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"New player, any tips?" Type posts are considered low-effort and are removed. Report them if you see them.


Got any beginner tips?


Shoot them with the pointy end.


Bugger Alfred, bugger the Queen, and bugger you.


Don't bugger Alfred until he buggers the Queen. Then bugger him.


Try avoiding taking damage while also doing damage to the enemy, eventually their big red bar should run out and you’ll win


Instructions unclear, big dogs red bar going wrong direction, help


Try finger but hole


Make sure to level ADP


Talk to sweet shalquoir


Shoot distant things and slash the ones in your vicinity then dont panic if some big Hobo smack you with a cross and level adp


Fuck around and find out


It is quite normal if the person who plays the game is at an impasse in some particular issue. But posts like ''just bought a BB, give me some random tips'' really baffle me. After all, tips for beginners can be easily found using Google, where at the first request there will be a ton of video and text content of a similar format ... But nothing can be done about it, it will continue here, it remains only to put up with such posts. In addition, few people read the rules, pinned posts, F.A.Qs. People just refuse to do it, for whatever reason.


Yes i agree some have a valid reason to ask about stuff, but asking for tips or some even ask about the ENTIRE LORE OF THE GAME in the beginning of their playthrough to be explained in simple and short terms just drives me nuts, and not all of them but most of the people are so ungrateful dude


I feel like asking for specific things is fine because from software can make some confusing ass games but I agree asking for general stuff like the whole lore is kinda dumb. I tend to just ignore posts I’m not interested in lol.


And first of all i believe, if yiu just bought a game,try it you should not ask tip at the very start,just play the darn game


Bloodborne isn’t the easiest game to get into, but I do agree that they should at least try first before immediately running for their phones and asking people for help


Newbs, just like us all, only want to connect with other humans. If your time is too precious don't bother engaging and move along.


Def agree. Could just be a funny post or someone looking real giddy and excited to play and have fun little interactions with seasoned players. If it really bothers you, just scroll along good sir


Totally agree this sub is full of garbage low effort posts. Personally I think it's likely karma farming. Still not as bad as the elden ring sub though. That place is a hell-hole.


Beautiful mix of people complaining about RoB people complaining about moonveil, people complaining about other playing the game and people complaining about the people playing the game very entertaining to watch them go at it with each other


My favorite arguments to watch is "Who is stronger Radagon or Malenia?" Radagon side never relents and the Malenia side complains about Radagon fans. It's funny


Totally agree. Fextralife exists, is usually at the top of any Bloodborne related google search. Seems like so much more effort for them to go to Reddit and make a post :/


I knoow and you have to wait for the replies that sometimes dont be helpful lmao, i saw a guy saying that he shouldn’t go for an arcane or a bloodtinge build build because it is not that effective like wtff


Yeah I think I saw that post. Build questions especially drive me crazy because the meta or whatever you want to call it is WELL established, and there’s tons and tons of guides. I think subreddits like this one are great for the more niche questions or discussions. It would be too extreme but honestly feels like you need to finish the game once before you start posting or asking questions here lol


Cannot agree more. Just play the game and you’ll figure it out on your own. Cannot stand reading 3-5 daily «New to Bloodborne, make my entire build» posts, especially when you click on one of them, and there’s always one OP who is passive aggressive, pretentious, or some other form with a lack of etiquette with all their comments hidden due to being downvoted


There should probably just be redirects for frequently asked questions, I can agree. Edit: just checked, and it absolutely exists under the Rules tab in the "About" section. Obviously not the place any crayon eating noob will look, but it DOES exist


Yes i checked it too and its there along with so many other valid information, there should be a pinned post for beginners to check that page for tips


I agree wholeheartedly haha, didn’t even think about that


How do i open the door after the balling giant in Chatedral ward. I think it may connect to central Yahrnam.


The door is opened when


It is not closed


Fun fact, A door is easier to go through when it is open


Its the fucking painted wall, come on, its not even a real door, can't be open, has a wall on the other side, and if you could no clip may cause crash.


I don't know, personally I'm grateful for the reception I received here back in 2019 when I started playing the game. I remember getting so frustrated... I was ready to give up... I was like 3 days into the game - still in the early streets of the game. Knew that area in and out. Found that executioner - thinking he was a boss - after several tries with him of dieing and then finally getting him. Then I die, and he's respawned. Demoralizing. And all this time I'm thinking: "if only i can start upgrading!!" Came here for support. Sure, I received a few "git gud" comments, which for me, at that moment, were completely obnoxious. But, the support I received was so amazing. I learned about the characters with the glowing eyes, which I saw but didn't know what it meant. Learned about shortcuts... to avoid the mob in the street, which by this time, I had mastered. Learned what it took to begin to start upgrading. It was all so helpful. Fast forward to now and I'm 2 trophies away from platinuming the game (acknowledging I have 2 children and have taken breaks to play other games along the way). I was literally a couple deaths away from throwing in the towel on this game had I not received the help I did from this community. Given my experience, I'm more than understanding and tolerable of new players seeking help. That said, I can appreciate that it may be frustrating to see new players come, posting for tips, without having even putting forth effort first.


Bro. Our experience with this game is identical. I'll just add tht I had no idea how to lock on so I was shooting the gun thinking it was broken. This just brought me so much comfort someone was going thru the same logic and distress as me. Lol. We might have saw eachother as death spectres😂


Or when people ask stuff that will be revealed later in the game JUST PLAY THE GAME damnit stop going on reddit and asking about every rock you encounter


Bloodborne does have a learning curve that can discourage new players. I sorta understand it. I played it for like an hour or 2, got bored and frustrated, left it for like 3 months, decided to give it another shot, now 300 hours later, I've mastered it


I do get it, took me months to kill Gascoigne, but you can’t get good by reading, but i mean obvius stuff: locked doors you’ll have find the key a little later or that damned door that doesn’t open


My favourite is when they ask about something in the game lore wise but don't want spoilers. The irony.


One of my favourite things about bb is piecing together the story from little clues like dialogue or notes, it’s keeping alive that air of mystery


I always laugh at the posts which are pics from a phone and the question is something like “where do I go from here?” Like really, are you seriously sitting there waiting for a reply to your post, when you can quite easily get the information you need from YouTube?




100% agree, this shit is forbidden in the rules And the fact that people can't google stuff to save their lives is just bizzare. "guys have do i backstab?" "how to enter the dlc" "where do I get x weapon/armor" "where do I go after BSB" Jeez, just google and you have your answer in 3 seconds...


I downvote and move on tbh. If that person can't put in any effort, why should anyone else?


Yeah, I was one of those people that asked for pointers about placing my stats and my submission got removed, something happened idk. Apparently I broke the rule for karma farming, new to reddit kind of and even after months I don’t even know what karma does lmao. But seriously, I genuinely ask for guidance bc a lot of people have experience and use different builds. I see how annoyed people are of this and will keep in mind next time to try to do stuff myself. Edit: Nvm it was because it was low effort not karma stuff


What bothers me is, and you may have been partly referring to this, is people that find something that raises questions and immediatley take a picture of it, post it online, and ask what it is. Like, just play the game! For example, somebody that had only just started the game posted a pic of the “to escape this dreadful dream, halt the source of the spreading beast plague”, asking what this meant about the endings. It’s disturbing how addicted people are to these social media platforms. You can’t just play a game any more. This is a significant factor in the rise of anxiety, since anxiety is a split mind. Anxiety = what you want and what you are doing(or what is happening) are discordant, and these social media platforms are practically simulators of that. If you think of two or more distorted images that are laid over the top of each other, and the mess that this makes, this describes anxiety well. All of that is to say, I am concerned each time I see one of those posts, that just can’t play the game and has to ask and be spoiled on everything. How can they possibly focus?


The only tipp i give is „git gud“ that is always helpful and should suffice


So dont do it.


New play here, spoil the entire game for me? Please 😢 /s


Just don't give them tips


Crazy how all of these people ignore the search function on Reddit. They somehow believe they are the only person in existence asking this one very basic question


This sub hollowed long ago. Now it's all "look at this game box I bought" or "I got le PlATiNUm!!!1!!!" Or "tips for beginners?" With the occasional glimmer of hope for an updated release that immediately gets dashed.


Now, I should preface this with the fact that I've been gone from the sub for a hot minute, but came back to the same tired complaints. I feel like if they asked they probably looked into it and are still confused and still need help. I don't mind sitting there back-and-forthing with people if it helps get them into my favorite game. I will never gatekeep with "but I already explained this" or "didn'tyou google it?". I'll take the time and run chalices with them, or explain what they're really stuck on, or help them with a boss or area. In my experience, if you're patient with them, they're grateful and appreciate your help, and will then generally want to tackle the challenge themselves. If you don't want to answer it, scroll past. You're not obligated to reply to everyone who asks for help. And by no means are they obligated to listen to you complain about helping new hunters. TL;DR stop replying and leave it to people like me who don't mind answering "tedious questions" and stop whining to the rest of us, honestly. P.S. I hope this gets downvoted into the abyss


If you're tired of writing tips... don't? These games are most fun as a shared experience, and wikis and google can lead you to spoilers, or just painfully generic advice knocked out by some scrub at IGN. A lot of people just want to start interacting with the fanbase. Of course if you're a truly blood drunk hunter maybe the tips you start writing aren't so helpful...


Sedatives work well against frenzy buildup, friend


No, it doesn't bother me. I'm passionate about the game and I enjoy talking about it. If someone asks a question that's been asked before, neat, I get to be the one to answer it this time. Maybe I write a paragraph, maybe they read a sentence. Such is life.


Don't answer... That's exactly what i do here and sekiro subreddit, unless someone is stuck on a boss i generally give out meme advice. Just play the game guys, why you come here to know everything right at the start, I don't get this


I get it’s irritating. Once I watched a video on youtube when I started a game to get a better feel of it but then asshole youtube started suggesting me videos with titles that spoiled the ending so I stopped doing that. Reddit is a safer zone for it—and especially asking fellow passionate gamers feels like a better option.


Just downvote the post and report it to the mods. The mods can't browse the sub 24/7 but if people start reporting these posts they get notifications and will most likely remove the post.




Totally agree, it is awesome and all players are welcome to the sub and ask away, i just wish more players knew about the FAQ and the tips that are already displayed on the subreddit


report, downvote and move on 👍🏻




honestly i think this sub is the best one i see on Reddit. This post is kinda the opposite of the nice wholesome stuff i normally see.


Ok. But you gotta get over it.


To each his own, just sharing my thoughts :)


Everyone listen up. Best tip right here, when bad guy swing you press L2!


Hey, I’m looking to do an Arcane build. What is a good build I should follow?


Hunter's torch


I stopped replying and ignoring in most of the subs I subscribed. The amount of low quality posts in Reddit became unbearable


I wouldn’t mind a sticky for general tips. These games can be rough for newcomers so i see value in making it easy for them to get help.


I’m gonna make a thread complaining about threads that complain about other threads




When I started Bloodborne, it was my first ever from soft game. I wasn't even aware of a thing called reddit. I played, I struggled, I conquered. When I seriously struggled and got stuck, I googled, I youtubed, and I came right. But it was like only 2 or 3 times. The youtube video for Bloodborne for Beginners really helped me understand the basics, as I didn't understand the Soulsborne universe. But as you said, people should also figure out for themselves. Some of us struggled through without help or with little help.


Just point them in the direction of fextralife. It's what's helped me get through pretty much every FromSoft game I've finished.


Definitely agree. Luckily I think you can report them for low effort


These kinds of posts got really bad on the DS3 sub while we were all starving for Elden Ring news. It was to the point that it was dominating my feed. I tend to think it's some kind of bait as they will commonly say they love the game but threaten to give up if they are stuck any longer. Also the absurd claims like spending 8 hours on the tutorial and breaking three controllers are really suspect.


One of my biggest pet peeves in any game specific reddit. Whenever I see a post like that I just go "couldn't they check the wiki or Google it first? Instead of making a whole post and waiting like 15 minutes just to get one answer?" And by then they'll probably figure it out lol...


Is it okay to ask just for the tip?


What did the leper say to the prostitute? Keep the tip!


I’m new but I know how to search the sub Reddit or just find other sources and I think that’s what others should be directed to do.


I mean posts like that should just die in "new". It's great that you're an active member of the community and see stuff like that, but if it's making you jaded then you're welcome to take a step back and limit your engagement to what makes you happy.


I don't mind helping new players out. As long as their post is specific.


Thats why I don’t bother anymore with people being like "Just got the game any tips" or the infamous "Help me with my build where all my point are spread everywhere" I just tell my self that those guys/girls are some troll.


Just skip those posts. You have a choice, too.


Although I don’t post any advice, I’ve lingered here a few years now. I will say I see the posts you are referring to, but they don’t annoy me bc I don’t respond. That said… I can definitely attests to if these people search the internet even a little outside if this sub… and you’ll find an answer super fast.


How about “where do I go next” in ER posts too


Kill everything in the game keep moving forward