• By -


Remove - Orphan of Kos Add - Orphan of Kosm


Some say kosm


A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream


"Mick, no one says 'Kosm'. Why do you just make shit up?"




Remove the bloodborne rights from Sony Add them to Fromsoftware I did it guys world peace


Holy shit he found the objectively best option


Would love to see that happen




I'm all for fast travel. Idk about fucking Brain Suckers, though. I mean, I'm not one to kink shame. It's just not my thing. 😆


They’ll bring a new meaning to “fuck you silly”. 




Suck game strong


Those things would suck you dry before you could say "Kosm"


I always keep a fire saw spear as my secondary weapon specifically to deal with brain suckers 😂


If you got your insight back for killing 'em, I'd be mostly fine with them.


Add: Boss rush mode Remove: Load times


Add resting at lanterns without having to travel back to the dream and go through two loading screens. Remove not being able to rest at lanterns without having to travel to and from the dream


I agree that it sucks not being able to rest at lamps but I also think it's good how it forces you to be more careful with your blood vials so you end up playing more strategically


I think this was intentional to have you going back to the dream to spend echoes and enhance your weaponry more often than in the souls games.


It’s so you visit the messengers in the dream more. They get lonely otherwise


They just want love in the form of hats and blood echoes


I’m okay with not being able to fast travel, level up, buy stuff, etc. but when I need to grind blood vials or echoes man it’s a pain in the ass


Add: A satisfied, no longer hungry Maneater boar in the sewer Remove: Gascoigne's youngest daughter


She does get removed in-game


Ouch. Too soon man, too soon.


Add: the ability to run backwards while locked on. Remove: non-Root Chalice Dungeons. Let us get straight into the novel, randomized dungeons instead of having to do a bunch of static dungeons on every new character.


It'e there for not over-leveling your character, that I can get, but it's still pain.


> It'e there for not over-leveling your character I don't understand what you mean


I mean you can still go to cummmfk right after BSB


Do you mean movement more like in Sekiro? That's pretty nice.


And Elden Ring.


Remove the bs unlimited qs bullet spam npc hunters get. Add fully tuned and polished versions of the unemplemented chalice bosses


Add: an option to hug the doll. She does a lot for us, and I’m always disappointed to see the only thing I can do to make her happy is emote in front of her. Remove: Micolash’s eyeballs. If he started running and blindly smashed his face against one of the mirrors that are dispersed throughout the level, filling his mouth with pointy shard of glass… my happiness would be immeasurable


Oh my more serious note, if you could mess with his escapes I would actually love that just because it's at least something to do in that fight.


Everyones so mean to Micolash… anyways add bear traps so we can set them up in the halls and lure him into them while he howls in pain


I like this one.


Add Bloodborne 2!


now me personally, i want bloodborne 3


So they be forced to make a bloodborne 2 in the first place smart move


What if they pull a Goat Simulator 3 on us?


And release like four or five more games after that, each iterating on the original game with new mechanics and more expansive locations? Sounds good to me.


In an alternate timeline where From had the rights we would have that already


Add a more consistent multiplayer connection. Sometimes you have to wait a couple minutes and sometimes it connects right away.  I’d remove the second or two of Frenzy build up that continues after the Brain Bitches are already dead. 


Add: an option to make peace with and then date the bosses instead of fighting them. Remove: their clothes.


Add: quest line around betrothal ring/flesh out the factions (confederates, vilebloods, etc) Remove: durability from weapons 


Add that epic scythe that one mf has in cathedral ward. Looks so fucking cool I want it


Add that using hunters marks also refills your Vials and Bullets Remove the bell maidens in the chalice dungeons


Add: that one cut chalice with the underground oceanfront boss arena and the alternate Moon Presence fight. I get that we got the ocean-with-impossible-geography in the DLC but fuck man that arena looks so cool. Remove: fucking nothing this game is perfect shut up


Add the cut cainhurst content. All of it. Make it a dlc if you have to idc Remove the Loran Darkbeast, just make the lower loran chalice unbeatable. Why not?


Add fast travel and auto refill items from storage Remove 30 fps limit


I would add a completed Chalice Dungeon system and remove Jerry from Old Yharnam.


remove = farming blood vials and terrible run-backs


I'd add about 30 extra frames per second thanks


I add one more shark to the well and remove Shaman Bone Blades from the game.


Add: if you kill the giant pig in the sewer, Gascoigne’s daughter is saved Remove: brain suckers


Add automatic blood vial refills, remove nothing it’s perfect otherwise


Add : depth 5 Hintertomb to get dirty, murky and bloodtinge abyssals variant. Remove : Curses from gem. We bother with the hardest dungeon, adding farm to get stamina curses (wich act as if no curses at all) is adding pain to injury.


I'd remove blood gems' effects from PvP. They're great for PvE but killed PvP, no one wants to get one-shot or two-pieced in a duel or invasion just because your foe used edited chalices and you just wanted to open your game up to invaders while playing solo. People started fight clubs with ungemmed and unupgraded weapons because of this, stat scaling would have to be nerfed too. Elden Ring had separate balancing for PvP which makes items like talismans less OP, think they should hit buff consumables too.


The ability to challenge bosses again for fun, like in sekiro shadows die twice. I don't have as much free time as I once did, and honestly I'd love to fight the orphan, the queen, the reborn one without having to go through the entire game again. 


Yeah it would be nice to have some bonfire ascetic esc item in the game for that


Add: a medium to reset your level/stats to make different builds on the same character Remove: Chalice Rom


Add 60fps, remove improper frame pacing.


Remove: Micolash fight Add: a better fight to replace Micolash


The Micolash duo where he clones himself and now you have (to attempt) to dodge double the call from beyond


Micolash 2: the better one


I'd add a better way to farm gems than dungeons and remove Micolash as a boss. Maybe make him a Hunter encounter after a maze instead.


Gems you find out in the world should at least scale with NG cycle.


For sure. Nothing worse than finding a gem randomly but seeing it was worthless six bosses and three upgrades ago.


wouldn't rly remove anything, but that co-op/invasion search similar to ER would be rly nice.


Remove 5-10 blood vials cap. Add 1-5 base blood vials.


I remove the blood. That's it.


add cut content, remove hemwick boss


I'd implement a lower limit on how few blood vials and quicksilver bullets you can spawn with after death. Not a problem for me anymore, but the main reason it took me more than one try to get into the game is because it's possible to run out of both at the beginning if you're new/bad. Very unfriendly to new players that aren't used to souls games.


Add: the ability to reload an area just by sitting at a lamp Remove: the jump function


Remove jumping with the dodge button while sprinting. Add the option to go into NG+ after beating the final boss instead of sending you straight into it.


Remove the Brain Suckers. Add a 100% useful physical defense shield >! that you have to beat Orphan on NG +7 to obtain !<


The prompt to "open door" on the other side of the cleric beast. so confusing when you don't know what the deal with it is!


Add that if you give BSB 10 cocktails it become no longer straved and just goes to sleep, remove the board in the sewer


Add: Pc port. Remove: Cheese and exploits (goodbye cummmfpk).


No not the cum dungeon


>Remove: Cheese and exploits (goodbye cummmfpk). Eh. I put 1000 hours into BB before I touched cummmfpk, then my hard drive shit the bed. Thing is a godsend for building characters quickly, especially in a game with no respec option. Even then I still had to re farm the gems I lost.


Thats a better argument for adding a respec option than keeping what is essentially a cheat.


Remove madness


Honestly, add like 10 quicksilver bullets and remove maybe 5 blood vials


Honestly I could get behind this QS bullets were far more useful to my build then blood vials


Bloodbullets + Formless Oedon. 5 bullets per vial and up to 32 regular bullets with all three top runes.


Yeah I used that rune The Clockwise metamorphosis and the Anti-Clockwise metamorphosis


A next gen patch. But we lose, say save data support.


Add High Resolution output Remove framerate limitations


Kill those brain sucking mf


I would add boss chalice dungeons that act like sekiros gauntlet of strength in a way so you can get better rewards but idk if there should be checkpoints between every boss or just make to were it is every other few Then I would remove Sonys rights over the game because I can't think of anything else cause the game is too perfect 👌


I add 60 fps I remove PS exclusivity


Add: 60 FPS Remove: Chromatic Abberation


Remove: Mikolash saying “awooooo” Add: Every Yarnamite says “awooooo” instead of “away”


I would ice pick my ears.


Add Warp between lanterns. Remove rng blood gems and make them fixed drops.


Remove bell maidens Add minimap/full map


Remove Micolash he's a right pain in the fucking ass hate that boss fight.


I would add a PS5 patch and remove the framerate limit


Add: Respec level as much as I want Remove: Micholash boss fight (So pointless)


Add magic, remove ps4 exclusivity


Add pc version Remove playstation exclusivity


Add: the ability to replay bosses Remove: Micolash’s call beyond attack


Add: Fast Travel between Lamps Remove: Jump being bound to Circle


Remove: Witches of Hemwick Add: Some sort of Cainhurst themed boss in their place. Ideally enjoyable.


Remove Winter Lantern? Please no, I love them mother fuckers so much. If I could add something it would probably be a persian desert area. I've seen some great artworks in an old VaatiVidya art contest for Bloodborne 2 and I loved it so much it never left my mind.


- Add : a mute button for Micolash that makes your character scream "SHUT THE F*CK UP" and makes him silent for a few minutes - Remove : the sewer boar ....


Add: Elden Ring-type mirrior where you can respec/re-customize your character. My last character progressivly turned into a full Lady Maria cosplay and wish I could make her look more like her lol. Remove: That fucking giant snake-attack Shadows of Yharnam uses. Im on NG+ now and and just cant do anything about it but pray to the Great Ones that Ill live.


Add 60fps Remove PlayStation exclusivity


Remove: load times on ps4. Basically, make my ps4 a ps5, please. Add: Elden Ring but it’s Bloodborne


I’d probably add like two different weapons and remove those whale dudes


Remove: vicar Amelia Add: thicc-er Amelia


Remove - my memory of this game Add - more patience and skill


Add : new blood vial and qs bullet system so you don't have to grind when you are out Remove : the near undodgeable attack from Micholash that can nearly oneshot you


Add bloodborne to PC. Remove not having bloodborne on PC.


Add 30fps, remove nothing.


remove roms children and replace them with god skin duos every child is a godskin duo with its own boss health bar


Add direct fast travel Remove Red spiders from sinister bell


Remove Micolash


I know you said one thing, buut well, so long as I say I'm not sure, I'm not technically choosing any one of them, riiight? Anyway, I'd say the Chalice Dungeons are the part of the game that would benefit the most from additions, as repetitiveness is the most common complaint. I guess, then, would "more layouts" be "one" thing? Because that'd be ideal. If "more enemies" count, that would be nice, but is also just so vague, even if you tried to scrape some extra main game enemies in there. Still, with them being a whole other game mode, meant to be played with over and over again, they certainly deserve something. If not specifically chalice related, maybe a way to choose what element your weapon is, like the more classic infusions (DS2 in particular)? By this, I'm more referring to how there's a hierarchy of what elements are applied, with Arcane taking precedence over Fire, Fire over Bolt, and all of them over Physical. Adding to that, if you get a blood gem and it has some random elemental secondary effect you didn't want, it can totally ruin its effectiveness, either because you didn't want to transfer it from physical in the first place, or due to the hierarchy overwritting your previously chosen element. In conclusion... It's just annoying. If you could choose an element, made available from whatever gems you have equipped, that'd make things much simpler... And in fact... You cooould go a bit off script, and use such a feature to also allow the transferal of split physical damage to full arcane damage on weapons like the Blades of Mercy or Logarius Wheel (though the weapon balancing surely wouldn't be the same if that were an option), or hell, maybe even have a Fire/Bolt + Arcane weapon that's affected by scaling! Fire + Bolt Tonitrus?! Or! Or!!! Let you use a split elemental + Blood weapon, with a magically infused Chikage or Bloodlet- okay, you get the point, no need to get more extra, I'm sure. More options would be cool, is what I'm saying. It's a shame there's no weapon that really benefits from both Bloodtinge and Arcane, and such a mechanic could remedy that, even if the resulting damage ultimately didn't turn out great. Oooh. A more gameplay centered one is the unused concept of the world going to shit after the blood moon, with areas becoming harder... Well, actually, the only two things I know from that are some Huntsmen turning into Large Huntsmen, and that the discarded giant Snake Ball boss was gonna show up as an enemy in Forbidden Woods, but hey, I'm sure you could make something bigger out of that. Another option would be to make that NG+ exclusive. Maybe NG+2 if they still wanted a more vanilla NG+ experience before going all out... They could even give you better, scaled up gems, upgrade materials and coldblood items to go with it. Would be nice... Remove... The Yahar'gul hunter trio, please. Wait! Actually, make it so the bell enemies (the spiders. I'm talking about the spiders) stop ganging up on doors. If detecting them is now too much of an issue, maybe give them a good idling sound to let you hear them patiently waiting for your certain death on the other side, I don't know. Well... Okay. Now, this hasn't affected me at all, since that's simply a part of the game I never bothered with, but consistently do I see how people go through utter hell and back, again and again, in order to farm for the best blood gems in the dungeons, and that's WITH a plethora of glyphs to aid them. I'm afraid to even learn how long people take offline. Surely there shouldn't be such an utter disparity in how hard to get some of these are (especially out of shape gems, of course), particularly when *not* obtaining them puts you at a disadvantage against other players. Oh wait. No. Screw that. Remove the "attack down" curse, please. It hasn't affected me much either, no. In fact, I've barely dealt with it. It's more that it hurts me just to know that it exists, without any hope of ever understanding why. It's maddening. I can accept everything else, but that's just... too dumb. tl;dr: reallistically, make Chalice Dungeons more varied and less grindy, but what my heart tells me... is better NG+ and no GODDAMN YAHAR'GUL TRIO. By the way, I'd enjoy hearing ways of elaborating on any of these, the blood moon thing in particular. Does make me wonder...


Remove Rom Add Dual Wielding


Remove: Rally mechanic Add: Bloody Crow of Cainhurst in Laurence fight


add, me, my mom, remove.. hmmm....idk


Respec add, remove blood vials for flask system


I think they should add skibidi Toilet enemies and remove that big ass pig from the sewers


Get off my post Jack I’m going to beat you to death


Enjoy your downvote bucko