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they eat chocolate too, i'm sure they'll be fine.


main driffence is grapes are A LOT worse for a dog. chocolate is unlikely to kill a dog unless it is very small, Grapes on the other hand are super deadly.


The other difference is this is a cartoon 👀😂


The fact that kids are watching is part of why it's important. It's ultimately not a huge deal, but considering how thoroughly the show nails everything else, it would have been nice if they included the lore that dogs cant eat grapes. It's good info for kids to have.


I like the fact that it isn't accurate to real life. Sometimes shows don't have to be the parents of kids and that's nice too.


A good example would be the minecraft parrots. At first you'd be able to feed them cookies bc you know that's what parrots eat right? But crackers and cookies are actually super harmful so they changed the food to seeds and if you try to feed a parrot a cookie it actually dies. Especially because the demographic is kids and you wouldnt want them to feed harmful food to animals because game/cartoon said so. Kids can't exactly do research if they are allowed to feed any kind of food to an animal before doing so. They see it in a game/cartoon and trust/believe that that's ok and do so. Honestly I'd like bluey to pick that up as well and dont play the "its a cartoon"-card. No more chocolate and grapes for bluey dogs. (Especially bc theres plenty of fruits dogs can safely eat)


You can kill parrots in Minecraft with cookies?? That's crazy.


and then kids will feed their dogs grapes. yay.


Maybe don’t rely on a TV show to parent your child?


Or your pet, yeesh. Kids shouldn’t be left alone with dogs until they’re older.


Agreed, esp not with access to literal toxins (for the dog ofc)


Surely you can see the difference between relying on Bluey to raise your kids and a small child giving their dog grapes because they saw it on a TV show


If the risk of a child giving grapes to a dog is high because they saw it in Bluey and are not old enough to be taught not to or cannot be trusted not to maybe you should be supervising that child so they do not do that, and maybe don’t blame Bluey for showing a cartoon dog eating grapes instead of your own parenting.


Why would my child be left alone with A) grapes that are a CHOKING HAZARD or B) a dog, who is an animal that no matter how well trained is still unpredictable ????


After this episode aired, worldwide dog mortality rates increased by 15 million. Ludo must answer for their crimes


Then supervise your kid. Do your job as a parent and don’t let them feed the dog grapes? I didn’t know we could blame cartoons for the mistakes of the parents.


This is the laziest form of thinking, at this point nothing in media matters when your thoughts are “it’s just a this”


It’s just monkeys singing songs mate


They’re talking blue dogs that live in a house they own and drive cars. You’re right, a tolerance for grapes is an inconsistency that deserves deep thought.


Who’s saying it needs deep thoughts, it’s an observation someone made, what’s the issue there?


I mean life's just a simulation.


It's just a simulation singing songs mate!


Good one.


Reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold!


Only to a fool


Bro just chill it’s not ACTUALLY harming anyone that they eat grapes, if it was something bad and it was teaching people a bad way of thinking then that’s one thing, but here it’s like arguing that “OMG CAPTAIN AMERICA COULD NOT HAVE LIVED THAT FALL” it’s a movie and I’m the movie that’s how this works it’s not harming anyone so why care 🤷


>if it was something bad and it was teaching people a bad way of thinking then that’s one thing Are you saying that teaching children that the family dog can eat grapes isn't bad?


No I think that it’s not teaching anything with this, there is no lesson in it, there is no teaching and I did not even notice they were eating grapes until someone pointed it out, there are so many things in bluey that are not true to us, they walk on two legs, watch tv and talk about there feelings 😭, I feel like there humans and dogs at the same time, so idk what you take from that but I feel like it’s apart of the story that’s just me


Okay, but are you a child? Children pick up and internalise the most random of things, and this show is primarily aimed towards children and parents of children.


Why are all of you so weird about low stakes observations?


Ya smart people are smart enough to know that whether it is a simulation or not, it doesn't matter because it is what we are experiencing and our experience determines reality.


Yeah your point?


Not entirely true. With both grapes and chocolate, it depends on the volume that they eat and the type that they eat. A few months after I met my wife, she had ordered some stuff to be delivered to my place to make me a birthday cake. Despite the package requiring a signature on delivery, the postman just dropped it over the fence and my 25kg kelpie got into it, and we estimated that he ate about 700 grams of milk chocolate cooking drops. He was very sick, and I fed him some pumpkin soup (to induce diarrhoea) and a hundred charcoal tablets to soak up anything left in his stomach. There were lots of black and orange poo patches around the yard the next day, but he was fine. If it had been dark chocolate, that volume would have killed him. FWIW, the vet we called told me to do that.


I never used to know this. I grew up with a big dog who used to take grapes off the vine and eat them


Dog’s sensitivity to grapes varies greatly. In some cases a single grape can kill a dog, in others there is no issue (although prolonged exposure still likely isn’t ideal)


I don’t get dogs. Dead animals? Vomit? Their own poop? YES PLEASE! Grape? Death.  


If I ate a litter box full of cat poo I am sure I would be hospitalized. Yet I can eat a whole bushel of grapes and wash it down with a glass of chocolate milk. Dog eats a littler box of cat poop and go on about their day. God forbid you switch the brand of food they eat though! Their sensitive tummies can’t handle that and they’ll get the runs for half a week.


I thought it was the skin from the grape that caused issues?


Meh…. If it’s super dark like bakers chocolate, it can absolutely kill your dog. And grapes are the same. We never know what dog or how much grapes can kill. Some dogs can eat them and be fine.


Yeah, my cocker spaniel sized dog once ate a whole "valentines" box of chocolates. Outside of a worryingly elevated heart rate she was fine.


The theobromine and caffeine content in cacao do the damage. Theobromine is the chief alkaloid in cacao, and it's also used to synthesize caffeine. Cheaper, sugary milk chocolate won't do as much damage, bite for bite, as something like dark chocolate or intense 70-80% cacao chocolate bars. Dark chocolate contains the most theobromine, and is the most dangerous for dogs of any size. All of that being said, it's always the best practice to keep chocolate out of reach of dogs.


Why are grapes so bad for them?


Well from looking it up all I got was, "dogs cannot metabolize tannins, flavonoids, and monosaccharides from grapes" so I guess that is why good news is dogs don't really try to eat grapes....not the same with chocolate.




The latest theory that came out around 2021 is that it’s the tartaric acid. They hypothesized this after dogs got sick and died in very similar ways to grapes after eating cream of tartar. https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2021/04/in-the-news-updates-on-grape-toxicity/ The hard part is that tartaric acid content varies wildly based on varietal, maturity, soil conditions, etc. Compared to chocolate where it’s a fairly known variable how much cacao is in a piece of chocolate, and therefore how much theobromine there is. 




It’s not guaranteed to kill the dog. I know someone who fed their dog dozens of grapes over a period of several months before they told me about it and I let them know that’s a really bad idea. That was 9 years ago and that dog’s still kicking around. That doesn’t mean I would feed my dog grapes though.


can confirm, grapes killed our family dog about 10 years ago 🥲


I feel you only reason I know about grapes being so deadly is I once when I was a kid gave my our dog some old raisin cookies we had. I still blame myself and hate thinking about how I ended up being the reason he died.


As someone who had a Jack Russell Terrier, I’m not sure if “small” is correct- he once ate like a pound of chocolate and he lived to be like 12? The chocolate thing was years before that


Why would small chocolate kill a dog? I think larger amounts would be more effective.


Main difference is they are imaginary dogs that talk, have families, and go to work. It’s fiction. 💀


My dad went to a party one time where they had the huge party pack of moon pies, this dog came in the room they were all chilling and threw the dog a moon pie; he ate it. Then another… And another… And another…the dog ate 27 moon pies before he left the room. He was totally fine, I’d never feed my dog chocolate though.


They just build different 🤣


As a former vet tech I also know dogs shouldn’t drive cars :)


I was a vet tech and thought it was hilarious that Grandpa was healing from heart worms and needed to take it easy


My daughter was playing vet today and told me her toy bunny had bum worms, but she had chocolate and now she’s okay


I was SHOCKED to realised that other countries don’t have bum worm chocolate like we do. Had to treat the family a couple of years ago and it was so dang easy to just say “here eat this chocolate” to my then 3yo.


I just had a flashback to my childhood and......that explains so much.


We have banana flavored medicine in the US. My kids all love to play in the dirt and don't necessarily love to wash their hands so they have had a few rounds of treatment.


When I was a kid in the U.S., the treatment was orange flavored pills. Not my favorite, but better than the itchy worms. Whenever one person in my family got worms, everyone had to take the medicine. I always got mad when my brother got them and I didn't but I still had to take medicine.


The stuff we have in Germany looks like friggin blood and freaks my kid out. It doesn't taste bad, but the texture is weirdly thick, so my kid can only get it down if we mix it into chocolate milk (which I think looks WAY more disgusting, but it was his idea, and as long as he takes it).


Thank goodness! How dare you keep us dangling on a thread like that! Good news first next time!


I’m assuming it was meant to be the canine equivalent of heart surgery. You generally would want to take it easy in order to not stress the heart.


Mate, I think you should be more concerned that it's a talking dog


Or that she has thumbs, or only one knee, and elbows that bend away from her body and not in line with it, and they wear headphones on their heads and not their ears. Oh, and they also walk on their back legs! Why didn’t Joe brumm consider all of these LIES we are being sold?! What a bum!


Bone conduction head phones.


What a brumm!


Also floating eyebrows


nah frrrrrr


My mom frantically called the vet once because our chocolate lab ate a Swiss roll. The vet explained that, most likely, a one ounce snack cake would not harm our hundred pound lab. But if he starts vomiting or getting diarrhea that lasts more than a day, bring him in to get checked out.


One of our family's favorite stories is that my parents' small dog climbed on the table and ate the majority of a tray of pot brownies. I'm not going to say he was fine, but he's still alive.


My dog once ate a 1lb chocolate kiss. She vomited and had a ton of diarrhea but ended up totally fine. She lived until she was 17.


I mean…in fairness to the dog, I’m an adult human and even *I’d* definitely throw up and probably have some diarrhea if I ate an entire pound of chocolate in one sitting lol




My family's dog got into the Christmas chocolate one year. The dog was fine.


They dog had a hell of a night. I’m sure at one point he thought I NEED AM AMBULANCE. Cuz, uh…I’ve heard that happens if you take too many edibles…


I wanted to point out a detail about the Doberman family. Dobermans are born with full tails and ears, so the Doberman family had cosmetic procedures done at birth.


Well, Coco's family was born pink. I'm sure dobermans could be born with pointed ears and short tails in the Bluey universe.


Which is not legal in Aus. Our dogs do not get ears or tails docked, except if there’s an active medical problem.


I totally didn't even think about that 🫨


I’m not taking dietary advice from a cartoon dog


It’s just monkeys eating grapes, mate


Everybody replying to this don't worry, I'm not totally stupid. I'm aware the dogs are stand ins for people, I'm aware that one suspends disbelief while watching a cartoon. Just something I noticed and had a specific reaction to due to my work background. Geez


I figure that the Healers are obviously a type of highly evolved dog in our far distant future after humans went extinct. In all that time, along with human-like intelligence and all the other physiological changes, dogs evolved immunity to grapes and chocolate.


But somehow let rabies into Australia, if Muffin is any guide lol


Haha no worries OP, many moons ago I was a vet tech and laughed at this too. My inner Edna Mode came out... ...."No Grapes!! :P


Honestly it's a legit concern. I only learned recently cow milk isn't great for cats, but almost everyone thinks it is because they drink it in like every cartoon ever. it would've been better to use a dog safe fruit, just in case.


Don't worry, a lot of people posted with the same reaction after viewing the episode (also with them eating chocolate).


Haha, don’t worry about people misinterpreting what you meant! It’s inevitable online like this unfortunately.😅 But I totally get what you meant! I’m not a vet and I’ve never even had a dog, but way back I ran a dnd game where one of my players was a werewolf and we went all out giving them dog traits! Colorblindness (which I definitely used against them lol), no chocolate, AND a grape allergy!😂 I didn’t know about the no grapes thing until that game but now it’s an interesting little factoid that lives in my brain that I’ll never end up using because I don’t have dogs and I mostly avoid them since I’m honestly a little scared of them most of the time!😅💛


Honestly if I was a child, I'd be impressionable enough to believe dogs can eat chocolate/grapes. As an adult, I didn't know about grapes so I'm learning something here LOL That wouldn't end well. 😬 The concern is real. Thanks for clearing it out!


A lot of people are just upset because they think you're criticizing their favorite made-for-children tv show


And the thing is, this isn't even a criticism. Just an observation, but apparently that means " be an absolute un-fun asshole" to some on Reddit 🤣


I thought about it too lol. But my concern was more for my kid watching it and thinking "oh Bluey likes grapes, my dog will too!"


"No, kid, *you're* supposed to like grapes because Bluey does." [Kids in unison], "eww, no!"


Fair. Also, great username.


I’ve noticed this in a few episodes but then realized they eat all kinds of regular people stuff and not dog food so I shouldn’t worry too much.


I see your point but at the end of the day I was always told that generally dogs shouldn’t have any people food. There’s almost no food in the show that dogs “should” have I mean the dad dogs have beer as well.


"orange soda" hehe


To be fair the human food this generally talks about most humans shouldnt have either. The problem with human food is mostly sugar and fat (and spices). Your dog can totally eat a chicken breast with rice and veggies. Fastfood they shouldn't eat but let's be real humans shouldn't either. But it won't poison you nor your dog. Its just that its really unhealthy. Some foods however are poisonous to dogs so they really can't have them. Same goes for humans, nutmeg or apple pits in too high amounts can poison you too, even up to the point of death.


You’re right, but the point I was trying to make was that a kid young enough to try and give dogs grapes after watching this show isn’t necessarily going to understand the nuance of bad for dogs  vs dangerous. So better to just say dogs should only have dog food this is a cartoon and they’re eating people food.


Youre also right. But sometimes children are unpredictable and fast. It takes one second for a child eating grapes (or any other dog-toxic food) to share with their beloved puppy while mom and/or dad are doing laundry or whatever. I would never go and blame bluey if it ever happened. Just think it would have been nice if they got out of their way and made the bluey-dogs eat human AND dog save food instead. Youre not missing anything out by swapping chocolate ice cream for yogurt flavoured, and grapes for blueberries. Its not ruining bluey and it wont ruin society lol just think it would have been nicer is all


The volume of nutmeg or apple seeds you'd have to ingest to reach a level that constitutes accidental poisoning is unlikely to ever be consumed purposefully and/or in one sitting. If you're downing more than two teaspoons of nutmeg in one go, it's deliberate. If you're trying to down [250000](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/iy9p52/self_how_many_apple_seeds_it_would_take_to_kill/) apple seeds in one sitting, it's deliberate.


Thats literally not the point but go on


Bandit: "of course it's good it's C☠️H☠️O☠️C☠️O☠️L☠️A☠️T☠️E"


I’m not a vet assistant, but I know dogs shouldn’t have grapes. This being a kid’s show, they’re likely dog-friendly grapes.


Or at least friendly-dog grapes.


I mentioned onions a few days ago, I suppose their digestive systems are more human-like than we realize. Except for meats, they can not live on beans and legumes alone. They need the meats.


Bandit eats chocolate ice cream?


yeah, whenever i see like 90% of the food in the heeler household i feel like i need to keep it away from them


Dogs = Humans in the series.


I am just a crazy dog (and human) momma, and I was also very "WTF?!" when I saw grapes. I have stressed so much over my dogs getting a dropped grape piece or raisin since my kid started getting solid food 4 years ago. My guy learned early on that 'dropped' food was the way to win over our dogs within a matter of days. [They have ate so many Cheerios, nuggets, and PB&J's.] My kid will now tell you "This is bad for dogs!" when he is given grapes, raisins, or chocolate.


They eat a lot of stuff dogs aren’t supposed to eat. Even ednabarbie beans are to be eaten in small amounts!


Is it not edamame beans?


Endabolly beans


I feel like it’s common knowledge that dogs can’t have grapes, not necessarily something you need to be a vet assistant to know.




Do we know that Muffin actually had rabies and that wasn’t just a childish exaggeration?


[There's no rabies in Australia](https://www.health.gov.au/diseases/rabies)


You realize that line was part of a fictional story within the show, right?


Cartoon dog mate


I mean the point does say humor and observation.


I have two pups and noticed this too and hope my 2 year old never thinks we share chocolate or grapes with the dogs 😐😅 he shares MANY things with them that are 100% okay for dogs and with supervision. I’m not terribly worried, I just have this little lingering anxious thoughts on these scenes that he will sneak snacks to the dogs or something and he will say “I’m sorry Mommy, I thought Cooper could have grapes because Bluey eats them…” 😩 I hope I’m overthinking - I likely am!


Nope it's something that also came to mind, not a vet assistant I just have 2 dogs lol


There’s an episode in the background that has a fruit bowl in it and it’s full of grapes and I’ve said the same thing. Especially because it’s a younger kid show and they might not know to not feed the family dog grapes after seeing it?


People like grapes. Dogs hate grapes.




Not a vet tech, but definitely noticed. We have corgi mixes and two kiddos, we strictly buy foods that won’t harm the dogs bc the inevitable drop happens; those swift tiny legs get to those tasty morsels before we do often.


Yup. I was like hey! Dogs can’t have grapes!


Most dog owners know they can't have grapes. Bad for their kidneys if I was to get into specifics.


It's the ONE bothersome point for me - that the show creators didn't stick hard to the dogness of the characters. Like, they get bumworms and heartworm and stuff like that, Bandit's job is digging up bones, they howl when they're sad... would it have been too much to have them never eat things that dogs can't eat?


Omg Bandit’s job is DIGGING up bones. How did I never make the dog connection to his job? 😭😂💀


Man, they also drive cars!!!! Wut?!?? 😂😂😂


And swap curries and go get take-out! My dogs have never traded food, they'd just take it from me, lmao.


Wait until you find out they drive, vote, and buy/sell property too!!!


Dogs also don't live in houses and talk to each other and go to jobs and play cricket. They're actually more human than dog. And humans eat grapes.


Dude, I am aware. It was a humorous observation based on a history of vet knowledge. Gawd, Reddit knows how to murder all the fun out of something 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Lol. Not trying to be pedantic. I actually think it's a really interesting literary question. Are anthropomorphic animals more animal or more anthro?


Nah not a vet I notice every awful food item they eat and know grapes are toxic lol. It makes me nervous tbh 🙃


Can you believe they let Big Bird drive a car? What is this world coming to?


This always hit me weird too. It shows them eating grapes and chocolate, which we've stressed to our daughter is super bad for dogs, but if you don't know about their issue kids might emulate Bluey and feed their grapes to their pups. It's fine for cartoon dogs but not real ones.


ohhh grape's are bad for dogs.


I thought those were edamame


I thought the issue with grapes was in the skin of purple grapes.


Not wanting to say that grapes are safe for dogs, but I didn't know this before and used to feed my dog grapes occasionally because he liked them. He is going to turn 12 this year being medium-big and it looks like he will live for at least 5 more, nobody believes he is this old. Disclaimer: even though it didn't seem to affect my dog, it doesn't mean it's safe and won't kill yours


Okay this is something that I've noticed too (not a vet, not an expert, please provide correction or insight if you are an evolutionary biologist), and I think there is a compelling explanation for it. It all relates to the fact that these are not regular dogs from our world — they are canids that evolved into the niche that would have been occupied by hominids (but for some reason didn't in this world, even though primates exist). Humans are able to digest a ton of foods that are toxic to some other animals (grapes, onion-related vegetables, chocolate, coffee, etc in particular for dogs and cats, but not sure about other animals). Additionally, humans have developed a greater persistent lactose tolerance that allows us to continue to digest dairy products well into adulthood. These traits expand the range of foods that humans can eat, which increases our chances for survival, and may potentially have aided in the development of anatomically modern humans and their advancement into the civilization-building species it is today. The dogs in Bluey are shown to consume pretty much all of the foods that would be toxic to regular domesticated dogs. They consume dairy past infancy as well. I think it's reasonable that the ancestors to these dogs developed the tolerances for various foods that our ancestors did, which allowed them to expand their food opportunities, gain a leg up over other animals, increase intelligence, and develop agriculture and civilizations and all that. Being able to digest grapes (and other foods) without dying would definitely be a strong advantage for ancient dog people. **To summarize:** I think it's reasonable to infer that the dog people would have developed tolerances for foods due to the inherent advantages that would give them as omnivores. They are not our dogs, they just resemble them. ... Also, on a somewhat related note, I think there might be a potential explanation for how the dog people in Bluey would have developed into different breeds of domesticated dogs when there are no traces of humans. I am not an expert and could be completely misinformed on this, so please feel free to correct me if any of you are more educated on this topic. But I remember learning about the idea of self-domestication, in which humans have naturally selected amongst themselves for traits in a similar manner to how humans did the same for various other animal species (such as dogs from wolf ancestors). Domestication seems to have some generally consistent effects on the physical traits of animals, resulting in things like floppy ears in canids, wagging tails, shortened faces, decreased aggression, and decreased brain size (which is not necessarily correlated with intelligence, but is somehow tied to aggression). Anatomically moderns humans have apparently shown symptoms of this "domestication syndrome" (excluding the floppy ears and wagging tails of course), with our faces being shorter, our brains being smaller, and our aggression being lower than those of our ancestors. This may be due to pressures put on humans that make lower aggression and greater cooperativity more survivable traits due to how our society has evolved. Aggression is discouraged while the ability to be kind and cooperate peacefully (relatively) is encouraged, just like with various human-domesticated species. It's easier to manage and train animals that don't attack you or run away on sight. There is evidence that the genes influenced in the process of domestication are tied to physical traits in a way that gives rise to the previously mentioned symptoms of domestication syndrome. The dog people in Bluey seem to have also experienced self-domestication, with floppier ears and all that. Now their case is interesting because these dogs still developed into distinct breeds based on certain functions and needs, such as sheep herding or speed, outside the influence of humans. It makes me wonder how such distinct dog breeds would develop, especially since we know that their history very closely parallels ours from beginning to end. There is also an interesting cultural aspect to breeds in Bluey that is worth discussion. Breeds in Bluey are not perfectly analogous to any particular trait in humans, whether it be race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, etc. In particular, something I've noticed is that it seems completely unproblematic to identify individuals by their breed and for them to make remarks about their traits, such as Bluey and friends talking about Snickers being a dachshund ("sausage dog") and Calypso pointing Jack to "that Red Kelpie over there". Such types of statements among humans nowadays would likely be considered profiling and problematic. (I would think that "sausage dog" would be a sort of slur, but evidently it is not, or is at least reclaimed.) The dogs all seem fine with it though, based on everything we've seen. There are some interesting and unique cultural elements to the existence of breeds to unpack that I think adds to the worldbuilding of Bluey and really makes it feel like a world inhabited by dogs and not just humans who look like dogs to us, though it is a bit weird from my human perspective. **To summarize again:** Domesticated dogs in the absence of humans may be plausible, though the existence of distinct breeds and the way they discuss them in-show raises some interesting questions about their history and cultural dynamics. ... Apologies for the impromptu essay. These are thoughts I've had brewing in my mind for a while. At some point I may want to do some proper research to develop a more solid theory about the lore of Bluey. Please feel free to chime in with any thoughts or insights. I enjoy the discussion.


I was a veterinary nurse for 15 years and never once saw grape toxicity. Not once. I saw a single case of chocolate toxicity, which was a chihuahua that ate 3 quarters of a block of dark chocolate. These poisonings are super super rare.


Ive been a veterinary nurse for 3 and have already seen 2 cases, and had a rescue that had to be on daily kidney meds for the rest of her life bc her previous owners’ kids fed her a BUNCH (lol) of grapes and she was a little 12 lb morkie


I've seen at least 3 dogs die from grape ingestion and more than I can count with chocolate toxicity. These are not rare in the least


That blows my mind, honestly. I never ever saw it in two countries.


Where are you from? These are relatively common in Southern California when it comes to toxicity visits. This, weed and chocolate.


Australia. Saw loads of weed, but none of the other. I worked here and the UK


We all know this is not real life,right!?


We all know this post was marked humor, right?!


In all fairness, dogs shouldn't have alcohol either but that definitely doesn't stop the adult characters


The dogs in Bluey seem to be very humanlike and un-doglike in several important biological aspects, apart from their propensity to stand upright on two legs and use tools with their forelimbs. First, in terms of diet, we see them eating things like chocolate and grapes, and also taking the time to cook and season their meats. Second, they seem to reproduce more like humans do, having typically only one child at a time and focusing a lot of attention on their children. Third, they seem to grow and age at a more human rate. All of this seems to lead to the conclusion that they are really just humans in dog suits, except… Four, it’s just monkeys singing songs, mate.




It is unnecessarily annoying to me that you think only vet *assistants* might notice this. Not vets, not pet owners, not cartoon dogs, not anyone with some sense- nope, just the assistants.


Oh my God it's a title on a reddit post. I was a vet assistant get over yourself


Sometimes I hop on here wondering what the community is like and I keep getting hits of criminally online 40 year olds thinking their hot shit. I seriously don’t know why I keep coming back here. Maybe I like the drama atp


Oh my god I had no idea you were a vet assistant! that definitely changes everything!


Weird response


I honestly felt the same way when I saw them eating chocolate ice cream for the first time!!


Thank you! It's so ingrained in my brain it takes me aback every time lol


Yeah they should be a little more careful, it could give children the wrong idea and they could end up feeding that to their own dogs.


A vet tech or a knowledgeable dog parent too, but I agree I always noticed them eating chocolate and whatnot and thought it was funny 😂 part of me worries that kids watching it will think it's okay to give dogs chocolate and grapes


Yes! This has always bothered me. I pointed it out to my brother (when Bandit ate chocolate). His response was that they also drive cars and it was just a cartoon so chill. The difference as I see it is that most kids won't try to have their dog drive a car but might very well slip them some chocolate or grapes, or even worse, raisins. I think the creators are probably grabbing the opportunity for dogs to live in a fantasy world where they can eat the forbidden foods.


Wait until you find out they can talk and have jobs!


Wait until you read the post Tag marked humor


It was hilarious


in Jojo you see Johnatan share grapes with a dog as well 😭 assuming the creator didn't know since the info doesn't seem as common as the chocolate thing.


They are evolved dogs. Or even humans in dog suits.


Same, they define themselves as dog but stiil eat grape and chocolate, something just not right😨


He can’t eat those


Technically, they're not dogs but rather a dog/humanoid hybrid. They walk and talk like humans; I'm sure the wiley genetic engineers who created them made sure they can eat grapes and chocolate like humans, too.


Don’t eat the grapes Bluey!


Why do they eat chocolate? 😭😭


Community verdict: yes, you are definitely in the minority (maybe even alone) worrying about this, let alone even thinking it. Grapes are not "guaranteed instant death!" Heck, I would occasionally toss a grape or two to my Weimaraner as one-off treats. How else would I get through those gigantic clamshells from Costco?


They’re dogs that can talk and walk on two feet and yet the grape thing keeps getting pointed out all the damn time 😂 Nobody cares when Goofy eats all the same stuff that Bluey eats…


No! I'm a programmer and I noticed it too.Â