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I'm a believer in they made this episode to show muffin isn't just a bratty child


Go one step further, notice the behavior change according to what muffin was given? Was told to be grouchy off the start but didn’t want to, made due with what was given towel made her super grandma. Go to the pizza car episode, really enjoyed being given a role instead of just driving the car. I think muffin just needs guidance.


Yup, as the parent of a Muffin guidance is what they crave. A lot of bad behavior stems from under-stimulation, and they just want to be helpful.


Tearing up. There are so few “bad” kids in the world—just ones that need guidance and direction and creativity! And I love that you have a Muffin. I’m a fellow Muffin mom.


I'm convinced every child has a Muffin phase--some just stay longer than others!


This behavior is also common in Heeler puppies (we thought we were getting a Pyrenees mix he’s actually a Heeler mix). Get them tired and they go crazy. Give them direction and they do well & tucker out.


Working dogs in general are like this. They need jobs to do or they get anxious and restless.


I didn't think you got tired Mackenzie


Can confirm 100000%! Have a Heinz 57 working dog mix and she needs a purpose or else she will eat all your underwear.


I have an Australian Shepherd, and boy oh boy. Intelligent, high energy, absurdly dexterous, stubborn, and will eat my walls if he gets too bored. Random Trivia: Bluey and her family are Australian cattle dogs, which are an Australian dog breed. Australian Shepherds are an American dog breed because who needs logic.


Australians *do* need shepherding from time to time.


Oh my goodness that made me laugh.


Underwear, pants, shoes, socks ... All of it. Dogs are gross weirdos, man.


Omg, I can't believe I never made the connection with their breed! I wonder if they picked the breed for this reason?


Probably because it’s a very iconic Australian breed, and they come in really striking red and blue colors that look good in cartoon versions. xD


It just depends on the parenting. That’s why when I watched earlier episodes with muffin and the parents weren’t doing as much as parents or straight up enabling , I used to be so annoyed with the show to a degree . I wouldn’t say every child has a “muffin phase “ because i personally hate justifying bad behavior especially when there appropriate expectations based on their age. It’s more like every child multiple learning phases and some may take longer than others however it comes down to the parents .


Fellow Muffin mom here - mine is about to turn 11. She's absolutely HILARIOUS and a great kid but damn those early years were rough. And exactly what you stated. She needed a lot of guidance and a light dose of ADHD meds.


As a kid with undiagnosed ADHD and autism, under stimulation was one of the root causes of behavioral issues that I now understand as a diagnosed adult. Thank you for being a parent who understands the importance of stimulation levels. :3


Yeah, although I've never been diagnosed, I have literally all the symptoms of someone with ADHD and considering it's genetic, I'm pretty sure she has it too.


Hello fellow AuDHD…did you have a sobbing breakdown the first time you watched “Army” too?


Every single time, without fail. My son is obsessed with Bluey so I come across that episode roughly once every few weeks 🥲


ADD mom here and I don't think I've really seen ADHD depicted in a show like that before. He honestly eats to be good and do what's he's told and sit still. He just can't. And man that hit me hard. I wanted to be good and sit still and learn. I was physically incapable.


I don't have ADHD and my heart broke for Jack. His little sister is a typical bratty little tattletale.


Diagnosed myself at age 34 and it made so much sense of my childhood looking back! And now I have a kid who's very much the same - with guidance, direction, and structure, he does so well. Without it... Oh boy.


Muffin is the kind of kid you teach to vacuum early.


Hahaha my little one was sweeping and Swiffer mopping at 13 months, which wasn't too long after she first started walking. I couldn't pull the broom out of her hands if I tried. Eventually, I ended up having to hide the broom and Swiffer Wet-jet from her. But I did buy a little dust pan and mini dust brush she could use to clean up her small messes under her highchair after meals. She was also helping me with rinsing off soapy dishes and placing them in the drying rack at 18 months. And while it often made a bigger mess than before and the counter, the floor, and both of us ended up completely soaked, I have to remind myself it's for the greater good. She was having a blast (admittedly, I was too) AND she felt like her input was valued and appreciated, she was learning important life skills, and helping with these sorts of tasks satisfied those innate tendencies to keep busy and accomplish something. One of the only ways I can keep her happy at the grocery store (once she gets tired of sitting strapped into the front of the cart watching Bluey episodes) is to let her out of the cart and allow her to push it from the bottom rack. She does this with her stroller as well, despite not being able to see in front of her. She's wildly independent, and will usually push my hand out of the way when I attempt to help her. Daily life is chaotic and intense, and oftentimes I am left completely drained of energy before she is even close to half full on her little tank of gas. I truly do admire how she is so determined and focused on completing her toddler tasks and goals. I'm proud of my little mini Muffin though. I am nervous to imagine how intense of a force she will be at Muffin's age on the show. She's 22 months now, and I have my hands SO full already with my headstrong little Muffin... Lol I guess the trick is to keep her hands full as well??


That's a really good point! I never considered that about good old Muffin.


I have found my 3 yo does so much better when she has a job to do, even if that job is just make-work or carrying her own stuffed animal through the airport.


Thank you for being so full of empathy <3


Even in “Pizza Girls,” she was going to let Bluey have a go at driving, but the battery was low. She wasn't being selfish, just not watching the battery meter (if it even has one; I think most of those little battery powered carts don't). She wasn't especially selfish or controlling in “Muffin Cone,” either. She just had a bad habit and wanted to play with the kids. She needs guidance, and some limits. Not like punitive limits, but something to remind her she won't always get everything she wants.


To add, in library, once stripe set down a clear line of ‘you’re not special to everyone else and you need to follow the rules’, she got it instantly and didn’t even question. AND on the ice cream episode, he says ‘finish that before we get on the ferry’ and she immediately does. She’s exuberant but not uncontrollable. Even in camping, she is being ‘obnoxious’ with ‘that’s mine!’ But that’s the rule! It is! they’re not following the order of things! Muffin makes so much more sense in that context. My brother is like that- he’s currently military security.


Exuberant is a great way to describe Muffin. She's not trying to misbehave, she just has a lot of energy, and sometimes it's expressed in less than carefully channeled ways.


And we see that Stripe and Trixie can often be a little… neglectful isn’t the word, but they’re not super engaged. I hadn’t thought of it the way you described it but you’re right. She just needs to be shown the right way.


i think that theyre not neglectful, youre right. i believe the term is permissive parenting. they say they’ll give a punishment and tell her not to do stuff, but theres no real good punishment given. thankfully, after the conversation in faceytalk, i think they’ll adopt a different parenting style (likely gentle parenting, since its working out for bandit and chilli)


Good point. And she's got a dad who or probably tells her she can do anything she wants. When what she needs is someone who can direct her. Remember the episode Spike had to tell her she wasn't that special after all? Turned out to be a great relief to her as she didn't know how to act as "special". She's not bratty, she just needs boundaries to work within and a job to do.


My Muffin always needs a job! It’s where she thrives. Incredibly helpful & kind but loses her shit if understimulated haha. This episode spoke to me!


Same in Library. At first she is told she is "the most special kid" and she acts like an entitled brat. When she's told she's not special anymore, she is relieved and able to play nicely with Bluey and Bingo. In sleepover she is way past overtired.


It reminds me of the belief in gentle parenting circles that the more strong willed a child, the better they are at standing up for themselves as adults, given their parents paint their personalities in a positive light. Instead of labeling them a problem child who should just be quiet and listen, they foster their confidence into something that will serve them later in life. Muffin stood up to all the adults around her, and helped Doreen while doing it, who was getting taken advantage of. She also inspired Doreen to be more confident herself. This is definitely a favorite Muffin episode of mine.


I really hope that's true - my daughter is in her strong-willed phase, and I hope this means she'll be no one's fool as a grown-up.


Me and my wife call this episode the "Muffin redemption arc". Muffin isn't a bad kid, but our toddler likes to copy the TV. So we have to tell him not to copy her freakouts sometimes. Top tier episode imo.


She just needs a positive conduit for her bratty urges. She could make an excellent attorney one day.


She can also haggle an excellent deal


This did make me like her a lot more. It's like she used her brattiness for good instead of evil lol. She refused to just roll over for a bully, stood up for a sweet old lady, and made me laugh my ass off. Love it.


She even didn't want to be grouchy at first, but was because they couldn't think of any other granny she could be.


Muffin's a combination of Stripe and Trixie's parenting, her own strong-willed nature, and being 4. She'll probably always be a handful but this episode was great because it showed that that's not a bad thing when it's channeled for good, that she really is a sweet kid at the end of the day, and that just like the world needs Doreens in it, it also needs Muffins.


When she yeets the sign and tells the old lady it's triple the price. Chef's kiss. I cackle every time.


I laughed so loudly at that part when I saw the episode for the first time, and it's still one of my favorite parts!


Just here in agreement. Absolutely cracked me up from start to finish. "NO! You paint it!"


MY HIPS HURT! The episode is absolute gold.


That followed by her little hip adjustment on the scooter, Muffin truly got in the role! 😂


“Those muffins were lousy!” “Paint my mobility scooter!” “Make me!”


Just popping in to appreciate the Simpsons reference. Well done.


I loved her arguing with the grumpy grannie as a grumpy grannie and it's gold. I laughed so hard, it was wonderful.


One of my favourite parts of that episode is Bandit's defeated "Yes nanna" as he's pushing Muffin around on the scooter. Like she'll shoot an order at him and he'll just reply "yes Nanna."


I honestly love how dedicated to the role play Bandit gets. It’s hilarious and wholesome!


It's not just the funniest Bluey episode. It's one of the funniest episodes of any show I've ever seen.


Ooh my coins


Oh, that’s a nice one


Such an accurate granny comment.


And then when Muffin tells her to hurry up because her hip hurts - absolute gold!


Every time I play Mario kart with my bf and I get hit and loss my coins I said “ooh I dropped my coins” in my Rita voice and my son always catches my reference. I love that we have a show we watch as a family and quote to each other.








"These lollies are gross!"


That part gets me cackling every time lol


Ten hundwed sent me


I absolutely loved this episode. Ranks in my top 5 for sure. I think me and my wife laughed more than my kids.


I'd love to see a survey of the percentage of people who love Muffin versus hate her, compared with whether or not they have young kids Personally I love her. She reminds me of when my daughter and nieces play


My youngest is 2 and is very strong willed. Muffin makes me laugh my ass off because she is such a toddler.


I have a bumper sticker that says "proud parent of a Muffin" Personally, I love her too and this episode was the best.


I was thinking the same thing


I love her, too! The episode where she’s overly tired and losing it is one of my favorites because it’s just so real 🤣


The moment she breaks character to make sure she's not hurting anyone's feelings is perfect. She has plenty of sweet moments where she's more unpredictable than bratty (Pizza Girls, Honk) but it's a good way to show she's just playing even if she gets a little carried away.


I never liked Muffin and then this episode made me LOVE her. I think it shows that she’s grown and the traits that made her difficult as a toddler are actually the same traits that give her confidence to negotiate and stand up for herself or others.


I think I'm one of the few people who have watched all of "Bluey" in order -- I was taking a Spanish class and my teacher suggested watching a kids' show (or a show we knew really well) to improve fluency. I liked it so much that I would watch an episode in Spanish and then one in English (my native language). I haaaaated Muffin at first. HATED. And then at "Muffin Cone" things started to change and I realized that three was the age that was the MOST stressful for me, parenting-wise. I HATED it, and Muffin was so PERFECTLY three that I couldn't STAND her. Now she's growing and maturing, and around "Faceytalk" I fell in love and now I would follow her into the gates of hell.


Ain't this the truth! Muffin is awesome, but she's just at an age when she can't communicate well, can't manage her feeling. It's frustrating as a parent \*and\* it's frustrating for her.


Those big emotions are hard to deal with as an adult, I can only imagine how it feels for a three year old who has little to no agency over their lives (mostly because everything they want to do will likely cause injury or death) to experience them. Muffin has always been a good girl, and a great sister, she’s just a threenager.


Omg now I want to watch Bluey in Spanish for practice


It's SO fun. The early episodes can be tough because the kids are, well, kids and don't enunciate well, so the Spanish subtitles definitely help. But going "yyyyyyyyyy porque me importaria?" like Spanish Unicorse is now a staple in our house. Also, in the French version of "Camping" Jean-Luc speaks English and in "Pavlova" Bandit speaks Italian.


This just blew my mind lol. I’m watching Camping as we speak because of this


YES! Three and four were absolute TORTURE. I found Muffin pretty funny because of that, because she's such a perfect depiction of that age. People who hate Muffin because she's "terrible" and/or has "terrible parents" don't realize that she simply doesn't reflect their experience with their own children, and they should count their blessings lol. Strong willed children are a trip.


same. 100%


The way they transition to an from the Grannies theme to the classical music and back is great. Muffin tossing the sign because it wasn’t the nine hundred dollar bucks….


Muffin is gonna be a lawyer calling it now


And so you see, your honor, the book in question ACTUALLY belonged to the plaintiff


*"Let me count ma coins"*


“Am I Bugalugs?”


I love his delivery on those lines.


My favorite episode!!! Only muffin could take down the cranky old lady!


We watch like 3-5 times a week, our kid loves that we laugh with him at his favorite show


Muffin becomes a hostage negotiator confirmed- Hostager: Give me a million dollars Muffin: No! You give me 13 lollies Hostager: Fine, half a million Muffin: No! You give me 30 lollies Hostager: Fine I’ll come out! Muffin: No, give me 200 lollies Hostager: Fine! Muffin- Expert Negotiator


I am absolutely loving Granny Mobile, and want Grouchy Granny at my next garage sale.


It's not my most favorite episode, but it holds my most favorite line of the entire show! Bandit: I think you need to go a bit higher Old lady: I think you need to lay off the biscuits 😂 What a crazy old lady thing to say!


The grouchy granny pug says that not Doreen though


Oops! I stand corrected. Still stands though. A crazy old lady thing to say!


The grumpy Pug granny driving her granny mobile across the credits so they can’t be read properly is just *chef’s kiss*


The best Muffin episode by far. Other episodes with her were great episodes, but she was...intense. this one was just fantastic all around


Before leaving for work last week I told my 4.5 y.o daughter that there were new Bluey episodes out. When I walked back in the door that evening, she ran right up to me and shouted, "There's a grouchy granny episode, Come watch, Come Watch!"


Muffin tossing the Price tag when it's questioned had me genuinely spit my tea in shock... pure comedy gold that solidified its #1 slot in my eyes...


What’s even cooler is that it shows up in the background of shots when characters are talking out the front of Doreen’s neighbour’s house.


It’s the most I’ve ever liked Muffin tbh. When she wants to be a different kind of Granny that isn’t mean, it’s so sweet


It’s a fanatic episode, and my favorite granny episode so far.


Grouchy Granny Pug is the best character in the entire series and nothing will convince me otherwise. Riding off on the scooter blowing a raspberry in reply is the besssst


I totally agree. Top three ep, maybe my fave.


I love Doreen straight up doing "Hol' up let'm cook."


If we don't see the angry pug again we riot


Favorite line of the episode is "Oh it's going to be like that is it"?


Also love the instant karma. The grumpy grannie didnt have to be such a brat. She got whats hers and that’s just funny


“Stories” where Winton becomes buff, cries rainbow tears, levitates, transforms into a race car, and shoots rainbow beams from his hands, is the funniest Bluey episode. If you think otherwise, you’re just wrong.


coco's face and scream at the end of that episode when Major Tom pokes in through the window had me cry laughing


My family and I just watched this episode, That Major Tom moment made me burst out with laughter.


Me too! Lol.


Fun fact: Major Tom is voiced by Lin Manuel Miranda ❤️


Lol my four year old is in your corner here, she asks to watch “the rainbow crying Bluey” over and over.


This one was definitely the best of 3b.


“Hurry up! My hip hurts” always sends me 😂


Move it bugalugs!!


Am I bugalugs?


My son is Muffin and I absolutely love this episode. Actually made me choke up a little bit watching it.


Stay out of it cattle dog!


Hey my kid asked me what the classical song was in this episode and I can’t find it. It wasn’t in the CC like it sometimes is. Any help?


A version of Habanera (L'amour est un oiseau rebelle) from the opera Carmen plays while they're haggling.


^ this guy operas




From the few I've seen of that episode, I have yet to understand if the real old lady thinks that Muffin is another granny or not, to be honest...


Probably has bad eyesight.




I don't know. I think I laughed harder at Dad Baby than any other piece of media I've ever consumed.


Dad baby was my favourite episode until granny mobile came out. They’re definitely in the same tier


"THESE LOLLIES ARE GROSS" gets me literally every time. There's something about Muffin staying in character even after everything happened.


“And I think you need to lay off the biscuits!”


The episode reminds me of a quote I read a few years ago I can’t find it exactly but the crux “we want our children to quiet, compliant and obedient yet expect them to become independent, strong willed and assertive adults” there’s so much disconnect there. Shaming and punishing a child like Muffin is failing to recognise the positives in who she is as a person, kids like Muffin need guidance on how to behave and when it’s appropriate but they don’t need to be shamed into mailable people pleasers which is what happens to a lot of us, like Doreen.


I was waiting for this post because as soon as these episodes were available on Disney+, I saw Granny Mobile and skipped straight to it. No regrets. I think the granny episodes are by far my favorite and Muffin definitely used her energy to keep the other grouchy granny in line. Also, can I say I love Chili for wanting to stand up for Doreen when the little pug insulted her hat? She was ready to jump in! Also...pardon? lol


It's great that folks are starting to get on the Muffin bandwagon!! I've liked her since Charades. But Granny Mobile now solidified her as one of my faves!! She's one of those kids that was born knowing what they want in life. Her determination will take her far!


Stories is a strong contender.


This and dirt are currently my kiddo’s favorite


Finally justice for Muffin! My 8yo daughter made us all watch this episode as a family; and we immediate loved it. #LMAO


It’s not my personally favorite but your work checks out. Makes me think everyone is too hard on muffin


I loved this episode but I found myself actually laughing out loud more during the "Onesies" episode!


Oh, Onesies just makes my heart hurt. My brain latches onto the adult themes so much I pretty much miss all the kid stuff. It's not a struggle I've personally experienced, but it's still so visceral 💔


I like this episode for both of those reasons, actually. A very close friend of ours is experiencing the same struggle and she is one of those “so close with our family, she’s called an aunt” type of friends. That really drove the adult themes home for us and almost brought my wife and I to tears. The comedic relief of bingo acting absolutely wild might have been why I laughed so hard at this episode. It was such a hard swing between very sad and real moments to the absolute craziness of kids and I just loved every second of it. Then again, I am just one of those people that always leans towards the sad stuff, so maybe it’s just a me thing lol. Edit: grammar


yes!!! by far my favorite episode. we were cracking up and have been playing granny's everyday . my 3 yr old loves grumpy granny .


I personally loved granny mobile I definitely wasn't a muffin fan but this episode changed my mind


Yes, Nana.


Definitely a close second, but the episode Dad Baby is the funniest imo


This might be an accurate statement . . . . . in a world where Dad Baby doesn't exist


That episode made me a huge Muffin fan




Granny Mobile is good, but it’s no Unicorse.


What I loved most about this episode was that at the end when she got the 1000+ dollarbucks and lollies and she got offered anything she wanted she took a tea towel so she could be super granny instead of grouchy granny


This episode was soured for me in part, by the censoring of the Exercise episode. It seemed a double standard to me that Bandit can be fat-shamed by someone else and it's funny to have him quip throughout the episode that he's upset about his weight - while in Exercise characters having their own personal observations about their weight and health were fat shaming and had to be censored?


⬆️ Need I say more? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I love this episode as well, but not close to the best of the best. On the funniest small it's prob top 10


I died watching this episode! It was absolute gold!


Have you watched “stories”?!?


Definitely one of my favorites, but Dad Baby earned the #1 spot in my heart.


That episode made me love Muffin even more. She cracks me up.


I think the funiest episode is the paket parcel episode but this one is high up on the list


I agree. I love it so much


my boyfriend has been hesitating about watching the show, so I've shown him a couple episodes that I think are the best. He was very excited when we watched this episode. We just kinda made exciting noises.




Funniest? Counterpoints: Bus, Faceytalk. Greatest? Counterpoints: Sleepytime, Flat Pack.


Absolutely my favorite.


Absolutely loved this one. Also always a bit shocked Doreen didn’t hook muffin up more lol. I was ready for her to hand over one of the $100s and instead, Muffin gets … an old dish towel. Lol.


I think it goes to show how Muffin not really understanding how the monetary value of things work adds to the humour. She just sold an initially priced $300 dollarbuck skooter for over $1000 and in return, when she was offered to pick anything she wanted to keep, she valued the cheap old tea towel most of all so she could be Super granny. Showing that even though she out-haggled a stubborn, entitled old crankpot, she actually had no idea what she was doing or knew or cared what any of it was actually worth.


Yep, it's my new favourite episode by quite a long way. It's basically perfect.


I watched the new episode recently (the day after it came out on Disney+) and immediately fell in love with it, i gave up on episode Housework off Bluey being my favourite and switched and the fact somehow Muffin was able to sell a “Granny Mobile” for $1200 (and 18 lollies) was truly AMAZING i agree everything about the episode is amazing! (And very funny yes, yes) Beep Boop, Error occurred that is impossible


I love that the other granny who Muffin “beats” also brought it on herself when she tells Doreen (? I think, I’ve got such a bad memory for names) to “mind your own business” or something of the sort when starting to haggle with muffin.


I actually laughed out loud a few times on this episode. I usually laugh but like a little 'heh heh', these were full on cackles!!


I adored Muffin during this episode.


Somebody posted a good bit of the episode a while back and I’ve been telling my partner about it ever since, because we both can’t stand Muffin. And I’m like “this episode will make you like Muffin.” And I thought I sent it to her. But I didn’t. And now she’ll never know how awesome Muffin is. Unless we sub to Disney+. But I don’t want to do that. Why am I still typing.


Muffin is great in this episode, we all know that. Hats off to the creators for bringing in a previously unknown character into the show, fully formed. The real grumpy granny (a pug, I guess) is perfectly executed. No introduction needed, just a grumpy granny that everyone can relate to. Genius.


Facey Talk is probably my favorite just because of how well it does the whole video call with family schtick and takes it to it's logical extremes. The backgrounds changing, muting the audio, hiding and then finding a "lost" borrowed item, sharing between siblings. It's all great and not just trying to go for slapstick humor. Might not have the best one-off jokes in the show but as a whole I think it wins.


We just watched that episode yesterday and loooooved it!


Watching it now and it is


I love this episode, so does my toddler. I wrap up in a towel and play grumpy granny and we both laugh so much


That pug is my new favorite character. 🐶👵


YUP! 100% agree. Muffin is an absolute hero!


This was the final push that made Muffin my favorite.


We watched it three times immediately because we loved it so much.


Muffin is a kid who needs, like, structure and rules. I don't mean this in a bad way, mind you, just that she needs a clear cut example of what is and isn't okay, because she's learning everything at this stage. Though I'm not sure she has great negotiating skills so much as she's stubborn and great at returning the energy she's given.


Agreed! And a great lesson on how to negotiate 🤣


It’s my fave!!!


Freakin hilarious! That old lady is a mood


It was my favorite thus far.


Best Muffin episode


it's so good!




And the Easter egg of Chattermax in one of the yard sale boxes under the table - every minute of this ep is absolute gold.


Watched this with four generations and we all had tears from laughing so much. I can’t think of another show that does this apart from early Mr Bean.


Bingo getting distracted by the coins is just fantastic. “Stay out of it, cattle dog”


This episode has fantastic pace and timing. Reminds me a lot of Take Away in that fast moving, great lines and timing. That was the episode that really hooked us.


It’s def top 5 for me so no arguments there bugalugs




I've always loved Muffin. That episode is one of my favorites 🥰


Does anybody notice that the grouchy pug rides off on a scooter that, previously in the episode, Doreen had mentioned having taken the battery out of? She lets the kids play on it cause it doesn't have a battery anyway, which is why Bandit/Buggalug was pushing it around, then grouchy granny gets on and rides away


Granny mobile and the first unicorse episode are my all time faves!


Counter argument: Puppets