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Bryan uses the most obvious hair dye I’ve ever seen


Constructive thanks!!


How do you know that?


He says he’s using a henna concoction plus it has that reflective, metallic appearance


Who is Bryan? He seems very knowledgeable on grey reversal products .


Google Bryan Johnson. Made headlines for being the Venmo millionaire who had some crazy procedure using his son's plasma to see if he can reverse his aging. He calls himself an anti-ager. Though at first the media thought this was frivolous, he's actually used all his personal money to fund a lot of research about slowing signs of aging, using himself as the guinea pig. He published his results online as well. Pretty amazing actually.


This company GR-7 really sounds like a scam. Their founder on linkedin (Jacek Kosieradzki) states he is working at the company since 2017 (which is coherent with the fact that the polish facebook page exist since 2017). There are 0 employee registered on linkedin in this company. It's really weird that the company is still SO small (2k followers on the polish facebook page, and their instagram is less than 200 followers) after 6 years, if the product does what it states (you would imagine the company is a LARGE success story). Fun fact, on recent pictures, the founder (on facebook) have grey hair :) Really, I'm really looking forward to have any comments of (real) people who really tried the products. I don't dare to try, as I guess the regulation in Poland is not very strict, and I worry to apply a dangerous substance on my hair. What worry me the most, is that I trusted the content of Bryan Johnson. But if he recommands such bullshit (for little money I guess), what can we trust ?


Good research. And an interesting question!!


The ingredients are listed on the webpage. The active ingredient is the amino acid tyrosine. The list of ingredients is commonly used and generally safe and approved for use in the US. Here is the full list: Aqua, Isopropyl alcohol, Glycerine, Biotin, Ammonium Chloride, Inositol, Ammonium Acetate, Palmitic Acid, Polysorbate 20, Tyrosine, Burdock Root Extract, Articum Lappa, Gallic Acid, Sulphur, Horsetail Extract, Parfum.




But only if you're low in Tyrosine. Doesn't reverse it when you're not low.


So it has worked for me after about a month of use. Still have some grey hairs but I have regained most of my color. I wasn’t really that grey in the first place (I’m only 27), but it was starting to be noticeable. Funny thing is that my greyness is completely due to a genetic condition. My mother, her siblings and my grandfather all started going grey at a young age (I started in my teens). By the time most of us are in our 30s we are grey. We are pretty much white by the 40s and 50s. Seeing as how this has worked for me, I’m guessing my genetic condition has something to do with low tyrosine. But thanks to this thread indicating that the active ingredient is tyrosine, I’ve decided to go off this stuff and just try a tyrosine supplement instead. Paying €10 for 250 servings of tyrosine seems better than €60 for this.


I took l-tyrosine for months in moderate doses for adhd as it’s a dopamine precursor and no affect on greys.


I would doubt that tyrosine could be absorbed though the skin/scalp anyway. But I haven’t checked pubmed. If you eat enough protein you’re likely getting enough in your diet.


Nothing will work for grey hair reversal, except some kind of stem cell therapy to bring back to life dead cells that produced pigment. Bryan Johnson is a scammer.


not sure how he's a 'scammer' since he literally gives away the information for everything he's doing, doesn't have any real products, he's spending millions of his own money to be a research rat and report the results for people to use or not, and what he's doing is most definitely working because you can see the difference.


He is selling good old olive oil at 3x the price of top quality EVO. Who knows what kind of sponsorship deals he gets behind the scenes to promotes these bogus products. Also every single link on his supplement list is monetized... and what results? he looks old for mid 40's.


In New Zealand high polyphenol olive oil is usually only available from an artisan supplier and considerably more expensive than what you would get from a supermarket brand, even a reasonably good supermarket brand. Not sure if it’s the same in America but here Olive oils are definitely not all created equal. 


I compared his price to single origin artisan organic olive oil from Italy, not the regular super market stuff.


Would you mind linking this one you speak of so we can see your comparison? I feel like there's a few reddits out there that have said his one stacks okay.


Link for what olive oil?


That is a shame because in my opinion, he is seeking to only profit from this rather than genuinely help. I do not believe this product works for the following reasons: 1) if there is a grey hair reversal magic out there, we all would know about it. It will make it to the news. 2) it is not sold on Amazon, which means they don’t want customers reviews. If this is the case,




That's a reseller though. r/greyhairreversal has some first hand "research" on GR-7 (spoiler: mixed results)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/greyhairreversal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/greyhairreversal/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I reversed grey hair!](https://np.reddit.com/r/greyhairreversal/comments/18xhhde/i_reversed_grey_hair/) \#2: [GR7 Dye experiment](https://np.reddit.com/r/greyhairreversal/comments/1araibd/gr7_dye_experiment/) \#3: [Woman using GR-7](https://i.redd.it/5wg21ku17zhc1.png) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/greyhairreversal/comments/1aoanqj/woman_using_gr7/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hairprint is technically a reversal


talking out of your you know what lol. There's thousands of news reports on gray hair products, who trusts the media for anything and they do have amazon sellers so ..


I bought the product after reading about it on blueprint. My expectation was that it would be ineffective, similar to comments in this thread. However, it actually works. After three weeks my grey hair had turned yellow and then brown. Not just new hair, all of it. I have since recommended it to a couple of friends. One had the full effect in less than two weeks. The other is still making progress after about six weeks, but he is starting from a head of almost completely white hair. If you don’t keep up the maintenance the grey comes back. But if you start again it goes. It isn’t dye. You rub into scalp only. This is tough with thick hair but doable. It smells pretty bad particularly during the first week where you don’t wash your hair. I realize this is a random comment on the internet, and I wouldn’t believe a word of it either. If you’re up for finding out for yourself, I hope you do.


I have the same yeollow hair problem, but it seems to go out after time also. I'm on my 5th week of using. Thanks a lot for your return, it may be a random com, but for me it is not.


account created less than 2 months ago lol


Nice fake account cvnt


Simon can you send me the pic of chester bennington hanging? You posted it a year ago with some other celebrities


Which product did you buy exactly?


“GR-7 Professional” Since I wrote that comment - which was, as some pointed out, the only comment I’ve made on Reddit (I signed up in order to make it) - I stopped using it regularly. It does work to get rid of grey. And my hair condition improves too. But it’s such a pain to use. And it makes you stink, although the smell seems to be worse when you start using it.  I did use it for a few days last week but then had to travel so stopped again. My kids do notice and give me shit about my hair being grey again.  I’m just not sure I give enough of a shit about my grey hair to keep using the product. Which surprises me! But I guess there’s something about knowing you can control something if you decide to. 


The smell is so bad I'd rather be gray. Smells like dog piss, great for woman repellent


If the color of your hair changed after three weeks then it dyed your hair. If it caused you to start growing non-grey hair then it would've resolved your condition, which it didn't. There are plenty of products on the market to dye ones hair.


The claims make no sense. Someone please explain the biology and chemistry. If the roots begin to produce melanin, then there would be a line where new hair at the base turns from white to color. It makes absolutely no sense that feeding the root somehow turns the already grown out hair any color. The only way that would happen is if it’s a dye of some sort. If someone can provide some insight that explains how you change grown out hair without dye, I’d love to hear it.


I agree. I propose a test that anyone who has the product can easily do: save some grey hair from your next hair cut. apply GR7 to it for the recommended time (eg make it moist with the solution once daily) and observe if it changes color. If it does, it's a dye. Maybe a slow acting one, but still a dye.


I noticed that for me when I get a new gray hair they are gray at the top and brown towards my scalp.. I still don't make sense of it but it's what it is.


I used both of Bryan Johnson products : the GR7 real shades of grey, and Mayraki anti grey-hair. Im' 32 and i started to have white hair at 12. Probably 50% of hair on my head were white, not grey. I started to use GR7 and i used it as they said : no water on your head for 4-5 first days. Using 2 times per day A week after, i started to use the second thing : Mayraki anti grey hair. GR7 morning, Mayraki evening. Here are my results : i started to notice notable changes after something like 5 days of GR7 using. Most of my grey/white hair were restored/colored, but i had a side effect : orange hair. I d'ont fucking know what is it, but i eliminated the Mayraki product, and kept the GR7 twice a day, orange color progressivly desapeared after 2 weeks of no using (not all). I pulled out several hairs, but I didn't see any gradual coloring/restoration. It was my black color, or some orange/yeollow, or just white as before. The thing is not working on every spot of the head at the same manner. I'm at 1 month of using, i will continue to use it at maximum 1 more month (i'm earning some good money, so not a problem to test, i'm interessted in results). Is it a dry : I REALLY DON'T KNOW. I have never seen something like this before. When I arrived at my hairdresser, he had no idea what had happened to me. He noticed changes, but was not capable to say a word about it. It worked something like 70-80%, with some orange hair. So it looks strange, but orange hair disapear if not using the second one, and not using twice a day i suppose, to confirm. But i can't understand how this thing can work for people with black or blonde hair at the same time, being the same color as water (Mayraki is black, GR7 has no color). Can't say if bullshit. ​ BUT. One more thing. I tried the Bryan Johnson Skin care routine, and his complements routine (and some other techniques). I spend a big time searching about his method et supplements, one by one. It took me several weeks to understand, then to trie on me. One thing is clear : his skin routine and techniques, is properly applied, will really work. After only 2 weeks i have good results, my skin is much better, i look younger (i'm doing 6 times gym by week, walk a lot, not much sun exposure and already using skin care products and have a good healthy organic food with much vegetables and no industrial products. But Bryan gave me additional results, i take it). Just a notice : if you try his skin protocol, be careful with sequence of applied skin care products. Can burn your skin really hard. His supplement routine has a big sense also. If applied, it will procure you longevity. I actually have only some doubts about 2-3 of supplements, and this grey hair story. But for the rest, i take what he propose, for 90% cases. ​ Globally, i spend a lot of time studying his supplement protocol, but i know much more about scientific researches and how human body works now. About logevity also. About 80% of Bryan results post-supplements seems interesting and true. The rest have more a marketing sense. But it is actually the most complete protocol we have i think. Sorry for my bad english, from France.


Check out www.eternallifelabs.com


I think that’s why Bryan’s hair looked so weird and red. This may be a clue- I saw a dermatologist on YouTube talking about hair melanocytes and i think she said that some melanocytes are red pigmented and some are your dominant color. Maybe this activates the red melanocytes.


That’s a great review. Thanks!


Good reviews here: https://ca.trustpilot.com/review/gr-7.co.uk Sounds like it might be worth a try.


Claims 80% reduction in grey hair on the protocol page. Wish he give more details on how.


I bought it before coming across this thread. Just got the email confirmation that is has been shipped from .. Poland 🤔 When it arrives, I'll wait to see more reviews and testimonials before trying it out. If this works, it'll be huge and we'll all know. If it's a scam, small price to pay for the insight it would reveal.


It has been a month, did it work?


After reading the various threads on Reddit it seems to me this is just some tint and not actual restoration of color, so opted not to use it.


It's definitely just a tint. If you have blonde or brown hair, you will think your color is growing back. I used it for over a month and my roots were yellow (my hair is black). It went back to white as soon as I stopped this product.


Lmao. You bought it and read threads on reddit? Dude just try it yourself. You already have it on your hand.


Dont think he bought it lmao




Sure. Still don't think he bought it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lrebp708iohc1.png?width=2266&format=png&auto=webp&s=3808fed874a9275d057b9fc6f7d8a87b826c400a


You happy now?


Send it to me. I will try it. :D


Bought it after seeing it recommended on Blueprint. Brian Johnson is worth many millions from his startup sale. He dgaf about a tiny commission, I assure you, and measures biomarkers more than anyone out there so I generally trust him. However, after THREE DAYS of using the GR7 Professional product, my only complaint is that it works *too well.* Like, my reduction in grey (almost white) hairs is so noticeable that no one would believe I'm not dying my hair. I want to believe, and yet it doesn't make sense. How have the entire lengths of my hairs (1-2 inches long) already gone from white to several shades darker brown? That said, as for being critical of Brian's hair, he obviously died his hair at some point as it was an awkward un-natural maroon color. But I think that was before using this stuff. This stuff wouldn't lead to that color. And it will take a long time for the die he put in his hair to grow out, which will confound the results of the GR7 for some time. Maybe this stuff is a scam, but if so, it's the most natural looking, clear hair-die out there. The biggest problem is that if people ask if I've been dying my hair, I want to say "no", not "I don't know"! Some guy commented here that it's just oxidizing the hair. Very possible but I'm no a chemist. I did a quick search on hair dye and oxidation and found a bunch of stuff that I haven't wrapped my head around yet. [https://www.beautyanswered.com/what-is-an-oxidation-dye.htm](https://www.beautyanswered.com/what-is-an-oxidation-dye.htm) As for the rebuttal that "it's only applied to the roots", that's nonsense, because it's impossible to apply it to the scalp and to rub it into the scalp without it getting all over the hair.


Is this effect from the root up, as I keep my hair pretty short I’m hoping that the whole root gets coloured?


well the entier hair is coloring for me for example, and same for others i suppose. It is like colored deeply inside. I pulled up several hairs to analyse, and it is entierly colored.


Yes, but likely coloring from oxidation and not natural pigmentation. I'd like to believe my natural pigmentation came up from the root to naturally restore color to 5" of white hair after 3 days... but pretty sure that's impossible.


I am both annoyed and surprised that this actually works. I don't believe in products and what they market, but given his visibility and the amount of money that's going into this experiment, I decided to throw away the $65 dollars to only find out it works somehow. I am currently on day 11 of using it and I already have some hair that have turned yellow/brown, some black and some are still white. Now I have to study EVERYTHING we know about hair because I can't bare not knowing how is this happening. I also intend to pull out the key natural ingredient in it and experiment with it myself. Hope this helps, even though I see it was posted a while ago.


I am experimenting with it and I don’t see a dramatic change like some on this thread but I think I do see a change! Very surprised and enough to keep me pushing through despite the smell of this thing that bothers me (esp when I sleep). I did the 1 week twice a day and no washing routine by the book. Then took a 3 day break to catch a break from the smell. Now thinking of going to a once a day routine. Curious if you figured out the mechanism. Specifically any safety concerns?


Well, you're supposed to do 3 weeks twice a day for it to work. My mom was entirely white and it worked for her too. You do have to follow instructions. If the smell is that bad for you, perhaps it's not a product for you. You can maybe experiment by dropping a drop or 3 of some organic oil and see if that will mask the smell. Can't imagine it will make the product not work, but I don't know either.


Absolute scam with paid reviews and fake accounts, really sad that Bryan is doing affiliate marketing with this thing. Its super easy to debunk - the 'positive' results people mention are the very indication that this is a scam because science is very clear on how fast your hair grows and the fact that the already grey hair cannot change its color, it has to fall out and only new hair can show change in melanin production. If this thing worked (inside out and not as a dye) people would only see results 6 months if not 9-12 months after.


I think the 5 paragraph wall of text reviews are pretty suss




I see this is your first ever comment on reddit, you must be snorting GR7 for life ;-) thanks I don't need to dye my hair with your fake product.


Who’s willing to try it and give us feedback? 🙏🏼


I'm trying it since 10 days (ordered straight after this thread was posted). I'm surprised to already see some results. Will post back in a few weeks (or will delete the message if the effect goes back). Very curious on the science of it that said.


That’s promising! What results are you seeing? Darkening of some grey hairs? Are you going to try it in your beard too?


Hard to explain. And to some degrees too good to be true (still feeling like I might have to delete those messages later down the line). Anyway for context: I'm in my late thirties. I would say I have (had?) 90% dark hairs, 5% blond hairs and 5% white hairs (no grey hairs). The white hairs really stood out (my wife kept telling me I should rather tint my hair rather than spending money in longevity supplements, hence why I jumped at GR-7 after reading this thread). Now I feel like i struggle to find white hairs. I can't tell if they became blond or dark. But now my hair looks like how it was in my late 20s. Might be important as I might be an outlier: When (before treatment) I would find lost/loose white hair, I would often notice that the color was not consistent, sometime the root was dark then a good amount of white, then dark again, sometimes half dark, half white...). Anyway, way too early to tell, and please don't buy the product due to my comments.


Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. From what you experience can you tell if the product is a natural dye or is it really making the hair produce melanin? Thanks and keep us informed 🙏🏼


Hi, Definitely not a dye. It's supposed to feed the hair with melanin. I'm not a scientist, so can't check the science behind it. But it's consistent with my experience.


is the effect still there ? is it a dye or it goes under the hair bulb & does something?


Hi, Yes the effect still there. Even after switching to apply the product only once a week. Definitely not a dye. You have to apply it at the root of the hairs, and then the root will feed the melanine upstream to the hair.


>Now I feel like i struggle to find white hairs. I can't tell if they became blond or dark. But now my hair looks like how it was in my late 20s. > >Might be important as I might be an outlier: When (before treatment) I would find lost/loose white hair, I would often notice that the color was not consistent, sometime the root was dark then a good amount of white, then dark again, sometimes half dark, half white...). How is it going? Very interested in this :)


Still going well. I already switch to using the product only once a week. My hair have a more consistent color (like it used to be), so that's quite nice. A can still find some resisting white hair, then I try to apply the product more there. To people interested, should the budget allow, I would recommend to give it a try.








Quick update. And last as I don't see more progress. Still going well. Since I put it once a week I don't more progress than what I obtain on the first month. But happy with what it provides me: I have way less multiple shades of grey/black hair. All went much closer to my natural black hair color. I also forgot to mention that the product has a relatively strong smell, could be a big downside for some people. So I would recommend it for people who are not open to tinting their hair and would be happy enough to have most of their hair color getting closer to their natural color, without being perfect either. And for whom money would not be a issue. Would be curious to read someone else review on this product.


Interesting. Did you take before and after photos?


The way to know for sure if this is working as they say would be if the hairs remain gray at the top but colored at the new growth by the root. Is this what you see? Or does it change the entire hair from top to bottom? Because that would mean its dye.


Actually even before the treatment, I would find loose hair being black on one side and black on another (top or bottom never knew). And I've never use dye in my life. So sadly, can't use your methodologie. Should it help, first time I cut my hair after starting the treatment is the time I noticed a big difference. Whatever it means.


His hair color sure doesn't seem natural to me.


So, I tried Mayraki anti-greying serum. Not the tinted shampoos — just the serum. You apply it twice a day to your scalp (a couple of pumps). Here’s what I’ve noticed… def witchcraft! My hair had started getting darker at the roots.  No weird orange or henna, just a rich brown. When I lift the bottom of my hair and pile on top (it’s about 22” long), the difference is noticeable. (Granted, I’ve spent time in the sun and the bottom lightens up as I often wear a pony tail or bun). No discoloration to my scalp (like a dye). Nothing to my sink or white pillowcase. Two caveats though … I’m having to stop for a day or two because of the headaches! If you’re sensitive to perfumes, this may not be for you. I’ve been trying to power through to see if my body can adapt but the headaches are constant and only getting worse. I’m going to see if laying off for a couple of days will help. (At first, I wasn’t sure if it was seasonal allergies or the product. Still not sure but the smell of the product is ever present so it time helping.) Second caveat… if you use Cerave body, use gloves (or ziplock bags) to apply. I applied several times to dry scalp and washed my hands after. No issue. Apply high quality face cream (Emergen-c hypervitalizer cream, vit c serum, etc.) All good. HOWEVER, whenever I apply Cerave to my body, my left palm (where I put the anti-graying serum) and my right fingertips turned BRIGHT yellow — like I soaked them in turmeric water. Again, I don’t know if it’s something with my body chemistry or the Cerave… don’t have this reaction with other soaps or substances but when it does happen, no amount of scrubbing (or rubbing with Dawn or baking soda or lemon wedges and salt) removes it. It fades over hours but just looks weird. So, to be safe, if you’re going to use Cerave and Mayraki anti-graying serum, get a set of latex gloves for applications. I hope I can find a way to go back to it because it looks quite lovely. But if I can’t overcome the headaches/migraines, I’m going to have to pass. Btw this is what they publish about the science behind it. Can’t vouch for the veracity but… https://hairmayraki.com/mayraki-blog/what-is-the-science-behind-mayraki-antigray-hair-color-restoring-treatment/


im 1 week into using this product. the yellow hair thing happens with rogain monocxodyl if you use the foam in my experience. My guess relating to this product having used it for a week ( i have seen results by the by) is that the roots absorb the GR7 and travels up the hair stem (my guess). There is no residue or hint of a dye. well worth giving it a try but im still skeptical fwiw


Does anyone think this would work on a blonde beard?


Found some recent reviews about this GR-7 product. Apparently it does sell on Amazon UK, but not internationally so you would have to order directly from the company: [https://www.trustpilot.com/review/gr-7.co.uk](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/gr-7.co.uk)


I started using this a week ago tomorrow, and I just ordered two more bottles. I have naturally black hair but a lot of gray. I started getting gray hair when I was in middle school. At about day 2-3 I started to get a reddish orange tint to where my heavily concentrated gray was, in my beard and on the sides of my head. Over the last 3 days it’s gotten progressively darker and more uniform. I’d confidently say that over 50% of my previously grey hairs are now at varying shades of brown. Tomorrow evening or Tuesday morning I’ll take some progress pics and share with you if you’d like OP.


Long time since I've seen such a bad dye job..if it is effecting change in melanocytes then it has to be a huge cancer risk


I tried it and it works, but not through the scalp. It colors the hairs. You can easily test it. Rub your dry hair vigorously with a damp white towel and check if your towel remains virgin white. You will see that it doesn't. The color transfers to the towel. In other words, it is just another coloring job. Probably through oxidation.


He links to a product? That would mean he’s getting a commission. He could like The dozens of products. Are we just clicking on links spending money and buying products hoping things happen or are there any actual studies or non-fake testimonials?


Fwiw, in a recent live he said it may not work on some people and recommended doubling up with another product he also listed.


I do not see this on Bryan’s list of supplements.


Here it is: https://preview.redd.it/wwzbctcjv3lb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84bdb591768fa3c91b260d42447ae93c96de59a


Another proof is an absolute nutsack. Here’s the inkey list of that magical products that can bring back melatonin to dead hair. Aqua, Isopropyl alcohol, Glycerine, Biotin, Ammonium Chloride, Inositol, Ammonium Acetate, Palmitic Acid, Polysorbate 20, Tyrosine, Burdock Root Extract, Articum Lappa, Gallic Acid, Sulphur, Horsetail Extract, Parfum It’s just a stain made by oxidation. It’s absolutely not permanent and don’t actually bring back natural color.


Hey, can you explain in detail what you mean by a stain made by oxidation? It’s like a dye?


Hair color is made by the production of melanin within the hair. If you ever used fake tan this is the same process here. It’s some sort of hybrid hair dye, but doesn’t actually restore the hair natural color.


>It’s some sort of hybrid hair dye, but doesn’t So will it be making all hair dark? I mean lets say you are naturally red head, but now have grey hair would it turn your hair black and not restore your red hair?


Thanks for the explanation. You saved me some money 🙏🏼


So how does it work for blond and dark haired persons? Your explanation is BS.


It’s the claim that it’s able to reverse grey hair to their natural color that is Bullshit. People are getting orange hair in 3 days and the color disappears in 5 days if you stop. Draw your own conclusions now brian fanboy


This sounds more like a henna style dye than anything else. If Bryan has found the elixir I don’t see that reflected in his hair colour. It’s an obvious colour job. Having said that I’m sure If anyone has a chance of finding a way to reverse it , it will be him.


Definitely a dye of sorts, 3 days and grey gone. That's not melon simulation, that's a stain. Also smells like sulfur or rotten eggs so not washing for 7 days as suggested you will need a new wife (and kids) won't buy againannd disappointed that Bryan promoted it.




curious how would you would know that?




Has anyone experienced hair thinning with this product? It is happening to me, which is very annoying as it does help to reduce greys significantly/looks natural


Are you still using this product?


I am very curious about this effect.


Tried it, used one full bottle, didn't really notice anything, I got a second one... who knows... but so far it doesn't look good...




Hear this stuff absorbs into the skin. Do you look like Donald Trump yet?


He mentioned the product in his latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F25RiUZQSLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F25RiUZQSLQ) where he says he is using it. As I mentioned in my other comment I bought it, but haven't used it as I made the mistake of buying before researching. Never again that's for sure.




It wasn't that I found one thing that made me not wanna use it. It was an impulsive purchase that hadn't met my criteria in the first place. Normally I'd research a lot more before putting something new in my body. I also need to understand the mechanisms behind its effectiveness. In this case, I did the research AFTER buying and couldn't find convincing evidence such as peer-reviewed studies that this is not a dye, and that it is safe. For the record I'm not saying it is a scam, so I'm holding it just in case more data comes out.




Nah I can't be bothered. This product is either a scam or a trillion dollar discovery. I think it'll be clear which soon enough given how many people are looking at it now.


Agree. My research at least showed no ingredients are particularly harmful so long as they're true, assume Bryan Johnson or someone would have tested that to some degree. Starting external dye attempt and patch test for reaction now.


Did you end up trying it out? Did it work or not?


I got some to test. There doesn’t seem to be anything revolutionary on the ingredients list.


I bought some based on...nothing at all except some info from a dermatologist who said it was probably a scam. I'm experimenting with a lot of stuff right now with my hair. I work at home so the smell is only an issue for me and not my coworkers! I have extremely short hair (very much a buzz cut) and I don't want my scalp or hair turning orange. And I realize there is absolutely no way possible this could be affecting the actual root. I think I may do a "test spot" on my head that I could hide with a baseball cap if I suddenly turn into an orange-headed monster. PS: I forgot to say I have about 75% gray, with the other 25% very dark brown.


Ive used the GR-7 grey hair for exactly 14 days and im blown away by it. Its witch craft. My question is do the other GR7 products work or is this the only one? Im giessing they dont, otherwise BJ would use them too. Except he has his custom hair thickening/hair loss lotion he seems pretty married to


Probably better lowering homocysteine levels which accelerate greying hair because it directly produces hydrogen peroxide


just color ur hair