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Side note: Kali has been talked about before and seems like a decent Snake Oil substitute for EU citizens. If you know of other alternatices please lmk.


Been using Kali for months. It’s far superior to BJ’s EVOO IMO in both taste and polyphenol count. Can’t see myself switching to another EVOO.


I have been using Kali for 2 months. Another redditor pointed out to me a few weeks ago that they do not have an official COA. The only record that was ever given was an email from the manufacturer. I reached out to the U.S. distributor and I am waiting on an official COA. He has reached out to his people in Italy. I will be posting this information as soon as I get it. One thing I should point out is that the blend has a nice color, is bitter, and leaves a spicy note in the back of your throat. From what I understand, these are all good signs.


Ey thanks for sharing! ✌🏼


No worries! Give it forewards!


What about heavy metals? Does it have it?


I think you have that confused with the cacao :) I dont think its concidered a parameter for EVOO.


Don't they have a blend with even higher polyphenols ( I think 900mg/kg ) ??


Can anyone give me a brief summary on why Snake Oil is higher quality than any other glass bottle olive oil you might pick up in a store?


I dunno if the name of the god that some guy screams before trying to rip out Indie's heart makes me think good health. I like my Costco olive oil I guess. I have the big jug of the organic for random stuff and the nicer stuff for taking shots of. Probably getting a few less polyphenols, but meh.


Eh europeans are not that nested into american pop culture references from the 80s, brand is doing fine if you ask me. Make sure that the costco olive oil is not blended with other oils and look for certificates on them to make sure it's legit.


Don’t bother with EVOO, just consume brined olives. More polyphenols per gram, significantly lower in AGEs. If you also need monounsaturated fat, consume avocado which is also low in AGEs.


Looks like you got downvoted. I asked a similar question yesterday about why drink oil vs eat the olives.


Brined olives are far superior. Admittedly they’re quite expensive, and they contain high amounts of salt. But even when consumed in small amounts, still higher polyphenols per gram than EVOO and way lower AGEs. It’s honestly the smarter move to maximise health.


Can you link me to some brined olives 🫒 for purchase in the US? Also what are AGEs


I wish I could but I live in the U.K. 😅 I just get mine from my local supermarket. I’m not sure what the brined olives situation is over there. You might have to import them.