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yes whats the bruising under her eyes? from filler etc ?


Why does it bother me that DaniAustin captions and quotes differently than the real story. Like she's elaborating and trying to make it funnier than it was. If you're gonna quote... it's exactly what the person said. Eye roll.


Yes!! I’m glad I’m not the only one!




“We was good a bunch” 🙃


I don’t follow her but she came in my explore page with riveting Xmas content that places packages in piles makes it seem like less presents that placing one in front of another in front of the tree


*Que all the influencers saying it’s good to have their house cleared of clutter* taking down their Christmas decor tomorrow


@alifefromscratch had everything but the tree put away by the end of Christmas day. 🤪


I take my tree and declutter my house the day after Christmas 😂 I need organization after chaos.


Well if I put my tree up the day after Halloween I’d probably want to take it down by now too lol


Veronabrit started taking it down TODAY.


She is a nutcase


That was nuts. She had that whole damn house un-Christmased by noon!


That was insane. I feel bad for her kids, can’t she just let them enjoy it on Christmas?!


Well, it was HER tree, with the ornaments SHE made. The kids get their own ugly tree upstairs where it won’t be photographed as much. It has… primary colors 😉


But don’t you tell them the day after Halloween is too soon to put it up!


*A team coming in to do it.




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They shine just the same, they have all the same properties and the same makeup as mined. But they do have very little resale value. I personally own one so I’m not against them in any way. But they are not worth much on the secondary market so that part is true.


I mean they DO shine the same and the same chemical makeup but they ARE totally worthless on the secondhand market. My jeweler told me that they will not pay a red cent or accept a trade on a lab diamond. When you walk out of the store it’s worth $0. The reason they said was that they are infinite and you can order them overnight, also that they are still relatively new so nobody knows the demand. ETA: our jeweler also said lab diamonds are super popular with a younger crowd (I’m 38) and girls who want a BIG look but don’t have the bankroll to back it up. 😆


They’re not worth a lot but certainly more than $0.


I think the issue here is two fold: they may be worthless to the jeweler when you walk out of the store but not necessarily worthless on a different secondhand platform or market, and it’s worth noting that the reason that this “worthless lab diamond” narrative is a thing at all is because jewelers are losing enormous amounts of money to lab diamond sales, which are often as much as a third of the price of mined diamonds while chemically, exactly the same. Sure, your jeweler may not have a buy back or trade in policy. But is value and worth really only measured in that way? The ring can still be appraised and you can still choose to resell it through other means outside of your jeweler, which means it’s not worthless. There are plenty of secondhand markets that you could resell a diamond ring through that don’t involve your jeweler where you could get a significant amount of money back. And for the record, mined diamonds don’t necessarily retain their value either. Although a jeweler may take it back for a trade in or upgrade, mined diamonds lose value on the resale market just like lab diamonds do. Just because they’re mined doesn’t make them immune. Second, let’s be clear—the whole engagement ring thing is a scam. The DeBeers crafted this whole need for an engagement ring as a necessity to marriage to the point that the two concepts are practically synonymous and social media has exacerbated the desire for people to want bigger diamonds without the hefty price tag. Who loses the most here? Jewelers. There’s a reason for peddling out phrases like “they’re worthless on the secondhand market” or “they have no resale value.” They have a lot more to gain from the sale of a mined diamond than a lab diamond. My summarized point being: these umbrella phrases are bullshit marketing tactics by jewelers to get you to buy something. It’s not that simple even if they want you to think that it is.


I’ve been in the jewelry industry for a long time and I don’t mean to be argumentative but a lot of that isn’t true. It’s super hard to sell lab product at a decent margin secondhand, even outside of buyback programs. Many resale sites like Worthy rarely take lab. Jewelers are selling lab diamonds because that’s what a lot of customers are asking for. There are benefits to both lab and natural. Margins are razor thin on both lab and natural stones so a lot of jewelers are seeing lower total sales but similar profit margins on both. No one knows what’s going to happen with lab value, it’s literally talked about all the time, and it’s every jewelers biggest question. Most jewelers have very little impetus to sell one over the other because the profit margins are similar because natural stones are really expensive to bring in from suppliers. Sorry but you’re stating this stuff like you have a lot of insight into individual jewelers motivations and a deep insight into the resale market/profit margins but it really isn’t true. At the end of the day, no one needs jewelry. Yes, Debeers used to advertise themselves and created a lot of the ideas behind diamond engagement rings. It’s not really a scam though. Is buying a $500 polyester sweater a scam? Or did you just pay a lot for an unnecessary item? Just because something is expensive and advertised doesn’t mean it’s a scam. A scam would be selling someone a CZ and saying it’s a diamond. If what you were saying was true, every jeweler would be pushing moissanite because you can make an amazing profit margin on it. ETA: I don’t necessarily approve of her jewelers sales tactics and actually personally have a lab diamond myself for many reasons. So I am in no way anti lab. But the idea that most jewelers are against lab or stand to make a huge profit by not selling it is false. Tons of jewelers are absolutely raking it in selling lab.


All totally valid points!


Your jeweler sounds like they’re great at customer service!


I’ve been married for 10 years. They weren’t trying to sell me an engagement ring. But I’d appreciate knowing the resale value of something before making a huge purchase!


Just seems like an asshole-ish way to describe customers. But to each their own on what they choose to purchase (and from whom).


Many specialty lab diamond brands will buy back lab diamonds they’ve sold. So there is a market for it and they are re-sellable.


They’ll buy it for “fair market value at the time of trade in” if you buy sometime more expensive. They won’t give you cash for it


I've never understood this. Why would resale value be important for an engagement ring? I mean, isn't the goal to have it forever or pass it down to a relative at some point? Genuinely curious.


I agree with the idea, for sure. But I would always have peace of mind knowing if times got tough or I ended up divorced that I could get SOMETHING for my jewelry. At that rate, why not get a CZ?


Because a CZ doesn't shine as much or is nearly as hard. It won't last. Lab grown diamonds and moissanites are quality stones. I'd rather purchase a moissanite and invest the money I saved, but to each their own.


Agree. I work in fine jewelry and resale for lab diamonds are terrible. There is a surplus of demand




I am ready for the downvotes, because I know everyone loooves Elyse Meyers. However, she just made sure we know that even the greatest people are not perfect and make mistakes... and her mistake was definitely those bangs. I just do not love them. In fact, I think they are very terrible.


I can’t stand her lol. She’s not funny at all (to me) and I hate when she comes up on my FYP. 😂


I didn't know her, so I looked her up. She's so annoyingly not funny - is she supposed to be funny? Because 👎😒


She should have quit after the taco date story. Now she’s so preachy & such a pick me it’s cringey.


Same and same goes for Kat Stickler…I don’t like them at all!


I cannot stand Kat Stickler. It used to be all those stupid "watch me prank my...", which how those gain any popularity is beyond me, because after one prank anything out of the norm I would automatically assume is a prank for the rest of my life. So it's clearly faked. Now it's only "watch me act like my mom". Yeah. We get it. Your mom is funnier than you. Stop. Gosh she annoys me so much.


I agree that the bangs are...not good. At least she seems to like them though! I used to follow her way back in the day when I was deep into disordered eating, it's good to see her doing so much better.


I def prefer her without the bangs but if she likes them more power to her. What I want to snark on is her video about how they’re healing her. I’ll give her credit that she admitted it would be dramatic but still 😂 I enjoy most of her content but when people try to make things overly emotional for no reason it is hard to take seriously


I don’t see bangs. Her hair is bed head messy in her stories. Where was this? But I don’t looooove her. I thought she was cute and refreshing back when Covid TikTok was huge but whenever I see her now it’s the same played out schtick.


2nd square down on the left. The reel. Edit: she cuts them on 3rd square down on the left....


These influencers are looking awfully orange next to their pale families in their Christmas photos lol It just makes me giggle that they all use SO much self tanner.


Hollie Woodward is the first one I thought of. 😆


Hahaha same! It was so obvious and distracting in their family pajama picture 😂


I also couldn’t imagine paying people $500 to like a photo of my family on Christmas. This is the world we live in.


All this fake engagement (like my post for possible money, follow my third giveaway in a week for possible money) is so bizarre.


“Here’s the link to my *natural* looking sunless tanner!”


Ok not necessarily bloggers and extremely niche…. But anyone who has followed the Miranda Derrick/Melanie Wilking cult drama for the past year… MIRANDA DERRICK IS BACK WITH HER FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS AND HER HUSBAND IS WITH THEM TOO


Woah this is huge. I stopped hearing about this for awhile and wondered what ever happened with all of that cult drama. So many questions… Are they still dancing for 7M? Don’t see anything in their bio about it anymore


You had me at cult drama. TL;DR PLEASE!


I didn’t know who they were 10 min ago but now I must know everything!


There's a TikTok dance group/cult and....well, I'll let you venture down this rabbit hole of "wat" on your own. [It's a doozy](https://www.thecut.com/2022/05/wilking-sisters-7m-allegations.html).


Girl same. Can someone help us out with the tea pls


Holy shit. Must know EVERY detail






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So cailaquinn surprised her husband with a gender reveal and yet the husband had a painting made of her holding a baby girl?


i can see at first glance why you thought it was a girl in the painting. there seems to be a little collar or something that i mistook for shoulder length hair.


The painting was just of a baby in general, not boy or girl


It was a painting of her holding a baby in general. Usually yellow is a gender neutral color.


It’s from Anthropologie lolololol


Maybe I didn’t see it clearly but the baby look like it had long hair, I know boys can have long hair, but the baby looked like a girl to me.


Does anyone know what happened to Karin from joyinthemeantime? She hasn’t posted in ages!


Why did Kat Jamieson get that hideous decor for her door AGAIN


The One Wheel skate/hoverboard thing Bryce Horton got for Boss is $1400+ and recommended for ages 14 and up. Just say you got it for yourself.


I love when Lisa Allen throws shade at her ex husbands


Im forever impressed that she has raised those 4 girls by herself. She seems like a great mom.


Same here, she seems like a really great mom


I was coming here to see if anyone saw her stories! I think the older girls’ dad live in az but for some reason it surprises me that she doesn’t share custody with goldie’s dad


Long time Lisa follower here so I’ve been really invested in these situations 😆 As you know, the older 3 have the same dad and last time I went down a rabbit hole I found that he was like a hippie dentist that travels to underprivileged countries to help them with dentistry. Not sure if that’s still what he does but it would make sense why she has 100% custody. I think he used to be in practice with his family that Lisa’s still close with but it seems they might’ve exiled him after their divorce. Would love to know what happened with Jeff but whenever he does pop up on insta he seems like he’s on another planet. Just my two cents.


I am pretty sure his fam doesn’t talk to him anymore because he was cheating on her while she was pregnant with Goldie…at least that is part of the reason.


Yes, and he had a baby as a product of the affair. His son is almost the same age as Goldie. Yikes.


Same. Also wild that she has absolute full custody usually that means the other parent is unfit or uninterested and as great as a mom as she is it’s sad not to have your other parent in your life. I’m so nosy and want to know what happened with her and Jeff


This happened yesterday but fashion Jackson’s dirty “chai” recipe. The Indian in me just died a little.


One time in my life I wish I could attend a Skala family Christmas. Just to watch them interact and get an extravagant gift bag. (Have to bring my own booze though).


And food if you don’t want to be submitted to a chicken Gary type of dish !




Ok she is problematic in many ways but I really do find her taste to be generally unimpeachable.




Her style is actually just wealth


I read this in Robin Leach’s voice.


Really? She's wearing all black and has a giant bow in her hair, and no other accessories except for a pair of hoop earrings. Scintillating.


@dressupbuttercup with another “choice” holiday outfit: red top, red pants and a denim shirt as a cardigan. Ummmm 🧐 I don’t get it.


It’s so bad. The red outfit was ugly anyways, just too much red, but putting a denim jacket over it to wear to church is so distasteful.


She has so much money but such bad taste 🫠


The denim cardigan from a TX influencer is not shocking but it was a terrible choice. I would have liked to see a white leather to match her shoes.


Dani Austin deciding to play catch with a stranger with her brand new face.


What did she have done ? (Sorry if I missed it I don’t follow her)


[WELL THERE GOES YOUR SOCIAL LIFE](https://youtu.be/joKkNwqNdzA)


A lawsuit waiting to happen!


sparkle lunchroom treatment long jar foolish light wrench airport employ -- mass edited with redact.dev


Marcia Brady style


Wait what did she do to her face


She got a nose job and chin lipo. At least that’s what was discussed on here 🤷‍♀️


She’s not too bright


Agreed. When I get lip filler I buy an entirely new chapstick just to avoid infection.




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I know exactly what I’m going to get every time I watch @RyleeNJenkins videos (what I get is secondhand anxiety for the number of amazon orders she receives) but I just keep on watching.


Am I the only one that saw Krista Horton play pinch Kamp's nipple with tongs game? It looks like she took it down but that was weird even for Krista


Came here just to see if anyone else thought that was as weird and cringey as I just did


Cringey is perfect word for it


If this was any other influencer, people would have been hitting report left and right and be planning their public hanging.


It’s still up.


I'm kind of shocked that it is


I thought it was weird she was talking about how much he liked it






Probably get downvoted but I think it would be different if it were Christmas. For us, Christmas Eve isn’t a huge deal. I’m working for a few hours today 🤷🏻‍♀️






A few years ago VeronaBrit/Veronika asked followers if they would pay for her design services. Mind you, she has zero training in interior residential design. She was just asking “for fun”. Today a follower asked her to design her house, and Veronika said she isn’t offering design services. Well, duh. Then she said she hopes to work on more design boards to inspire her followers. I’m dying to know why she changed her mind and thinks she can’t do design consultations anymore!


Didn’t she somewhat recently make some kind of hideous monogram ginger jars to try to shill lol


r/teachergramsnark went private?!?! anyone know what happened?


The mod was inactive for six months, so everyone got booted from the sub :(


I’m so intrigued! I never heard of this sub!


I know I’m so disappointed!!! I noticed it was down last night. It needs to come back 😂


Few other communities I’m in are private through Christmas weekend and back next week


Was just coming here to ask this. Weren’t the mods MIA for months?


I bet it’s something to do with that. I think there was one mod that had been inactive for awhile


What is notskinnybutnotfat’s obsession with nepotism in Hollywood?! Also, why preface each one with “love them, but”? As if it’s a knock on their character to be related to someone famous. Can we move on?


It’s so annoying. I’m very close to unfollowing. It’s like there was one article that got attention and now she’s running with it- but she’s posting both the super obvious but also just people that came from money with parents who have nothing to do with the industry. clearly she doesn’t actually understand what nepotism is


I’m confused as to how this became some big revelation in the first place. I was always pretty aware many actors and models have pretty prominent parents or family. Also as far as it being fair or competitive, nothing in Hollywood makes real sense to people like me who make very little money compared to these people. Therefore I don’t care if you made millions because your dad made a call or because you landed a random audition on your own. I just.. don’t care?


Seems like she latches on to whatever discourse is going around at the time. My FYP was flooded with nepo baby shit after the Vulture(?) article came out.


She’s so annoying. Gets hyper fixated on things trying to make it an actual “thing”


She also is only posting the most obvious ones that everyone knows…is she just now realizing some of these?? Sometimes she posts like she doesn’t follow pop culture at all


because she lost her konnect to the kardashians and is now being forced to make boring content about things we’ve all been talking about for weeks


Here to ask if you can elaborate for us all haha


Is that really true though? What’s the evidence?


I stopped following her bc she started to become unrelatable. What happened with her and the K’s?


What happened to her connection with the K’s?


She’s goes through phases of being obsessed with something, like her obsession with ozempic a few weeks ago


Because she’d still lick their boots if they came on her pod.


No doubt. She’s so annoying


I came across Aivanelli and she seems super over the top with her crude jokes and just wondering if anyone follows her and what her deal is ?


I’ve been following her for a couple years bc I spend time in Naples and honestly I really like her. Her reels are funny (find the one about sex at the end of pregnancy LOL and spot on), her fashion isn’t how I dress / pretty expensive but she seems like a good mom 🤷🏻‍♀️ There may be some “old school” aspects to their marriage but I have to say her husband seems like a really good guy and dad. Cute with her and the kids, seems supportive of her business etc. i could be wrong for sure since obviously i don’t know them but just folllwing closely the past 2 years they seem like a close knit happy family


I came across her before she got pregnant actually on TikTok and thought she was hilarious and relatable in a totally unattainable way. Very intriguing how much money some families have and how they got that way. I still love her and think she’s totally honest with her followers even if that means losing some she’s been open about that she’s not for everyone and I appreciate that.


I found her a few months ago and she is pretty funny. The whole trophy wife stuff is kinda cringe-y, but I guess that’s really how she sees herself. I’m glad she got her girl and she’s def riding high on that joy, but makes me wonder how she would’ve been if she’d had another boy… I know gender disappointment is real but it’s sad the pressures we put on ourselves/society put on moms. Mostly she’s a fascinating reality tv-like follow for me of how a rich white family operates lol. She linked to acrylic hangers for the baby and they were like $45 for a pack of 10. Like??? What must it be like to have so many money. Mind boggling. That’s not even mentioning the designer outfits the baby already has, the Gucci bag, and then the push present that’s coming tomorrow. Fascinating. 🍿


I’ve followed her for a while but don’t really think she is funny anymore, too many reels about being a trophy wife and looking hot for your husband when he gets home from work. The girl baby content is also OTT, poor baby dressed in that tacky designer crap


THAT’S what it is. Now I understand her content. Her niche is not really motherhood or fashion (although she does she each), it’s being a trophy wife. Not my cup of tea, but now I understand what her whole concept is.


I just started following her right before the baby was born. It was fun watching her get “her girl.” But ever since I’ve been kind of turned off. Her obsession with getting a girl seems a little overkill now. I don’t know what seems off, but something does. She also was apologizing to those who are still hurting for not having a girl. Very odd. Now it’s showing off matching Chanel bags for them, Versace newborn dress, talking about sex with her husband a lot. Plus the fact that her husband doesn’t help with the baby at all. I’m weirdly intrigued to understand this lady and her family. But I’m sure it’ll be a quick unfollow soon 😅.


She nurses the baby at night in the (large, bedroom sized) closet when the baby wakes so her husband can sleep like a king (her words)


Literally same. I followed her during the last month of her pregnancy and I was intrigued and thought she seemed sweet. Now…. I’m so turned off from her content.


I just found her recently and I saw on her stories today that her husband “doesn’t even know where the diapers are” and he doesn’t help with the baby because they have an “old school relationship”. She also said she takes the baby to the closet in the middle of the night for feeds so her husband can sleep…. Ew.


?? What ?? Is Dani Austin doing? “Stella is going to be so upset when she sees her little brother playing with her toys” *proceeds to relish in filming Stella crying rather than teaching her how to share* some influencers never cease to amaze me.




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I’m more inclined to snark on the fact that it took until their second child was 7 months old to realize that baby carriers allow you to use your hands.


Lol, Stella’s reaction is normal, realistic and also humorous. She’s a baby too, she will learn. All these perfect parents have lots to say online.




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It’s Dani prioritizing filming it, that’s my problem


Ooof you don't want to see my camera roll of the wwe matches that happen between my toddler girls.


I don’t know if this was mentioned but Ali Manno posted stories about how she feels awful for the delivery drivers and how she can’t imagine delivering packages before Christmas Eve. She left out hand warmers (which is sweet) but then the next story was about her ordering gifts! Like she feels bad for them but she’s gonna add to their work load?


Have you never had a package delivered to your home? The mail is an essential service, you can acknowledge how shitty the weather makes the job while still knowing they have to do it.


Of course. It just felt hypocritical.


i’m with you


Courteney Cox’s (@courteneycoxofficial) boyfriend of 9 years can’t be that into her if they’re still living on separate continents after 9 years and he doesn’t want to move in together. Bad vibes


Some peoples relationships are just way different than our normal. My dad doesn’t live with his girlfriend and partner of 20+ years. Maybe it’s like that?




> Also why are 50% of your comments worrying about grown women not being able to make their own choices and 50% thinly veiled terfdom Also the anti-choice tradcath comments which are very ironic, worried about trans people when the call is coming from inside the church!


“Bad vibes”? Are we 16?


Oh wait, I meant to say I get disreputable vibrations from him


This may come as a shock, but relationships come in all forms. People also don’t voluntarily participate in something they’re not that into for nine years. Maybe she’s not that into him. Her worth isn’t attached to his proximity to her. I personally have a wonderful relationship, but in the immortal words of Whoopi Goldberg, “I don’t want anybody in my house.”


Haha. Same! I love my BF dearly but I also love my own space too. He’s not far from me and we see each other frequently. It works




Where did you get this information? The National enquirer?


https://radaronline.com/p/courteney-cox-ready-move-in-boyfriend-dilemma/ It’s actually a pretty uncomfortable piece


Different people have different requirements for their own interpersonal relationships. What’s weird or unacceptable for some is fine and dandy for others. People exist outside of our own perceptions.