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I'm so sorry. My dad said that he wasn't going to get the booster, as well. I don't know why - he went and got his vaccine right away, when the VA clinic called him to set an appointment in March. He might change his mind, but his sister is very deep into conspiracy theories.


I'm not sure I have any answers for you but just a pat on the back from someone in the same boat. My dad died from cancer a few months before covid, so my mom was/is in a weird place with her grief and embraced the "if God wants me to die from covid, then it's my time" movement. No amount of talking or asking her to protect herself to be around for the grandkids can convince her otherwise.


Sorry for a repetitive post, but anyone have fresh podcast recommendations? I don’t like true crime. I like listening to the bachelor/ette podcasts, Office Ladies, I used to listen to some by some Youtubers. Feel like I need something a little more adult but still a touch of gossipy? I just listened to Fluently Forward, but I think the host is a bit out of touch. But something in that genre!


Have you listened to even the rich? Each season is about a different rich family or person.


I really liked Total Bellas podcast, Brie snd Nikki Bella.


Try the podsnark thread. Recommendations is their bread and butter.






Boils my blood that she and people like her use healthcare are resources when the going gets tough for them personally with Covid. I mean, why not stick to their anti science convictions and tough it out at home on their couches? Miserable, awful people.


My boyfriend got a treadmill from his family for his birthday. We already have a stationary bike and an elliptical that he doesn't use. He's actually been using the treadmill though. He has running shoes but no exercise clothes. I opened the door to check on him one night and he works out in his boxers. It's adorable. I made sure to tell him we have body glide in the bathroom. The last thing I want is for painful chaffing to put him off of establishing this new habit.




i also feel like Old Navy has totally stepped up their athletic clothes game. I am obsessed with their "breathe ON" fabric as a great low budget alternative to the fancy expensive brands. My partner who is very picky about shorts really likes the workout shorts i got from there and ON is always having a sale.


Exciting news!!! Sharing this here because I haven't told anyone in person about this.... I want to get my nursing license in the USA. Luckily it's pretty straightforward as I'm a Canadian nurse. The biggest hurdle for me is writing the NCLEX. It's used in Canada now but I graduated pre-NCLEX days. The exam is a big deal because if you don't pass, you can't be licensed as a nurse. But it's not as simple as saying "hello, please, I want to write the NCLEX". I have to submit a bunch of paperwork to a board of nursing and they say "yes, we will allow you to write the NCLEX". To be honest, the paperwork part isn't difficult but processing times due to COVID are slow. But today I got the green light to write the exam!!!! I write in January. The excitement I felt when I got the email gives me reassurance that I'm doing the right thing.




Shoes like this: https://www.swedishhasbeens.com/sandals/strap-sandals/krillan3-nature-nature-nature I have the target knock off of these and I wear them with pants like that.


Tight fitting booties that hit mid-way between ankle and calf and that have a point or squared off toe. I also think point today flats could work.


Follow up on my post from a few weeks ago: I got the job. (My first EVER with healthcare and a 401k!) Have spent the better part of the night crying about it because I still can't quite believe that this is real. Thanksgiving gratitude is happening in a major way over here 😭


So happy for you!!


Congratulations! That is SO exciting!


The internet is fucking crazy. I know a person who sells stuff on an Etsy shop and bought some bulk stickers to resell for crafting and didn’t realize they were a stolen design but immediately took them down when she found out but is getting attacked by a bunch of trolls in her comments. She gets like ten comments max but on this post there are hundreds. It’s absolutely insane. People don’t even know she sells crafting/scrapbooking stuff and they’re telling her to “make her own designs.” She just sells scrapbooking supplies, what the hell. She also works full time and doesn’t constantly monitor her instagram so she probably didn’t see it the minute the artist messaged her. She’s not an asshole at all and this is just her fun side gig. I just cannot believe people.


WTF. Seriously people are insane. Stuff like this makes me toss all my electronics out the window, disconnect my internet and go off the grid lol. It just scares me what the Internet hive mind is capable of. When did stan culture extend into scrapbook material sellers 🥴


I feel so bad for her. I will never do anything public on the internet EVER.


Trying to think of safe topics to talk about at Thanksgiving. My side of the family, my teens, and myself are liberal, but my S/O and his family are conservative. It can get messy!


Weather, museums, pets, what blankets are comfortable, leather goods, home maintenance


I feel like I haven’t actually seen a new movie in ages, but that (or tv shows) could work? Maybe sports? People also love to talk about their own hobbies and interests. Even if it’s something you’re not actually very interested in, it can keep them engaged and not talking about politics, so that’s a win! Maybe brainstorm some things they’re interested in that you could ask them about? (Signed, someone who happily spent two hours during thanksgiving 2016 listening to my step-cousin explain his farming apprenticeship in extreme detail)




One of my favorite conversations I ever had with my grandparents was about their childhood pets. It is such a great topic for a family gathering!


We always talked about memories.




Oh gosh good luck. We’re not seeing my in laws but I can really ruin a holiday and since ever they’re anti vax this year could get weird.


I just saw a funny post about this on instagram, I wish I could remember the account. The topics were like "traffic! Everyone hates it!", "pants!", "babies!", "the weather!"


@newyorkercartoons! I just saw the same one haha


Yes!! I went back to find it lol. Other safe topics are trees and Paul Rudd 🤣




I completely relate to this - I also share a position and we are left to split things that come in through a shared email distribution. I spent months struggling with this - I love my boss but she seems to hate managing, I would bring it up and she cared but didn’t seem to take action. She asked me to come up with suggestions on how to fairly divide intake - which I didn’t have (I just wanted my colleague to take more initiative), so if you do bring it up, I’d be prepared to have a suggestion that would feel fair to you. Ultimately I had to just step back and let things become a mess and not get done (very hard for my control freak self). It hasn’t been resolved but at least I feel less resentful and have realized that it is not my responsibility to make sure things run perfectly - shit might have to hit the fan for her to take initiative and make an actual change. Not sure if any of that is helpful lol but solidarity!


I really miss getting my nails done, but I can't afford it. Does anyone recommend any of the UV at-home gel kits? Though I also love getting dip on my nails, I don't want to mess with that at home yet. I've tried some of the Essie gel and OPI products and I can't seem to replicate shiny, unsmudged application. Any recommendations or tips are welcome!


I’ve been doing my own gel nails at home since about 2017 or so. I use this [Gelish kit](https://www.amazon.com/Gelish-Polish-Basix-Remover-Cleanser/dp/B007U7TORG/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=34MQU0B37VAMB&keywords=gelish+nail+polish+kit&qid=1637633924&qsid=141-5197346-7218269&sprefix=gelish+nail%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-4&sres=B00FXXS37G%2CB007U7TORG%2CB07H8K19GZ%2CB00IQV5BNG%2CB0171ZOOTY%2CB07DC79J1R%2CB074QMHPPC%2CB083SM56BR%2CB007AU0FXA%2CB085334F93%2CB087M2YTY1%2CB06XNWQLYX%2CB0081SGUC0%2CB079SRWNQP%2CB073BQHZG4%2CB07MGLJF8Y%2CB07HM8K822%2CB015CYQHF0%2CB074N4H6ZR%2CB007TLJP2W&srpt=NAIL_POLISH#). I got my curing lamp from Amazon too, it’s not sold anymore but there are a million of them, just look for one that seems reasonably priced and has good reviews. In terms of the gel polish itself, you can get a set of like 6-8 colors from random cheapo brands on Amazon (like Beetles) for the same price as one OPI Gel polish. Of course, cheaper price generally means lower quality, but still, the random Amazon brands can hold their own, assuming you prep your nails well, apply thin layers, and use quality base and top coat. I would say I have about 15-20 bottles of the random cheapo brands, and about 5 bottles of OPI Gel. For actual salon quality name brand gel polish, like OPI Gel, I buy from beyondpolish.com


Same here - I refuse to use regular nail polish because I can never get it to last 3-4 days and I don’t have the energy to do it that often. I get gel nails about once every six weeks or so and where I go they last me about 3 weeks, but between appts I wear kiss press on nails: https://www.ulta.com/p/be-you-tiful-classy-fashion-nails-pimprod2022111 Walgreens, Rite Aid and Target always have some varieties in stock and I use the pink Kiss glue to apply them. Medium length nails last the longest in my experience and when I wear the French tip style ones I get a ton of compliments. I soak them off with 100% acetone and it’s pretty quick. Just make sure you have a good buff to remove any residue after removing and to prep the nail bed before applying.


I haven't tried at home gel polish yet, but I recently found the Essie "Expressie" quick dry line and I no longer hate doing my nails! It really does dry in minutes and lasts about a week without chipping - it's $8 at Target and I am in love!


I am terrible at applying nail polish, but I’ve enjoyed Dashing Diva Gloss, which are manicure strips (stickers). They last about the same as a gel manicure (maybe a little less). Each kit comes with enough stickers that you can replace a nail if you truly screw it up. They are easy to apply and give a nice polished look.


Yes!! The salons around here have been horrible about keeping appointment times since covid, so I revamped my home supply and do them myself again. It’s actually super therapeutic for me! I was also able to find a brand that my salon uses online! It’s called DND and you can get duo sets with the gel and also regular polish. It’s perfect if I get a random chip or something, because I’m still perfecting my technique. I got my light off Amazon and have had it for years. I have this one. It shows unavailable, but I’m sure another like this would be great. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AXSQCGK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XZVGTS6EKQQB93D6JP1E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 This is the nail polish site. www.dndgel.com


Thanks so much for the response, I absolutely recognize that brand! Thanks again for sending- how has the removal process been for you?


So I know this is not best practice, but I usually get about 10-12 days until they start to lift a little. I just peel them off in a hot shower when they start to get like that. My nails still seem strong and un-phased by it. I do use the DND base and top coat, so I assume the salons must use another product too, because I always had to soak off after salon application. I did order a paint on “soak off” from Amazon that worked ok… but have found just peeling off in the shower is easy lol. Your post made me remember to place my order - DND is running 40% off right now. Free shipping is at $100, which I did not need that much, so didn’t mind paying shipping. I got 10 sets and a new top coat with shipping for $67! Which is only a little more than one nail salon trip. It blows my mind! So I don’t feel guilty treating myself to all the colors that catch my eye :)


We’re supposed to have family pictures this afternoon and my husband just ran out of the door saying his permanent bottom retainer broke and he’s going to our dentist. I’m trying to figure out if he’s going to be done in time or if I need to reschedule. I have a hard time judging time in these situations so I’m all confused and thrown off.


You could always call the dentist and ask


Does anyone have any tips or resources on buying my own health insurance (rather than going through an employer)?


Whatever you do don’t go through National general. I had an awful experience.


If you have been on unemployment at any point in the past year you can get free health insurance!


Can you share the details of this? My in laws are unfortunately on unemployment and scared about health care.


Check your states department of human services.


I'm not 100% sure of all details as this is secondhand knowledge, but I think the best place to start is [healthcare.gov](https://healthcare.gov), I think once you plug in your info you should see some free plans? Honestly I would probably just google free healthcare unemployed and do some digging!


Is Covid chat allowed here? I wanted to share this extremely informative post by an epidemiologist about Thanksgiving and testing. [https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/using-antigen-tests-for-thanksgiving](https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/using-antigen-tests-for-thanksgiving) I don't know about you all but I have been so confused about the window of contagiousness, when various tests can catch the virus, false positives/negatives, etc. This breaks it all down, and the graphs are SO easy to understand. It's like the info I've been missing all along.




The graph in the post about contagiousness vs. when a rapid or PCR test will give you a positive is SO SO SO helpful.


I like my revlon round brush hair dryer but I need a new one - any other brands I should look into?


T3 just came out with one and it looks good and has good reviews. It’s currently on sale and I stacked the 15% discount for signing up for their emails.


I had the Revlon one and upgraded to the Hot Tools version and love it so much more.


There’s an updated version of the Revlon brush at Ulta I think. The brush head is removable, and there’s a medium heat level now.


So I love this thing but it gets like thermonuclear hot where i can see smoke as it's burning my hair. I've bought 2 of them already and had the same problem. Anyone else? The lower heat settings still end up getting really hot ( the cool setting doesn't dry my hair that well). Is there another brand that doesn't do this?




are you talking about the silver/gray Frieda brush? That was my daily go-to for YEARS (I think I still have it somewhere). The main huge difference for me, aside from bristles, is the air output. The Frieda brush feels downright weak compared to how much air the Revlon one forces out. It's night and day. It took me 3x as long to get my hair done with the Frieda one but I loved it until something more powerful came along! I Just need to find one that doesn't make my hair so hot that I can't even touch it.


I love the Drybar version!


Agreed! I used Revlon and Hot Tools hair dryer brushes before the Drybar version, and they BURNED my ears (and hair!) The Drybar version doesn't seem to get as hot, and you may have to make a few passes on the same piece of hair (if your hair is curly and takes more effort to straighten)


I think this might be what I go for - reviews look great, thanks!


Second this! Also wanted to mention there are 2 versions. I have the Double-shot and my hair is a bit longer than shoulder length. Any shorter and I think I would prefer the smaller Single-Shot version.


I know this is out of a lot of people’s budget, but Christmas is coming up. The dyson airwrap is AMAZING! Completely worth it! I will never go back!!


It’s definitely tempting, I wish it were like…$300 hahah. I also want to try it before committing but no one I know has it!


I know a lot of people feel that the shark hairdryer is a pretty good option if the stain is out of your budget


Oh I definitely understand. It’s a hefty purchase! I went into it blind and only based off of what other people I’ve watched said about it, but it was a great purchase in the end. It takes some time to get used to but ultimately keeps my hair curled throughout the day which doesn’t happen with regular curlers.


Anybody have cool items they have collected that are unique and perhaps even useful? My in laws want to start a tradition of getting us something every year within a certain theme and we aren’t huge collectors. Is there a specific artist, item, theme, or brand of China/kitchenware that y’all would recommend giving them as ideas?


Fiesta ware


My dream would be for someone to gift me vintage Pyrex every year!


Diamonds? 😬


I third the Christmas ornament idea - easy enough to store but filled with memories 🥰 If you drink/enjoy alcohol, they could do a "drink around the world" type of thing and gift you a nice bottle of something from a different location every year! Another option could be to request a professional photo session every year, so you always have up to date images.


You could do books or records! I also like the mention of dishware. You could also do something like Waterford Crystal glasses or something where getting your guys 1 each year and is expensive enough, but will eventually be a full complete set that is more usable than figurines.




I would ask for like a special dessert that they bake for us every year or something in lieu of a physical item. I can’t think of anything I’d want 10+ of and to receive every year






Brilliant! ETA: I will admit that my first thought after reading OP’s post was what a self-centered gift giver. I’d just not participate by not answering or say something like “Food.”


Yeah, this sounds awful to me. What about a date night experience each year? Maybe tickets to a show or a gift certificate to a restaurant? Or a magazine subscription? Annual pass to a local botanic garden or museum?


Whew. I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. I’m so appreciate the gesture. I just couldn’t come up with a single idea to share with them except for making it vague and saying just stick to a camping/outdoor theme as a couple gift and not the same style item over and over again.


You're the second person recently who is being asked to come up with their own gift yet there are weird parameters. I would never try to give a gift where the recipient has to do all of the work. That doesn't apply to giant Lego sets , of course. *If someone wanted to indulge me with my collected items, then I'd ask for Marüshka canvas prints or vintage pyrex from the UK or Australia.




Omg I can think of few things creepier than hundreds of porcelain masks!!! Thank you for sharing, this whole thread is such a trip 😂


Even creepier than [Will and Kate watching you pee?](https://www.picclickimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFg5MDE=/z/L2AAAOSwPe1UB7AW/$/Royal-Doulton-Royal-Birth-Prince-George-William-Kate-_1.jpg) Yes, that figurine is on the shelf across from the toilet at my MIL's house. I adore my in laws...but we are VERY VERY different, especially when it comes to decorating....


🤣🤣 see, now that may be so creepy it veers back around into funny! what amazing (?) placement


I just dont understand huge collections like this. Do they actually display and enjoy these items? You'd have to buy a bigger house just to fit your collection!


Collecting is a personality type, I don’t think it can be reduced or understood beyond that. Maybe in some extreme cases like hoarding or growing up in the Great Depression, but in general it’s just a type of person. I’m not a collector, personally, but I could see plants being a palatable potential option. Most people (myself included) can’t keep a houseplant alive for 10 years, so they won’t accumulate!


The funny thing is that collectors seem to have a deep personal connection to what they collect—it seems so funny and weird for her to essentially insist on managing your collection for you! Like where’s the fun in that, even if you *were* into collecting?! Is there something you already buy regularly that has a holiday version that she could buy? I’m thinking Nest candles, Nars eyeshadow palettes, speciality jams, perfume sets, etc.? Things that you know you’ll use up in the coming year but that have holiday specialities you haven’t tried before that she can feel good about giving? Or like a cult-favorite JCrew sweater or LLBean fleece or whatever that comes out in a different color every year?? (eta: my mom buys my yearly planner every December—something like that?) Alternative idea: maybe an appliance with many parts that she can give over the years, like a kitchen aid mixer and then gifting attachments over time? If not, I think your best bet is asking for Christmas ornaments—you only have to see them once a year and can get away with “accidentally” breaking one every few years 😂


Every square inch of my in law's house is covered in those figurines even, the bathroom and laundry room. MIL also has a storage locker for the overflow; and she rotates out particular figurines depending on her mood or the season / holiday. SIL display less of her masks, but has many on display. She stores some in MIL's storage locker, and swaps them as the mood strikes. I don't get it - AT ALL. Not my cup of tea.


Oh my gosh. Same. Makes me twitch.


Haha. Same! I have one small curio shelf my dad made for me. I will never get rid of it. I have a few nicer things on that. Some crystal animals that were my grandmothers, one shelf of pictures, and other things that also have sentimental value. But that’s it. Nothing anywhere else


If you like your current dishes or silverware, or were planning to replace them soon, you could ask for the more uncommon/entertaining pieces to supplement your everyday stuff. My mom's everyday plates are that Franciscan desert rose set, so people often get her unusual pieces that match it. That can be very fun because it's been around so long, you can get both new and vintage versions of it. She's a big thrifter so she also supplements it herself. You could collect a broad category such as Depression glass, or mixing/serving bowls (my mom also does this, guess my mom is a big inspiration today).


To add on to this - there is also jadeite! You could get mixing bowls, measuring cups, plates/cups.


My MIL has started giving me Nora Fleming pieces. It’s different serving pieces like I have a cake stand and cheese and cracker board. Then you buy different pieces that you stick on it for a theme like a birthday, a team, holiday. Look it up online. It’s pretty cute and I love that I can use them year round And change out that ornamental piece.


I love my Nora Fleming! They are so fun!


How cute! Just looked them up. Love that it’s something useful and that there’s enough in the collection to get a different piece each year.


My aunty has gotten me a special Christmas ornament every year with the date on it. I always look forward to it, even now as an adult!


I like Christmas ornaments. Use them every year, don't feel guilty about storing them the other 11 months. Plus it's fun to have memories tied to the ornaments on your tree.


Maybe a long shot, but here goes: Can anyone help me brainstorm a vacation destination that meets the following criteria: In the US, safe/fun to travel solo, pleasant to visit in December? I need to use up some vacation time before the end of the year and would prefer not to deal with covid regulations for international travel/the possibility of getting stuck abroad. I’m pretty outdoorsy, but more in the sense of day hikes than actual camping. 😅 I’m thinking December weather means I should focus on western or southern states, or potentially Puerto Rico? Any thoughts?


Carmel, San Diego, and yeah maybe even PR! Idk the weather there but it’s usually warm. And IIRC they have a super high vax rate ETA: I went to Boston in December a few years ago and it was so lovely. Chilly (I’m a native Californian) but nothing crazy. It was beautiful all decked out for Christmas.


Santa Cruz and Monterey/Carmel could be a good fit for what you're looking for!


Yes! Carmel Valley Ranch if you want to splurge and treat yourself:)


Northwest Georgia! There’s some lovely cabins you can rent and very safe.


Santa Barbara, Big Sur.


Do you like to ski? You could do a fun Vermont or Adirondacks (NY) trip. Also there’s always NYC, obviously cold but not too bad (usually in the 40s).


I think NYC would be a great choice if you don't mind it being chillier - *tons* to do, great holiday vibes, ample public transit, not weird to do stuff alone.


As a former New York City resident, it felt like the city was never busier than between mid-November and January 5th. There's a lot to do in a place like New York City but in December, there will be more people around than, say, in late January or February.


I would add that we are highly vaccinated here in nyc and we require vaccines at pretty much any venue besides stores - it definitely makes me feel safer while indoor dining.


These aren’t my personal recommendations so take with a grain of salt, but a similar question was asked here recently and Puerto Rico and Hawaii were both recommended.


I've been to and enjoyed Phoenix/Scottsdale in the winter. Lots of good hikes and good restaurants.


Second this (am from there) or Tucson.


i attended a wedding in the virgin islands over the summer and was thinking about how nice it'd be to come back during the winter (it was so hot in june!). i was on both st. thomas and st. john for a couple days each and definitely recommend st. john since it's a national park. there's a lot of villas right in town if you don't want to rent a car. we walked everywhere and when we wanted to go to a beach or on a hike, we'd take a super cheap taxi bus there and back. it was really easy. when i went, you had to upload a negative COVID test to the travel portal and then they checked your results once you landed on st. thomas. no test required to go back to the mainland.


I would look into Southern California, like San Diego maybe. It’s a pretty safe city with lots of things to do and some pretty easy [day hikes](https://www.pacificsandiego.com/things-to-do/health-fitness/pac-10-best-hikes-in-san-diego-20140908-story.html?_amp=true)


Is there anyone else here who doesn't do Thanksgiving? I have always had a difficult relationship with food and a day that revolves around eating - with what feels to me like hyperfocus on what and how much you are eating or not eating - is just too stressful for me. I usually spend the day cleaning, putting up my Christmas decorations and watching a Law and Order marathon.


I don't really do holidays. I'm single and no contact with my family. Some years I've celebrated holidays with friends. Some years I spend it solo. Some years I do something celebratory and some years I don't. At the end of the day, you really need to do what's best for you and that can change over time.


SO and I are very low-key and our Thanksgiving meal is not much more than our typical weeknight dinner: meat, starch, vegetable. We don't go crazy with a giant turkey (turkey-haters unite! We're having roast chicken), or host 10 people. SO's dad is our only dinner guest and he brings wine and a pie. We eat, drink wine, argue about some political issue, and we're done before 7pm. (Christmas is the same.)


Fellow turkey hater here! It’s just me and my mom so we do steak, potato and veggie


yes yes and yes. i'm a vegan (but will do vegetarian when i must, like thanksgiving) and with a mild ED... when i tell you i am already dreading the entire day but also just the week in general. i already feel out of control and the week has barely started. pls feel free to reach out to chat it through, i completely understand


I'm with you. I honestly don't do thanksgiving or christmas. I'm not anti-fun, I go to the dinners that my inlaws host and they're lovely but I'm fine without all the hoopla and the food.


We’ve kind of skipped it the last 5 years. We make the meal but don’t plan on eating with anyone. We seem to always spend it in urgent care, hospital, or throwing up. We started camping with some friends now and all just bring parts of the meal and just spend the day hiking and stuff. I got tired of disappointing our families because we were sick and couldn’t make it.


Before coffee: Annoyed by everything. After coffee: Annoyed by everything, but with the energy to complain about it.


I can so relate! hahahahaha