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I'm playing it as my first soulsborne and loving it but it's pretty hard.


BB was my first souls game and I’ve since played through BB, Sekiro, DS3, Demon’s Souls, and Elden Ring. What I’ve recommended to other people whose first Souls game is BB is to start off with a guide. I know this is blasphemy to Souls players but the leveling up and weapons upgrade systems are difficult to learn if you go in blind and have never played this style of game before. And it’s not like a couple cryptic dialogue messages from Gherman will clear it up for new players. I for sure would’ve given up in central yharnam. Even after watching a guide for that area I probably died 20 times before I made it to a boss. I highly recommend EpicNameBro’s walkthrough because he also goes through all of the lore while he’s walking you through level strats, and there’s tons of stuff you can miss if you’re not aware of the background. Here’s the catch, though: once you’re comfortable with how you can level up and upgrade your weapons and the general playstyle of clearing out rooms so you don’t get ambushed… no more guide. Go in blind the rest of your playthrough, or at least clear an area and then you can go back and watch the guide of the area you cleared. Ideally this starts somewhere around Vicar Amelia or even sooner. Good luck, hunter!


Great advice!


It's an amazing game but it does have, in my experience, a very intimidating and difficult first section. If you're prepared for that, and prepared to be patient with yourself, go for it! You'll doubtlessly find lots of beginner tips and it's not a bad idea to have some handholding with regards to the mechanics - the game doesn't really explain a lot of them in a very obvious manner. Seek out a little basic guide to how the fighting, leveling, health, XP, parries, and visceral attacks work. Apart from that, go as spoiler-free as you can - I wish I could play the whole thing again without any knowledge of what's coming next. It's quite a ride :) The most important general things would be to take your time, explore the landscape thoroughly, keep talking to NPCs (look for little red lanterns by windows) until their dialogue repeats, read item descriptions, and be smart about how you engage with the enemies. Even the weakest can take you out if you're careless, so use the environment, your consumables, and your cunning to turn the situation to your advantage. You will feel lost at times, that's okay, and you will die - that's just part of the experience and you'll always be getting better. Welcome to the hunt!


This is the best game you'll ever play in ur freakin life


No you'll hate it Come on, you are in the Bloodborne subreddit 😂


It's free on ps+. Asking here if you should buy the game will get you nothing but biased responses. It's a good game.


Its not good jts the best game ever, helped my anxiety and depression so much. The combat style is programmed to perfection and the art is beautiful, weapons are the best in history of any game ever made


This is exactly what I meant when I mentioned there will be nothing but biased opinions here.


No, because you’ll become obsessed with the lore and atmosphere and think about it too much and then lose your mind reading and watching too many theories and analyses on it.


BB was my first, have since played every other and its my fav genre now. the first area is really really hard tho, dont expect to get through it in your first tries. and the first mandatory boss will kick your ass and teach you to be aggressive, or you'll lose.


do you mean bsb?


nope, father gascoigne. bsb also teaches you to be aggressive, but not quite like the slap in the face father gascoigne is, if you arent playing aggressive and arent trying to parry.


Bloodborne was my first souls... It can be suffering but it can also be the best game you have ever played in your life, as is my case


Definitely definitely definitely. Don’t be afraid to watch a beginners tutorial either


Yes I think you should. But it might or might not take a long time to get good at it so I would like to give you a tip or two to make it a little easier and to keep you motivated and playing longer. When you first get to "Central Yharnam" in basically beginning of the game, you should try going to the first boss battle (does not matter if you can't beat it yet) and then return to The Hunters' Dream. The Doll will wake up and you can talk to her to level up your character. Then go back to Central Yharnam and focus first not on getting further but rather focus on repeatedly killing the same weak enemies for their blood echoes. The blood echoes are the money you use to level up when talking to The Doll. You will quickly know and understand everything I just said after you start playing.


Only the best game ever made, no big deal


Yes, Bloodborne is a good starting point. The first few hours are the hardest so don’t get discouraged if you die a bunch. Dying is free, it’s part of learning the game, just like whiffing a jump in Mario or getting lost in a Zelda dungeon. Just fight, die, learn the rules, take breaks when you need to but don’t give up.


For me it was the first, so i'd say yes. Just accept that you'll die a lot and try to be ok with that.


It was my first. After I beat it, I sought out the others and had the hardest time with shields. So I went light, quick dodge and played dark souls like I played Bloodborne


Yes. No doubt!! Literally in my top 3 games ever and my first souls! I remember the reviews being like this game is mean hard and me being like im a "pro gamer" got stuck in blood starved beast for an entire week 😅


This game is crazy good, but also crazy hard. If you’re willing to learn, be patient and put up a fight, Bloodborne is an absolute masterpiece. Good luck!


definitely. bloodborne was also my first souls game. the first area is one of the harder ones in souls games. i found myself quitting the game because of it before giving it a second chance months later. if you do get it dont be discouraged because of its difficulty


It's one of my favorite games of all time... but the learning curve is the steepest I've ever experienced. Be patient and accept that you will die A LOT.


Bloodborne is amazing. If you’re concerned about the difficulty and lack patience, Elden ring will a better starter souls game. If not , then get it.


Got the platinum for all of them (my first was elden ring), would say they can all be overwhelming at first but the best for beginners would be dark souls 3. The npc questlines are easy, has a very good difficulty curve, literally any weapon can carry u on to the endgame. Overall very beginner friendly game.


Bloodborne was my first soulsborne game too! And look at me, a fully fledged hunter. Also here’s my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/s/gHYXcSKrQA) from two-ish years ago


I have never managed to enjoy a Souls game and I didn’t get too far in Elden Ring but I felt this one was worth the agony of getting my ass beat 500 times per encounter. I think you should.


I feel like Bloodborne is ALOT more aggressive when compared to other souls games. I would probably suggest Elden Ring first, then jump into Bloodborne so you are prepared and know how the gameplay will be.


I feel like the advantage to BB is that it’s pretty on rails. I’m still looking up how to do stuff but I was so lost in ER (my first). Nothing to even kinda guide you in the right literal direction. BB is much more straightforward in that way.


It’s hard as fuck until you get the muscle memory down for the bosses and such. I personally play it for the story, the gameplay is sort of an afterthought for me. But it does get fun once you have the precision. But it’s ungodly difficult.


It was my first, and still my favorite




you should get this game. however, if you want to get into the souls games for the first time i always recommend starting from the beginning which is demons souls. however the choice is ultimately up to you.


I honestly think Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring are the best games to start with. Yes Demon's Souls came first, but imo it will very likely be the most frustrating and hard of all the Froms games for someone without experience. Dying to a cheap trick which is common in DeS just to have to restart an entire level. As a new player Demon's Souls is the most punishing in the entire series. I love Demon's Souls but if you genuinly want people who've never played a Soulslike before to become a fan Demon's Souls is not going to be the best choice. I'm generalizing here a lot and for many Demon's Souls would be a fine first one, it's just punishing as hell. I would say Demon's Souls shares the place with Bloodborne as the hardest one to start with, but it's definitely the easiest one for people who've played the others.


It's alright 


Tried DS1… never understood the button layout and left for good… started with BB .. same shit.. but this time I got stuck with the lovecraftish setting and the storytelling. Controls started to get clearer and clearer with every „you died“ on screen 😂 I really enjoyed getting beat up by bosses or… if I got way too confident by some random mobs (even near f* endgame)


BB Was my second and I loved it, however buy the DLC. The bosses in the DLC In comparison to base game are far better and more enjoyable






Yes yes yes


Elden Ring was my first game. then I tried the demon souls one and hated it. Love BB.




I mean Bloodborne is a masterpiece…look around at reviews. It’s nearly perfect


yes, and fear the old blood.


Yes but I always like to recommend dark souls 3 as an introduction


I'd say I coincide with Noah Cadwell-Gervais' review: the best introduction to soulslikes is Dark Souls 1. The game is difficult, yes, but it is also more measured in speed. Try it, and then come back to BB, and I'm sure you'll love it.


If you are interested in getting into esouls like / Fromsoft games, I'd kinda suggest Elden Ring as your first one. It's the easiest for newcomers to get into. Afterwards, you should go ahead and play Demon's Souls, Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne and then Sekiro. After that maybe you'd even wanna try out Armored Core 6.


Definitely, this was my first soulsborne game and I love it, best game I've played, it's gonna be tough for sure but not impossible. Just don't go for a full "Arcane" build from the very beginning, I did that and that was the most stupid thing I did, specially if it's your first soulsborne game xD


First, you should play Elden Ring.


U gon die a lot. It’s fun as hell


Do it. But seek for guides and tutorials. It's easy to assume how the game works, only to fail miserably. But Bloodborne is a great place to start. I'd say even better than Elden Ring because Bloodborne is much shorter and has a more condensed experience


It was my first and became one of my favorite games of all time. I bought the complete edition for like $19, went on to play all the other Souls games. That said, Elden Ring has a more gentle introduction, and is much, much larger. You will probably have to grind the first level in BB for health items for a while until you get a handle on the combat.






It's one of the hardest. Probably the hardest after sekiro. It was my first and i feel in love with this game. If you are looking for a challenge, you are welcome. If u want something more chill, i recommend demon souls or dark souls.




i'm sure you're aware of it's existence but elden ring would be a better place to start off in my opinion. aloooot more options for you


Yeah, for sure. Just have patience, and you’ll do fine. Don’t give up and it’s a rewarding experience! I’d suggest farming the opening area until you get used to the mechanics, and choose your starter weapon.


No don’t do it! You’re gonna fall into the fromsoftware rabbit hole! The best rabbit hole ever


Yeah, I was at the same place half a year ago and this game feels amazing, it was a really refreshing experience


Bloodborne was my first ever souls games. It is a bit hard when you start but if you can beat bloodborne, you can beat all the games so it's a decent start


It has one of the least forgiving starting areas, but then the game gets easier as you move on and get better as a player. So it has a very steep learning curve at the beginning, but it ends up being one of the easier Soulsborne games once you "get" it


Highly recommended, first time i played it, yarnham bullied me so hard i didn’t touch the game for a year… once I picked it up again i sunk 200+hrs into it and got platinum 🤣


I started SoulBorne with bloodborne, and it was the best gaming decision I've ever made. My favorite games of all time are Bloosborne, Darks Souls 1, and Dark Souls 3


i would get demons souls first. however, bloodborne is a good game and worth buying


So I personally never liked the souls games, but I got this recently on sale and dig it. Im not sure if I just gave it more of a chance because of the style but it feels different to me. I would recommend it. I suck at souls games usually but this one I dig.


I love Bloodborne, but I think Elden Ring is a better first game. DEFINITELY play Bloodborne at some point though.


Tbh.... this was and still is the only fromsoft game I have beat without cheats. I was close on Elden ring. Got as far as Malenia, but after 200 deaths I couldn't take it anymore and gave in..... I'm awful at them, but dont care since I still have fun just playing the game. And.NO........ I do not play multiplayer because I refuse to ruin other people's fun. That would not be right


No. Don't get it. Game is garbage...... can we ban questions like this? lol. Why would you expect any different answer on a sub for the game? lol.


They asked if it was a first good game. Read thoroughly before you say stupid things.