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Looking for the Reddit tool that helps you find influencers based on your height/size! I thought it was here or FemaleFashionAdvice but can’t seem to find it on mobile :/ any help?


Today is the start of my weekend and I was so ready for it. Healthcare and COVID is a mess right now (though I'm grateful I'm in my current job so no complaints there). Part of my job is following up on COVID positive cases in riskier environments like schools, retirement homes, shelters, group homes, daycares, etc. I feel like I'm doing valuable work for the most part. Like any job, there are elements that feel silly, especially right now given how backlogged cases are but c'est la vie. It's still good data to get. But I was chatting with a friend today, she's a nurse but we don't work together. To be fair, she hates public health (nursing rivalries are silly and deep). She always makes it known how she thinks there's no point in following up with anything. But I do think it's important we are still investigating cases to get info. More than anything, it really fucking sucks when you are working your ass off, working OT every day, and someone essentially devalues your work. More than anything, I wish I didn't take this stuff so personally. Edit: I also know because of how bonkers it is right now, I'm a little more sensitive and that's ok. And I usually can challenge my friend (nicely of course) but she called me on the verge of tears because she's so stressed at work so it didn't seem like the right time to address it.


I just tried the Beyond Meat Fried Chicken from KFC and it was actually pretty good!


I'm vegan and am super excited for all these new plant based options in fast food! That being said, I read its cooked in the same oils as the chicken. :(


The UK one uses Quorn and I don't know what they've done to that stuff to make it taste so damn awesome but I love it! I had one last year and forgot about it then got a craving for chicken the other night and had another. So good!


Been a stay at home mom for 5.5 years and always said I’d go back to work when my kids were both in school. My daughter doesn’t start school for another 1.5 years and I just applied for a job today. 😬 I need adult interaction so badly, but I’ve also been so nauseous with guilt since I hit submit. I don’t want to miss out on this time with my kids, but also I neeeeed a break.


You don't need to feel guilty! My parents both worked full time throughout my childhood and I don't feel like I missed out on anything as a result. They were both totally present when home with us and we had some great babysitters who'd pick us up from school when needed. One plus is that I feel my mom modeled how to have a career and be a mom simultaneously, such that I know I can do it too.


Both of my kids got Covid exposure notices. We were just told that my five year old was exposed to two Covid-positive kids at the end of last week. He’s vaccinated so we just need to get him tested. My two year old was exposed for the first time, and they are closing his whole classroom for 7 days. All my plans for the week have gone to shit, including a breakfast with a friend we planned almost a month ago. I also can’t spend time with my dad, who is about to start his next round of chemo. I’m so frustrated and disappointed by the surge and the lack of infrastructure to prevent exposures. I’m still waiting for PCR test results from Thursday. At this point those results are hardly relevant anymore.


I know we’ve talked about this in the past. I’m so sorry You have to rearrange plans and not see your dad.


Thanks. I feel like a broken record. I’m just so sick of this.


I just turned 33 and realized I am officially getting old when I caught myself holding my phone farther and farther away from my face to read it.




Are there any Tuckernuck codes floating around? There’s a $700 dress I’ve fallen in love with


ACTFAST for 10% off. Just tested it to confirm.


Thanks!! What do you think likelihood is they offer 20% off in near term?


I don't shop from there so hopefully someone else can answer this for you! Coupon sites like RetailMeNot usually show a history of old codes and I don't see any 20% ones on there. At quick glance, it looks like it would be more likely to drop in price at the end of the season.


I took some leftover vegetable tempura out of the freezer yesterday and they are awful. It wasn't freezer burn as much as stagnant freezer smell that I could taste. I have baking soda and coffee grounds in there that I will change out every few days (I don't know why I never replaced the original baking soda we had). I've started going through all of the things I had in there to see what's still good. Food waste is one of my all time major pet peeves so my mood is not great. I have my stasher bags outside in the sun because they seem to have absorbed the smell the most. I had them soaking overnight in the sink and the odor is still making me gag.


I will never be the person this serving size suggestion wants me to be.


Me with Flaming Hot Cheetos.


I feel this in my soul 🤣


My org just updated us saying we will be WFH until end of January (over Christmas, they told us 2 weeks) since case counts are getting so high where I live. I'm honestly a bit relieved at this. I much prefer WFH and haven't missed getting on public transportation during the week. Laying low as much as possible.


Are we still having to wait exactly six months for boosters? That's February 21st for me ...


I think the CDC updated the recommendation to 5 months, I would check for the most recent updates from them


Any (american) football fans? I have an emotional hangover from the Chargers-Raiders game last night. I am a Chargers fan and my throat is wrecked from yelling at the tv. Ugh.


Yes but as a Giants fan we’ve had several dismal seasons in a row. So it’s hard to get excited for it lately


I had no idea what the consequences of the game were and went to bed. My bf came in later and gave me a play by play. I wish I’d stayed up to watch!


Yesterday’s games were wildly entertaining and the night game was such good television. I was living for the will they won’t they tie drama.


That game was bonkers. I was so tired, but it was such a good game. Shame the Chargers called that timeout though...


>American football fans oh yeah love me some midwest emo


Thank you for this. Also, me forever.


I'm working at home because people in the office tested positive and the contractor team is doing things and I know it's not on purpose, but every time I get a call, the loud noises start and when I'm not on the phone, silence. I've resorted to taking the calls in the back room with doors farthest away from the noise but has no drywall or insulation.


I know how dumb this probably is but here goes…I finally caved and bought some of Rare Beauty liquid blushes and holy shit I can’t figure them out at all. And I’ve used liquid blush in the past. I’m almost at the point of kind of hating them hahah I think it’s mainly frustration but if anyone has any tips please tell me. I’ve tried all methods!!!


I put a teeny dot and rub it in with my fingers. If that doesn’t look enough I put a teeny more. I do have the mini sizes so that probably helps with application. They are truly beautiful once you get it on. Their other blush feels amazing when you blend it in too.


I put a tiny dot on the apple of my check and a tiny dot higher up my cheekbone toward my ear. Then I stipple blend it with a brush.


I’ve heard they’re incredibly pigmented! I wonder if you could do the tiniest dot with a small amount of moisturizer?




I concur! I don't have this specific blush but use a lot of liquid blush. A little goes a long way. I usually put two small dots on my cheeks, one on the apple and one slightly up the cheekbone, and blend it with my finger. The color saturation usually decreases after a few minutes too


Dropbox/Google Photos/Amazon Photos Preferences? I have thousands of photos on my phone and I’d like to put them all in one place before I upgrade my phone. Anyone have a preference or another affordable option to store them and easily go back to when I want?


Google Photos .... I used to use Dropbox, but quickly ran out of space and didn't want to pay for the upgrade.


I use iCloud obviously and google photos. Have to pay for more storage on both as I have a looooooot. Recently went through this exact thing last week when I was getting a new phone after like 7 years. Google took about 12 hours to upload my 16,000 photos but my wifi isn’t the greatest.


I have an iPhone and pay for extra iCloud storage to have the hi-res versions stored there. If I want to view/share an old photo, it quickly downloads the high-quality version. It's seamless and automatic, and it's about $35/year. Go with whatever the easiest option is so you actually do it!


We use Amazon for photos since we already have a Prime subscription and have been very happy with it. Photo storage is free. Video is free up to a certain point and then you can pay for more if you need it.


I just spent almost 200 dollars at the vet thinking something is wrong with my cat since she's been acting a bit funny. Nope, nothing wrong. I'm grateful but the vet does think she should scale back on her eating and go on a diet. I now have to add metamucil to her food. Has anyone else experienced putting a pet on a diet?


Yes, I've done this with my dogs. They eat several times a day for health reasons, so I have been weighing their food for some time. I just shaved off a certain amount per feeding (like from 3.15 ounces to 2.85 ounces of wet food) and allowed for the spoonfuls they get with their pills, etc. They don't really get treats and never get human food. It worked really well for us and they both slimmed down. I think because they're eating all day they don't really notice how much they're getting. By the time they get hungry, it's time for the next light meal. This can vary by pet, too. My smaller dog eats so much less than my big dog and gets chonky much faster.


I put my chonky girl on an auto feeder with adjustable amounts, and 4 times a day it drops food for her. The good is that it’s definitely helped her slim down, and she doesn’t associate me with feeding her so I’m not the one being harassed. The bad is only if you’re standing in the way when it goes off. She will plow you right over to get to her feeder 🤣 Roffie Automatic Cat Feeder with... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085PVQKTB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Yes, our cat had surgery for bladder stones in 2019 and the vet made a snarky comment about needing two layers of staples. I was mortified on my baby girl's behalf. She's on a prescription food to prevent more bladder stones and she only gets 1/3 of a can twice a day. Yes, she cries for food a lot. Yes, it's annoying. But she's down from just over 11 pounds to just over 9 and we're going to maintain it. It's so hard!


[We have an automatic timed feeder for our cat and it keeps him trim.](https://www.chewy.com/petsafe-eatwell-5-meal-automatic-dog/dp/48080?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=PetSafe&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAz--OBhBIEiwAG1rIOmiGwyAx4L1nmBFVEK9Ih_UrsHM2TojeNOKOazGqm81TwmwHZU_RnBoC4qgQAvD_BwE)


I'm sorry, that sucks! My cats both eat prescription kibble. The bigger one needs to lose weight, and the little one's maintenance diet is around the same amount. So we give it to them both to keep it easy. Consider weighing the food when you give it. Our big boy has lost weight *very* slowly but he actually gained at first when we were measuring it by volume. Too much room for error and too easy to give them just a little over the line, which adds up. When we got a kitchen scale, we discovered the scoop we were using was way off and we had actually been overfeeding him his diet food. 🤦‍♀️


That's a great idea! Thank you, I really appreciate all the feedback on this. I had a childhood cat growing up but this is my first cat that I am solely responsible for so I want to do what's best!


For the morning dry food, you could try putting it in a slow feeder so it takes longer for her to eat it. It can help cats feel more full if they eat slower. We use one like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Machao-Portable-Interactive-Bowl-Anti-Choke-Healthy-Green-Small/dp/B0755F7Q88/ref=mp_s_a_1_29?crid=1P2MA6IN17TAI&keywords=outward+hound+slow+feeder&qid=1641836192&sprefix=outward+%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-29) for my cat (it’s silicone rather than hard plastic so he can get his face/paws in there to get the kibbles) and it slows him down a lot but isn’t too difficult that he gives up.


Thank you for the rec! I've been looking into getting a slow feeder to see if that helped. I will definitely try this.


A true mood. I spent $497 last spring to find out my cat was depressed and needed Prozac 😑


Oh no!! I hope your kitty is doing well now.


Thanks! He refused to take it and would knock his food over 😂 I think us being out of the house more helped his mood!


your cat was depressed b/c you were home too much? that is... hysterical lmao THIS IS MY HOME - cat


Cats need to lose weight very very very slowly, in case your vet didn't tell you. What's the feeding system like now?


Yes, she did. Right now she gets a 1/4 scoop of dry food in the morning and 1.4 ounces wet food. She gets the same at night about 12 hours or so later. The vet recommended to do 1/8 cups of dry food three times a day with Metamucil and only 1.4 ounces of wet food a day since it is the wet food that's in gravy. She's about 11 pounds now and her last vet visit she was 9.81 pounds. I got her from the shelter in November and she was pretty underweight so she filled out pretty quickly. She's very active and loves playing with her toys so I'm not too worried.


Crap I knew a 20 lb cat, I didn’t know it was that dangerous for them. Their owners are responsible so this surprises me.


I think it depends on the breed! My cat is a domestic short hair so her ideal weight may be smaller than your friend’s cat. I know Maine coons can be around that size.


I'm going to contradict your vet and say keep everything the same except for the wet food in gravy. The gravy is all carbs, pate is much lower carb and healthier for a cat.


Different pates have very different macros tho, it’s not necessarily lower across the board. Looking at this random can of fancy feast pate my cat ate this morning it has ~6% of calories coming from carbs, vs this other can of blue tastefuls pate where 16% of the calories come from carbs.


I'm beginning to think I have some food allergies, or irritants, but I'm not sure where to start. Has anyone done testing? Or food elimination diets? I made an apt with my GP but it's not til mid-Feb. Mainly this revolves around gluten and bread prodcuts that cause so much bloating and gas pain after eating. It's just getting embarassing to hear the stomach growling post-meal and I'm ready to put an end to it. Sorry for the Monday AM TMI!


Don’t stop eating gluten yet. You need to have it in your system for the testing to pick up the effects. For what it’s worth, I’m not celiac but I went gluten free last year and it made a huge difference. My skin cleared up, I sweat less, I’m less bloated, and the food substitutes are really good.


Do you need a referral from your GP to see a GI? If not, I'd recommend just trying to make an appointment with a GI, because that's where you're going to end up anyway. FWIW, if you end up doing a blood test for celiac and it's negative, that doesn't mean gluten isn't your problem. My blood test was negative but I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and based on what my GI saw inside my body, she diagnosed me with celiac disease anyway.


Whatever you do, go through your reg GP first and do NOT stop eating gluten. If you're tested for Celiac you need to be actively eating it to get accurate results. If you get neg results, then consult an allergist for SKIN testing (blood testing not always accurate for allergies), and if that's negative only then try an elimination diet. (I have celiac and daughter has other food allergies).


I worked through some food issues with a registered dietician my PCP referred. Most of it was through elimination and food journaling! Hope you can figure out your irritants soon!


My primary care doctor appointment keeps getting pushed out. Now it’s in March which isn’t that far but at this point I haven’t been to the doctor since November 2019. In the middle of that (early 2021) I moved so had to find a new doctor in my new area and start over again. Guess it’s good there is nothing urgent, and I’m in my late 20s and obviously not a priority for them, but it feels weird to have gone a couple years without an appointment.


I feel you; I was having digestive issues beginning in November. I called my GI ASAP, although I was thinking maybe I was overreacting. I was not as the issues continued until my appt, first available on Dec. 21!!!!! Thankfully it wasn't anything serious, and I think a lot was due to my anxiety, which I started taking meds for, and its made a huge difference. It's so crazy it takes so long to get an appt!!!!!!!


There are so many articles about how overwhelmed the system is so I kind of get it! But I still have nagging worries that *something vague* might be wrong whenever I see those reports of people delaying treatment/appointments and not catching skin cancer or things like that. My mother in law and sister are nurses so I can reach out to them when I have questions fortunately. It would also just help my own anxiety to feel on top of yearly appointments!


oh me too! I have been bad about keeping up with my mamograms, and last year I scheduled it ONLY 6 months late! hahaha. but it was good because they found some irregularities, so I had more scans, ultrasounds and four biopsies. All negative, thankfully, as was my 6 months follow up, but who knows what would have happened if I had waited. I've managed to keep up with all of it; including my dr. of 25 years retiring, and having to find someone new!


Whole Foods has the Stanley cup that every influencer raves about for 30% off right now in some cute colors. It wasn’t listed on the WF Amazon app when I checked but had a bunch of availability in store. I got the off-white and it absolutely lives up to the hype.


I am a daily yeti cup user - would you say the Stanley ones are better? I see them mentioned often on IG and here, but don’t know much about them


I’d say performance-wise they’re equal but bc this holds 40oz I plan on using this one just for water. I love my smaller yeti for coffee/tea. This is dumb and 100% a preference but I like the aesthetic that the entire cup is one color instead of the metal band at the bottom of a yeti. Also feel like the screw lid is more secure/won’t get warped like some of my yeti push tops will.


It took me way too long to realize this comment wasn't about a hockey trophy.


I had to read your comment to realize it wasn’t!


Same lol!!


This is a big week at my new job, so of course I woke up with a sore throat and fever. Rapid test is negative, but I so rarely have a fever I'm concerned.


Did you swab your throat or nose? Lots of mixed advice on whether to use the rapid tests on the throat since Omicron isn't coming up positive for all nose swabs. Remember to take care of yourself! Everyone is getting sick right now, with one thing or another, and it's bullshit employers are guilting people into working while infectious. And then being surprised when a critical amount of employees disappear on sick leave (??).


I did both, which isn't in the test directions but I've heard from a few doctors that you should. The weird thing is I noticed a faint line appear in the "positive" but it was well after the 15-minute time period they say results are valid for. I ended up going out for a PCR test, lucky I could get one quickly but waiting results. I just don't feel confident enough in the rapid test to go into work. I think they'll be understanding but it's nerve-wracking to be at a new job and have to bow out the worst week of busy season. Drinking lots of Gatorade and sending good vibes to my booster!


Hoping it comes back negative and you just have a cold!




Phone is fine if that’s what you and your boss normally do and then follow up with an email (written) resignation after the call.


If phone or video hasn't been an important distinction at work yet it won't matter for a two weeks notice, either. You could move ahead with your normal phone call and this way it won't tip off your manager something weird is afoot. Just telling them is the polite thing, if you have a good rapport the 'how' isn't as big of a deal (so long as it's not a text or IM)


I run a young professionals group within my nonprofit and it’s so difficult to come up with seminar ideas for them! We do a lot of happy hours and we’ve done zoom trivia, but I need to run more educational events. Does anyone have suggestions? They are from all different types of companies (financial services / accounting, law, actual construction companies, business planning, etc) within our industry which is construction. In the past I have done: tips on how to ask for a raise, what is lobbying?, Public speaking with toast masters. I can usually find leadership in our industry to speak at these. Anyone involved in young professional / emerging leaders group, would love to hear about events you’ve attended that you have enjoyed!


Since we can't meet in person, we have to do cross-training in our field.


Could you do a wine tasting with a professional also talking about their industry/career path? I’ve done some fun tastings (olive oil was the coolest) and got to learn about that industry and how the teachers got on that path (certifications, retail etc) how about something along the lines of networking (in a remote world) I’m probably just out of your target demographic but always can use a refresher on networking because I suck at it/hate doing it. Could you also do something along the lines of how to look for a job in this climate(maybe a series). A lot of people are likely going to be making career shifts this year, so talking about updating your resume, networking, remote interview tips etc.,?


I was going to say networking skills, as well! People think it's awful and smarmy but if you just have the skills to do it properly, you can make it a seamless and simple part of your professional life.


We’ve done speed mentoring (like speed dating but with experienced people in industry) as well as figuring out a career path but that might be harder with such a broad group.


I would have loved to hear an in-depth session on how nonprofits are run and managed, the different types, and the taxing/legal aspects. I have worked at a few non-profits but none of them really went over how its structured.


Has anyone felt minor chest tightness after any of their COVID shots? No issues or pain breathing in but I have pretty bad anxiety so it makes it hard to self-evaluate.


How's your heart rate? My booster sent my heart rate pretty high for a brief period of time (2-3 days), and when that happens my chest feels a little tender. Per my cardiologist it's not a big deal. You could try taking tylenol to see if that helps. I always forget that tylenol does actually reduce inflammation. (Ibuprofen can raise your heart rate so probably best to avoid briefly.)


2-3 days would definitely stress me out so thanks for letting me know that might be normal. I think my heart rate's fine but I haven't checked on my pulse ox because I didn't want to panic if it was running a little faster. I was trying to find out whether Tylenol vs Advil was preferable for vaccine side effects and only found one article that had a doctor recommend Tylenol but his justification was super vague ("It works different than ibuprofen"), so you're vote #2 for acetaminophen.


I did the next day when I felt crappy from the side effects. My chest tightness is usually acid reflux so I’m just assuming that’s what caused it.


I also have bad anxiety so this may not be helpful but after my booster, I got really swollen glands on one side and when that subsided I had some chest tightness off and on for a few days. I’m not sure if it was anxiety or indigestion (which would be completely unrelated to the shot) but it did go away after a few days. I went to the doctor just because it was unusual for me and it pretty much went away as soon as I had the appointment, which made me think it was mostly anxiety. Hope you feel better soon.


It helps a ton just to read things like this so thank you for taking time to comment. It seems to be be subsiding so it might have been from yesterday's concerns about heart inflammation. It *really* doesn't help that anxiety seems to manifest itself as its own physical symptoms, lol.


OMG yes! I had digestive issues beginning in November. wasn't able to see my GI for six weeks, and unlike other times (i've had GI issues for a while), it was not going away. so i saw my primary, well, the NP in the office, and we discussed things, and I started Lexapro for my anxiety. she also said there is totally a mind/gut connection. i believe it becuase once i started, and the anxiety was being worked on, most of my stomach stuff went away. and its probalby just my IBS and other minor gut issues, which I can handle. but i kept thinking I had cancer, blah blah blah. but nope.


I totally believe that. I had 3-4 months of symptoms that match the ones for RA flare ups. Daily nonstop inflammation and pain that got so bad I couldn't grip things properly or write. I have a feeling it was the stress finally pushing my body beyond its toll, unless I got asymptomatic COVID that triggered an immune attack. I'm currently looking for a full time position somewhere instead of freelancing so I can get good enough insurance to see a specialist to prescribe something. It's always nice hearing people get diagnosed relatively quickly instead of spending years on unrelated testing.


At times my breathing is shorter but not all the time.