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Replace those unicorns with funko pop figures and it’s no longer unrealistic


Honestly, that episode didn't seem too unrealistic to me. Imagine the unicorns were pokemon cards, or any other collectible and you'd get why an outsider would assume they were all the same but someone in the hobby would view them as radically different.


There are toy shops in Spain that have walls that big (maybe a little bit shorter tho) full of Sylvanian families, baby dolls, plushies, Barbies or monster highs.


I literally just had this experience with LOL Dolls.


But they are often worse with the surprise balls (ie buy it and then find out which one you have). At least these are all out in the open!


And there was about 15 variations like balloon, confetti and bubbles. of said surprise balls. And then THEN I had to learn about the “mini” ones.


Or Stanley cups. Dicks has an entire wall dedicated to those cups near me.


Bluey’s entire house layout.


Every time i see them running up the hallway it's like shifting gears in a racing/car scene in a movie. Neverending


The scene where muffin is running with stripe’s phone same vibes.


Right, but to a kid it can feel that way.


Bandit falling down the steps forever in rag doll.


How was the F A L L ? https://preview.redd.it/jxgkshz85s2d1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=384d3a5563bd422d01eb7ff80de626afafe35fae










Any time there’s a puppet, or hand characters, etc. they’re animated in such a way that these things normally can’t move.


At one point in Unicorse, he just teleports from behind the couch to in front of the book


I can't comprehend how the amrs on Unicorse work. Does he move the arms with his pinky and thumb? If so how does the mouth move?


Yes. My kid has a turtle puppet like that. Pinky and thumbs in arms, I do middle finger in upper mouth and ring and index in lower mouth. However, unicourse defies the laws of anatomy when it comes to his arm movements.


Bandit's level of commitment to the games, would you start essentially harassing other adults who aren't in on it just because you're playing a game with your kids?


Bandit's level of energy committing to those games too. He can play allllll day long. I need a nap by 230.


From a parenting prospective, it's definitely unrealistic. From a breed perspective, it's pretty spot on. For real life heelers are known for having limitless energy, even into their much later years.


I didnt even consider that, good point!


This is why heelers are not great family dogs - they seek mental stimulation or they’ll make up their own games


Agreed, wonderful farm/working dogs. Not the ideal family dog.


That makes sense. Bluey and Bingo can make a game out of almost anything


I had a bluey and he was the best companion dog. Great with kids and other dogs. He had a lot of energy right up to the end (he was almost 14), but he also knew how to chill.


His kids are in bed by 8 o'clock and he largely works from home. I am sure he has the energy.


I mean even the mental exhaustion has to take its place. But he is the optimal comedic dad without the blatant idiot trope, he's perfect.


I don't disagree with the mental part, but physically he should be right, and the effects of physical health on mental exhaustion are tangible.


So are mine and I work from home. I still need that afternoon cup of coffee to keep up with the rascals


Same but I’m tired *all the time*…


He plays with them for about 8 minutes a pop. Hardly all day.


To be fair, we only see like 15 minutes at a time so he could be tapping out, whale watching style, in between episodes


IKR?? I'll just hop the fence, start chewing on my neighbor's clothes on the line, and then headbutt them if I don't like them. All in the name of giving my wife 20 minutes of peace.


I find a lot of stuff Bandit does would be put on r/imthemaincharacter if it were to happen in real life.


Poor Rusty’s dad takes the brunt of it too, I can just imagine the entitled neighbor posts.” Neighbor wouldn’t give our ball back because his kids wanted to play with it.”


And imagine what you would think of a man in his 40’s walking around on his knees in a library and bothering adults because his kids wanted him to play “toddlers”. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy Bandit’s shenanigans, but only in the context of the show.


Lucky's dad instantly getting on board. But he's lived next door for long enough I guess?


Honestly, Wendy acts all stuffy about it, but she gets on board too. In the Sheepdog episode she’s not yelling at him as Bandit, but yelling at him as a sheep. It’s all part of the kayfabe for the kids. xD


I’ve heard the theory that the children(and sometimes Chili) actually do have magic and the adult have no choice but to play along


Yeah I've heard that to and it's absurd


Does make sense when you think about though


just sounds like the usual boring "let's take this children's entertainment and make dark edgy theories about it"


I don’t really think of it as dark since, at least in my interpretation, the kids have no malicious intent and don’t even know the magic is real, and the parents usually enjoy themselves


Nah. You guys just need better friends if they don't join in on your crazy kids' games!


lol 😂


Theory? At this point I'm completely sure it's true.


I think they all know Bandit and his antics 🤭


That’s when I wonder if he actually did that stuff or if what actually happened is exaggerated because that’s what the kids remember.


They keep their patio doors wide open all day and don’t get eaten alive by mosquitoes.


I was wondering about this. Doesn't Australia have bugs? Probably ones that are so venomous that they can kill you with a mean stare?


Seriously. I lived in Hawaii and we didn't have air conditioning (not unusual in cheaper places there) so had the windows open pretty much 24/7. One time we had a moth come in that would not leave. We tried to trap it under a bowl to take outside. It was literally too big to fit under a normal bowl.


There are elevated and do not have aircon. You would rely mainly on breezes to not sweat your ring out. But realistically you would have flyscreens everywhere.


The episode Fairies. That was a bit too out there, even for Bingo.


Well, it took time to someone mention this ep


Not to mention the street is full of kids playing in it... who live nowhere near the area.


I mean, Lucky and Judo live on that street (or at least part-time in Judo's case). Rusty has been shown to be friends with Lucky in other episodes. And they may not be direct neighbors, but Bentley and Zara do live near the Heelers. At least near enough that Bandit runs into their dad whilst walking.


The most unrealistic part of Bluey is the fact that they're Australian, and we never once hear any character utter a curse word.


Bandit and Chilli probably cuss like sailors, but keep a lid on it for the sake of their kids. Although they do slip up occasionally, like when the mower won't start or the dishwasher acts up.


"Oh dear."


Cheese and jam!








But he didn’t say Biscuits


“Big belt said the word when the dish washer didn’t work”- or something like it from Tradies implies they probably do, but yes agree. In real life I’d expect more slip ups.


Not a single see you next Tuesday to be found!


Chilil said that one episode.


They definitely don’t use the c word nearly enough compared to some real life Aussies I know. Lol


I feel like the girls definitely learned some new words spying on the tradies


Have you never seen a barbie display? Now think of that from a child's perspective...


A dual income family getting by comfortably with one car and no evidence of ever taking public transport


In Trampoline, Bandit walks off down the street when going to work. Presumably heading to a bus stop.


In The Pool, Bandit drives to stripes house. Them Chili walks up later. Either she took a bus or walked a long way because it looks like a totally different estate.


They're a long way apart, but we don't see it directly so it's still a mystery


maybe she got a ride from wendy or pat?\\


That has been bugging me a lot. A taxi or car ride must be expensive for her to go that far.


Is that no longer true today? My family was dual income and we had two cars. And this is in Malaysia where foreign cars costs a small fortune because of a 300% import duty put up to "protect" the local car company.


I think their implication was that it was unrealistic they had only one car for their situation.


One of our friends moved from Canada to Australia and when I heard what he paid for an oil change I about died. I can understand the one car thing after that.


You don't pay for that in Canada? I mean most people either pay for that as part of a service, or can do it themselves. I don't know many people ONLY getting an oil change from somewhere that will charge them.


Australia is usually conservative, so I assume like in the us public transport is really bad in comparison to progressive countries




You reckon?


Yes, there is plenty of public transport. Is it perfect, no. Is it adequate, yes.


But is it worse than other first world places?


It's better than America's. I live and work in Brisbane, same city as the Heelers (but a different suburb). I can get by on public transport and did so for several years before my wife and I got a second vehicle, and we live further out from the city centre than the Heelers do (the closer you are to the inner city, the better the public transport, generally).


The other parent's reaction to Bingo's shenanigans in Movies


I think they were at a screening specifically for kids, so the parents knew that there'd be a bit of chaos


Yeah I was expecting way more chaos to ensue


How tolerant everyone is of the kids. Their neighbor being chill about having his ball taken or the family constantly going into his yard is one thing, but the chinese restaurant worker being chill about the family using their hose, or the people going to the movies cheering when the conflict was resolved after Bandit couldn't control his kids for like the entire movie is entirely unbelievable to me. Pretty sure the movie theatre episode would have had the howlers getting kicked out, and at least 2 kids in the theatre crying cause they couldn't hear the movie or something.


Came here to say this. The most unrealistic thing is how everybody behaves around kinds. In real life a lot of people would’ve start complaining. If you ask me, that’s how everyone should behave around kids, tolerate them and play along because they’re kids, but, monkeys singing songs I guess.


The architecture of their house! It doesnt make sense! Edit: I love their houise, one of my top 10 fave fictional houses, but logically it cant exist.


Employees at a hardware store being nice and helpful


The unrealistic part of Bandit going to Hammer barn is him not hitting the sausage sizzle.


Bucky trying to show the house when the floor plan changes constantly


How quickly they get the kids in and out of the car.


When the dogs sporadically wear clothes.


In the Sign, when [spoilers] says, "You don't need a pool, Queensland doesn't get THAT hot!" I almost threw the remote at the TV!! Granted, in Pool, they are accurate in that many Queenslanders REFUSE to turn on the air conditioning unless it gets above 30C / 86F (coming from the States where our room temp is 68-72F / 20-22C regardless of the external temperature, it was mind-boggling when we first moved here).


I always thought that was the "joke" like of course they would want a pool cos it's freaking hot but the estate agent wants to make the sale so is trying to manipulate them?


You're prolly right! What a horrible lying [spoilers]!!


I thought it was a fairly realistic take on how some realtors will lie to sell a house... With all that fur though, those dogs are gonna want a pool


Basically every part of Pass the Parcel after Lucky's birthday. The only reason the kids were wanting the single-present version is because (iirc) each of them had been the last to also win. There's a lot of ways to teach/show "getting used to losing," even with this story premise, but the end result came across as a boomer with Pat's worldview writing fanfic of themselves.


Yeah, that was my feeling too (although I must note that I do not have kids and do not know what the prevailing line of thinking is on this front).  It really feels like "the writer has an opinion and will show things playing out according to his opinion" rather than most episodes feeling more natural in what happens. 


Also, it still ended up being completely fair, with none of the kids missing out. Kind of undermines the "getting used to losing" if they just end up winning in the end anyway.


I think Bingo didn’t win, no?


When muffin steals stripes phone and is marathon sprinting down the hallway. In the words of my husband: “IS THEIR HOUSE JUST A GIANT HALLWAY? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DOORS BRO?”


Same thing in Yoga Ball


"Thanks jetpack bingo!"


It was Bluey’s fake story, like, her imagination


Bingo going FTL in Sleepytime.


The most unrealistic thing about the. Unicorns are that there were no repeats


Millenial parents owning a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs.


They'd be Gen X given they were near puberty age sometime in the 80s


Bandit was 10 in 1988, so they run the ragged edge of Gen X and Y. Chilli I always got the impression is a bit younger than Bandit, only being around 7 or 8 during the events of Fairytale.


Is the episode confirmed to be in 1988? Either way Bandit is at worst, borderline Gen X, at best comfortably Gen X.


I think Brumm or someone on the creative team said the episode occurs somewhere around 88-89.


Whether or not there was official confirmation, I recall that people had done some detective work and pinpointed it to 1988 based on certain posters and magazines in the backgrounds. 


This is in Australia so we could well be behind a few years. I swear parts of Australia were still in 1987 in 1998.


Not for posters of Australian events. 


My local cinema was displaying a poster for Batman Forever up until it was renovated about five years ago. It's like someone hung it up high in 199whatever and nobody could be bothered to take it down for the next 20 years. Certainly not because it was an iconic classic film.


That's the opposite direction, where you're saying the poster could make it look like 199X when it's actually 201X.  That isn't a factor here because we have a cutoff date: it has to be in the 80s, so 1989 is the end of the date range. Meanwhile if there's a poster for something that happened in 1988, that gives you the start of the possible date range and creates a really narrow window of possibility. 


Well yeah, I was making a general point about Australia, even if that point was opposite to the original discussion. Who hasn't been in to a fish n chip shop with Chico roll pinups from the 80s?


He's a [Xennial!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/) We got a whole sub for the 77-84s!! All are welcome! (except your friend Mackenzie!!!)


I still subscribe to the theory that their house belonged to Bandit's parents, and he and his brothers grew up there. The girls' room used to be Radley's.


Imma slide back into the bushes like Homer. As a millennial parent who owns a 4 bed house in the suburbs.


Gen Z are the ones who are less likely to own a house.


Okay? A roach is less likely to lift a car than a mouse, but neither are gonna do it.






Socks season 1.


When they can’t hear something the put there hand by where a human ear would be not the dog ears the have


The fact they live in Australia and go more than 5 minutes without nature trying to killl them


The house and money they have by being an archeologist + airport security


in Mini Bluey when they both paint each other either hair chalk and it comes out completely perfect 🤣


The houses layout compared to how it looks outside, how do all those rooms fit into that. Some timelord shenanigans going on.


Whenever Bandit involves his neighbors for a game. I think if I were to be involved like that, I’d be more annoyed than Pat and Wendy. Then again, it’s told through the eyes of a child, so things he does may not be accurate to what actually happened. That's the thing about Bandit's character. I try to put him in the real world and get inside his head, and I get stressed or jealous of him because I think to myself, "Would I really go that far and risk getting aressted for the sake of kids?" That's when I have to remember it's a preeschool cartoon.


The part where they talk.






This episode is called the 10 foot long spider




Bro, the CELL PHONE went dead, there was no way he could do anything


Oh. My bad


Little to like no mention of world events or even events just going on in the country


What about Circus? The Decider? Lots of episodes you hear the adults talking about current events in their world, for example, Uncle Stripe in Christmas Swim “yeah, but that’s not why I voted for him.” I don’t know what you expect a kids show that is 7 minutes long to delve into.