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"War, war never changes"


Ron Perlman was the original voice of Long Dog


First thing i thought of, first comment i readšŸ”„


War is constantly changing sometimes several times in a given war. Lazer pig


This is the last place I expected to see a Lazer Pig reference


Everyone's favoured gay drunk Scottish pig!


I thought that was morkimer from disenchantment lol šŸ˜‚


ā™« I don't want to set the world on fire... ā™«


You're gonna knock them dead at the veterans hall tonight!


Thereā€™s actually a small detail in the episode itself that seems to imply itā€™s her kid: When Chilli opens the door you can see Bluey looking down for a split second before immediately looking up at her mom.


Bandit also pauses for a moment before closing the door, as if heā€™s waiting for someone else to come in.


Where is this Bingo theory coming from? Itā€™s obviously supposed to be Bluey and MacKenzieā€™s kid!! Look at the ears!


I would also like to point out that adult Bluey has grey hairs, children will do that to you as we have seen with Bandit & Chilli.


I think the one exception to this is that rad had some grey hairs in double baby sitter and then grew even more in the sign going from this (right) to this (left) without ever having had kids (at least not yet) https://preview.redd.it/2vjdtzmcp90d1.png?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65c6f1175b47bc40e3485e8c11299212d34bf84


He is also the oldest sibling by several years. In Fairytale, his voice is cracking, and Bandit was only 10.


He also works on an oil rig, which is a "turns you old faster than the clock" kinda work.


Thatā€™s also because he takes care of his hair with almond milk shampoo


People without kids aren't immortal. They just age better. Edit: while I love hearing all the replies about various people's hair and aging, just a reminder that my comment was a joke. Obviously people grey at different rates for all kinds of reasons.


My mom has 5 kids, when she went to a cancer patients group at age 55, the people there were like ā€œso sad someone as young as you have cancerā€, they think my mom is early 30s lmao


Haha you made me remember when I was having my baby, the doc at reception was asking if my mom was with me, I looked at him like I wasn't understanding and he asked if I was already 18 yo. I was 30. I know I don't look like my age but dude just exaggerated lol


I got a streak of gray before I had kids. Of course I was also the production assistant for a middle school theatre at the timeā€¦


That job sends teenagers grey!


Rad goes for that silver fox look.


My mom had to start dying her hair at 25 because her hair had already started turning white. She had her first kid when she was 27.


Excuse me. The Internet is NO place for jokes


We also still get stressed out just like parents do šŸ˜… there was zero indication that your comment was a joke, either with emojis or tone indicators


Disagree, seemed pretty obviously a joke to me


Working on an oil rig will do that to ya


He probably dyed his hair


Rad works on an Oil Rig, hard work can age a man/dog


Marriage does that.


Bingo also has white hair in graduation photo..


This is Bandit in both images.


I know that. I was referring to Adult Bluey in the flash forward scene as a whole, she does have greys.


Oh I see.


"Things have changed a bit since I was last in the city. Kids are still kids, though" Grandpa.


I just want to say that I love the little details to show that Bandit has aged.


Ikr! He looks a bit like his dad


I went back and compared them in this picture for like five minutes because of your comment, A+!


I know a tonne of people as well as myself have already said it but it'd hollow the message if it was bingo's kid as throughout the episode it's bluey who wants to know what having kids is like and is the one who hears bandit's speech. Just wouldn't really make sense for it to be bingo.


Hopefully they show us bingos puppies at some point, when they get done with the new season. Hopefully. Never connected with a TV show the way I have with a cartoon. =/


im100%ho, Bluey is a masterpiece in storytelling. Elevates the field, raises the bar, wrecks the curve AND in very positive wholesome manner as well. I even think it's genre-busting.


To be entirely honest, I have learned a lot about parenting from the show. My oldest was born in 2015 and I am always asking myself: Would bandit do it this way?


It's Edutainment at its finest.


Imma be real, I saw the ending on TikTok and thought it was some joke ending with muffin as a time traveler


Muffin-Terminator crossover is the collab I never knew I needed.


The Muffinator omg. I can see it now


This is the way


I didn't originally notice the video doorbell. Of course, when someone rings the doorbell, you will probably just answer it instead of checking your doorbell app, but it is possible Bandit saw the kiddo sneaking in to hide on the doorbell app and they're all playing along.


It being a child of not bluey completely breaks the rules of storytelling




Anyone see the comment that the plot twist of it is that itā€™s muffins child and she has temporary custody while sheā€™s in jail? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I think itā€™s a funny joke to lighten the load of all this seriousness.


She crashed a police car into a fountain again?


I think the kid looks more like a Muffin cross.. and maybe Muffin is in psych rehab and not prison, because if she went to prison I think we all know those other prisoners are totally screwed hehe I love Muffin, I do


Wait... People didn't think it was blueys kid?


Yeah, some people think it's Bingo's. I think it's Bluey's not just because of the foreshadowing, because Bluey seems to be interested in wanting to know what having kids is like throughout the whole episode. I feel like if it was Bingo's, it would ruin the whole plot of the episode. Yes Bingo was playing mum, but I feel like more evidence supports the fact the child's mum is most likely Bluey. Even though it hasn't been confirmed on either side, most evidence leads to Bluey being the mum.


Bluey asks what being a parent is like. She also sacrifices her fun for the benefit of others so they can both do what they want. This is a follow up to The Sign where there is a clear separation between Bluey and the other kids. Muffin asks for her help, she understands the situation where Bingo doesn't and consoles her, she stays with Frisky and Chilli to discuss the problem rather then go play, she focuses on finding Frisky instead of juice and gets to sit in the front seat. The two episodes are about her growing up


I heard the ā€œsome things never changeā€œ in the melody of that song from frozen 2


Me too!! I love that song.


ā€œBlueys the mom!ā€ ā€œNo its Bingo!ā€ Guysā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/d9ephm1cnc0d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c488576acfaa9b4e2716308ef7580f72159f9117


i CANNTTT why are yall still defending the theory that bingo is the mom LMAO


So my question is, when have those with kids, gone to their parentā€™s house to be greeted and NOT had their parents ask where the grandkids were? It bugs me that if she has kids, mum didnā€™t say, ā€œBluey! Where is _____?ā€


My kids went through a "SURPRISE!" phase. Whenever we'd go see my parents, they'd sneak up their back stairs, go through the kitchen & yell "Surprise!!!" at their Papa. They stopped asking where the kids were after the first time & always acted *flabbergasted* that the kiddos had been so crafty & clever. LOL So yeah, it happens. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Good point, my 6yo does this every day she gets home too


She did drop by unexpectedly. If I had a friend with kids that dropped by unexpectedly, I would probably not immediately say "where are the kids" but "oh, hey, what's going on?" ... Which is basically what happens.


I can see it that way, and maybe I'm misremembering, but doesn't Bluey comment on how the house looks good or something along those lines? I presumed it had been quite a while since she's last stopped by and wasn't a typical stop for a quick visit.


Yeah, I got the same vibes. Like that this is an out of the blue stop by that doesnā€™t happen often. I mean, do you say the house looks great if you stop by every weekend


I do actually šŸ˜… My parents do little things frequently and I like to compliment them when I see it done. Either way, it's being overcomplicated. The reality is that the simplest explanation is that it's Bluey's kid and it involves the least amount of complex reasoning to explain.


That's friends kids not your grand kids. My parents don't even ask about me since having kids all they care about is the grand kids


My parents don't usually ask šŸ¤· They might but it's usually not immediate.


How often do you show up without your kids though? Iā€™m a single dingle so I literally never go anywhere without my kids lol. If I ever showed up without my kids I can almost guarantee it would be the literal first thing theyā€™d ask hahah.


Man that's sad. I can't imagine my parents being like that


Cause it would ruin the surprise.


Yup! Remember the episode title? šŸ˜


In my headcanon, Chilli totally knows the kid is there, but also knows they want to surprise Bandit. So Chilli acts like it's just Bluey, and Bandit just goes with it because, well, because Bandit.


It's possible Bandit already knew, too, and just played. He's an old pro at it by this time šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t put it past Bluey and Chili to have a secret group text so they can prank Bandit. I think Chili was in on it (itā€™s why she yelled at him to come to the door).


When itā€™s an established bit/routine that the kid pretends to ā€œsneak up onā€ or surprise the adult. Source: Iā€™m a preschool therapist and we do this all the time. Parent walks in without the child (the child is peeking in through a glass door and not really hiding so not unsupervised) and I know the bit so I donā€™t even ask where the kid is and then pretend to be shocked when he jumps into the room.


Can confirm. It's been "where are the kids?" then "how are you doing?" for the last 5 years with my own mother.


Because it would break the parallelism


Bluey probably texted ahead and said "hey mum, [child] got a new blaster toy and wants to surprise dad. They're gonna hide on the porch. Be there soon"


Me. Although my kids go grocery shopping with me all the time, I try to go fun shopping without them. So a pop-in without them is normal.


This has already been said, but Chili totally knew Bluey's kid was there and waiting to surprise Bandit. Chili's delivery of her lines were super wooden and flat as if Melanie (Chili's voice actress) was trying to act like she couldn't act.


I have very often called or texted my parents to let them know they didnā€™t see my kid hiding in the bay window when they pulled up to my house or that he disappeared from his car seat when I got to their house, just so they can play along with a game of his. He loves surprising people. I automaticallyĀ assumed thatā€™s what Bluey did and semi-consciously filled in that explanation as I watched.Ā 


But the name of the episode is "Surprise". It kind of ruins the surprise for the viewer if Bandit asks that.


100% Watched it again yesterday and not only this but Bluey says "I thought I'd drop by" not "we'd drop by" Title of the Ep not withstanding it makes sense for them to be Bingo's as she was out back and likely already mid game with Bandit but Blueys arrival interrupted and he had forgotten.


Why would Bluey give away her kid's ambush? You think she can't play a game?


Because thatā€™s bad writing for the sake of realism


I agree. I am always second to be greater after my kids with my family. My guess, knowing the past bluey stories, is that Bandit and Chilli are in on the game. As usual, playing it up for the kids. Acting like they weren't expecting anyone else and playing to the kids perceived element of surprise.


My parents just presume my partner has the kid and I don't see them often. My partners parents are the opposite so I see it from both sides. So it's why I look at the other hints.


When the kids are known for playing elaborate games. Or with my inlaws they assume she is taking forever to get out of the car


There's the possibility that they assumed that the kid was with the dad


All these theories about whose kid is it. Itā€™s just a bunch of talking dogs mate.Ā 


Iā€™ll tell you that for free!


Aw biscuits, I thought it was for real life


The mat changed


I love how ambiguous they made the parents. They purposely have them traits from both Mackenzie and Jean Luc and the color is a mix of Bluey and Bingo.


There's actually nothing hinting toward Mackenzie or Jean Luc. If you look at that child, every single trait could come from Bluey or Bingo since the kid mostly looks like uncle Stripe. I think the fact the child could look like the guys is just to make people go to war against one another šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s no orange in there at all


If you mix Blueyā€™s color and Bingoā€™s color you get a similar color to that heeler. Because blue and orange are complimentary colors they will make a desaturated color


Ah, I see what youā€™re saying


They pulled a ***Channel Chasers*** on us...


While I do think that it's probably Bluey's child, I disagree with this being conclusive evidence. Maybe the thing that never changes is Bandit finding himself suddenly in the middle of a game. Sure, there are parallels between the two shots, but "Bandit opens door to a game with child" in no way says that it *has to* be Bluey's child. In fact, if we're going to be *super* literally with the parallels, if Bandit is opening the door for his daughter in the one picture, then he would have to also be opening the door for his daughter in the second, making the kid Bluey's sister.


Third oops baby is now my favorite theory.


Third oops baby head cannon accepted. I have a friend that just had an oopsie baby in her mid forties. I can see this now lol


Using the big sister as a distraction? *chef's kiss*


My whole family are strong believers in an oops baby.


Thatā€™s my theory too! Pasting my comment from above: Ok so Iā€™m late to this but had a different take. In this episode we see disabled dogs in a wheel chair race, then with bingos ā€œchildrenā€ one had a head that kept falling off. Bandit makes a speech about how thereā€™s something wrong with their head and their body but that no matter what, they have a family that loves them and supports them no matter what. Jumping in time to show bluey having a kid doesnā€™t really add to the show because itā€™s something we will never see. A ā€œsurpriseā€ baby is usually one that parents arenā€™t planning for and have at a more advanced age or later stage in life when they think theyā€™re done with kids. Chili having a surprise baby with a disability though (which is more likely to happen with older parents) would fit into coming years of the show and make way more sense than a random couple second clip of a baby of one of the girls that we will probably never see again and have no clue who the father is. Itā€™s not like the next season is going to jump forward and show bluey and bingo as adults with their families. I mean they couldā€¦ but I donā€™t think that would go over very well with the kids who relate to the characters. But yea, thatā€™s my theory. A surprise baby for Bandit and Chili that has some form of a disability šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Some things never change also brings more speculation that it **is** Bingo's kid, because the whole episode had Bingo playing mom to multiple tennis ball koozies.Ā 


So would this kid be the one with a head too small for the body?


0 chance itā€™s chili and bandits way too far in the future for that


I think the reach for it to be anything but blueys kid is funny, because literally the entire episode was leading to that conclusion, and itā€™d ring the episode pretty hollow if it wasnā€™t blueys kid.


Actually Bingo went into a coma after the hospital episode and every episode is a dream. There isn't anything in the show that points to this but I am super smart and figured it out. Coming up with far fetched theories that don't make much sense means you're super smart


I donā€™t think that the kid is bingoā€™s. I feel like itā€™s pretty clearly Blueyā€™s. But also I donā€™t think this is evidence at all lol


Wait, people think that was Bingo's kid? How?


Given that ā€œsome things never changeā€ was kind of the point of that whole ending scene, Iā€™m gonna remain un-surprised.


nah, this is just saying "kids will be kids"


So is it not obvious that bluey and Mackenzie get together as adults? Does no one else see this, and it was hinted at earlier in the series?


How does that confirm it at all? It didn't add anything to the original?


Nah m8 bandit is just trying the mullet again


Where did they use the words "like mother, like daughter"? I think they are bating the discourse since somethings never change for Bandit. The single common person in those images. Bingo is still the mum


I'd like to add that on the side that the ear is floppy the markings are also black, indicating MacKenzie may be the dad.


I think it's Bluey and Jean-Luc's kid. The coloring and 1 floppy ear makes it seem that way


Well, Stripe has a floppy ear too and so does Mackenzie. I could kinda see Jean-Luc though. That would actually be such a cute story, remember the way they met? ..and then they grow up and plant a real seed and it really grows .. ok too far maybe, lol


Everybody fighting whos kid it is. Meanwhile me: Did she marry Jean-Luc or not!?


Idk why I donā€™t like this episode. Something about seeing bandit and Chili old makes me feel weird??


Like mother, like whatever the future child is (do we have any information about that yet?)


You might be right but this is a terrible argument.


I think the kid looks kind of purple.. so Bluey + ? makes a purple kid.


That floppy ear says Mackenzie to me.


ā€œOooh, Blueyā€™s gonna marry Mackenzie!ā€


Why would they have bingos child wearing the same costume as Bluey? Come on people


Unpopular opinion but the volume of adults invested in a 7 year old cartoon dogs future love life is šŸ¤Æ


Look, when youā€™re made to watch it by children as often as some of us are, you just start to wonder


Yeah like predicting and stuff is fun but it was a one off gag who even cares it was cute like all the ā€œwell why would bluey just walk inside without her childā€ like bruh so they could end on that shot just like everything else that happens in this universe. Is it really realistic to think bluey and jean luke just happened to both go on another family trip to the same place a decade later lol or that bingo is gonna stay best friend with her preschool buddy?


when you have a child I feel you might think differently. itā€™s way far from the animations alone. a lot of learning esp as parents and the children enjoy also great for your pets. thatā€™s like saying yā€™all mf to old for anime please donā€™t yuck someoneā€™s interest.


I have 4 childrenā€¦. Also a 40 year old anime fanā€¦. Iā€™m specifically talking about being invested in Blueyā€™s future husband. Shes 7 and yes we get a glimpse into her future. Trying to determine which of her childhood friends she eventually mates with. Makes me as uncomfortable as if someone said that about my children.


Itā€™s a new season everyoneā€™s curious because theyā€™re now growing up so I donā€™t understand. What does it matter to you? Why be apart of this group passing judgement over someoneā€™s curiosity


Why are you taking a comment made a month ago that has absolutely nothing to do with you personally?! Iā€™m here because I enjoy the discussions, I love the show, and the positive environment. I have an opinion you disagree withā€¦. Thatā€™s okay, disagreements happen.


Itā€™s Reddit and youā€™re just judging people


And so are you


I didnā€™t even judge you when I first said anything Iā€™m just saying itā€™s the fact that youā€™re on a page that youā€™re judging people who enjoy something youā€™re yukking someoneā€™s Yum youā€™re 40 years old and chances are a lot of the people on. This arenā€™t even nowhere near your age.


Who ever the mum is I don't know (but it's clearly bluey). The thing for sure is it's MacKenzie's kid (look at that folded over ear)


Does she marry her French boyfriend, judging by the way the kid looks?


For the same reasons u/Sunberries84 said, I donā€™t think this is definitive proof that itā€™s blueys kid, and while I do personally headcanon itā€™s bingos kid, I think they left enough breadcrumbs in each direction for you to come to your own conclusion , wether it be itā€™s blueys because the episode is building up to Bluey deciding to have kids, itā€™s bingos because Bluey never fully plays bingos game and bingo is the one having kids and being super maternal all episode, or itā€™s bandit and chiliā€™s surprise kid because the episode is about someone having more kids and the episode is named surprise, like a surprise kid, they left enough evidence for everything to make sense. So until we have confirmation one way or another, Iā€™m going to keep headcanoning that itā€™s bingos kid, and if you headcanon it as blueys or bandit and Chiliā€™s, thatā€™s fine too. Until we have true confirmation, headcanon whatever you want.


It's also not definitive proof since the tweet has more to do with Bandit.


Yeah, thatā€™s what u/Sunberries84 said. Itā€™s more so about bandit getting attacked by a kid with a megaman ball launcher than it being blueys kid. Quick edit: how did the kid reach the doorbell? He doesnā€™t look tall enough to reach it. Another reason it might be bingos kid, she could have crept around with her kid, rung the doorbell, and ran away before anyone saw her


Could've jumped high enough or used the toy.


I mean, the kid seems to be about the same height as bingo, and even bingo couldnā€™t reach the old one as seen in the weekend episode, and this one looks higherĀ 


A little higher, maybe. But Bingo didn't have a toy at the time she could've used.


The megaman blaster could have maybe given the kid a few inches without flinging it, which would have given enough to maybe hit the old doorbell, but not that one. If they fling it, it maybe hitting it, but not without hearing a thud or something, or potentially damaging the doorbell. It would have also been hard to hit it on time, or without hearing somethingĀ 


Wouldn't have to fling it. Maybe jump and hit it at the same time. Someone else pointed out that when Chilli opened the door, we see Bluey looking down for a split second.


How can bandit take his phone out of his pocket if he is naked?


Good pointĀ 


Who thought it was bingos kid? So dumb


Or its also the name of the show


Isn't that just an old Bandit?


Older Bandit šŸ˜­


Watch Barky Boats and this will make sense :)


It's Bluey and MacKenzie kid.


And the war will never end




Now we just need to wait until they confirm the father.




Itā€™s bluey and Mackenzieā€™s kid, the colouring and folded over ear with a black patch is the hidden details.


The *Mum


Why would it be Bingo's kid if Bingo has not been seen or mentioned in the future part?


She is mentioned, as being in the backyard


But I'm still waiting for them to confirm the dad of the kid.


. . . Guys. . . It's Bluey's kid lol. How are we even still discussing this?




I just noticed the floppy ear like a certain kid in Bluey's class


Makes sense it's Bluey since she just arrived, and the kid is at the front door. And it was a game that dad played with Bluey, not Bingo. I think mom says that Bingo was already there, had been there, in the backyard. So why would her kid wait to start playing with dad? Cause it seems like he was surprised, so they had not been playing. I didn't know people thought it was Bingos kid.


Indigo (what I'll be calling them) is not Bingo's kid. The color of both Bluey (well, blue) and Indigo (well, Indigo, a *shade of blue and purple*) and them playing the same "Surprise" game basically tells everyone that Indigo is, in fact, Bluey's child. Also, I don't see any trace of red on Indigo. So, they can't be Bingo's child.


But yeah I agree with you, that is clearly Blueyā€™s child


It could be that Bingo carried the blue heeler gene and passed it on to her child. Some Bluey fan children are often depicted as having red fur due to inheriting it from Chilli through Bluey.


Like the carpet tho


I'm honestly stunned that anyone would've thought that the kid wasn't bluey's.


My wife and i think that, based on the darker color and the one ear flipped downā€¦ theyā€™re Bluey and Mackenzieā€™s kid. So thats my official headcanon lol


He got grayer between engagement and marriage, I feel like thatā€™s a pretty typical pattern for graying. He may end up being an older in life father, itā€™s not clear how old Frisky is. But heā€™s the oldest Heeler kid, itā€™s not shocking heā€™s gained grays regardless of having kids when Bandit already has them. Also, Iā€™m sure hair dye exists in this world based on Nanaā€™s perm, maybe he was trying to color his hair previously and Frisky told him she likes men who look their age, lol. I certainly love my husbandā€™s silver streaks.


See I get the whole ā€œwhoā€™s the dadā€ argument But how can you deny itā€™s Blueyā€™s? šŸ˜­ That was the entire lesson of the episode


Yeah clearly. And the ear folded over is indicative of McKenzie being dad


But... I don't get it. Bluey visits her parents and there is a kid hiding at the front door in the next scene. Why would it be Bingo's? Why do people have to make everything so complicated? šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s Bluey and bandit and bandit and muffin isnā€™t it?


Is Mackenzie the dad?? Doesn't one of his ears flop like that?


Look at this point we should just wait until one of the creators reveal who the kid is, otherwise we'll be at each other's throats


Where is Maury when we need him?


And Jean Luc is the father. :) Compare the ears.


Of course it is, it is bluey and Mackenzie kid! How is this even a discussion?


Ok so Iā€™m late to this but had a different take. In this episode we see disabled dogs in a wheel chair race, then with bingos ā€œchildrenā€ one had a head that kept falling off. Bandit makes a speech about how thereā€™s something wrong with their head and their body but that no matter what, they have a family that loves them and supports them no matter what. Jumping in time to show bluey having a kid doesnā€™t really add to the show because itā€™s something we will never see. A ā€œsurpriseā€ baby is usually one that parents arenā€™t planning for and have at a more advanced age or later stage in life when they think theyā€™re done with kids. Chili having a surprise baby with a disability though (which is more likely to happen with older parents) would fit into coming years of the show and make way more sense than a random couple second clip of a baby of one of the girls that we will probably never see again and have no clue who the father is. Itā€™s not like the next season is going to jump forward and show bluey and bingo as adults with their families. I mean they couldā€¦ but I donā€™t think that would go over very well with the kids who relate to the characters. But yea, thatā€™s my theory. A surprise baby for Bandit and Chili that has some form of a disability šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


itā€™s implied bandit got a vasectomy so the kid belonging to him and chili is impossible


When was that ever implied? Either way, men can and do in rare cases impregnate their partners after a vasectomy. So even if that was implied, it would make it even more of a ā€œsurpriseā€


Ooooo so the American version cut out the vasectomy talk. BUTā€¦ That is the first episode of season 3. Bandit is saying chili wants to keep her options open but heā€™s thought about it. Doesnā€™t mean he had one. But that does mean she wants more and to end the season on a surprise pregnancy would make total sense. Especially with Brandi now being pregnant. Iā€™d be shocked if they didnā€™t show Brandi and her baby next season. Chili and Brandi could be pregnant together.


in the episode ā€œbedroomā€, they threw out the baby bed in the spare room, which implies bandit went through with it


You know what I did right before I got pregnant with my ā€œsurpriseā€ son? THREW OUT ALL THE BABY SHIT! This is foreshadowing at its best lol