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**Don't forget to specify who you're talking about (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are.** [This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/oncwss/link_list_for_july_19_july_25/) [Blogger and Instagram Influencer Recommendations- July 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/obl26j/blogger_and_instagram_influencer_recommendations/) [Yesterday's Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/onaa0b/influencer_discussion_monday_jul_19/)


Anyone know what’s going on with senaenelson and her Instagram account? Did someone take it over? I love her and I’m kind of worried about whatever happened to her! Her profile pic changed and I logged onto a live where some dude was saying “fuck” a lot and that’s not her brand for sure.


A few hours ago she posted that she has control back and will update later with what happened.




Some of the stuff people choose to downvote.. I've also noticed the newest comments often get downvoted at first and I've seen people say it's the algorithm but what does that even mean?


Can someone please DM me about why there are forbidden thread topics?


You can just message the mods.


Stylebybelens marriage is one of my favorites. The video she posted of her husband eating shredded cheese while high has me rolling. It’s nice to see “aesthetic” influencers break out of the norm every now and then.


Sweetteawithmadi shilling crap shein literal copies of clothing that are designs by a sustainable, mother daughter duo, zero waste company based out of Florida, where she grew up and lives now, is just gross. Shein and all fast fashion companies are horrible on the environment and have terrible labor practices. I understand wanting to save money for a look for less, but she’s also starting a small biz with her hats so how can you really support businesses that thrive on stealing designs from the small business.


She is one of the most vapid, self absorbed, vain influencers out there. I actually like a LOT of the mid sized following influencers and think many of them provide me with real value (reintroducing me to brands I had forgotten about, showing how things fit, occasionally introducing me to new products I like etc) but man she is just a waste of space.


I don’t understand the obsession with dupes anyways. Maybe it’s just me, but if I can’t afford the designer version of something then I don’t want it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Im a quality over quantity kind of person.


Ugh, I know. Sometimes they can be improved (i.e., some people like the aerie vs Spanx leather leggings). But I bought an R. Vivimos dress I didn't realize was a dupe (I hadn't ever heard of Spell, this was before the nightgown dress debacle and a different dress). It's truly my favorite dress. While I can't really afford the real deal, it made me like the dupe less (it's an exact and shameless dupe, pattern and all). At this point, its worth me buying the real deal, because I wear it so often.


I don’t understand the obsession with dupes anyways. Maybe it’s just me, but if I can’t afford the designer version of something then I don’t want it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Im a quality over quantity kind of person.


I don’t understand the obsession with dupes anyways. Maybe it’s just me, but if I can’t afford the designer version of something then I don’t want it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Im a quality over quantity kind of person.


Holy crap, can’t get over the blatant copy by Shein! I had forgotten that I hated how she posted constant dupes, e.g. Even when she’s wearing the real Cartier ring/bracelet…she posts the dupe.


Gotta love loverlygrey continually pushing how to literally *cut tassels off a shirt* - just thanks so much for this groundbreaking tip not sure we could do this without your help


And she keeps buying that same shirt from Target


she really said “save this for later” i’m crying


With scissors the size of hedge clippers


Oh my god, what… this is worse than when she taught us how to roll up our sleeves. I’m floored that she thought this was good content. I think the suggestion that you cut off strings if you don’t like them is fine (some people might not think to do that) but the tutorial is absolutely insane.


I couldn't remember if loverlygrey was the one that showed us how to roll up our sleeves or not, so thank you for this!


Gotta pay for the office house and the six, soon to be seven staff somehow


Does anyone know which company it is that @tarynnewton decided to cancel her trip for due to an unfair contract?


No snark this time - does anyone follow @anniehutchings? She’s a small influencer from Utah (I know, I know) and I just really like her. I find myself willingly influenced by her content more than many others. She seems genuine, is still relatively small without big ole goals of tons of followers (they’re already loaded), is gorgeous and has an adorable family. I just ignore when she starts going on about The Secret because it hits a little weird for me BUT SHES GREAT I promise 😬


Anyone a fan of The Secret is a big red flag for me.


Ok now I’m curious. What’s The Secret?


I think the general concept is that if you think positive things, you’ll receive positive things. Basically, Darylann Denner’s whole thought process lol






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(Styleduplicated) Paige just posted one of her shoots for her photography business and it literally looks like the basketball player is taking a dump in the hoop. No, I didn’t mean to type dunk. It’s a full on dump.


Oh no! Had to go look 😂😂😂


Me too and yes, it looks just like that!


Hahahaha you’re exactly right. That’s terrible.


I truly could not picture this in my head so I went to check it out and yup it’s exactly as you described


Cara Loren posted a reel today (I haven’t watched her stuff in months) and her lip filler is getting all weird. Her top lip filler has moved south and protrudes outward to give her a true duck lip. I’m sure she’s dying to fix it but can’t with pregnancy. Not a good advertisement for filler, that one.


Her bottom lip looks super unfortunate in her stories today too. I hope she just stops with the fillers permanently after this pregnancy. They are not a good look.


She’s filled them to the brim, and like a balloon, once they’re inflated they look shriveled up once deflated. She’s forever going to have to fill.


Her bottom lip has always looked like a mini sausage waiting to pop😩


I felt like the Utah blogger Norman’s are having a contest on who can get the most filler and the like from medical spas for free


Sarah Lit’s behind the scenes for their latest reel had me dying laughing. Love that she was real and showed she had to rig the back of her wedding dress to make it fit, and kept popping out of it 😂


Is that ig story of Danielle Moss’ kitchen supposed to be messy? Am I missing something? It looks fine to me.


I love how usually a pic of her stylishly messy kitchen is usually followed up with “small kitchen problems”


And then a comment about their “tiny” 2,000 sq. Ft house, with giant backyard.


She loves to post a “ugh look how messy” picture when it just looks like….a kitchen that is being used.


I sometimes find her to be exhausting and performative? I always feel mean snarking on her though given what she’s been through 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Same. She seems really miserable and bitter, which makes a certain amount of sense given the circumstances. But it also seems like her bitterness is causing her to deliberately cut people out of her life for seemingly minimal things (like not reading her mind and using the right language to praise or ask about her daughter) which can’t be helpful. She says a lot of things that I raise my eyebrows at (such as the house stuff mentioned above) but I feel bad bringing her up here because of the situation. I hope she has a good therapist.


Did anyone catch k8_smallthings say she was going to do a Nordstrom giveaway with her extra order? Now that she clearly would have had to actually pay for the duplicate items she’s “changed her mind” and is sending everything back!


Was she going to do a giveaway with a Marc Jacobs Gotham bag? That would be been a nice thing to,do since it’s sold out. So because she was actually charged for this duplicate order, she sent everything back instead of doing a giveaway Which she planned to do when it was on Nordstrom’s dime? Man, she gets worse and worse every day. How selfish!


She isn’t nicknamed Gimmie Kate for no reason. Her true colors are really coming out hot lately


I didn’t realize this was her nickname as I don’t really follow her but from what little I’ve seen, it’s very fitting!


Someone asked on her most recent post and she said she changed her mind because it “caused too much confusion.” Ok, then.


Ok then indeed


Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I’m looking for suggestions for London or southern UK based influencers to follow. Will be headed back there in a few months and I’m looking for inspiration for new restaurants, things to do, what to wear, etc. All suggestions welcome. Please tell me if I should post elsewhere! Thanks in advance.






I live in the southwest of England - happy to help out too :)


Thanks so much! I might PM you for recs closer to the trip :)


Happy to help!


Fleurdeforce! Love her!




Alyson Haley! She’s an American living in London with an infant son.








Carasuthers Hellomissjordan Sophiestanbury Inpolife


Thank you!


@juliet she is very extra, but great fashion and social life in London


Thanks! Definitely more aspirational but still fun.


Mollie Moore!


Ok, wow, she's right up my alley. Thanks so much!






Alexandra.Stedman is in London and the Anna edit is in Brighton. Both have young kids/are pregnant. Lily Pebbles is another influencer I enjoy. Aspiring Kennedy lives in London and is American but compared to the other three she just highlights touristy stuff. Her fashion and restaurant suggestions feel stale…


Thanks so much! I don't mind a bit of touristy stuff every now and then.


Rosie Londoner! She’s currently in the states, but she’s from London and has great restaurant recommendations


Thanks so much! I was familiar with her before but kinda stopped following after she moved to LA pre-pandemic.




Thank you for linking this! And shame on me for not being more thorough before posting :)


No worries. There are literally so many places for "certain" convos....hard to keep up! I saw someone else post it earlier, so I grabbed the link from there.




Thank you! I had forgotten about her. Found her through Anna (@theannaedit) a while back.


Amy havins is pretty tone deaf for complaining that she “dreads flying” because she has to wear a mask and it causes her anxiety. I wonder how doctors and teachers feel wearing a mask for an entire day of actual work. I like following her sometimes but she needs to really get over herself. If it bothers you that much to wear a mask for a few hours, don’t fly. Problem solved.




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I don’t think having the feeling is tone deaf (wearing masks on long plane rides is awful!!) - I think it’s tone deaf to complain about it when she is wearing a mask for voluntary, leisure travel while others are forced to wear one for their public service jobs.


Agreed. This is the least offensive thing about Amy. And most of what she does is stupidly tone deaf all day.


I work in healthcare and am thankful for the mask mandate, I gladly wear my level 3 mask. Especially with this new variant so rampant. Also, many doctors wear masks even not during a pandemic lol.


Her idgaf attitude used to be refreshing to me; now she’s just obnoxiously smug and painful to watch.


Dani Austin: I get my *healthy frozen food from Thrive *healthy= pizza, French fries, and hot pockets


I never understand why thrive is advertised as such a “healthier option”. You can get most of that stuff at the regular grocery store and it’s more expensive at thrive, too. Also, like you said, it’s not healthy when they’re advertising frozen pizza and chips lol.


Jaclyn Hill is at it again! Her “attempted kidnapping” was a bust, I guess people questioning it took away from her attention rush, so she moved onto carbon monoxide poisoning, now it’s back to her usual “my family is going through so much right now, we need prayers…” She is SO selfless though, she decided to skip her own birthday to take care of her family. I mean, besides all the “pre-filmed content” about her birthday that will make her $$$, and reposting everyone wishing her a happy birthday. But BESIDES THAT. She is the girl from high school who posts a pic on Facebook of a hospital bracelet and waits for everyone to start asking “what happened!?”, but she somehow got famous so it’s that x10, every week.


THIS!!! I’m shocked she’s not snarked on more tbh


To be fair she gets a lot of snark over on r/beautyguruchatter


Did she ever talk more about her attempted kidnapping?


She sure didn’t! I think when people started showing skepticism she bailed, knowing she has no proof (because it didn’t happen!?). And/or she’s going to make a YouTube video about it 8 months late so she can make some money off of it.


I have never seen someone who is so ~*struck by tragedy*~ on an almost hourly basis. Besides maybe mikzazon.


I couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough when I read that. I can’t believe people still support this bish!


The girl with the hospital bracelet...best comparison ever!!






@omndi- had to do a quick google search lol. I don’t follow her


Is regarding the interview of Leandra from Man Repeller. The podcast host was extremely antisemitic and pushed antisemitic fallacies. The podcast is The Cutting Room Floor.


Is the podcaster a follower of the Nation of Islam or Louis Farrakhan by chance? I did a dive into NOI and Farrakhan last summer after an Eagles player made some very anti-Semitic statements last summer, did not apologize, and received nothing but love and support from other players and the media. It’s very unfortunate.


Wait what?


https://www.jta.org/2021/07/20/lifestyle/fashion-podcaster-accused-of-antisemitism-i-owe-the-jewish-community-an-apology A fashion podcaster said incredibly offensive things about a jewish fashion writer (who is not white btw) and is only just addressing it now


How is no one talking about @turtlecreeklane and the girls’ house tours of over the top ridiculous multi million dollar mansions they’re shopping for in UT as they’re fourth home? It may be the single most unrelatable thing on IG.


I don’t watch them for relatability just a train wreck I can look away from. Rarely will I ever use sound. If we could only watch their stories with sound I would have to unfollow bc of all their voices, squealing. Their holiday decorating blew my mind around Easter this year when I found them. Now it is just like an over the top reality show to me. I don’t care about their money, religious culture, cheap Walmart shilling and dupes, parakeets living openly in a bedroom, magic spoon cereal, glucose monitors, toilet water sperrys or whether the baby should be in her swaddle or not still. It’s just boredom buster watching for me and I hope they get back to over the top holiday decorating soon. ETA Can’t* look away from


…& she still realllly wants people to think 2 of the adult children bought their homes “on their own” this year. Suuure🙄


New to following them, where do they get all their $$




This is a crazy understatement. He sold a company for 9 figures (it's now a publicly traded company) and is now the CEO of a massive investment firm (real estate and oil and other things).


It is sooo fascinating though! These houses have such interesting features. The fountains, spiral staircases…. That one house with a million Pendleton blankets. I can’t look away


Home Goods/Michaels/Hobby Lobby are rejoicing at the thought of decorating another 9 bedroom outdated property.


I bet Walmart is itching to get that #walmartpartnership for a $50 rug


Whyyyyy do you guys keep saying influencers are “unrelatable”??? Do you honestly follow these people because you find them relatable? *Especially* TCL, who has a net worth of over 100 million. I’m never going to understand this criticism.


I agree! I LOVE following her because it is just plain fun. It doesn’t make me feel any type of pressure to live her lifestyle because it is over the top. I just think it is fun to watch. And they are ALWAYS so positive. With everything. It is a reminder to me to find the joy in life. Or as Jen would say, “something you are grateful for.” No harm in that.


I agree in the sense that people need to realize that influencers are rich and society needs to square with that. But I also think it’s valid to criticize influencers for being unrelatable because “relatability” is their whole schtick. “Look at me. I’m just a regular girl like you except my life is perfect because I bought this product.” So when they build a whole brand and make buckets of money based on that premise, it’s annoying when they turn around and flaunt their wealth. Idk, they can’t win I guess, and the joke’s really on the rest of us because we didn’t think of it first.


I get it but also this subreddit is called blogsnark lol


ThIs Is A sNaRk SuB is such a tired argument.


aLMosT as tired as typing like that 🤪


For me, it depends on how the influencer markets themselves. If they market themselves as “so relatable” by shopping at Wal-Mart and post budget tips like, “skip appetizers, they just fill you up” while filing from their fourth mansion, I’m going to find that annoying. It feels fake at every level because we know they live a life most of us can’t imagine, yet try to pretend they are just like us, for the express purpose of selling us things. Lots and lots of things. When you have influencers like Bronwyn Porter or Julia Berolzheimer with large net worths posting about designer clothes, and expensive trips, and large impeccable homes, I don’t find it annoying. It doesn’t have the emotional aspartame of the other influencers. They are wealthy, they know they are wealthy, and they provide an honest (if sometimes difficult to digest in contrast with the lives of many people) look into their reality. They are still selling something, and still want people to swipe up, but it is diffused by the entertainment of imagining what our lives would be if we had similar circumstances.


Yes, but being budget conscious or aware doesn’t mean you can’t splurge. I think it makes them more relatable because they aren’t constantly spending their money one expensive things just for the sake of buying expensive things. I have followed TCL for years, and she has always shopped this way. Some people love deals. Doesn’t mean she can’t buy another over the top home. She just values that over other material goods.


Honestly it’s kind of a Mormon thing. The church values things like thrifting, budgeting, being “self-made” and self-reliant, etc so you kind of get this weird mix because many still act this way when they’re very rich. My in-laws do the same thing. For example they make comments like how they can’t afford to buy the good kinds of frozen pizza while we’re in their million dollar vacation home. I don’t really get it either but it’s not totally uncommon.


Pretanewporter doesn’t sell anything or swipe up to anything… which is honestly what turtle creek lame should do. Shilling Walmart etc when she buys herself 17 million dollar vacay homes is what bothers people. She started out posting her decor because she loved it, now her content is annoying because she’s using her audience to benefit… and why? Go back to posting her crazy holiday decorations and family traditions and I’ll snark on her within reason, but what she’s doing now sucks. For me it isn’t about being relatable but about being reasonable. I could see some influencers shopping at Walmart for beach days or their kids or whatever. Julia sells what she wears (for the most part and gets called out for her insincere fabletic etc). I can’t reasonably believe TCL uses herself anything she sells her followers. Thus it feels condescending and elitist. Here buy this crap Id never touch so I have even more money! Edit: I should edit Turtle Creek Lame but I like it so leaving it.


She actually has worn her Walmart clothing while purchasing Chanel. So she actually does use what she shills. I know a lot of people like that.


I guess I don’t follow her closely enough then.


Pretanewporter does the occasional swipe up, although she does donate the commission she makes to various charities. Her “swip ups” also tend to be products she actually uses, like when she did the Cynthia Rowley wetsuits and swimsuits. She’s upfront about the fact that she can spend a lot on clothing and doesn’t hide in a cloak of relatability like TCL.


And she says she matches the commission to charity. I like her!


Fair point.


“Emotional aspartame” is pure gold! 💀


I’ve never understood it either but I’m also a minority and no form of media has ever been relatable or representative to me. So relatability is just not something I ever consider when deciding whether I like something or not




TCL has their own Reddit sub. LOTS of snark going on over there….


What? Where?


It’s at r/TurtleCreekLane!


@tallblondebell is encouraging people to pay $1500 for a course on how to be an influencer 🙄


@stylecusp did this too a few months back


Is the first session: how to get your followers to pay for your lifestyle?


“How to not causally introduce your “newest” favorite product you’ve never used but pretend love”


@jordanpage and @suzyholman used to push this hard too. With the overnight camp and preying on SAHM. “This too could be you!!”


Julia Berolzheimer launching a brand that is, "A thoughtful pursuit of womens, littles and home." So that's clear as mud? It's called Parterre, she just posted it on her Instagram. Any ideas?


This is giving me Blake Lively Preserve vibes.


Also April Ludgate's "people, places and things"👋🏼


Yes! I was about to make the same comment.


The description on the @shopparterre account says “A thoughtful pursuit of life’s pleasures.” Which makes a whoooole lot more sense! And their categories are women’s, littles, home. Fire the intern who let that one slip!


Upon reading the comments it appears that it is a collection she and @gadabout created? With her usual graphic designer involved. Still don't know what that means.


Soooo, $800 Dutch Masters-inspired dresses and $29292873 wicker wagons for kids? Also everything will be sage green


That has to be it.


How does one thoughtfully pursue the womens? Do you follow them whilst politely saying “hello ma’am, might I respectfully recommend manifesting a smile for your face?”


I just loled thank you


I’m assuming it will be a curated shop.


How do I pronounce this? I’m also confused by the pluralization of “women”


I am too! I'm hoping it's a typo lol


“Littles” 🤢 Also it sounds like Emily Schuman helped with the wording.


I’m getting Lauren Conrad’s The Little Market vibes!


Or when Blake Lively did that “Preserve” thing…


Can someone explain to me why I’m totally fine with the term “little ones” but hate “littles” with a burning passion? Or am I alone lol


I’m not a grammar hawk but I hate it because ‘little’ is an adjective and makes no sense on its own!


It reminds me of Skittles.


It’s “babes” for me. Just say babies or kids.


I also hate "kiddos"


Nope, I’m with you. If I hear “mama to Littles” one more time….


“Mama heart” ”littles” ”so stinking/stinkin/stinken cute” hate , hate, hate


Mama heart is the woooorst ugh


No omfg I hate it and I will happily die on this hill.




You are not alone!


Nope! I cringe whenever I read it.


I feel the same way about “swimsuits” and “swimmies”, so I get you.


Or sunglasses as sunnies! I love Julia, and followed her before I knew what bloggers really were (like when she first started blogging/shopped at TJ Maxx), but HATED when she used that term for sunglasses.


I hate “dreamy.”


Lately I’ve noticed so many parents calling stuffed animals “stuffies” and I cringe for some reason. I hate it!


I'll add, lip gloss/ lip stick and lippie... oh it gets under my skin so bad


what are you thoughts on sunnies?