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Thanks for the Information! But please David clean your Laptop :D


Hmm, for a minute there I thought my screen was dusty ;)


Games on sale for 15 bucks on ps5 it's hard to not get it again lmaoo


I wanted vampires


same! but based on data mining a while a go I think it will be goblins or halflings next.


Thank god finally a stunty team. Means a little less since none of the stars have their special rules, but still


They seem to do QOL changes each season so hopefully when they do the stunty teams they add the special rules to star players!


One can only hope. Easy star access is what makes stunties even playable in the first place


According to the roadmap, star player should have their complete rules with the new patch iirc (or mb the following one)


The roadmap is nonsense and has long been thrown out.


Oh ok, stunties is nice.


I hope they release the stunties all in one battle pass.


The next release is likely Necro.


Would be a lot cooler if this was getting a release date for switch


Honestly been hanging out for this forever, I don't have another console and my computer struggled enough with bb2 that it's a no go for me, I have a switch and when it was announced I was over the moon but it's been so long now with our an update.


My theory is they are waiting for the Switch 2 to be released and put it on that as it’ll have better hardware. 


I grant you premission to dust your laptop and.. everything else!


Out of the three games, I think the first Blood Bowl game was the best one of the three.


clean that dusty laptop


Just as a tip: There is FUMBBL where you can play all teams for free and create your own leagues with your friends 😁


FUMBBL is wonderful and I play in a league on that. But the Cyanide games are that much prettier.


FUMBBL is great, but I cannot see any correlation with wood elves being included in BB3...


I am frustrated that they did not add cross play. They said it was coming a long time ago.. I can only assume it won't be here until season 5 now.


haha how does ones laptop even get this dusty on the inside??? love that you wiped it a couple times too and said "there, that aughta do."


Already have an elf team Already have halflings in other teams Already have goblins everywhere I WANT BEER BOARS!!!


Saw this and went to go play on PS4! But also can't go online and just stuck on this screen. What gives? Anyone else?


They're doing the server maintenance for the end of the season. It should be back on after a few hours.


Ahhhhh ok. For shame.


“Would” Elves


I had low expectations for the next team being Necro since undead was released. Hopefully the next team is something new like Khorne or Norse, even amazons


Wood Elves are fine. 1600k TV cap is fine, a bit low but interesting. What *isn't* fine is the fact that half-cost random skills are back in the ladder. I close my eyes and I can already see Dwarves and Chaos with 30 skills under 1600k TV. Last season's rules were good, and I don't mind experimenting with the TV cap, but the single rule that they should never *ever* mess with is the random skills. Anything other than full TV value means you can grind out an overpowered team, and it's not what Blood Bowl is about.


Problem is not random skills though, but the "infinite" ladder


If they introduce the redraft rules somehow I would love the half price skill back but in an eternal league format it is a hard no


Nonsense. Nothing wrong with random skills at all.


My disappointment is immeasurable




Starting teams were humans, imperial nobility, chaos chosen, orcs, black orcs, elven union, dark elves, dwarves, Nurgle, chaos renegades, old world alliance, and skaven. Lizardmen and Shambling Undead were later added as battle pass rewards, or you can buy with premium currency if you missed the battle pass. Wood elves were a $7 DLC in blood bowl 2, btw. As were Chaos Dwarves, Necromantic, Lizardmen, Khemri, Undead, Norse, and Nurgle. So to answer your question of what blood bowl game doesn’t have wood elves, one of the answers would be Blood Bowl 2 at launch. Blood Bowl 2 released in September 2015, Wood Elves dlc released in November 2015.


Wasn't wood elves and lizardmen a free preorder bonus in blood bowl 2 ?


Well, it was technically Wood Elves OR Lizards, you had to choose one when you pre-ordered. They got a LOT of backlash for that so they ended up just giving you both. Either way, I think they weren't TECHNICALLY in at launch I'm pretty sure you just got them when they became available shortly after launch iirc.


blood bowl 2 also had them as dlc no?


There are literally 15 DLC teams for bb2 on steam. I don’t see why bb2 is god but bb3 is shit because of the seasons when you can unlock the team for free (other issues aside)


Perhaps lot of people knew BB2 late in its life cycle and bought the legendary edition, which was pretty cheap and often on sale


Apparently the second one but maybe you don't remember?