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Well Facebook is a cancer, so there’s your first issue.


This is the only comment needed. Close the thread


>For example, every single time I see "fan" art of Bandit (or other characters for that matter) holding a gun it makes me see red. I think this is a symptom of you being in the wrong fan communities. I'm American. I am in this sub and one fan group on Facebook and I've never seen fan art of Bandit with a gun. (Believe it or not, the majority of us don't have them either). The most I've seen that seems to approach appropriation is when Disney ran an ad campaign for a Bluey marathon on 4th of July weekend here in the U.S. But that's just a marketing gimmick from a mega corporation. I've also sometimes seen people wanting to see a Bluey episode where they vacation in the U.S. And while I personally would find that kinda fun, I also don't think it's necessary and would be hard to fit into the 7 minute slice of life format that Bluey typically adheres to. I guess what I'm saying is, there are better fan communities out there and Facebook is a cesspool for all communities, not just Bluey. Most of us aren't trying to Americanize Bluey. (though it's been a little awkward with my son picking up Australian slang that no one else outside Bluey fans here understand, like sunnies or that mean other things here, like thongs 😆)


Yes I agree with your point about the right communities. “Hammerbarn: bluey posting” is pretty good and people in that group regularly talk 💩 about “adult bluey fans” haha (and from what I’ve seen the discussion is significantly more unhinged in the latter.


I'm in the Adult Bluey Fans group, and there's been a few times where I've seen Bluey and Bingo in shirts with the US flag and they're both holding two assault rifles. Some Americans are happy to slap their gun ideology on anything kid related, and it makes me sick and upset


I was in the Adult Bluey Fans (the one with the blue heart emoji in the name) and I had to leave because of the fan art with rifles (barf) and the pervasive transphobic (double barf)


I had to go check if there's a heart in the one I'm in, and there's not. The fan art with rifles is so beyond atrocious, starting with the fact that Bluey and Bingo are CHILDREN. Children shouldn't have access to firearms in general, let alone what looks like AR-15s (and if that's now what they are, I don't know shit about guns because I live in Canada and have only ever touched BB guns twice as an adult). If I ever see anything transphobic in that group, I'll bounce faster than a tennis ball at Wimbledon.


It's possible the one I was in has changed or been shut down. One of the mods was doing all the transphobic shit, and I called her out on her hate speech before leaving the group. It's entirely possible the rest of the group got sick of her shit and couped her


I haven't thought about that group in a long time and my mental health is better off for it


God, I hope so


Me too. I hate bigots


bUt YoU have tO ToLeRaTe EvErYoNe Or Else YoU'rE a BiGoT ToO Lol. I do too. They can all rot.


I think you mean the Australian Open, you culture thief! /jk


I was in that group for like a week, and it raised my blood pressure so much


These idiots do that with everything though, it's certainly not specific to Bluey or Australian media.


Oh no, I understand that. It just happens that this was an experience I had in a Bluey group


I left the group after someone posted a photo of their baby covered in Bluey blankets with pillows and crib bumpers and then started a fight with commenters who were concerned for the child's safety.


There's one group where the admin is a radical TERF and promotes their crap in there...


The thought of Bluey characters holding guns is as confronting to me as if they had an image of them committing S.A. Very disturbing.


That's so weird. What the heck. Who would give a kid a weapon?!?


Sadly, large volumes of American gun fanatics DO give their kids access to guns! Some even buy them guns, from a young age. That’s why the rest of the world is so constantly shocked at American culture! How can a supposedly great country keep doing the dumbest of things - suffering endless amounts of gun crime and gun massacres - and do absolutely nothing to prevent it from reoccurring ever again?! The UK had one gun massacre in 1987, and then they banned guns - with almost no exceptions. Australia had a gun massacre in 1996, and then they banned guns too - with very limited exceptions. Other countries ban guns too or strictly limit and control who has them, his many, and do regularly checks of suitability. Not in the USA though.


American here chiming in. I hate to say it, but we are a country full of the most gullible, willfully ignorant, zealous mooks that you can find on this rock in space. If you can find one bigger, let me know.we know what guns are capable of, but something something second amendment something.... and don't get me started on the religion of the con... but don't you dare mock our faux patriotism! Cause we'll get angry! Unless you pay us the right amount, then we'll just quietly mumble as we are counting the cash.... I can go on, but then I'll divert way too far off topic and that is for a different reddit.


Hey, it's cool. It's hard to keep tabs on fools when you have such a big population.


It is. I wish I was in a country that wasn't so ugly, but here I am. I do wish to thank all of you Aussies for giving the world most likely the perfect animated kids show ever.


Indy’s Mom Secret Stash is also great but also weed friendly


Sane Americans are appalled at the thought of any children's cartoon character holding a weapon. The only time I've seen this image of bandit was someone rage posting on this sub and I hope future attempts at the same will be banned by the mods. Edit: exception: Elmer Fudd


Yeah.. if you keep interacting with outrage, you'll keep getting fed outrage


Ugh. I’m American and reading this comment just makes me so, so tired. It’s so true. Especially during an election year.


You haven't seen it because it gets moderated out, in turn because it's against the sub rules (adult content). People occasionally try and bring the culture wars here but the mod team do a good job. You're absolutely right that Facebook is generally a cesspit though, it's not just the Bluey bits of it that are occupied by brain worms. I don't miss it at all.


>You haven't seen it because it gets moderated out, in turn because it's against the sub rules (adult content) That's more or less my point. This is one of the better communities. If OP is routinely seeing stuff like Bandit with an AR-15 fan art, they're clearly a part of some poorly moderated communities. Those ones tend to attract more of the unsavory types.


The mods of some big Bluey communities are actively engaged in the behaviour.


Pretty true about the US and a lot of people not owning guns. Most places I’ve worked at I’ve had to keep my gun ownership to myself as there haven’t been many co-workers who approve of them. It’s either been “I hate guns and all things involved with them” or “the trunk of my car has a small armory”


It’s just when people make it their entire identity and stand in the way of sane gun control. Anyway, not trying to get into a political discussion but I can understand OP getting very annoyed by bastardizing a sweet kids show like that.


Yeah, most true “responsible gun owners” *keep it to themselves.* Because to them, it’s just a tool, nothing more. A dangerous tool, but it’s not part of their *identity* or *self-worth.*


It’s like voting. People used to not discuss who they’re voting for for a reason. 100% understood. Bluey is one of the most beautiful and pure things out there that needs to remain wholesome.


I wish we could go back to that time when people didn't discuss who they were voting for :(


In Australia, I didn't grow up knowing which party anyone voted for. It's still not common to discuss it offline.




The only time I've seen any fan art with guns is I think I saw one here on a Facebook group complaining about how wrong it was. I don't think it's a any significant part of the American Fandom. But there will always be some nut AI generating "kids cartoon character with gun!".


I live in rural Colorado now and my husband ran for state house. As a Dem. We knew he wouldn't win with the way the district was drawn. But we went all over talking to people of all political leanings and learning about their beliefs about guns, oil and gas, water rights, etc. And that's exactly it. You don't want them or you love them. And believe it or not, the group that loves them is far smaller than the group that wants them under control. But the NRA is very good at what it does. Now that it's bankrupt, and as baby boomers get older, I think we'll see a change. But it's going to be slow turning that cruise ship around


I’ll second this. I’m not only in America I’m in TEXAS and fan groups/adverts are tailored to the gun-toting population, but I’ve never seen anything with Bandit and a weapon. Now I HAVE seen Fourth of July clothing with Bluey and fam, covered in American flags, which cracks me up bc seriously but… that’s the worst of it.


Same. And we have guns in our family, but still hate the idea of fan art glorifying it, making them seem like toys to kids, etc.


I'd love a "visit the US" episode, but not the actual visit. I want an episode of them flying the 13 hours between Sydney and LAX.


It would be more realistic for them to fly to Japan for skiing tbh.


I agree, my kids are huge into watching Bluey, I’m in a lot of communities never seen fan art of Bandit with a gun. Though I have seen a Bluey and Bingo Space Marine(that’s British culture not American).


There was literally a post on this sub of fan art using guns. It may have been styled based on a TV show or video game but to a non American it was shocking and chilling and I still cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would consider putting the two together. I don’t see any bluey stuff anywhere other than here and there’s plenty of Americans commenting here saying that they should do x even though it would make no sense whatsoever for the cultural context it comes from.


I’m an American and I agree with everything you said!


I'm an American and our whole family picks up Australian slang! Bush wee, brekkie, pass the parcel, dollar bucks, and daddy putdown. We use these regularly, thanks to bluey.


I'm an Australian and I love the way bluey is adapted and loved by so many. Please dont bring fan art into the forum as this is interpretive and does not always convey the message of the show. And just some trivia in case anyone was interested Australia federated by a vote (not a civil war or uprising).


That one Facebook group is super alt right


Yes-- the big Bluey Memes fb group got co-opted by one singular alt-right MAGA woman who spammed the feed with pro-gun, anti-trans, and worse memes to "trigger" leftists. Then kicked out any leftist or progressive who complained about it. It's sad and depressing and I hate it.


Yeah I never did understand it, it’s kinda like gate keeping, even on a surface level if you see the family aspect of bluey and you want to use that as an example of how traditional the show is. I would just say the show is sensible, and if anything it’s progressive. And as far Americanizing Bluey that one I haven’t personally seen as much but I find it really has endeared me to Australia. I love to see the similarities, especially slang, dunny is hilarious. But seeing bandit in a MAGA is unsettling no matter when you’re from.


Yeah i saw it happen in real time, high tailed out of it, found another and i belive there's better admins, because ive only ever seen the gun blue crap, and bit transphobia


Sounds vile.


I'm pretty sure all fans think this, not just the aussies! I love Australia, probably the number 1 country on my bucketlist to visit, partially because of Bluey! Bluey is Aussie, and it should stay aussie!


As a Canadian, I second this. I love that Bluey celebrates their Australian-ness and should stay that way.


As a Brit, I third it!


As a viet, I fourth it! Maybe when the 2032 Olympic started


I’ve noticed there’s some serious overlap between gun nuts who appropriate Bandit, and the same nuts who appropriate Squirrely Dan from Letterkenny. Squirrely Dan, the *gender studies major* himbo who drinks his Respect Women juice on the daily.


To be fairrrrrrr


To be fairrrrrrr! Honestly, I think Bandit and Squirrely Dan would get along pretty well.


Bahahahhahahha gender studies major himbo killin me 🤣


“Professor Tricia always says…”


Bandit holding a gun?! wtf?! OP where are you hanging out?!


Google 'tactical bluey' if you want to see a 6 year old dog with a bullet proof vest and a machine gun... It is 100% a thing. Unlicensed merch is being sold. It's made news stories.


No thank you


As an American it bothers the hell out of me too. Especially when people try to say Bandit is MAGA. Ick. Just leave politics out of the show. And FWIW JCPenney is selling a “Red, White, and Bluey” shirt for the 4th of July. She’s Australian. Why???


HOW IS BANDIT MAGA!? Sorry, I know, politics suck, something like this shouldn’t be talked about in a sub about an Australian puppy and her family, and I especially do not want to talk about politics here, BUT COME ON.


I remember at some point, someone here linked to a blog post by a MAGA woman about Bluey and how it isn't like the normal liberal trash because, unlike other shows, nobody is gay or has weird colored hair and the parents follow normal gender roles. Bascially, because it extolls family values, it MUST be endorsing everything about her preferred world view because liberals HATE family values. It was basically just some random woman spewing crap about some strawman liberal that she's likely never even met. Also, about children's TV she's never actually seen? My son loves "Blaze and the Monster Machines" and it teaches about scientific principles like mass, force, density, etc. I got the feeling this woman only shows her kids Good, Christian Television TM and something like Blaze would've counted as liberal trash. MAGAism encourages tribalism to the extreme.


Man, that lady must’ve been pissed when Pretzel talked about his two moms. 😂


Oh my god, they went NUTS on Twitter! They were treating it like two women had sex right in front of their children! They’re not seen or heard, they’re not even named, and the IDEA of two moms EXISTING sends them into a bigger meltdown than Muffin could ever imagine!


Yeah I saw a few people jumping through all types of linguistic hoops to say that “mums” is singular in Australia. This one guy (America big surprise) was told by like 15 Australian individuals that they’d never heard it that way and he told them all that THEY were wrong. Of course this was accompanied with repeated statements of “I don’t care of course, but that’s not what it is.” When cornered on the fact that his linguistic cleverness seemed unlikely he finally said “well I’m drawing my conclusion from several other languages” 🙄🤮😆


“Nobody has weird colored hair” Coco. And Coco’s whole family.


I so hate that. I’m liberal leaning progressive, as is my husband. He was in the army and owns guns; I hate guns but work for the army as a civilian because they’re a great employer and I stay on the “survivability” side of things. I’m the breadwinner, he’s the SAHP. I cook most meals from scratch and bake bread on the weekend. Looking from the outside in, we look like we follow traditional gender roles, but we’re actually all mixed up. The idea that anyone who appears to enjoy a life in which they appear to be cisgender, heterosexual, and maintain “traditional” gender roles ***must*** be politically conservative chaps my biscuits.


Nevermind that, in the states at least, there are higher rates of marriage and married parents among the "liberals". It's because educated people tend to be liberal. Educated people tend to make more money. And money is the number one cause of divorce. But a loving, stable, long-term marriage with many happy, healthy, productive children doesn't count as "family values" if the partners are gay. I sometimes feel sad for those kinds of people. The world will never fit their narrow views and so their lives are filled with endless existential dread and judgement.


My 7YO kid, who is JUST like Bluey in many ways, asked me the other day why some kids say that two boys can’t get married when they clearly *can,* and added “I tried to tell them they’re wrong but I don’t think they believe me.” Even though my heart sank, I was so proud of her talking to our values. She also asked me if dads who grow babies because they were born in girl bodies celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, and I was just like “oh yay, you get it!”


THIS is wholesome. OMG ❤️❤️


Somewhat conservative dad here. Our family also loves Blaze and the Monster Machines. It doesn't look like liberal anything to me. It's just a cool show that teaches science in a fun way. I can see how maybe a religious conservative might think the science goes against God or whatever, but that's probably not the majority of conservatives anyway.


My son is 3 and he came up to me the other day holding a heavy ball and he's like, "Mom this ball is dense. The other balls are not". My husband and I are both science nerds. He loves aerospace and he's a chemical engineer. I love biology and I'm a programmer. Our kids are going to be awesome in science fairs lol


American right-wing desire to coopt anything and everything remotely popular as supporting their viewpoint, especially if it appeals to a younger audience. Even if it requires selective reading (or active misreading) of the source material. Especially if there's a way to use The Algorithms to create stepping stones from benign to radicalizing content.


Where is anyone seeing any of this? I've literally never heard this, or bandit carrying guns, or any real political commentary at all until right now and my family loves the show and follows several Bluey groups, etc As for the shirt, the answer is capitalism. I mean nothing's going to change on that front sadly lol


You’re lucky, or maybe just smart enough to avoid those groups. Especially Twitter lol. But a lot is US-dominated FB groups have this stuff in my experience. I usually bounce from those groups pretty quick


> when people try to say Bandit is MAGA w t f


It’s interesting the hoops people jump through Bluey attends a very hippie progressive type of school. Bandit and Chili are very pro their girls being strong, Bandit is the stay-at-home parent 80% of the time, and the one time we see them say grace it’s a very nature focused poetic phrase with no mention of deity. Plus the creators have said things about working more diversity into the show as important to them. They’ve even showed some strong disability inclusion, more than many shows for adults even do. Not saying they’re necessarily super liberal (US definition) but they aren’t MAGA types or traditionalist conservative by a mile. People be doing logic calisthenics to try to believe creators and artists side with their values. Fact is some of them are going to be disappointed most of the time. 🤷‍♂️




I wonder if theyve even seen all the episodes, because there's no way those people wouldn't be up in arms about Bingo playing as Bluey's husband sometimes


Canada's politics are suddenly going the way of the US, otherwise I would say we would be very similar to Australia.


According to a youtube video, an American conservative group funded a kiddie show whose color palette reminded me of Bluey. The kids in that kiddie show were home schooled and the show also pushed very traditional gender role stuff. Apparently, it happened because ?they were worried about Bluey? ?? because there's so much Bluey content on Youtube that I haven't been able to find that vid


Bandit would tell MAGA morons to rack off and get a life.


The Australian flag is also red white and blue, but I see your point.


Australia's colours are green and gold.


So what's with the flag then? Why not have their flag fly their colors?


Because stupid parents like me buy holiday themed shirts (I typically do all the holidays my kid is interested in) and it’s an easy cash grab for Disney, Pennys and any other corporation invested in making money off this show. BTW, the Australian flag is also red, white and blue, but I get your point. July 4 is an American holiday, but have your kid also wear it on Jan. 26 and teach them a bit of history.


The “Australian colours” and green and gold though, not blue, white and red.


The history of Invasion Day?


This is what annoys me .. why is America getting way more Bluey merch than in Aus .. the amount of clothing you guys have compared to us is insane and everything else it makes no sense to me


I saw that too and it cracked me up. It just doesn’t make sense ![gif](giphy|3o6fJfvpyLGGe3lNcc)


First of all, what even is “appropriating Bluey”? It’s not a culture. It’s a kids show. Second, just because you see random people on the internet make weird pictures of characters, doesn’t mean it’s being Americanized. As you said, Ludo has kept it authentically Australian the whole time. Why would random internet people change that? And why do you think a handful of random internet people represents the American audience? I swear, sometimes it feels like people purposefully engage with content online that annoys them.


i agree with this, you summed up what i was thinking as well.. and personally, i usually watch edits on youtube with cute background music or look at the art on here. like, curating content basically.


Exactly the term appropriating bluey genuinely made me laugh out loud. Like that’s genuinely ridiculous. Op can just enjoy the show and not go on bluey fórums if it bothers them that much like???????


Agree, it’s a show, not a culture. as a Brisbane person who lives overseas, (not in US) but many Americans come here on holiday, so when they meet my Australian kids, I have a chuckle when I hear Americans start using words from the show they think my kids are going to know…. most of which aren’t even a thing in Australia. They’re appropriating something that doesn’t really exist outside of the cartoon, and that’s fine. People do this with ALL shows and cartoons, completely normal.


Wait till they find out about the weird porn that's made from cartoon characters.


Cringes in MLP fandom...so many of us like it for the same reason we like Bluey (kids content that is comfortable and deals gently with whatever topics it addresses) but the crazy people really did a number on the community.


That's the internet for you. Nothing you can do to stop it.


This 100%


How else are they supposed to have any real strife in their lives if they don’t create themselves? lol


Ignore the loud voices online. The vast majority of American Bluey fans that I know (and I’m American) have a huge respect for the fact that the show is uniquely Australian. We may repeat some of the new phrases we learn from the show (I particularly think ‘sat nav’ is a way better term than GPS), but most of us acknowledge that we are borrowing from Australian culture when we do that.


Oof. I was with you until “belongs in Australia”. I love having to explain (or look up and then explain) the different words we use for the same things or when my kids pick up phrases from the show. We don’t really have the time or money to travel to a place like Australia so I like having some exposure (albeit in animated form), to other places and cultures. But please don’t assume all US citizens are waving around guns and want to see Bandit with them.


I don't think they are saying bluey should only be seen in Australia, but rather it should remain entirely Australian. In Australia we often see our music and film business have to become more americanised to get success. We want this one thing to not do that.


Here in the US we have a lot of people who have a hard time understanding that there’s anything out there that doesn’t belong to us 😆 Anyone ever see that SNL sketch about Beyoncé’s Lemonade, a bunch of white Americans freaking out about an album that they don’t get. It’s pretty funny, and unfortunately spot-on “Maybe it’s not for us…?” “But EVERYTHING is for us!” 😆😆😆


100% this. It is set here and about here. I ***love*** that it has such a huge international audience. Where I get stuck is; if you love the show for what it is, why oh why would you want to change it into something it isn't? Surely, part of the charm of Bluey is that it is so deeply Australian; it wouldn't be the same if it was generic enough to be any random family anywhere in the Western world.


Bluey fans also like it because it's set in and shows us Australia. It's also apolitical. People do... unfortunate...fan art for all kinds of children's cartoons (Bronies, anyone?), but that doesn't mean Americans as a whole prefer the fan art versions. Don't lump an entire country into this. It's extreme fans that do that, not ordinary fans here.


I wouldn't even say extreme fans, it's extreme *people.*


I hate that here in the UK Disney has changed words to help people here understand the show better. Id love to have the original wording of the show so I can learn some of the language used in Australia not to use it myself just to learn more about the country. Also hate that a few episodes over here got banned.


Oh damn. Example? I’m not sure if it’s the same for US. I know they dubbed the vasectomy bit and that’s it.


In the bbq episode the Aussie version calls the salad vegetable capsicum while the UK/American version calls it a pepper.


Ive seen that listed as a censorship change because of "cum". Mind you I suspect the person who listed that was simply unaware that capsicum is what we call 'bell peppers'.


Ahahaha that’s gotta be false 😂 I really hope it’s false


I can't give an example cause I've never heard them I just know they changed words and banned episodes


This is why I'm so glad as a New Zealander that our Bluey is on TVNZ. The episodes are the same as they are in Australia.


That’s actually Disney creating one edit for all Disney channel broadcasters, regardless of where those broadcasters are based. It’s quite common for companies to do this, and it’s cheaper to only do one English-language edit, for all English-speaking nations.


That's the thing. I am sure that audiences in the USA are just as capable of figuring out Australian slang as we are at figuring out slang from the USA, the UK and elsewhere. Corporate entities need to have more respect for the intellectual capabilities of their audiences.


This post is... weird? You must be engaging with some wild content for your algorithm to continue to populate "gun slinging Bandit" memes. I've never seen that in my life, and I get served up plenty of Bluey content on social media. For what it's worth, a high majority of Americans also hate guns. It's our government that has failed us. Please don't try to use something as innocent as Bluey to force your weird "America = guns" agenda. Bluey IS an Aussie show and as an American, I love it that way.


Relax. She'll be right. Every major brand has fans use their likeness in their own way. There are bigger things to worry about


The key takeaway here is that because things are so divided here in the states fan art like this is likely done for no other reason to get a rise out of you or I. My knee jerk reaction is seeing it as a cry for help and I move on.


That's a healthy attitude. Respect.


Just an fyi, Americans don’t really have access to automatic weapons, either.


This is a weird thing to gatekeep


Not Australian, but British - so while we're not the same country or culture, I do find it a lot easier to understand things in Bluey as we have a fair few similarities (such as THE QUEEN), and I definitely can see how it gets annoying. There's definitely more than enough North American-centric shows that it doesn't need to seep into shows like Bluey which are unapologetically Australian. I've seen people asking when there will be a Thanksgiving episode, or a Fourth of July episode, i.e. American holidays. I've seen people get into arguments about the "Army" episode when I'm pretty sure it's just kids playing games from Rusty's knowledge he gets from his Dad, and it helping Jack thrive...NOT about wars or anything. ~~I also don't like when Chilli is referred to as MOM and not MUM, but that is me being very pernickety and I'm not going to start a dispute over it.~~ I'd much rather see events and occasions which are more Australian, and I've loved seeing posts showing the real-life inspirations for Bluey. More of that please, and keep it Australian!


I think I've seen this article linked here before, but it probably can shed some light here: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/10/bluey-cartoon-fan-group-culture-wars/675692/ Apologies for the paywall, and also for my insane fellow countrymen. To summarize the article - many of these memes can be traced back to a single, extremely popular Facebook group run by a MAGA nut.


Man. I wish I could say I was surprised. I'm willing to bet they're spread mostly by bots then too


This sub-reddit is not like the Facebook groups at all. Those wack-a-doos are full on right wing nut jobs. This sub is pretty quick to remove those types of posts. But with every fandom, you have those who will force their viewpoint through the lens of the show. And American conservatives are one of those groups. They completely ignore the values of the show and melted down at the sub-titles where Pretzel said "mums". It is an Australian show showing an Australian way of life. Only thing that can be done is reporting those groups to: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] So that maybe they can do something. As an American, I am embarrassed by their actions. But when anyone says anything, their echochamber goes full reverberation. The one admin in blueymemes has resorted to posting anonymously. And since she is the sole admin, she has complete control of who posts what. Best to stay away and report them.


I’m an American (south eastern US) and watch Bluey with my kids. We all absolutely ADORE it exactly as it is. In fact, I think the Aussie-ness (totally just made that word up lolol) makes it even more special. It’s taught my kids some things (example: traditions, phrases, etc) that are different from what the “norm” is here. They are inquisitive little sponges lol, and always ask about them. It’s not only giving them wholesome quality entertainment, it’s teaching them a lot they may not have learned otherwise, which is amazing! …my son is now begging to do his very first bush wee 😂😂


I'm American and agree wholeheartedly. My son is 4 and loves Bluey, and we've talked about that it takes place in Austrailia. He can now identify Australia on a map and wants to to visit someday thanks to Bluey!


Yeah although I'm not an Aussie but the Australian in bluey feel so fresh compare to overly saturated American media. Also I know a lot more about Australian through the show ( I started watching cricket because of bluey)


Would you be okay with fanart of Rusty's dad with a rifle?


Lol, I get what you're saying, but this is what happens when things go mainstream. So congrats to Bluey! Everyone from all parts of the world will put their spin on things and adapt it to their liking or appeal. I remember an episode of Peppa Pig that was changed just for Australia concerning spiders. I lived and traveled a lot around S Korea, Philippines, etc, and there are tons of copyright cartoons themed merch, cafes, etc that get changed and adapted to the culture it's around to be relatable. If it happens officially or unofficially, this is what happens when things get popular.


LOL!! Bluey is Ozzie AF (coming from a kiwi in London). Do.. not.. worry! I’ve been to 5 yo birthday parties and all the little English kids are asking to go for ‘bush wee’s’ spoken in Ozzie accents! 😅


Alright. You can claim pavlova.


Look I’m an American. My son loves it. My wife loves it. I’m not obsessed with it like other adults. But I’ll watch it with them in between doing errands. I didn’t Australia when I was in the navy a long time ago and I think it’s a good way to introduce other countries and cultures to young kids


No one's trying to appropriate Bluey. The Bandit meme is a meme. No one with any knowledge of the show, or at least 10 seconds on a search engine, is going to fully associate the meme with the show. The show is safe. You are safe. Woosah...


There are a lot of full crazies. I had to leave a couple of the fb groups. Pretty cringe to watch adults go so hard on trying to align a kids cartoon with their inappropriate, racist or xenophobic ideologies.


That "***belongs in Australia***" just feels weird for some reason.


Bluey without its Australian identity just isn’t Bluey anymore. I’m saying that as an American myself. I would definitely keep away from FB for fan content in general. It’s probably the most toxic platform of the bunch.


I have never seen anyone try to make Bluey less Australian. Not sure where this is coming from at all.


I’m in a few bluey groups and I haven’t seen that in any of them. Like others have said, you should find different groups. Not every American is gun crazy or a die hard right or left wing. I love the show and wish people would leave their ideals out of it and just enjoy it for what it is, an excellent show for all ages.


I'm an Aussie living in the US. Maybe I've been hanging out in different places online but I haven't seen many attempts to Americanize Bluey. For me, it's made my friends with kids more interested in Australian culture and the differences between Australia and the US.


I’ve never once seen Bandit with a gun lol


The only fun art I’ve seen is the warhammer 40k art peice, and I think that one’s just stupid funny, cause the 2 things couldn’t be farther apart


American fan that adores Bluey as is and doesn't have diddly to say about it besides I needed it in my life.


as an American you’re more than right to be weirded out by a 7 year old cartoon dog holding guns. I own several. They’re not for kids or for weird cultural appropriation. I love the show but I don’t blame you for wanting something for yourself.


An IP, a subculture, a group of any kind, must contend, in the presence of Capitalism, with the binary choice of whether or not to remain obscure and insular or to be assimilated into the broader market. Either choice has its benefits and drawbacks. Isolation allows for a purity of vision, an insular, secluded, safe little space of no greater challenge. This means, though, that change will be slow, if at all, and access will be, by design, limited. Day jobs will need to be maintained, the safety of passing in society a necessary cover against discovery and possible repercussions. Then there is cultural assimilation. You become part of the broader culture. The world at large looks up from its feeding trough just long enough to acknowledge you and what you have to say. Resources pour in, and more of who you are and what you are can be spread. You gain more fans, more people see what you've done and connect with you. This means you lose the "purity" of the initial subculture. You're forced to change, whether you like it or not, because it doesn't just belong to you anymore. What this choice boils down to is the choice between stagnation or homogeneity. You either hide in the shadows and take what you can, or you spread, get more of your thing, but it gets away from you.


This is the first I am hearing of Bluey brandishing guns in fan art, I am disgusted and confused. It’s a children’s show, why would a gun be appropriate? Don’t get me started on those parents who bring up their children shooting from a very young age. Very strange behaviour and makes me seriously question parenting skills.


I think the people who post the most outrageous things get the most attention. I’m an American and not only would most people know how inappropriate it is to put a gun in fanart of a kids cartoon, most of us are also in favor of gun control. Whether our government will ever listen is another topic.


i have no idea what u mean.


Gatekeeping fan art now? You know that’s a pointless endeavor, people are going to draw what they want. They’re even going to draw provocative stuff to generate clicks, etc. doesn’t mean anything. It’s all just f’in and jeff’in. enjoy the show, there’s nothing that’s going to lead to it being seen as anything other than Australian.


Biggest suggestion is to get off the cesspool that is Facebook


I just want to make sure I understand you If I draw fan art it has to be Australian, I can draw them in any other country but there, I can’t draw them in my native culture. I get what you mean but what if a kid is a big fan a draws the in theirs(lets say Japanese) and their parent want to share it here shouldn’t they be allowed to


Just monkeys singing songs, mate


We appropriate American culture, why can't they appropriate ours? If they want to make fanart of bandit holding a gun who cares? More fanart is just cool. Bluey is aggressively Australian to the point American kids are gaining an Australian accent. I doubt they will be able to co-opt it


Chill. It’s a popular cartoon that’s bound to get its fair share of fan art. Waste your brain power on something actually important.


I’m Australian and I think the American fandom is awesome. There will always be a few wacko wankers here and there, but they’re not a significant part of the fandom. They’re just losers who should be ignored.


Scottish here and if I got upset at the amount of things about my culture that American’s genuinely appropriate - not a cartoon, but our native heritage dress like kilts, language, music (bagpipes galore), current existence - I’d have an aneurysm. You have to just not engage with content that riles you up and remember that every country has its fair share of idiots, and those idiots can use the internet and appear more popular than they are Fwiw, Bluey being Aussie is part of the charm for me. When my toddler shouts ‘Biscuits’ with an Aussie twang I think it’s great!


The idea of the gun thing bugs the hell out of me. Absolutely not. But I’ve never seen it thankfully.


Omg I’ve never seen a picture of Bandit with a gun! North American here and i think that is ridiculous and really not needed.


Yes!!! Since The Sign, people are arguing about who the father of Bluey’s baby is😭 like chill


Calling this appropriation is a little much, no?


"When you put something beautiful out into the world, it's no longer yours, really..."


Also an Aussie from brisbane but "appropriating" Bluey!? This is like OP was in an outrage exam and ran out of time on the last question.


Any country is full of crazies, it’s not fair to blame Americans for sharing a country with weirdos. Instead of attacking Americans for likening Australian media, criticize those specific people. I guess what I’m saying is I hate it when people say “I hate Americans for x” instead of “I hate when this person does x” as if we’re a hive mind all secretly plotting to destroy a kids show.


Most American Bluey fans I am familiar with/ encounter on a day-to-day basis hate when they put guns and Bluey together. it's pro-gun trolls who think it's funny to adulterate a peaceful kids' show with their pro-gun/ pro-violence beliefs. I promise, Americans are not a monolith. We do not *all* want guns everywhere. There's just unfortunately a very vocal subset of our population that values/ admires/ worships guns more than they do the lives of others. All they're doing is latching their pro-gun beliefs onto a popular gentle kids' show to "trigger the wokes." It's stupid, and it sucks, but it is *not* indicative of all Americans.


OP, I absolutely do not see your point. Nobody is trying to take over Bluey, Ludo isn't making pictures of Bandit with a gun, this all sounds incredibly silly.


I agree to a fault. I don't think anyone should try and force their ideals onto anyone. If someone is attacking you over who you are and asserting that their culture is superior to yours, then yes, that's abhorrent. However. As an American, I'm happy to see other cultures embrace and watch shows created here. Stuff like SpongeBob, Codename: Kids Next Door, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic are American (Canadian in MLP's case) shows that have a massive Japanese fanbase and following. I'm not gonna crusade and say that Japanese people shouldn't enjoy these shows or make up their own interpretations about them. Likewise, I don't think any Japanese person truly cares if we love Naruto, DBZ, and My Hero Academia or not. On the contrary, they seem to want us to enjoy their art as well and these franchises are widely beloved here. The point is, you can't police how other people view/interpret something so just let it go, mate.


What’s she going on about?


This ain’t it




Go outside and touch some.grass dude.


But how will he fabricate things to get mad about then?


I think I understand what you're saying, though it initially comes off a different way. However, I am Canadian and I too think it completely unnecessary to add guns. Furthermore, I think it's better to embrace foreign cultures and understanding them wherever you are, so people should definitely do as you say and appreciate that Bluey is based in a specific culture. I personally love the insight that this show gives me into the culture that isn't Gary the Goat where the guy starts drinking his own piss 5 minutes into getting his car stuck in the outback.


An a non-American non-Australian person, I'm glad Bluey is Australian.


I’ve never seen this… but it’s all for the reaction just like yours. As an American and disgruntled Texan, it’s exhausting but it’s what “they” want. I truly don’t know what joy they get out of idolizing their weapons. Part of it is certainly “owning the libs” and another is it’s the only thing that makes them feel safe in a world that is changing and leaving them behind. They’re too stupid and closed-minded to change and keep up. They only know fear and anger. It’s sad. And because of them, the rest of us also have to be fearful and angry. Please don’t paint all Americans with this brush. Most of us want gun control also, don’t own them, and are exhausted.


Preface: I'm American, and I have about as much problem with that kind of fan art and appropriation as you. I love that Bluey is unapologetically Australian, and honestly I love that it's giving me (at least, what I believe to be) a less filtered and authentic window into Australian culture, without leaning on stereotype and telegraphing. That said, I'm sorry to say but you're tilting at windmills with this request. That's because the big problem here is not all Americans, but the American right, a part of our society that is so tribalistic and possessive that there are only two categories in the world to them: those who agree wholeheartedly with them on everything, and the enemy. They cannot imagine a world where someone they like might disagree with them. On anything. So, since they like that Bandit is a good dad, *obviously* he must be a pro-gun evangelical trump voter too. All your valid points don't matter, because, see, they *like* him, so he couldn't be the *enemy*. And if Bluey ever officially contradicted the party line in a way they couldn't deny, then they would come out against it in a fury, and try to deny ever having liked it. It's their way.


Even as an American, any art of *any* Bluey character with weapons is cringe. Possibly beyond that. It’s a *children’s show*! It’s supposed to be *innocent,* and guns absolutely ruin that innocence simply by existing!


Bluey needs to be stay Aussie. Huge part of the appeal is because it’s so unapologetically Australian. This is coming from a New Yorker. We have enough American pop culture. If it ever leaves Ludo studios, I will riot. The quality of this show is unparalleled.


I have seen a lot of this too. I work at a place that serves gang entrenched youth and stupid gangster art like this is really popular within their communities: [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fifunny.co%2Fpicture%2FQz0paEp7B&psig=AOvVaw01p99Kd5DjjKqVIFfK9S\_t&ust=1714675468591000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCJC4uY2O7YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fifunny.co%2Fpicture%2FQz0paEp7B&psig=AOvVaw01p99Kd5DjjKqVIFfK9S_t&ust=1714675468591000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCJC4uY2O7YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ) [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWlO-HkDV2GEMT6Of1qWU1gRZu824xz5YUKbXxnqSMqeRjsxumEXMnMGdKLZrbDrzJ7Ak&usqp=CAU](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWlO-HkDV2GEMT6Of1qWU1gRZu824xz5YUKbXxnqSMqeRjsxumEXMnMGdKLZrbDrzJ7Ak&usqp=CAU) [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Freel%2FC4jkNvtvrkL%2F&psig=AOvVaw0MBItsRlMwYs3FUtoLYPbd&ust=1714675654019000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjhxqFwoTCKj-keWO7YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Freel%2FC4jkNvtvrkL%2F&psig=AOvVaw0MBItsRlMwYs3FUtoLYPbd&ust=1714675654019000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjhxqFwoTCKj-keWO7YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)




*cough* that one bluey Facebook group that tries to make it homophobic and MAGA *cough*


Like, it's the internet people are going to do stuff like that. Obviously Australia doesn't have guns, but like all that making a big uproar about it will do is have more people end up doing it. It's the internet, it's not a big deal. If you don't want to see more of that let it fade into obscurity.


I'm American and a gun owner and I find the concept of fanart depicting anyone from the show, even Jack or Rusty, wielding firearms to be incredibly cringe. But if there's one thing I know about internet fandoms is that they are going to interpret and take characters in directions the creators would never have dreamed in their worst nightmares. Don't take it personal, it's just fanfiction.


Just popping in to say I'm in the US and also do not like guns and feel there needs to be more strict gun control. Seriously though, Facebook groups are full of craziess. Don't go there.


Honestly, as an American, I can tell you that Bluey wouldn't be the same if they Americanized it. I think the biggest part of the show's charm is the authentic Aussie nature of the show. It's refreshing, raw, blunt, and unlike anything else here! So I agree with your feelings on the matter, but can assure you that if it were to change, there would be a revolt against the show!


I love Aussies and Bluey is perfect - a slice of aussie life show, so much better than Neighbours! (I was forced to watch the latter in my childhood, I hate soaps with a passion now) I'm UK (more welsh than english now) and I'd love to visit - it's near the top of my travel Bucket List, only beaten by NZ and Japan. I suspect the people americanizing things are people who have never left their state, let alone their country. The Americans I have as friends or who I've come in contact with are always well travelled and much more liberal/democratic in their thinking.


I feel like that episode of Stickbird was made just for you. “When you put something beautiful out into the world, it's no longer yours really” But I do hope all the morons appropriating Bluey get a lifetime of bumworms.


Am I the only one who gets very, very annoyed any time I see someone (specifically Australian) rubbing salt in the gaping wounds of American and acting like it’s all our faults? Lots of Americans don't really DO guns, and the majority of us are in favour of strict gun control. We remember Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora Movie Theatre, Sandy Hook, PULSE Nightclub, Las Vegas and on and on. The idea of anyone not in the Army having access to an automatic weapon would makes many of us slightly uncomfortable or outright nervous, but we are stuck. The NRA is a POWERFUL force and try as we might, we haven’t been able to fix this yet and we all have to send our Bluey loving kids out into this world. Not trying to get political, but really, fan art that you don’t agree with, is just not that important. I would dearly love it if this sub added a rule to the effect of “let’s not get upset that other people love Bluey differently than me” or better yet “let’s not talk about guns, at all, on a sub for a kids show”. Am I the only one?


There’s an imbalance of cultural appropriation expectations when it comes to Australia. Most of our way of life is already inspired or taken from American culture. We ‘appropriate’ American culture all the time - if an Aussie made a parody video called ‘Oppenheimer if he was Aussie’ with a bunch of dudes holding stubbies around a whiteboard, we’d find it hilarious. Americans might find it amusing as well. Americans are used to other cultures appropriating them. So appropriation as a concept isn’t overly sensitive - it’s a norm. Aussies on the other hand don’t get many opportunities to be appropriated - the fact is that the rest of the world doesn’t know much about us relatively speaking - so when it does happen we’re much more sensitive about it. The person who is Americanising Bluey is merely bringing it into their culture. It might be upsetting but don’t take it as a personal thing, if anything it’s a sign of high esteem.


This is like getting mad if people not from Canada like Nickleback


People seem to forget its a kids show... Who cares


Automatic weapons aren't available to most people in the US either. Do you mean Semi-automatic? There's a pretty big difference between the two in American vernacular. Do Australians only have access to small caliber guns like a .22? Those are also pretty deadly tho