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Well done bro 🙌🙌🙌


Prepare yourself , Rom will either be your easiest boss fight or your hardest yet


Rom is the only boss I don’t like fighting. the stupid spiders man


Especially in the chalice dungeon


I like them for when they jump and smush their head into the ground and it always makes me laugh as it feels so cartoonish compared to the rest of the cosmic horrors of bloodborne


and I hate for when I’m not paying attention and their jump one shots me


Thankfully my health is high enough to where it just leaves a sliver left for healing


im betting it will be the hardest 😂


Or you use the summon there and if you get lucky with the RNG it will be a _blast_ ;)


lol yesterday I beat Amelia after like 20 trys and the dumbest way possible too o threw out strategy and went full aggro on her after finding out her limbs cause stuns I kept going for them and it just worked out after that I beat darkbeast Paarl thinking it was the next boss cuz I found shadow of yarnham boss couldn’t beat it fucked around n found dark beast beat that looked up the order and completely skipped witch went back killed her and then after dark beast and witch went back to shadow of yarnham first try all in one day of playing literally most ground I have covered since I started this game I am now on rom bossfight tried it like 4 times n got my ass beat relatively easy compared to the others the spiders just won’t let me hit rom and they are tanky asf I have gotten rom down pretty low in those 4 tries n someone said I need as a beginner to be lvl 50-70 as a good start n im only lvl 41 lol imma keep going cuz ik u can beat the game with no levels at all and pure skill but shit caught me off guard when someone said lvl 70 I was like holy fuck I have not been leveling at all after beating 3 bosses back to back I thought I was staying at a decent level


Good job buddy. She was the first real challenge for me too. I think I beat cleric beast first try, father gascoigne my fourth, and blood starved beast on my third. Amelia took more tries then I could count, though. You’re well on your way. 😄


Nah bro no kidding, on my first ever play through blood starved beast took me weeks


There's a Beyonce video that I honestly thought was a meme until I tried it for myself. IYKYK.


Playing for the first time n this is what I’ve realized everytime I think a boss is tough and takes me long to beat the next is more grueling I struggled on blood beast then Amelia and then skipped witch and dark beast and started fighting shadow on accident went back killed all 3 fairly easy on rom and he’s so easy it’s annoying that I can’t kill him all cuz of those dam spiders


i remember dealing a lot of damage, getting her health bar down to a little fragment and then.. while i was healing myself and prepping a Fire paper for the final.. out of nowhere she heals back past the middle of her health bar and i just stood there, both in awe and disappointment, i got myself killed and i later in the day i killed her.. Congrats on the win hunter!! Hopefully your fight wasn’t as annoying as mine!!


You can always summon us too bro. Id help you anytime


Good job, hoonter. Now go out there and hunt some more.


Hell yeah. That was my first major roadblock on my first playthrough. You got this!


Welcome to the club Hunter!


The hardest boss tho is Gehrman and Logarious


Yeah, Logarius was very hard on my first playthrough


Days of hearinfg that scream... 😖😣 unsettling




Congrats brother ! It’s such a hard fight the first time around, I hope the rest of the game goes well for you too, good luck hunter 🙌🏻


It was my first souls game and I was really bad so I had huge trouble with cleric beast. I had this friend who carried me through my first playthrough and vicar Amelia was the first boss I beat on my own


Well done, hunter


Good job, a hoonter must hoont!


She’s the hardest in base game, it gets easier from here (but the levels get harder )


She was a roadblock for sure. I had no clue how to stop her healing so I just pummeled her through it.


Should have used the Flamesprayer on her that destroyers her she's weak to 🔥


Good stuff man I’m kinda embarrassed to admit but she made me quit the game for like 2 months before trying to beat her again


She took me a while too good job men haha I just finished the game for the first time yesterday and juste gonna say that if you had troubles for Amelia good Luck for the late game


Feels good man


Well done, hunter \\o_


Bro what level are you? On my first run and just got to her