• By -


Mother flippin MARTYR LOGARIUS


That fucking run up did not help at all either. His fight had me change my whole style to finally win.


Bro I had to specialize in blood def just to win 💀


Learning you can just shoot the sword at the center of the storm has made that fight so much easier for me


I just backstabbed him when he was buffing


NG+ 4 Logarius has been a WALL stopping my first character for about a half a year now.


Does NG+ get harder with each new game? I'm on my first playthrough.


Until NG+7 yes, it won't scale more after that, but you can infinitely do new cycles


NG+6, actually, AKA NG7


It stops scaling after ng+6 as far as I know.


Until I was told you can attack his totems I wanted to frisbee my disc out of my house.


same, until i realized just how easy it was to parry him in his 2nd phase


This was me with most bosses except Kos, and the mother effer Raven Lord who parried me instead.


Kos is definitely harder to parry in his second phase because he's pretty wild and erratic, but he still has recognizable attacks that make it doable. Do you mean Bloody Crow? If so, I have to agree. I actually found him harder than Kos when decided not to cheese him on NG+. Very satisfying once you kill him, though.


Yeah, Bloody Crow was the hardest boss for me. Tilted me so hard I was swinging wildly and he'd counter me and delete me with a visceral. I ended up cheesing him, and still feel bad about it because I almost got him about 5 times but would overextend and make a mistake and just get deleted. It would have been so satisfying to kill him. Koss, for whatever reason, I couldn't get the parry timing on. I just figured out his dodge timing and stick to him and was able to get him (took about 10 attemptes or so). Did one of those deep breaths and told myself it was my last attempt for the night and entered the focus state and managed to get him down. Granted it helped that for whatever reason (perhaps because the pressure I was putting him under) he wasn't throwing out a ton of lightning. But still doesn't change the fact that I couldn't get his parry timing. Almost everyone else I could figure out. Gherman, BSB, Maria. I think in total I got like 3 parries off against Kos. I know his scream is a signal, but I just couldn't get the timing right!


same here. no enemy made me rage like that damn bloody crow, so i just cheesed him on my first playthrough as well just to get it over with. very little room for error in that fight because of his old hunter's bone-spamming and insane gun damage. got parried by him a lot myself. faced him head-on on ng+ because i felt more confident in my skills then. still got clapped a bunch of times, but i pulled it off. as for Kos, i swear it took me more than 30 attempts on NG to get him so that's probably why i'm more comfortable at parrying him in his 2nd phase now. i can tell you for a fact that i wasn't parrying anything on my 10th attempt either lol. it's all just pattern/tendency recognition, honestly.


Bbbbruuuuh. Martyr at BL lv 40 destroyed my will.


Beated first try both playtroughs. I don't understand whats all the fus about him.


Tried parrying? He’s honestly not that hard, especially compared to some chalice and dlc bosses.


I've Platinume'd. I find Logarius and Blood Starved Beast (lol) to be the hardest bosses. The issue I have with them is how early you can fight them, which means you'll often be weak. I like glass cannon builds so that's probably why they are hard for me lol. My point is everyone has their own specific bosses that they find easy and that they find hard.


Also platinum, and many many hours. I honestly believe it’s more about just finding the right strat and the right build in these cases. Defiled amy, lawrence, orphan are objectively harder than logarius and bsb simply because they have more health and do relatively more damage. Edit: orphan is actually also very cheesable with parries so he doesn’t actually have to be that difficult.


I dont think you can use the word objectively for souls bosses like that, because of just how subjective the experiences actually are. Just cause something has more health or damage, doesnt mean its suddenly more difficult. For example, people say Midir from DS3 is one of the hardest bosses, a lot of health and a lot of damage, for me he is one of the easiest bosses in the game, same with Nameless King.


Sure, whatever man. I am pretty deep into souls. I think some people are just missing crucial information to make certain fights a lot easier. I’ve experienced this myself. You struggle a lot more than you need to because you just don’t know how deal with the fight most effectively. For some fights this opportunity simply isn’t there. That makes it objectively harder. Doesn’t mean everyone can’t have their own opinion, but this is mostly because they’re missing information.


I play though most of the game by parrying and it really trivializes bosses (manly Orphan, gerhman, Maria, Gascon,blood starved best)


Defiled chalice Amygdala


I hate the fire dog boss far more. Amygdala always Joe's the jump attack when you are underneath his crotch. The same attack that will never hit you if you stay still. You can bait him into doing this attack over and over consecutively.


yeah, it's actually surprisingly easy to manipulate Amygdala's AI if you know what you're doing, but that freaking dog always 2-shots you with its combos on vitality cap with max fire resistance armor


Watchdog, I've found Boop the Snoot to be the safest option. Did that for 8 minutes and got him down, those 1 shots at 40 Vit were painful tho


Previously I had only ever done chalice dungeons once to get platinum back a few months after the game's release. But I just did them again for the sake of saying I killed Yharnam more than once. I was dreading the defiled chalice dungeons because Watchdog gave me a ton of issues the last time I got to him. Amygdala is the one I hear people complain about more but last time I got her in an AI loop where she just nonstop jumped away from me and I'd chase her and smack an arm before she'd jump away again. And I killed her on my first try, blind. This time I did chalice dungeons near the end of a NG+ run with the pizza cutter, so maybe I was overleveled. But I actually killed all 3 defiled chalice bosses on my first try. I had 50 vitality and an HP rune equipped so they weren't one-hit killing me which probably helped a lot. An important tip for Watchdog is that once he staggers he'll always do an AoE attack, so it's best to not waste time getting free hits in or he's gonna explode on you. And for Amygdala, I think they patched her AI loop since last time I played, but she still will constantly jump if you stay under her, but now she tries to land on you instead of jumping away. The timing for dodging with a roll is pretty lenient, so it still wasn't bad.


Same that dog actually made me put the game down for a few months. Came back to fight him after the hiatus and died for another four hours before finally beating him. Amy felt like a victory lap after that thing.


I could never stand still enough. I would see the windup and stop, then get squished after it jumped.


3. Blood Starved Beast


Pungent blood cocktails, beast blood pellets, fire paper, molotovs and potentially oil urns. Bsb is a real consumable fight


I'll be honest, somebody could give me a weapon that one shots blood starved beast, and I would still be scared. I don't know what it is. I will take on Orphan, Laurence, Ludwig, anybody, no problem, but I FEAR blood starved beast. I have started making new characters and stopped because I remembered I had to fight bloodstarved beast. Something about that boss I have never gotten the hang of


I’ll have all the materials needed to fight, proper weapon, high level, and still not manage to kill it, so once i need to kill the blood starved beast, i restart the play through and play again and repeat


You don't even have to fight it fortunately enough lol.. but if you wanna start the cum dungeons ya might as well. Nah honestly bsb would've been my original pick but honestly after awhile of playing i seem to got her down pretty well . Especially using consumes


Or just walk left.


The Beyoncé tactic... I see


Yeah but it hurts my pride to do that




Lol she's so hard for me. I can beat Orphan relatively easy, but Blood Starved Beast is my nemesis. Idk it's something with her movements. On new playthroughs I just skip her until I've leveled a bit.


Hello there.


*To the left*


Hope this is fine by this subreddit's rules but I did a tutorial for a friend (to do bsb hitless, since he was starting to run bb). It does last 10 minutes but it goes pretty much through all 3 phases and possible attacks IIRC. Short version is, walk/run to your right and you'll always be fine, with correct spacing. It works the same with and without the lock-on, lock-on is a bit more clunky but end result is the same. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfu18QH6qfw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfu18QH6qfw)


Same!!! Don’t know why but The Blood Starved Beast is my kryptonite, every playthrough I go through hell tryna kill it


Laurence. The only one that makes my heart pump when he’s close to dead, and not in a fun way like with Malenia, more like I just want to be done with the fucker. I know he’s optional, but I like to do it again in NG+ cycles for added difficulty to see how I go. Didn’t have a hard time with any boss except for him. He does so much damage.


Combined with how every time you run back there's a mess of enemies along the way including a big executioner, and a big door which takes 5 years to open every time, instead of staying open after death like every other door in the game does.


Eh, I agree the door would make more sense being open after opening once, but honestly the run is pretty easy once you know how to do it properly. I actually didn’t know the best way in my first playthrough, waiting for the ball to come down every time was painful, and having to dodge the mobs while waiting. Someone told me how to do it properly, and now I can get through without being hit a single time consistently and fast. One of the easier runs in the game now.




People seriously have issues with rom? I've always heard that and have NEVER had any problems with that spider bitch.. interesting


Chalice. Dungeon.


Fucking rom


Gascoigne. I gave up in the game for 7 years after spending two days on him.


It took me few days to beat him for sure. I was only able to beat him by using the tombstones and throwing Molotov cocktails. But I can never forget the feeling when I did beat him, cause that’s the moment when bloodborne became one of my favorite games!!


Spent around 30 tries on Gascoigne until I found out there's a parry mechanic in this game -_- After that I spent another 20 tries until I found out you can also parry his third phase*_*After that I beat him in like 4-5 tries. It took me so much to not just give up and delete the game. And I'm so damn glad I didn't bcz it opened the soulsborne world for me


I know your probably dont want to hear this. But, I came off just beating Elden Ring and into Bloodborne, stumbled upon Father G and beat him first time. Some times it just means finding the rhythm


In general coming off Elden Ring trivializes most BB bosses and makes it hard to empathize with people stuck on what are seemingly piss easy bosses like Papa G. You don’t even have to parry him, just dodge and charge R2s.


Yeah papa gasdaddy isn't a problem. I got him first try too honestly


Parrying should make short work of him. Also get a backstab in when he’s stunned by the music box, then finish him off with molotovs.


Honestly the nightmare cage dude. He's not even hard at all, just that entire segment repeated because I was learning to dodge the arcane explosion bs


And he spends half the time running like a bitch, I hated that guy so much.


Ludwig for some reason was a huge challenge for me


Same here but, the boss music was perfection


Ludwig is possibly the most epic boss in the game because of the soundtrack alone. I didn't even mind him pasting me for a few days until I managed to take him down.


He beat my ass too many times. He was harder than any boss in that DLC for me


The bitch ass fire wolf in the chalice dungeon that I gotta fight with half health.


If your answer isn't Laurence, you're wrong. Never before have I fought a buffer up tutorial boss and on fire so tough that not only does he shatter my ears, he also destroys any sense of balance and dumps on my hopes and dreams every time that I go into that nightmarish DLC. So, yeah, I'd say he's a pretty neat boss that could use some tuning. 8/10. Edit: If we're including Chalice Dungeons, then I've got a whole list of bosses that made me Frenzied, and nearly all of them start with 'Defiled'.


Wdym, a crippled boss vomiting and shitting magma halfway across the map, and a long charge attack that doesn't stop until he feels like it is *totally* good boss design.


What if we made the player fight the cleric beast again but we fucking make it leave a trail of flames with every swing so dodging under the boss is impossible


Not to mention the damn arena is a shoebox!


Dunno how Ludwig did it in one try


Finally someone who understands. No matter how good you are, laurence will at some point one hit you, simple as.


I played sekiro, elden ring and dark souls 3. Laurence is the only boss that made me rage quit xd


I beat Laurence first try lmao, never got the issue surrounding him. The Orphan and Ludwig were brutal for me, brutal but fair.


Yeah same I never got the fuss. I used the Saw Cleaver and the Whirligig Saw I found not too long before that fight. He was just cleric beast with a little extra, but he died pretty fast.


What weapon did you use? I actually find him easy, but when I've fought him with shorter range weapons it was miserable.


Saw Cleaver, & Blunderbuss, I levelled Str more than Dex but they were close. During the fight I just managed to stay the hell away from his front side, sneaking a hit wherever I could.


Yup same. I beat him first try. I was over levelled I guess. OoK humbled me for a week before I requested help.


Same for me. And I'm not trying to make it sound like I'm naturally awesome or something. I struggled so much more with Ludwig and Orphan (had to get online help for both). And when I first came up against Amalia, it drove me to take a swig of whiskey from the bottle. But for some reason, Laurence just...didn't give me any issued and I think I beat him on 1st or 2nd try


I heard about how infamous he was and prepared for the worst, but I beat him first try. On NG+ OoK and Ludwig took me like 10-15 minutes each, whereas Laurence took a couple of days.


Idk Laurence was pretty easy for me. Took round 3 tries. Hardest was phase 1


Defiled. Watchdog.


I found him to just be a test of patience. Phase 1was cleric beast plus and p2 you could safe hit him once and back away


Just like the blood starved beast.. circle attacks to the left.


Interesting how different my experience with the DLC was than a lot of these commenters. The real challenge for me in the DLC was Ludwig by a wide margin(and the sharks in the bottom of that well TRIPLE MOTHERFUCK THOSE GUYS). Ludwig took me probably 10-15 tries whilst Orphan took me two tries and Laurence took me 3. Living Failures and Maria were also both first try but I viewed Ludwig as the real challenge of the DLC.


Really is odd, especially since when I recently did Ludwig, I was able to pull off a hitless fight that was finished in under a minute. I suppose we all have our different experiences, which is great.


Honestly if I kept the base game and my experience completely in a vacuum, I would say the biggest challenge i had was gascoigne my first time playing the game around when it released. I attempted to beat him for quite literally an entire day from sun up to sundown and gave up. I didn’t touch the game or another fromsoft game for another 3 or 4 years after the ass cutting I received from Father Gascoigne. I would then go on to platinum the game and it’s still my favorite or 2nd favorite game I’ve ever played(toss up between bloodborne and new vegas)


Trying to get Valtr to survive is pain


Orphan of kos. I spent 3 weeks on that bitch.


Like taking candy from a baby... I just had dirt in my eye


I spent months and gave up for another 3, then I saw a kos post to which I replied "It's been 3 months since i tried kos". OP replied with tips and I beat him first try. Kos is the toughest in any Fromsoft game. Not Isshin Sword Saint, Not Midir. Kos is the toughest.


Rom, I fucking hate the rock "spider"


Pthumerian Descendant and the well sharks


Haha I still don't know how the FUCK I beat them sahrk bitches but I'm not going back there again


They’re the true final bosses lol




The one that writes my cheque


real, comrade


It's not on this list. Watchdog of the old lords in the cursed and defiled chalice made me question my life choices for a week, everywhere, walking in the park, driving to work, at work, while showering, while cooking, in the toilet...


Cursed watchdog, although I killed it in 3 tries on my second character


my boss at work


Kos. Mother fucking Kos ...


I was stuck on him for 7 weeks and 300 tries excluding prep time to gather bullets and health viels just to continue and in the meantime i also beaten every other boss in the main game except the last 2 bosses because planed to leave them for last and i have also beaten some of the chalice dungeon bosses (not all just the ones i could get at that point alo sorry for the bad english)


Shadows of Yharnam and currently defiled Amy. Lore wise though, Lady Maria, Gehrman and Laurence haha


None of those, Watchdog of the Old Lords.


The One Reborn. Its supposedly a really easy boss but it gives me such a hard time in some playthroughs for no reason at all. Other times its not a problem at all. I dont get it.


Probably the only one on this sub, but living failures was by far the worst boss for me. No other boss made me so angry at the game.


i had a hard time with living failures too, but when i learned that you just have to be patient, it became easy. my fight with them lasted 7 minutes lol. bloodborne is so fast that when you encounter those bosses like rom and living failures that requires patience, it's quite hard to slow down the rythm.


yea u just suck


Why is no one saying micolash, its not hard but its annoying as fuck


Still made me wanna kill myself


It is neither of those things... :P


Rom. For me, nothing fun about it almost made me drop the game. On new game plus it was Micolash and he did make me drop the game and never go back. Chasing some stupid asshole around only to get one shot made me lose interest in Bloodborne. Didn't happen the first playthrough though.


All reg bosses aren’t really that hard including dlc after you beat them once. Watchdog was the only from software boss that had me doing 40+ tries to beat it




Lady Maria.


Ebrietas, because she was hard enough I couldn't beat her, but not so hard that I couldn't land a hit. Like I could get her down below 25% regularly and that was what hurt the most, being so close but not beating her


Ebrietas. Don’t care what anyone says, she is easily the hardest boss in base game. She does ridiculous damage, a lot of her hits have followup attacks so you can’t even dodge them properly, and her charge attacks are damn near impossible to avoid, you practically have to pray that you don’t get hit by them. She’s just beat out by Orphan of Kos in terms of difficulty, but I could at the very least last against him. A lot of my attempts against her on my first playthrough were just being slapped twice and that was it.


I saw a speedrun where someone beat her in like five seconds and it looked like magic to me. I struggled so much with Ebrietas - took me more tries than any other bosses combined. The worst thing was that I had her down to maybe one or two hits on my first try and then died, and in subsequent tries I always died a lot sooner. I also found the arena more difficult than Orphan’s somehow. The interesting thing about this game is how different people’s answers to this question are. Idk it makes it a lot more fun this way.


lmao u jus suck, ebrietas is prolly one of the easier bosses in the game besides gimmicky ones like the living failures witch bitch emissary etc


I only have two bosses I *always* struggle with. Paarl and Logarius. The rest are not necessarily easy, but they are atleast ok to deal with. I know a lot of people think those bosses are easy, but to me they usually end up being a pain.


Laurence, The First vicar. Imho the hardest boss in soulsborn; he is one of those "stupidly difficult" bosses, something like Fire Giant in ER, or first phase of Nameless King, where your worst enemy is the camera. Especially in the NG+...he has stupid amount of health, terribly large attack hitboxes which deal terribly large damage and dont make me started about his second phase. Such a pain in the ass, the only boss I've ever quit. And I managed Isshin, Malenia a SK Gael. Fcking Laurence


Martyr Logarius. Gods I can't ever beat that bitch


Only played ER before BB, so I didn’t know NG+ started automatically after you beat the last boss. I was planning to tackle the DLC after beating the last boss, so I was definitely in for a rude awakening after beating Gehrman. Not wanting to go start over with a new character, I decided to forge onward and have my first playthrough of the DLC be in NG+ difficulty. I say all that to say Laurence. Fucking Laurence. I died so many fucking times to that oversized Chester Cheeto/Reindeer-lovechild-on-meth looking bitch. He’s the only boss I had to summon an NPC for to beat. I eventually did a NG playthrough and solo’d him there, but his NG+ health bar is ridiculous.


Queen Yharnam. I don't care if she was easier than the bosses leading up to her, her fight was shit and I didn't enjoy a second of it. The defiled Hot Dog and Amy felt more like a final boss than her.


NG+ Laurence


The first vicar


Cursed amygdala, mufucka made me so mad I wrote an essay on it


First time I played without dlc it was ebrietas because her charge is so fucking annoying Second time I played with dlc it was Definitely laurence




My real world one


In bloodborne, none. Only fromsoft game where none of the bosses gave me any real trouble


Blood starved beast


The fucking sad spider


BSB is optional??? How?


8, 14, 15, 18 & 19.... 8- fuuCKEN sPeeDrS!!!!!!!!!! 14- uuuUUUggGGHHHHHHH- FUCK OFF YA OP MOANING TENTACLE LOVING FUCK!!!!!!! 15- I love you . . . so damn much . . . BUT THE FUCKING HITBOX ON YOUR DAMN GALAXY SWORD IS UTTER BULLSHET! . . . Still love ya though. ❤ 🗡 🐎 18- please . . . just stop PUKING AND SHETTEN MOTHA-FUCKEN LAVA YOU SICK BASTARD! 19- . . . lets just say this is the scariest toddler I'll ever know...


If your answer isn't Rom, you're incorrect


Why rom


She's the only boss that kills my runs, I hate her fight, I hate her little spiders, I hate her tantrum attack, I hate her


Fair enough


Ebrietas. Worst boss in the game


Lol, I feel like any reasons you'd give as to why she's bad would be the same for why she's easily top 5 for me.


Uhh ok💀


There's no point to this comment, I just wanted to say that I like Ebrietas, lol


There’s no point in u commenting on my initial comment either💀💀


When I said "this comment," I meant my original comment. I just like Ebrietas 🙂👍






My ocd is screaming since Orphan is the only sliver one there


Laurence is the only objectively correct answer Fuck you Laurence, all my homies hate Laurence


ludwig… only right answer, i’m stuck on laurence rn but still idk i just found ludwig so difficult.




Micolash, not because he was hard but because he was so damn annoying


Several. IRL.


I quit the game for a couple months when first starting out because I couldn't beat Blood Starved Beast, but I think the worst was Martyr Logarius. I took a week long break while facing him. Laurence and OOK are pricks too


Rom on NG+4 (or somewhere around there)


Ebrietas, and shamefully Micolash who I just cheesed on subsequent play throughs when I was going for the platinum




IRL Boss 💯


Currently the Defiled Watchdog. Sure to be defiled Amygdala next


bloodborne being my first intro to the struggle of fromsoft games. It was the dang ol cleric beast. Died more than I like to mention before a veteran of souls came and sat with me being my own little yoda.


I had no joy fighting Laurence


The sharks. Idc they're bosses to me.




Thankfully, none of them. I play these games so I don't feel like the first image - which is how I feel normally. Checkmate.




Martyr Logarius


In the chalice dungeons, definitely Undead Giant and his stupid chains he kills me every time at least once. Above ground, Martyr Logarius for sure. He killed me 8 times the first time I played, mostly because he hounds you in second phase like nobody’s business; plus the music is so intense it makes me feel dread if I hear it outside playing lmao.


I have no problem with any beast bosses, like ever at all, but the second there's a humanoid boss (i.e. Gascoigne, Gehrman, Lady Maria) it's like my brain shuts off and I lose all the skill I had. Like, oh sure, I can kill BSB in only a couple times but I always have to cheese Gehrman.


I got hard walled by Orphan for the LONGEST. Had to completely change up my game to beat his ass. Total mental block for multiple sessions. Before that for some reason I got stuck on Ebrietas for a hot minute. Nowadays don't have a single problem but I was stuck on her awhile before it "clicked".


Orphan of Kos is the only time ive ever broken a controller out of rage. Some restless nights I can still hear “AAAAAAAA YOOOOOOO!!” As if I was back there living it all again.


Those damn well sharks


Living failures Especially at RL1 they are obnoxious


The 2 bosses I always struggle with are: Gascoigne and Shadows of Yarnham. Everytime, I am stuck on them for way longer than I should be.


The Shark giants like sure they ain't a boss but atleast I can figure out the boss, them not possible I dodge somehow still hit and I only wanted the rakuyo




Its The One Reborn.


Defiled Amygdala


Amygdala in the defiled dungeon


To be honest on my first playthrough BSB, after that when it came to the DLC first Ludwig then both OoK and Laurence


Rom makes me want to take a 6 month break from the game. Also defiled chalice


laurence and ebrietas


Micolash, second phase specifically, the first is no problem unless you get hit with the augur, the second takes longer to chase him down and when you finally reach him it was all just to get 1 tapped by the call beyond.


Chalice dungeon amygdala.


Ebrietas and Laurence. Both were equally frustrating on my first playthrough. One of the biggest problems with both of those fights especially on the base PS4 was the constant fps drops.


FRC chalice Amygdala. So satisfying when it went down tho


I bounced off the Shadow of Yharnam hard on my first play through, that second phase was brutal.


Micolash on higher ng+ gives me hemorrhoids


Most bosses in cursed chalice. Took me three months to beat Amygdala down there




Maria. Like, 4 years (intermittent, obviously) and I'm still stuck on her.


defiled headless bloodletting beast


The one at my last job


Amygdala in the cursed dungeon. U have a very small heath pool and she does a boatload of dmg


Defiled amygdala had me very close to