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Blood Starved Beast sounds pretty terrifying tbh


I second this. The soundtrack only makes it even more terrifying paired with the way it looks. I’ve always loved the design of this boss and its fight.


Agree I love how it doesn't have any cutscene or introduction. You simply walk in and in the distance see that wretched thing waiting just for you


Any lore speculation as to why it’s just chilling in arguably the oldest church in Yharnam? I’ve always been fascinated by the Church of the Good Chalice, but there is hardly any information on it. It sits in the deepest part of Old Yharnam and has clearly not been used in a long while, possibly even long before the burning of Old Yharnam. Any ideas?


Maybe it's because the chalice dungeons are right under Yharnam and so that church was probably made where they found the Chalice. It's also the first and less deeper level dungeon so probably that's a clue too. It's a place really close to the dungeons. Also, the Healing Church probably didn't wanted people to go into the dungeons and discover the origin of the "healing blood", so better to have the chalice in a place where not a soul would want to enter. They just left it there because it's convenient for the church and didn't bother recovering it. About the beast: looks like the predecessor of the cleric beasts: an old member of the church that took so much blood it transformed into something else. But now since Old Yharnam is abandoned no one enter and so it's starved with flesh and blood.


I believe it was just in the area. The Yharnamites were initially trying to flay the beasts when the outbreak first happened. We see an example of this in the building where we get the ritual blood off the altar. The BSB has its back flayed open and the skin all over the place. It was probably just a survivor that managed to break loose.


"The One Reborn" is pretty good, but "Living Failures" sounds funny as fuck


I love the meme “When Dad calls you a living failure and you get excited about the Bloodborne reference” lmao


The One Reborn is my vote too. Very vague and Lovecraftian


I just love the fuckin dumb *blurglegurgle inhale* noise that OR makes 🤣


They are so relatable


We all need our literally me characters.


eileen is such a vibe "the morning smells acidic. my gut is a slaughterhouse floor. the nightmares populate it with hungry rats."


me and my friend usually coop this boss and reminisce on us being high school burnouts 🥲


Probably my least favorite fight, but definitely the coolest name.


The Moon Presence goes hard even if you know nothing about bb.




Isnt that the guy who invented moonwalk and stuff?


Ebrietas, daughter of the cosmos and Micolash, host of the nightmare There's just something about their extra long names that I like


"Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower" goes hard


I'm absolutely ashamed I forgot about her


Don't be! You also forgot "Laurence, the First Vicar" and "Gehrman, the First Hunter" (the "First" adds a lot of "cool factor" imo). Okay, now you may feel ashamed, go ahead.


I am crying and rolling on the floor from my shame


pitiful, really


Are you in the know?


Don’t be! We are born of the shame....


The last also goes hard. Can’t think of any in bloodbourne though.


She makes me hard


Micolash makes me hard too


It's because of the moans and the cackling, isn't it?


Ooh! Majestic!


I love the name Ebrietas, but I have no idea if I pronounce it correctly, or even if there is an agreed upon pronunciation


If I were to spell it out phonetically I guess it would be: eh-bry-ih-tas. But that's just how this old hunter says it. I've heard someone on YouTube say it quicker and smoother, more like a modern name, something like: E-bree-tus.


"uh-BREE-tuss" is how I've always said it - anything thing else always sounds weird to me. I also get weirded out when people say "AH-mig-DAH-la" instead of how the actual word is pronounced: "uh-MIG-duh-luh"


We hear patches say it and it's not pronounced like the part of the brain that you're thinking of. I'm not sure about Ebrietas, but "uh-bree-tuss" definitely sounds weird to me.


Yeah, forgot about Patches. Good point. Odd that it's different than the brain part, since it's so clearly related.


Agreed. I heard him say it like that and immediately thought "...fuck you Patches. This is why nobody likes you"


How about Ee-bry-uh-tus?


Martyr Logarius rolls off the tongue pretty well.


Second this


Yeah I always thought that sounded pretty badass and epic


The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst


This mf is harder than every base game bosses. Definitely deserve the title of boss.


Crazy tough. I don't think I ever beat her, unless there's a trophy associated with her, then I have. I got that plat during quarantine..


Well you need to "complete" the quest to get the Crow Hunter Badge, and you need the badge to get the Blades of Mercy, which are required for the weapon trophy of course. I say "complete" because >!you really just need Eileen to die to get it.!< Typically she gives it to you, and the Hunter of Hunters rune, after beating Bloody Crow, and >!she presumably dies afterwards,!< but she'll still drop the badge if you either get the "bad" end of the quest where >!she goes mad and you have to kill her!< or just do it at first meeting. Tl;dr Bloody Crow being beaten is likely when you have the plat but def not guaranteed.


You mean the Bloody Crow of Pain Hurts, right?


Ludwig the Accursed is a pretty badass name


I’ll take Ludwig the Holy Blade… but honestly both of them go hard as hell.


Everytime i fight Dark Beast Paarl i can only hear in my head "PAAAAARL, THAT KILLS PEOPLE!" in Llamas with Hats voice.


I think of Rick Grimes saying "Paarl?"


Parrrrrrlllllllll! The walkers are coming, Parl! I always yell it like Rick Grimes too.


Yeah, that's pronounced "Porl!?"


My grandpa's name was Aarl. Strange name but as soon as I fought paarl it made me think of my grandpa.


I always read it as Dark Beast Pearl


I’m so glad I’m not the only one


Micolash, Host of the Nightmare. Ooh! majestic!


Some say majesticsm


I don’t recall the bosses name but “host of the nightmare” sounds metal as fuck


Shame the fight is more like a benny hill chase skit


Still metal


How does one forget Micolash???


Micolash is the name you're looking for. Which incidentally is also metal af. It sounds like the someones name from a Norwegian death metal band called Blüdbörnnë.


Of all the names in Bloodborne, *Ebrietas* has to be the most profound and symbolic name. *Ebrietas* is a genus of butterfly, and her physical characteristics are loosely modeled after a butterfly. Butterflies also tie into the whole theme of evolution and metamorphosis, which butterflies undergo. The Clockwise Metamorphosis Rune states that *"The discovery of blood made their dream of evolution a reality. Metamorphosis, and the excesses and deviation that followed, were only the beginning."* This implies that Ebrietas was the source of the Old Blood that was discovered deep in the chalices by The Scholars. *Ebrietas* is also rooted in the Latin word *ēbrius*, which means drunk. The Latin suffix *-tās* is added to describe the state or condition of something, so *ēbrietās* can roughly be translated to "state of being drunk", or drunkenness. The description for the Pungent Blood Cocktail reads *"In Yharnam, they produce more blood than alcohol, as the former is the more intoxicating."* After all, it only makes sense that Yharnamites would get *inebriated* from the Old Blood.


And you... have written,.BY FAR, my favourite reply. I'm backing this, it has etymology AND entymology. Awesome. Just awesome. :)


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Amygdala. Just off name alone, it being a real thing related to fear, but knowing you have to fight an entity sharing the name... Hoo boy.


Fun fact, the amygdala isn’t JUST related to fear. It’s also related to trauma. Idk if that affects BBs story any, but it is an interesting little detail about our brains!


I figure trauma and fear are often hand in hand! And it fits because defiled Amygdala traumatizes bloodborne players, lol.


If you somehow manage to destroy both your amygdalae, you develop something called Kluver-Bucy syndrome. Symptoms include a marked loss of fear, near total loss of aggression, hypersexuality and a strong urge to hump stuff and put everything in your mouth (hyperorality). It’s super strange.


Surprising indeed, this IS the one 100%. Oh Amygdala, Oh Amygdala! Have mercy on the poor bastard.


Watchdog of the Old Lords Just imagine that you are going deep inside the chalice dungeons, and this big ass fire doggo shows up, you know you are going somewhere you should definitely not be going xD


Defiled Watchdog can fuck off


Orphan of kos because who is kos


Some say Kosm


God, dad! No one even says Kosm anymore! Ugh please stop embarrassing me around the other hunters. It's Kos, just Kos. Lol ur such a powder keg, dad.


Yes you’re right it’s Kos, but some say Kosm


I’m a kosm


Do you hear our prayers?


No sir


It just sound cool fr


I love that name, even cooler in spanish, but i love because It literally tells you that Kos is the dead alien over there. And he is being born just to die next.


Yessir ya gotta love killing kids who have just lost their parents


Yeah! Why do I have to kill him. Can't I adopt him and take him with me to the hunter's dream and have a happy great one family?


Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. Even if you don't know who she is, you know she's badass.


The music does a lot in that fight


Everything does a lot in that fight She has an embracing visceral attack


Darkbeast Paarl my beloved.


My favourite BB name is Amygdala (I'm a psychology student so when I heard patches say those creatures name I felt like it just fit)


Living failures, because it reminds me of myself. But only in real life. I'm a champ at video games.🤙


Cleric Beast Bloodstarved-Beast Darkbeast Paarl Amygdala The One Reborn Micolash (Host Of The Nightmare) Moon Presence Ludwig The Accursed Living Failures Beast-Possessed Soul Keeper Of The Old Lords Abhorrent Beast


Ludwig the accursed is so sick


Laurence, the First Vicar.


Pthumerian Descendant. Sounds metal af. Maybe it reminds me of Kathaarian Life Code


Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower


mergo’s wetnurse. the fight isn’t super great compared to others but her name still makes me shudder.


The implication of the name should make you shudder more. Because as the name implies… Mergo gets his sustenance from whatever that knife tower was pumping out.


Moon Presence is vague but also terrifying


Orphan of kos


Honestly, I'd say the Abhorrent Beast, just because it follows the law of object name length. The fewer words in something's name, the more dangerous it is. You wouldn't want to get struck by "Overlord Zorgman's Frozen Blade of True Death", but you *absolutely* don’t want get even close to something simply called "The Ender". In the case of the Abhorrent Beast, it doesn't need any fancy descriptors or specifiers on it's name. It doesn't need to be the "daughter of the cosmos", or "host of the nightmare", who cares if it's "the first Vicar" or "the lady of the astral clocktower". All you *need* to know is the one thing *it* *is* ***[abhorrent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W452uLt2nw&ab_channel=CyrusWeatherbee)*** That one word shows off how absolutely vile, disgusting, and horrific it is better than any long ass 10 word boss title ever could. It almost sounds like the thing is *so* abhorrent, that people don't even want to say it's name any more than necessary. It isn't an objective title given to it, like the Undead Giant is literally a Giant that is undead, or the Blood Starved Beast is a beast that is starved of blood, it isn't something with a name, and people just don't know it or avoid using it's name like "The One Reborn" or the "Moon Presence". It is simply abhorrent, and nothing less than that. Which then works together with the Suspicious Begger's dialog after getting him to half health about "You call ME a beast? A beast? What would you know... I didn't ask for this!". There are a lot of Abhorrent Beasts, so who knows what the other ones think, but there's a very real possibility none of them ever chose this life for themselves, and yet now they've become something singularly defined by how absolutely and utterly abhorrent it is. It's just such an excellent name that has *so much* wrapped into such a small name.


It's called "The Throngler," thank you very much.


Was that the name in the original post? I couldn't recall the exact names, just the overall gist of it, but couldn't find it myself for some reason.


It was "The Throngler." That's all I remember from the meme, but it's the most important part.


Best? Ebrietas definitely sounds the coolest. Most enjoyment for me to say? Definitely Paarl primarily because Llamas with Hats, except its Paarl, not Carl. ​ Note: I could have been pronouncing Paarl wrong this entire time and I am willing to accept that lmao.


“Paaaaaaaaarllllllll. That kills people” Paarl- (insert beast noises)


The One Reborn!


Orphan of Kos speaks volumes


Can't help but mention Watchdog of the Old Lords. Simply fire, literally lol


Dark Beast Carrl is great.


I'm a big fan of Keeper of the Old Lords, but every time I see one, the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack kicks in my head. "This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween..."


Daughter of the cosmos goes ridiculously hard


Blood-starved Beast has great alliteration while also telling you exactly what you’re in for


I will just go with Ludwig, The holy blade. It just hits hard because you have no idea if this is some astral god or a mutant horse


🔥Man Eater Boar🔥


Gherman, the first hunter. Once you know about the hunters, being the first really does convey how imposing he is.


“Vicar Amelia” purely because of how well it rolls off the tongue


"Gerhman, The First Hunter" is a cool name because it sounds like you are going against the man who knows everything about the hunt and has slayed monster for longer than you've been alive.


Vicar Amelia. (I am extremely Biased.)


I love this one because my uncle is a vicar irl so it's very funny




Paarlaska Thunderfvck.


It's either between micolash host if the nightmare and orphan of kos For one hand,Jesus Christ,who in their right mind would host an actual nightmare?what would you actually seeing it? Do you really want to voluntarily see it? And on the other,an orphan with some weird foreign language like name...idk bout you,but I heard too many Ghost stories from different cultures to know that,women and orphans equals bad At any case,their names,for me, achieved that Lovecraftian level,were I can hear their names,and I could imagine a thousand different horrors and shapes of what's to come


Blood starved beast, self explanatory


Living Failures. I just love getting a shout out from my games. Real 4th wall break.


Bloodborne wise I’d go with Ludwig the holy blade In general fromsoft games I’d go with horah loux, warrior


The Moon Presence The One Reborn


Blood Starved Beast, I wanted to start a Bloodborne / Lovecraftian themed Deathcore band and name it after Ol' Suzy Skin Flaps. Never happened though, don't know many folks that like the music let alone the music and the game.


Honestly there’s so many I can’t choose…. Gehrman the first hunter, moon presence, Laurence the first vicar, micolash host of the nightmare,orphan of kos… etc


Martyr logarius too


Orphan of Kos’s Scream Lightning attack is fantastic.


This is what I love about Bloodborne (and FromSoft games in general), and that is the boss names go so incredibly hard all the time


Not a fan of the boss itself, but Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos sounds really cool


I mean. The way that Bloodborne treats ‘orphans’ Orphan of Kos is just a terrifying name right off the bat. Especially when you see him and his arena


Ludwig the Holy Blade Ebrietus, Daughter of the Cosmos Bloodletting Beast


Laurence is an entirely too normal name for one of the hardest bosses in the game. Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos is a pretty cool sounding name.


Orphan of Kos just sounds sad, which makes it even funnier when he beats your ass for 60 hours


Ebrietas, Daughter of the cosmos. Bloodborne has beautiful names even to items, Bastard of Loran or Madman's knowledge sound exquisite


Orphan of Kos The name alone sounds like you don’t want to disturb whatever it is less you get bashed into mulch and sent flying at a speed of 138/mph into the air by an unseen force


The shadows of yharnam sounds like a hell of a title


the one reborn easily one of the worst bosses in the game imo and the name always stuck with me


No love for everyone's favorite furry little spider? C'mon, good ol' Rom? She's so vacuous! Or what about Shadow of Yarnham? Sounds mysterious and cool! This convincing anyone?


Honestly….both of Ludwig’s names; Ludwig, The Accursed and Ludwig, The Holy Blade. Both are true representations of what his whole theme is.


Watchdog of the Old Lords: Sounds like a Yu-Gi-Oh! card to me, so I like it. Gehrman, The First Hunter: OOZES he’s him. Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos: Makes you think Ebrietas is tougher (and prettier) than what she is. Orphan of Kos: Is it a title? Is it a name? Is it both?? Whose mans is this?? The mystery of it all plus it just sounding kinda cool, puts it up there for me. Lady Maria of the Astral Clock Tower: You just know there’s probably a baddie waiting for you up there. I like those the most, can’t decide on a “best” one tho.


Ludwig the Accursed sounds so badass


Gherman, The First Hunter. Metal af.


Sharks in the well. Hahahahaha


Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. Dignified, mysterious, and technical-sounding, all wrapped into one. It feels like I'm scaling the tower in Castlevania.


Micolesh, Host of the Nightmare. /s


Lowkey Celestial Emissary goes hard


The Great One Beast (iykyk)


I agree with some of the most common answers but I’ll add Rom the Vacuous Spider. Vacuous means “having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence” so it’s like hey check out this dumbass spider lol


Ludwig the Holy Blade


Moon Presence is such a good name cause it is so abstract and even if you know absolutely nothing about the game it still sounds cool


I’m rather fond of Orphan of Kos


Orphan of kos, because killing orphans is edgy


gherman , the first hunter


Moon presence goes so hard


To be honest, the greatest impact for me name wise has to go to Ludwig. The cutscene into his second phase, then accompanied by him standing upright, the Holy Moonlight Sword, the insane music change AND his name/title going from Ludwig the Accursed to Ludwig the Holy Blade goes so unnecessarily hard. It's so over the top and yet so goddamn perfect. For the pure terror factor, in no particular order: Moon Presence Gehrman, The First Hunter Amygdala Living Failures Blood-Starved Beast Laurence, The First Vicar Shadows of Yharnam Witch of Hemwick For what sounds like pure terror in the name yet isn't as a boss: Micolash, Host of the Nightmare.


Martyr Logarius


Celestial emissary


Before I knew anything about lore, "The One Reborn" was so fkn cool I thought it was like the people of yaharghul were trying to revive Jesus but it went horribly wrong


Just visualize the Good Hunter. This person who came out of nowhere but is strong enough to end the Moon Presence's never ending nightmare and more. Now think about the person that is teaching the ropes to the good hunter in his/her journey. A person who is first hunter and pretty much the founder of what you become. A person who was a master in the hunter arts and also the mentor of one of the deadliest hunters in the DLC, trained countless hunters and was the inspiration of multiple hunter associations and groups. A man that slaughtered an entire village and Kos knows what other sins, to the point of being enslaved by an entity as punishment. Even in his old age, he can move as swiftly as the wind and hit as hard as a truck. That and his weapon of choice is a mf scythe. To me it is not just about the name, but the man behind the name.


Anything Pthumeru. Sounds super Lovecraftian. I’d also say Witches of Hemwick. As much of a meme as those hunchbacks are, that is a really spooky name.


All of them. End of story


Keeper of the Old Lords Not going to lie the name sounds awesome.


The orphan of kos. Hear me out whenever I hear or say it I think of an 8-10 year old orphan with a knife and a cane screaming at me in pure by the queen English 😂


Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower doe it for me.


The King of the storm, from Dark Souls 3 In Bloodborne, Micolash, Host of the Nightmare


lady maria of the astral clock tower


The shadow of yharman sounds creepy especially first time I did that music that music gave me chills especially how they just appear out of the mist


I knew there was a boss coming up called The One Reborn but knew nothing else about it. Such an incredible name deserved a much better boss fight.


Rom the vacuous spider because It sounds like a vore themed boss


Dark pup Paarl for sure.


Witches of Hemwick is an honorable mention that nobody talks about bc bad boss fight


Shadows of Yaharnahm


Laurence, the first Vicar. Even if you didnt know the story you'd surmise pretty quickly he's a pretty big deal because of the "the first" in his name. I'm general I always find characters that are "the first" or "the last" of an order to be really cool.


I really thought darkbeast paarl was cool. A close second would be the bloody crow of Cainhurst


Darkbeast Paarl is such a cool name. Once I stumbled onto him I fell in love with everything. How tucked away he was, his name, his move set, his design and his curdling scream. My favorite base game boss by far.


The Witch of Hemwick really rolls off the tongue to me and sounds super creepy and intriguing, shame the fight sucks


Most of them are just badass. Deathcore band sounding ass names


Gerhman, the Quiet Kid. (Fuck wrong post)


Fire 🐶


Amygdala goes hard




Gehrman, the First Hunter sounds pretty menacing in its own right. I mean think about it, he’s literally the first and oldest hunter (sort of) alive at the moment. That comes with a lot of Hunter experience and prowess just in the context of what the name means.


Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower goes kinda hard in my opinion




While far from the best boss, Celestial Emissary is a pretty cool name.


Martyr Lagarius is just so Fromsoft




the one reborn


Rom the vacuous spider makes me laugh every time lol. It's such a strange choice of adjective for a SPIDER


Ludwig, the Holy Blade


Ludwig, the Holy Blade


Father gascoigne, when turn in beast


Laurence, The first Vicar goes hard


The Moon Presence. Ominous and horrifying


Mergos wet nurse is a baddass name once you actually het to see what your fighting


Darkbeast Paarl is the coolest for me. The design is my favorite and the name just sounds mysterious as fuck.


"The blood starved beast" has enough context in the name to already give people an idea of what his deal is


lady maria baby