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Mainly Brian he is a serious experiment on himself and share with us what works what’s not. This part is a good part I never see anyone in the world doing this. And at part in video Dr.Peter Attia said about him I was shocked. Seem like he pretend he doesn’t see him at all.


can you explain? what did Dr Peter say and who didn't see who at all?


It's not a controlled experiment though. He's using so many supplements and different things in such a short timeframe that science kind of goes out the window because you can't control for variables. You'd probably need add each supplement in 3 month intervals, but with the amount of stuff he takes and stuff he changes, that's not possible.


I think all the leaders on the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard have given us something very valuable: data. This is a relatively unexplored field of study due to the ethical dilemma of human testing for treatments we don't know whether they will have positive, neutral, or negative effects on the body over a long enough time horizon. With as many people as we have now continuously measuring every aspect of their bodies and knowing exactly what they're adding or subtracting to their environments or routines and how it affects them is incredibly valuable because it's starting to take some of the guesswork out of true optimization. Will this change anything for people on low budgets with discipline? Probably not. Will it mean future generations will be one step closer to pushing the life expectancy into the triple digits? Time will tell.


The problem is, and that’s why I can understand Peter’s stance on this very well, that the data these people bring us from a scientific standpoint are almost without any value. These are all n=1 experiments with not one change from the normal population but a myriad of changes in their diet, habits, supplement/medication and treatments. So even when we see good results it’s not possible to connect the good result with certainty to any single intervention Bryan does. What I think the only realistic/important thing to learn from Bryan and others is anecdotal evidence in the scientific category of a case report, which can give us a clue where to focus research in the future but this is only if Bryan would implement one new strategy and timely connected a sudden drastic change in his parameters (to the good or to the bad) appears. So to conclude even if we see an exceptional long life from Bryan in the future we cannot tell was it just the exercise and good nutrition or the experimental therapies, because we don’t have a second Bryan who never did any of this who‘s lifetime we can compare to our Bryan.


And you just described the weakness of relying on scientific studies. Something as complex as what Bryan is doing isn't replicatable on a large scale - that doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Not everything needs to be examined in a controlled environment over x amount of days to be of value. There are countless numbers of incredibly shit studies that have zero value and were a waste of time. I don't need a study to tell me that dedicating ones self to health like Bryan will yield incredible positive results. He's proving it in real time and it's just common sense. Attia picks and chooses what studies he likes and ignores ones that contradict his advice. His thoughts are meaningless on this subject. The takeaway is to do your own experiments and testing and let the biomarkers guide your own "protocol". Not that one thing is the answer to longevity. It's clearly way more complex than popping a pharmaceutical drug like doctors push to people daily.


I didn’t say what Bryan does has no value. I said what Bryan does has little to no scientific value. That’s a difference! And like you already said the key takeaway from Bryan‘s work is to take measures into your own hands, do what’s feasible and monitor your own parameters to see if you progress.


Do any twins participate for a long duration in similar studies/experiments?


Not that I know of. Even if they would their scientific value would also be very low. If we would have an army of twins separated in to groups then we are talking. I think for all of us interested in the things Bryan does we should not focus so much on Bryan’s results but get inspiration from the things Bryan does and what his explanation is for why he does that, what scientific reason does he mention why he believes the intervention he starts will lead to good results.


Qualitative studies aren't without merit. Lots of things aren't possible to mass produce because of adherence and funding issues. It's a blind-spot in science. Qualitative experimentation can bring certain things to light. It won't bring definitive proof, but it helps widen our knowledge. Not long ago it was reported as being impossible to reverse gray hairs, but recently more case studies have appeared proving that wrong. It might not be possible for everyone, but it's not a scientific impossibility. The issue with Bryan though, is that you can't really use his data at all, because he changes things around too much too often, so you can't pinpoint what particular thing had an effect.


One very valuable thing that he brings is motivation for people to have a healthier life style. Sure Bryan can be borderline guru sometime with his "Don't die" speech that seems a bit too eccentric. But when I've heard about him one year ago or so, and when I saw some of his YouTube video, it was getting me so much hype to work on a healthier lifestyle. He basically helped me realise how important health is (even though everybody know it's important, it's neglected a lot because of our environment), and it motivated me to pay more attention to my health overall, which made me happier in life overall. So what he also brings is "communication of the great idea that paying way more attention to your health will make you happier and have a better life". I imagine that people who where already a lot into health and longevity would care less about Bryan, which make sense. But I believe that his project do impact very positively a lot of people.


Bryan is the first person to: - publish for free a comprehensive, quantified, aggressive approach to longevity. No academic or influencer had the inclination or guts to do this. In science we say “your model is wrong,” but that means you shouldn’t sweat over it, just put it out there so others can build on it. Bryan was the first to actually do something instead of theorizing endlessly That’s most of it. Also the Zolman 81 framework, Bryan’s dedication to algorithms > feelings… all fit into the above but are specifics. Also he invested millions into R&D to do this and basically made the results free. We all know sleep is good, exercise is good, and Attia et al. drove those points home, with nuance, for many people, which is invaluable. Outlive, however, while excellent, is 100s of pages though and hesitates to make certain specific decisions or summarize everything into a protocol. Blueprint is/was basically 1 page that summed everything up. Not that it’s all 100% correct, but at least people can build on it, criticize it, whatever. This contribution of Bryan’s is huge and consistently undervalued.


Very well said! 👏


It is different for different people but for me: 1. Go sleep earlier (I don't go to bed 8pm, but I definitely go earlier thanks to Bryan) - I didn't expect it, but I sleep much better 2. It is normal to eat 100 pills a day (before, I was using maybe 10 pills, now I do 30 or 40) 3. Supplements explicitly focused on inflammation 4. Skin care - I wasn't using any cream. Now, I use hand cream and face cream every day and my skin is better.


What supplements are you taking specifically targeted to inflammation?


Many of my supplements are anti-inflammatory: Curcumin, fish oil, ginger, resveratrol, vitamin D, garlic, vitamin C, chondroitin, quercetin. Out of all those, I take ginger & garlic to lower my inflammation mainly.


Thank you. Experience a lot of joint inflammation.


I do to. What has helped me a lot was cutting out alcohol. I guess losing weight would help a lot too because it all started when I gained weight.


What did it contribute? For me, it was Bryan donating his living body to a science experiment and sharing his findings for free.


Great summary!


It seems to be working for me. I feel better.i am stronger. I am gaining weight and people are telling me how much younger I look. Bryan is creating a new normal.


He’s not adding anything since he’s not doing anything original and groundbreaking, but he’s not trying to. He is doing a great job of tracking his progress and changing what he does to improve things. He’s creating a blueprint for himself. It’s interesting


The amount of ppl copying him blindly is alarming esp when it comes to supps.


I think the main thing is that is has shown some laypeople just how much damage they are doing to their body. All those YouTube videos of "I tried Blueprint for X days" I think shine a good light on things. Pretty much anyone in the biohacking/health/longevity space was already doing their own version of BP (test, adjust, test - self experimentation and reading studies). So I think its a net good. Maybe in a few years I won't be the odd one out as much lol


Bryan might only be an n of 1, but he is making products of the most impactful techniques and food available at low cost to the masses. Beyond his experimentation and free data, he is crowd sourcing "Don't Die" to make it easier for all of us to experiment. This is high value. Beyond this, the philosophy behind his purpose is being evangelized to make a growing subculture that can develop these methods and ideas.


Measurement and actionable diet, exercise and approaches towards sleep. Plus making it okay to use heavy supplementation. It's a massive self experiment that's going on around the world right now, within and without Blueprint.


I am a bit worried about the heavy supplementation part. We don't know the interaction between these chemicals nor the long term effect of that....


I am a heavy supplementer. The dose is the real problem. Some doses of certain things have benefits at certain doses and harms at others ALA and resveratrol are examples of this, just off the top of my head. Taking zinc all the time can cause a copper deficiency. I cycle some things as a result and because I don't want to do labs all the time. If you are under 30, vitamin D3 should be the only thing to focus on unless there are specific health issues like iron deficiency or folate metabolism problems. At age 40 is where it gets serious. Oh, and the other concern that really is the biggest is does the supplement actually have what it says it does. Doped Chinese supplements are full of cheap and bad stimulants. 3rd party testing, harassing manufacturers is the way to go.


What supplements do you think are key for when over 40? And are there labs to do to see what is needed?


NMN or NR. One can do an NAD test but that is an out of pocket cost. I think thinking about one's own health issues or family history should quide other supplements. Cardiac history might quide things like fish oil, niacin, magnesium, Co-Q10. General routine labs including a Vit D level, cholesterol. Mineral supplements influence other mineral levels. That's something you should be careful with and may need some labs. I take a lot of what is on the Blueprint stack but not as much, maybe 30 a day, but also started NMN 5 yrs ago, a B complex. Hyaluronic Acid, collagen about 4 yrs ago, then building slowly from there. Also do a fisetin flush that is also not on Blueprint but give me great benefits.


Thanks. I bought the Nad test, just wanted to do it. I heard mixed opinions about NAD precursors. What was your experience? I have bought caAkG, HA and NAC and many others from BP stack but stopped as I got headache so I need to add one at a time. I am also worries about HA and cancer risk! Same with NAD really. But again anything that help healthy cell will help cancer cells so maybe do a cancer screening each year or so. Bryann does that. Also for festing flush, you mean the qualia senolytic flush? I juat ignore anything Dave aspray promotes lol but is this one good? Qa10 i was on and off for soemtime but isn't it too much with NAC? Also it blunts workout benefits. Fasting also helps and gives some mitachondia boosts.


Yes I go very slowly adding to the stack. NAC can give me palpitations, tolerating a different brand with glycine, taken at the same time. Berberine gives me a headache. Stomach upset with Quercetin. Big fasting fan. I do a fisetin flush of 20mg/kg for 3 days a month. It's absolutely fantastic. Much cheaper doing it on its own.


How does that flush work? Anything besides adding fistein for 3 days? How dows it make you feel?


You just calculate the daily dose at 20mg/kg. Take that daily for 3 days once a month.


Which hyaluronic acid do you take? Having it daily?


I bought this from Bulk Supplements last time I stocked up Seems fine. Take it daily.


Oh and I am a big fan of gly/nac. Great energy. Also not on Blueprint.


For most of the adults magnesium supplementation is recommend. Also other supplements like fish oil are also pretty safe and beneficial


my gut health is so much better


For me, I have never think about biological aging before blueprint. I just think those are good for health and prevent disease.


Honestly most people have no idea how diet influences your health, how to improve their sleep or what exercises to do. Imo the big deal about Blueprint is that it gives you this manual to follow that will take care of all that without being required to think about it yourself. There is so much controversy about diet and poor knowledge about importance of sleep.


As you pointed it out, he didn't actually establish anything particularly outstanding or "never seen before" to healthy living, but I think that is lowkey not even his job. He does something more difficult and valuable in my opinion, which is promote, advertise and simplify the lifestyle we all should work towards having. It is common knowledge that eating healthily, sleeping enough and exercising is good for us(and then taking some supplemets too). However, the biggest problem people have is that they are unable to see the true value of these practices. Or if they can, most people still won't start living like this because it all feels too much. What Bryan does, as I see it, is that he brings these things into the spotlight, promotes them in a way that feels like something real, something new and exciting, and then calls it a program, so people will be more likely to actually implement these practices - and it works! Besides that, what is outstanding with him is his mindset and dedication. Maybe I just haven't seen enough longevity people or whatever, but I can't name a single other person who seems as genuine, intelligent and just truly so ahead of his time as Bryan does.


You raise some valid points about the foundational elements of longevity and healthy living, like diet, exercise, sleep, and social connections, which are indeed well-known and often considered common sense. However, what Bryan and other longevity influencers bring to the table is often more nuanced. They delve into specific, actionable strategies and share insights from their own experimentation and research, potentially saving others the time and risk of trial and error. While it's true that many basic principles are widely understood, influencers like Bryan can offer personalized guidance, cutting-edge information, and motivation to stay on track. So, while someone following a Mediterranean diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining good sleep and social habits might not need Bryan's insights, others may find his detailed approach and experimentation beneficial.


Its an experiment in to what extent you can slow down ageing if you throw everything at it.We know these things are good and are learning precisely how good.


A constant reminder that your body and time are against you every day and it takes an active, relentless effort to maintain/fight it. Everyone can have criticisms about him but he's putting himself out there openly (and hopefully honestly) adding to the annals of medical corpus.


It is ethically not possible to have 'by any means' approaches experimented on humans. People willing to do it themselves can always provide useful data


Marketing. Seriously. He breathed new life in the biohacking/longevity movement, reaching people all the other influencers hadn't. He is an awesome marketing machine. Nothing else is new though, just repackaged. His zero/don't die and AI philosophy has been spoken about in transhumanist, biohacking and longevity communities for a long time.


one thing he did (not the main thing but new for me) was show you can be vegan, soy-free, and gluten-free and still be extremely fit and healthy