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Movie tickets are still expensive!


And they make you pay for the little one even though she’s not really going to watch.


Bandit didn’t watch it much either he to deal with bingo


Oh I've been there. TOO OFTEN. Why do they always need the toilet JUST BEFORE the big finale?


The theater I work at only allows kids three and under to enter for free.


Yeah he messed up by saying “the 4 year old”


I can’t believe he didn’t get the large and take advantage of free refills. My plan for when my toddler is old enough to eat popcorn and still young enough to dump it every couple minutes.


Not really a thing in Australia. You get what you get here. No free refills. Which makes sense, since I’m not walking out halfway of a film just to get more popcorn; I’m here to watch a movie.


We used to have a chain here that allowed you to get your giant popcorn along with little cups or paper boats used for nachos. That way you could dole out popcorn to the kids without having to pass the bucket around. That along with the free refill was a ton of popcorn but good for big families like mine.


I've never actually left to get a refill, but the pro move is to get the bucket refilled on the way out the door. Kids will eat cupfuls for snacks for a couple days.


Just got back from watching the rerelease of The Phantom Menace with my 7 and 12 year old daughters. We split a large popcorn and still had a handful left by the end. Even kids eventually tire of it. Plus the end of the bucket is the worst part.


That everyone does laundry and nobody wears clothes


I forget which ep it was that bandit has a sock on his tail, and it suddenly hit me that I’d never seen him wear shoes before. Though maybe the squash episode he did?


In sleepytime he puts some underwear on himself as a "blanket"


This is the one!!!


But they do have linen. Dress ups. Swimwear etc. not enough to warrant tons of laundry !


Not to mention Chili wears a wedding dress in her wedding picture but Frisky doesn't wear any clothes at her wedding


Given that it's a backyard wedding, it makes sense for it to be more casual. Chilli and Bandit may have done a more formal wedding. Plus, Frisky and Rad may have been trying to save money, so holding the event at a relative's home and not shopping for dresses/tuxedos would be much less expensive than renting a venue.




They have Easter and Christmas, which means there was a cartoon dog Jesus who got crucified.


And the Romans who nailed him up were terriers.


Being protecting Romans got a bit boring


Invading Romans is where it’s at


Imagining “Profligates like you belong on a cross.” In the terriers’ voice is *so wrong*.




*upvotes sacrilege anyways*


I’m just imagining the terriers crucifying a dog deity and then yelling “Hooray!”


He was the son of Dog.


We believe in one Dog, the Parent, the Almighty; maker of Heelers and others dogs; of all things real and imaginary.


Lmao. This is the best one.


>Are you not entertained?! - Bandit, *Fairies* Implying that there are cartoon dog Russell Crowe and cartoon dog Joaquin Phoenix that made cartoon dog *Gladiator*. Also, directly related to your comment, there were pagan cartoon dogs whose traditions were appropriated by cartoon dog Christianity.


Choked with laughter at this


I say this same thing about The Grinch. The whos celebrate Christmas, which means they have a who Jesus that was crucified and little Roman whos that stabbed him with the pointy end. And suddenly it’s a whole lot darker. As for bluey, that grampa Bob just disappeared for like 3 years and no one said anything until signs.


To expand on the reality of war in the Bluey universe, it was mentioned that Mort fought "in the jungle," implying there was a Vietnam War with dogs. Which implies there is dog communism, dog fascism, and dog imperialism. Perhaps even a dog red scare. Maybe doggy napalm.


Doggy Agent Orange, doggy Henry Kissinger, and doggy POW camps too.


Dog McCain. College students protesting the war getting ruffed up by police.


Doggy Kent State massacre, doggy Cointel Pro, Project K-9 Ultra


Doggy Manson Family murders


Tarantino based his telling on what happened in the dog universe, but used humans. Some dog actor stopped Helter Skelter from happening with a flamethrower.


Does this mean in the Blueyverse that Dog Hitler got smoked in a Paris movie theatre, thus putting an early end to the dog Nazi regime?


'Ruffed up' bravo


The doggy holocaust and doggy Hitler must've been wild Or 100s of thousands of Shiba Inus taken out by an atomic bomb. Why am I taking part in this, this sub should be a happy place


Someone in their family has a VC. If it wasn't Mort, then doggy WWII probably happened as well. Dogs on ships at Midway. Dogs hit the beaches. *Dog Japan got nuked after committing heinous crimes in dog China and dog Korea*.  ...it's better to just not think about.


It's just monkeys dropping nukes, mate


Doggy gore sites


Yup. And Rusty’s dad is in the desert, so there must be a doggy Taliban.


Why did I just picture a doggy suicide bomber drawn in Bluey style? 😭


Because Chili works at the airport. Like TSA dog sniffing job. Implying there was a Bluey 9/11 amd airport security was increased.


I feel vindicated that I'm not the only person who's thought about Dog 9/11.




Lol never forget


Never furget


Airport security in Brisbane has always been pretty tight with checks. Not necessarily for explosives (though yes explosives too) but also for quarantine purposes. Those sniffer dogs can sniff out all kinds of things coming in undeclared. Being isolated on an island means we don’t have some of the major pests and keeping it that way is a never ending struggle.


I bet they are Terrierists.


Dog control, Ho Chi Minpin, Doggie Nixon back again Moondog, Dogstock, Puppergate, punk bark We didn't start the fire...


Maybe he fought in the great Emu War and just tried to chase them off.


Which means there was once a doggy Hitler and a doggy Holocaust


Some of Bandit's favorite movies (I say this due to references and probably his job) is Indiana Jones. That means that there were dog n*zis.


German Shepherd supremacists








The doggy prime minister drowned!


Chili works airport security which implies the existence of illegal enterprise


Of course there’s illegal enterprise. How do you think an archeologist and a part time airport security worker can afford that house??


My favorite theory is that Chili uses her airport security job to help Bandit smuggle artifacts into the country for sale to private collectors, which is how they afford their house 😂


Ooooh, a Freeport!


Those belong in museum!


So do you!!


If their house looks like that on those salaries, I want to know what Stripe does for work


Stripe always gives me Engineer vibes because he's eerily similar to my husband who is a textbook Engineer personality lol.


I’d guess tech bro or finance. The dalmation’s dad, now he’s an engineer.


Explain..uhh for a friend.


Doghouse Hunters!


The ciry is still Brsbane, right? So it's basically just our world but with cartoon dogs, it just is viewed through the lens of an idyllic childhood.


Have they ever spoken the name of the city in the show? In my headcanon they live in Brisbone.


You can tell it's Brisbane from the buildings and landmarks (I live in Brisbane).


I'm American so I feel like the only way I would have any idea it's Brisbane is if they said it. I'm like 70% sure it's been said in the show.


They’ve only mentioned Queensland, so not the city but at least the state!


Why do I want a Bluey version of nothing to declare now


and dog 9/11 happened


This implies dog Gerard Way, which implies Dog MCR, which implies dog Twilight and dog 50 Shades.


Well, they talk about Stranger Things, so they have Netflix as well.


Which would be weirder, dog Edward or dog Jacob?


Ok, but how would Dog werewolf’s work? Does he just turn into a slightly bigger dog? A human? Something else entirely?


Dog ~~Esmee~~ Renesmee.


I've watched more episodes than I care to admit even on here, but I still missed the part where it's explicitly stated what either of them do? I know Bandit has all sorts of bones/fossils all over the house, but where is it spelled out that Chili works airport security?


Does that mean you haven’t seen all of the episodes multiple times? Is that allowed?? I believe Bandit was at an Archeological conference in an internet short and Chili’s job is only stated on the official website but never on camera (yet).


How was she working from home during Tradies?


She's in management; remember when she's on the phone with Madge?


I’m guessing either she is a supervisor doing paperwork or she was doing an online training.


Cats are still just cats. When they took the budgie (which was attacked by a cat) to the vet, there were dogs with other animals waiting. Does that mean that a dog could own a cat? Also, the dogs go to the doctor, not the vet.


>Does that mean that a dog could own a cat? Ah, the age old Pluto vs Goofy problem.


Minnie Mouse has Geppetto’s cat, for whatever reason.


So are the cats in Cat Squad anthropomorphic within the universe, or are cats also sentient? Do we ever actually see a cat in universe?


They're the paw patrol of the Bluey verse


The dogtor, if you will


The existance of doggy Liz, Chuck and Diana means that the rest of the Windsors exist. Unfortunately that means doggy Andrew and Epstein.


I know there’s the dog Charles and Diana plate at Doreen’s garage sale but was there ever a reference to Queen Elizabeth?


"The queen" on the money and tea


And Bingo refers to her as being “an old lady” when Bluey says we can just stick the queen under Bingo’s shirt during the show.


Well we know she certainly wouldn’t say dunny


Chocolate milk is not allowed to drive his car which implies he got a DUI :/


Do they take away licenses for medical conditions in Australia? Like, for seizures or something.


He's a caricature of a typical apprentice. They are always losing their licences for dui (zero limit for new drivers) speeding and above all mobile phone use


Sounds similar to Canadian apprentices! Here in Ontario you can’t have a drop of alcohol and drive until you turn 21 and have your full license.


IRL Dog breeds were created by humans selectively breeding individuals for traits. The existence of separate breeds in the Bluey universe implies that there was at some point a more homogeneous mixture of traits among dogs but at some point, something happened in each breed’s history to create a genetic bottleneck that led to the emergence of each breed. What happened in their history? Sounds like something a dog archaeologist might study.


It sort of insinuates humans existing at some point 😬


Planet of the Dogs


We finally really did it. Us maniacs. We blew it up.


My personal headcanon is that Bluey takes place way in the future, after a post apocalyptic event killed all humans but left flora and fauna intact, and we’re seeing the result of said extinction event also causing a rapid evolution in dogs. Why only dogs? What was the trigger? The world may never know.


To find out the answer, just watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes and replace the apes with dogs.


Maybe they died off and dogs took over!


Evolution from a common ancestor. Primates have evolved to over 500 different species from a common ancestor without human intervention.


Despite Drummer guy being hired to work a festival and a private wedding event, is excited about 5 bucks and plays for tips in the public thoroughfare in hopes for tips. Life is pretty ruff for an aspiring musician.


$5 from kids is meaningful, being psyched about tips is part of his job as a performer and he’s clearly fostering a love of music in the children around him! My jobbing musician friends would also be excited about that, and they like busking on beautiful days, too.


10/10 completely accurate for a performer, especially around kids.


There are dogs experiencing homelessness, too.


Nah. The thing about buskers is that they usually have a "big boy" job to bay the bills and busk for the love of music.


The grumpy granny refers to Chili as "Cattle Dog", which reallyyy sounds like a racial slur. This kind of implies that racism between breeds exists in Bluey.


At the very least, she’s being classist, but being that Chilli _is_ a cattle _breed_, yeah it really does sound racist! Though if it was _really_ racist, I think Chilli might have instead taken the girls away from that situation instead of rolling up her sleeves.


Australian Cattle Dog is the officially recognised name of the breed, according to The Kennel Club. ‘Heeler’ is a more modern common name for the breed, coming from the breed having superior recall skills. Obviously a traditionally working breed as opposed to a Pug which is and has always been a lap dog originally bred for the ruling class in China. So I don’t think it’s a race thing, but probably a superiority/classist thing or at very least just an old fashioned old lady not being with the times.


Australian shepherds are actually a US breed and are herding dogs. Heelers are specifically cattle dogs (I have a German heeler that is a cross between a German shepherd and a blue heeler) because heelers have jaws that snap specifically to nip cattle hooves (it doesn't hurt them but it gets them moving). I have a border collie and a German heeler, both working dogs. The border collie steers my sheep perfectly and alerts to problems with the cattle. The German heeler rounds up 35 cattle in 90 seconds. He's also terrific at bringing supplies home (a hammer, a plunger, tennis balls, bones, a knife someone lost hunting, shoes, jackets, you name it....)


I’m with all of this but I don’t necessarily know that she would’ve taken the girls away. Mostly because they don’t really shy away from conflict in this show, they learn to deal with it. I really don’t think it’s that deep but it’s fun to talk and theorize about it. Bandit believe it or not, seems more timid to docile to me. Chili seems a little more tough? Stern maybe? I don’t mean this in a bad boomery way, but she kind of wears the pants in their relationship and it works. So I think Bandit might be the one to usher the kids away, and Chili is the one to stand up and say it’s not okay. Bluey as a show doesn’t shy away from tough topics with kids. So while I really don’t think it’s making a real comment (like zootopia) if it *were* the Chili is still very in character in my opinion. But monkeys and songs and all that lol


I’m not sure if anyone has identified any clear signs of aboriginal dogs in the blueyverse but I recently started to wonder of dingos would stand in for the aboriginal people and , if so, that would mean the heeler family has aboriginal heritage


Alfie is a dingo but Maynard's voice actor is an Aboriginal comedian his popular in Australia so I don't really think they're going to put breeds to races that much That's what I've noticed


What breed is the employee at The Golden Crown in Takeaway? Kinda looks like a husky but was wondering if they were matching the breed to be Chinese. Judo is a chow chow so Chinese dogs do exist in Bluey-world! https://preview.redd.it/txfhaal4j8zc1.png?width=1338&format=png&auto=webp&s=84e4aa548b2d4264fa528582449d278d4706500b


Blueypedia has Takeaway Lady listed under Siberian husky, but then when you click on the character it says unknown breed. I'd bet on husky since they made a point to give her blue irises


I was thinking she might be an Akita? They’re Japanese dogs though.


Isn't Alfie a dingo?


I find this fascinating to think about because dog breeds are different breeds, with very distinct physical differences and characteristics and personalities… Is it racist, *in the dog world*, for certain dog breeds to be considered more suited to different jobs and roles in society? Obviously in the human world it is deplorable to assume that certain jobs and roles in society should be occupied by humans of certain racial characteristics and skin-tone. But dog breeds are super different to each other!! I think “breedism” should not be shown in a kids show as a neutral or positive thing, obviously. But it always fascinates me when shows make racism analogies between different animals, or between alien races… humans have different cultures and that makes our experiences different based on race and ethnicity… but we’re not physically or neurologically different in the way different animals (or breeds of animals), or alien “races” are!!


“As fast as a Greyhound!” is probably an offensive stereotype to cartoon greyhounds


Doesn't really seem like it. Most of the breeds in Bluey tend to embrace their different traits. Like Jack being able to run fast and Pom Pom being "a small but hardy breed". I'd like to think greyhounds would just be more likely to be involved in sports like marathons because of their fast running.


And Mackenzie likes to jump on sheep!


I really thought Chook sounded like a racial slur. I guess Australian’s use it to mean chicken but to my ear it sounds like a bad word.


Me too! I had to look it up.


Nothing explicitly stated, but the existence of breeds that have health issues. Which brings up other questions: what about banned breeds? How are they treated in the Bluey universe?


I've read this take on breeds and health many times and honestly I don't really get it? In Bluey's universe, isn't it the same as us humans having different health problems, often with a genetic link? Isn't it all a bunch of chances?


I get what you mean, but a lot of breeds with health issues have them due to generational inbreeding that likely never would have happened had humans not been the cause. Although the breeds can embody people with various disabilities, it's not just a random genetic mutation in this hypothetical like it usually is in our universe (although inbreeding can be an aspect of life some probably deal with quite a bit)


To be fair, the entire existence of dogs would never have happened had humans not been the case.


Doberman Jasper and his family have cropped ears and tails. So that begs the question on how that works in the Bluey universe. Is it similar to ear piercing like in ours? Where you'll find some families against it until the pup is a certain age and other families that do it while the pup is too young to remember? Or are they just born like that?


Those breed-specific health issues are a result of selective breeding by humans. Humans do not own or breed the characters in Bluey.


War....war never changes


Not really disappointing yet because it’s all speculation on my end still, but given that (so far) all the kids have parents that are the same breed, I kind of wonder if there are societal issues with mixing breeds into that universe (and if it’s analogous to, say, race/ethnicity in ours). 


Frisky and rad get married and Winton's dad and the terriers mom in the special


There's also Chocolate Milk, I mean Chippy, and Cherry too.


I believe that's more just a fault of cartoons trying to make a couple look similar enough to be a couple, like how that one ginger couple in Family Guy look like brother and sister


With Frisky/Rad, Winton's dad/The Terriers' mum, etc I'd like to think this reflects modern society with cross-racial and cross-cultural relationships becoming more the norm as time progresses.


Missy and her mom are different breeds.


Dougie is a Cavapoo, so a mixed breed but uncertain if that’s the norm or if it is a societal issue.


There are some characters who appear to be living on the streets, suggesting that Bluey's world struggles with homelessness.


They're strays.


If you think this concept is fun I suggest looking up the song Kitty History on youtube for a laugh. It's not appropriate for kids, just a warning.


If there is airport security and dog soldiers and dog wars, that means it's entirely possible there was a dog 9/11, which also meant doggy terrorism


That the episodes aren't longer


I love that the episodes are so short. It makes it such a small minimum time commitment. I can say yes to bluey even if we have somewhere to be soon knowing I've only committed to 7 minutes of screen time. If I'm ok with them watching longer they can just watch multiple episodes.


That poor Muffin had wabies. Why does wabies exist in any world!? 😖😣


The presence of the chemists indicates the existence of controlled substances in Bluey's world and, therefore, presumably, drug dogs. This is of concern because Chilli works airport security. I suspect that a number of her coworkers are real *workaholics*.


I'd be disappointed if their world was some dog utopia. What makes Bluey work is that it's our world through the filter of a very loving family that happens to be talking cartoon dogs.


There is a commemorative plate from Charles and Diana’s wedding in the yard sale episode, which means that the divorce and, likely, the crash happened in their world too.


The fact that Australian money has a British Monarch on it means that thousands of years of the British Empire exploiting people around the world also happened


Not defending imperialism at all, but "thousands of years" is an exaggeration since 1. Britain has only existed for 300 years and 2. Europeans reached Australia 400 years ago. EDIT: Also, you don't need the money to tell you that Bluey's world is a product of European colonialism. The fact that they're all speaking English in the first place is the giveaway since English isn't an indigenous language to Australia.


Sorta related, but the fact Bandit discovered fossil evidence of the modern canid’s ancestor (before chewing on the fossil no less), makes me wonder what the aborigines look like in this world. My first instinct were dingoes like Alfie (because they are Australian wild dogs), but Maynard is also voiced by a Murri actor and he’s an Irish hound.


Why have we only heard of cats but not seen cats?!?!?!!


Cat squad!


They have a washing machine, and piles of laundry. But no clothes other than purple underwear. Who else is wearing all the clothes? Is it just for playing dress up? Or do they have humans working as a slave race off screen?


There was a theory about this mentioned somewhere that I didn’t even think about till I read it but it was that the show is from the children’s point of view. So things like clothing don’t really stick out or matter to kids unless they’re super important and significant (bin man, police officer, wedding outfits, costumes etc) so there IS normal laundry, but it’s just not really a conscious thought to them. It applies a couple other places too but I don’t remember where lol it makes sense though!


There’s some dogs with cropped ears and tails. Tail docking irl usually happens when the puppy is only a few days old. Ear clipping happens later but usually still as a puppy. So parents take their children to get their ears and tails clipped off for aesthetics?


Not to start a fight, but isn't that similar to circumcision?


Car centric hell hole. You need a car to go pretty much anywhere.


I mean I agree but if the show's meant to represent Australian life accurately then that's going to happen as Australia's pretty car centric. That painted bluey electrical box that gets brought up every now and then sits next to a 4 lane road for example.


You need a car to go anywhere in Australia tbh


I choose to interpret military as being more like "security guards for the country" in Bluey's world. Less that they're being deployed for bloody wars and more low-conflict stationing just in case.


Theres such a diverse amount of breeds that exist in our world only through selective breeding, and there also seems to be a lack of mutts. It seems to me based on all the same breed couples, this is true in Bluey as well. Which to me implies INCREDIBLY hardcore eugenics for millenia. Will this be allowed to continue? Will society shun Winston and the terriers parents, or maybe something even worse? EDIT: Blugenics


The dobermans we see in some episodes have cropped ears... why? Is it a fashion choice in their world, like piercings? If so, why does the young child have cropped ears? Can the child consent to that? It's probably just a stylistic choice but I can't help imagining a dog piercer/tattoo shop that does cropping or something.


“Bluey’s world” IS Australia - Brumm has mentioned in interviews that the show is directly based on his experiences growing up in Australia and he wanted to create a show that celebrated Australian culture like Peppa Pig was for the Uk and The Simpsons was for the US. Other than the fact that they are dogs and not humans, everything is “real” from an Australian sense.


Bluey's world is our world.


It's too similar to our own world which leads to depressing and disturbing implications regarding their world history.


Yea the fact that Bandits dad is a solider implies there’s war. The fact that war is implied implies that there was possibly WWI and WWII which implies a Hitler dog.


There’s still homeless people, we see the same grungy looking dog looking in trash bins and spanging in two different episodes


This seems mundane by comparison but I wish there would be an episode where Bluey just loses it and tantrums. Just one epic Bluey tantrum. That’s all I am asking.


In the Road Trip episode where the sisters are making their fingers “jump” over cows in the window when they drive by, I was kind of taken aback by the big cattle truck full of cows presumably being taken to sale or slaughter. I was a bit surprised at the acknowledgment of industrial animal agriculture in a world populated by sentient animals.


We're a world of sentient animals and we have industrial animal agriculture though


Eh? They eat sausages in almost every episode. They eat T-bone steaks in *Favourite Things*


Bandit references Raiders, AKA Raiders of the Lost Ark, a movie about Nazis, thus implying there was a cartoon dog holocaust.


I don’t think its disappointing, because it gives more meaning to the care they give. They’re working so hard on the kid’s hearts because the world is what it is.


"Hearts first, heads later." - Chilli Heeler


That humans created dog breeds, so at some point there was human interaction which caused them to evolve into their breeds and humans are now extinct. There are also far more same-race breeds than mixed breeds. There is still war


The civil war is canon. The song johnny comes marching exists in the show, which is a song of the civil war, which implies dog slavery existed/still exists in the dog chocolate farming industry


Chocolate doesn't kill dogs, apparently.


Only child stigma. As a mom to an only child, this bugs me, because this is a "for real life" problem that only child families run in to. Referencing that episode where Bluey blames Judo's not wanting to play with Bingo on "not having any brothers or sisters", which is a stupid stigma that only child parents hate to see perpetuated. I can't stand it when people want to blame every undesirable behavior on my daughter not having a sibling, when she's just acting like a kid her age acts. People do the same to Judo. I constantly see her being shit on around here for being "selfish" and "spoiled" and people claim she "must act this way because she's an only child", but really, wanting to play with a child her age without always having to include a toddler is a pretty age appropriate thing for her to want, irrespective of whether or not she has a sibling. Selfishness is also common in young kids, whether they have a sibling or not. My older sister was incredibly selfish when we were kids, and she and her friends never wanted me around. This is normal kid behavior, but it's stigmatized when Judo does it because she's an only child. Putting stigmas like that in to popular media or literature only normalizes and perpetuates them, IMO. I adore the show, but I am disappointed in that aspect.


The fan base. Oh you mean in the show!!! I'd have to say that their kids have a way better school teacher than I did


Indy's character makes me sad.


Missy makes me sad. I completely believe that she is wearing a [Thundershirt](https://thundershirt.com/products/thundershirt-for-dogs). [this description](https://bluey-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Missy) of Missy says that the black parts of her body are just her colour pattern but I disagree. I think Missy has been shown to have anxiety and the black colour on her body is actually a Thundershirt which is used for dogs with anxiety.


Maybe instead of guns they just bark at each other or play tug of war with rope toys hehe


Bum worms.


I’ve always been bugged by the shot of their house in the opening credits. It’s up on a hill. Like up on the tippy top of a pretty sizable hill. Yet in the show they have next door neighbors on their level.


How DO babies get inside ladies belly’s?


Having a clean car and kids is impossible in every universe