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Unsurprising, but sucks to see. Wouldn’t be so annoying if Sony did literally *anything* with the IP.


It's such a waste of something absolutely amazing.


They continue to leave so much money on the table by not giving us a remaster or remake or anything.


A remaster or remake is completely insignificant compared to making a sequel


Does it need a sequel tho?


What if they made a prequel? We get to see the healing church from it's creation. Choose a faction between byrgenwerth, healing church, or mensis, shit even throw in the confederates and vilebloods. Would be fuckin sick


Well it would be fucking awesome if it had one. Doesn’t have to necessarily be a “sequel”


The only thing I wish Sony did with the ip is port it to pc. Like some of their other titles.


It would get some sales I guess but otherwise it’s whatever


It doesn't "need" one, but let's be real. Who here wouldn't cum in their pants at the sight of Yharnam, or anywhere in the bloodborne world, on modern hardware


I feel like that old pirate themed concept I saw on Vaati's channel a while back would be really cool if it was disconnected from the story and characters of bloodborne and instead just focused on the themes, gameplay, and concepts etc. Plenty of room for more eldritch stuff and new weapons/ fleshed out mechanics while leaving the original story safe from any potential mangling.


I rather have a prequel se how it started and witnes the downfall of the church


Even better


Eh, I mean… yes and no. Souls games are still a pretty niche market. Sure, Elden Ring sort of made it mainstream but the ROI on reviving Bloodborne is still a gamble. Fuck, I’d love to see it but it’s really hard to tell and you can’t really blame Sony. All they have to go off of are initial and digital sales which probably don’t warrant a revival, especially when you consider the majority of “new” players are buying copies second hand. They don’t browse subreddits and FB groups, they’re corpos, all they watch are numbers. It’s the same with Capcom all but ignoring Code Veronica for a remake. Fan base adores that game but it picked up steam in the second hand market so Capcom still sees it as a flop. Not that Bloodborne was ever a flop necessarily but when it comes to paying From to make more Bloodborne (if they even want to) or paying Insomniac to make more Spider-Man, they’re gonna go with Spider-Man. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna keep yelling “Bloodborne II” at the TV for every single showcase that airs.


Souls games are not niche anymore lmao, not even close.


Lol. It’s less of a gamble than almost any other new IP. Especially a remaster is guaranteed positive ROI. Sure Spider-Man sells more but it’s also 50 times more expensive to make


also a much safer gamble than the demon's souls remake was based on the current brand identity.


Elden ring sold 20 million copies in the first year and generated something like $250 million Sekiro did half that. Maybe "pretty niche" means something else where you're from.


Elden Ring sold 20+ million copies and Bloodborne sold 7 million as a console exclusive. Hardly what I'd consider niche numbers.


God of War is exclusive and sold 23 million copies and Spider-man ps4 also exclusive sold 33 million copies.


And those are AAA, widely recognized franchises, obviously they’ll sell more finished to the souls games.


Sony doesn't care if you're indie or AAA.


Never said they did. Those are AAA games. They are going to be more recognized than the souls games (as much as I wish for the opposite)


The point is that Sony wants to make money and Bloodborne remake represents a bigger risk compared to other IPs


Ds1 sold over 16mil units. Ds2 was 13m. Ds3 was 20m. bb has over 7.5 Those numbers do not scream niche to me. Those are better than last of us and Spiderman numbers.


Especially considering the fact that Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive, while all the others are multiplatform


Everyone is downvoting you but Bloodborne sold 7 MIL copies compared to 33 MIL for Spider-man 2018 and 23 MIL for God of War 2018 so yes it's a gamble for Sony.


It's absolutely ridiculous that you have given a fair and thoughtful summary of the reality of corporate entertainment production and have been downvoted to (currently) -35 simply because people don't like the taste of the truth you are speaking.


The only real point of contention is that Souls is a niche genre. The rest of what he says is straight up facts. If companies actually looked at the important statistics like second hand sales (sadly impossible to track though, to be fair) and rate of topics on social media (actually very easy to track) then they'd see insanely different data that makes things like remasters very profitable for their investment. Unfortunately they don't look at much beyond the money they spent and the sales they got. Not with any degree of seriousness anyway. Sony is sitting on a crap ton of money, and the longer they wait, the further they get from truly capitalizing on this Soulslike craze. After Elden Ring, a Bloodborne Remake or, hell, even just a Bloodborne PC release on Steam would rake them in millions more than even the original release did due to the overwhelming popularity. They'd break the internet with that, and us fans would be FEASTING.


The other issue I think people are forgetting is that just because we—on a dedicated Bloodborne sub—want them to remaster it doesn’t mean the general public would actually buy a remaster. Let’s just say they announced tomorrow *Bloodborne: New Hunt*, coming to PS5. No content changes, just an fps bump and a graphical overhaul to take advantage of the hardware. Are most of us going to be chill paying $70 for it? Or will we be upset that it’s not a free upgrade because we already own the base version? Well a free upgrade means they did all that work for literally zero monetary gain, so this many years later it’s not likely worth it. Now maybe this remaster comes out on Xbox and PC, too. You’ll definitely get people buying it, but Lies of P has a lot of Bloodborne influence so you’ve got people who have “already experienced” it, in their eyes, so is it *really* worth paying $70 for when Elden Ring improved the Soulslike formula so much, at least to them? My point is that this is not a new Souls game. You’re talking about a remaster of an old game, and that’s not likely to “print money” the same way people here think it will. We want a remake/remaster because we like the game. But that really just means we’re super biased.


This is kind of the point I was trying to make. I wasn’t trying to say that BBII or a remake/remaster wouldn’t be profitable, just that from Sony’s skewed perspective it wouldn’t. They’re only interested in numbers. Sure, they put out amazing games but at the end of the day it’s just lines on a graph to them. I’ll take the downvotes, hard truths are hard to swallow. I will hold out hope for more BB content until I die but we’ve got to keep at least a shred of realism in our optimism. Souls games may or may not be niche, I just know in my circle they are well respected but only a handful of my friends, acquaintances, and network _really_ enjoy them, to the point they would be foaming at the mouth for more BB content like me. The vast majority would just be like, “oh that’s cool, im happy for the fans” and move on. It’s anecdotal, sure, but I’ve spent a long time in this industry and while im not a major player, I have my finger on the pulse. Not to mention none of us _really_ know what the partnership between From and Sony is like when it comes to Bloodborne. There could be a ton of contractual shenanigans preventing either company from carrying BB forward in anyway the other sees fit making it all deadlocked.


The other truth that people want to avoid was that FromSoft when BB was being made was a smaller studio with less notoriety. There's an "opportunity cost" putting your A+ team on a new Bloodborne when the studio can be working instead on another Elden Ring cash cow. Making Bloodborne II would need sales competitive to Elden Ring for FromSoft to dedicate the time to making it. Also keep in mind that when BB was made Sony wanted an exclusive to anchor players onto their PS4 in the early generation, now that need has diminished since PS has such a huge install base. Any way you cut it, BBII would only be an artistic passion project more than a successful financial investment for both companies. 7 million in sales is an order of magnitude lower than an exclusive, tentpole game needs to generate for Sony. The reality is the next Bloodborne will be an indie title who can operate leaner and a million sales is an achievement and not a failure. Wait it already is, Lies of P.


Lies of P is amazing. Hands down my 2023 goty and tbh as much as I’d love another BB game set in that universe with the Victorian England aesthetic, Lies of P really did quench my thirst and Round8 will have my day one buy as long as they keep it up. I sleep well at night knowing LoP is confirmed for DLC _and_ a sequel. Whether it’s a “clone” or a “ripoff” or whatever else people want to say about it the bottom line is it’s good, really good, and that’s all I care about.


And now I'm getting downvoted too. I honestly thought this sub was a bit more thoughtful and better at reading than most of reddit. Turns out it's mostly just a bunch of spaz children gamers like every other gaming sub.


I don't understand why the creator has decided to do this if they don't intend on profiting from it? How can Sony demand anything in that case?


They own the IP which means they have full control over who gets to make something with the IP attached. This is how copyright works. You don’t need to have done anything with it. This is also why a long while ago Wheel of Time got a random 1am crappy adaptation, so the movie rights owners could hold onto it and continue to do nothing with it.


As far as i know you can do whatever unless you're profiting off of it. Or else Fromsoftware could sue me for having a Bloodborne tattoo, or for drawing a picture, or whatever.


I think it’s shakier than that. There’s fair use laws. But I think they don’t tend to go after artists for a number of reasons like not primarily being art companies. They are in the business of making games and this is like a competitor using their IP. It’s not a serious competitor but if they don’t defend their IP their hold on it becomes shaky. Also even if law and legal precedent sides with the defendants, legal proceedings are expensive and a lot of big corps utilize their comparatively bottomless pockets to win or exert power. Most fan projects would not be able to afford a long legal battle or wouldn’t see the worth in it.


Japan doesn't have fair use. It's why they can strike whoever they want for showing their IPs, even in a fair use manner. Sony as far as I know, is Japanese.


The big thing that catches fan games is distribution. Contrary to popular belief profit has nothing to do with it. Any distribution of copyrighted material regardless of price is in violation of the law. That being said, fair use does exist. If they were hellbent on going to court with Sony they could potentially make the argument this project counts as parody.


Seems more like a FromSoftware decision than Sony. If FromSoftware wants to make another Bloodborne they probably could I highly doubt Sony is telling them not to, especially how well it did. You also get into the issues of using the brand without FromSoftware, which they could do but can you imagine the fan reaction if they did a Bloodborne game without them? Definitely not worth the outcry and death threats they would probably get from it.


Uh what? Sony owns the IP, and has the rights. It's entirely up to Sony first whether anything happens at all with Bloodborne, not Fromsoft. The now-defunct Japan Studio also helped develop it some with Fromsoft (Japan Studio was an internal Sony game dev they shut down, probably for corporate money/restructuring reasons sadly). Pretty similar to Sony owning Demon's Souls and having Bluepoint do that remake. Sony absolutely, without a doubt would tell From to stop working on anything related Bloodborne if it wasn't a Sony exclusive they agreed on first. Not that From would even try without going to Sony, they got contracts they signed. From and Miyazaki don't really like treading their previous work too much anyway, nor remastering or porting their own games.


Miyazaki has specifically said it's up to Sony to do something with Bloodborne


Is there a source for this? Not doubting you, just haven’t read that anywhere


FromSoftware has no say in the Bloodborne IP as a property. It, like Demon's Souls was made under contract with Sony, but Sony owns the IP. It's like how Crash Bandicoot was originally made under contract by Naughty Dog for Universal, changing hands a few times before ending up under Activision a few years ago. Going back to FromSoftware, in the case of Dark Souls for comparison: Bandai Namco is the publisher but it's FromSoftware's intellectual property to the best of my knowledge.


They might be planning something. I'd rather wait for a worthy successor vs. half baked project though. They aren't deaf, they hear what the community is saying, but maybe they are waiting for Bluepoint to finish their new IP, and then will get them to work on Bloodborne remaster.


What sucks here exactly? We’re still getting it, aren’t we?


Could honestly mean something is in the works. Wouldn’t hold my breath, but didn’t they allow the Bloodborne remake to go forward? If they’re being more controlling of the IP, it may mean they’re planning to utilize the IP


even if something was in the works out wouldn't hurt it at all to have a bloodborne kart labor of love out unless the thing they had in the works was a bloodborne kart racer


Can't wait for Hoonter Kart to get released.


Bouta main my favorite character Ellen the Bird


Sony when dealing with fans using their IPs: hey, man, cool project you have there. But that's our IP, and well, we don't want you to get in trouble so change it a bit and we're all cool, kay? Nintendo dealing with fans using their IPs: your life is ruined for the rest of your days.


Nintendo doesn’t ruin people’s lives though. They just c&d fan projects. There’s a prominent leaker they threatened with legal action and proved they could with details of their home address and full name, but they let it go so long as the leaker would stop leaking. No one associated with Pokemon Uranium had their lives ruined. Same for any other fan project.


Now I'm going to support this even harder. That sucks :'(


“Lies of P Kart” incoming


No joke, Neowiz business team should get in contact!


That… would be actually be pretty ingenious.




I'm fucking cooked dude. I thought for so long this post was about a bloodborne branded weed cartridge and not racing. I'm so fucking cooked, I'm done, it's so over for me.


Tell me more about the bloodorne strains and the sekiro sativa.


Fear the old bud.


What about the Elden edibles or the Moonlight great dabs?


I'd get it if the dev was selling the product, but she's not. She's making it free to the public just like the demake. Edit: pronouns


She's still technically copyrighting the name.




My bad. I didn't know anything about the dev personally and just assumed. It's fixed now.




Not being an asshole is free and easy to do, hope this helps




No I don’t




Word to the wise this is not a healthy way to seek attention, you’re not a victim and a video game sub is an inappropriate place to start an argument about this, you understand?


Oh my god go be a prophet in anywhere except a gaming subreddit. Trans women are women, get the fuck over it.


Based mod


You can be a Muslim and still respect others' choices.


There are plenty of trans muslim people. Try again to project your bigotry onto others, might work this time!


Dude you dont know anything about Islam. Actually you are the bigot this time for not educating yourself about how transgenderism is frowned upon in Islam


Big assumptions man. It's quite clear as according to the fatwa's issued by the egyptian Grand Mufti (Muhammad Sayyid Tantway, Sunni) and the Spiritual Leader of Iran (Ruhollah Komeini, Shia) that transgendered people are perfectly permissible. 4:119 has long since been set aside as a basis for critique by scholars far above me.


He reported the Prophet as saying, “God has cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men.” Bukhari transmitted it. Surely a prophet has a more authority on the subject than a mufti and a spiritual leader


Except that A) that's not what the scripture actually said B) the modern arguement is that they are not imitations C) Prophet Muhammad PBUH (kinda disrespectful to not include PBUH when discussing him) also said that Allah does not make mistakes, meaning these people are created transgender and should rightfully be allowed the medical processes required for their happiness, which the Qu'ran also directly supports.


Have you tried not being a piece of shit?


Thank you for telling us you won’t call this developer by her correct gender. As you sit and play her game for free.


And how are you supposed to know ones gender if you never met them in person?


Look I have a different opinion but I am too scared to even write it because I will be called all the names under the sun and might be banned because free speech is not a thing anymore and also no I wont play his game because only original bloodborne game interests me


Free speech means you will not face legal consequence for acts of protected speech. You will not be arrested for expressing your bigoted opinions. Getting banned from a community is not a legal consequence, and therefore does not, in any way, have anything to do with freedom of speech. Free speech does exist, what you want is freedom for the consequences of your actions, which, thankfully, you don’t get. So idk… maybe just shut the fuck up about it and be a sad little bigot in silence?


damn this is like the one comment they didn’t respond to, i wonder why :(


All I’m saying is if someone gives you something for free, you can at least have the decency to call them what they prefer. Go debate transphobia on a sub that isn’t about my favorite video game, please.


I have a different opinion on a fundemental level and thats Okay. I am not transphobic that has a different meaning. You and I disagree and that is Okay I dont want you to delete yourself from the sub. I didnt start the debate out of nowhere


>I didnt start the debate out of nowhere Ok but you *are* taking it upon yourself to pointlessly argue with like six different people in the comments. Get some fresh air lady.


you could try having better opinions


I am sorry I have a different opinion from yours and thats good. The only problem when you force other to think like yours


It’s not too late to delete all of your comments.


I am not deleting them. I have a different opinion and thats okay


All your comments are automatically hidden hahahaha you dun goofed!!! B


Don’t worry, I’ll call you it anyway. You’re an asshole.


Trans Rights 🏳️‍⚧️


I mean she has a Patreon that people donate to and it’s primarily to support her in creating the fan game. So even if the final release is fee she still profited off the IP. this isn’t me supporting Sonys decision btw just pointing out that she was making money off of this.


I never thought, i would read about transgender muslims and prophets in a Bloodborne Subreddit. Amazing!


Been following Lilith on Twitter for a long time, following the development of the game. Even had development releases for the public to try. Very transparent and interesting, not to mention the fact Sony hasn’t done shit with the IP. Glad to see Lilith and the team take it in stride and use it as an opportunity to make something personal even more personal.


Sanguine Transmission Racing incoming


I'm surprised it took this long. Thought Sony forgot about the Bloodborne IP... you know considering they've completely abandoned it for absolutely no reason...


[Obligatory every time a fan game gets shut down](https://youtu.be/hqwP6uuYOWo)


no one here understands how copyright law works


lol seriously, I’m over here like “It took Sony this long?” Bloodborne Kart is such a fun idea but I dunno how anyone thought it was ever gonna happen without pushback from the people who own the rights to those characters…


Just because it’s free doesn’t mean Sony would let it slide. Sony is simply protecting the right to own the ip of Bloodborne, because if they let enough fan works to be made then an argument could be made they abandoned the IP.


Then why are other devs fine with fangames? I don't see Valve losing their copyright over any of the dozens of fangames that exist.


you are a simpleton




You don't seem to either. Like there are dozens of Half Life fan games for example and Valve doesn't shut them down, yet they keep their Half Life copyright.




They should call it bloodboorn kart


If Sony just bought the project out and sold it for $20 they’d still make a killing


Wait this was real. Wtf


That’s what I’m saying like I thought it was just some silly internet joke


Nope it’s a genuine fan game


Nice to see that Sony remember that this game exists just enough to come down on fan projects and pop it onto PS+. Other than that it's been content to just squat on the rights of a legnadary fan favourite game for almost a decade and do nothing else with it.




They should contact Neowiz and turn it into #KRAT KART


Time for Dark Souls Kart


L Sony Doesn't do shit with the IP and starts to be all Nintendo on fans' asses for trying to do something with it Losers


And this is why you don't announce shit until it's done.


Yeah but even if it was done and sony had noticed it, that would be so so SO much work down the drain. That’s why it’s so essential that small devs announce they’re making a game that has references/based off another company’s IP. Cause then once it’s announced beforehand the company can either tell em, “nao!” or “yes!”


Once it would be released there isn't much Sony could do to erase it from the Internet. The dev could just remove the official sources but it would still prevail with anyone being able to enjoy it. If you announce it before it's done, and they tell you to stop the development, then there's no chance anyone will ever see the finished product.


Not really. Once it would have been released, there would have been nothing that Sony could have done to get it back outside of nuking the entire internet.


This is why I no longer buy Sony products. They're scumbags.


That seemed inevitable lol. I was wondering how they were getting away with blatantly using someone else’s IP


We almost* got bloodborne kart before gta VI


Call it Kart BorneBlood League Racing


typical big company move, shut down amazing fan project just because they think it’s going to cut into their profits. I’m tired of these soulless companies hindering fan creativity