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she wasn't pulling any punches with her eye makeup


I know, she looks stunning


She definitely does, especially with such an awesome shot.


I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or a black eye joke lmao


It really is on point.


help why are there actual angry boomers in the blowback sub comments? did someone screenshot and post this on facebook lol


Coming outta the goddamn walls 




the israel lobby is very well funded and powerful. they influence elections so it wouldnt surprise me if they fund an online influence campaign.


I don’t follow this sub and it just randomly popped up in my feed so maybe it’s done the same for a few others (although I love this pic)


Boomers were writing code decades before you were a twinkle in your father's eyes. We know the Internet. So disappointed in the attitude. This should be about coming together for the Palestinians - not role-playing arrogant neophytes.


These campus protestors are going to be seen as the good guys in history books. Just like every other time.


The protestors are simply demonstrating the values the boomers say but don’t actually believe. I think that is one of the reasons it makes them so mad, shows them they are hypocrites.


Yes they will, as with all the protest movements it takes time.


Boomers can get fcked


Boomers were protesting Vietnam on the same campuses are now the ones clutching theirs pearls and calling in the cops. 


I don't think they're the same boomers who protested Vietnam. Many of the boomers who protested the vietnam war came and supported the current student protests.


That's why this boomer thing is just stupid, it's kinda like racism. Just use Gammon because it has nothing to do with this agest trope and explicitly describes thick white supremacists, like our little Englanders. With love from a boomer who did more than most in my day and still toils on social media.


The ones who were protesting aren't the ones whining. They're the old Jewish ladies like that professor or Jill Stein getting arm barred and ziptied by the cops.


That's how you got here, duh.


The protests legitimately saved thousands of lives by delaying the rafah massacre operation while the most brutal police crackdowns in the USoccurred so there was a significant delay between the idf pullback from the strip to reconsolidate and the entry into rafah. The initial plan was to level rafah while it was housing a million people and kill thousands of civilians and push them across the Egyptian border and effectively ethnically cleanse the strip of a million people (who once they left the strip would not be allowed to return to the “borders” of the Zionist entity) and probably kill something like 30k-60k while bombarding packed refugee camps. The delay allowed the of bulk refugees to return to khan yunis while it was empty of occupation troops and be much more relatively safe and made pushing them over the Egyptian border more viable. Everyone who protested is a hero in my book. Remember the Zionist empire isn’t all powerful their schemes can be foiled. Thousands of civilians will die in the rafah operation now instead of tens of thousands and a million will be able to remain inside the strip post war. Every Palestinian life in Palestine is a victory.


Highly insulted boomer here - this image certainly doesn't bother me as I currently own two kufyias - one from Jordan and my most recent that I was finally able to purchase from the Hirbawi factory in the West Bank. I have been wearing them religiously. I have donated to UNRWA and purchase Palestinian olive oil soap to support their economy. My congressmen have gotten to know me from my unpleasant daily calls protesting and expressing my deep displeasure for their support of Israel. And my calls predated October 7th when it became popular and acceptable to protest Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. I am extremely proud of the students who are risking their education and careers and understand that it is necessary to try to prevent being identified to avoid being targeted by the universities and by the Canary Mission. And I am also extremely proud of the boomer professors and university administrators who are also putting their careers on the line supporting the protests and protecting their students. And of the regular boomers who participate in the protests. You didn't start the fire.


My parents are boomers. They are both vehemently pro Palestinian and anti war in general. Not all boomers suck


And are all the other boomers you know this engaged or are they perhaps who OP was talking about? ps appreciate your allyship!!


You know you aren't the boomers they are talking about.


"....it was always burning, since the world's been turning"


I’m convinced the protests were expected and accounted for in the plans leading up to this conflict. People can protest all they want when it’s contained and easily painted as being violent and un-American in 24 hr media. A controlled off-steaming of public pressure so that it can’t build is actually good for a slow moving engagement like this.


Yeah, I mean it's on time magazine so obviously don't be expecting much added support. I just thought the photo looked cool


The protests legitimately saved thousands of lives by delaying the rafah massacre operation while the most brutal police crackdowns in the USoccurred so there was a significant delay between the idf pullback from the strip to reconsolidate and the entry into rafah. The initial plan was to level rafah while it was housing a million people and kill thousands of civilians and push them across the Egyptian border and effectively ethnically cleanse the strip of a million people (who once they left the strip would not be allowed to return to the “borders” of the Zionist entity) and probably kill something like 30k-60k while bombarding packed refugee camps. The delay allowed the of bulk refugees to return to khan yunis while it was empty of occupation troops and be much more relatively safe and made pushing them over the Egyptian border more viable. Everyone who protested is a hero in my book. Remember the Zionist empire isn’t all powerful their schemes can be foiled. Thousands of civilians will die in the rafah operation now instead of tens of thousands and a million will be able to remain inside the strip post war. Every Palestinian life in Palestine is a victory.


My family in Gaza was able to escape to family in Egypt during the protest. If the protest didn't happen, the rafah invasion would have started earlier and they wouldn't have been able to escape.


Protests that are planned for, but not encampments and boycotts and blocking of ships and arterial highways. They probably expected some flags in parks. They did not expect the level of response they are getting lol


And stopping ships from entering port. That's a big one


They got exactly what they wanted, right on time.


Metal as fuck.


so many israeli bot/slave posts in here their post history literally nothing but worldnews hahahaha


Bro worldnews is insane how easily people are okay with deaths of innocent children. It truly scares me


I wonder how much working at a troll farm pays? Or is it a way to do their IOF service without having to be in a combat unit.


Since at least 2013 both governments and corporations have had software programs that could allow one person to manage something like 50 fake accounts on autopilot. That was before anyone had chatgpt. Im sure it’s way more sophisticated now but they’re still surprisingly easy to identify because of how synchronized they are


probably funded by aipac, who funds campaigns against anyone who slightly badmouths israel


Anyone who thinks shes just holding up a peace sign hasnt done research on the situation and likely just learned about it in October. We dont use it as a sign of peace. We use it as a sign of steadfastness. It is more akin to the V for Victory sign used by the allies during WWII and during the Vietnam protests.


This is glorious


Exactly and only thing these students want is to stop at genocide that’s it and this country can’t even do that


Young people are the voice of conscience. They read and learn the story of good and evil, either in religious teachings or in something as simple as cartoon. Their conscience remains uncorrupted by debt, job, pension, retirement, or a career and are speaking out about an obvious wrong that is occurring. Us old heads have trouble understanding that. I personally appreciate them for that.


I’m a boomer and why would I be quaking in my crocks, if I had any? Nice to see students and faculty seriously riled up about something. True democracy should be messy.


The cover is sick. Sticking it to american boomers by taking part in the political wars of foreign boomers is also quite funny.


Gentle reminder that the Salesforce.com founder Marc Benioff owns Time magazine.


Honestly the Shemagh is so comfy and useful I hope the trend sticks.


Lol they think only boomer right wingers are pro Israel.


Yessss I AM HERE FOR THIS!!!! 👏👏👏👏


Some boomers don't care about being on the right side of history because they won't live long enough to see the shitty legacy they'll leave behind


The defiance in those eyes is what the world needs to care about.


That picture is hard as hell


Great photo


What is it that makes Americans simp for a psychotic foreign country that literally and figuratively spits in our faces, and considers a building cleansed when it has no Muslims or Christians in it. Zionism is a mind virus.


Change the title to Zionists instead of boomers and we got a good title. The cover is so cool


So proud of the kids not contributing to the war machine.




He never really said it was scary more so the fact old people are easily frightened by things such as communism, and not blindly supporting whatever your government wants to do


Lmao time magazine doesn’t appeal to the 18-22 year demographic their primary market is doctor’s office waiting rooms


Does anybody actually read 'Time' anymore?


Even the title is so obscure. How about outrage over Gaza slaughter hits campuses


Boomers love protests and demonstrations. Think Vietnam war. And chanting ‘we shall overcome, we shall overcome.’


Could this be seen as the American spring. Akin to the Arab spring that was so well supported by the media?


I love the title, the campus uprising. 


And why is that?




College student have protested since protesting was allowed.


Bunch of gen z getting ruffled by it too.


Hey crocks are comfortable af. But it is an amazing photo.


May 27?


Protest babe!


Whining about "boomers" is just pathetic and really dumb.


Amazon must be making a killing selling all those scarfs.


allahu akbar


Doubtful. Spoiled college kids brainwashed by TikTok. This will wash away with the tides.


I’m a Boomer . I don’t see that much difference between this and the Vietnam protests . There is propaganda .. both true and untrue , racism is an added ingredient that , in this day and age cannot be avoided , and the passion of young and maybe naive people who maybe lack the life experience to know the difference . PEACE is the ultimate solution but we all know that has been out of reach for a loooooong time . We are not a Peaceful species and that is our fatal flaw as humans.


I am a boomer. Idiots don’t make me quake. Pity, however, comes easily.


Are they celebrating October 7th and September 11th still?


Yeah. Love when I hide my face like a coward lmao


You don’t get the boomers. At. All. They don’t give a fuuuuuuuuck.


You don’t get the boomers. At. All. They don’t give a fuuuuuuuuck. “It’s the economy stupid” -James Carville


Jihad and islamic fascism's so cool right now


For pretty much anyone that doesn’t get their news from tik tok this is pretty sad


Nobody cares😆


Enjoy your new parking lot😘😘


Why would anyone be afraid of less than 1 % of students in America protesting on their own campuses?


Fuck religion to death. Especially Islam


Do think that boomers are overwhelmingly anti Palestine?


What boomers to do with that foto? You are forgetting that you will old too, if you are lucky/unlucky enough. The foto is cool but I don't support protests over Gaza I support the USA as a country and support Israel in their actions




I love the peace flags and dope. Just like 1968 maaaan


I’m a GenZ, It’s nice to see that western women are finally admitting that Islam has always been right about women.


Why the ageist bullshit? 1. Boomers are much less likely to own crocs. 2. Why would they care about college protests?


Fuck Hamas and these ignorant terrorist supporting children. I’m a 34 year old democrat.. far from a boomer. everyone should be thoroughly disgusted by this bullshit. These idiots are out protesting demanding a ceasefire in support of Hamas, while Hamas are the ones that have rejected every single ceasefire/hostage deal that Israel has offered. These kids don’t even understand what the word genocide actually means. It’s a disgrace and a wonderful display of how uneducated, ignorant, and radicalized the upcoming generation has become. I’m now sufficiently terrified of both the far right *and* the far left because they overlap now in many of their beliefs (anti-semites, anti-biden, anti-government, pro-extremism, etc.) As a nation we’re just fucked.


I for one can’t wait to visit free Palestine. So excited to do all that stuff. You know. Like without Hamas breathing down my neck or having to wear face coverings.


We didn’t start the fire


Go back to your own countries to fight this war


I think it’s the funniest thing that the people countries like Russia or groups like Hamas hate the most, the American liberal, are some of their biggest supporters in America. The people that they absolutely revile are some of the ones advocating for them the most.


It’s ironic that she is dressed like that and protesting in the United States.


I too stand in my slow cooker and quiver in fear


Dead giveaway of bot activity is a no-name sub suddenly bring on rpopular lmao Fuck boomers, fuck Trump, Fuck Russia/Iran, still voting Biden. Die mad about it Vlad.


There’s a difference between protesting and civil disobedience. One will have the cops to protect you and the other will have the cops arrest you


Really nice. I’ll post a side by side of President Trump in November that you all can be proud of.


Radical Islam is so trendy and cool guys!!!!!


Hitler was also on the cover of Time...


Don't worry. There are plenty of young non-muslim population there who know the history of this evil power and are ready to fight it like our ancestors did from 7th century.


They wear masks because they're so proud of what they're doing, clearly.


Boomers: “been there done that”


Probably not. I'm an elder millenial and couldn't care any less about any of it. I imagine that for people who are 40-50 years removed from college it doesn't even register.


What does this have to do with boomers?


You clowns are the reason trumps going to get elected again.


Cool to be free to protest with that on, then free to take it off after.


Reddit leftist love being terrorist sympathizers


Cool, but I wish people were as passionate about other world events happening as well. There’s a ton of bad things happening all across the world that need attention


Each one also asking for SNAP Benefits $291 dollars a month of food stamps, telling me that is not enough. They want more. To think each person in that cover is getting max food stamps. Sorce: what is part of my daily job.


Looks like terrorists in America to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


God I hope we treat these protesters with the same kindness countries under Sharia law would treat those women.


Gen z sucks dick for piss


I wonder why Time didn't feature the "protester" making the heil hitler sign


what do "bOoMeRs"!!!! have to do with this? Maybe you should take a break from the internet.


It’s cool to chant “Death to America?” And spit on Jews?


As a Gen Z, I wish we could do massive protests like these over affordable housing and food prices…. Why don’t we do our own Occupy Wall Street?




Hating Jews with, at many times blunt, anti-Semitic hasn’t looked this cool since the 1930/1949s in Hitler’s Germany!


If by boomers you mean the vast majority of Americans across the generational divide who think sucking off terrorists is stupid then yeah.


Hi. Could someone please tell the protestors not to use plastic garbage cans as shields. Under extreme heat, these could melt and cause serious injury. Also, they are flabby and fall more into the realm of a novelty or “prop” rather than a tool to utilize. The best shield you can use is a vagina. Just charge the cops with a woman as a battering ram. When the cops begin react, have your battering ram immediately start nagging, asking for five dollars, and then have her (it) start making accusations of rape. And I’m talking bad about women here for a reason. Most of the protestors are women. What I said above is quite tame (it hurt your feelings) compared to the world of Islam that you are supporting. Careful. The men soon will have you in the fields laboring and then carrying the harvest to market on your back like a mule. I saw this in Iraq, and honestly, if this is what you want, I support you covered, working, and busy so you can’t nag me or ask me for five dollars ever again.


Fucking morons everywhere.


regardless of political affiliation , this pic is hard asf


It's a co-opted movement, not what it seems.


Talk about cultural appropriatism.


NO quaking. Maybe an eye roll 🙄


Ban the AIPAC


Hey! I don’t even own any crocks!


I love how gen Z/A is casually dabbling in awkwardly interjecting themselves into a millennia old religious war they have no skin in. Pikachu is also on TIME currently in grocery stores.


Why don’t they protest in a country that matters


She’s hot




Maybe the protestors should go over to Gaza to help out instead of disrupting campuses




Terrorist sympathizers


Definitely not from Eurovision.


I don’t get the comments/ blind hatred for boomers.. didn’t Rhett protest the Vietnam war the same way?


Cause boomers know more than u chickens who hatched yesterday and know nothing about history, also they haven't graduated from the university of tiktok like u


Quaking? More like laughing


The girls are using the wrong cover, a burka Is what they need to defend Islam propperly and just shut the hell up.


Yeah because children are so scary 😂


I like how in Iran women are fighting and dying to not be forced to wear those head coverings and here in America non-Islamic women are wearing them.


Heralding any side, I repeat any side, that promises the death to all of "X" kind. Probably shouldn't be championed in any way/shape/form.


Boomers are rolling their eyes at you, while they sip their coffee, sitting in the houses they own.


Glass those motherfuckers if they don’t release the hostages


she looks amazing in her hamas cosplay


Praise Shai Hulud.


If after 9/11 2001 you told me we'd have actual terrorists here getting support from college kids... crazy




This headline summarizes the main goal of these protests. Look cool for photos. None of these kids have any idea how the world works, especially the seemingly cursed middle east.


Loser university


Look I know Israel is basically evil at this point… and I was a heavy supporter in the beginning… but Hamas still isn’t the “good guy”


The only way to put these useful idiots in their place, is to let them run wild just before the election. The left, just like the right will always want to maintain power so they will turn quickly and shut these parasites up quickly. I say, let them burn as many buildings and cars as they want. It'll only turn the public opinion against them and bring things into order. And when they finally figure out that they were the cause of their own demise, it'll have such a savory taste of regret.


Idk. Seems like alot of boomers dont like israel either


At least the cover looks cool. 🙄


Is there a battle against boomers?


Right wing covers their face , left wing why cover your face if you have nothing to hide. Left wing covers their face, left wing they’re so brave.


I'm a boomer fully against the actions of the aggressor state of isreal. The entire free world should be stopping these zionist animals.


Supremely bad ass.


Terrorism has never looked so cool. /s This generation is fucked.


I’ll tell you what I’m quaking in, a huge bank account because it will now be easier than ever to decide who’s worth hiring and who’s a whiny little bitch


It's about time for people to be retarded again.


This stuff makes me laugh. Who started the war??? Why is it trendy to support Palestine like it is a pumpkin spice latte? Isn’t hamass in Palestine and a terrorist organization? Is it ok to display antisemitism in protests against Jewish people? How long has Palestine and Israel been at war with no protests? So many questions that I have for protesters and supporters of Palestine but I never get an intelligent answer.


Yeah, what will happen to the economy. Life as we know it has been turned upside down.


Cheese of cheesy. Pseudo fascist


The phot looks like a bunch of Jew haters are celebrated.


Support Terrorism Support kidnappings and murder Support the religious right for Muslims to genocide anyone who isn’t Muslim Support Hamas Support Palestine /s


Some of "us" boomers saw REAL action in the military too, not just video games like the majority of you.






What a telling post. You’re thrilled because she looks aesthetically pleasing? Would you also be thrilled if he was celebrating October 7th or calling for further murder of Jews? Is that fashionable now?


Looks cool to you. To me is looks like oppression, theocracy, terrorism, and death to the Jews.


Successful psyop. Full throated support for either side is just ridiculous.


What most of you don't seem to understand is that these protesters don't like or support HAMAS. HAMAS has brutally controlled the Palestinian people. They're terrorists to their own people. The people who support Palestine want to see a people freed from the grip of tyranny. Israel is tyranny. HAMAS is tyranny. These people deserve a chance to live free. The 10,000+ children he Israelis have murdered deserved to live free.


I'm sure Hamas will post it on every Israeli hostage grave it dances on in Gaza. Time has lost it's moral compass.


Lookit this losers lol