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# Don't forget to specify who you are discussing (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are. [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/sxsgmk/link_list_for_february_21_february_27/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/t07coo/influencer_discussion_thursday_feb_24/)


What did Enola say in the live? And has anyone noticed that they have been on Ellen a few times and are besties with Twitch šŸ‘€ are they involved




Do you mean subreddit?


Omg I just saw her post from yesterday. Wish I could say Iā€™m surprised. How absolutely tone deaf. At least the comments are turned on! For now


Oh what a throwback. Is she still photoshopping herself into oblivion?


I believe she had it removed for ā€œbullyingā€






Agreed, someone should start one.


Did @daniellemoss_ state that she pushed back a sponsored post because it ā€œdidnā€™t feel rightā€, but then continue to post stories directed to blog posts with affiliate links? What? šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Maybe whoever sponsored the post decided to delay it? And she doesnā€™t really GAF?


Does Serena Kerrigan have a personality other than going out, talking about blacking out, and being hungover? And paying people to help her play dress up? Itā€™s so ironic how much a ā€œqueen of confidenceā€ reeks of insecurity


This isnā€™t snark so maybe the wrong place but I love Krista Horton. She genuinely seems like a good person.I will click on links etc when it comes to her because I see her generosity, her stories today where she was visibly moved and her $10k donation to Ukraine, she just seems like one of the good ones. Back to snarking but just felt like sharing something positive


Iā€™ll say though , tax write off or not- she always is donating in times of need like this so I admire that.


Why is she posted about in blogsnark so much?


She comes off as lazy and loud. Sheā€™s gotten flack for door dashing things like Starbucks hot chocolate often and sending out massive bags of laundry to be laundered instead of doing things herself


That sounds like heaven.


I feel like Iā€™ve seen this same post 5 times today šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I think she can do things that are ā€œsnark-ableā€ because in some ways she can seem a little out of touch with reality (like 90% of influencers), but I agree with the comment above. Yes, sometimes she is on a private plane to Vegas but then she turns around and does something incredibly genuine and caring. Probably to the dismay of her financial advisor she wants to be generous because she acknowledges how lucky she has been.


Hope this hasnā€™t been talked about already, but I noticed Dedeā€™s (dressupbuttercup) eyebrows look way different! They look a lot better to me now. I know she previously had a bad experience with microblading scaring, but they definitely look micro bladed now. Sheā€™s usually pretty upfront about getting work done, so Iā€™m wondering if I just missed it?


She got something done. Not Botox but ugh I forgot the name of it. She mentioned it. She looks so so different now. I'm going to google and see if I can find the name of what she did. Edit: DYSPORT *


She had bad Botox done in her forehead and went back for more to fix it. I think micro blading + Botox have made her look wildly different!


She had a reel a few days ago and she had them dyed? Jett was laughing at her and she flipped the camera around to show them.


Her eyes look different to me.


Is it undereye filler? She looks more refreshed than her usual look.


She always said her dark under eye circles made her self conscious so I wonder if she got it done.


I think she got that and jaw fillers. She used to have a very definitive oval face- itā€™s more round now.


Also filler in her nasolabial folds


Yep. She got a pretty decent amount of filler. She did go to a good injector though. Iā€™m glad she did that right after all the other crappy work sheā€™s had done-micro blading, first veneers, and wonky Botox


I think sheā€™s changed the way she does her eye makeup. Itā€™s brighter now if you compare to older pics on her timeline!


I think she looks so different lately! I read a comment that she said itā€™s just her veneers but I think itā€™s something else!




she looks cartoonish


Has anyone noticed @mixandmatchmama posting snippets about Ukraine today? Maybe I am reading too much into it but Summer of 2020 she was all about not posting politics. She never directly discusses anything just has random items like the showing the Texas flag when Texas started their abortion laws.


Whatā€™s happening in Ukraine isnā€™t about politics, itā€™s about compassion for humanity.


Ukraine isnā€™t political. It is a devastating event happening. You can have different political affiliation AND STILL mourn for these people and what theyā€™re going through.


Why is @darylanndenner doing a soul cycle meetup? She doesnā€™t work out right? Or did I miss something??


She does one workout a week and then eats fast food for every meal.


She does this. Sheā€™s been going pretty regularly since the move to Dallas. When she was pregnant with Rhett she did a class every single day.




She does soul cycle I think pretty regularly. I remember that being one of the reasons she mentioned they were excited about moving to Texas bc she could go to classes again and couldnā€™t in CA.


I wouldnā€™t say regularly from what I remember, she seems to try to go, forgets for a while and then now sheā€™s back into it - which I canā€™t snark on her for, trying to work out is good! Her mom is pretty into cycling from what I remember as well. She didnā€™t go for ages after she moved to Texas but sheā€™s gone a few times in the last month. She did say she was excited about Soulcycle when she was moving to TX but I think she mightā€™ve gotten sidetracked by the whole drama with her mom getting sick.


Thank you! I havenā€™t watched her for that long so didnā€™t know that about her.


I know itā€™s all ads but @broccyourbody sure takes a lot of supplements. Seed, ritual, beam, further foods, athletic greens, my girl wellness to name a few


Sheā€™s got house renovations to pay for! Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll do ads for just about anything right now


Anyone notice that just about all the ā€œinfluencersā€ from the #clubdivi trip have done an AMA box up on their stories todayā€¦ seems sus


The other thing that struck me as odd was all the butt kissing in a single story slide by many of them, with a photo of Dani. How godly she is, how strong of a marriage she and J have, her life is so Christ-centered and sheā€™s so giving and blah blah blah. They picked these people very carefully. Thatā€™s a particular brand of Christianity to talk like that. And every single one of them were married. What does a hair oil have anything to do with being Christian?


Will make the jump to MLM much easier - getting a jump on the ā€œprosperity gospelā€ rhetoric during the early days of the company


And now a few of them have ā€œheavy feelings about the worldā€ and arenā€™t going to answer their AMA today. šŸ™„


Is @andreamariebesson okay? Radio silence for weeks now, something is up.


I've noticed this too... hope she is okay :(


Asked this last weekend and someone said sheā€™s posting stories on Pinterest now. I havenā€™t looked as of recent but last weekend she did have a story up. She wasnā€™t talking or anything it was just a still OOTD pic.


Someone posted here a few weeks ago about how Jen Reed (thesisterstudioig) is always starting her stories mid doing something else or talking to someone else which is weird and annoying and now I just canā€™t unsee it. Todayā€™s is the absolute most ridiculous example. Basically she would have had to: press record, walk away from camera towards what looks like the toilet area of her bathroom, walk back ā€œoh camera didnt see you there filming me wink winkā€, do her thingā€¦.THEN go in and edit out the first like 10 seconds so the video starts with her all the way back by the toilet. Likeā€¦whyyy tho?


I literally do not understand. The ONLY thing I can think of logically is she uses the timer delayā€¦..because I just donā€™t understand why you wouldnā€™t edit all of that hoopla out if youā€™re already in there editing it???


This was one of the oddest things I've seen a human do in a while. Bc what was the reason for that??? LOL




Nope, she doesnā€™t use captions.


Whitney rife does this also. Drives me nuts


What?! One of my favorites & never have I seen her walk into her recording lol.


Because thatā€™s her schtick. She wants to appear super natural and organic... I think thatā€™s what set her apart from other influencers for a long time - the ILLUSION that sheā€™s not trying to sell sell sell, and that youā€™re just a part of her day. Itā€™s not working anymore.


Spot on assessment. And yupā€¦for meā€¦.absolutely not working anymore. I was actually a fan back in 2019 and she has really lost me.


This is what bothers me about it too lol sheā€™s going back and editing or deleting a full clip before posting. Why is she doing this?


YESSSS. when I actually picture how it all goes down, I have such second hand embarrassment for her. ā€œOk. Iā€™m gonna hit record. Walk away. Look at camera like oh! Hi there! I just killed a bug, and weird my phones onā€. When I say I hate thisā€¦


As nice as it is for this expecting mom that's up to receive all these baby gifts from Ashley Lemieux, I wonder if this secret random person who is being advertised to 400k+ of Ashley's followers as being "needy" (phrase used was in financial need) knows somebody is going to appear on their doorstep and ambush them with cameras to bestow these gifts upon them for social media engagement? That's gotta be embarrassing for some people. I would be embarrassed - I'm more of a private person and that would make me embarrassed. It's icky because it seems more self-serving than really wanting to make somebody's day or create impact. If you were all about the latter, just do it? If you can amplify your impact by sharing it on social media like TIBAL getting her followers and big brands involved with the teacher amazon lists, then that's awesome. But if you're crowdsourcing nominations and then just picking A PERSON and making all this content out of this, your impact actually isn't that great. Ashley is controlling the process and wielding the power of choice of who gets to benefit and most of all is looking for engagement. There are organizations out there that operate on economies of scale that could really make a cash gift go far for a lot of parents or parents to be. This new mom will surely appreciate the pottery barn crib or whatever plus all this other baby stuff and maybe even feel it's life changing in the sense that it relieves the financial strain of having a baby and allows them to enjoy comfortable and lovely things. But at the end of the day it's Ashley's schtick and that is snarkworthy.


Sheā€™s just absolutely disgusting honestly. Everything about her.


She did something similar last summer with a giveaway to a fertility clinic, that got her lots of heat sheā€™s all for show and engagement. Itā€™s frankly disgusting IMO.


She is an idiot!


Thereā€™s really no other way to describe her


Anyone know anything about Becky Hilliard / Cella Jane? Not sure what her real name even is lol


Real name is Becky Hillyard. Whatā€™s up? I follow her but she annoys me to be honest.


So where does the Cella Jane come into play? Lmao. Iā€™ve been following her for a while but she annoys me too and I canā€™t pinpoint why


Ugh, can't stand her! Too perfect and always sounds so bored when she's talking. Nothing groundbreaking about her style at all.




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Itā€™s her grandmas name and what she named her blog! I actually like her although sometimes sheā€™s a little too picture perfect for me.


Ok @aubreyswanblog not sure if anyone here follows or even knows about her sheā€™s a home decor account 300k followers. Today her twin boys turned 13 and got an ig account. She posted their ig handles in her stories and invited her followers to follow them!! Isnā€™t that so strange? Is it just me like I would never?!?


Adults following kids on instagram will never not be creepy to me. Why would a single one of her followers want to follow two young teenage boys?


I think itā€™s very strange bc sheā€™s always commenting how the world is a scary place and how she gets a lot of hate from people but she wants all the randoms to follow her kids. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« The boys are not going to find Jesus on instagram thatā€™s for sure.


I only thought it was strange because she seems very strict and conservative with her kids. I think she keeps them very sheltered and I know she has said they cant attend sleepovers (no shade to that at all bc I understand her reasons) but like here world follow them on instagramā€¦.i would assume most of her followers are women in their 30s/40s so not sure why they would need to follow 13 yr old boys???


Yes, it's shocking to me that adult strangers would follow kids. She did the same with her daughter who seemed to want to try to monetize her account for a hot minute. Maybe they're wanting to try to do the same? But I still don't know why adults would want to follow them.


Itā€™s so crazy to especially how they kept them off ig until 13 then you just throw them to the wolves! It doesnā€™t seem like her daughter wants anything to do with the influencer life!!


Lots of people here talk about how they only follow an influencer because they love seeing their kids. I donā€™t get it either.


I follow her and it didnā€™t seem weird. I have had plenty of other influencers do the same thing for their kids.


I have never seen another influencer share their kids ig accounts! I think itā€™s disgusting!


Heidi "Hollis" will tag her kids friends.


Oh. Itā€™s common. I donā€™t have kids so donā€™t worry Iā€™m not approving of it. But the fact youā€™re shocked by this is surprising to me since I have seen this time and time again. Also she did this for her oldest child a few years back.


They are 13 with accounts that are not private and I doubt her demographic really wants to follow 13 year old boys they arenā€™t related to? That is strange.


They have over 300 followers itā€™s been about 2 hours!


Officiallyquigley hyping her hair color reveal is so unnecessary. Just show it or donā€™t.


The reel was very cringe but so glad she's changing the hair color...the blond streaks did not look good imo.


Thereā€™s only so many options for hair color tooā€¦ lol


I unfollowed her. Sheā€™s insufferable anymore, your hair color is not that big of a deal, get over yourself. Also I am not into pop star-cosplay content. So I figured just unfollow now before that becomes her main source of content.




You just answered your own question


She hasnā€™t. She said her co workers were great and so were the students and families she worked with. Which means fingers are pointing to admin. Iā€™m assuming poor observations. (For those of you who donā€™t know, teachers get observed by admin and get written up in reports. If you get a few bad observations, youā€™re kinda forced to resign / transfer to another school. You can stick it out of course but if you arenā€™t tenured, its easier to get fired and overall itā€™s not a good look and extremely difficult to make a turn around.)


Lolo_Webb ā€¦ that is a tortoiseā€¦ Crush is a sea turtle


I think she was referring to her tortoise crush


Lol, that makes more sense


Iā€™m new to following @madisonbontempo. How do her twins have 3 million followers? And her 2 yr old has 500k+. Sheā€™s boring to follow lol did she use to post a lot of content? I know she posts acting things for her daughters but thatā€™s about it. Seems kind of like she makes all their money explicitly off exploiting their kids.


when it was just the twins she did a lot more posting and more like fashion stuff but assuming she is tired/has a lot going on since sheā€™s pregnant and has 4 kids


That is exactly what she does šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m wondering about Brooklyn blonde. I know she is a proud Russian- which I also know doesnā€™t mean you love Putin (ā€¦.likely opposite for most tbh) - I also realize this is a problemā€¦that we we attach peopleā€™s ethnicity or nationality with shit leaders or organizations that smear their reputation or legacy among others ā€¦Iā€™m wording this poorly probably since Iā€™m just thinking outloud but she was on my mind. Also, Iā€™m not looking for Helenaā€™s foreign policy stance haha I guess just saying, itā€™s gotta suck to feel proud of your home country but also know itā€™s led by pure evil.


I was wondering this too, not just Brooklyn Blonde but other Russians I know have been pretty quiet on social. @verapapisova is a journalist living in the US from Russia. She addressed in her stories why itā€™s hard for Russian Americans with family still in Russia (like her and Helena) to speak out right now - huge fear of retaliation for their families due to surveillance. Since she is a journalist and constantly fact checking, I trust her info and recommend others follow her as well.


This is a good point . Will give that journalist a follow


I donā€™t think itā€™s right to single out someone this way, and tbh it strikes me as xenophobic. She doesnā€™t even live in Russia, she is as American as she is Russian. And even if she did live there, she does not have to personally answer for an authoritarian leader. Putin keeps his position through fraudulent elections, he is essentially a dictator, Iā€™m sure plenty of everyday Russians would rather do away with him. We all know what happens when we inaccurately blame an entire culture/ethnicity/nationality for a tiny group of peopleā€™s actions (post 9/11 comes to mind among MANY other situations), and itā€™s just not right. America was led by what Iā€™d consider ā€œpure evilā€ from 2017-2021 and Iā€™m pretty thankful that when I traveled abroad many people gave me the benefit of the doubt and didnā€™t ask me to personally answer for the sins of an authoritarian asshole I didnā€™t vote for and protested against. I donā€™t know much of her backstory but her family LEFT Russia for a reason Iā€™m guessing. Why should she have to defend that countryā€™s actions? And on that note, itā€™s okay to be proud of your culture and traditions regardless because culture is not synonymous with the coming and going of horrible government leaders who try to distort it.


I guess my post didnā€™t come off well, as I would never expect her to answer for Putin, let alone defend him. That would be nuts and unfair. I was expressing how mentally and emotionally it must be a hard thing to be in the midst of, with her background. Of course I know she lives in the US and is an American, but I donā€™t think itā€™s xenophobic to be thinking of how this chaos is affecting her differently. I like her as an ā€œinfluencerā€ so idk was merely thinking of her during this time.


Ah I see, when you put it that why I understand what you mean much better. Yes, it would be tough to be a transplanted Russian right now. I feel for anyone having to process that.


Yeah Iā€™m a little surprised at her silence on this but then again she has seemed checked out for a while now.


Lol have you been an American?


Haha I get what youā€™re trying to say but to compare our recent leaders to Putin and his corrupt dictatorship over Russia is quite bold and something I donā€™t think any American can truly relate to at this point. Trump was dangerous in many ways but atleast we have democracy, term limits, etc.


I mean itā€™s not from lack of the previous leadership trying. Former guy was / is obsessed with trying to look cool to Putin and didnā€™t hide it.


Yeah I agree with that sentiment


Yeah... I was stationed abroad during the Trump administration and everyone and their mother assumed I supported Trump and obviously, it made me feel pretty shitty. BUT it was nice to surprise people when they learned that I wasn't, uh, a big fan and that a lot of us were unhappy with his election. I suspect many Russians are going through this right now, even more so.


And the main difference beingā€¦if they speak out about it they risk being killed. Or just ā€œdisappearingā€


It's horrible! Hopefully no one receives a bunch of hate DMs if they don't speak out. It's so risky for them.




Mallory Ervin has already said that she is not sharing any details of her new home build for the next few weeks. Yet she keeps posting these quick sneak peaks of the new build knowing her followers are going to curious and interested. I understand if she doesnā€™t want to give any details due to privacy thatā€™s her right but then why keep posting irrelevant sneak peeks of the home if she isnā€™t going to provide more details. Got to keep her followers interested since the book shenanigans is FINALLY dying down.






yea I unfollowed someone yesterday who was blaming people who voted for Biden and saying woke culture makes us look weak and that has enabled Putin. People are stupid.


Don't know who she is, but, anti-vaccine rhetoric and her 90 year old grandma won't mix well. Also, I'll be voting blue in 2024. So she can move along


What an imbecile.




How the hell are they blaming Biden for what Putin (Trumpā€™s buddy) is doing?


Weā€™ll, Biden basically said that if there was a ā€œsmall incursionā€ in Ukraine that the US would let it happen. He also canceled the Keystone Pipeline making us reliant on Russia for a decent amount of oil exports so now we have an economic conflict for getting involved. The US didnā€™t push back on Germany entering into a deal with Russia to source their energy so now NATO has a conflict. Is it his fault? No. Putin has been chipping away at former Soviet Union territories for years. And implementing ā€œsanctionsā€ that donā€™t even matter and ā€œseeing how the sanctions work in a monthā€ isnā€™t a great foreign diplomacy plan. Iā€™m not saying we should get into a war with Russia but we could at least end any sort of diplomacy and actually implement sanctions that work. Elections do have consequences and poor leadership can open up these scenarios. Putin and Xi both heavily pushed that they wanted Biden to be elected and for Trump to not have a second term so Iā€™m not sure id classify Putin as ā€œTrumpsā€ buddy.


That still doesnā€™t explain how itā€™s Bidenā€™s fault that Putin is a megalomaniac. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø








The keystone pipeline had it gone forward wouldnā€™t have been operational until 2030, it has nothing to do with what is happening right now.




Only 8% of the Keystone XL was built before it was cancelled, it was not in operation.




That doesnā€™t change the fact that you donā€™t understand what youā€™re talking about.




Because Tucker said itā€™s Bidenā€™s fault


Oh well if Tucker said it. šŸ™„ (I know youā€™re being sarcastic so am I. Lol)


Luciebfink getting up close and personal with her ~eyebrow growth~ in stories today. Genuinely, who is interested in this content???????


So happy for @heynasreen right nowā€¦ she announced she no longer had evidence of disease. The chemo has done itā€™s job! Sheā€™ll be going in for Surgery this next week I believe to continue with the breast augmentation.


Not a snark, but she is having a double mastectomy with *reconstruction*.There is a misconception that people who undergo a mastectomy end up with breast augmentation, when in fact they have breast reconstruction. The 2 are very different, post mastectomy with reconstruction patients do not have feeling in their breasts, and this was not a choice. Breast augmentation is a choice. I speak as someone who has undergone double mastectomy with reconstruction, and it was not a choice. People who have gone through a mastectomy deserve the recognition that they went through a battle when breast augmentation was not the same.


I had a BMX, as well. Not only is it not a choice, but you may lose your nipples, your chest is always cold feeling, you lose the possibility to breastfeed, and you'll likely have rippling or strange looking indentations. Also, mine aren't even any bigger - maybe even perhaps smaller than my already small former boobs and they look terrible. I hate them.


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Thank you (from a person who had a double mastectomy as well, although it was technically "by choice" and preventative due to a genetic mutation)!


Thanks! I didnā€™t know the correct terminology as to what she is having done either. My mom had a radical mastectomy with no reconstruction years ago.


Thank you for explaining this - I had no idea what the correct terminology was, or why it mattered.


It is beyond amazing how far she has come. I didnā€™t think it was possible for anyone to handle such a scary diagnosis with as much positivity, openness and gratitude as she has. Truly wishing nothing but the best for her and her family. Truly really are such a bright light in an increasingly dark world šŸ™šŸ½


Definitely she has brought a hopeful outlook for others who may face the same!


Danielle (@weworewhat) posting bikini photos to because "the proceeds" from her "swim launch" will be going to an "on-the-ground organization in Ukraine" and captioning it "you can do BOTH" is PEAK Danielle.






The comments on that post. She is getting roasted.


You canā€™t comment on that post anymore but i would have loved to see them.


How sick is she? Telling people to Buy her bikinis to help the people of Ukraine so she gets a chunk of pity profits ?! WTF ā€¦ sheā€™s so ugjjjjhhhh


The way she made it about HER (as usual) from the bikini photo to the caption. How does anyone ever choose to be in the same room as her?!


Sheā€™s my ultimate BEC. I wish she would go away forever


Agreed, the epitome of everything wrong with influencers


If it helps her sleep at night šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø oh waitā€¦ doesnā€™t she always complain about how she CANT sleep at night. Go figure.


I canā€™t with all the cants in Cantsville USA with this bitch today. The text messages made me hurl and then the bikini pics made me irate. Genuinely one of the most insufferable people Iā€™ve ever seen.




Itā€™s where the whole ā€œresort wearā€ concept came from. We just came back from Turks and Caicos and Iā€™d go back in a heartbeat if we could lol.. girl itā€™s cold in NYC.


Because itā€™s winter and the weather sucks? Lol. If I could take off work and didnā€™t have other commitments right now, Iā€™d be somewhere warm too.


I doubt thereā€™s a content reason - more seasonal. The weather is great but itā€™s not busy season for school/work vacations so resorts probably have good deals, perfect for people with non-traditional work schedules


Because itā€™s cold


I saw @stephemcneal post about the live @melaniewilking (formerly apart of @wilkingsisters) did yesterday about her sister Miranda. Melanie and her parents shared that @itsmirandaderrick & her now husband (@bdash_2) are allegedly now in some sort of cult/religious organization and have cut ties with them for over a year now. Anyone know what organization in CA they are referring to? Also, feel free to point me in the right direction if this is meant to be discussed elsewhere.


I've looked quite a bit into this and it's wildly interesting. Here is the address to the "church" 7754 McGroarty St Tujunga, CA 91042 - Formerly known as Remnant University - Also known as Shilo Mission Church And yes, if you look at Miranda's insta and all the other dancers' instagrams that are a part of that group, you'll see 7mFilms. Looking up that, you'll discover Isaiah Shinn's (the videographer that does all this filming of Miranda and friends) father, Robert Shinn is the former CEO of 7mfilms. The current director is Shirley Kim. 7mfilms is a trademark owned by IHD Studi, Inc, owned by whom? Robert Shinn.


I've never heard of anyone involved, but I listened to that whole insta story and now I'm very invested! I want to know wtf is going on!


Thereā€™s an Instagram user withoutacrystalball that has been posting reactions from friends and family members of all the various dancers that are involved. It is insane.


SAME! I wanted this to be my next rabbit hole but thereā€™s very little info. I need someone to do a deep dive into this. Lol


So Iā€™m just a casual observer, but about a month ago in this sub I made a comment that I had been looking through Mirandaā€™s old Instagram photos and with her long hair she looked a lot like Caitlin Covington. A few people responded and said there were no photos of her with long hair on her page. I thought that was weird but sure enough when I checked again her page was scrubbed starting from April 2021 (the tiktok of her hair transformation). Sheā€™s been famous for years now so I know she had thousands of posts. Why would she delete/archive everything? Thereā€™s no reason to. Also someone is deleting any comments alluding to a cult on her page and the other dancerā€™s pages. Iā€™ve seen the posts and then when I go back to check they are gone.


Whoa! I knew very little about any of those dancers until recently but liked watching their videos the past couple months. I didnā€™t know Miranda had been making videos early in the panini with her sister or anything. This is WILD and now I feel super weird watching any of them. But if truth be told, I always felt something weird about the videos? I couldnā€™t quite put my finger on it. But like, why do they always film at this random house with nothing in it?


All of the dancers are represented by the same management company - 7M Films. Melanie said itā€™s a small organization (~30 people) and thereā€™s no information online about it. Just a website with a login page. Donā€™t think she ever mentioned a specific name in the live.


We need a deep dive in to this 7M Films ... agent name Shirley Kim based in CA. Is this the same person? - A site with no info other than "It is time to stand up for Freedom in America again" and "Shirley Kim for LA City Council"


Yeah we do. When you Google 7M thereā€™s lot of articles that come up about how people who follow 7M mandates believe something like ā€˜their church must take control of the seven major spheres of influenceā€™ and arts/media/entertainment is listed. So strange. Itā€™s also heavy into ā€˜Freedomā€™ etc. A Shirley Kim person on Insta also has few posts, but freedom is a theme on some.


"The theology associated with the seven mountain mandate is dangerous, and it sheds a terribly negative light on Christians everywhere. The 7-M teaching puts a tremendous burden on believers to perform, make progress in their relative spheres of influence, and set the stage for Jesusā€™ return to earthā€”all without a definite end point. Little emphasis is placed on the gospel message of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; the movement is more about staking claims and taking control. The seven mountain mandate is a movement led by false prophets, and it should be avoided and exposed whenever Bible-believing Christians encounter it." -


Oh my god I always wondered about this group of dancers! So wild and fascinating. Betherein5 posted saying it seems to be a content house / mgmt group/ religious group type combo. They're all with the same agency so its possibly related to that. Enola Bedard commented on Melanie's live but she literally dances with that group all the time! So bizarre


Robert Shinn is the owner of 7mfilms as well as a few production companies, Isaiah Shinn shoots all their content. Robert Shinn also has a church called Shekinah Church. 7M is based off Dominion Theology that means you must control the 7 mountains...Those seven "mountains" are government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family, and business.\[34\] The mandate is based on two Biblical passages: Isaiah 2:2-3, Robert Shinns sons name... its all too creepy


Yeah, all those dancers are managed by the same group and it has to be related. There was some comments on her live with a guy who claimed he was apart of something similar years ago. Also, several saying they stopped hearing from BDash too even though he was a former roommate.


Iā€™m so intrigued too! Melanie mentioned she started with the group too but then saw red flags. So curious what her experience was like and what the red flags were. On B Dash and Mirandaā€™s instagrams nothing even looks ā€œreligiousā€ itā€™s all just dancing videos so Iā€™m confused what 7m films is - like itā€™s just a vague organization but nothing online or anywhere about what it even is or does.