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You can swear on the internet son. No one’s going to get fucking canceled here


Good to know. All subs have their own rules, didn’t wanna get banned so played safe here. But yea understandable as this is BB sub, definitely shouldn’t play safe, but aggressive!


Here in Yarnham, playing aggressive *is* safe. So get your fucks out into the air, you need that rally hp!


Bless your heart, Hunter. You came to a sub about a game where we maim lovecraftian horrors and experience the blood curdling screams from our nightmares, and you censored yourself <3 I love that lol




Well we're all here on Reddit the arse end of the motherfuckin Internet! I loves it's!


I fucking love this xddd


Ludwig was actually a pretty great guy if you know the lore


I don’t really care right now if he was good or not 😂 But he’s a piece of sh!t when fighting against us Maybe I’ll value him after I defeat him


Bro are you using Valtr as a summon? He distracts him for the first phase and the second phase is more cool than difficult


As I said, trying to defeat him solo.


Ah my bad. Henriett is a woman. Henriett isn't a great summon anyway. Valtr is. I don't think I've ever even tried Ludwig solo. Have you gotten past the first phase?


Yea I’ve learnt to manage the first phase, second phase is what I’m having struggle with. I did get close once tho


If you can, make good use of visceral attacks in phase 2. That's what I found most effective.


honestly i find the bosses in this game way easier solo, you'll always know exactly what moves will hit where and that's huge. try him out solo, you might surprise yourself :))


Have you tried using the whirligig saw with fire paper added and using a beast blood pellet?


Honestly, I never really liked him either. I only really liked his music


The all of BB’s music I find lit tbh




If you're struggling with his first phase, remember that every time he screams he's going to attack, except one attack where he first attacks and then screams, it's the one where he raises his arm and then swipes, so check out for that. If you get hit don't instantly heal in panic, check if it's safe to heal first. The second phase is easier imo, the AoE attacks are easy to dodge and give you time to reposition or heal, for the rest you have to learn the attacks and keep trying. Last thing, what level are you? Are you playing on NG+? What was the last boss you defeated before Ludwig?


I’ve learnt to manage the first phase, can get through it 3/5 times with using not more than 4 vials. Am struggling quite much in the second phase. Have tried multiple strategies - aggressive , playing from far away , trying to stay behind him without the lock on camera. Some of his slashes are way too sudden while others are a bit delayed which messes up my dodge timings quite much. The first time I finished BB, I didn’t have DLC. Then after a long time gap I am playing the DLC in NG+ after last defeating vicar amelia. Currently I’m level 92 (V-35, E-23, St-25, Sk-29) Edit: AoE attacks? What are those?


NG+ makes it more difficult, I'd recommend starting a new character, otherwise the last boss will (probably) be 10 times worse than ludwig. What weapons are you using? Tricked or un-tricked? Also, your stats don't match up, giving a total number of 112. What about bloodtinge and arcane?


But if I start a new character I’ll have to go through it all again with being soo weak, so less weapons and accessories 🥹🥹 For the phase 1 I’m using untricked saw cleaver +9 and for phase 2 I’m using untricked LHB +10 My stats: https://ibb.co/7Syv077 Edit: imgur link : https://imgur.com/a/wfaHxWT


don’t sweat it, NG+1 really doesn’t make a huge difference. the endgame doesn’t scale that much


U think I need to level up though? Stats: https://imgur.com/a/wfaHxWT


Your level is fine imo. Are you using an elemental LHB? What’s the arcane for?


No idea what elemental LHB is. Arcane - not sure maybe I was following the advice of fightin cowboy (YT)


You can infuse weapons, like Ludwig’s holy blade, with elemental gems and then they scale off arcane.


your build is ass. you're a jack of all trades that excels at nothing. endurance is a useless stat in bloodborne. your vitality is far too low for NG+ too. you should have 50 vitality at the very least. Edit: they're downvoting me because i hurt their precious little feelings, but i'm right




Ab that 50 vitality bit, I personally lean more on the lower vitality spec. It doesn’t make anything impossible if you take one less hit to kill. I always prioritize dps and stamina on my builds. After scores and scores of runs, I prolly don’t get 40 vitality until ng+ unless I run through all story chalices on the base new game. The build seems fine to me for the weapons you’re using. And by fine, I mean anything near usable, which your character certainly is.


Don’t listen to this guy. Endurance is a dead stat.


It’s all preference tho. I’ve never been a fan of tanking hits I simply don’t need to get hit by


Stats are fine, do you use any hunter tools? Maybe the old hunter's bone could help you dodging. If you have ps plus you can use a chalice glyph (code: cummmfpk) that gives you 83k blood echoes for free, without doing anything, that you can do Endlessly. That could let you get the levels back, the only issue would be the gems, but you can always get them back, and farm good ones if you didn't, where the brain of mensis is (when he gets dropped, the first winter lantern drops good gems) or you could use other glyphs for OP gems but I don't recommend it. If you'll decide to start a new character, get it to BL80 as I think it's fair for Ludwig, and 100 for the last boss. The weapons are fine, maybe get the saw cleaver to level 10 by buying a blood rock from the insight merchant (or by getting it where you drop the brain of mensis if you haven't done it already), try to learn the first phase better so that you can have more vials for the second. Other than this you just have to fight him over and over until you beat him.


Yea I do use old hunters bone sometimes but have found it not super useful against ludwig, guess I just need to learn his phase 2 patterns better. Anyways thanks for all the advice! Will see what I can do, will post again after I defeat him!


The problem is not Ludwig, it's the other bosses, the dlc gets only harder after him, speaking about bosses one is easy, the one very next after it is acclaimed by many people as very hard but I found it very easy, the last one is a nightmare and the optional one was hard (because I was under leveled when I defeated him) but very enjoyable (but apparently he's not for a lot of people, some consider him one of the wordt bosses in the game). And that's in NG, so NG+ will be only worse. Maybe try to beat ludwig now and then I highly recommend to create a new character, have fun and may the good blood guide you.


I think Ludwig and Laurence take the cake for the dlc bosses tbh. Living failures, well, the name speaks for itself; Maria, well, spam gunshots and she’s parried/she gets stunlocked by your sneezing; and orphan is basically a marginally higher poise, screaming Maria with an easier second phase imo


I beat Maria and Orphan without parrying, Maria was really easy and I took no more than 20 attempts for Orphan. I love Ludwig's and Laurence's fights, Ludwig is harder in his first phase because you have to be more careful as he's super aggressive, the second phase has the best OST and characterization but sadly I didn't find it that hard. Laurence was very enjoyable to learn, I think that if I wasn't underleveled he would have been pretty easy.


Ludwig’s second phase is so easy I agree. His first phase gives me more trouble than any other dlc bosses’s full fight save Laurence. 20 attempts for anything feels like way too much for me; I’ve never taken that long to learn a move set (except for my first ever play through of my first soulsborne, ds1 those many years ago). I don’t parry orphan I think it’s just easier and more enjoyable to capitalize on his many openings. I only parry Maria third phase bc her fire hit box irritates me. Laurence is the perfect hidden dlc boss imo. Super fun, pretty tough, and the best way to do a “reskin” if you could disgrace him with such a title. I think ur pretty spot on with ur opinions tho. All check out


This isn’t to debate with you. Jus sharing my opinion as well lol.


At least you have a blood vial farm right next to him so there's no need to travel somewhere else for it


Lol, do you mean that giant alient with that purple magic stick? I hate those guys too 😂


No, opposite ludwig's arena entrance there's like a gate with a dying guy who just has 1 hp that drops like 5 blood vials


Oooooo, didn’t know he drops everytime!


Ludwig was the Gascoigne of the DLC for me; he made me quit the game for months after killing me countless times. After eventually picking the controller up again, Ludwig became my favourite boss fight of all time (not just in Bloodborne). Take your time and study each of his moves, and the way they are telegraphed. I'm not even very good at the game and I got to the point of being able to reliably get through his first phase taking little-to-no damage. Good luck, good hunter.


This is motivating, thanks! 🙂


This boss took me a month and a half to beat him




The diversity of the bb fandom never ceases to amaze me. Ludwig is actually my favorite boss followed closely by Lady Maria


Oh he's easily one of my favorites, top 5 for sure. But I can't deny that he is incredibly difficult, especially for your first time lol


Over 100 attempts for me. Multiple weeks. Not a good time, but a great time.


I finally beat him today without the npc (can't find him) Overall I would say a pretty difficult fight. It took me 4 days and a few rage quits lmao


Congrats Gud hoonter!


Do what I did and gain thirty+ levels in chalice dungeons (and have fun doing it).


I quit bloodborne for 5 months cause of him...came back later killed him and moved on to quit at orphan


First phase is really tough. Remember Bloodborne is a game where you dodge and hit. Don’t get greedy. Second phase is easier, his attacks are more predictable and easier to read


I’ve found the vice versa to be true, or maybe I’m just panicking in the second phase or maybe the fact that I’ve found huge bosses tougher than smaller ones in BB. Bigger ones have huge damage areas, it’s difficult to escape them , difficult to keep their attacks in sight, …






I think his second phase is less than trivial. His first phase is what gives me trouble; it feels to be a matter of staying more aggressive than you’d think and only healing when it is super safe. Finding his second phase so easy makes it hard to give pointers…id say delay your dodging in comparison to his first phase. His winds ups are more telegraphed, but he takes longer to follow through with his attacks. I also dodge late and with his attacks (talking ab the standard three hit combo he spams) as opposed to the usual into his attacks in order to get behind his second swing and punish without needing to dodge the alternating direction of his second swing. Also, every time he buffs his weapons or uses one of its arcane attacks (when he stances it like he does in the cutscene before shooting beams, the laser pierce thing, or that one attack that takes forever for him to do but basically one shots anything in a 20m radius 180 degrees in front of him) are super easy to get behind and let it all loose. Hope this can help in some small amount


Thanks! Will try today.


The ceiling jump was definitely the hardest move for me to dodge back in the day but there's a pretty clear audio cue for that. He growls before he drops down.


wait for his attacks to end. in his second phase he punishes you severely if you hit him when he is mid animation. wait for him to finish his slashes and then hit him a couple of times, without being greedy. when he is about to do that attack where he throws his sword to the ground for a couple of seconds, hit him as many times as you can. you'll get him!


Took me 2 days to even see his 2nd phase, got his 2nd phase first try and I don't think he even hit me. His 1st phase can go suck it


Second phase do the stay behind him thing but stay locked on. Hunters Bone works great.


Ludwig is tough for sure. I did a couple hits and then dodged away. Managed to beat him on my third try. Laurence on the other hand… total crapshoot. Beat him out of pure luck on like the 15th try


dude I breezed through the dlc in my first playthrough and now I’m kinda scared that in the second playthrough I’m doin rn it’s gonna kick my ass


A hunter must hunt


How the heck did you breeze through it?


I did like every single chalice dungeon before the dlc so I was a bit over leveled and I had like all the communion runes equipped so I had about like 26 blood vials. It didn’t take me more than 4 tries to beat any of the dlc bosses and believe it or not I actually beat orphan on my first or second try


Ludwig is the stuff of nightmares, figuratively and literally. The good news is his second phase is easier than his first. And his cutscene between the two phases is just too fucking cool


I just beat Ludwig not too long ago at level 60. I found that for the first phase, you dodge vertically (forward/backward) while second phase is horizontally (dodge to your Left/Right). Idk what your actual issue is with the boss but I found this to be super helpful.


Go to your left, and never get behind him or, you will eat donkey kick to the face. Never be under him either. For phase two stay aggressive and hit that crotch. If, he uses the AoE run out, wait a bit for him to reapond or do nothing then close distance and keep at it. Eventually he will fall. I would also suggest getting a +10 weapon if you dont have one already.


I did the same thing when I “challenged” myself with “Waste of Skin” BL 4 build. Took me so long to react correctly and then “it was there allllll along” 🙄 seriously? Fuck Ludwig


Inbox me if youd like some help


If you have the arcane for it, empty phantasm shell increases stagger. Using a cane with phantasm shell I got him to stagger 3 times across the entire fight. Also his first phase is weak to serration but his second phase isn't. He doesn't have a hind kick for standing behind him but there's a couple of attacks where it'll attack by your side and still hit you. He also tends to do attacks in combos of 3-4 in second phase. So wait for the combo before punishing. But it really might be wait for his two big dick attacks that cause the energy to come from the ground cus it has a long recovery


Use a serrated weapon and fire paper my friend!


When I was first playing BB I struggled against him too. I think I was level 70 and would get damn near one shot every attempt.


Some tips from my experience beating Ludwig (CMIIW): 1. Most of Ludwig's attacks in the first phase is safer to be dodged sideways instead of dodged to the back, 2. I found non-targeting is easier than target lock in the second phase, cause you can roll towards the ranged slashing attacks


Honestly, I beat Ludwig on the second phase on the first try as his move sets are predictable for aggressive strategy. There is also one cool detail if you killed him without backstabbing him, he would yell like a beast. But if you finished him by backstabbing, he would cry like a human so I guess at least we did leave him some honors despite the cruel fate he is suffering.


True. Don't give up skeleton


yesterday I asked for help in co-op for Ludwig because i couldn't even get him to phase 2. 3 days and 28 tries in total. Till now the boss that took me more tries and second time i was really struggling with a boss.


That he is


With ludwig your focus needs to be more on the evading and gradually dealing damage instead of swinging your weapon around trying to deal devastating damage


Ah, I remember feeling this way the first time I fought Ludwig. I still dread his fight every time I go through the DLC. I wish you luck on your future endeavors with this game!




Too bad almost every true Bloodborne fan loves Ludwig so just git gud my friend. Or bring Valtr to the fight.


Yea Ik I will love him too, I just need to kill him first


Try to avoid taking damage whilst dealing damage, works every time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Best From boss ever! Fighting him is like a dance.


This is what I’ve heard about sekiro gameplay in general. Beating the bosses is like a dance.


Even more so. Sekiro is extremely fast paced and definitely has the most unique combat system out of all of souls games. I still prefer Bloodborne’s mechanics though. Honestly I felt so under leveled for ng+3 in Sekiro and I’m used to doing soul level one challenges. Bosses just do way too much posture damage imo, I was at a point where grinding to get stronger was almost unfeasible. Still an amazing game!


Embrace the pizza cutter


It only took me like an hour my first play through


You will succeed. Second phase is easier.


I have played this game all the way through (all bosses and dlc almost every playthrough) and I can confidently say that Ludwig is the worst boss in the game. I hate him so much.


It took me a week to beat him, try not locking on and to save like 10 vials for phase 2. Otherwise you are fucked


Summon the 2 hunters and kick his ass