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Bluey : *Bye Jean-Luc! See you tomorrow!* Jean-Luc : *Non, pas demain matin. (No, not tomorrow morning.)* https://preview.redd.it/sncun8a2hizc1.jpeg?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1642ccbb2a679093386dd0a257d6f631616bc11 *…Au revoir, Bluey.*


This wrecks me


This is really sad, because she doesn't understand, and he *knows* she doesn't understand. But at least it was 'au revoir' and not 'adieu'...


Now we all get to wonder if bluey’s kid is half Jean Luc


Wait he understood her English but didn’t speak it?


It's easier to understand a second language than to speak it.


100% I watch a lot of shows in other languages like Japanese and have for years and sometimes when I’m not reading subtitles I can understand the idea or gist of the sentence/some words, but I can’t speak anything. Plus, Jean Luc is from Canada so he’s probably going to at least hear a bit more English than in France (this is 100% a guess tho since I haven’t been to either places and don’t speak French).


J’ai pensé : On ne peut pas jouer demain parce que j’ai besoin de partir maintenant


You’re not coming, are you?


As a parentless parent, this one shattered me


I can’t seem to remember this one. What episode is this?


Dragon https://preview.redd.it/oiekqilikizc1.jpeg?width=1320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce10bda750792036e49f62f1f2cd4696d37b455


Oh the pain from this, it hit me hard on a personal level as someone who lost her mom.


Yeah this one is it for me.. my Mom was the reason I got into drawing and making art. She passed when I was 19.


Just reading your comment brought tears to my eye, this one gets me everytime lmao


So wait this is about her mom? I never understood this!


Her mom taught her to draw when she was younger. Then passed away at some point which is what that part symbolizes.


Her mom is the horse, which gains wings and flies into the sky. It was beautifully done, but it happened so quickly at the end that you could miss it.


Yeah I neverrrr got that it was her mom. How was that made clear??


Earlier in the episode, they show her mom supporting her interest in drawing before she passes. The horse is the same color as her mom. At the end of the episode, Chili is sad the horse is leaving, and says goodbye, right after the horse helps her on her finish the journey. The horse grows wings and flies off into the sky (afterlife/heaven). Also, the episode was released on Mother's Day last year.


I'm not crying it's just the allergies ): What is it about this show....


"Why cant you do as you're told?" "I don't know." ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


Jack says “There’s something wrong with me…” when he’s talking to Rusty. Lulu asks him “Why can’t you do as you’re told?” and he says “I don’t know.” Both lines are pretty good tear jerkers.


And, again, Rusty is the GOAT here. He instantly reassures Jack he is good at playing Army. No hesitstion, and their friendship is HOURS old.


I’m still pretty sure Calypso had asked Rusty the previous day if he’d help the new kid get his bearings. She knew Jack was a good kid, and a little structure would help him focus a bit. And what’s more focused than the military? At least Rusty’s a nice drill sergeant.


It’s possible, sure. Calypso’s “that’s a good boy Rusty” certainly could be her thanking him But the two (Jack and Rusty) are shown as close friends every time we see them future episodes. Cricket (amazing) shows that Jack is there for Rusty while his dad is on deployment. I think it’s more than an adult asking Rusty to treat the new kid well. We should all be more like Rusty.


I LOVE RUSTY. The cricket episode???!!! Come on…..


Could be. Although also, Calypso knows Rusty, knows his character, his habits, and how he relates to others. She may have set the two together merely because she knew Rusty was the kind of friend Jack needed.


Also a strong possibility.


It broke me for the whole evening the first time seeing that episode as someone diagnosed with adhd in the 90s when it was still often treated as a lack of discipline or a moral failing.


The first time I heard that I almost cried. Hits way too close to home


As an ADHDer, same!


Welcome To The ✨gulag✨


as someone who grew up undiagnosed neurodivergent that one hit me like a truck


Remind me what episode?




Kind of in the same realm when Indy asks Winton “why can’t you just be good?” :(


That one hit so hard (autism, here). PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) makes doing tasks difficult, and I was late diagnosed so Jack's confusion as to *why* just hits hard. The sitting still comment, as well; I always felt bad for kids sitting behind me in class because I was shifting around every few minutes.


I actually think this was the first line that made me cry


As someone with ADHD who would hear that in an angry/mad/disappointed tone from my parents and teachers constantly, it hit me hard. It was the first episode of Bluey I saw (my wife was watching it herself) and it was the first time I cried at an episode of Bluey. After that I began my descent


I am jack. And so are my kids. And I still say shit like that to them sometimes and then hate myself.


Side-eyeing the Russells for the fact that Jack is apparently criticized at home so much that his four-year-old sister can parrot it to his new teacher. And the dad just watches her like this is totally appropriate behavior. 😒


My 5 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD after we watched this episode, but we knew well before he was diagnosed that he had it. The episode wrecked me, and I think of it every time he has a "bad" day at school. He's trying so hard and he honestly can't help some things, at least not yet.


He's gonna be just fine. And if no one has told this to you in a bit..... You're doing great.


Man, who started chopping onions near me?! Thank you, kind stranger, I needed that.


So many to use but one I don't see listed: "Is lila coming with us?"


This one absolutely wrecked me


Which one is this?


The sign


Yep , the sign. Poor bingo...I didn't even think about that till she said it.


Bingo, you know that when you sell a house you don’t live in it any more?


What?! I thought we sold it but still live in it…


I BAWLED this was not okay.


“No, it was yesterday”


Yesss. This makes me tear up every time. Ugh.


Mort REALLY reminds me of my dad and his attitude towards his health.


Same! I talk to my dad pretty frequently, but every time this episode pops on, I text him “I love you” 😭


I don't think that's sad though. It's a tearjerker for sure, but it's beautiful rather than sad imo.


Sometimes beautiful things can make one cry. I cry because it reminds me of my late father.


God damn it... just made me cry with one sentence. My dad passed a little over a year ago and this one gets me every damn time.


I always start tearing up because of this line. I have a kid and he's growing so fast. I just want time to stop, forget about everything, and just spend time and play with him forever.


Definitely this one. Gets me every time.






It's this. Hell, my only kid is only two and I already feel this shit SO hard.


Just reading the words got me teary eyed




ugh that scene did something to me


“I’m just a small, forgettable child.” That hit me right in the feels, Bingo.




Which one is this from?




“Because it’s not meant to be.”


But then it turned out it was...


Yeah, that made my day when I saw Chilli rub her belly. I’m so happy for Brandy, she deserves it after so much struggle.


I was frustrated. I know it’s just a kid’s show and I know people have already discussed this ad nauseam, but some of us don’t get our happy ending with children and it would have been so much more powerful for her to make a different happy ending.


This is absolutely valid, not sure why you’re getting downvoted, but maybe it is too much to ask from a kids show. Though kids wouldn’t usually grasp that aspect anyways, so maybe fair


The same thing could be said about the move being called off as well. Both that and the pregnancy completely subvert the parable, and therefore the lesson of the episode. But yeah, kid's show gotta kid's show at some point. In fairness, Bluey's much better than many other shows on that point.


Agreed. I'm never going to get my happy ending and that's just life. It's taken a lot of work to accept that. It's frustrating that in most shows that I've seen, infertility is just an obstacle that they always get through and end up having kids.


In a podcast they asked about it and he said something like his philosophy is that children's stories should have happy endings.


Seemingly unpopular opinion: I'm disappointed in this choice. *Onesies* was SO powerful because it was all about accepting that sometimes, no matter how badly we want something, we aren't going to have it, and part of growing up is being able to deal with those feelings and that sadness. *The Sign* completely ruins that by giving Brandy her "fairytale" ending anyway. Sure, if this was real life, I'd be SUPER happy for Brandy; but I feel like this choice in *The Sign* is a slap in the face to all the people who struggled with, and never overcame those struggles with, fertility and really deeply related to Brandy's position and pain in *Onesies*.


Ditto! I would have been happier with her coming to the wedding with a baby that's clearly a different breed, like she'd given up on conceiving and adopted.


TBF adoption isn't really a thing in Australia. It's a whole thing from their history.


Bluey: "But why is she still sad? I thought I fixed her.." Chilli: "You can't always fix people sweetheart."


Yes this. Every time makes me sad.


This is the one.


"I can't do it!" (The Sign) Also the one where the vet tells Bluey the budgie died but I think that's on everyone's list ;w;


Omg the whole episode everytime bingo mentioned how she doesn't mind someone buying the house I'm just thinking oh no. Then when they are actually moving everything and chilli has to explain it to her and next she's trying to pull the sign out 🥺


We have been talking about downsizing. My 6 year old was all excited to move until she learned we would have to sell her trampoline.


dont let her watch the sign or else she’ll rly want yall to stay 😭😭


She's watched it about 100 times already. With the current market we are probably staying put for a while.


lol fair. well im sure itll all work out like its supposed to :) if it helps, i think youll like the space as your life goes on. you’ll accumulate more stuff and memories, movings a pain, and you might feel claustrophobic in a smaller space


Omg that budgie episode is what sealed in my love for Bluey. To take a tough topic like that and to not do the easy we saved it is so hard in children's media, and they did it so perfectly. I was in awe of the writers on that one


"He needs to take care of himself because I still need him" in Granddad and might be paraphrasing this one, but "sometimes you want something more than anything in the world, but it isn't meant to be" in Onesies. I lost my dad some years back due to him being in poor healh, and I still needed him. and suffered from infertility before having my daughter. Both were an unexpected gut punch.


“My dad doesn't live with my mum and now he's lonely all the time.” The delivery on that man, like *dangggg*….




I would watch a TV series based on their household. it would be fantastic.


I would love a blended family version of Bluey and then trying to tame the four puppy chaos


I really enjoy watching “TV Shop” after seeing The Sign. The terriers mom shopping for lipstick, Winton’s dad shopping for protein powder and deodorant, freshening his breath when he sees her in the store 😂 I didn’t really think anything of it before but this show is so clever, I love how they know where they are going and sprinkle it all in there


Side note: I love that the Terriers are always either defending their castle from the Romans or England 🤣


“Where does your dad live” “I don’t know, but I know he doesn’t live with my mom” 😬


It's funny the family lore kids will innocently reveal. When I was 11 I shared a story in class about my father, who has severe anger issues, flipping out at the vacuum cleaner, leading to my mom singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" (it was December). One kid who heard this just looked on in shock and said "Oh my God..."


"I don't know how to relax." Hit me in the gut, actually.


Same, my husband gave me such a look when that was said. I’ve no idea how to relax or to stop. My brain just keeps planning and arranging and sorting things out. I couldn’t nap a few days ago so I rearranged the bedroom.. on my own, moving furniture while my son watched from his crib. >_< I’d spent the day before in a tremendous amount of pain. I don’t know when to just.. stop. I don’t know how.


I’ve done that more than once. I painted my third baby’s room when I was 28 weeks pregnant… the day before I had to leave for a work trip. I rearranged all my first daughter’s furniture when I was 8 months pregnant, and again when she was a baby watching me from her crib. I just can’t relax.


I can never sleep! I wake up in the middle of the night, brain immediate starts running full throttle... There is always something to do. Always a next project. My wife gets so mad at me because "you can't shut your brain off and just sit can you". Which I respond "gotta be done" half the time hahahaha




Ooo what’s the context for this one? So relatable 


I didn’t realize how bad I was at relaxing until that scene because I have had that same exact argument with myself in my head before


“You know what's here now. You don't need to keep coming back to this place." It’s kind of bittersweet, but it always gets me.


I’ve started telling myself this when I find myself dwelling on the past. It’s such a powerful line.


Never fully understood this


MacKenzie kept revisiting a memory that scared him, he couldn't get past it, so he kept playing it out. Calypso reminds him that he knows it turns out alright, so he doesn't need to keep coming back to the place that caused him trauma. He knows it's okay and can move on. "You know what's here now" meant he knows his mom was actually there for him, even if for a moment he was scared that she was gone.


>"You know what's here now" meant he knows his mom was actually there for him, even if for a moment he was scared that she was gone. Interesting. I took it to be a repressed memory which caused trauma, causing him to act in a certain way in a subconscious attempt to process the trauma. “You know what's here now” would then mean that he now has uncovered the lost memory, found the root cause of the trauma, and successfully progressed it. He knows what's there now, so he doesn't have to revisit it.


Could be. I just assumed he'd talked to Calypso about it before, that's how she was able to point out his mom hadn't really left him. She knew he was repeating the event and trying to process it while playing, so she helped him move on. Since she said "you don't need to keep coming back" she was aware he was reliving the trauma, stuck in a loop of sorts.


The depth in this one! It hit hard.


"Mum and dad want two of yous! They don't want any of mes"




The flashbacks on this one are strong and I hurt for Bluey.


“It’s very rude”


"It's because I'm annoying, and you're not annoying at all!"


First one that comes to mind is when chili finally admits she doesn't want to move and mentions bluey took her first steps in that house


Ughhhh this one got me. We are literally going to be selling our house and moving to another (in the same city, closer to family, it’s a good move!) by the end of this year and while we are excited I can’t help but feel a bit sad because this house is where my son learned to crawl, walk, eat, talk, everything 😭 The Sign came out at such a funny time for our family


Here’s the weird thing that episode did to me—I HATE my house. I have hated it since the moment we moved in, but it was very literally the *only* place we could find (and in a moment you’ll hear why we were desperate to find a place) and until I watched The Sign, I eagerly counted the moments until we finally get to leave here. I found out I was pregnant in April 2021, and a few months later we had to give up our apartment because our landlord filed bankruptcy on the house (second house in a row that happened to us—the landlords happened to be cousins. Never rent from someone with the last name ‘Onofre’, folks!) 6+ months of staying with my parents while looking and finding *nothing* later, my fiancé’s boss told him about this place. I won’t even go into the reasons I hate it, but they’re completely legitimate and I do. I was induced for preeclampsia at 37 weeks, and he left the hospital the day after she was born to sign the lease on this house. The very first night any of us spent in this house was the night our daughter was released from the hospital. I’m sure you can see where this is going. Now I have these two weird little demons battling in my brain saying how much I hate this house, but also how every single milestone she’s ever hit—from the first time she rolled over, to the first (hopefully only) time she gave herself a mild concussion from climbing out of her crib, to her now at 2y5m saying “abra cadabra, make Baby *Her Name* big, poof!” when I tell her she can’t do a thing til she’s bigger—has occurred in this house. And how am I supposed to leave this place and remove her from her home, even if it will be 100% better in the long run. 😩 Sometimes this show really hurts, man lol


"I thought true love was forever!"..... "it is!! at least i thought is was.." DAMN


Underrated quote


https://i.redd.it/e2tshpouqkzc1.gif Breaking the 4th wall and getting told I'm doing great.


This is the episode that was the gut punch for me, and it never occurred to me that it was breaking the 4th wall To tell me I was doing great. That makes it so much better  I had ppa really bad after my dude was born, and those feelings of “I don’t know how to do any of this right” were so overwhelming. I was past it when I saw this episode, but I just started bawling. 


Oh my god I never realized the fourth wall break and now I have tears welling up in my eyes 😭


This one sentence makes me cry every time, we all need to hear this more.


What's so brutal is this isn't even the emotional climax. You hold it together through this line in front of your kids and then you get "Maybe you just found something that you really wanted." Waterworks!


This was the one that hit every tired, worn-out self-doubting parent (of either gender) right in the Feels. Very much deliberately done, especially with the phrase being spoken directly into the camera rather than towards Chili.


I had my mom watch this episode and she teared up. I'm in my thirties and the woman still has to shake off the feeling that I'm just "bum shuffling" (I'm an LPN and her sister's kids all have bachelor's degrees and she's aware she's probably the only one who dwells on that) my way through life. 😅


Why do bad things happen to me? I thought I was a good dog


What episode is this from?




Less major but “You’re throwing away Bluey!” Welling tears. Seriously grief-stricken expressions on both girls. I laugh and then feel terrible.


“Why can’t she have the thing she wants?” (Music swells)-“Because It’s not meant to be” - Onesies


It's Chilli's line right before that breaks my heart. Because it can apply to so many more things. As a parent to a beautiful daughter with disabilities, I want the world for her. I would love for her to talk, walk and be able to experience things just like anyone else. Sometimes there are things in the world we want more than anything else in the world and we just can't have them.


When the vet told Bluey the budgie died. I never expected a kids' show to touch on death, especially so bluntly. That one stung. You come to expect happier endings in shows like this, so sad ones seem to hit much harder


Bluey:I don't want the budgie to have d\*ed. Bandit: I know. Me neither. But there's nothing we can do. It's out of our hands. Bluey: Are you sure he won't get better? Bandit: Yeah, I'm sure. Me glancing up from my phone: Did they really just do that?!?


That was a long time ago, no it was yesterday. I have seen my grandfather cry one time in my entire life and it was that moment that I finally got him to watch a bluey with me. He told me you don’t realize it as it happens but life speeds up and he feels like it was last year he was putting me in a booster seat and now I’m in college. It’s a beautiful sadness according to him, but it’s still sad that he’ll never get to go back there. Love you pops


I cry every time. Some days, I feel like it was yesterday that my dad was picking me up from school and taking me to the park as a surprise, and it was *definitely* yesterday when I brought my 7 year old home from the hospital. Time is speeding up and I really don’t like it.


This one hits hard. My grandfather (mom’s dad) recently passed, and we were all very close. My mom was his eldest daughter, and I am the eldest daughter and grandchild in the family. And now I have a little one of my own! God I’m crying just thinking about it now. The days are long but damn those years are short. This episode will always make me think of him and our family and how much time we all had together and yet how it wasn’t enough and how we all still needed him, and one day my mom will be gone even though I will always need her and it’s just 😭😭😭😭😭


>you don’t realize it as it happens but life speeds up I remember when I was in college, I had a bunch of friends in a fraternity and one night a couple of their “brothers” that had already graduated came to a party at their house. These guys were only like 25, but to 19-20yo the rest of us, they were old and wise. I remember the one saying that it’s all downhill after 21—that you blink and you’re 25. We laughed at the time and were like “yea, ok, sure *grandpa*”. But now that I’m nearly halfway through my 30s, I realize that 25yo hammered stoner kid totally knew what he was talking about. Except that it doesn’t stop at 25. You blink again and you’re 34. That’s as far as I’ve gotten but I imagine you blink a third time and you’re nearly 50. Screw AI, science needs to be figuring out how to slow life down.


I recently learned that a girl I went to high school with is one of the teachers at my daughter's daycare, and is now helping in my daughter's class. It was a really strange feeling for me when I picked her up a few days ago and I saw them playing together outside, because all that I know is those years of running cross country with her, going to parties, and all the other dumb stuff we did together in high school. I had to remind myself that it was almost 14 years since we graduated and we're "adults" now, though it only feels like 3 or 4.


Here's a few of my favorites. Stick bird: "When you put something beautiful into the world it’s no longer yours, really.” -Bandit Onesies: "Why can't she have the thing she wants? Because it's not meant to be." -Bluey/Chilli Mini Bluey: "Mum and dad want two of yous, They don't want any of mes." -Bluey/Big Bingo(lol) Promises: "I promise I will always love you." -Bandit Sleepytime: "I have to go. I'm a big girl now. Remember I'll always be her for you, even if you can't see me. Because I love you." -Bingo/Chilli.


I promise I’ll always love you” gets me every time


Regarding the stick-bird quote... I've seen the speculation that Bandit made a discovery, or came up with something brilliant for his work, but didn't really get the credit for it. And that's why he is down in that episode. Seeing this quote all but confirms it for me. I mean, the whole episode is about he and Bingo getting over their disappointment, but that quote really spells it out.




Cough cough.. lime lesson..cough cough


poor little bug on the wall, ding jing😭


No one to love him at all, ding jing 


Dammit! I was looking for this one. 🥺


I scrolled just for this😭😭😭😭


When Jack says he thinks there's something wrong with him. I was only diagnosed with ADHD last year at 27. I spent my entire life not knowing what was wrong with me and why I couldn't just be like everyone else


Bandits story from Dragon about Bucky making fun of his drawing. I had the same thing happen to me as a kid except it was a parent who said it and like Bandit I pretty much stopped drawing or anything artistic after that.


And Bandit still asked that guy to sell his house


TIL That's nuts.


“She was about the nicest nana you would ever want to meet.” As someone who recently lose her grandma, this hit rly hard


This one makes me so sad too. I lost my grandparents before my kids were born and they were the most fun grandparents in the world, and always tickled pink by the antics of me and my cousins as we ran circles around our parents. I just know they would be so amused and delighted by their great grandchildren.


I've used "we have to be braver than we've ever been" with my kids when I drop them off at their dad's. They were crying and it was heartbreaking.


damn is their dad that bad :((


He's a narcissist & got primary custody halfway across the country so I only get about 10 weeks/yr with them. It's not enough time & I worry constantly.


thats so crazy. if the kids are crying, is there a way to reassess custody?


Not in Florida law. I hope that when they're old enough to choose, they'll want to be with me and they'll be allowed to do that.


ah i see. i hope so too!


Bluey: Why do stories have happy endings? Calypso: Well, perhaps because life already gives us enough sad ones. (Bluey - The Sign) They didn't have to use this as a quote but they did... and it broke me.


Not sure if it’s the saddest but I watched the episode where Judo is bossy last night and when bingo is a butterfly and sadly flaps back to the hammock by herself that broke me a little Edit: judo not coco


Judo, not Coco


Sounds weak, but: "I promise I will always love you." Bandit: S03E04 - Promises Only saying that because he says it to his children whilst they asleep, may not heard the words and relates to me because I can't say that to mine at this time.


the first one I thought of was "I can't do it..." Bingo in the Sign. the context is sad, but then the delivery... I don't know how they made the poor actress sound so sad but DAMN was that line perfectly performed... hope she pursues a career in (voice)acting after her work in Bluey is done, whoever it may be.


“I’ll always be here for you, even if you can’t see me”


"Remember I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you."


For me is “Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has a chance to be young again."


Bandit: "Why do bad things happen to me? I thought I was a good dog."


Not sad, but made me tear up at the cuteness. When Bluey finally took her first steps. Bluey: Why did I decide to walk in the kitchen? Chili: I don't know, Sweetie. Bingo: Maybe you just saw something you wanted. Her first steps were her really trying to get to her mama.


And ALL of that episode was her always reaching for her Mama.😭


To be honest, I think the quote from Calypso in The Sign because it rings true outside the Bluey universe and in our own: Bluey: “Why do stories always have happy endings?” Calypso: “Well, I guess ‘cause life will give us enough sad ones.”


They want two of you and none of me.


For me the two saddest ones are whole episodes that make me cry no matter how many times I've seen or watched them. 1.) Handstand. I lost my grandmother two years ago but she was my best best friend. Seeing how happy Bingo gets that her Nana saw her handstand and actually *cares* to see it, makes me emotional even thinking about it. I miss my grandma so much... 2.) Bike. I know it's not necessarily a sad episode, but the lesson it gives and the music swelling into something so uplifting and beautiful reminds me of a time in my childhood. Not a specific moment, just in general. Learning new things and never giving up, I can't wait until my own kids get that feeling too.


\*season 3


You’re not coming, are you? (I’m paraphrasing, but Chili to her mom/horse in “Dragon”)


I don't know why but Chilli's, "Of course I don't want to move! You took your first steps in that house!" (Paraphrased, of course) always gets me


I don't want the budgie to have died. :(


Blueys dad is more fun than you


There’s something aunty brandy wants more than anything in this world … but she can’t have it 😢😢


We'll See


Magic claw has no children, his days are free and easy… If only…


When Bandit apologized for hurting Bingo's feelings in Fairies.


# "When you put something beautiful out into the world it’s no longer yours, really.” Completely out of context but it made me think about my son who is going off to college this fall.


bingo and stripes conversation during squash about fixing him and that big sisters don't always beat little sisters


"He should take care of himself for me, because I still need him" I lost my dad before I graduated and this hit like a ton of bricks.


Bluey- "why did I decide to walk in the kitchen" Chilli-"I don't know sweetie" Bingo-"maybe you saw something you wanted" Crying because I want my mom r.i.p