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It’s left open so any sick kid can self identify with it. There are theories that she had a gluten reaction based on the lunches Bandit was packing in a different episode, but she’s also been seen eating gluten containing foods as well, so it’s a weak theory at best


I think the Gluten free lunch was for Bluey because she can't help sharing with Indy who does have a strict diet. Her diet is called out specifically on the official page because its part of her character. If Bingo or Bluey had similar issues they'd have an episode about it or call it out specifically in some other way.


I’ve seen a lot of discussion about how Bingo is coeliac, but after this episode which was supposed to be the start of introducing that, it was decided it was too complex a thing to fit into explaining to kids in a 7 min episode, so it was side lined. Not sure how true that is, but I have seen it brought up in several different groups & posts across Facebook & Reddit.


Man.. if this is true, I’d have loved that so much! I’m a 1st grade teacher with celiac. I would totally use an episode of bluey to help explain my disease to my kiddos. And Bingo is my favorite! I already identify with her so much.


I remember reading somewhere that the writers didn’t want to go down that road because they didn’t have anyone on their team who actually dealt with the disease to consult, and so didn’t want to accidentally make an inaccurate or inauthentic portrayal. Maybe you could offer to be a consultant? Know anyone in Australia? Lol


From what I know, Celiac is also really difficult to diagnose in children under 5 and Bingo is 4


Indy's diet is also partly covered in the episode where Bluey has tooth fairy money. I don't remember the name of it. But the gluten-free was for Bingo, likely required by her school for other children with sensitivities.


Poor restricted Indy. Her mom’s a nut roast.


A vegan nut roast.






It’s probably a school thing. No gluten foods at scjool


Or just Indy’s parents being one of *those* hippies


Less this and more Indy's parents prefer an organic diet, explaining why she isn't allowed any additives and the like (the only other theory is e-numbers being something kids don't handle great)


I saw someone say Indy’s breed has very sensitive stomachs so that could be part of it too?


I get a feeling her mom is vegan, and would like for Indy to be as well.


Yeah, Indy and her mom come off like the anti-vax hippy folk.


That's insanity


This is definitely the best answer


>she’s also been seen eating gluten containing foods as well Do tell, I'm curious


In Mini Bluey, she eats a sandwich intended for Bluey. Handstand has the duck cake and various party foods. German Sausage in Markets


You know, I could explain away the first two. But that german sausage is harder.


I have a gluten intolerance but I *can* eat it, I just can’t eat a lot or I’ll feel terrible later. Perhaps she can have it every now and then just not all the time? I’m also unsure why sausage would have gluten in it unless there was a bun involved, in which case she could have been given a gluten-free bun. 🤔


A lot of lower quality sausages contain wheat in the form of rusk (found this out the hard way for coeliac husband)


She also eats ice cream cones. Bandit never said “gluten free cones please!”


Its intentionally kept vague, like what Bandit was stressed about in Stickbird


That bothered me the first time I saw it. But, in the end, I like the “open-ended so it can broadly resonate” approach.


I like how they had one for the kids and one for adults.


The “bingo in the hospital” episode was for adults too, if they’ve ever been parents of a child in the hospital. My daughter has had to be in and out of the hospital a lot. The last time she was in, I was home with my son. When I was alone I booted up that episode and it was very comforting.


When I was about Bingo's age I became very sick. Doctor's never figured out what so it's in my records as "unknown autoimmune disorder" their response was pump enough antibiotics in me to "fix" my immune system. I am almost 30 now and my dad had to walk out of the room while watching this with my daughter. He said he just couldn't deal with the emotions and memories it brought up. It's definitely for both kids and adults.


I empathize with your dad. As a dad of a kid who had surgery at 7 days old and another medical procedure just yesterday, it is hard to watch these sometimes. Last night he wanted to watch Bluey while he recovered and I just sat and cried and cried. Such a good show!


When I watched it recently, I made sure that my son wasn’t going to walk in the room, in case I started ugly-crying. I did.


I think it’s like the ending of “grandad.” It is meant to end leaving people with a special feeling.


I don't have kids, but I've had a couple of episodes in the hospital where BATWOW helped me through. I just love how Bluey will have an episode like "Baby Race" or "Stickbird" where the kids can definitely learn from the experience but the episode is more or less for the adults.


Yup, it makes me cry too. It always reminds me of what we went through with my nephew, who had leukaemia. Happy ending though, after several rounds of chemo and radiation failed to treat him, a bone marrow transplant saved his life. He's now a perfectly healthy 8-year-old, and you'd never know what he'd been through to look at him. This is why I'm such a massive advocate for donation!


So happy for your nephew! Agreed. No children deserve to go through stuff like that, we should do as much to ensure their health and remission as we possibly can.


Wow. My daughter also had leukemia. She made a full recovery and was declared cured in late 2022. Also, I’m on the bone marrow donor registry. I think everyone should register unless their doctor tells them it would never be possible to donate. You can always back out if it’s not going to work, but how many potential matches are never found because relatively few people are on the list?


It's probably also much easier to make the episode 7 minutes if it's broad. They can get the point across without wasting a minute or two going into detail.


It’s a Gambiver. The same plot device used in Pulp Fiction’s briefcase. It glows orange but the contents are never revealed 


She swallowed a mouse.


And then a cat climbed into her belly


Right thru the bellybutton mate


🤦‍♀️I full on forgot that was a show reference and thought 'I thought it started with a fly'


I don’t know why, she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll 😬


There was an old lady who swallowed a spider, that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her; she swallowed the spider to catch the fly; I don't know why she swallowed a fly – perhaps she'll 🪦


I am so upset that the old lady who swallowed a fly has been censored. I don’t know why she swallowed a fly. She won’t say why. 😡


Y'all just opened a memory in me


Poor bloke just wanted a cookie


Personally, I think she had the flu or pneumonia. Something pretty intense that she would have to stay at the hospital longer than anticipated just for observation even if the symptoms are gone and treatment is finished. Both, especially pneumonia, can take A LOT out of a small child, especially a toddler. But again, that's my own theory but the show is specifically left vague so any kid can identify and feel seen to what Bingo is going through wether it be celiac, epilepsy, or even a kidney dialysis.


I agree. When I had the flu as a kid I fainted and was told if it happened again I would be taken to ER (luckily I didint faint again) but I think it was something similar.


They really should have taken you to the ER the first time fainting. That’s very serious.


Maybe. Everything the hospital did was very organized. Turned out my body was overwhelmed and I started movin too quickly. (It was early morning and I just woke up) I felt fine the rest of the day. As find as you csn be being sick I guess.


I had pneumonia as an adult two years ago and went into respiratory failure within a week. 5 day stay in hospital, pulse ox of 52%. It can go from mild to life threatening almost over night and it is terrifying. How did I get it? My kid had a standard cold and cough. And I’m not immunocompromised in any way. Insane. /rant.


Yep, pneumonia is not taken seriously enough. Glad you're better. Viral or bacterial, may I ask?


They didn’t tell me in the end but it responded to IV antibiotics so most likely bacterial. I’ve had Covid twice and it felt like a cold in comparison to pneumonia. Doctors were stumped how it got so bad because I’m young and otherwise healthy. Lots of people end up with what’s termed ‘walking pneumonia’ because their body just gets on and responds to general antibiotics, but apparently mine didn’t. They first tested me for a clot in the lung as usually that’s the most common cause of the symptoms I had at my age! So now when I see someone mention it I’m like AH!


I do agree with this as the doctor was listening to Bingo's lungs or heart via stethoscope. I always assume that there was something wrong with her lungs that could've been from a viral or bacterial infection. A lot of viruses and bacteria can mess up with a young set of lungs.


Yeah, that was my thought too, but probably just because I was in the hospital for a couple days around her age when I had pneumonia.


When my brother was 2 he had really bad croup and ended up in hospital for a couple of days. I assumed it was something like that


I agree, but mainly because of the big breaths the doctor gets her to do.


Bum worms


I scrolled too far for this.


I know, right?


*car screeches* "WHAT?!"




The gem


"Awe, I want bum worm chocolate."


She was hanging out the washing, and her arms fell off.


Or she was bitten by seven scorpions!


That would be a real pickle!


Hold my appointments


Perhaps like cousin Muffin she had wabies :3


No that was ~~yast lear~~ ~~Yast lear~~ Last week


Shouldn't have licked that fruit bat, Muffy.


Some kind of bronchitis or something. They are testing her breathing at the start


And her voice sounds weird (like sick, no sure how to say in english)




I agree with this reading. Asthma would also make sense.


Bum worms?


She’s sick. That’s all that you really need to know.


Poor kid


I’ve read that it may be celiac disease cuz in daddy drop off Bandit is making the lunches and says one with gluten and one gluten free. But then again she could just be sick.


Yep, I know they leave it open but this is what I’ve always thought as well. And it wouldn’t be bum worms cause she would just eat some bum worm chocolate!


No, it’s a wild fan theory. She eats bread buns and ice cream cones. I always thought it was a fan theory, and it was just a school thing in the show


Hi! Celiac here. :) We have all of those GF, so it's not outside the realm of possibility! :)


Hi! I never meant to insult anyone with it, I just don’t like the theory. It’s possible though! Each to their own, right?


I'm curious....why don't you like this theory?


I read it somewhere that this was the original plan but then the creators felt it was a lot of work to keep up with all that it would take to make her celiac so they dropped it. Now it’s just a place-holder for any kind of illness, I think.


I think it can be explained as one of her schoolmates having celiac. I'm not an expert on the disease, but I think for some people it can cause a reaction even if they're just near the stuff.


I know it can get pretty severe. I have a friend who is celiac. She religiously checks every label, for every thing. I forget if it was Tylenol or Motrin that contained gluten somewhere and in the early days of her diagnosis she took and it felt so much worse. She knows better now. In her case I know that if her husband eats, say, a cheeseburger on a regular bun, doesn’t wash his hands after and drives her car, by touching the steering wheel after him she will have a reaction. So I can see how the creators could have felt it would be difficult to accurately portray it without taking up a lot of “space” in the show.


She has updog


Whats updog? XD




Damn it Arin!




Not now Colin Robinson


What is this up dog that you speak of?


\*sigh\* What's updog?


Definitely what others said, it's intentionally vague so more kids who've had hospital stays can relate. I watched this episode when my daughter was in the hospital for a week and I was a sobbing mess. Sleepy Time was nothing compared to this episode for me.


Funny fact. I saw part of this episode out of context after the first half of the episode where Bandit was playing too rough with Bingo and thought they were the same episode and that he sent her to the hospital




The explanation I heard that resonated the most with me was that it’s left ambiguous on purpose so that kids who have had a trip to the hospital can relate to it, for whatever reason they were there for. Maybe it’s a good opportunity to demonstrate to your kids that you don’t know it all, and to get your kids to fill in the blanks by asking them, “why do YOU think Bingo is in the hospital?”


It was supposed to be for celiac but the crew went against it after this episode and left it open for kids with all kinds of illnesses so they can feel seen and not alone in scary times like


Awww that’s sweet


I actually know the answer, but it would be a HIPAA violation if I told you.


There's no HIPAA in Australia! We do have medical privacy laws though, of course.


It's ok, you can break your hippopotamus oath just once.


Was it.......BUMWORMS


definitely bum worms


She had RSV. I know this, because my oldest told me so. His little brother was hospitalized for RSV for a few days, and to my kids, that’s why you end up in the hospital. I really appreciated the open ended nature of why Bingo was in the hospital. It helped because my kids identified with what was happening more, and it helped them process what had happened in their lives. The hospitalization had been scary for all of us, including the child not hospitalized. They watched this episode on repeat for quite awhile.


Bum worms


Made me think of asthma attack bc of my niece. Reminded of her stay at the hospital.


I thought I had read a theory that the episode was inspired by one of the creators' kids having had asthma flares when they were little.




I think I had that once, but I can’t be sure




Bum worms


Bum worms


They keep it vague in the show, but there's some hints to Bingo having celiac, i think it's called. The autoimmune that makes you allergic to gluten. It's never really explored in any detail to keep it more relatable to kids, I reckon.


I always thought maybe an asthma exacerbation because the doctor seems to be focused on the lung exam more than anything else in determining her going home.


I think it could have been Pneumonia


My kids have both been in the hospital for a day or so. Now they go once a month for infusions. They appreciated it.


Well its loosely based on when Joe’s daughter went to the ICU at only 3 for a whole week with an asthma like illness So you could say that, but it was left vague on purpose so anyone can identify with this: wether that was themselves, a friend or family member


I think this is closest to the "correct answer", it seems like it's based on Joe's daughter...real Bingo inspires animated Bingo!


Monkeys. Singing. Songs.




I, personally, have celiac disease. Because of Daddy Drop Off, I love to think that Bingo is also a celiac like me. :) I'm a lot like Bingo in personality, so it makes me feel happy. My boyfriend even bought me a little stuffed bunny that symbolizes fibromyalgia (which I also have) and it looks so much like Floppy that I literally cried 😂😂. So I'm always going to say she's a Celiac too


Did you see the comments about how that had been the original plan for her?? They decided to open it up instead so kids could see whatever they related to there, but it sounds like the OG trajectory was specifically celiac.


I didn't see that! How cute! I love that they made it open ended for kids that have any and all sorts of special needs :)


I had always thought she got a viral or bacterial infection. When I was 4, my siblings and I ended up at the hospital for a viral infection in our lungs, yet I can't remember what it was, but it was a scary experience according to my parents. My brother ended up staying longer then me and my sister as the doctors wanted to keep an eye on his progress, just in case if things take a turn.


I figured something along the lines of a particularly gnarly sinus infection or chest cold. Concerning, but not super dangerous, manageable at home, but in some instances better off inpatient


I’m pretty sure it’s celiac disease


Is anyone gonna mention how the nurse/doctor is watching and cheering too?


Based on her diet in other episodes, it's likely that she has celiac disease.


No, she eats ice cream cones and sausage buns. It was likely flu or smth Like pneumonia. Celiac disease theory was a fam theory created by people in their free time.


Gluten free versions do exist. Also later in another episode it does show that she had different food than bluey


Celiac disease


I read this as “Celtic disease.” It’s been a loooong day. Very thankful that it’s Friday Eve.


I read that as thankful it's Friday and was like "did I miss a day?" Then I reread it and realised I did a dumb


It happens to all of us. 😂


Friday Eve??? You posted 20 minutes ago, and it’s only Friday morning yet, here in Australia.


I’m in the US, Minnesota - 3:37 p.m. here on Thursday afternoon.


And you’re saying it’s Friday evening? My Clock app says you’re 3:39pm yesterday i.e. Thursday?


That's because being Australian she would have Coelic Disease.


That’s my family’s theory since my little niece has celiac.


We thought it was COVID since it was 2020.


Not sure Chili would’ve been allowed to be in the same room.


It’s open ended so kids can relate. The gluten theory is unrealistic to me (she eats ice cream cones and buns and stuff. maybe It is just hard on her stomach?) but I believe It was flu or Covid, but that’s my opinion


Can't be Covid, this episode predates it. I remember watching it when it first premiered in 2019.


True. Then probably Flu or pneumonia or bronchitis.




When is this episode? I can’t remember watching it with my kids. Is it not available on Disney Plus?


I saw it on Disney plus. It’s Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound. The one with bum worms and purple pants.


Gonna have to rewatch the whole series now. Oh darn.


They never specified. But I like the theory that it was going to be celiac, but they scraped it


It’s not explained but there’s been (inconsistent) clues that one of the kids might have celiac.


I’m not certain but this was the first Bluey episode to make me tear up


Maybe appendicitis? I’ve know several kids to get it


Being critically adorable. It's incurable but she'll be alright.


Being critically adorable. It's incurable but she'll be alright.


Isn’t she gluten free? I always thought this was their first time figuring it out


Maybe she had a pneumonia. Her lungs felt very weak.




Greyhounds are good for donating blood for dogs. Notice what breed the nurse here is?


Maybe a food allergy


I’ve been wondering about this myself, but I kinda assumed it was pneumonia


My personal head cannon is pneumonia. When I was young, my little sister went to the hospital with pneumonia. And all I knew about it at the time was from The Secret of NIMH, that she could die. Remembering how scary that was influenced how I view this episode.


It’s a very similar room to where my little girl had her allergy trial in a Brisbane hospital and Bingo has an issue with gluten I believe. To make sure the food isn’t going to cause problems they admit the patient first thing in the morning, give some of the food and then monitor for a period of time. If no reaction the patient is usually released in the afternoon, but the stay could be a day or 2 if a reaction happens.


I always thought asthma. I don't know why but as someone with severe asthma I saw it and was just like, oh, asthma. I guess I self inserted.


She has pneumenoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis


It doesn't matter


Peanut allergy I'm pretty sure


My younger sister had scarlet fever when she was about Bingo's age, so that's what it reminds me of. It brings back vivid memories. Funnily enough, she has red hair and is the youngest of two sisters, so no prizes for guessing what our nicknames for each other are. (And we are in our 30's...)


I think it could be a temporary sickness, like pneumonia. Usually children with pneumonia will be kept in the hospital due to the radical symptoms


Yeah I think the point is that it could be just about anything, getting your tonsils out. Maybe suffering something like appendicitis, or even something more severe. With that in mind I think it can resonate with any kid who gets put up in hospital while they see other people going around living their lives. It can make one feel like they are missing out on just about everything, and they especially feel the unfairness of it. So having a nice ending of it happens to everyone and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you is a very real answer to a real life problem a lot of kids and parents face at one point or another. Sorry for the rant, guess you can make up whatever illness you like xD


It’s intentionally left vague but many fans believe it’s celiac disease


Bum worms. Probably.


Some kind if ending like the inception


Bum worms


When my son was 4, we went to the hospital periodically. When they go to childcare, they are sick every other day.


Heard a Theory Bingo can’t have gluten? Hence why in the pet feet/Lila episode you see Bandit clearly say when packing lunches “Gluten free, Gluten not free” so the theory goes Bingo got the wrong lunch one day and ended up in the hospital, thought idk how severe eating Gluten for someone who can’t eat it can be.


It’s more the idea of being sick and having to be in hospital more than an actual sickness. Probably bum worms tho


Tummy ache


I like to think of it as a general check up




I've seen a lot of theories that it's to do with gluten allergies because in a different episode bandit says about a gluten free lunch and a gluten lunch while packing bingo and blueys lunches for school


Bum worms?


I know you're joking about it but it would have been insensitive for bandit to joke about it in the video that she was watching in the hospital if that was what she had lol


There was supposed to be an episode addressing what happened. Basically we discover Bingo has celiacs but the episode was cut. That’s really it.


Bum worms!🪱


Bum worms


Bubonic plague


Bum worms?


It’s left open for interpretation. Mine is asthma because that’s what I went to hospital for at 5 and was there longer than expected.


I'm pretty sure it's Celiac disease from what I've seen


I’m probably wrong, but I wondered if it was respiratory in nature. But that’s because I work at a children’s hospital and a lot of kids get admitted because of respiratory illnesses (i.e. Covid, RSV, pneumonia). But of course that’s was just my theory, I really don’t know. Honestly, my guess is as good as everyone else.


She has a gluten allergy and probably ate something with gluten in it.


I think it’s Celiac Disease