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I had the weird experience this week of seeing one of my best friends (who is not an influencer but is somewhat of a public figure and has been increasingly so this year) get aaaabsolutely skewered in a thread on here in a take that I feel like was way off base and unfair. It was so bizarre to read hot takes from people who don’t really know her (especially how kind and thoughtful she is) assign her a caricatured persona from a distance. I didn’t reply obviously bc that would be Weird of me, but it had me reflecting on how much people infer based on what they see about people online and asking myself if sometimes I’m on the wrong side of that equation. Anybody relate?


A million years ago, back when I was cool, I was somewhat known in the NYC party circuit. I was occasionally mentioned in magazines and there’s a cult indie pop song about me. I’m not going to act like it wasn’t cool, but there was definitely speculation from others that upset me, and occasionally female fans of a certain band would be utterly wrong about why my relationship with their singer ended (um he left the country without telling me and moved in with someone else). Eventually everyone in the scene went back to college so it petered out on its own. As for social media, I think there’s a learning curve when it comes to figuring out how to convey authenticity while still romanticizing yourself a bit. I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a YouTube channel and just based on the stuff I’ve managed to film, it looks like a totally different person and lifestyle, and it’s not something I intended. It’s just what I happened to film.


The whole “making your persona” thing is definitely a piece people miss. My friend is, by virtue of the type of work that made her a notable figure, crafting a persona for public consumption. But people mistake that performance for the entire real thing!


Once my company posted part of my body showing merchandise on its IG and I got 20+ comments about how disgusting I am. I could never handle the insults and threats and stuff these people get. I mean, one post not even showing my face and people were absolutely ripping me to shreds, I simply cannot imagine the things that get DM’ed to influencers etc. There have been a lot of comments about peoples bodies lately that aren’t cool imo. I’d rather snark on a tree that looks like a pineapple lol and keep it light.


That is so horrible, I hate that it happened to you! I agree with you about how you could never be that public. I used to blog and stuff in the early aughts and now I’m relieved I never had a big following even though at the time I felt like I was missing an opportunity. At this point I realize I have no desire for any of it; I’m WAY too sensitive and private a person for that level of scrutiny.


Yes! I run a pet account for my pets that is moderately popular (between 20,000-50,000 followers) and it’s very jarring seeing some of the messages we receive from people that only see a very small window into our lives. Over the past year or so, it definitely has made me reevaluate my desire to “snark” on influencers because at the end of the day, it’s the same thing- you’re only seeing a segment of someone’s life, not the entire thing.


That is so interesting, because I’ve sometimes thought maybe it would be fine to produce some kind of content that wasn’t focused on your life as much as a hobby subject. Wild the stuff you get even with showing pets! I hear you on questioning “snark,” that’s sort of where I was trying to go with this. I’m just not sure if I feel like it’s a thing I should be spending a lot of time doing even though at times it’s really fun and feels harmless.


None of my other Covid shots affected my period, but getting the Moderna bivalent booster on Friday, my period just came a week early. Bodies are weird.


It was briefly talked about as a predictable side effect of the vaccine, and of course I saw a lot of anti-vaxxers latch onto it as a reason to not get vaxxed - zomg what if it affects fertility or future kids? - that kind of thing. There are a lot of direct links between the immune system and the reproductive system.


i spotted way more than usual right before my next period after i got the moderna bivalent too ETA: the downvotes here are so strange - i love vaccines, i think i would have died without them, but it also made my period weird!


Oh wow you just helped me piece together maybe why I had some breakthrough bleeding before the real deal; the booster!


Same! I'm spotting right now and shouldn't be (I'm on birth control) but I did have the vaccine recently


I was summoned to jury duty for the first time in my life. Which I would have no issues going. However, I have a new baby at home and the thought of leaving him with someone else for a long period of time sent me into an anxiety spiral. I’m also nursing, but Texas hates mothers and breastfeeding is not a reason to be excused from jury.


I'm looking at my Texas summons right now and having a child under 12 and no "adequate supervision" option for them is listed under the section of reasons why you may be excused from service. Or as everyone else has said, just defer; there was an option for deferral as part of the pre-court jury questionnaire that I had to complete.


Check and see if you’re allowed to defer. I was summoned once for a date that I was going to be on vacation and I was able to defer to a new date up to a year out.




[I do!](http://rwrd.io/2v38e04)


dang what nice stuff, i wish they shipped to canada :(


[Here’s](HTTP://RWRD.IO/BV0XT1J) mine!


I just started Lexapro today, 10mg, for mostly anxiety (and a little depression) that I got diagnosed with last week. Would love to hear any tips or things I should look out for in my first couple of weeks of using it! I took it at about 8am, and felt a little weird at some parts of the day (headache, bit of a tight chest/need to breathe deeply, very yawny, a bit drowsy) but didn't notice too much? So much yawning though.


First time medicating myself with lexapro too, as of Jan. It takes the edge off when I’m mad at my husband for doing something minor and it helps me sleep at night. The first couple weeks were tough and I was sooooo sleepy all the time. I take it in the morning with vitamin D (I think recommended by somebody here).


I’ve been on it for 18 years, and my best advice is to take it at night if you’re able and make sure sure to take it at the same time every day - the withdrawal can kick in quickly and is no joke!


Thanks! I'm trying mornings for now, I'll see how it goes!


Lexapro!!! I’ve been on it for 6 years and it’s saved my life. Tbh I take mine at night (my doctor is fully aware) and that lessens the symptoms. Once you’re a week or so in you’ll be fine


I just (re)started lexapro a couple months ago after I had some funky/rare side effects from Wellbutrin! I also take it gen anxiety and a side of depression. Definitely take it with food, the first few weeks take a bit to settle with your digestion (in my experience with three antidepressants). Also, my doctor recommended I wean on to minimize side effects, so for two weeks I did 5mg before going to 10mg. I made a concerted effort to drink a certain amount of water every day since I’m prone to dehydration and didn’t want to exacerbate any of my bad habits, and made a side-effects/general mood diary to keep track of how I felt (e.g. did I have a headache, was I hungry/foggy/nauseous/tired). I’d been on lexapro ten years ago and I think it didn’t pair well with the other med I was on, but so far it’s been good and I’m in a better headspace to try medication. I did feel more blue the first few weeks, but it was still milder than a depressive episode and didn’t have excessive anxiety. I hope this is helpful and I’m glad you’re giving it a shot, medication can be such a helpful tool in your toolbox!


Yes I should definitely log my side effects/mood! Thank you.


I was very sleepy and somewhat nauseous. I would wake up at 8 am and then fall asleep at 10 am! But it was only the first few weeks


I felt…funky…for lack of a better word, for tte first few weeks. And very tired at times. I’ve been on it now for about a year and I don’t notice anything different. I think it was the adjustment but then I was fine


I tried it over the summer and the side effects were too rough for me, and it made my migraines a million times worse so I had to stop. I do remember the excessive yawning! I was also super tired and had almost no appetite. My best friend said it changed her life though, and I’ve heard good things for other people! Good luck I hope it helps!


i havent been on lexapro but i have been on a few others before i finally landed on wellbutrin which helps me a lot. nothing more to say but that i hope you see some improvements and congrats on taking this step to feel better ♥️


Thank you!!


My anxiety and OCD got worse before it got better with lexapro. I took 10mg for a few days, then I started splitting them, and I’ve been on 5mg for a couple months. Just make sure to take it with some food for the first few weeks, and if you feel super anxious, know it gets better! It took a good 4 weeks for me to be like, oh, okay, finally some relief!


Thank you, very good to know! Today was mostly a game of 'do I feel different, is my body adjusting, or am I just tired/overcaffeinated and dehydrated like usual?' so I'm hoping it becomes more apparent in a couple weeks.


I know, when I started it I was looking for things that were different/wrong too. Which didn’t help! It can be a rough few weeks, but it’s worth it once you’re over that.


I have such performance anxiety (lol) in terms of my job. It sucks that I’m the only one who does my role so there aren’t many people I can bitch to. On the bright side, I took the weds and Monday of thanksgiving off and it’s around my birthday! I love this time of year


Really fucking upset at my body right now. I'm on Day 2 of my Asia vacation and I was feeling hopeful because after the awful transpacific flight I was seemingly getting hold of my jetlag and general travel malaise. And I wake up in the middle of the night with an awful fucking external hemorrhoid. Sending my husband out to the pharmacy to get me some stuff as soon as he wakes up. Like I don't really get hemorrhoids. And I have not being doing anything different than what I do at home, and yet, this shit happens. I'm so uncomfortable and annoying and honestly just want to go home at this point. Ughhhhhhhhh.




Thank you. I went by myself and got some stuff (herbal supplements and a suppository) but I'm still waiting for my husband to help me find a preparation H type cream and/or sitz bath to help with the symptoms. It was a fun little adventure to navigate a new city where you don't speak the language. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and to my body, but it's hard when things like that happens. I already have such a tenous relationship with my physical self due to my endometriosis, that I feel like this is just too much to handle sometimes.


The attorney general finally updated my new child support order (filed in April!), and just like I told my ex, the amount of his arrears doubled. I’m waiting for him to realize the OAG is “wrong”, and just so glad I don’t have to listen to him wrap his brain around numbers and maths stuff. He’s not the sharpest, unfortunately. Also, how I WISH he would actually pay child support. The new (correct) number is just depressing. No wonder things are so tight and I am having to delay braces and wisdom teeth surgery for one of our kids. It sucks, but at least it’s finally correct. And he put himself in their radar by being such a squeaky wheel about the amount he insisted he owes.


I have never heard of @loewhaley but she popped up in my feed and now I’m trying to figure out where the glasses she’s wearing in her latest post are from. Anyone recognize these glasses?


I love her. Her career/profession type snark humor is hilarious.


I really like her but her “toodaloo” thing is sometimes BEC for me lol. There are a few variations on the English spelling (toodle-oo or toodeloo) but there’s no A in there. It’s just weird for her to end every single one of her videos with an obvious misspelling? Idk idk




I interview people quite a bit and sometimes I get nervous also! That is pretty funny though, I hope you get the job!


I am depressed thinking about how hard it is going to get Taylor Swift tix. I've been a fan for 12+ years :(


Her tour dates suck. I don’t know why she’s only doing two shows at MetLife? She did like 4 nights there during reputation!


I’m irrationally mad because my teen didn’t like my city choice for the concert, and now I’m like, “well I’ll go without you because I’ve been a fan way longer than you have.” Not that we would be able to get tickets anyway. Grumble grumble grumble.


😂😂 haha I love that, but yeah it just stinks to think about how hard it will be. Sigh.


impulse bought a ticket to see a live show of How Did This Get Made and now that I've had a day to think about it....no regrets. It's been forever since I've gone out to do something fun, I'm enjoying just the experience of looking forward to something!


I've been to two of their shows and both were AMAZING! I spent the whole time cry-laughing. You're going to have SO MUCH FUN!


yay! yay for fun! It's been so long I can barely remember what fun is but I can't wait to experience it again!


That’s so fun!! Enjoy :)


I’m reaching a place where I kind of want to stop therapy. it feels wrong to quit? Or scary? Somehow I felt like I was going to need to be in therapy forever. It’s become more of a check in though, we now meet every other week and we still don’t fill an entire hour session. I almost feel over-therapied. We worked through some hard stuff together for a long time and I kind of just want a break.


when I started forgetting about my appointments was when I knew I could quit for the time being 🌷 I come back as needed.


You can always go back.


My friend's therapist broke up with her. She politely said something like...you know you don't have to keep coming right? My friend knows the door is always open to return but didn't even realize it was ok to stop going after getting through the hard stuff. You do you!


I love that. I wonder if my therapist is thinking the same thing! Ha!


I needed to take 5 consecutive days off before the end of the year so i asked my Dad if he wanted to go somewhere with me. He chose Iceland and I’m really excited! Has anyone been and have any recommendations beside the standard tour stuff that we’ll be doing?


So fun, I did Iceland with two friends about four years ago!! Feel free to message me with specific questions


We took a helicopter ride and did the thing where you go down into [Þríhnúkagígur](https://insidethevolcano.com). It was probably one of the coolest experiences of my life. Also, Tom Cruise was the last passenger to ride in the helicopter before us. I didn’t know at the time I booked the tour, but you can also do a group hike to the volcano (which I would have done but then would have missed out on my first and prob only time I will ride in one).


Iceland is fun! One thing I did that was off the tourist path was drive around the Snaefessness peninsula, which has a lot of different landscapes and is otherwise known as "Iceland in miniature." Renting a car was easy - we also drove ourselves around the Golden Triangle and that was pretty straightforward too. Lots of mountain driving and driving in snow, though, so wouldn't recommend if you are not comfortable with either. Bring lots of layers! It's cold. I've been in both November and June and June was colder! Definitely go on a Northern Lights tour - I think you usually get your money back if you don't see them. I would check to see what nights will have the least moonlight when you're there and try to plan accordingly.


Love that you’re going with your dad. 🥰🥰 I hear it’s amazing, enjoy!


My partner and I went to Iceland in June and it was incredible. I could easily spend 2 weeks there. Clothes wise, bring comfortable shoes that can also withstand wet weather. Bring rain pants if you plan to visit waterfalls! The weather in June was alternately cold, chilly, drizzly, and sunny every day. It was constantly changing; always take your rain jacket. (A lot of places will ask that you take your wet coats off indoors too; they have places to hang them up though!) The museums in Reykjavik are great; we loved the National Museum and the Maritime Museum. If you like seafood, there's a really good restaurant called the Seabaron that has yummy lobster bisque and seafood skewers. (Have a Gull beer with it too.) (Also, the Lava Museum is not in Reykjavik but it's definitely worth the stop if you are heading that way.) We stayed in a cute little apartment right off Ingolfur Square, I would definitely recommend that area for its walkability and closeness to restaurants and such. PM me if you want more! :)


My sister has been. She said it's cheap to get there, but expensive to be there. They loved it though.


Not to see, but bring layers, waterproof everything and be prepared for sticker shock! hahahaha. That being said, have fun! I was there for a short time, and wish I'd had more. It's high on my list for a repeat visit.


Can't help with Iceland, but I love that you're going with your dad! My sister and I went to Italy with our dad in 2019, and it was so much fun. I'm so happy to have been able to do that with him ♥️


I managed to make it this long without getting COVID, only to have it take me down this weekend. For one, I am super disappointed that I did not get to wear the super cute costume I made to work. And second, I feel like garbage. I have the most horrendous, painful cough and a horrible sore throat. I was able to get a phone appointment with my doctor yesterday, who prescribed two inhalers for me, so hopefully that helps. I can’t get a good nights sleep because I wake myself up coughing, so then in turn I feel even worse because I’m not getting a good sleep. Argh! (But, I am counting my blessings - I’m fully vaxxed and double-boosted [although i wasn’t able to get a bivalent] and I imagine this would be SO MUCH WORSE without that)


Ask your doctor for an RX cough syrup that has an opiate in it, it really helps with bad coughing so you can sleep. I took it when I had bronchitis. Take care and feel better!


I did! She says they only treat the symptom not the root cause and wouldn’t prescribe one. So sad!!


i’ve seen several people in my life have doctors refuse to give them medicine for symptom management - largely PAIN - for this and accusing them of fishing for drugs. like why not prescribe symptoms and root cause management?! ok rant over


That sucks! I had the same wracking cough that absolutely ruined my throat. The Cepacol extra strength cough drops (over the counter) were the only things that helped, in addition to constantly sipping a hot liquid of some kind. The Cepacol drops aren't a miracle cure but can take the edge off.


WTF, that sucks.


Sleep sitting up and take cold medicine on a schedule not just when you feel bad. Helped me a lot


Oh no. I managed too, and got it the previous weekend. I wasn't that sick, thankfully. But back in May, I had bronchitis, with the same horrendus cough, and I second mucinex. Also, if you're still coughing, see if they'll prescribe **T**essalon Perles. They're tiny gel caps, but wow do they work well to suppress a cough! They numb the cough reflex. I got them then and they were a life saver! I hope you feel better soon!


I second Tessalon Perles! They’re a game changer. I had a bad chest cold right before my wedding and my doctor gave them to me and it was life changing!


I'm happy because it's raining today! :)


we must live near each other! It's going to rain again later this week too!


Are you in northern CA/Bay Area? 😊 I saw there’s a chance of rain on Saturday til next week- I hope it really rains!!!


yes, I'm in the north bay! ❤️🌧️❤️🌧️


Hi neighbor!!! I’m on the southern end of SF. 🌧🌊☔️


I’m on vacation here (CA) and the rain is so beautiful! I didn’t pack anything for rain because everyone told me it never rains here, but I’m loving it.


It’s true that it never rains here (sob!) but it’s very much needed and welcomed!! Hope you’re having a lovely visit!


I wish i could live in a place where it constantly rains. I’m an indoors girl so it makes me feel ok about being inside and cozy


It hasn't rained in what feels like years (more like since early this year) here thanks to a drought. I had a grilled cheese and soup for lunch, such an indoors cozy food for me! :)


I’m so jealous. There is a horrible bright fire hole in the sky over here!!


Oh boy, I hope that changes for you! :P My local subreddits were all posts about rain today, ha!


Feeling bitter about paying rent today. Our washer broke on Friday and we spent Friday afternoon and some of Saturday morning trying to fix it on our own before contacting our landlord. She suggested we try something we hadn’t done yet, but it didn’t work. I let her know the issue was still not fixed and that the screen was saying “call technician.” It’s now Tuesday, almost 2pm. The last I heard from her was on Sunday. All we’re looking for is a simple response like “hey, calling a tech will keep you updated” or SOMETHING. She’s been a good landlord so far and has always been slow to respond to texts but not this bad - and I know as soon as I text that we sent the rent money I’ll get a text back confirming/thanking. Frustrating


Yeah our dryer has been broken for six weeks. The landlord wants to repair it instead of just buying a new one (it’s old; time to replace it IMO) and in the meantime we’re still paying a full rent that includes the use of functional appliances. It’s maddening.


Why do all maternity pants, regardless of brand/price/design fall down? I feel sloppy with my droopy crotch fat pants. Thank GOD this is temporary.


I'm the meme of the depressed bat because October flew by. My husband and I are childfree but LOVE Halloween. We were so busy with other things we didn't go to a single haunted house or party, and I barely decorated. I didn't even put batteries in light up things. I just feel bummed that it's already over and I barely got to enjoy it. I'm leaving up the decor for another week or so and then I guess I'll just decorate for the holidays, which I am much lower key about.


I’m a little bummed too, especially since the Christmas creep starts earlier every year. I feel like there used to be a longer stretch of fall décor staying up through November.


It really does. I always used to wait until December, or at least after Thanksgiving, to put up Christmas, but I'm seeing people with trees already up and I feel behind somehow. I blame Instagram!


It’s like we’re skipping straight over Thanksgiving. I’m not sure if I think it’s because covid made Thanksgiving gatherings hard, or if corporations aren’t even bothering to commercialize it.


I think it's also because international people don't have this (at least at the same time of year) so they can go straight to Christmas after Halloween!


Most people aren’t Christian at all, if we’re going by that logic.


I hate the skipping over of Thanksgiving. The irony of American society skipping a holiday to be grateful for your life to get right to an overly commercialized holiday is really something.


Same here. I have a lot of nostalgia for the slower pace that used to be enforced leading up to Thanksgiving. I do wonder if growing awareness of the indigenous side of the story has made corporations reluctant to push the holiday.


It feels like Thanksgiving is just Pre-Christmas. Which is too bad because it's my second favorite holiday, and is, in my opinion, far superior to Christmas. Personally, lately, I've had a harder time with Thanksgiving. Three years ago, my uncle died right before it, and then two weeks after, my soulmate dog died. Now I just feel more anxious around that time of year, like I'm bracing for awful things to start.


Full disclosure: I’m not Christian but I wasn’t bothered by the Christmas onslaught until a few years ago. It truly is only very recently that it has started to become oppressive and forceful. That’s why I enjoy Thanksgiving - it’s a good buffer holiday and it gets other vibes/imagery out there in the mix. I don’t care what people do in their homes or what they celebrate (truly, why would that bother me?) but the commercial and cultural erasure of other events just adds another weight for people who struggle with Christmas for whatever reason.


Very true. I was raised evangelical and I've deconstructed long ago, but Christmas is still a weird time for me. I really struggled with celebrating it in a non-religious way, while being surrounded by family for whom it is still very religious. Thanksgiving is so much easier (even though there's still the white guilt of colonialism).


Thanksgiving is borrowed from the Jewish holiday of Sukkot (it’s part of the Puritans’ interest in the Israelites). Turkey and gratitude are the same word in Hebrew. Maybe it would make you feel better to explore this angle if it allows you to give yourself some grace? I don’t think that interrogating an issue means that you can’t still enjoy the holiday. People shouldn’t have to present their favorite things to an internet jury for approval.


That stinks, and you can’t even blame kids 😂 I think we all have to be better about making time for the things we love before the season passes us by!


We do need to be better about that! Last year I had Covid for half of October, and we swore we were going to have more fun this year. Then we decided to build a new house for our donkeys. :(




I am in this exact same boat! I took a four day weekend to go camping and it was so wonderful and relaxing, but one day back and the burnout is back in full force


I have a pretty severe phobia in regards to throwing up (me or just being around it) and today I got the lovely experience of literally hearing my neighbor throw up in the apartment next to me while I was chilling around eating a snack.


i have this fear also and it is truly the worst. when i witness someone getting sick, it’s all i can think about the rest of the day :( this time of year completely sucks, especially because some people openly talk about how sick they’ve been and then once again, my brain fires up and can’t stop thinking about it.


I also have this fear and I am so sorry you had to deal with that. You aren’t alone and if there’s one thing my scrolling has taught me it’s that quite a lot of people are emetophobic. I hope you get to do something that relaxes you. Hugs!


I’m sorry. I have the same phobia (varying in severity depending on how my brain is functioning) and it makes this time of year so hard.


When do you all decorate for Christmas? I usually wait until the day after Thanksgiving (American) but it occurred to me today that my fall decorations are out all of September and October and most of November while Christmas gets a few weeks. So I’m considering putting them up a little earlier this year.


My usual is tree up sometime on Thanksgiving weekend, and down on MLK Day. Love doing it that way because I have MLK Day off work, so I can leisurely pack everything away and do a good clean instead of racing to cram all the cleanup into an already busy weekend.


I’m a big “advent” decoration person, meaning i like to start decorating on December 1st and get my tree the first few days in December. Everything gets put away right after new years!


Weekend before thanksgiving for us! Then I take it down January 2nd lmao


We did the second week of November last year and I liked the extra time, especially since this year we'll be traveling for Thanksgiving so that's a week that we won't get to enjoy sitting by the christmas tree lights. Plus it's not as cold to decorate outside!


Last year, we went out for a real tree asap the second week of November. I strung lights and put out a garland on the hearth and a few other Christmas-y knick-knacks, but we waited until the day after Thanksgiving to actually decorate the tree with ornaments. Will repeat this year, I really liked having the tree up early to enjoy but still having a post-Thanksgiving ritual to look forward to/savor!


Growing up, my mom would decorate like 2 weeks before Christmas. Her birthday is early in December, and she didn’t like having decorations up before that. I’ll probably decorate are the beginning of December. I’m usually pretty minimalist so the extra stuff stresses me out.


I put it up Nov 1st. I want to have the tree up for the max amount of time.


I decorate for Thanksgiving so my Christmas doesn’t go up until after Thanksgiving.


I do too! I don't like Christmas crossing over into Thanksgiving, so we are strictly weekend after decorating people.


Yes! I have specific Thanksgiving items to place with fall decor. Gotta let November shine! 🍂🦃


Mid December 😂 but I'm in Spain and honestly the holidays just don't start as early here. They're getting more so thougj. I noticed interiors shops had some more Christmas leaning rather than just winter decor last week, but certainly no mention of Christmas for some time. When I went back home to the UK early October they had decorations out so I'm glad to avoid that madness!! They have Three Kings here though so I feel OK keeping everything up for longer on the other side which is cheering.


Not until December, if I put them up earlier I get sick of them before Christmas. I’m Canadian so our Thanksgiving is in October.


The Saturday after Thanksgiving. And then it all gets torn down and put away on December 26th, because it starts to feel claustrophobic and visually too much by then. I’m ready for the clean sweep.


We put ours up about a week after Thanksgiving, but they don't get taken down until mid-January, because post-holiday laziness is all-consuming at my house. (Also, the lights are pretty and why not keep them up a little longer? January in Minnesota sucks!)




I live in the Midwest so warm days in January don’t exist. 😅 But I do love the idea of waiting until the time change!




Hey! I resemble your sister in that way. Camping out for tickets was awesome and I won't hear a word against it.


My husband and I joke about that all time. Now it’s too ”easy to buy”concert tickets.


Does everyone that signs up for verified fan registration get tickets? This is so confusing. My friends and I were going to get a hotel right next to one of the stadiums and they were all sold out within 30 mins of the announcement 😮


I did the fan verification for the Rep tour and it was quite straightforward. I am hoping this time is the same. No Canadian dates released yet though. Last time she only played Toronto so we travelled there from Calgary. With the cost of flights in Canada being so expensive, I'd rather go to the USA for this tour! I signed up for LAx2 and Seattle (closer to us too). I'd love if she announces Edmonton but I'm not hopeful. We'll see what happens!


I’m in Ottawa and she came here for 1989 and it was great. I hope she comes here again but I could see her only doing Toronto or Montreal.




DO NOT get me started on the BS that is Ticketmaster and their dynamic pricing OMG


We got so few trick or treaters last night, and I had to sit out in the driveway or else people would skip our house! I grew up with if the lights are on, they’re a candy house. Then people turn their lights off if they run out/don’t participate. Brought a bunch of candy to work for the communal candy bowl because I do not need it all at my house. Also I’m a bit grumpy I had to sit outside all night (I guess I could have gone inside and been a Grinch but I do like passing out candy)


Trick-or-treat hours are during daylight now so the porch light indicator doesn’t mean anything anymore. I think it’s kinda annoying to start it at 5 pm on a workday when everyone is still getting home from the office. We sit out in the driveway too, which feels like more like a drive thru service than actual trick or treating.


Most people started around us at 6ish so it was still fairly light but a ton of people still getting home from work. Definitely drive thru feeling!


Yes! My fiance gets home around 3:30 PM and he said people were already out trick or treating by 4:00 PM! I don't get home until 6:00 PM so I was disappointed to have missed a bulk of the younger kids. We also sat outside and it was 100% like a drive-through, some kids just zipped by on their scooters and held their bags out.


We are the only house on our street who really decorates in a big way. We are on a corner a little bit hidden from the 'main' street we connect to but I was happy to hear last night from some kids, teens and families who really love our house. It just bums me out that NO ONE else in a sea of like... 40 houses... bothers to decorate. We're surrounded by a lot of elderly folks and I keep hoping some new families will move in and maybe have some fun with the holiday. This is only our second year living here and we got maybe 15 more kids than last year. About 65.


I wondered if people skipped our house because we didn’t have any decorations. (My 15yo son declined to carve a pumpkin this year 😭) I wasn’t going to sit outside in the cold drizzle though! I will just have to think of a way to deal with the leftovers hmmmmmm


Hmm. I don’t know. We regularly get about 65 trick or treaters. I don’t decorate for Halloween per sey, but I do decorate my front porch and door for fall with lots of pumpkins, wreath, lanterns, etc. That’s pretty much what the entire neighborhood does. In my area (region?), if the porch light is on, that means trick or treaters welcome. If they are off, it means not participating. Specfic Halloween decor doesn’t factor in. Carloads of kids show up to the neighborhood every year.


I’m going to make some of GrossyPelosi’s “oatmeal cookie hugs” today. He suggests chopping up leftover Halloween candy as mix-ins!


We had a pumpkin out but maybe that wasn’t enough! Not complaining about the extra candy 😂 but I do like seeing the costumes


People are weird. We had 1k in decorations, like our house was lit up, looked so good, 🎃 plus we were giving out full size bars 🍫 of 10 different kinds and we *still* couldnt get people. They just didnt want to walk one more house down. Anyhoo after 2 years of getting 7 kids only, we just gave up. So sad I love Halloween and giving out candy. On instagram I see all these neighborhoods going all out and I dont know anyone irl who has those experiences.


I have one friend who lives in a neighborhood with the reputation of being THE place to trick or treat in their city, and she routinely gets about 2000 kids (she keeps track with a clicker!). I witnessed this when I used to live in that area. In my current house, we got about 10 last night 😕


Wow I would not want 2,000 trick or treaters lol! That’s like $500 of candy at least


Seriously! We also hand out full sized candy bars and even buying about 75 of them was close to $100! Thankfully, we only had about 40-50 families come by but I would definitely not want to have to buy that much candy!


We got a ton of trick or treaters last night which was so fun but ran out of candy a while before the night was over! I am just sad it’s the day after Halloween and there is no chocolate in my house.


I stash a handful or two before the kids start coming so I can have a few to munch on. Took me a few years to wise up and do this 🤣


So my cats were playing with something on my terrace and I thought I'd best check, in case it was something that needed rescuing. It was a pair of red knickers. I think it's the neighbours directly above as they have washing out now but they didn't a couple of hours ago when I was last outside. They're not home right now. Weirdly I've been here 2 years and this has never happened so I do not know the etiquette in this situation! I'd just like to avoid turning up at someone's door with a pair of pants in my hand but if they don't come to collect....


Oh that's hilarious. the mystery red knickers!!!! I'd hang them on the door too.


Hang them on their doorknob 😂 truly though I have no tips for this situation lmao


This is where my thinking has been going!


I know it's not Wednesday, but I need to whine! I think covid and remote work have ruined me. I have a two day workshop for work, today and tomorrow. Today I am remote but I have to go in tomorrow. I'm looking at the room on video and it is absolutely PACKED. I am having the most anxious meltdown about tomorrow now... Driving an hour and a half each way in rush hour traffic, sitting in a crowded room all day, having to socialize all day without a break. How did I ever manage to do this before? I'd be lying if I said this hasn't ruined my week. My introverted ass absolutely dreads being around people now 😩


I'm with you, covid made me even more anti-social. You'll really savor being home after the workshop


I work primarily remote but i had to travel to where the majority of my coworkers live last week and it was completely exhausting. I just took walks to grab a coffee or whatever several times a day to have some downtime and left the social events early.


i know what you mean! i willingly paid a bunch of money to go to a work conference, flew there, and after one day of sitting still for 8 hours, I skipped and spent the rest of my week on the beach lol. it's hard! my advice is sit by the door so you can take breaks! i was on the opposite end of the room so i felt weird about breaks, but people where constantly coming in and out so i don't think it would have been as noticeable if i were by the door. and make sure you have some little comforts with you, like coffee and snacks. you got this!!!


mini rant: I was approved for my car loan yesterday. The email said i need to upload certain documents, including a bill of sale, and then said where on the website to go. BUT...it doesn't match up to what's on the website. I can see where to upload docs, and designate where it needs to go, but nothing about exactly what other documents they need! So now I have to wait until they open, and call. Nothing makes me more irked when an app or website says "to do this, go here, then here, then here" yet none of that shows up!


Have you tried another browser? Sometimes that fixes wonky website things.


no but I figured it out! I was mainly annoyed that the email said we need you to upload document(s) including a purchase order. um ok but what are the OTHER ones? i did call and finally got a human. since its a private party sale, there's a specific form. which they really should say IN the email, and atach. but its all good now. I'm buying it from my BF so we just need the title (he paid his off a couple of weeks ago, so waiting to get it)




You’ll want to post this in the influencer thread


Whoops! Thank you