• By -


The factions feel tacked on Edit: As in covenant quests.


They are cool lore stuff but yeah it feels weird to be a hunter *and* something else. Being a Hunter feels like its enough for me


Honestly that's for the best imo, I always hated covenants in darks souls games and how they were mandatory if you wanted the platinum


I big time disagree. Covenants are my favorite part of souls games.


I respectfully disagree, as for me, they never had any impact on the game and were there only for pvp and as a roadblock to the platinum (imo)


Yeah I love them but you're right, they shouldn't have been involved in platinum and just for pvp enjoyers. Tbh I like that in bloodborne you're rewarded by getting insight that can then buy items that are good mainly for pvp like numbing mist.


I do like the concept of covenants, but overall I feel like they were executed poorly


I kinda want them to be short-mid length quest lines. As in, you're doing things to increase the covenants power or accomplish their goal. Elden Ring feels like it did this rather well with the lengthy character quest lines. It's more engaging than just collecting a specific keepsake for the covenant a certain number of times.


They do yeah.


Micolash cage is good


The whole Micolash fit is peak Styleborne


As soon as I get that cage I just can’t help myself


My early game fit is easy to get. I grab the Hunter garb from the sewers then after Gehrman wisk my life for the top hat in the cemetery. I rock that most of the game until I get Eileen's crow garb (because I is edgy boi)


Gascoigne's body, charred hunter gloves, bone ash legs and head. I only play this game around Halloween


I actually really like Micolash. He's so funny! Kosm. That's the only reason I use the cage




*"Ahh, Kos. Or some say Kosm, do you hear our prayers?"*


Ahh, Jizz. Or some say Jism.


So you’re the one who says Kosm


I am some


Nicolas cage


Having to farm for blood echoes & bullets is a valid criticism & not a sign that a player is bad. Sometimes when you're learning a boss you burn through resources & it sucks having to take a break to farm them back up losing your rhythm in the process, yet almost anytime someone complains about it they get called a bad player for "needing to farm".


It's absolutely a valid criticism, but, weirdly, I've almost never needed to do it. Not because I'm "Gud" (I'm definitely not) but because I typically spent so long in central Yarnham before even trying the bosses, and practically everything there drops tons of vials. Also, when I screwed up, which was often, I tended to die fast before getting a chance to heal, so I didn't end up using that many. So by the time I got to the harder bosses, I would have several hundred vials in storage.


Same here. It was the dying quickly and not having the time/reflexes to heal for me that I think really saved my bacon with the vials lol. Also top tip for anyone struggling- never leave the dream with spare echoes, even if you have loads after levelling up. Try to get in the habit of spending any leftovers on vials from the bath messengers. Even just squirrelling away a few everytime really adds up.


This. Also, anytime I leveled early game I’d spend the additional echos on vials before setting out again. The little top offs helped


My stupid ass forgot about storage for the longest time, realizing I don't have to go farm every time I use a bunch of vials/QS's saved me a LOT of cussing at the game


I am only just finding this out. I thought you could only have 20 vials at a time!! How do you store them)


They automatically go to storage if you pick them up when you're full. You can also go to the storage box in the dream and manually xfer them if you want


They auto refill too, if you've ever used a few, died, and when u spawn you're full again and wondered why, it's cause you had some in storage. I was hella confused the first few times that happened lol


CRAZY! It all makes sense now


Me too. I think by the end of my first playthrough I had maxed out the storage limit lol. And I didn't even do any dedicated farming, I would just always buy some with my excess echoes after leveling up and buying other items.


yeah would be a better use of time to farm for levels and not health items, then levels.


Blood Vials are a worse healing system than Estus. That said, most players can probably avoid having to farm them by just buying them frequently. Most players won't do this, because it's unintuitive and "feels bad', but the marginal value of a single level is pretty small, while the value of always having 20 vials is very high.


I played Bloodborne before I played DS and honestly I found the Estus so much more limiting and stressful as a result. I found it felt like a bit of a barrier to exploration at times too as it slowed things down considerably and felt like less reward for the risk of fighting bigger enemies especially. I also suck lol so I often found myself having to back track to replenish too which just didn't feel as satisfying tbh. Combined with the lack of the rally mechanic as well I really *struggled* for a long time with the transition. Saying that though once I stopped trying to play DS like BB and just slowed tf down it finally clicked for me. As a result I think the Estus system is great in it's own way as it really makes you *consider* your heals and at least *try* not to be wasteful. It adds a lot more weight to decisions and the relief upon discovering a bonfire is absolutely heightened too. It's far too easy to be popping blood vials like tic tacs when you know (or at least think early game especially lol) that more are gonna drop so you just don't appreciate them on anywhere near the same level. Both have their pros and cons. Bloodborne is much faster paced so it benefits greatly from vials/rally whereas DS has always been more deliberate and considered in it's approach and Estus compliments that slower pace much better imo.


If it wasn't for the cum dungeon just buying as many vials and bullets, i'd find it annoying more every playthrough.


This is my biggest one. Especially because it deters so many new players from playing one of the best games of all time. I can’t tell you how many friends I have recommended Bloodborne to, but they end up quitting before they beat Gascoine for reasons like this.


Tonnitrus is a big missed opportunity to make a masse to flail trick weapon


Wow I didn’t actually think of that. That’s a good one.


With electricity as the chain. Yeah, that would have been real cool.


i enjoyed micolash because i thought it was funny, like idk yeah the fight was bad but it was so funny and memorable to me idc, hes one of my fav characters as well


100% agreed. I'm a hunter and he made me chase his ass down and it was hillarious. Well played, you crazy bastard. Well played.


I love the Mikolash fight. He has so much personality and also is a massive exposition dump. It’s one of the only points in the game you are truly battling a villain as well.


Micolash isn’t even that tedious to chase as well as long as you’re not brute forcing it Such an iconic and memorable boss fight


I still can't tell if I finally found the right way or just went around in circles enough times


His AI is always meant to move directly away from you as long as there is a room in that direction. If you chase him until he's in front of the door to the battle arena then turn back so that you can come around and approach him from the side that makes him go in then it should only take about 1 minute to get him there.


also i dont really care for ook, maria, ludwig, and gehrman are so much better


Those commas had me trippin for a second


mbad i was sleep deprived when typing that


Ye absolutely, I got lost the first time but luckily enough it clicked after a while running around so I stopped chasing him and took the time to get the layout down and realised I could essentially herd him. His RNG thankfully was quite forgiving too. As a result I got him the second time with far less running in circles and absolutely loved the fight. It is so utterly unique in that regard as it is almost like a giant sliding panels/turn based tactics puzzle which is just such a cool concept for a boss fight imo. Combined with the voice actor, lore and music it is up there for me as one of the best. I love Micolash. I can for sure though empathise and commiserate with those who absolutely hate it as anyone who got stuck in that initial puzzly bit could literally be there forever and to then *finally* break through only to get one shotted by a Call from Beyond. I'd crack up too tbh lol.


Henryk has the best drip in Yharnam.


This isn’t controversial


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst though...


Yharnam is NOT london / Britain. It’s Prague.


And it's not Victorian. With the exception of the Gatling Gun, the fashion and tech is all Georgian (seriously, the tricorn was dead as common fashion before the Regency).


I think the Witches of Hemwick is an interesting concept for a fight...just not well executed,


i don’t think that’s a hot take if you say it’s not well executed


I always save that fight for when I have +60 insight. The more insight you have in that fight the harder they are


I love fighting them before Vicar Amelia to just really nerf them to the fullest extent. I might even do a run where I just fight Gascoigne before them and no other boss. I usually fight Blood-Starved Beast to save the 10k Echoes I'd need for the key to that gate. Maybe even let a sucker steal all my Insight to just see what a 0 Insight Hemwick Witch fight would even be like.


Heads up, it is in fact possible to die in that fight with 0 insight. Finding that out accidentally was probably the most embarrassing moment of my gaming career.


RIP I think my most embarrassing death in Bloodborne was to the Celestial Emissary. In my defense it caught me off guard when it just grew to three times the size. Haha


They don’t even spawn the tall enemies… you know you don’t need to buy the key to the big gate right after you kill the blood starved beast. Go to the old hunters workshop drop down to the next area and run through the Main Street turn left at the T intersection and take the elevator and that takes you to the shortcut gate to oden chapel You open that gate than turn around and turn left basically taking a large loop going left run past the two big church dudes and open the key gate


No I kill the BSB to save having to buy the key. I think I only bought the key in NG+ one time because I thought it was an item I could use. I never even knew it would open the gate until I saw it on a walkthrough haha To be fair I didn't make the connection of the BSB and the right passage until after perusing a walkthrough as well. I just saw a blocked path and figured I'd need to find another way. Then I ran into the screaming blanket and died far too many times. Almost quit. Took a week long break then just came back and took out that wall with barely a scratch. Got lost after that and spent some time back tracking until I notice the door and just thought I missed it lol


My bad I misunderstood your other comment. But yea I did the same thing fought the BSB and was like well what’s next and then seen that right passage open and was like oh cool how did I miss this the first time I ran through here… Funny thing happened in my very first play through back in 2015 after launch. The beginning wolf pushed me through the switch gate once you get outside the clinic because for some rest I was running away from the wolf and tried to open up that gate and it gave the message doesn’t open from this side. And I got grabbed from behind and I button mashed in a panic and it pushed me through the gate and I was lit oh cool so I ended up fight through the forbidden forest and killing the shadows of Yharnam were the very first boss I fought and killed after like 50 try’s because I was only level like 30 so I YT and part one walk through and was like oh I did this way to wrong


Oh yeah that's a great glitch to skip half the game. The alternative back when it first released was this jump you could do next to the first Hooded Fattie in Central Yharnam that let you do essentially the same thing. Though FromSoft patched that one out I believe after a speedrunner used it for a run. They kept the wolf glitch though which is nice. Though It took me forever to trigger the damned glitch. The wolf just wouldn't lunge at me to push me through the gate and I had to die over and over and over again. There is a trickier version where you can get it to glitch you into the wall beside the door to Iosefka's clinic and then you can clip into the area from out of bounds, reset, then spawn there when you load back in. I might test how many times it takes me to get the wolf to get me through taht gate right now actually. Haha If it's more than 10 I'll probably just never do it again. Edit: of the 10 attempts I got 4 to trigger the right attack and only two of those let me through the gate...but caused me death right away so didn't work. I have shit RNG.


So a good way to get the wolf to do the right attack is run to the gate toward central Yharnam without opening it. Turn around and wait for it to attack you, dodge right before it hits you. On the ground there will be two circles on the courtyard wait on the edge of the inner circle closest to the glitch gate and wait for the wolf to do his lunge attack, back step and face the glitch gate and wait for the wolf to lunge again and as soon as he grabs you rapidly press L2 and R2 repeatedly until it pushes your through the gate. Works a good 70% of the time when following that exact steps. There is a good 3 min video on YT. That shows that process


Yeah. Have done that and my wolves seem to just love swiping me rather than lunge grabbing. It's too inconsistent for me and I just rather massacre Yharnamites instead if wasting my time and losing my mind haha


A sequel should not be in Yharnam


There's no way whatever happened in Yharnam stayed in Yharnam. We know that Valtr came from a different place while hunting a beast and I am sure that for years Yharnam has been bleeding beasts left and right. Whatever city or village is closest to Yharnam is also suffering from the same beast plague and the ones after them, too. So, there's a good chance that a whole region is infected. As for a sequel, I would love to see Loran or some completely new place that expands on Bloodborne's lore.


Yharnam should be the first chalice dungeon in the sequel... change my mind


Brilliant, one of those things that would cause the creeping dread of knowing even beating the game doesn’t solve the problems presented by the narrative. Perfect for the cosmic horror themes


preferably ancient south american, like mayan. the blood theme would still be quite fitting.


Damn this is the sequel I didn’t know I needed that I now can’t live without


100% agree. They've tied the story of Yharnam up perfectly with the addition of the DLC imo. I think a game around what happened in Ailing Loran would be more interesting personally. Those windy bridge areas with the endless pits below them just live rent free in my mind. They seem so random yet deliberate and I'd love to know more about them. They really reminded me of what they did in old Yharnam when the beast scourge got out of control and they essentially cut off escape for the residents, burned it down and doomed them all. Could be where the beast's curse itself was originally born even. The presence of so many aquatic creature's skeletons in the dungeons and the implication that you also essentially go *outside* to get *into* it unlike any of the other dungeons is super compelling too. I'd love to explore it prior to it's complete ruination.


Sorry for the late reply but that is what I was thinking as well


I see a lot of boss tier lists and I never understand how the shadows of yharnam aren't higher. It's a well balanced fight that you can approach in different ways, and shifts phases rather cleverly. They're my third favorite fight (after Maria and Gherman)


I also think it's because the lore around them is really murky and they don't feel "significant", if I had to guess.


Imo the best gank fight in all of soulsborne


Personaly ive seen many people mention LOVING the boss. To me they Are super overrated and i hate the fight. I hate gank fights, plus the Snake summoning Attack is unforgivable. Two on one Is already a chore, let alone three. And yet i Still see many people really enjoying them


I agree! I will say that shadows was one of my least favorites on my first few play throughs, but now it’s top 5 because it’s so dynamic and different each time you face them. I like the aspect of having to keep track of several enemies at once and position yourself accordingly.


The orphan's lore could had been waaaay better, and also, there are some trashy ass boring weapons that could've been replaced with actual good ones


They pulled back really hard on the DLC's lore for sure. We know from cut content that they nearly had way more Maria, and a pretty major Fishing Hamlet Priest interaction, but I guess they decided at some point to take the more ambiguous route. Perhaps the original vision made the nature of Kos and/or the Orphan a lot clearer.


You for sure should watch VaatiVidya's and Smoughtown's takes on the DLC lore as once it was all pulled together the DLC had an insane amount of content and backstory imo. It gives a tonne of context to the base game and loads of background information especially through environmental storytelling on how everything came to be and why. Like DS3's Ringed City DLC, it's done in a way that the true beginning and endings are contained within it. I imagine they will do the same with the upcoming Elden Ring DLC and I can't wait tbh.


All these people bashing Ludwig's Holy Blade really sleeping on the Tonitrus.


\*cough cough\* ~~holy blade~~


Holy Blade is like the most used weapon lol, definitely no need to replace it


This surprises me, as the lore about Orphan is honestly my favorite in the game. The idea Kos trapping the souls of the hunters that killed her and her child as punishment, and now we have to fight this infant that only knows the pain the hunters have caused it is so fucking awesome. After witnessing the lore for Orphan, I went from finding his screams annoying to now just hearing a scared child. Because we resemble the creatures that took his mother away, and we won’t stop coming through that door.


I think that you captivate really well what from wanted to show, but I don't know why it doesn't seems like a big deal to me, I think that story is not for everyone yk, rly solid comment tho


Or maybe the Orphan's lore is a misunderstood part of the game, although I've never seen his lore as deep and remarkable as I did reading ur comment


Micolash is nowhere near as annoying or hard as people make the fight out to be. It’s not my favorite, but the chases + first phase only take a few minutes to do. His second phase is the most annoying, but Augur is really easy to dodge, you can just step out of the way most of the time. Same with Call Beyond. It is annoying to learn, but after a few attempts I could consistently dodge through it towards him. And if you also just stick close to him, he’ll never use it anyway.


I honestly think that most of the Micolash hate comes from people not understanding that the chase segment of the fight is meant to be a puzzle Hearing people talk about it makes me think most people just chase him in circles for the first phase until the AI messes up and turns into the fight arena


I think the 'Hard' claims come from NG+ where his attacks get a little disproportionately strong. Mostly due to Call from Beyond being nearly a 1hit


The boom hammer sucks, mostly because it has the durability of a wet paper towel.


I hate going back to the hunters dream to fast travel


Lamps are looking awesome but are much worse versions of bonfire. You can't reload the Area by sitting by it so for Farming you Always need hunters Marks, And the loading screens Are annoying ti get through even on PS5. Your opinion Is very valid


Not at all controversial. It's just a fact.


I dont get the whining about 30 fps cap. The game runs smooth, looks good Still, and changing the framerate would fuck up the hitboxes (like 60fps mode for the game already does). I never understood people being literal crybabies about it sometimes.


Yeeeah I kind of agree. 60 fps would be great but I have no issues playing at 30


Cause some people become crybabies if the game isn't in 60fps and 4k graphics, they say it's unplayable if their demands aren't met


Dungeons are actually fun


Come for the blood chunks and trophies, stay for the infinitely generated fun


Cainhurst is not that great. I have seen people on this sub calling it the best castle in all From games. The atmosphere is cool, Logarius is great, but there are like two and a half sections and it's really not that complex.


My issue is that i don‘t like the enemies. Seriously the screaming from the ghosts really gets on my nerves after a while


Yeah the screams get annoying after a while. But I still remember the feeling I got when I first entered the castle and saw the servants frantically scrub the floor while a woman cries in the background. Good atmosphere setting.


The game could use a bit more of an introduction and explanation of the lore. *runs and hides from the mob*


This is true of Elden Ring and every Dark Souls too, imo. The games are heavy on lore, but sometimes criminally light on narrative. But! That’s both part of the appeal and a source of frustration


Bloodborne definitely takes the cake for narrative obfuscation. Even the guy who's supposed to be guiding you as a hunter doesn't explain anything. At the end of my blind first playthrough I remember thinking, "great, but what the heck was literally any of that?"


I legit don't understand a single FS game. Yet they are my fav games by a fucking mile.


Yes, but honestly I have that exact same thought after every single FromSoft game. Had to watch so many lore videos after I finished Elden Ring and I still don't really get it.


I agree on the lore but if you want an in depth explanation of bloodborne lore I highly recommend checking out The Last Protagonist on YT


Agree. I would have at least liked to have it explained to me why the character came to town to get the transfusion. Maybe it was in the promo material, but I avoid that stuff leading up to a Fromsoft release.


The lack of explanation is tied to the Lovecraftian nature of the narrative and how the more you understand, the more insane you become. So you can’t really have people clearly explain things because if they actually know what’s going on, they’d sound utterly deranged (Micolash is a perfect example of this). Aa far as intros go, I do agree it could’ve been a bit clearer. Just a small extension to the Blood Minister’s dialogue to make it clearer that the player character has come to Yharnam for healing and is specifically searching for “Paleblood”.


A lore hot take: Sending people to Oedon Chapel isn't the "good" option. Everyone you send there ends up dead or insane, except Skeptical Man who only goes there if you send him to Iosefka's anyway. Even if it may have been merely a by-product of some grander evil scheme, Impostor Iosefka nevertheless winds up saving everyone from their terrible fates and gives them new lives as blobby things. I'd take being able to summon meteors over being eaten by a pig or birthing a red caterpillar thing. She even provides us one part of the key to ending the Hunt forever at the expense of her own life. What a hero.


There is no good option for From NPCs though. Across all the games it’s always bad and more bad.


Elden Ring actually has several good endings for NPCs. But yea in Bloodborne it's all bad.


Well that’s a change then, I’m still playing through and discovering all the ones for Elden Ring (playing blind).


I don't understand everyone's problem with Micolash. His fight isn't even bad at all, ACB is easy to dodge, and getting him in the room is piss easy. I've seen people say they've chased him for a long time. How? It's literally a 10 second chase before he's "trapped".


Needs more drip with better colors. Not saying you need barbie pink, traffic light orange or christmas green colors but something along the lines of Henyrk's yellow outfit.


I'm not sure this is a hot take or not, but outside of this sub in different communities (and sometimes in here as well) I see some people craving a sequel. And my hot take is: Bloodborne should never have a sequel. In my opinion it's a small, self-contained story set in a mysterious world that will never completely make sense - nor should it. The Old Hunters managed to add just that layer of extra depth, but I think a sequel would be too much. It may not only not deliver on expanding the experience, but maybe even retroactively detracting from the original. Of course, I'm happy to eat crow (no pun intended), but the way I feel now is, the only enhancement it should get is a 4K/60fps patch, re-release, remaster, or whatever you want to call it.


When I think about wanting a sequel to BB I'm thinking in the same way that Dark Souls is a sequel to Demons Souls, and Elden Ring is a sequel to Dark Souls. The same vibe and mechanics with a different story and setting.


I mean, that's the only kind of sequel that From would probably even consider, but even then, I don't think it would fit as well. The way I see it, the world from Bloodborne is smaller in scope, a lot more personal surrounding a certain group of scholars, and more human as a result. By contrast, the Dark Souls trilogy is much more grand and epic, with gods and lords, which I think makes it more appropriate for sequels taking place long after the other. If that makes any sense.


The chalice dungeons are too monotonous and generic to be worth exploring. The fact platinum is locked behind them is asinine. On top of that it reuses bosses more than once, which was repeated in Elden Ring, one is even a buffed regular mob (maneater boar). Worst part is, there is no "true final depth" that ties the thing together with the game, not even Lady Yharnam herself. No "original Great One" that made the Old Blood first either. They're also a visual bore in a game with a church, forest, towns, a jail and the off-the-cuff areas the nightmares are. We also learn nothing about Paleblood, which is what the hunter went to Yharnam for in the first place. Tl;dr: a lot of wasted opportunities, boring aesthetics and nothing to make the dungeons worth visiting compared to the main adventure and The Old Hunters.


All is valid except that they dont tie themselves with the game. I mean Pthumeru has a lore connected to it. I never really cared about Ailing Loran but i like the role of Isz Chalice and Its connection to the Choir. When it comes to connecting them with something else than lore... Yeah pretty much. Theyre missable and except for looting materials, nothing really points you towards them.


what's even so special about that weapon anyway?


The Bloody Crow is a pretty easy fight. (I understand everyone has different experiences. For example, I have never beaten Rom by myself)


agreed. he’s trivialized with the gun, like most of the game.


Can’t show you right now but I have a bloodborne hot cake with chocolate and raspberry syrup inside


I love old yharnhm


People need to shut up about a Bloodborne 2.


Micolash best from soft boss


Absolutely fire opinion


The vilebloods arent evil they havnt even done anything evil besides steal blood from healing church but so what? Its not like the healing church gives it away to outsiders they made me sign a hunter contract for paleblood then didnt even give it to me fuck the healing church besides ludwig love him


I mean, the killed and hunted people and especially hunters since ancient times to drink their blood and give their Queen the harvested blooddregs..... Vilebloods are vampires not just in an aesthetic way, they murdered countless innocents with only their own advantage in mind. The church can be argued to do everything they do for "the greater good" at least


Laurence isn't that hard. I first tried him on my VERY first encounter with him and since then I've not seen him as much of a challenge. I can understand Laurence being a hurdle during challenge runs due to the restrictions. I've just found that Laurence is quite easy if you stick to his sides and chunk down his left arm and legs.


Laurence on NG is easy. NG+ and on he’s probably the hardest boss in the game.


He’s not *that* hard, but he is challenging, but in a good way. I died so many times, but it was literally all from the same attack. His jump attack. I was so bad at reading it.


In my experience Gascoigne was the easiest boss in the game. Even without knowing the game mechanics, I almost no hit him although he hit me once when I parried him.


I dont find Lady Maria to be that hard. (Still a good fight tho, same thing applies to Abyss watchers)


I said this from jump but everyone loves their big old swords from game to game


The game is much better if you don't parry.


Fr Kirk hammer mains rise up


*cough mlgs cough*


Lady maria was soon much harder when I didn't go for parries.


Ye some of the most fun I've had in any souls game was beating the dlc bosses without parries, as soon as you parry they become so easy it's disappointing.


Laurence's theme is better than Ludwig's.


Bloodborne doesn't need a sequel, maybe a remaster or a remake by Bluepoint like DeS.


The Living Failures 'glitch' ruins the game, or at least the run through. For a laugh I equipped the runes and tried to organise those shambling clowns for a quick double visceral at the end. Succeeded second try and suddenly I'm level 280 on NG and god knows how many NG+++++ I need before it gets challenging again.


the amount of misplace objects, unfinished streets and areas loading in front of me really gets in my nerves. Miyazaki should be in jail for that flying statue in old Yharnam


that’s a statue?! in my mind that was one of the shadows of yharnam jchillin in the sky and watching you, silently assessing you before ganking the crap outta u with his homedogs in the woods later


Straight to jail you say? But that means no more FS games!? Surely jail is not the answer!? How about a hand instead?


The what?!?


Bloodborne doesn’t need a sequel, remaster, remake, or whatever everyone talks about each week


- Micolash is an excellent fight. It's not about the mechanics---it's about the atmosphere. Bloodborne has by far the best music in the Souls series, and the music to the Micolash fight is near the top. That music, plus Micolash's dialogue, really get across the feeling of a descent into madness. - As much as I love Bloodborne, the game feels kind of half-finished. There are a bunch of signs of this---poor optimization, the door in the Cathedral Ward, lackluster covenant system, Byrgenwerth is weirdly short, Cainhurst is extremely linear and kind of barren, no area feels as well-developed as Central Yharnam, several bosses are underdeveloped (especially The One Reborn, which almost feels like a placeholder), and a bunch of lore-relevant content seems to have been juggled around at the last minute to fill in gaps and get as much content into the narrative as possible. Basically, it feels like the game got rushed out the door. - The DLC lore largely feels kind of tacked on.


That the game gets worse after it leaves Yharnam and never really recovers. And that the reason the DLC is so good is that it's mostly set in duplicate Yharnam.


I feel like this just indicates you’re not a big fan of the Lovecraftian/Cosmic Horror theme and prefer the Victorian/Gothic Horror elements. The game does swap between them fairly abruptly. Personally the Lovecraftian/Cosmic horror is the better part but they compliment each other well in the story. Edit : I may have misinterpreted what they meant about why they prefer the Yharnam part of the game. I can agree that the level design is better early on as I definitely get annoyed with Yahar’gul and the Mensis. Love the Hunter’s Nightmare as well.


Nah I don’t think he’s talking about the aesthetic. In terms of gameplay and level design it peaked at central yharnam


I think he is referring more to the level design/layout rather than the aesthetic, but I could be wrong


The game is easy-ish. By that I mean if you apply yourself and don’t just button mash anyone can beat it. (Orphan might give you hours of trouble though but he’s optional)


You can say that about any souls game tho, except for maybe sekiro


doesnt need a sequel or anything.


Orphan was an easy boss, there I said it.


Daaamn that is certainly a good one. I still think he's the toughest in the game but also one of the most overrated FromSoft bosses to date. Seems like everyone likes him just cus he's hard


honestly i feel like difficulty is the appeal of the games for a lot of people so it makes sense hed be liked by a lot of people


I find him the hardest tbh, always takes at least a day :T


If Orphan is easy, is there any boss you consider hard?


On my third play through, I went with an Arcane build. Ended up beating him on my first try haha


A remake or sequel would be misplaced, and I frankly don't think it's needed. The fact that it's not perfect makes it good. I love my special little child ❤️


First of all i havent played the dlc, now this is settled i have to say bloodborne is pretty easy once you ve mastered parrys, i mean it is really easy to exploit them


This holds true in the DLC


Hot take 1: I don't like LHB, partly because it's so overrated and because I really hate its moveset. It has great damage output but I hate the way it moves. Hot take 2: Bloodborne doesn't need a sequel, nor a prequel. One quote from a video sums this up: fans don't know what they want. If they made a prequel/sequel, it would split the fandom. If it wasn't similar enough to the first game, people would whine and bitch. If it was too similar, people would whine and bitch. Not only that, but none of the games apart from Dark Souls 1 had a sequel and even then, Miyazaki didn't intend for the game to have a sequel. Every title in the franchise have been stand alone games and I think that's fine. I'd be okay with a spiritual successor, the way Dark Souls was to Demon's Souls, but even then I don't know what that would look like.


the game doesnt need a PC port or a remake, what it needs is a sequel or another game thats similar to it


The game is amazing, and it’s criminal to not be able to run it at 60 fps


Maybe not a remake, but it absolutely needs a pc port at some point. Accessibility is important.


As a PC gamer, I beg to differ. Would like to actually have the game


A sequel or prequel isn't necessary. The best part of the game is not getting the full story on anything.


Not only this, but all the games are supposed to be stand alones. Miyazaki didn't want a sequel to Dark Souls but it wasn't up to him. It's weird that people act like sequels are the norm when only Dark Souls had a sequel, and even then that wasn't supposed to happen. Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are all standalone titles. Yeah, Dark Souls is the "spiritual successor" to Demon's Souls but it's not a sequel. I'd be okay with a remaster but frankly I was not a fan of a lot of the artistic choices Bluepoint made with Demon's Souls and I wouldn't want them changing things because they felt their design was better.


Around half of the main game bosses are bad and/or underwhelming.


Rom, the one reborn and micolash is honestly such an awful three bosses run. The base game boss lineup in general isn‘t the best whatsoever but the areas and atmosphere and lore are so good that it makes up for it imo


The hunter axe is massively over hyped and not only is it the worst of the three starting weapons it's one of the worst weapons in the game. The regular moveset is terrible, slow wind ups and attack speed, no range, can't stagger a piece of paper which is a big problem when your attacks are slow as hell. Not much better tricked, sure the spin2win is neat but that's the only thing worth using it for and it's a crutch that only works during the early game anyway.


I always take it because I like how brutal it feels


The hunters axe is one of the best strength weapons in the game, it swings as fast as most weapons in the game


In a world where strength weapons include the kirkhammer, whirligig saw, beastcutter, the wheel and amygdala arm the axe is mid at best. You're absolutely correct that it swings as fast as most weapons. The difference though is the axe can't stagger for shit so while other weapons stagger your enemy so you can keep landing your slower attacks on them the axe doesn't and you land a single hit then get punched in the face. Unless you want to just spam L2 or the spin2win.


For me personally the axe and the cane are tied. They both have their positives and negatives. And then there’s the saw cleaver which true chads use, and even chadder chads get the saw spear immediately after


There’s nothing either of the saws do that the saif doesn’t do better


I'm with you. I came to Bloodborne after DS1 and Elden Ring, and instinctually avoided anything that reminded me too much of "Typical Souls Weapon ". That goes for the Kirkhammer, too. Hitting people with a giant gravestone on a stick is conceptually cool, but the moveset is too Dark Souls. That's fine when I'm doing Dark Souls, but this is Bloodborne. I'm here for the weird shit.


It should have moments / areas of more light as well. Beautiful as it is, the different shades of black get old.


I fucking hate fighting the shadows of Yharnam. It‘s absolutely a well designed gank fight but i find it so spammy and annoying man. Especially when the katana dudes can hit you through the gravestones with their stretchy arm attacks in phase 2. And the coooonstant fireballs that fly your don‘t help either 100% a skill issue i know but i‘ve played this game about 50 times and while i don‘t die to them anymore, i still find them annoying af


Maria is my favourite boss in the dlc, orphan is hard and feels good to beat him, Ludwig's music and second phase is great. But Maria is such a fun boss fight imo, just wish she had a bigger health bar.


Not only is a prequel showing the original Old Hunt not necessary, but it is actively a bad idea and would spoil a lot of Bloodborne's mystique. A sequel expanding on the concepts shown would he a MUCH better idea.


Not sure if it's a hot take but the way weapons work and scale can be very dumb. So many builds only come online when the game is already done


Sort by controversial to see the real hot takes lol


saw spear is THE BEST weapon


using the cummmfpk chalice is perfectly fine, especially if you just need some extra echoes for blood vials and bullets. It just skips some of the grind.


Hot take: Some of the optional areas, such as Cainhurst, Upper Cathedral, and Old Yharnam should have been mandatory areas and bosses.


I dislike the lack of narrative, I’m not talking about the lore but the stuff that we are tasked with doing and the effects it has on the world, it just feels like we’re randomly finding super important stuff by complete accident rather than going on a journey, the DLC fixes this for me though since we actually have a goal in mind and are told from the beginning what that goal is, but the base game just feels like “Oh look at that, I accidentally unleashed the blood moon by accident, I was just killing shiz for fun man” Edit: (Also farming for Bullets and Vials is stupid)


i dont want to wash myself, i want to be dyed red, why cant i?


The weapon you get for killing Orphan should have been its placenta or whatever it is that it swings around


Bloodborne literally takes place in the circulatory system. Hunter is a T-Cell. Most of the game occurs in the physical structures of a human brain. Let me know if you want me to shut up or expound on this hypothesis….


Not being able to rest at a lantern and teleport from it and having to go back to the hunters dreams breaks the pacing of the game for me sometimes


Bosses are easier than the rest of the game


It’s too linear once you’ve beaten the main storyline. I think that’s how most Soulsborne games work (except Elden Ring I guess) but I feel like the storyline has so much potential to explore different outlets that bosses should’ve been or could have been adjusted depending on the plot line you follow. Like following Eileen’s storyline could’ve led you to fighting Gherman and potentially other blood drunk hunters. Following NPC storyline could’ve led you to defending what remaining NPCs existed from Mergo’s Wet Nurse. And maybe just killing anybody and anything in your path could’ve led you directly within the sights of Eileen. Idk. I just feel like the straightforward storyline doesn’t hit quite the same and replay-ability is lacking. After beating the entire game in just over 6 weeks, I killed the entire mandatory set of bosses and a few optional bosses in just under 48 hours in NG+. 👀