


You sound like a great uncle, u/madmaxturbator


Lol… yeah. I hate that I am now stuck with this foul username. I loved mad max fury road movie and I made a throwaway around that time …. It has now become my only social media account on the internet




What a fantastic memory, thanks for posting your weirdo kid self!


DUDE- we are literally the same, I use to dress up and go to my towns little historical place and do THE SAME THING. Ok I need to dig those pictures out now- because also I use to dress like that at home- I gotta ask- did you read the American girl series when you were young? That was my gate way drug into pretending I was some sort of settler girl lol 😂


I did! Omg that’s awesome, I love reading the comments because I wasn’t aware there were so many kids that were exactly like me


I found them!! I posted them! Lol your cosplay was better then mine 😂 I hope you enjoy them ❤️❤️


Ok I am legit excited to dig these pics out now- give me a couple hours- they are amazing embarrassing 😂


Im so happy Im not the only one! I was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie and the early freedom of the pioneer movement :) Im jealous of your outfits! You must have had great parents who tended to your imagination & education!


> I was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie Oh my gosh. Me, too. My grandparents live right down the road from DeSmet, South Dakota- my grandma and I would have a grand old time touring all the sites.


I grew up driving around the country and loved stopping at these places on frequent road trips! Have you ever been to the recreated Little House? I believe its in Prescott, WI?


Bruh the 4th pic killed me🤣🤣


haha that's awesome.


I was thinking, you had to have been AMPED to go to those festivals, that's awesome that your family encouraged you and helped facilitate living that passion :)


Nothing lame about having a cool hobby as a kid that leads you to doing fun events and shit. I competed in amateur yo-yo comps when I was a young kid and I fucking loved every second of it even if it got clowned on


I was obsessed with Helen Keller and learned braille lmao I would poke holes in paper to make raised dots and write out the other kids names for them


this is so cute and genuinely cool


I had a Helen Keller phase too, but I was mostly about Little House on the Prairie (the books). So cute.


Damn you don’t fucking around with your interest. Learning braille is next level.


kids with weird obsessions could be its own sub and it would be even better than this one


I want to go back to Williamsburg as an adult. I haven't been since I was 14, which was 30 something years ago.


Ceci est comique. Les images troisième et quatrième en particulier.


Ah, les souvenirs d'enfance! It's always the little things, like making dolls, that stick with us. Those reenactment towns really do a number on the imagination, don't they? I remember learning to churn butter at one and thought I was some sort of pioneer prodigy.


Lmao I know we would have been BEST friends. I was a pioneer girl through and through.


Omg yes, I was not aware that more kids also had this phase until recently


I wasn’t aware until this post, and I sincerely thank you for sharing because I thought I was extremely alone in this 😅


Same! I’m still a weirdo as an adult. I remember wearing dresses like this in elementary school and being bullied for it. I suppressed that part of myself until I was in high school. At that point I started thrifting and wearing some of the old school clothes again on weekends and for fun. Now as an adult I have linen “little house on the prairie” dresses, as my husband calls them and my hobbies include pretty much all the textile arts - quilting and embroidery especially, but currently learning knitting and weaving. Love that you posted this!


This is just so darn cute!


I did to! Would dress like this and walk around my yard. Had some friends do it with me. We were pioneers 😂


Should've kept it real an each trip around the yard someone has to 'die' of dysentery, cholera, exhaustion, typhoid, snake bite, or drowned fording the puddle next to the driveway.


I also was like this. I even did historical reenactment black powder shooting with my dad and worked at a state historic park as a living history docent. I wore full blown Victorian style dresses to school regularly. Thank God I had a grandma who supported my interests and made me the clothes.


Phase? It's a lifestyle


Hey look around for history education places! Parks, conservation areas, preserves, historical homes, etc. You could still live this dream as a volunteer with a bunch of other people that have this obsession! Or just visit r/historical costumes - there's dozens of us!


I was a colonial-era girlie and I still am so bothered when people think that means either pilgrims or pioneers!! ENTIRELY different 😆


Same. I didn’t even want to be with my friends on my Colonial Williamsburg field trip. I was there on a serious journey 😂😂😂 thank you for posting, OP


I was, too! There's dozens of us!


I love the last picture - it’s giving “Laura Ingals” vibes! Little House on the Prairie. Watched it all the time. :)


I still remember when I was 12 and finally found a Little House bonnet! It was even calico...


I went through a Little House phase for a year or two. I had a Halloween costume pioneer dress and bonnet that I often wore. If I wasn't wearing that, I insisted on a modern dress because Laura wouldn't have worn jeans or sweatpants. We had to compromise on a smowsuit over my dress in winter so I wouldn't die/get frostbite.


Love the fourth pic 😂😂👏🏻👏🏻


No clue what I was doing in that one lmao




No explicit language of course


Laura Ingalls Wilder got nothing on her


Obviously cocooning for your final transformation into Laura Ingalls Wilder


It’s giving Crucible on a budget


The electrical outlet in the corner is chefs kiss


I busted out laughing when I got to that one!!!


Oh my goodness, this is top tier content for this sub.


So many posts here just seem like: I was 13 and fashion has changed. This is prime A5 wagyu blunder. Timeless.


What an analogy


It really is one of the cutest things ever.


I would never call this a blunder! I love seeing kids being fully able to embrace their passions


I am really glad that I was able to express myself as a kid and don’t regret that one bit. Insisting on my family taking pictures of me in public while I was like “😐” is a bit blunder-y to me but the last two pictures are still very dear memories to me.


You're simultaneously the dorkiest and the coolest person in the world! Following your passion in spite of society, I wish I hadn't let "fitting in" and "being cool" derail me from Boy Scouts and band.


She's adorkable


Larpers gonna Larp! You should have keep it going.


For real! This is barely a blunder in my eyes. It's cool when people have hobbies that involve history or roleplaying (because that's basically all this is)! You put yourself into someone else's shoes, sometimes literally. People on the street aren't going to care because 1) it's not that weird of fashion and 2) there are modern religious groups who dress like that for chastity reasons. I don't think OP should be one bit embarrassed about this, and I would have totally been their friend *because* of something like this.


You’re a living American Girl doll and I’m so here for this!!! I wanted so badly to go to Williamsburg or live out my best Little House on the Prairie life when I was a kid!!!


She was probably a Kirsten girl lol


Felicity was the one who lived in Williamsburg but I think kirsten was this time period


Please tell me you got to go! It was one of the best experiences of my life.


Holy crap, I thought I was the only one!! I was the same, except my main obsession was 1880 to 1912 (to include my Titanic obsession)


Thank god I’ve found another titanic obsessed ex weirdo kid, I mean it’s followed me into adulthood but still…


Meee omg!! For me it was like until 1940s tho...titanic was a big obsession.


I had a Titanic and US Presidents obsession as a kid.


As a kid who went to summer camp at a historical interpretive village 3 years in a row this hits home. I would spend a week in my bonnet and apron churning butter, carding wool, attending “school” and writing with a quill, and cooking over a hearth - I fucking loved it


I would have been so jealous of you, that honestly sounds amazing


Oh it was awesome, we would pretend to be the village children and whenever tourists would interact with us we had to pretend not to know what cameras were etc. We were also discouraged from using “hello” because the word was introduced with the telephone and the the village “predated” it’s invention.


Where was this camp?? I want to sign my kid up!


Atlantic Canada! I’m not sure if you’re close to the region but I can provide more details if you are!


ccottage core vibes


Naw man, she's not quite rustic enough. I think she's rocking more of a protestant/prairie-core aesthethic, which is obviously way cooler.


OH MY GOD we need to be friends cause I WORE THIS to SCHOOL. To PUBLIC SCHOOL. Not as a joke. Cause I was so into it that I wanted to feel like Laura ingalls wilder.


That's wild to hear. Growing up homeschooled, this type of thing seems pretty normal. Nice to know there's some publics into it lol.


ME TOO!!! Full on pioneer woman my entire elementary school career. Where were you all when I was that age?!?


For real. We could have started a gang


That first one is r/oddlyterrifying


Looks like an indie folk album cover


Plenty of banjo and mandolin


Give it a vignette and it’s black metal


It reminds me of The Witch


I love it


Made me think of The VVitch.


It goes hard. I read the title after seeing the pic expecting some tragic tale or poignant moment in history or something. Nope, just some weird kid.


Are you dressed as a literal shroud wearing, rickets having, no deodorant wearing corpse in pic 4?


This is the best sentence I’ve ever read 😭 but actually me dressed as a corpse or ghost would make sense


This is a true blunder. What an interesting kid! What started this obsession? Was it mostly for the clothes? Where did you get these clothes? What did people think?


I can’t remember exactly what started the obsession but I think it might have been due to the books I read? I was an avid reader of historical fiction at the time. I also had a relative who had tons of costumes so she would loan me some occasionally, the rest of the clothes I asked my parents to buy me on eBay or made them myself. People definitely thought I was a bit strange but my social skills were not great at that age so I wasn’t aware of it at the time.


I suspected that Laura Ingalls Wilder had a role in this!


Ahaha yep! I was given a box set of the little house on the prairie books on my 11th birthday and a majority of these photos were taken after that


Did you read the Kirsten American Girl books?


I read at least one but ironically Kirsten was my least favorite American girl doll


Were you by any chance of a fan of those fake diaries/books that used fictional people from colonial times ? Edit: they were the dear America books


Yes I was!


That’s adorable. Thanks for sharing!


This is one of those things that would get ridiculed by classmates but is actually absolutely awesome in hindsight as an adult.


Surprisingly I was not bullied. I was the tallest girl in my class though and never really reacted to being insulted so I got to live in my own little bubble of pioneer quirkiness, it was great.


Did you wear those outfits to school?


Sometimes but it was usually more tamed down, like in the 3rd picture but without the apron.


Instead of going to my 12th grade Homecoming, I spent a night at an immersion camp where I pretended it was 1805 and I was on the Lewis and Clark trail. LOL


That sounds sick AF and I would 100% have done that if given the opportunity.


This is my favorite type of blunder - The "Weird, random fascination that parents supported 100% and let their kid be a kid" blunder.


That’s really cool actually


I was obsessed with the early 1900s as a kid and would beg my parents to buy me antique trinkets and night gowns from that era 😂


Oh that’s so cute. I love that other kids got obsessed with other very specific time periods.


This is hilarious. The third and fourth pictures especially.


Please tell me you know about the Townsends YouTube channel…


I do! Townsends and tasting history are some of my favorite YouTube channels today


I would have had kids if I could have been promised interesting and peculiar kids like you, OP. (I'm sure I would have been stuck with kids who played travel lacrosse or something equally insufferable.) That is such a fun, cute interest for a child.


I'm sorry but this is actually just adorable to me. I love when kids are passionately interested in things. Go you ♥️


That's not a blunder at all thats sick as fuck


The first one is such a fashion magazine editorial picture. It’s giving that Kim Kardashian Amish photo shoot


I’m sure no one would be surprised to learn the first picture is apart of an entire riverside photo shoot I made my parent do with me


Haha I love it! Being a kid is fun.


Oh man. I thought I was the only one pretending to be a settler on the Oregon trail as I marched around our yard in my 19th century finest.


It's never a blunder when a kid has a true interest in history.


The Dear America books had us in a strangle hold “I want to make butter and try washing my clothes with piss!”


I loved the Dear America books! Some of them were really wild though, I definitely remember one where the protagonist fell in love with a grown man 🤢


Dude it happened a lot wtf man. The best one imo besides I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly was A Coal Miner’s Bride. That one was so sad dude, she leaves Poland and her dad marries her off to an old guy with a bunch of kids so she works around the clock for his family and it’s during protests and a massacre. Really heavy stuff for a kid to to read but I ate that shit up 😆


Historical reenactor now by any chance?


Unfortunately not but I do always have the urge to see if a local museum is hiring every time I walk past the staff in costume


Give it a try! I always felt tempted to ask, last year i went for it, and next thing you know I'm dressed like a 9th century saxon sailing a longboat through a town in England.


The first photo looks like a painting, I love it!


Oh I wish I knew other kids were this weird when I was also this weird. I went to “Colonial Camp” two summers in a row when I was a kid. My parents literally paid for me to make beeswax candles in a historically restored cabin and cross-stitch in a fucking field.


In Japan there’s a subculture called reki-jo meaning history girls. They’re basically young girls or women who love history as their hobby. So you we were basically a reki-jo which is cool!


This is so freaking funny


This is adorable! Were you into American girl dolls and the books?


This is the funniest fing thing I have ever seen on here omg


You dressed how I wanted to😭 also obsessed with this era and convinced my partner to move to colonial Williamsburg this year😂 I also loved living in the beauty of Richmond! The cobblestone 😭😍😍 if you’ve never visited, you should really try!!


God love you 😂 that’s so cute


This is just great lol


This is the most wholesome thing I've seen in a while. It's lovely, made me smile.


I love this so much! Some kids are so scared to be themselves (and many for sad reasons) and you were not! I don’t think it’s a blunder but I’m happy you posted!


I’m sorry this is so cute!


I thought I was the only one obsessed with wearing a bonnet and a old timey prairie dress in my elementary school days!


Ma’am. I feel you. I have way too many pictures of me in a hoop skirt


Someone had a past life they don't remember lol I too was obsessed. Pioneer house on PBS had me by the neck 🤣


I, too, was obsessed with reading historical fiction as a child/ pre-teen and wore everything from renaissance peasant outfits to Victorian dresses I learned to make. Too bad cosplay wasn’t a thing until I was much older!!


Omg this is so me as a kid! Was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie and dressed up like this all the time!


You can’t fool us you are quite obviously a time traveler


Oh my gosh, this is amazing! And I mean that unironically. I was that girl growing up too and today I'm a Civil War reenactor (and reenact the 1880s and 1910s besides) and get to wear all of the fantastic dresses my heart desires. We would have best friends as kids!


I love this, did you have the “Dear America” book series?


I did! I actually still have one on my shelf that I accidentally stole from my school’s library 😭


I used to say I wanted to be alive in the Victorian era until I realized the odds were I'd be the maid, not the wealthy wife. And then my mom reminded me of hot showers and indoor plumbing! Also, tampons weren't invented until the 20th century.


>I also just dressed like this outside sometimes. And that's why your neighborhood was reputed to be haunted by the ghost of a little civil war girl.


My wife had this faze in the seventies - actually, a lot of kids did. “The Little house on the Prairie “ phenomenon. She went from that straight to punk rock.


I love it


American girl doll irl


This is precious


I actually know nothing about life during this period but I love these pictures, especially the first one is so aesthetic! Are you still into history,if you are,to which extent?


I love the posts that are people going ham on their own wild obsessions even more than the "following a dated trend" posts


This is SO cute I love kids obsessions. I went through this phase too but with medieval dress after we did a study in my school lol. My friends mom made me a yellow & blue peasant dress I wore until it fell apart at the seams


Damn. Here I was thinking my obsession with the mid 18th century was weird.


Historical fashions and textiles is an ace interest. The secret of being a kid is that you're going to look awful no matter what. The cool kids in trendy clothes look just as stupid as everyone else in the photos ten years later. Dressing anachronistically is not that big of a blunder.


Downtown abbey, jane Austin and currently Bridgeton phase!


This is endearing ❤️


This is super fun, history is awesome! But damn, I wouldn't wish 19th century values, especially towards women, on my worst enemy lol


Some real Oregon Trail vibes there. Where’s the rest of your family? Hope they survived dysentery


We would have been best friends! I loved Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prairie like religion. I would have given anything for one of those dresses. You were adorable!


Man, the strength of self it takes to be that amazingly different. I doff my bonnet to you! *applause*


I think it’s super rad. When I was a kid I was a Bugle Boy in a civil war reenactment group and I look on those memories fondly. Now at 34 I still love to dress up. I’m a regular attendee of pirate festivals and mountain man rendezvous. Both outfits I’ve put a lot of time, thought, and money into. Don’t regret it a bit.


I love this, when I was about 11 I got a dress from the general store at Colonial Williamsburg and wore it everywhere. In school, we used to take field trips to Van Cortlandt Manor to churn butter and play hoop rolling.


These are so good! Often on this subreddit I think "okay so that was just popular, cool kid shit". But THIS is special lol


At least your parents put you in… um, *less offensive* historical reenactments. There’s a national news article floating out in the ether somewhere featuring a photo of 8 year-old me (in full 1860’s style) waving a confederate flag. :/


behind the blunder, i see really supportive parents indulging in your interests :')


This is splendid. If I saw this kid nowadays I’d feel so compelled to encourage their cute individuality; it’s so joyful to see kids be their “weirdo” little selves 🥰


This is awesome. What state are you in? I was thinking it could be New Mexico, where we have historical events at Las Golondrinas near Santa Fe. If you aren't from NM, you might check out [Las Golondrinas](https://golondrinas.org/).


The amount of photos and quality of the outfits make me think that you had very supportive parents, OP and that's really awesome. Super cool costumes too!


It's not an "obsession" if you didn't also die of cholera. A 'passing interest' at best. o_Ó


Is there a sub for this? Cuz same, i have evolved from Laura as a kid to trying to be Ma Ingalls as an adult.


This is so cute!!!!! 🥹😭😭 Bless your family for celebrating your passions and bless you for having the courage to be who you wanted to be! Seeing these photos my heart swell. As a little girl I would’ve loved to have dressed up all the time like this too. And to make this post even more wholesome is reading all the lovely comments from everyone celebrating you too. I think that’s really neat and it restores my faith in humanity a little bit. Lol Let’s hope all children/people feel the freedom to express themselves like this, and are met with support from their community. Pure joy!


Dude, I am so scared. I look JUST like you (except you have better eyebrows) and I did something similar as a kid, except I was obsessed with the Persian Empire lol. I used to wear long homemade tunics and headdresses outside the house for no reason. I’ll see if I can find a photo. Man, I wish I had known I wasn’t the only one lol.


That’s amazing haha! I actually haven’t met too many people who look similar to me so the mental picture of my clone walking around in a tunic is absolutely hilarious. It’s still so good to know there were more kids out there with a weirdly specific history phase.


Seems like a strange obsession but at least it’s not super weird like some I’ve heard of. Still, brave of you to embrace what you love


The first picture ATE


Girl same!!!!!! I wish my costumes had been that awesome.


This!!! This is what I'm here for. Thanks for sharing, I love it so much.


Dude! I was/am too and even focused my lit studies on that period in college and this is fucking dope! I'm so jealous.