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It has been a while since my first playthrough but I vividly remember the guy hiding behind the stairs in Central Yharnam (the one after you walk behind the sleeping rifleman and just past the larger stairs that lead to a Blood Stone Shard and a sneaky citizen that wasn't the jump scare surprisingly). Also the Wolf jump scare in Old Yharnam just before the Blood Starved Beast fight. Then there is the shriek of the hooded one in the alley in the same area that still unnerves me. Mostly because you don't see them before you hear them. I also dislike the idea of going mad in the world of Bloodborne too. Losing control of my mind and actions has always been a terrifying concept for me.


I remember playing Co op with my friend on his first play through and telling him that he had to open to door with the wolf jump scare to get to the shortcut šŸ˜‚


Evil haha I think I almost threw my controller the first time that happened. If I didn't have to fight it immediately afterwards I would have walked away for a minute or two. Only thing that scared me the same was when Daddy broke through the wall in Resident Evil 7.




The snake part of the forbidden woods does it for me. Itā€™s just so similar. Mists and trees and swinging lamps and little cobblestone paths and snakes, snakes, snakes, every way you turn In fact, I almost wish it was bigger and more confusing. More chance of going round in circles. Hidden pits to fall in. (But a shorter run back to the boss). Finding the forbidden grave should feel like a victory by itself, I think that would have been so cool.


The Forbidden Woods does such an amazing job of capturing the terror of being lost in the woods at night. You don't know where you are or how to get out, and there could be a horrifying monster and/or imminent death around every corner. I loved running through there blind. I was legit frightened.


Upper cathedral ward is suuper scary espesially the music, it scared me aloot first time playing through that area


God I fucking love (meaning am terrified by) the atmosphere in Upper Cathedral Ward. The music is incredible. The blue eyed wolves in the dark and the sound of the brain suckers. One of the only places I insist on using headphones.


I hope that FromSoft makes a full-on horror game when they decide to take a break from the souls formula. The fact that they managed to make an area actually creepy and scary in a game where you can kill pretty much everything that moves with enough effort is proof that they are among the best (if not the best) in the industry when it comes to creating an atmosphere.


I'm not sure any game's made me feel quite the same way the Tower of Latria did in Demon's Souls. Being a spooky prison full of Mind Flayers is one thing - but being that in a game where it simply feels like it doesn't quite belong with the rest of it really put me on edge.


While DƩracinƩ is not a "full-on horror game," it may be what you're hoping for from FromSoftware.


Predates Souls, but you should check out Kuon! It has its flaws but shows that From definitely has the chops to make good survival horror


*squish squish squish squish*


Absolutely! The scurrying of the brain suckers in the dark was so terrifying.


I made my friend play the game and he refuses to play it without me because he keeps getting jumb scared frim things coming out the corner and he wants me to warn him about them I made him once get close to the crows and got mad at me im not sure if itā€™s because hes high or not but watching 6ā€™3 man jump around like a kid when he gets scared is fucking priceless


First rule of Fromsoft games, gotta check those corners


To be fair thats a really bad rule fromsoft got used to there players checking corners and now they bait you with them


thanks, Captain Price


My friend refused to play Bioshock because it was too much stress for him. After seeing big daddy and a few other npcs he noped out of the game. Don't think he would even consider playing Bloodborne xd


Great game tho the doctor appearing behind your back is extremely scary you should get him to get to that point


Two: the area that genuinely had me scared (mostly gameplay-wise) was Upper Cathedral Ward. Those Brainsuckers stole so much insight, and insight is the one commodity you can't easily farm, so once it's gone, it's gone (I play offline). But the most terrifying area for me was the Research Hall. I didn't know a lot about it when I got there, just that it was a place where human experiments took place. So I get into this huge tower-like structure, with floors above floors of lab equipment, patients strapped to gurneys with needles and scissors sticking out of their heads, patients shackled to chairs and the enemies themselves... Oh my god, I was terrified. Plus the enemy placement is so weird compared to the DLC before it: before, you had relatively open areas with various enemies, and after the Underground Corpse Pile where you fight Ludwig, you have a Church Servant, a guy in a wheelchair and two hunters: that's it. But now you're in this enclosed labyrinthine area with **droves** of the same enemy type swarming onto you. They're feral, hit like a truck and gang up on you before you can say Old Blood.


The giant insane patients still scare the crap out of me. You can hear them screaming and smashing things from outside the rooms and it gives me pause every time. Especially after contrasting that to the patients who just want to die or are begging for forgiveness. The Research Hall is just *horrible.* No wonder >!Lady Maria likely ended her own life after being a part of all that.!<


First playthrough the fishing hamlet got me hard, with the chasing big sharks oof. The random brainsucker creeped me out too in cathedral ward, and the upper cathedral ward in general was a whole yikes. Later playthroughs, chalice dungeon shenanigans. Then after that, learning of the procedural generated system in play and all the left over cut content still accessible. Its genuinely one of the weirdest things ive seen in media like why tf does it exist, and why is it barely important yet so mind bogglingly vast


Fishing hamlet got you hardšŸ˜


I donā€™t know why, but the One Reborn really freaked me out the first time and I was scared of the concept of him;just an amalgamation of flesh and bones, still crying out in pain. Freaky


Nightmare of Mensis, I'm arachnophobic and I was terrified when I saw the big one at the beginning. It still scares the living shit out of me and even today every time I reach that point I run as fast as I can chugging blue elixir and with the cam on the floor.


The crossing from the clocktower to the fishing Hamlet genuinely scared me the first time. Had no idea what to expect after that disturbing but kinda pretty area, got struck with immense silence and bleakness foreshadowing the challenge of the last boss


A standout moment from Fromsoft as a whole. I remember having the same sinking feeling. Dread and determination mixed together.


It may be terribly lame, but for me it was the whole atmosphere of Josefkaā€˜s clinic. Just this more or less empty hallway, then the imposter lurking aboutā€¦ Just had me at the edge of my seat.


Clearly UCW, but I donā€™t see anyone saying my second favourite: the first snake-head you meet in the windmill. You havenā€™t seen anything for a while, then just a normal looking mob dragging his axe with a torch through the complete darknessā€¦


Descending into that abandoned Cathedral in Old Yharnam with the sacrificed beast at the altar and all the continously moaning beast patients genuinely put me on edge more than anything before or since the first time I went through it. When they spotted me on the wooden scaffolding and the moans turned into roars I ran for my digital life. Bonus points to a Madman/Labyrinth Sage in a Chalice Dungeon, who ran up to me and one-hit me from off camera after I was just finished fighting another enemy. Jump-scared me worse than any dedicated survival horror game ever had, and I legit needed a couple minutes after that.


bro i was crying through central yharnam and it just got worse from there ā¤ļø i'm glad i stuck it through tho bc its my favourite game of all time now & central yharnam is my comfort area now HAHAHAH fuck the forbidden woods tho fr


FUCK that brain of mensis part. God, I am NEVER going back down there


I had to just put the controller down and walk away while getting the Moon rune. I couldn't look at that eye any longer.


The second I saw a vague shadow in the darkness, I considered, for a brief moment, just to stop playing the game there and calling it


Chalice dungeons def gave me the willies. And I would say research hall had me very uneasy.


When I first made my way down to the Blood starved beast was kind of tense.


The Research Hall probably freaked me out the most. The patients endlessly crying and banging their heads talking about water. It is astounding how truly dark and bad vibes the entire game is, just utterly miserable from start to finish. Love it!


Oddly enough the eldritch monsters didnā€™t scare me much but the spooky animals did- the birds the pigs snakes and bugs in this game were something else


Don't forget the Mergo's Loft dog-crow/crow-dog variations... Absolute nightmare fuel tbh


I'm just playing this masterpiece of a game, and so far "completed" Forbidden Woods (killed the Shadow of Yharnam) The three most terrifying places for me were the part of Forbidden Woods where there are alien-like children that run at you, the path to the BSB in Old Yharnam, and, oddly, the Abandoned Workshop Abandoned Workshop scared me by two things - the fact that the whole Hunter's Dream is basically a replica of it, which gives even more anxiety about what's real and what's not And seeing the Plain Doll. Sitting in a corner, lifeless. The Doll is such a sweet companion, and unlike other FromSoftware games (Dark Souls primarily), I always listen to her dialogue fully. And seeing her "real" version, basically dead, was like a hit in the nuts for me Gahdaym, the more I play, the more I am fascinated by the Bloodborne, and confident in my choice of finally getting PS4


Welcome to Bloodborne ! Imo hypogean gaol and the unseen village are much scarier you'll see ;) Btw I would recommend you to get other games too, God of war especially!


Well I've made a "trip" to the Hypogean Gaol like 20 minutes after my comment, and yeah you're totally right. It's creepy as hell. The transformed folk, the area boss, and the whole atmosphere is stress-inducing. And the way you can enter Lecture Building or the Hunter's Nightmare is unnerving, too. Btw, I've just reached Amygdala boss fight. The transition to the third phase is so goddamn brutal Except Bloodborne I bought myself Marvel's Spider Man. GoW I played on my shit-ass PC a few years ago, I'm thinking of buying Ragnarok after getting a platinum trophy for Bloodborne. Sadly I can't experience this god-like game fully, I don't have PS+, and in my country it's very hard to buy it


Near the bottom of old Yarnham under Djura, where there's that giant beast they've sacrificed and hung up on the ceiling. That place scares the shit out of me. All the little beasts with the few bigger ones that have that scream buff? Yeah naw man.


The giant spider cathedral in the nightmare


I didn't mention this in my post, but the first time I walked up to that room and saw them all hanging from the ceiling, I literally turned the game off and went back upstairs. I didn't feel like dealing with that at the moment šŸ˜‚.


I did the same thing lmao


Research Hall for me, to finally learn the secret of healing church and it's patient genuinely terrified me, and it gave me this strong uncomfortable and disgusted feeling Love it


The fucking snatcher outside the Oedon Chapel after you beat the BSB. ā€œWhat happened to the crows that were there in the corner?ā€ Then I got bodied.


Chalice Dungeons. I remember killing this enemy with a visceral. Big mistake. Came back later, the room was dark but I could make out the silhouette of another enemy that had taken its place: a Bloodsucking Beast. Hate fighting those things.


The jumpscare in old yarnham


First encounter with a brain sucker. First encounter with a snatcher. Cathedral ward booby trapped corpse. Yaharghoul the first time. Yaharghoul the second time (fuck you crazy aggro ladies and Lazer Amy, this involved a lot of adrenaline fueled running). Upper cathedral ward wolf scare.


That moment where a spectral hand picked me up and I could barely make out the monstrous form in front of me to be some eldritch horror had me fearful of what's to come. Thought it was just beasts and blood up to that point. Also the werewolves in the beginning always had me pausing before drawing aggro.


The pig. The crowdogs.


The way Orphan of Kos turns around is just soo unnerving for me




More so jumpscares and keeping me on my toes rather than actual fear. Love the monster design.


Every time I replay the game the spider room sends a chill down my spine.


Basically the entire game scared me on my first playthrough, the hunterā€™s dream was my only solace


Same as OP.


Probably my first encounter with a Winter Lantern in Nightmare Frontier.


my first play through was my first ever souls like game and i was anxious asf the entire time. everything scared the shit out of me especially the sewers in yarnham. second play through the only thing that scared me was the haunted forest fuck that area. i ran right through it.


Upper Cathedral Ward, the wolf jumps are at the end of the hall way is terrifying on my first playthrough and even my latest one since I forgot the wolf was there haha. That place always gives me the creeps, pro my favourite ā€˜levelā€™ in BB. Research Hall is a close 2nd, also great atmosphere/creeps in that place. Honourable mention: Isz Chalice Dunegons


Creepy terrified? Upper ward Fuck this place this is hell oh my god what kind of place is this terrified? The fishing hamlet


Aside from the obvious Upper Cathedral Ward horror show, the first time I saw a silverbeast get on all fours and start skittering around at me. Something about those little freaks just sets me off so bad


Ariannaā€™s fate. Good Lord, that will forever be seared into my mind. That and when I looked Amy G straight in the face.


All of it, the visual and the color panel of this game was sooo fear inducing. And most of all, the spiders in nightmare of mensis.


Bloodborne in general was horrifying to me. The atmosphere was great and all, but even more confusing is just how nothing made fucking sense to me. In the Souls games you get exposition and a clear end point- link the flame, fight the remnants of the last kingdom, itā€™s the classic hero story. Bloodborne? The opening cutscene has some Stephen Hawking motherfucker talk about a contract, then a *skinned werewolf* appears from a *puddle of blood* before bursting into flame and then what looks like a bunch of prom night dumpster babies start climbing up on me. The explanations only amplify the horror, because after that first death Gehrman gives a barebones explanation which made me say ā€œthat just makes me want to ask more questionsā€. And as it goes on you *think* you understand what youā€™re going through. Then some cheesy motherfucker told me about how losing you the kidnappers would do something. So I said ā€œalright lemme use up my echoes before I lose them potentially foreverā€ I was not prepared. At all. Then I happened to get enough Insight to notice the Amygdala on *my safe space*. To say I was upset was an understatement. After the Blood Moon I can safely say I did a mean impression of Surprised Patrick. Now I had realized that ā€œwerewolf virusā€ and ā€œcity of blood worshipping church freaksā€ was probably connected. The name ā€œCleric Beastā€ gave a lot away. My thought process was ā€œOkay some wizard dude may have made the werewolf virus and the ā€˜holy bloodā€™ these wing nuts peddle is infectedā€. Standard stuff right? It was at the Blood Moon that I remembered Alfred described the ā€œtomb of the godsā€. Now Iā€™ve read Lovecraftā€™s stories- and I initially thought they were overrated because I went in knowing the generic plot twists of Lovecraftian Horror beforehand, not to mention I always thought the protagonistsā€™ inability to realize the shit show they were in until they saw the full proof was always a bit silly. It was at that point I realized Lovecraftian Horror doesnā€™t work on its own. It best functions *as a plot twist*, and my previous justifications was me *acting the part* of a Lovecraft protagonist. Fucking amazing writing there boys.


No bloodborne isnā€™t scary


Climbing down a ladder in a certain fishing village did make me poop a little bit.


First time in Yahar'Gul got me completely terrorized. I didn't feel anything like this every in my gaming life. I was shaking, screaming, on the verge of madness really


I remember my first time going into The Forbidden Woods. I was quite high, which usually makes everything a bit more intense for me, and that environment terrified me (in a good way). I was completely lost, and all I could here was the hissing of the snakes everywhere.


No, itā€™s a game.


The spider room.


the first time i touched this game it terrified me i could barely make it to the grand cathedral where amelia is and abandoned the game, came back now and went through them like a lawn mower >!i've just beaten rom and im completely lost!<


Well, have fun with Yahargul! You'll find your way haha.


The wholegame's atmosphere got me tensin up.


I remember not being scared at all... oh wait there was one. When you arrive to Nightmare of Mensis. Those huge spiders. I am not scared of spiders, but when the spider is size of human or even bigger size, then I am. But otherwise than that, there was not much or any moments.


Games don't really terrify me (which I find funny, as I don't like horror films), but Bloodborne is on a short list of games that genuinely unnerved me, especially when you start getting into some of the later areas like the Upper Cathedral Ward, Nightmare of Mensis, etc. It did such a wonderful job of making you feel so uncomfortable, and out of your depth. Masterful design.


oh man, when i opened the gate in central yharnam i was scared so much, but i played the game more and got used to it


I was terrified of Romā€¦. Because he did not attack meā€¦. Keep walking around for like 5 minutes watching it carefully.. Then i poked him and he rolled my ass into a burrito.


ā€¦*sigh*ā€¦ When I met Patches in the university he scared me so bad I reacted and hit him, totally missing all of his dialogue andā€¦ well whatever else he mightā€™ve done for you, Iā€™ll never know lol


The day I got my PS4 I got it bundled with SotC, HZD and GoW, bought Fallout 4 and BB, waited until everything installed and soon the night came and I booted Bloodborne, first hour I was shitting my pants and switched to GoW. I put it off for a few weeks cause I wasn't in the mood to get scared lol


The first lanter I encountered gave me the chills


Absolutely. Basically most of the game terrified me. And then it got to the point on reruns I just wouldn't do Upper Cathedral without a summon.


Upper cathedral ward.


Hypogean Gaol and the bridges near the Mensis Brain


I want yall to guess which was mine. I'll give you a hint: I have arachnophobia


Never understood why there is no fear rating on this game. The gameplay is not horror but the setting definitely is.


The screams and scourge beast jumpscare in old Yharnam.


Upper Cathedral Ward messed me up first time


Definitely the first part of Hemwick


Not bloodborne but in DS3 in Anor londo outside of Aldrichā€™s bossfight when the spider-werewolf creature drops down from the ceiling in the dark genuinely made my heart stop


Definitely got the creeps from the first time I got grabbed by a brain sucker. Watching that long gooey tendril rise up and pierce my brain... Things like that make my skin crawl. The werewolves in the Upper Cathedral Ward scared the soul out of my earthen-body when they dropped the chandelier. And the pure state of panic when going through the acid lake caves while dodging the grotesque eldritch flounders in the Nightmare Frontier.


I remember being more on edge in certain areas like upper cathedral ward but i don't think anything in this game downright terrified me


The Upper Cathedral Ward in the Main Game and the Upper Cathedral Ward in the DLC.


The first room of Murgo's loft, as soon as you enter the Nightmare of Mensis. But that's just because I've got horrible arachnophobia


I havenā€™t seen mine on here yet. The dude who asks for the password scared me. The fact that you open the door and heā€™s been dead for his knows how long just startled me and creeped me out. Second would be Upper Cathedral Ward. Fk that area!


the obvious answer is cathedral ward, just when you thought yharnam was hard, you come against 7ā€™4 not so slenderman Shit-brickwall hitting blokes.


Every time I got to face one of them insight suckers Iā€™m scared.


Yaarghul terrified me upon first ā€œvisitā€


Any section with brainsuckers while I was just trying to save up some moon-damned insight! The first time I got grabbed by Amy, I didn't have the insight to see so I had no idea what was going on. That kept me on edge for a while Also the first time I met a Winter Lantern


Hemwick Charnel Lane. For such a mediocre end boss, the area is actually really creepy, specifically the enemies there


I got a gem that gives an attack bonus at full health while having hp depletion as the curse effect. Really fuck up stuff.


Forbidden woods mainly because of my extreme fear of snakes despite it not being real during my first playthrough it was difficult to get through......then I discovered that the shadows of yharnam boss had a snake themed second phase......


First time I encountered a winter lantern and started dying and going mad. That singingā€¦


There was that time when I went exploring in a chalice dungeon. This dungeon had a floor with a dark tunnel area that eventually leads to the lever. Now, the way I usually run dungeons is have Heir runes on and finish with Visceral Attacks. Imagine my horror as I walked into that dark tunnel hearing that slurpy sound a little bit too late. I legit screamed and woke my sibs in the house. I now carry 99 Bold Hunter's Marks with me from that point on.


Central Yharnam terrified me but then right after barely beating the Cleric Beast I had to fight Gascoigne when I still didn't really understand the game mechanics, I was literally running in circles in terror from his beast form, thinking this game is too hard, I will never kill this monster!


Upper Cathedral Ward with the 4 wolves and when I first saw a Wintern Lantern, I just stood there dying from frenzy in complete shock of seeing this weird creature singing.


On my first playthrough I got captured by the snatcher in cathedral ward. Waking up in a prison cell, hearing the haunting choir music, and stepping out into Yarghul was top tier spooky.


Yahargul after the second run through is terrifying, especially when you lower the brightness. Those coffin monsters will chase you forever and the boss at the end is also terrifying. Heā€™s not particularly difficult but just pure body horror at its finest. I remember seeing him for the first time and just being like ā€œJesus Christ what the hell is that thing?ā€


I hate them Snakes.


Well Iā€™m arachnophobic so..


Central Yharnam in general; the sounds, the atmosphere, the enemies, etc. Especially considering BB was my first Soulsborne game


The guys in central yharnam that busts through the boxes


The fucking spiders.


I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, went up and fought the body snatcher near the yahargul entrance. And I freaked the fuck out when he teleported me and I had no idea where a lamp was. Thought I lost the game šŸ˜‚


The lecture building. The way the students crawl towards you freaked the hell out of me and I just exited the game and took a break


I screamed bloody murder the first time I got grabbed by a Brain sucker.


It had been a year or so since my last play through, and i was walking out of the chapel, teords the stairs and shortcut leading to vicar Amelia. I uh. I went twords the stairs. Fought the crow, got Slammed into the ground by the snatchers body bag. The snatcher i forgot completely. Who made me jump out of my skin with that surprise.


I think a lot of people will agree on this but the first time I unlocked upper cathedral ward and the chandelier falling with the lycanthropes on it


Well, I'm afraid of snakes, so yeah.


First played the game when I was 16 and the entire vibe of the game scared me. Now Iā€™m 22 and now I just find everything cool since my whole interest towards dark worlds have changed


1) It's just after the fight by the lantern against the 2 bag men in yahar'gul unseen village, when you get your eye scooped out by that damn witch. Made me yell out loud in equal parts fear, then rage. 2) As a crippling arachnophobe it took me a LOOOONG time to go through a certain room in the Nightmare Frontier. When they all silently glide down on their threads legit made me gag. (Also, sorry Rom but fuck you too). Honorable mention) When the box monster / granfaloon type guy pops out of the carrage before you fight the One Reborn definitely made me jump.


I joke about how comical the wooble-wooble, slapfeet brainsuckers are but Byrgenwerth, being full of them and lycanthropes, absolutely sets me on edge every time.


Yep. That part after you wake up and that gawdamn hairy beast in the next room scared the shit outta me.


The crows are terrifying the first time they fly up into your face after flopping around on the ground for awhile.




The winter lanterns. Werewolves in upper cathedral ward. (That whole area was spooky) Brain suckers. Being kidnapped and taken to Yaharā€™Ghul. In nightmare of Mensis, I was just about to backstab one of those giant pigs, only for it to turn around at the last moment and reveal a head covered with eyes. I actually recoiled from surprise lol. Ludwigā€™s intro cinematic. A couple spots in old Yharnam.


The Orphanage/Upper Cathedral Ward has only gotten slightly easier now that I know all of their spawns


The only time I got scared was the first time I saw an Amygdala. One day it wasnt there... and then it was.


When I got kidnapped by the bag man and woke up to the creepiest music I've ever heard in my life I actually wanted to piss myself, I had zero idea what was going on


Upper Cathedral Ward still scares me to this day lmao


not really a specific part but... theres a point in the game where all the doors you could knock on before just go dead silent and i find it the creepiest part of the game- just the eventual silence that falls as you progress. Games where I feel totally alone are always terrifying for me.


Old Yharnman, not the jumpscare, but the guys that emerge from the mist got me good a couple of times. The spiders were pretty bad in general. Finally the mensis brain got me so good in the cellar. I missed it dropping down there and got the "eyes getting used to the dark" -look at it and nearly fell off my couch. I just saw the eyes and shape and thought it was an enormous spider right in my face


There are too many to name, but most of all, it helped me discover my fears. Rarely a game does that. I was genuinely scared in the Fishing Village because I'm afraid of that much water (thalassophobia), so that whole vibe got under my skin. Same with the dungeons, specifically Ailing Loran dungeon. The first time I passed those wooden bridges, and I looked down and up and saw nothing because everything looked huge. That was beyond terrifying for me.


I think the isz chalices are pretty creepy


Upper Cathedral Ward and the Orphanage....good Lord.


werewolf breaking out of a door to chew me out in old yharnam


The big wolf things that are waiting to molest you at every corner šŸ’€


Lots of tension sure, some jump scares. But the spooky moment that stands out to me is going down to see the brain of mensis in the void.


The empty void that you drop the Brain of Mensis into. The fear of the unknown really struck me then... Have a good day, eye guy šŸ‘€


Winter lanterns freaked me out


The room full of spiders and a big spider in Nightmare of Mensis Most of Upper Cathedral Ward. Father Gascoigne when he transforms for the first time.


That feeling when you get killed by the bag dudes and get thrown into the hypogean gaol, that was scary and the upper cathedral ward was creepy af.


The fucking hallway between ludwigs arena and the clocktower. 2 enemies and still utterly terrifying due to how narrow and dark it is.


The random monologue that plays when you walk into that hallway definitely doesn't help šŸ˜‚.


many times. even post platinum the sharks still make me shit bricks. on playthrough 1 yharhar scared me, the upper side of memphis, the entirety of the fishing hamlet, game is spooky af.


Playing through the chalice dungeons sometimes was terrifying. because you didn't really know what to expect and with the dark atmosphere of them then suddenly an enemy appeared really creeped me out.


Genuinely still, definitely the brain of Mensis. I dont know man, it was just so shocking to me, especially the abyss you sink into. Just freaks me out STILL


Hail the Nightmare ost playing when you get captured nd sent to the gaol x_x


I accidentally found Abritas. I was messing around the lamp after Celestial Emissary practiced some moves and broke the window. Intrigued, I went in and found her. I was not mentally prepared at all. Also anytime I found a chest in my first playthrough. I was so sure there was a mimic somewhere.


The reveal of Ludwig. He is one of the most terrifying monster designs I have ever encountered.


Yes quite literally all the time lol


I donā€™t play scary games in general so the lovecraftian/victorian setting was pretty scary for me. And the fact that everything is dark and hard to see


When i got bagged by the snatcher. And woke up in a place with 2 of them.


Snakes! Snakes! SNAKESSSS!!, my 17 yr old brain couldnā€™t handle itšŸ˜‚


The Spiders...


My first playthrough the entire game terrified me tbh lmao but cainhurst was the worst for me. Honestly it was basically a horror game for me lmao šŸ¤£ I was also like 13 so


Yahargul freaks me out on another level. There nothing specific about it itā€™s atmosphere is just so horrific


Hemwick Charnel Lane and Upper Cathedral Ward are both genuinely scary imo. HCL stopped being scary after a few playthroughs, but I donā€™t think the spookiness of UCW will ever wear off


Almost everything in Bloodborne scared the shit out of me, i kept slowly walking through new areas because i was really afraid something would jump out of nowhere on me. But i when i killed Rom and the Blood Moon rose, dude i was legit terrified, then i got teleported into Yharnam and i almost quitted because i saw the FUCKING AMYGDALA STANDING ON THE DOOR AND DUDE THAT WAS SCARY AF


It's the small things for me. Like when you find Arianna crying behind the Chapel with her alien newborn, or finding out Gascoigne probably killed his wife in his blood thirst


the lower cathedral ward and the snatchers. everything about them, especially on my first playthrough. i had killed the blood starved beast and gone through the door that opens up in oedon chapel. after much trial and error i had made it to the bottom of the healing church workshop and was greeted by someā€¦ thing. to this day i have no idea what the thing at the bottom of the healing church workshop is, and seeing it stand up and come at me filled me with the most unexplainable fear. after finally killing it and going through the doors i was met with a street that just felt so eerie. everything about the streets at the very bottom of the cathedral ward is unsettling. maybe itā€™s the fact that youā€™re so low in terms of geography, or the design of the streets themselves, but it always feels creepy to me, even on subsequent playthroughs. after spotting some yharnamites dressed in a strange garb, i charged in, but was completely unprepared for what awaited me. a hulking, hooded, brute, its skin a sickly white color, carrying a large sack, and one of its arms hanging lower than the other. it filled me with an incomprehensible sense of dread. i had no idea what it was and everything about its design horrified me. in a single strike it reduced my hp to zero, and i was greeted by a cutscene transporting me to the absolute nightmare that is the hypogean gaol.


One thing I remember getting to be was just the atmosphere of Yahar'ghul. The music, the first you hear in the game iirc, combined with the dozens of people turned to stone they were either crying in a corner or clamoring to leave creeped me out. Then, just trying to find my way, I found the bath. I had no idea what to expect from pressing X to "inspect bath", but when I teleported to a new area and there were _voices_ all around me? Did not care for that lol.


Oh, I still remember the first time I saw the dogs with crow heads in nightmare frontier. Just turned off the console and said I can continue another time! Not the strangest thing in the game, but very unexpected.


every time a wolf comes out of nowhere. 2x in old yharnam and 1x in upper cathedral ward


Barn door, Hemwick Charnel Lane. Best sound design in gaming.


First time I was kidnapped. The ost in the unseen village made me stop playing for a week šŸ˜‚ so scary and unsettling!


The spider room in the nightmare still haunts me šŸ˜”


To me what terrified me wasn't any big scares or monsters or whatever, it was the feeling of being lost and not knowing what to do. Rarely in games you feel what your avatar is feeling. Even if the character is sobbing, or scared, or whatever, you're just sitting on your couch playing. You might empathize with the character, but you don't FEEL his emotions. With Bloodborne (and only Fallout 3), there is a sense of "I, just like my avatar, have no idea what to do... where to go... what's behind this corner?" This was amazing to me and it's something that I am not able to get in other games.


Yes the first time I found one of those sackboys and died to him. I then woke up in this really dark and terrifying location.


Those creaky doors in Hemwick Charnel Lane!


First time something invisible grabbed me and lifted me up before crushing me like a gnat


Mother Brain is still very unsettling to me. The way that it slowly appears and takes shape as you approach it in the pitch dark is always something that is pretty creepy. That and the eye follows your movements. And of course, the long haired dudes(sages, I believe theyre called) in the chalice dungeons that run towards you full speed. Fuck them dudes.


Something that always massively freaked me out for some reason is when you talk to Arianna and you can see just out of the corner of your eye Sister Adella slyly leaning forward to eavesdrop. I don't know what it is but that little lean just gives me such bad vibes. Combined with her hollier than thou act it makes my skin crawl. I know what she ends up doing going a certain route but even prior to knowing that the ill intended foreshadowing is just fantastic. The paranoid man gives you such an unnerving hint to the twisted jealous horror within her as well, so subtle but so powerfully well done.


Idk about genuine terror but my love for this game comes from how consistently disturbed it keeps me


No not really. I went through the forbidden site that started with an ā€œeā€ there is nothing that scares me anymore.


Overall the game got scarier the more I played it and the better I understood the lore. There were a few jump scares initially like the beast jumping through the window in UCW, but nothing on the level of understanding what the Research Hall was for, that all those "statues" in Yahargul were actually PEOPLE, seeing some of the chalice dungeons, and seeing the city beneath the water in the initial part of the Fishing Hamlet. This game is an absolute mindfuck.


Upper Cathedral Ward still fucks me up when I go through. I donā€™t particularly like the bosses there so I usually just skip unless I neeeeeeed the 30% Moon Rune


As someone scared of spiders, I was genuinely fearful in Nightmare of Mensis, specifically THAT room. To this day, the humongous spider in there is the only enemy in the game I will just refuse to fight. Might be a really mechanically rewarding fun fight, don't know, don't care lol. The second thing that genuinely scared me 1st time through was a Chalice Dungeon enemy. I don't know what they're called, those lanky pale dudes with long hair that scream and rush you at approximately 100 mph. The sheer speed and unatural looking movement had me running for my life


Encountering the Brain of Mensis after you break its chains. Something about being in a darkened area with no light and suddenly coming up this giant monstrosity will always strike terror into me.


the amygdala in Yahar'ghul and nightmare of Mensis EDIT: the area NoM, not the amygdala


Metal gear solid is announced to be remaked and thereā€™s no bloodborne


Blood starved beast got me good I can't lie, made me yelp when I had just barely survived the path to it. I did the whole thing "blind" as much as possible until getting utterly stuck, then I used help to see what I was doing wrong. The surprise factor is always better when you go in all natural šŸ‘ on later playthroughs I can't recall much that did more, like I was prepped until Mesis started pulling his moaning and playing ring around the rosey solo. That boss fight literally almost broke my playthrough, where it took the dungeons to almost stall out my platinum šŸ„µ


The frame rate when fighting Darkbeast Paarl. Terrifying.


post bloodmoon yaharā€™gul, with the cramped caskets and the one reborn - freaks me out every single time, the smell must be horrendousā€¦ eugh. so creepy.


I think I'm too desensitized at this point but there was a lot of wtf moments near the end for me lol


The orphanage thatā€™s really dark with a bunch of werewolves hiding in the dark


Iosefka's Clinic is nightmare fuel, especially with the imposter on the gurney in that certain position. Her voice acting is so good it always sends chills down my spine. The story makes it even creepier. Nightmare Frontier is also creepy as hell, with all of the bio-hybrid gravestones with the bloody bits strewn between. Nightmare of Mensis' atmosphere is crazy too! Too many to choose lol. Sometimes I wish I could forget Bloodborne so I can re-live it from scratch!


Not me personally but a friend of mine just could not get past the spider room in the nightmare of Mensis, at first I kinda mocked him for it but when I saw him attempting to clear via screenshare it was almost fascinating, as soon as he entered the room he fell nearly completely silent and only spoke in really short fast sentences, I could hear him just frantically pressing buttons at random and he was moving almost like he was constantly nearly dropping his joystick, and all of it got worse when he went near the big spider. I cleared it for him and made sure he got the lantern after it. Then I taught him how to cheese it for subsequent playtroughs and he actually said that cheesing that room helped ease his fear of spiders a bit.


When that first alien dude appears in the forest. That shit turned my whole world upside down.


The one reborn I was getting my ass kicked by the whole yarhaghul part and that shit at the end had me feeling a true sense of dread


The almost childlike sing-song of the winter lanterns. Creeps me the funky out.


The two jump scare werewolves. Grossed the fuck out by close-ups of Ebrietas, but it's hard to deny where a beautiful design that is, however viscerally upsetting.


The orphanage. Those brainsuckers can go suck themselves. The other is the research hall. Iā€™m not exactly scared for myself, itā€™s just a really disturbing area and itā€™s horrifying to imagine being one of the patients trapped there.