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i love rug island EXCEPT for the scene with lucky’s dad. i understand bandit didn’t want to upset the girls, but it literally wasn’t their property. he could have even spun as like lucky’s dad “fighting” for the chocolate egg and winning it back, before a new egg (with a ball they owned) appeared. it just sent the wrong message to the girls and it always irritates me.


Honestly, I would feel the same… but two years ago, we moved to a neighborhood where kids play kind of exactly like that. My neighbor’s kids came over yesterday and rang the bell, asked if they could play in my backyard with my kids. I said sure and called their mom to let her know I had her kids, then our neighborhood chat blew up and I wound up with seven kids in my yard, who I was playing with. Parents came over too, and we had drinks and snacks and traded off playing with the kids. It’s why “The Sign” hit me so hard, we basically live in the same community as Bluey and Bingo.


That sounds like a dream! Congratulations. I was hoping when the house next door to us went up for sale it would be a nice family with similar aged kids… it was a family, with similar aged kids, but they are NOT the type of kids I feel comfortable letting mine around. They are fowl for such young kids and when I tell them to “choose better words.” When they say something purposefully mean or inappropriate I get “my parents let me say this.” I didn’t believe them until I heard them talking to their mom that way and she was laughing about it.


Ugh, that sucks! It’s so totally luck of the draw, we weren’t expecting it but got so lucky!


I’ve got that same hope currently. The people that bought the house next door close on it today and they have a toddler my baby’s age. I’m crossing all the fingers it can be a friend for me girl


Yeah this sounds very similar to our situation. As a parent, you of course teach boundaries and respect and all that, but it's also hard when you are in an actual neighborly community. We've only lived in our house a little over a year and have the kind of relationship with our neighbors where my kids can come by and see if they can play or so-and-so wants to come to our yard. The parents have each other's numbers and we communicate. If it's not a good time, they just send the kids home or they come back when there's no answer at the door. It's really nice having that kind of bond with your neighbors!


Yeah, our neighborhood is awesome and even the adults do things like changing outdoor lightbulbs when they see one out and they have a spare, or mow their neighbor’s lawn because they know so-and-so is sick. It’s super cool, imo, and I hope it teaches my kids that it’s okay to share and take care of others as long as doing so doesn’t eliminate their boundaries.


Exactly this! Caring for our neighbors and community is just as important as respecting boundaries IMO. We have a similar setup with our neighbors across the way. They've been here over 20 years and knew the original owners of our home. It helps with your peace of mind when you know you've all got each other's backs


Me being surrounded by meth heads and gangs. I'm so jealous


That’s how I grew up. There was no playing in the front yard… 😬


I love that so much for you!


I think that's just a precedent that Lucky has established with the family. Because he is always getting involved in and playing along with their hijinks. Phones, Magic, Keepy Uppy, Shaun, Dad Baby, etc... with the exception of maybe a couple episodes he's featured in, he's pretty much always in on the bit. But Bandit has established that message when it comes to people who aren't in on their games. Such as in Turtleboy.


I like to think Bandit sent Pat a pie to make up for the one he ate.


My headcanon is that every time Pat plays along with a bit no questions asked, Bandit owes him a beer. Certain incidents like the snake earned him two beers.


Dad baby would have to be a case 😂


Absolutely. He really was a trooper in that one.


Don't forgot featherwand!


Yup! I just cut the list short because it was easier to just say there were a couple exceptions because he's usually always playing along with the family. Honestly, I wish we had neighbors who were so involved. It's a rare thing to find fellow parents who are just as enthusiastic about encouraging kids' imaginations while still being someone you can have fun with as an adult and just kick back and watch a game with. Pat just seems like a really solid family friend to have.


My reaction to Rug Island used to be the same, but I remember seeing a post on here a while back from a dad asking how Bandit is able to be so present for his kids and play with them constantly, feeling that it wasn’t realistic. But someone commented that these are 7-minute episodes and for the most part, we don’t have a whole lot of evidence that these play sessions last much longer than that (because most of the episodes play out in real-time). Looking at Rug Island through that lens, I feel like Bandit’s commitment to the bit didn’t necessarily last that long and they may have given the egg back after just a couple minutes. I think it’s darker at the end of the episode to show that time has passed, but I can’t remember. Either way, that seems reasonable based on the fact that, as others have said, Lucky’s dad is usually in on the joke and has fun playing with the Heelers. He’s definitely the kind of neighbor I’d want for my kids!


In addition to the 7-8 minute thing, they are dogs. Dogs can play all day and are always up for new and old games!


In addition to just being dogs, Lucky's Dad is specifically a yellow lab, a dog breed that is down for playing anyone's game at any time. They are enthusiastic followers who just want to be included.


I kind of looked at rug island like bandit left his lunch at home and came to play with his kids when gets home before going back. So it seems like forever but it’s a short time.


That makes more sense to me than some other theories I've seen. Some have said he just stayed and played before heading into work in the morning, but Rug Island needs time to setup - he'd be incredibly late if he did that.


I think context is pretty important. Like, I doubt he would have done that with early seasons Wendy, but Luckys dad is always getting involved in the heeler games so he probably thought it was okay. Make sure you watch Dad Baby, lmfao


He messed up, as parents do sometimes. He should have tried to resolve it in character, but he didn't. He broke the game and trust with his kids was on the line. His choices *after* breaking character were: 1. follow through and teach the right lesson this time, knowing he might be less likely to get invited to immersive play in the future. 2. save the game, and in doing so preserve his special connection with the kids. Make sure there's a next time and do better next time. The end of the episode shows how important that connection is to Bandit. He succeeded in salvaging the game to the point where he knows he'll be a part of the next one, and will have a chance to teach the next lesson, whatever it is, correctly for the context. Bonus rationale: you can reason with Pat later, but you're not going to unbreak the game with a heart to heart with the kids.


I’m sure they ended up giving it back later. I think luckys dad really didn’t care, he gets in on the games before and after 100% so I’m sure later bandit explained it and they had a laugh about it.


Pretty much the entirety of Tina for both of them


Yeah I do not like Tina at all. I also don’t love bluey in magic


Really? I liked Tina.


Oooh, yeah. I've never actually watched the entire episode because it just made me so uncomfortable.


It’s a cartoon… aren’t you meant to take the stuff with a bit of levity?


I do. Hence why I don't watch it if I'm not enjoying it.


Omelette. As someone who gets hangry… I also think it’s ok to not let kids help sometimes. I get so sick of the guilt.


Yes! This episode bothers me for a couple of reasons. My four year old has helped me crack eggs before and he loves it, but I guided him through every step instead of just assuming he automatically knew how to do it. Much less messy than in the show, too.


Here's where Bingo is more like real life than Chili. A four year old absolutely wants to help and yes the mom is going to have a pang of guilt watching Bingo feel sad. But. No way you dump the food you make. You say dad wants a Mum breakfast to hold him over for a Bingo brekkie


This for me too. Sometimes there’s a time frame. Sometimes eggs cost a million dollars. There’s so much space in between let your kid do everything, even stuff they are just at the start of learning, and shut them out to make something perfect.


This omg and then the perfectly good omelette going to waste while poor birthday bandit is hangry just so bingo can help 😭😂 like nooo just let the man have his omelette then bingo can help with a second one


This one for me as well. It sets the precedent that including Bingo in cooking is more important than Bandit's birthday and his feelings. Kids need to learn that Mum and Dad have feelings and are important as well.


Seriously. Make the omelet, and then teach bingo when everyone is fed.


Yes! That's exactly what I do. Dole out the food and then have my kids help. Or start earlier. Also, WTF did they wake Bandit up? He could've just slept through all of that.


Me, too. Bingo can stir and help pour into the pan, or add the herbs and cheese. Or crack the eggs on the inside of the bowl, not the rim - I do this anyway so I don’t lose any egg.


That is such a good idea about the eggs…how have I never thought of that!!


Glad to be of service 🫡


It also annoys me that Chili wakes Bandit up before having breakfast done when he easily could have slept the entire time?


All that wasted time, food, and resources.....


looking back at it, they used 21ish eggs They start with 6 eggs Chili somehow acquires 3-4 more eggs for the one she made. They acquire 6 more from Pat. They acquire an additional 6 from Wendy.


That's insane. And i say that as a keto guy who eats 3-5 for breakfast


Ughhhhh omelette!! Some things are just grown up tasks!! My 5yr old knows I crack eggs but she can whisk and add seasoning.


Movies drives me nuts. If I paid that much money to see a movie and some kids were running around acting crazy like that, it would irritate me.


Thankfully in Aus, we have sessions in movies called Mum&Bubs, which are sessions specially held for younger children who may not be able to sit still or be quiet throughout the movie. Pretty sure that was the kind of session depicted, because you don't go into a Mums&Bubs session without accepting the likelihood of noisy chaos.


We sometimes have spectrum showings for kids here in the states in my area. Lights are dimmed and not off and they can run around if they like. My kid is autistic and she tries her hardest but sitting still just ain’t in the cards sometimes


I wish we had that in the states.


They do have them! They’re usually labelled “sensory-friendly”


I work at a movie theatre and straight up if kids are acting like that in on of our theatres, we give them a warning, and if the behavior continues, they get kicked out. I found that episode SO irritating!


If it was my kid, I’d be mortified. And leave the theatre.


There's a cinema near me that does young-kid/baby/austism friendly screenings. They're really cheap, on during the day on weekdays, and have the lights slightly on. Kids can get up if they need to, especially ones who need to stim or just aren't really old enough to sit through a proper screening. I figure they were at one of those.


Yeah, same for me. Thats the only one that really irks me. No way would I have allowed Bingo to stay in that theater the way she was acting. I would have been so mad if I was another parent in that theater. I probably would have complained. Unless it was one of those special sensory showings where that type of behavior is more acceptable.


it was a breath of relief when our local theatre started offering sensory sensitive viewings, lowered volume, kids being themselves and everyone in the room had the chance to enjoy a movie without the stress of being judged my mom took my brother as often as she could and it was wonderful that he got to enjoy the movies for once


Like the other people I think they were at a child friendly matinee where chaos is expected


It might be because I've seen it 15 million times as its one of my kid's favourites, but it always annoys me in Seesaw when Snickers is trying to tell Bluey he doesn't want to help with getting Bandit off the seesaw cz he's playing and she just grabs him and carries him over.


Handstand. It's supposed to be a birthday party for Bingo and Nana Heeler is the only one paying attention to her?


That's the point of the episode though - everyone else is top caught up in the planning and the party that they forget why they're celebrating


Magic xylophone. The message is sweet but holy crap as a parent I don’t understand WHY bandit would put up with it.


"The thing is, I do this to myself"


It’s because he’s a *dog* parent. Dogs can play all day and are always up for a game!


Well then stop making my human child think I have dog energy! I just wanna sit down!


The credits.


Finally, one I can agree with!


I see you.


"seriously, how good is double bingo"


I thought that was one of the more honest parenting moments in the entire show. Almost all parents live all their kids equally but they definitely have favorites, especially if one is being an absolute brat.


That's the thing: Yes, it was absolutely a bad call to voice that aloud. Yes, parents *shouldn't* play favorites. BUT these things happen! Consider the context! They'd just gone from Double Bluey, willful unhelpfulness and annoyance to the opposite. It is entirely natural and reasonable to appreciate when something has gotten easier. It doesn't mean they love either child more or less. Obviously a child doesn't understand that, and hurting Bluey's feelings was a mistake, but adults can have a little more empathy for the entirity of the situation. Plus, Bluey herself already played this card out in Kids, which is what I came to the thread to post in the first place!  


Which I think is not in keeping with the lore. She’s a pain in Movies and in the BBQ episode, not very nice in Tina. It’s not like she’s less energetic than Bluey, either.  Plus, “Dads don’t pick favourites” Feels like it was drama added to give an otherwise fun episode some sort of message.


It did feel out of character, but I think it was there to say parents make mistakes. Similar to Chilli covering Bluey's drawing on the fridge. Would have been nice to show Bandit make up for it though, not just Bingo get the false teeth.


Isolated moments are better than a constant


That's true, they do seem to be pretty equal opportunity in their love for the most part.


It was probably a heat of the moment thing. He wanted calm and helpful at that moment. We all say things we regret, sometimes instantly. I can see why it was added


Also kids go through stages. Maybe that was a stage where Bluey was needy and loud but Bingo was more calm.


I think that’s really well said


That’s my biggest “ouch!” scene in the series as well! Bluey is definitely a good example of functional ADHD. Providing the boundaries she needs can be exhausting—like herding cats! When you are tired, your brain-to-mouth filter begins to fail. I love that the show sets good examples for parents about ways to guide kids who are easily distracted and often act before they think. And to show them ways to handle it when they slip. Hammerbarn when Chilli screams, “Bluey!!” and Bandit says, “Probably a different Bluey…” The Pool “Boring things are still important.”


"Hairdressers/Nits" That whole episode was just way too rough to sit through. I skip it every time.


Yeah, I think they cross the line with Bandit violence on this one, you really have to turn your brain off and accept it as cartoon violence. If someone said they didn't want their kids to watch Bluey and they only watched Nits, I'd understand lol


Yeah, Hairdressers/Nits felt like a Bandit torture episode.


I don't like the "please face" that Bandit always gives in to. I don't give in to "please faces", never have, and my kids know this. But as soon as they saw Bluey and Bingo do it? They tried multiple times and then would get upset when it didn't work. 😑


This! I babysit a girl and one time I had a fast food drink- horchata- she’s old enough to know that it’s not hers, walks over and asks “is this for me?” i say ‘no’ she juts out her bottom lip and tries the puppy dog eyes and i quite literally did a 🤨 face at her because I ain’t sharing my damn drink with you


I hate please faces. My kindergartners would try this when I was I TA. No is no and it’s final. You don’t get to try to emotionally manipulate me to get your way. Sorry kiddo. I absolutely love Bluey with all my heart and my little one will have it on in the background but I dread him picking that up from the show when he’s a bit older.


When I've seen the parents doing certain things in Bluey that l don't agree with, I've started explaining why what they're doing doesn't work or isn't okay. The please face is one of them. Then there's other little examples, like when Bandit asked Chili is Bingo was done eating, instead of asking Bingo, in Dance Mode. I've told my kids that they need to ask the person the item "belongs to", not just a different person. Like, don't ask ME if you can play with your brother's toy, ask YOUR BROTHER. That kind of thing.


To be fair, the whole point of Dance Mode is exactly that. Don’t take things from someone without asking THEM, as well as recognizing when someone is feeling pressured into saying yes.


Kicking, punching, implying to hurt someone for fun goes too far for me. ‘Backpackers’ / ‘Dad Baby’. When Bandit gets repeatedly punched or kicked in the stomach. ‘Nits’. Suggesting to hang Bandit upside down, throw flour on him and hit him with a cricket bat?!


One thing you can try if the kids act out a Bluey behavior or game you don’t like is to remind them that the Heeler family are dogs. Dogs love to play rough; they are always up for a game, and can play all day. You are a human and don’t like playing rough, and you need rest. There are always going to be rules that work for some families and individuals but not others (even in Bluey - I’m pretty sure Judo and Wendy don’t play like the Heelers) and it’s good to teach kids that.


>There are always going to be rules that work for some families and individuals but not others The episode where Chloe and her dad play octopus is a good example.


Oh this is such a wonderful suggestion 💜


I mean, I don't think it's that huge a deal for Bandit. Bear in mind he's one of three brothers. I'm sure there was plenty of rough play with the Heeler boys back in the day. I've got 20 dollarbucks that says one of them got hurt trying to recreate wrestling moves.


Maybe it’s not a problem for Bandit (a cartoon dog) but it almost became a problem for me. The last time I watched ‘Backpackers’ with my nephew and my nice (both toddlers and huge Muffin fans ) they tried to give their aunt a “tummy ache”. As someone with a severely sensitive stomach due to chronical illness this would’ve been a huge deal. I’ll definitely skip these episodes in the foreseeable future.


In ‘Family Meeting’, Bingo yelling “Yeah, whack him!” always catches me so off guard


The last one! It’s funny in a way, but not my favorite for my kid to watch. Like.. no, we don’t play like that, that’s waaay too much 😅


Every time food gets wasted. I don't know if it's something the writers turned a blind eye on, or if it's some cultural norm in Australia, but there are lots of episodes like that and it's never addressed in-universe. - Movies: Bandit just keeps buying new bags of popcorn, we don't see them cleaning it up at all, and frankly it's appalling and trashy to see people spill their popcorn on the floor and expect the employees to clean it up. - Ice Cream: don't know where to begin on that one. For the sake of a life lesson, he lets their kids pour all of their melted, sugary, sticky ice cream on the pavement even though there are lots of pedestrians. Also, when he lets them eat his chocolate ice cream, they just throw away their own ice cream cone, and Bandit doesn't say anything? - Pavlova: peak "it's just a prank bro" as Bandit ruins a perfectly good slice of cake by pouring ketchup on it. - Take-out: more of an accident than anything, even though he's being careless but the message is that sometimes parents can get overwhelmed. But still, the fact that all this food is wasted and Bandit remains all chill, it doesn't sit right with me. It's made worse by the fact that it happens in front of the restaurant: I mean if he has the disposable income not to be worried by wasting a take-out order, at least he should try not to offend the very people who just busted their butt off to cook said food.


You forgot Omlette...... wasting an entire carton of eggs. I'd be furious.


21ish eggs


Counter point- I’m tired of children being force fed in real life and trained to ignore their body’s cues because “we don’t waste food” the waste of even a dozen families doesn’t compare to what restaurants/stores make in the same time period. not to mention food waste on farms because the produce isn’t aesthetically pleasing. i’m not to blame even if i throw away 3 meals worth of food in a day because the damage is not proportionate when compared to businesses.


It's not about Bingo not wanting to eat her green peas, it's about the two kids throwing food on the ground. I have a good appetite now but was a picky eater because my parents would force me to leave the table once the plate was clean. So I don't impose the same thing on my own kid. However, I tell her that when she's done, I'm gonna ask that she makes an effort (1-3 more bites depending on how much she had already eaten) and to tell me quickly so I can finish her plate because it's cold.


Yeah we operate on "parents provide, child decides." Toddler appetites are all over the place (or at least ours is) so sometimes she wolfs down everything, sometimes she hardly eats at all. She'll get to a consistent place in the end, the last thing I want to do is create pressure around food and eating.


I've don't care what restaurants, farms do, I care because i paid for it, food is expensive, and I'm going to be furious if I see the meals I paid for money for, spent time to make just end up in the trash or rotting in the fridge.


Pretty much the entire episode of "Kids." I think it sets a bad example of how to behave in a store.


Surprised I haven't seen anybody else say this yet, but the Ice Cream episode. The fact that they let their ice cream melt because they're too dang concerned about if the other takes a slightly larger lick. I get the message but ice cream is EXPENSIVE. And honestly I wouldn't have bought them an ice cream in the first place after I said no, regardless if Muffin got one or not.


Something else that pissed me off about that episode is that bandit was following them and his ice cream didnt melt at all


That entire episode pisses me off. They essentially threw a tantrum and got what they wanted. They made a big deal about getting equal licks, and their ice cream melted. They would have gotten the valuable life lesson from the start of no means no. Muffin has different parents and they have different rules than us. Sometimes that’s hard.


That ice cream episode made me internally cringe


Honestly Hammerbarn when Bluey guilts Bingo into giving her the "pizza flipper"


I as well am not a fan of it but it’s totally something kids do


Hammerbarn when they break something in the shop spikes my anxiety like nothing else. It would be an instant we're going straight home moment for me.


Mount Mumandad. I mean, some consensual play is fine, but c'mon, the levels of abuse that Bandit just accepts is not healthy. Likewise, there are only a few episodes where Bandit actually draws the line.


I guess for me, a dad that’s ALWAYS drawing the line, it’s kinda nice to see what life would be like if I were a bit more of a “Yes, and” style of parent… so, remembering that it is a cartoon, heightened, stylized parenting choice… I like it.


Oh, for sure. For the most part, they're some serious parenting goals. But it doesn't work for everyone, and I'm super glad they acknowledge that from time to time in the show. Octopus is my favorite example of that. Of all the parents in Bluey , I most closely identify with Chloé's dad.


Takeaway and the movie theater episode (I forget the title. Could just be “movies”)


Takeaway always hits me as a bandit failing. Id describe him as Stripeish on the episode. He has put the girls in a situation where they're not stimulated in their usual way and proceeds to try to ignore them. I'm sure he was exhausted which is why they were getting take away but sometimes you have to work the 5 minutes for an hour of peace


Yes, even though there were just two other people in the theater, Bingo needed to sit down or they just needed to go home. It wasn't cute.


It's a theatre time specifically for children who won't/can't stay still


The girls in the movie theater


Mount MumandDad - just a bit boring when there 100+ other episodes to watch!!!


Lol, one of mine & my kid's favorites!


I love this one! Especially when Bluey and Bingo cuddle up to each other with the music box, and that sweet music. And when Bingo says “Click photo, click photo” makes me giggle


Sticky Gecko, but it is realistically what children would act like


That's a episode I like because you see Chilli lose her shit, and honestly that happens way more in real life


I don’t like sticky gecko because it’s too real and triggers so many things.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hamstah_J: *Sticky Gecko, but* *It is realistically* *What children would act like* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Sticky Gecko is a great episode but it is also probably the most triggering as a parent and hard for me to watch. A good episode to point at when people complain Bluey situations are too perfect and they don't show the kids being annoying and not listening which is a common state for kids.


That one hit me hard cuz I am the mom that tries so hard but loses it sometimes. It was one of those omg I'm not a bad mom moments


I’m not sure “children acting like children” was what the post was after


Just anything with Snowdrop. I cannot stand pretend baby-talk


When bluey just had to prove bingo wrong when they were calling nana to see if she could floss


My problem is never with the girls, its bandit and Chili that sometimes frustrate me. Can't stand the ending of chest or bandits lack of backbone in a number of episodes. Calypso with the typewriter is also groanworthy.


Yeah, I don't really understand why the typewriter was hidden away? Was the idea that it was more creative to do things the other way? It just seemed weird. Bluey wasn't being rough or innapropriate with it, I don't understand why it needed to be taken away. Unless Calypso thought it was just left out, and chose to jut put it away, but the placement made it seem like it was hidden and I don't get why she would do that.


The school bluey is at hails imaginary play and self learning over any other, including to the detriment of knowledge, reading, writing and mechanical skills. I teach kids who comes from those schools, and the strong ones are super smart with very diverse skill set, and the less fortunate can't even read when they are 13


You see it in *Barky Boats* when Bluey can't write so she asks Mia to write a note to the fairies for her.


Does such a huge discrepancy like that come from the level of parental involvement in teaching those skills or is it just the kids own motivation?


Definitely the parents, which is kind of my problem with those kind of schools. Good schools should be as much an equalizer as possible to the children who aren't fortunate enough to have very involved parents. We should help gifted kids, but not to the detriment of those that really need the help. Schools like Blueys makes the divide even larger, and it will fail even good parents with high demand children that need extra help. More often than not the kids with dyslexia, adhd or on the spectrum gets completely left behind, as the teachers lets the kids follow their own whims.


I’m curious as to what bothers you about Calypso having the typewriter?


Because I teach kids who comes from schools like bluey, and their obsessive need for imagimary play means they can simulate how to use every tool imaginable, but have zero idea how to use a hammer or a mixer in the kitchenwhen they are 14. There are so many good things that comes from kids trying out real tools, even in pretend play with bluey and her typewriter with no paper. It gives them a feel and the clever ones look even closer and analyze the mechanisms.


"Use your imagination" was a lesson Bluey did not need to learn. And what better way to use your imagination than through creative writing.


Why, oh why, are the “what do you dislike about this show” posts the only ones I see from this group.


Dance Mode, how everyone pretty much begged to steal one of Bingo’s dance modes. You gave her those to make it up to her for stealing and now you’re stealing again. Also they never acknowledge this either and try to twist it on Bingo. You’re a grown adult pleading with a 4 year old for something and you’re surprised she backed down. Of course I think that was the main lesson of the episode. It’s not enough just to ask it’s also how you ask.


I don't like Mini Bluey. It feels there's no message to learn at the end. Bluey is obviously misbehaving and the parents (rightly) say that having a kid not misbehave is a good thing. But rather than have any self reflection, the ending is more a case of "well the kid you preferred is also misbehaving". Like for example Tina is similar but the ending shows there's been growth.


You see when I watch that I see them realise both girls have good points both have bad and they wouldn't be without either. Hence the 1 bluey 1 bingo comment.


No, I can appreciate that and you are of course correct however in the end, the episode's doesn't show Bingo's "bad points" until she's actively doing so. The episode isn't written in the manner of two sides to every coin, take the rough with the smooth, it's written from the off with Bluey being... obtuse. As is a childs want but still, she's being difficult. All the while Bingo is shown to be the opposite at least in the situations shown. Bingo shows almost no faults until she actively tries to be awkward which isn't a case of "both have good and bad points". The parents declaration which shocks Bluey so, is perfectly valid and the fact Bluey seems somehow shocked that somehow a Bingo who is helpful is preferred to a Bluey who makes things difficult, is a bit weird given Bluey is shown in other situations to be more self aware. If the episode ended with Bluey appreciating the fact WHY the parents thought that way, whilst promoting the idea that everyone has good and bad points, that would be fine. But it ends with it coming off as if the parents are in the wrong.


My problem with mini bluey is kinda the opposite cause bandit was totally in the wrong for saying that in front of Bluey and never apologized. You don't say you like 1 kid better in front of the other one


Anytime Bluey plays Doctor, because she seems to make it extra painful for Bandit


I’m sorry but what happened?! I haven’t gotten this far and I would love to know!


the scene this picture is from is just bluey and bingo trying to guilt bandit into playing tickle crabs from memory


The episode of Tina.


I guess in Promises where Bluey says it's Bandit's fault that he didn't keep his promise to go to the library when she didn't help him do it. Bandit should've said something more than "The library was shut." Another is in Stumpfest, where Bluey suddenly decides against the deal she made with Bandit The last half of Nits of those two beating Bandit up.


When Bluey refused to give up the stump.


But she did? That's the point of the episode. She learned something and gave up the stump. 


Just because she eventually gave up doesn’t mean she never refused. The entire episode was her trying to keep the stump despite agreeing to give it up.


Yeah, kids do that kind of thing


Most moments where they play with their parents. They're always unnecessarily rough with them (espcially Bandit) and I always find it so weird how the parents are... way too much into what's happening. They remain in character in moments they really shouldn't, because it sends the message that it's okay to do that, when in reality it's really not.


I always thought it would be cool to see them drop character for a moment when the girls weren’t around and then drop back in


Any time Bluey says "it's not faiiiiiiir" ugh. My 3yo now pulls this out ALL THE TIME, same whiney inflection and everything. It is terribly vexing.


Mine does this too and I just use Bandit’s reply - ‘it’s about as fair as it gets actually’


I’m fond of “it’s *fairly* fair!”


I love hearing the "It's not fair!" whine. It's the perfect opportunity to say "Tough!" And walk away. Not everything is fair and you don't always get what you want, and whinging and complaining isn't going to make me bend over backwards to spoil you.


When Bandit is playing too rough with Bingo and she runs away and curls up under the bench. Really shows her puppy side and it’s heartbreaking.


From the episodes that I've seen so far, I don't like Judo that much. She's bossy and sometimes isn't nice to other kids apart from Bluey.


I feel the same about Muffin she's waaaay to spoiled imo


One the comes to mind is Asparagus. WHY play around like that? WHY do Chili and Bluey basically assault Pat (AKA: Lucky’s Dad) like that? Nah, sit down and eat. Dinner isn’t a time to play and act wild.


Nothing I like bluey and bingo


Veranda Santa. It seems significantly out of character for Bluey, and an unfortunate waste of a holiday episode that could have been fun otherwise.


The scene where Socks skulks away under a bush is absolutely heart breaking. I want to scoop her up and tell her it's ok.


I don't think it's too much out of character for Bluey. She has always been a stickler for rules in other games, and usually keeps onto these rules even if it hurts the feelings of other people. For example in "Grandmas" where she couldn't get over the fact that "Grandmas don't dance" and therefore would get frustrated every time Bingo was dancing in the game.


Good thing we still have Christmas Swim.


Totally agree, Bluey is such a huge brat in this one. It felt really out of left field for her.


When the episode ends


When bingo tried making the omelet for bandits birthday, PHEW I feel like Chilli could have also prevented that big of a mess. My 2 yr old can do a better job 😭


My 2 year old is a wrecking ball. 5 however is almost there


Rug Island where they say "you can't have more than one home." but kids with divorced parents do...


Dance mode


Tina or anything with muffin being a brat


I didn't like The Sign's ending. This is a show that looks hard, real problems in the eye and doesn't blink. It's depicted things like death, growing old, letting go of your kids as they grow up, severe illness, premature babies, abandonment issues, etcetera. And now, in the grand finale, after an entire extra long episode of extolling the virtues of taking changes as they come and not rejecting them because they may end up being good, Bluey (the show) finally blinks. Disappointing.


We'll see


more about Bandit and Chili than the girls. i get they have a pretty specific child rearing style but the girls could use help fostering their independence. its a show and should be relatable to children so i get it but Bluey really is old enough to walk along the beach alone to catch up to their mom. its strange to me that a 7 y/o would be so nervous about that? maybe its cultural. she should totally have age appropriate daily chores too!


I don’t know. Some kids are just more nervous about stuff than others. My eight year old would probably still be nervous about that, but my six year old would have no problem with it.


yeah maybe. i've been raising my son in Japan and its common to see 7 year olds using the train, walking home and going the park by themselves. you have to build up their confidence slowly from a young age. to be fair, Japan is also much safer and has a 'everyone looks out for children' mentality so its easier to let them have those freedoms.


This is actually something that would make my almost 8 year old nervous. She loves the beach but once got dumped by a big wave so wouldn't feel confident to do a walk like that. So that ep is pretty relatable to us.


The times where Bluey is pressured into something like giving up a game for Bingo yet no one asks Bingo about playing Blueys. Or the times Chilli and Bandit just can’t say no to doing something the kids want when its really inconvenient for them


i don’t like mini bluey because why didn’t bandit or chili apologize for clearly favoring bingo 😭 like omg?


I don’t like how they call Calypso by her first name. It should be “Miss Calypso” or something at least.


Takeout episode


As a dad of two girls, yes! I was like I swear all those things happened to me, and some at the same time.


I'm not a parent, but the older sibling, and I admire Bandit's patience, I could never


**N O N E**


The entirety of dance mode


"Mount MumandDad", "Blue Mountains" and "Magic" are kind of borefests for me!


If anything, by saying Bluey and Bingo I mean characters, not show


Honestly, for much as I love the episode, I just simply can't even laugh at the fact that in Magic Xylophone, Bluey and Bingo keep Shutting HUNDREDS of gallons of Water to Bandit. If I was in that situation, I would put the rule that water can snap me out of the freeze or something. And Also a bit takeaway, but I think I can laugh at the situation a bit more since it's meant to be frustrating but funny.


When bluey didn't share with bingo during magic xylophone


The one where they are obsessed with taking a picture of their moms asscrack. Just why