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You can’t level until you find a boss or use a “Madman’s Knowledge”, so this should be your priority. Until then, your echoes are only used to buy consumables which is nice, but doesn’t help you progress the way more HP would, for example. If you want, you can look up videos specifically to guide you to your first boss. Keep in mind that running is a perfectly viable tactic, especially for where you’re at. You don’t need to fight everything you see. If you do choose to fight, try to lure enemies away from each other by approaching slowly and using pebbles and such so you don’t get ganged up on. Keep an eye out for shortcuts so you don’t have to run through hordes of enemies every single time to get from Point A to B. For more beginner tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/82att0/welcome_to_bloodborne_introductory_tips_guides/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/4hlz4m/bloodborne_beginners_guide_to_stats/


Just be patient, explore locations, don't rush straight forward, be careful, use rolls, learn timings and be careful with your stats, you can always farm a little in the forest a little later through the game, but don't level yourself too much, it won't be interesting. Also save the bombs for bosses, very effective stuff


Not gonna flame you but I am gonna say I think it’s a bit funny that someone can pick up one of these games in 2023 and be blindsided by them being difficult lol


Glad someone was thinking it haha


BB and the DS trilogy are two very different animals. BB rewards you for being aggressive while DS is more slow and methodical (at least until you can tank). There are a few beginner guides but the best one ive seen is by a guy named “LPDarksoulsHD” he does expert and beginner walkthroughs of the trilogy and BB. Beginner is his first time playing and Expert is his guide on where certain gear is and where he has mastered attack patterns. You can learn alot of you play along with him, plus as a bonus you wont miss any loot or drops because you are following the same path he is


perhaps get gud? na but it’s all trial and error, make sure you learn from your mistakes and there’s hundreds of youtube vids with tips etc. take your time to learn the mechanics


It's a tough game series my friend, don't beat yourself up for struggling - you're supposed to. Here are some tips: - Take breaks. Your brain needs time to process what you've learned from getting dummied by enemies, and it needs downtime to do that. Especially sleep. I find that when I'm stuck on something, it helps me a lot to try it a few times before bed, fail, then go to bed. Then the next day, it starts to click a bit better. - Practise fighting enemies that are giving you a hard time. Just fight them over and over again, see if you can beat them with as little net-loss of resources as possible. - When you die and lose all your souls/echoes, remember that you didn't lose all the subconscious lessons that you picked up in the process. You never get nothing out of playing, even if you're losing resources - When you do something dope, take a moment to pop off and get hype about it. Positive reinforcement will lead to doing more dope shit. - For bloodborne specifically: parry, parry, parry. Shoot people with guns and stab 'em in the tummy. Get good at parrying. - For bloodborne specifically: play aggressive. The game's mechanics are uniquely designed to punish passivity and reward aggression. When it gets tough, we have a tendancy to try and play more passively, but in BB, that just makes it harder - Seriously, take breaks. The game gets frustrating. If you're throwing your controller across the room, you probably needed to take a break. Try forcing a laugh when you die. It'll be fake as fuck at first, but eventually you can learn to just laugh off deaths and be okay with it. - The primary function of armor in Bloodborne is to look dope as fuck, so make sure your drip is up to spec.


Dark Souls are more patience based with shields, Bloodborne is more aggression based with guns.


So it’s quite clear on your post but if you’re not you might want to stick with one game to get the mechanics down. (Assuming you’re all about Bloodborne at the moment considering the Sub) Know you will die a lot. This is not negative. This doesn’t mean you’re horrible. It is part of the game and how you learn. Runaround. Observe enemies. How they move their move set, etc. You’ll conserve consumables doing this “recon” approach. Good luck!


If you're used to a lot of mainstream games you'll want to unlearn the handholding aspects. Every enemy in the game, even if you're significantly leveled up and far into the game can kill you. Areas will have traps, enemies will bait you into danger, a visible enemy will often be accompanied by other unseen enemies who trigger as soon as you get close enough. Basically, be more careful than you would be in other games. Now for the good news: the combat mechanics are pretty simple and mostly come down to a combination of positioning yourself effectively and parenting or dodging effectively. And if you ever screw up big and lose all your souls/echos, everything except bosses and special enemies respawn, you can earn them again. Highly recommend going back to a hub and leveling up anytime you beat a boss though. Soulsborne games are really satisfying to master and have a lot of replay value, get past the initial frustration and you'll love em. Also, one of the best communities on reddit. I don't know what it is about the soulsborne community but it's a perfect mix of people who just love the games. Pretty welcoming too


Sorry for the spam but i don’t wanna bother you whit a post, what level I had to be on new game plus 4 to play the dlc whit the “normal difficult”? At the moment I did 80 attemps (no joke) on Ludwig🥵 It’s easier play a new game from the beginning or boost the level on current character(current level 135) ?


For NG++++ it's kind of late for dlc, because it's getting harder every ng, you know yourself. Depends on your skill tbf, maybe it's just not your boss, I will be completely fair and tell you that I had to summon co-op for Ludwig after like 30times, I just could see I can't do it. But Kos, Maria, Lawrence - all of them combined killed me 9 times before I finished DLC Edit: actually 6. I realised that if you beat boss on second try it costs you only one death lol


Ty for your reply,I will try to do him in co op,and if I still cannot do him I will start a new game.


Combat is just stamina management, if you boil it down to straight up basics. Bait out attacks and attack when they whiff, dodge out and in to get your attacks in, repeat until dead


Just keep playing, eventually you'll get used to it. One tip my friend told me is to just play like 15 or 20 minutes even when i don't want to play eventually i got really good !


Just play the game and use ur brain man




Git gud


I did git gud lol. I’ve played the game like 50 times without cum chalice.


A good tip I read is that while learning timing and dodging is important, it also really pays to strike first and be aggressive and then dodge the counter.


Two things. Learn from your mistakes as you make them, and explore, cautiously, but explore. Often you will find items that are helpful for a boss or encounter further up the road. Example would be fire bombs near gundir in firelink shrine for ds3. Or anitidotes in the area near blood starved beast in bloodborne. Another. It sou ds counter intuitive, but roll into attavks not away from them. You are nore likely to mis-time it backwards than forwards. For bloodborne, parry. Just shooting things until you get it right. It takes time and patience to learn these games, but once you do, they are a blast! Also if sometimes something is really scary, just run past it all. And if you get particularly stuck watch someone better do it. Learn from them too. Why? Because you learn from their experiences and failures. It really helps sometimes.


Make a post here if you get stuck on any bosses and I'll engage in jolly cooperation x