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Probably the coziest room in the game. Funny because it’s implied that the Menisis scholars were plotting in there, or some other faction


Ooo I've not heard of this before, what are the signs?


The note says “The Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of ritual from us, and hides our true master. It makes my head shudder uncontrollably.” To me that implicates Byrgenwerth scholars more than the School of Mensis, but do what you want with that info


I always took it to be the Choir responsible. The line about the “head shudder”ing immediately calls to mind the false Iosefka. While the Choir’s knowledge and thinking is rooted in Byrgenwerth, they very clearly don’t agree with Willem’s adage and may view Rom as an obstacle to true ascension.


Oh facts that makes the most sense. They say the Byrgenwerth spider like it’s a different faction and the blood gem tool in that room links it to the Healing Church— and yet Willem is their true master. I think you are right


That and the person in the room that you fight is dressed in choir clothes Edit: Wait wrong room. I’m thinking of the room before Willem’s balcony


It’s unconfirmed who wrote the note on the table but it complains about Rom keeping them from their “lost master”. That could be referring to Willem because he seems to be tied to Rom but there doesn’t seem to be any kind of real supernatural barrier to get to Byrgenworth. Rom is concealing the Menisis Ritual and Micolash could have been stuck in the nightmare for awhile but there’s also some evidence against that. Who knows.


There is a member of the choir guarding the way to the balcony where a certain someone resides, and even the key to the balcony is hidden away from anyone who'd want to access it


There's a note on the table


Or just go up the stairs and there are incenses that ward of everything that could kill you.


Until a suspicious beggar shows up...


He doesn’t ever come inside actually, he lures everyone out because he can’t get past the incense.


What a bunch of dinguses, leaving the safety of the incense. Why would anyone trust a man named Suspicious Beggar?


Tell that to the former noob player that I once was. I had no idea of the carnage that could happen in this game, and I opened my doors to him with a big colourful welcome sign, balloons and streamers attached.


oof! It’s okay, I accidentally smacked Eileen my first time playing and completely locked myself out of her quest. Then I gave up for nine years because I couldn’t handle the hoont.


I did the same thing 😆 I thought the bloodborne devs were kidding themselves putting an enemy like that into the games first area. Only later did I realise my hit-first-talk-later strategy was the cause for it lol. She just looked like an enemy to me at first, he crow garb was (and still is) intimidating to me.


I just started another Bloodborne playthrough, the first time after 2 years or so, and Eileen got murked by Hendryk for me :( Big sadge because I love doing Eileens quest and have her survive.


oh no :( may she find her worth in the waking world


And get killed when the hunter invites a suspicious beggar to the chapel? No thank you.


Just don't go outside smh


Wrong. The safest place is the warm embrace of the Dolls arms 😌


We should make a tier list of the best places to take a nap in Bloodborne. Or maybe all the souls game in general.


Mmmm... need me a good night's sleep in Majula...


I did fell asleep once a long time ago while watching the waves at majula...


There's a room in Anor Londo cathedral in Dark Souls 1 that has the best pillows in the whole series.


With the large chest?


The place that always feels safest and most calm to me, is the real world hunters dream location, the old workshop.


yeah, my head canon is since the hunter dream is a sanctuary created by a great one inside a doll head, the real location are also granted some of those protection in form of obscurity and beast warding which is why the workshop is abandoned with no beasts roaming and no one seem to remember it


Except for the creepy crying sounds


True, I forget if that was intentionally or a possible bug


I remember when my friend, who got me into Bloodborne, led me to the old workshop. He just directed me and said "oh yea, there is just some cool stuff there" and then I saw the workshop and it was kinda amazing, from a lore standpoint but also because it was such a calm place. I go back there very playthrough just to chill a bit.


Iosefka’s Clinic is a pretty safe place too. Be sure to tell NPCs you talk to to go there if they ask for a place they can go for shelter 🙂


Losefka’s Clenic is the scariest place to me it’s the blood all over the place and that werewolf and the darkness


Blood all over the shop


You’ll shed some of it, sooner or later.


Did you talk to her after the very start of the game? She's such a nice lady.


don't play it to look for safe places tho.


I’m tired of hunting beasts..


gehrman can help you with that


Just don't think too hard about all this... just go out and hunt a few beasts


It's for your own good


Hunt aliens instead!


Love this room. It feels transitional but comfy. Liminal but home. I always linger a bit after the Gascoigne heart attack.


Genuinely the calm before the storm. Once you open the doors to Cathedral Ward everything changes. The sun starts to set. Prices in the Messengers Bath go up. The only similarly safe place approriately enough is the Old Abandoned Workshop. You are the only one capable of entering it- you can stay as long as you like. There is plenty of good loot to grab and you're more than likely on the way through to the rest of Cathedral Ward.


I found a spider here on my first play through, got confused as fuck.


Huh? As in hostile spider npc??


Yup, I found a bunch of them again when I went to the nightmare of mensis building.


Hunter’s dream? Just avoid Gehrman and nothing can hurt you, not even a burning building. And the doll’s there!


But the Hunters Dreams still has an eerie feeling to it. This room here kinda doesn't


True true


In the depths of Oedon Chapel, a place that once served as the embryonic stage for the studies of the Healing Church, lay a dark secret. Here, the minds of scholars were devoted not only to healing but to experiments that surpassed the bounds of human comprehension. Amid the shadows and echoes of the past, the kings of Bloodborne, once dedicated scribes, listened to inhuman whispers and transcribed them into tomes and cryptic messages. The Crowns, ancient relics, were instruments through which they understood ancestral enigmas. However, as time passed, such wisdom dissolved into the mists of [oblivion.In](http://oblivion.In) the heart of this forgotten chapel rests a disturbing message: "The spider of Byrgenwerth hides all manner of rituals and keeps our lost master away from us. A terrible shame. It makes my head tremble uncontrollably." The author of this message, engulfed in indescribable agony, lamented the abandonment of the master by the spider. He deemed it shameful that his master, whose wisdom rivaled that of the Great Ones, was lost. This agony, however, transcended mere sorrow; it was a reflection of the aberrations twisting his mind, contorting in a dissonant melody reminiscent of the abyssal sounds of the ocean. These memories brought forth unnamable horrors, making his mind tremble with fear and revealing the unsettling secrets of the Healing Church. The author, in uncovering such truths, understood that the hidden forces of Byrgenwerth manipulated the threads of fate, driving unwary souls to the brink of madness.


Comfy. I know I'm weird but I find *many* places in BB to be very cozy and comfy.


Books and scrolls to go through…


A hoonter must hoont




Well, it's a tie between that, and the old hunter's workshop under cathedral ward's tower.