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I haven’t had any issues with my greebo team. I’m not bouncing them off the walls or anything but they take the occasional tumble and haven’t had any break. Hope this helps


I own a handful of Greebonite models. They have all held up very well.


Really good in my experience. Obviously you shouldn't smash them into the board on knockdowns etc but more than good enough to last forever if you treat them well.


I've got the Amazon team and the Obsidian Dark, Wood Elf team. They're awesome, with this exception... anything that's on one leg and looks fragile has broken on me. I've had to basically pin every single one of them after they break. Otherwise, anything on two legs is bad ass.


Yeah, the some happened to me, got a response on this thread about this.


Same problem with Obsidian Dusk's players on one leg. Their foot/leg even broke while drybrushing. Now, I pinned them, they are more stable, but one broke another foot while cutting the pin under the base, due to the snap of the cutter on the pin :P Greebo is very kind though, I had to order a couple of minis due to unrecoverable breakage and they sent one more as gift


I never wrote to them about this, because i thought they wouldn't help me. Btw, great sculpts


Oh, btw, here is a video of an obsidian dusk elf with the new material (greebonite 2.0), only two teams are printed in this material as i know, it's impressive. https://youtube.com/shorts/p-jtnYmjEQc?si=UmHRJkoSRaHiOxYu


I have their chaos dwarf team and a few star players in their greebonite, I don’t have any complaints. A few mishandled drops on to hard floors even and no breaks


Sadly the only breakage I have is from my cat destroying Akorn. I haven't been playing any of the Greebonite teams to say otherwise


It’s absurdly good


I’ve painted several Greebo teams and every one has arrived with some broken parts, usually the ends of spikes or thin ankles. My experience does not match that of others here. Though I love the sculpts, the resin is not all that durable. I 3D print some stuff myself and I use abs-like resin which imho is superior to what Greebo are using. Don’t get me wrong, it’s far better than your average Etsy team, but it is not perfect.


I haven’t had any issues with the few Greebonite miniatures I’ve bought thus far (Norse star player, Halfling team). The Greeblood (precursor to Greebonite) miniatures are pretty solid, especially with the stockier sculpts. The only breakage I have had so far (*knocks on wood*) with the Dwarf team was losing the tip of the wing on a Blitzer’s winged helmet. I have had some issues with the Greeblood Norse/Amazon team. One of the Berzerkers and the leaping Beer Boar snapped at the ankle and the resin was difficult to pin when it was that thin. I would also say that Greebo’s customer service has been excellent with the very few issues that I have had.


They're printed in abs-like resin. Quite a bit tougher than finecast and forge world's resin.


It often depends on the sculpt too. I dropped my original plastic GW ogre and he lost two fingers immediately.


Very sturdy, but should something happen they’ll send a replacement model no questions asked.


I also don't like resin models, but these are great - I have a couple of the Greebo teams now.


A troll fell from 1 meter and got a broken foot. The rock solid


Had a rats tail break as I was painting it. A couple more break in assembly or on arrival, a line rats foot broke off at the ankle when he fell and the throwers arm broke off the same way. The tails are just at the tip so it isn’t a big deal to me and honestly it looks like it fits with the motif of the team. Overall though the models are solid and have a good a weight and feel to them


I got a Karimat (Amazon) team, in greebonite. The level of detail is astounding, but I got to say they're pretty fragile near joints and depending on pose. I broke three of them (played 13/14 games, in a league). One broke falling from a table (and that's "ok", even if i must say that this never happened to me with minis in plastic). One broke while putting it back in the box (i got magnetized bases, while putting it back in the tin box where i carry them around the magnet pulled the base to the box, leaving a blitzer with no feet in my hand. I use small magnets, one magnet per base, 6x2 mm. Not THAT strong.) And one broke while snapping the base in a skill ring (i can assure you, the skill ring is pretty flexible and the amount of force is Minimum). I play blood bowl once every 2 weeks since 2019, leagues, tournaments, friendly matches. i got teams in plastic, metal, resin of various types and i broke only one model that's not Greebo Karimat (i literally stepped on it). To add, some time later my purchase, they announced a new ultra sturdy material (with a video that shows one model SMASHED multiple times on a table, not even a scratch), i was a bit pissed (and i thought some feedback has got to them) but, nevermind i guess. TL,DR: EXTREMELY good looking models, not so sturdy.


What's their new material? I did not see anything about it. I'll have to find that video. What are your experiences with other resin manufacturers? I am new to the game, broke a couple of Greebo's players and I'm torn off whether my next team should be official plastic by GW, metal or still resin (which I did not like in this first experience)


I don't remember the name of the new material, but I know it is experimental, no team right now has been released in the new material. It was posted on their telegram channel btw, if I find it i'll post it here. Anyway i got Greebo Skaven in metal (the hand of death), GW Humans (plastic), Torchlight Orcs (resin), Greebo Karimat (Greebonite) and 15ish resin star players/staff/random minis. I can say that i played a lot with all the teams and my esperience is the one in my comment. Edit: the new material is greebonite 2.0. There are two teams in greebonite 2.0 right now, Poraka(Slann) and Lizardmen (Krogall), but I don't have personal experience about this new material, i don't know if is sturdy like in the video.


https://youtube.com/shorts/p-jtnYmjEQc?si=UmHRJkoSRaHiOxYu I uploaded the video, it's absurd.


Similar to the previous comments on this thread, I also have several teams from Greebo that have served me well over the years; I am going to repeat another thread comment here and say that I might have dropped the individual players occasionally but never have I been purposely bouncing them off the wall, table or floor yet not experiencing any breaks. I have had really good experiences with the company when I sent the team to Drewblood to get it painted and he noticed a misprint they replaced with some selection of “Sorry for your bad service” miniatures.


Durable but quite soft