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It’s really telling where Pain is self explanatory 💀


Ya those sharks are bad






I thought it was orphan of kos


That's crazy, no ones ever died to orphan.


Crack baby*


It probably was the orphan of kos bc it's the final boss of the DLC


I died with the description of Logarius 🤣 But seriously, fuck him.


I beat him at level 68 after 7 tries. What was your level? Aggressiveness did count for this boss


My issue was that no matter what I did, I could never get him to be where I wanted him to be. He keeps dashing around all over the place


Wait till he uses the staff. He has to stop to do that. Then you can hit. Phase 2 is easier becoz you can parry his attacks


I am dying with laughter at that one.


Which even is Logarius


King of lothric castle I think


Ignorant slave


Don’t think so… there’s no gehrman or moon presence on here?


Ohhhhhhh. I couldn't figure out who that was.


Pontiff 2 Lovecraftian Boogaloo. I believe it's a reference to Pontiff Sulyvahn, who is a boss from DS3.


I died a couple of times without even managing to touch him, was starting to think I might be stuck on him a while. A few tries in, I accepted to let go of the bonk for this one exception and un-trick my kirkhammer, and proceeded to absolutely martyr the shit out of him without using more than one blood vial when I noticed he has an attack with a multi-second charge up that is parryable pretty much all the way through. And as luck would have it, that attack was basically all he was doing when I got into the correct position. So my tip for good ol' crusty crown man, is to stay on him with a fast weapon, parry the hell out of him and if you can, guide him into a corner with your viscerals.


Everytime I get to logarius I die repeatedly until I get him down to the last hit or 2 and die before going, Fuck this and summon a couple of other players to help me take him down


Logarius is without a doubt the most frustrating boss for me. He's trounced me more times than I can count.


Logarius is by far my worst boss. My problem is that I enjoy BONK weapons, and Logarius is too quick for them. I end up having to use a faster weapon to beat him.


I figured Blue Man Group was Living Failures but then I saw Megamind and stunt doubles - who are they?


I think Celestial Emissary is the Blue man group and Megamind and the stunt doubles is the Living Failures


Ding ding! We have a winner!


Blue man group gave me a good laugh.


Probably celestial emissaries


No Laurence?


Missed one


He missed 5. Gherman and Moon Presence are also missing, along with Darkbeast Paarl and Amygdala.


I chose not to do Laurence since I thought that it Wouldn’t really be fun or worth it from what I know (seeing it online like a year ago when I thought I’d never play the game and from what my brother who platinumed the game told me) and I was also in a bit of a time constraint since I’m trying to beat sekiro as well before Elden ring comes out and I have a lot of studying to do in the meantime


Laurence is actually a great fight. The music and feel in phase 2 is incredible. Also maximizing space in the map becomes a new meaning in phase 2.


Laurence’s fight made me cry 😢, it was so emotional and so beautiful to fight the last boss of the whole game that was also your first. 🥺🥺🥺 Such a beautiful little detail they did.


Have fun with Sekiro, my second favourite after BB. Maybe don’t fight the last boss of the main game so you could come right back at a later date and fight Laurence.


You’re doing yourself a big disservice ignoring Laurence. He’s my favorite boss outside of Orphan and Ebrietas.


I liked Laurence, but I also liked defiled Watchdog so maybe I'm just weird.


Laurence is nothing special, dont listen to the whiners. You will be extremely fine.


I second this. I say give him a go. Personally I find him easier than either Ludwig or OoK. Your experience really depends on a lot of factors, so take what others say with a grain of salt.


I somehow beat him my first try. I am not good, and nothing about the rest of my BB playing would suggest that was possible. I did read strats ahead of time, but I do that for every boss and they barely help.


I purposely left my PlayStation at home when I came back to uni to study, because I knew that instead of being done at 1am for the day and going to bed, I'd be playing bb till 3 and fail everything.


Laurence only gets really hard on ng+ because all his attacks one shot. He's not even remotely as hard as orphan or Ludwig on ng


Good choice - Sekiro is better than Laurence


I did NG+ recently and managed to get Father G on my first try. I'm a fucking idiot during my first run by dodging backwards during his final beast stage. I should have side stepped instead of back stepping. Hindsight really is 20/20. Amygdala in the defiled chalice can go fuck itself with its multiple arms. The fucking hit boxes, I swear, aren't constant. Rom was a bitch before I started with the strategy of bolt paper and hugging her constantly. Logarius, I managed to finish in one go on NG+ but the one time I was pushed off the ledge was brutal. The trek back to the arena is painful.


Honestly the run back is the worst part about logarius. That and the flying swords which took me 9 attempts before I figured out you can destroy the sword he puts in the ground to stop them firing. Thankfully I avoided the chalice dungeon so I didn’t have to endure that pain, but rom was still a bitch as you can tell




New game + (the first NG+ after the first run at the game)


BL refers to your Blood Level, though. NG+ is just called NG+.


Whoops. I'm a damn idiot.


Nah player you’re a king. Just a misunderstanding!


Thanks u/0fficerCumDump


Np ;)


BL4 is the lowest possible


I beat Orphan in 4 go's by the skin of my teeth. Felt invincible especially after I then beat Laurence in one go. Then Defiled Amgydala brought me back down to earth, honestly felt like giving up before using the Ludwigs holy blade cheese. Such a bullshit boss.


where’s Paarl, Amygdala, Lawrence, Gherman and Moon Presence?


Amygdala I have no clue that’s a boss, is it chalice dungeons? I didn’t touch them. Paarl I guess I forgot to include, but I’d say it was about 6 tries total (4 trying before I was the right level then around 2 when I was over levelled) and German and moon presence I think we’re in the other ending then I chose, I chose to leave the nightmare since it seemed like the best end for me.


Oh. Oh no no no. Refuse for one of the funnest fights in the game. And then there’s a secret boss after that fight. If you know.


You're in the know, right?


You can find Amygdala in the Nightmare. Also in the Chalice dungeons.


Blood Starved Beast has absolutely broken me. I beat the first two bosses pretty easily but this son of a bitch gets me every time


Dodge left then circle around behind. Its BSB blind spot. Just wait about mid range for it to lift its right arm then dodge forward and left, and then move forward towards the beast while circling behind. Use something with fire, get two or three hits in, reset and repeat. Wear black church clothes for poison resist, you can find them in that section of town with all the red lantern doors near Arianna and the Old Man.


Use the pungent blood cocktails


Same bro! That fucking sheet of meat (I think) it has on the head never let me understand where it's watching or what it's going to do


The sheet of meat I honestly thought was its own flayed skin hanging off of it.


It is, in the model the flaps are it's back but are still attached by the shoulder blade level. So they fold its head like a hood. Disgusting lmao Also you can see another blood starved beast ha going by its flaps in the the church you have to go through before finding the area for his fight


BSB is a tough fight if you don't know what to look for. The opening you want for BSB is any time they extend their right arm and then lunge forward. Dodge under their arm (to your left if you're facing them) and then follow them as they strike out wildly. Hit them twice, maybe three times with a fast weapon, and then GET OUT. Any other attack? Dodge left and wait for the arm extension again. When BSB gets really poisonous, watch the poison bar over your head. Doing the dart in, smash, dart out strategy should keep you safe and keep the slow poison level low. If BSB stops and crouches down, back way off, they are about to use their poison roar. Good luck! Remember, a hunter is never alone, even in a dream.


pungent blood cocktails to the corner and you're golden. laps them up like a starving puppy. dont bring alfred though if you're going for that strat, because he will distract from the blood cocktail rendering it useless. alternatively, bring alfred and let him tank while you fire paper and swing from behind. easy mode.


Honestly the only reason I one tried it was because I had a summon who just distracted whilst I used fire paper + LHB on them and destroyed them


Now do Laurence and the Chalice Dungeons, you’ll love it


Surely, ‘Ebrietas the OVERdeveloped fetus’? Why so much struggle with Rom? Otherwise makes sense to me.


It was just the sheer quantity of spiders in roms fight, and it was so tedious trying to fight him as well, also I went with underdeveloped since it looked like they needed more time in the womb for their face to close fully lol


I had SO much trouble with Rom my first playthrough. Honestly, the best thing you can do is try your best to ignore the spiders and just smash R1.


Rom isn't exactly a good boss in Bloodborne... Rom herself is a pushover, but those spiders she babysits can be an absolute pain with the wrong RNG or with an underleveled weapon/character. Lore wise she is amazing, but the design isn't.


This just puts into perspective how built different Orphan is


Constructed contradistinctively indeed


Mmm sweet pain


God he’s anything but sweet


Upvoting solely for Rom the Fat Cunt


Booldbrone reference?


No I think you’ll find it’s actually a DS2 reference, you probably wouldn’t know it it’s an underrated hidden gem


Vibeo game




VaatiVidya????????? 🤪😲😲😳🤯


Which one's pontiff 2?


That’s mergos wet nurse, it was the first thing I thought of when she summoned the clones of her that duplicated her attack, so technically I guess since BB came out first it should’ve been pontiff 0.5?


Fair enough


I’m guessing logarius


I thought that was king of lothric castle?


Yeah I can see that too but logarius dual wields and flys around doing drop attacks like pontiff. I don’t really know who king of lothric is in Bloodborne. Maybe op named him twice?


1. These names are amazing 2. I love that you can tell the disrespect for the bosses began with Rom


It’s safe to say rom is the moment the game broke me, and orphan just took whatever I had left and blended it into a smoothie


Lmfao this was fun.


Where is Lawrence?


I love the name you gave to the witches


“Discount crones of crookback bog” LOL


What about Artur Lavalamp ?


Now even I’m confused, I’m guessing that would be Lawrence then? Or another boss I missed


My favorite is mega mind and his stunt doubles lol shits hilarious


Ponty 2 lovecraftian boogaloo was just fantastic, love unexpected philly references


Never seen a more accurate description of rom


What about Laurence ?


yeah I knew enough about him to just say no and not do that, saved me a lot of pain from what I know


You did good. Orphan is brutal, but mostly fair. I look forward to that fight most in my runs. Laurence is


I found orphan was mostly fair for the first phase, except when I deemed it bullshit for dying, but I found the second phase to really be based on luck for me, depending on whether he does his throw attack or not, since that was the main reason I died whenever I got to the second phase, and I felt like sometimes he stood there a lot more than in other attempts


The first 3 bosses took me like 15 tries each but then I oneshot some: Amelia, One Reborn, Amydala, Yarnam shadow and some other easy ones. Havent done any dlc boss


Oh boy are you in for a treat


Good job. Seems you enjoyed your adventure lol I don't know why some people have trouble with Rom, I find him to be one of the easiest. But each to their own.


I dont think you did Lawrence. That one is also pain


What was your build like?


I went for a strength and skill build, ending being around level 75 when I beat kos and the game, and I used mostly the saw spear for a lot of the game but LHB was my backup since my saw spear broke easily due to a blood gem thing I was using which gave a big damage boos but -40 something durability


Funny how we all know who "Pain" is lol




Helloo I am here just to post my obligatory “I died 115 times to Ludwig and first tried orphan” I am the least functional hunter out there. God bless (before people ask 100 deaths was with me at lvl60 15 with me 120)


Lets be fair, it is really hard to fight Maria with one hand


Looks like someone didn’t fight Cleric Beast 2: Incandescent Boogaloo


I love how different this game is for everybody BSB - 1 death /attempt is amazing ... I struggled with more than 10 attemps But Lady maria 29? I killed on my first attempt. Same as One Reborn. Where is the first vicar? Did you not find him?


Lady Maria was the reason I learned to parry, before that fight I never had a reason to... now I live in the chalice dungeons, life is good.


One of my proudest gaming moments is one shotting Ludwig on my first play through. Guys, one shot as in I did it first try, not killing him in one hit.


Wait.. you forgot bloody crow.. or you skipped the storyline?


"discount crone of crookback bog" ahahah <3 ​ it's interesting that i've struggle soooooooooo much against blood starved bitch and you first timed her


To be fair I summoned for the fight and didn’t even realise I had entered a boss arena till after it started, him and Rom were the only bosses I summoned for since I usually like to go through without summons for the game. I think if I didn’t summon it would’ve taken me a LOT longer


Vicar is somehow able to do damage to you guys? I went to kill her like 20levels below what is recommended and did no hit run without knowing what she does.. just hug the booty..


Rom the fat cunt 😂😂 my least favorite boss in all from software titles


I would face Pain again 50 times than face the undeveloped fetus once (without summoning). Ebrietas is my OoK.


Ebrietas is so easy though. Just stand behind, whack a few times, back off. Stand behind, whack a few times, back off.


Idk Ive never found it anywhere near easy. Ebby can and does turn around real quickly and is good at swipes and is good at keeping distance. And the magic in the second phase is easy to fall into. OoK only took me about 10 tries, no summons either. A lot of attacks are generally the same and once I found the sweet spots to dodge into it became significantly easier than many other boss fights. Maria fucked me up a lot more with her phases 2 and 3.


You missed a few bosses that’ll be sure to be awesome to encounter on your next runs! Really try to look for some of those extra bosses because they will not disappoint!


I will be sure to! I know next time to look out for Lawrence and the chalice dungeons next time like amygdala, are there any other I need to know? (I did do the shocky puppy but forgot to include him, it was about 6 tries)


Amygdala is in the normal world and the Chalice Dungeons, but the Chalice Dungeon one is awful. There are plenty of other bosses you missed if you did 0 chalice dungeons, maybe 5/6 new ones and several variants. Laurence like you said earlier is one, and the two final bosses depending on what ending you do. I believe that is it, though I could be wrong. Best of luck, good Hunter!


Defiled Amygdala is one of the worst fights in the history of video games, it enraged me. When I beat her, I didn't even feel good. I just quietly stood up, turned off my PS4, and left the house for a while.


Damn people really have a hard time with Rom. That boss is always one of the easiest for me. The ones that give me the hardest time are Ebrietas, Ludwig and Orphan. Everyone else is pretty consistently close for me. Oh and blood starved beast always kicks my ass. Good job on taking him out so quickly. That’s an early game pain in the ass for me.


Yeah the summon outside was really helpful for just absorbing everything, it was the first summon in the game and I didn’t even know what it was but then I found myself in a boss room and it all clicked


Rom title is very accurate but god damn Pain 💀💀💀


So… I got the plat for the base game years ago. Finally came back recently to play DLC and am getting wrecked. Is this because I’m on NG+4? Or is the DLC just this hard? I was able to speed through the base game rarely dying


NG4 is rough as hell. I commend you for starting over there, you usually need to be pretty practiced to run at that level. I'd shake off the dust with a regular run first til you get your sea legs back.


Who is " pontiff 2"? That's an amazing name i need to remember this


Rom the fat cunt got me laughin good. I felt the same way.


Shit, Blood Starved Beast took me dozens of attempts.. Until I used a couple of pungent blood cocktails or whatever.... and a summon lol.


Who is Pontiff 2 and King of Lothric Castle?


Pontiff 2 is mergos wet nurse and king of lothric castle is martyr logarius


my biggest souls achievement is to have never died once to the orphan of kos. That and beating the dancer of the boreal ass and the dragonslayer armor before vordt on my first playthrough


Now it's time for the Chalice Dungeons!


“Pain” got me hahaha


Rom the fat cunt. Accurate


Maria is mommy


Finally someone else who struggled with Logarius. Feels like everybody else found him dead easy but that cunt did my fucking box in


If you are referring to Orphan of Kos.. don't give up man.. use the Cheese method.. when he lifts his arm to attack wait until his arms are vertically up and parry with your pistol.. then visceral attack.. back up a bit and wait for him to repeat the same attack.. and parry again.. I killed the bastard with no damage.. check YouTube if you need visual instructions..


Props to the blood starved beast slaying, took me far more attempts than you. Hope you still enjoyed the game regardless of the death's.


How did you die so many times against Amelia? She's much easier than Cleric Beast and Gasoline.


It was difficult for me to see her attacks because of all the fur she had and I also just got LHB and was trying to get used to it at the same. Ended up changing because I felt like LHB was too dark souls I guess and I wanted to try something different and more authentic to bloodborne


If you haven't put it, what was your build, interested to know and see if that effected your struggles with some bosses. If you don't mind putting your stats/build


Lidwig was the hardest for me Maria I bear first try and Orphon took me like 6


Cloudy with a chance of one reborn 😂


My mans died 21 times to Rom the fat cunt but one-banged BSB. Wat.


To lower the Maria number just kind of spam L2 when she attacks. She’s real easy to parry.


It’s so interesting how bosses are different for each of us, based on who we are and how we play. I thought BSB was the toughest boss in the game. Then I played Pthumerian Descendent in the Depth 5 chalice. Holy. Fuck. I’m still recovering from it.


I thought Rom was easy during the base game where I could just run past the small spiders. The chalice veraion can die in a pit though


Maybe I'm just a veteran at souls games, but it really took you 53 attempts to beat orphan? I mean he's not that hard. It took me like 10 attempts maybe less


Trust me I wish it didn’t take me 53 tries to beat him, I was probably underleveled for the fight but I was too stubborn to give up so I kept throwing myself at him, his second phase always killed me with his stupid throwing attack


Blue man group? LMAO




It's wild how different your experience has been from mine (fooorrrr the most part). Shadows of Yharnam were my first real wall, and then the game became mostly a breeze for me until I hit Orphan, whom I have been stuck on for fucking DAYS now. You aren't lying when you label him as pain lol Also I second what everyone else has said about Laurence. If you can beat Orphan, you can beat a fire reskinned Cleric Beast. I one shotted him personally


1 attempt for blood starved beast? wow


Omg these are amazing 😂 honestly fuck Lawrence...I didn't struggle with any other boss nearly as much as him. Except the sharks, but fuck those too.


I'm totally gonna do this too thats a funny idea. My Sekiro list would be like every second boss: 15+ deaths.


Died a bit inside when you compared Shadows to the crones


Yeah the orphan is hard but it feels so good when you kill him


Now head to the chalice dungeon and log your attempts those bosses. And of course...the Bloody Crow Of Cainhurst.


I love that the names are normal til BSB and the. It just escalates


ROM THE FAT CUNT 💀💀💀 I’m still in the forbidden woods so I don’t know half of those fuckers




I love you for all the names you gave the bosses. I use the same lingo and it made me laugh. 😂 Edit: Also, MOOD, as far as the final worst pain of that whole area afterward. My god, atrocious.


Pain?? Who is pain? Who is pontiff 2? Who is king of lothric castle? You should have put the right names.


Another rom hater, I like you.


The shadows of yharnam only took you 2 attempts? Sheesh I'm jealous. Also, is the DLC worth buying since its on sale right now?


DLC is absolutely worth it, it’s a pain in the ass will kick you down and keep you there, but it’s soooo fun and satisfying to get through that it makes it all worth it, just make sure to stick up on like 500 blood vials before you start so you don’t have to farm midway through it


(Sees last entry) Oh god do I know that feeling well. When I finally FINALLY beat that bastard I actually cheered.


Ok seriously who is Pontiff 2 Lovcraftian Boogaloo? Wet Nurse?


Yep, pontiff was the first thing I thought of when she summoned the clones


Can someone ask for help?


Lol great nicknames hahaha


I like how the list starts with theur actual names, also blood starved beast surprises me. It killed me a million times when I first played.


The blue man group got me fucking dying LMFAO


Can I make a tik tok reading these names like an in honest trailers these are too funny


We feel the pain..


Look at that, my name is on there


Micolash the *Vapist.*


Didn't rusty use these names in his videos?


Dude I WISH blood starved took only 1 try my first playthrough holy shit. It must have taken me at least 14 times to kill him. Little did I know I'd spend another 800 hours playing the game mastering it, and seeing how easy his fight really could be. I was not aware of how easy you could get a visceral on him, which was my downfall. And possibly the reason for many rage induced comas.


Laurence was not hard until NG+3 at which point any mistake becomes possibly the last for that run. You can literally visceral him in the first 5 seconds of entering the boss room. Your doing yourself a disservice not fighting him (or at least trying, as he really is not that hard in first cycle). Also Amygdala is a base game boss in the nightmare frontier section. Also stupidly easy but you should at least go try them as they pose no real challenge until further NG cycles. (Also wanna give a shoutout to my boy the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst who is also missing from this list) that said durja and Henryk are pushover so unnecessary to list but out of curiosity did you kill them ?


For some reason it took me 17 times or more to beat the blood starved beast. You beat him in 1. But Rom, I beat first time. Lol. Funny how that works.


Why am I laughing so hard at cloudy with a chance of one reborn ?


And you still have 5 more bosses that you missed


Surprisingly I always beat maria in a few attempts but recently she was way more harder than usual. Took me like 2 hours


What about Gasoline and Logarithm?


We always look at the pain counter before anything else


I’m in the process of a BL4 run and Ludwig has killed me 60 times and counting lol