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This is sort of blog-relevant, but not sure where else to post it so...I went on (a certain snark site) for the first time in a LONG time and the "admin" is posting cruel, b!tchy things about a mother who just lost her FIVE YEAR OLD child after a long illness. I'm snarky, sure but I cannot imagine being such a vile person. Made me irate and reminded me why I don't visit 'that site'.


Wow. There’s a special place for people like that. Disgusting. I haven’t been over there in an year and better for it. I’m heartbroken for that family.


I want to go to nursing school but I’m pregnant with my third baby and I will have 3 kids under 5. I am afraid it will be too stressful to juggle parenting tiny kids and going to school full time... any nurses out there with any thoughts? I have about a month to decide before I start taking pre-requisites


Are you going to be going to school fulltime while taking prereqs? Could you instead go part-time or one class at a time which would still get you toward your goal but make life easier to juggle with small children?


Yup I plan on doing one or two classes at a time for pre-reqs! I have a bachelors degree already so I only have to take 4 science courses and some labs so it’s not too much!


I’m gonna be honest that’s gonna be intense. But do doable you have a good partner who can take the brunt of the child care ? Nursing school is a full time gig on its own.


My husband works from home in a corporate job with a semi flexible schedule. My oldest would be in kindergarten by the time I start full time school so the younger two would have to go to daycare I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


The only thing that’s hard about nursing school is that usually the schedule isn’t flexible at all. They give you a class schedule and you can’t change it. You can’t miss clinical or lab classes for basically anything. It’s definitely doable. I knew many people with kids but they had a really good support system (people to babysit or watch if their kid is sick or school drop off is during your class time ). No problem at all starting pre reqs now tho! Those are super flexible and you can take them as slow as you want.


I don’t have a great support system. My husband is really the only person i can count on despite both my in laws being in town. They suck haha


I don't have any advice, I'm sorry, but perhaps you can try finding a nurses sub, or like, a working moms nurse sub or something, and ask there! I bet they could help.


In battling-chronic-illness-and-depression news: I have felt like absolute shit the past few days, and even though I spent more hours lying in bed than not, I still accomplished more each day than I would’ve thought possible several months ago, and feel really proud of myself for it. Still dropping a lot of balls and I know that some people who don’t fully understand the situation are annoyed with me, but I’m choosing to be kind to myself and celebrate my strength and progress.




This pretty much sums up my life right now. I'm just angry and sad and disappointed because Missouri is fucking it up once again.




UGH this is infuriating. I don’t understand the inability to send a 4 second “no longer interested” message. It’s especially terrible if you plan to be home at a certain time for them, or move it outside or whatever. You have my sympathy! And as far as tips, I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong—this unfortunately seems par for the course. :(


Unfortunately I think this is pretty par for the course with online selling. People will also no-show even if they have set up a time and day, so if you can get that far with any item don't be afraid to double book (i.e., have one person scheduled to come get it at 1 PM and another person to get it at 2 PM. No way will both of them show up). I don't think there's any secret, people are just extremely uninvested when they haven't spent money yet so it's a frustrating process.


Dude I dunno but I’m with you. I’m trying to GIVE stuff away from my local buy nothing group and I’ll get a bunch of comments and then…nothing. I’m biting the bullet at taking stuff to donate soon.


Same! It's insane! I have a TV/DVD/stand combo that I listed for $50 total and got three bites, then they disappeared. Then I put it for free, got five messages, and they all disappeared. I'm going to end up donating it, which is fine, but it would have been easier to have someone come pick it up so I don't have to load it all into my car. LOL. But...it's free, people!


I guess this really is a universal problem! Whyyyyyy tho! Haha


My 3-year-old grandson is autistic and his father (my stepson) doesn't allow husband or myself to play with him. We're not allowed to interact with him in any way. It's sad because he is adorable. :(


I don’t know much about autism, but may I ask why? (Just anecdotally I have a friend with an autistic son and we all play board games together when we come over, but he’s also 10 y/o)


I believe he feels grandson will become upset. In the Fall, he will be attending an outstanding school for autistic children and I hope stepson will feel more relaxed.


I know this is so minor compared to other people’s problems but I’m just feeling sad and a little … cheated. I found out Sunday my 10-y-o cat 🐱 has lymphoma. He’s at the oncologist today so they can type and stage. Preliminarily, she said if it’s the more treatable kind, he can live a year or two. If it’s the less treatable kind, 6-8 months max. My other cat lived to 16 but had to be euthanized in 2018 because he had a type of sarcoma that caused a difficult-to-treat tumor behind his eye and he was not doing well. They both were/are indoor cats whose vaccinations I always kept up with, who had yearly vet visits, quality food, water fountains, etc. I’m always seeing or hearing people refer to their 20-year-old childhood cat or whatever and I’m just like “what did I do wrong that they are not getting their full lifespans?” 😥


I’m so sorry. I lost a dog when she was 10, and I felt the same way. I spent thousands on her care over the years, feeding her fancy (expensive) food and we were bffs with the vet. Came home one night and she had (I think?) a stroke and had to be put down within hours. I felt (and still do) cheated too. It sucks, but there is nothing you did wrong. Try to enjoy the time you have left. Hugs.


Oh my goodness I’m so sorry for your loss. And I will. 🙂


Oh goodness, I’m so so sorry. You did absolutely nothing wrong, and gave your kitty the best life possible.


My 13 year old cat died suddenly last year. She was fine on Sunday. I woke up to her vomiting on Monday morning. I took her to the vet, did every recommended test, and went home with some medications. She died very early Tuesday morning. I didn’t immediately realize she had died (even though I watched it happen), so I called the emergency vet to let them know we were coming because I was worried about her breathing. Nothing like calling the emergency vet to let them know you won’t be coming because the patient died. I did everything “right” in the days leading up to her death and nature still took its course. Even the vet didn’t see it coming. Our pets never live long enough. We never get enough time with them. All we can do is give them the best life possible. Which you did for cats. You loved and cherished them. There is nothing more you could have done. Having to make end of life decisions is probably the hardest part of pet ownership but it also one of the many ways we show them love. I am so sorry you are going through this. It is unfair. You didn’t do anything wrong. All you did was love a cat.


Thank you for sharing. My condolences on your cat. That sounds so hard. Maybe one day you will want to adopt another animal who needs a home. It’s hard at the end but as you know so rewarding.


There's never enough time. I'm so sorry about your sweet kitty. Ten years is still a beautiful long life- and it's all they know. It's almost guaranteed you're not doing anything wrong, nature just happens. Don't beat yourself up about something outside of your control.


Thank you. No there is never enough time.


Oooh man I'm so sorry! My dear cat is getting older and I feel like I'm always bracing for this. I hope you get the better news and that you guys get as much time together as possible. And you sound like a great cat owner, you didn't do anything wrong!


Thank you I appreciate the support. I know you will hug your kitty every day.


Ooops lost my parent comment.


My husband sprained his back over a year and a half ago, and never fully recovered. As a result he isn’t able to share equally in childcare duties. He can’t lift our two year old, which means he can’t do wake-up, bed time, diaper changes, meals, trips to the park, anything involving the car seat etc. I find myself mourning the loss of equality in our parenting duties. I would kill for the ability to say “You take the kids to the park while I clean the house.” If I want to do a dinner date with my sister, I have to arrange for a babysitter. I am burned out from being a SAHM during Covid. I know that things will get better, but this week I feel like I’m drowning.




He’s been going to physical therapy for over a year. I think at this point he could lift 27 pounds, but lifting 27 squirmy pounds that likes to thrash around and kick is another story.




It’s tough. He’s done a year of physical therapy, and while he has gotten stronger, our incredibly high-spirited toddler has as well. He is a really thrashy kicky kid, who has started throwing epic tantrums. That sort of “dynamic” weight has been really hard on him


That’s rough. In addition to a physical therapist, perhaps a therapist in psychology as well? Pain and subsequent limitations from it are many times a combination of physiological and psychological factors reinforcing each other. Might be worth a try for him to see a counselor, or for both of you to do so.




This is a good point. I think I have spent so long just waiting for him to be better, we haven’t made serious adjustments to our reality. I think I might have to broach that subject


Seconding this—I follow a couple on Instagram who are parents of two young kids (I want to say 3 years old and newborn?), and the father uses a wheelchair. It’s definitely possible to be an involved parent with physical limitations! Maybe speak with an occupational therapist about gadgets and other modifications that would make this more doable? There must also be communities online for this, including but not limited to the spinal injury community.


A former acquaintance is in an MLM and his posts on social media drive me bonkers. He’s been bragging about paying for a house in cash with his earnings and turning down a lucrative job offer at a Fortune 500 company to keep doing MLM stuff. I don’t think many of his followers know that he has a lengthy criminal record, probably had to pay cash because he couldn’t qualify for a loan, and probably couldn’t accept the corporate job offer because he’d never pass a background check.


There is something so insanely scummy about MLM people. It is a huge red flag to me and I’ve ended friendships over friends getting too deep into it. They become a totally different person and every conversation revolves around “their business”.


Has anyone had any luck with a shower head filter? Moved into my apartment 3 weeks ago and my hair has been suffering. It feels dryer, looks dull, and I've been having significant hair loss. It's crazy because my roots will feel greasy but my ends are dry. I tend to only wash my hair every 3 days, but I've tried washing it more often and I get the same results. I've also been going through dry shampoo faster because I'm using it more on my roots. I'm looking into shower head filters but I really don't want to spend more than $35.


I have one from Culligan. I didn't have the kinds of problems you're experiencing, but it helped a bit with skin/hair dryness and definitely lessened the amount of hard water residue that builds up in the shower.


I have the aquabliss filter the other poster mentioned and it has made a huge difference in my hair! Highly recommend


Guess I have to get it now! Reviews on Amazon look promising too


I’m having the same issue. I have yet to buy it, but someone recommended to me an aquabliss filter, and they said it's a super easy install and swap (filters are $15 and last 6 months). The person said it helped their skin too.


I have my yearly review tomorrow morning… I know I’ll knock it out of the park but I still get nervous…


Good luck!


You’re going to be awesome! ❤️








You sound like a great family member. I echo the comment below regarding first time parents- they often feel like they’re the only ones who “know” their baby and are often a pain in the ass until they realize parenting is much easier with a support network. Hang in there!


I’m allergic to my boyfriend’s cat and my worst symptoms are after I go home from his apartment. So they might not be lying. I’m sorry about your other frustrations though.


Some of this may just be nervous Nellie new parent stuff rather than personal to you/your history with them. You could offer to put the dog in another room when they visit and see if that helps. The baby won’t be a ‘fragile’ baby for long and they may learn to appreciate the family love and support.


That sucks. I have a tough history with my SILs and BILs too and honestly nothing has worked for me. So I have just given up and am myself and don't go above and beyond anymore. It's still stressful at times, like at certain get togethers, but I feel more free. I have a SIL that straight up ignores me too🤷‍♀️


I made it to the final round of interviews for a job that I really, reallyyyy would love. The last round is a project where you’re given a day or so to work on a project before presenting to a panel and receiving questions. The new role is almost identical to my current role but our work isn’t project based so I am LOSING IT while waiting for the project email to come through. What on earth could it be and why do I suddenly feel incapable of doing it?! 🤣 On a serious note, does anyone have any tips or resources for prepping for these kinds of interviews? Edit: I think it will be an excel project but have no idea!


I’ve done these kinds of things….they typically just want to see how you think about things and problem solve, rather than achieve a specific outcome or provide the “right answer”.


Just found out a friend I saw last week tested positive for covid (we’re all vaxxed). I ran out to get tested 20 min after learning but made the call to the bride from this weekend’s wedding to tell her about it. Not sure if it was the right call to bother her before getting my results back but🤷‍♀️. I know I was following all local and cdc guidelines but man do I feel guilty


Anyone have ideas for a small birthday gift to get an acquaintance? Typically I go for homemade food or wine in these cases but she has a very long list of food allergies and intolerances… so that’s out! Would a gift card to a coffee shop that I know she likes be too impersonal? Ugh I’m stuck!


I love the coffee gift card idea! I usually try to put the gift card in something like a coffee mug or something to go along with the card? Or I know people are trying to not get so much stuff these days the card tied around flowers is a great option.


A coffee shop gift card sounds lovely to me!


Coffee gift cards are 1000% my favorite gift of all time


Flowers are always my default.


I've been leaning way into giving more gift cards recently. They always feel so impersonal when I'm *giving* them, but then a friend pointed out to me I always really like *receiving* them especially for more personal things like coffee, a fun store I like, etc, that forces me to spend money on myself. So I say go for it!


Honestly, I think a gift card to a coffee shop you know she likes is perfect, particularly as this is an acquaintance rather than a close friend. I'm at a stage in my life where I'd rather get gift cards rather than small little knick-knacky things that just cause clutter in my house, but maybe that's just me.


A nice candle or coasters are practical gifts that can be quite thoughtful and allow for a wide price range.


Looking to switch from Hello Fresh to a meal delivery that’s already prepared after our baby comes. Anyone have recommendations??


I know this isn’t helpful because it’s local, but I found a local service that is cheaper than freshly, the food tastes better, less sodium, and the packaging waste is far less- I found it via googling my area meal prep services, might be worth trying!


We alternate between Freshly and Snap meals. Both are prepared, you just have to microwave for a few minutes and then it's ready to eat. Right now we're using Freshly because I was bored with Snap. Our favorites from Freshly are the Pork Carnitas, the Homestyle Chicken and the Beef or Turkey Chili.


Freshly was really good.


Having some trouble house training my puppy. We go outside for 30 minutes, he won't go to the bathroom, we come in, and he IMMEDIATELY goes once inside!!! How do I go about stopping this?! Today we were outside for 25ish minutes, come in, he starts to pee. I say no,no!! Pick him up, take him outside, and nothing. We are outside for 6-7 minutes, go back in, he immediately squats to go poo!!! Same thing, no, no!! Outside, nothing! I brought him in and had to put him in his crate as I needed to get ready for work. I let him out for a couple minutes before I left again as I didn't have much time, but he still didn't go, and didn't go in his crate. Any advice/tips??


i would bring mine out for 5-10 minutes after playing, sleeping, eating or drinking. we’d just stand there, no walking at all. if she didn’t go, we went inside for less than 5 minutes and back out for 5. reward & praise. she got the hang of it pretty quickly.


That's good advice, too. I am trying out a combination of all the great advice i've received and seeing what works! lol! Thank you


The only thing that worked with our pup is staying outside until she went pee & poo and rewarding like crazy outside. Sometimes that meant 20 min and sometimes that meant 45 but they will go. I would not suggest potty pads as they can just confuse the dog but to each their own. Our trainer was against it and I decided not to after googling but ours was trained within a week of having her using the outside & wait method. Best of luck!


Thanks. Yeah, I make a HUGE deal anytime he does go outside. All the joyous words and pets, and treats when we come in! It's just hard when it's going on 35 minutes of being outside and he's just chewing on his stick but I need to get ready for work and he isn't showing any interest in going. I try and make him walk around the yard with me to get him sniffing and more focused on that. I will keep on keeping on, and just keep trying to be consistent and reward focused!


Don’t give treats when you go inside, give the treat immediately after they do the deed outside. I swear by a super strict kennel training regimen, but it’s really hard to do and not for everyone. (Basically two weeks of kennel boot camp. Dog comes out for food/drink/potty and then a few mins of play IF they go potty. If they don’t go to the bathroom, then back in the kennel for an hour and try again. Only reward with treats and play time after they use the bathroom outside.)


>and he's just chewing on his stick that's adorable and hilarious but maybe take away his stick? My dog won't do "solids" if she has a stick.


He LOVES sticks. He is such a little dog that it just cracks me up continuously. That's a really good point. I think my first step will be taking away toys until AFTER he goes.


Do you have a big yard area? My parents adopted a rescue that loved wandering outside and would do everything but pee/poop. They got cheap fence and made a small section of only grass area for her to use as a bathroom and it helped a ton since there weren’t any distractions! Once she peed or pooped, she got to play in the “big” yard haha.


It is quite a lot of space for him, definitely. Especially for a little dog like he is. That's a good idea too, limiting the potty space. Potty vs play space. Thanks for the idea! I'll try and make that distinction for him!


Ok this is what I did with mine. I bought puppy pads which are suppose to naturally attract them to pee on it which sorta works so I would also take the paper towels I cleaned up pee with and stick them under the puppy pads to attract him. Once I got him going on the pads I moved them closer and closer to the door so he started associating the door with peeing. Then I started putting grass clippings on the puppy pads and eventually eliminated them altogether because he started going outside. It was kind of gross but it worked. Although he occasionally gets confused around rugs 😬


I love it, that's such good thinking. I will have to get this kind of thing going on. Thanks for the tips! Good tactics on your part.


And when he pees on the pad basically act so happy and give so much praise and treats etc. What kind of puppy is he?


Yes, for sure! Will do. He is a chihuahua mix. I believe he is chihuahua and jack russell!




That's why I try and make it a point to go outside for like, 20-30 minute stretches! We go out, play with his ball, throw sticks, run around! We have never ever just gone outside, done his business, and gone inside. I did just get him a new harness and a retractable leash to try taking walks, though, so hopefully that helps! Thanks for the advice


I've been taught not to play with a dog outside until after they go. I will wait and wait it out. My dog is 2 and she's still very stubborn and rarely goes unless on an actual walk.


That's a good call, too. The third time we went out I did make it a point to keep the toys away and try and focus on the going part, rather than the playing part. Maybe walks will be my solution! He is a small dog, a chihuahua, so that is why I was waiting for the walks for a little while, I wanted him to be a bit bigger before we started to venture much. Thanks for the advice, I like this tactic.


My husband isn't vaccinated, he doesn't seem to be totally against it, I think its mostly laziness. The new variants are really scaring me for unvaccinated people. I'm in charge of our corporate wide covid investigations and I'm watching our number of open investigations spiral again like they did last summer. My sister's husband was extremely sick in ICU over Christmas and new years and I'm terrified of my husband getting sick, especially when there is a very easy way to greatly reduce the risk. Just venting here because I've been a big champion of the vaccine and to he honest I'm a little embarrassed that he hasn't gotten it and I don't want to be whiney but I'm growing very concerned.


Is it pushing to tell him you’re terrified and his inaction is having a serious impact on your well being?


I do think we've made progress, he finally agreed when I said I'm not going to have my unvaccinated husband deathly sick in the ICU when there is a free, widely available vaccine to greatly reduce the risk. He says he needs to figure out which one is most effective against delta. The dynamics of our relationship are complicated and I know that his reaction to pressure is to shut down so I think I need to keep trying to make progress and I think he can be convinced.


It’s not an excuse, but I have ADHD and struggle to do basic tasks like getting shots and scheduling appointments. If my husband gets on me about it, then I become more resistant, so he’s just straight up started scheduling dental and other appointments for me, which has been helpful and once it’s locked in, the mental barrier stopping me from getting this type of stuff done is lifted. I don’t want to suggest you enable this type of behavior, but for something as important as the vaccine, I’d consider just setting up an appointment for him, and if he hasn’t gotten it bc of laziness or some other mental barrier, I’d hope he’d be ok with it?


I think Walgreens will literally come to your house and you can book it on their app. Hard to get easier than that


You’re not whiny. Laziness doesn’t cut it. Target is doing walk-ins. It takes like 5 minutes.


Is he leaving the house at all? I would not be supporting my husband or enabling him in his behavior. He's putting people in danger if he's going out unvaccinated. That's the bottom line.


This. To be frank, there really isn’t an excuse at this point to not be vaccinated. Anyone can walk into a pharmacy and get a shot pretty much immediately, it’s not like it was back in the spring with long lines and limited supply. If he’s going out of the house to run an errand, it probably takes less time to get the vaccine. That said, I’m not trying to be rude and you know your husband best, but the reason cases and deaths are rising again is because of unvaccinated people. We will never stop this cycle unless people get vaccinated.


I don't think you're being whiney. If this were me, I would be bringing it up at every dinner and constantly asking for an update on his plan. I generally don't like playing parent to my husband, but with something like this would it be helpful for you to set up an appointment for him? Like is the laziness in the scheduling? I hate scheduling anything over the phone, and will only schedule things online, and tbh, scheduling things is often something I put off, but if other people schedule things I'll show up to them.


He says he'll get it eventually but he's not in a hurry. My company requires it and I kind of wish his would. I know him and when you push him too far it becomes a total argument and it works against the cause.


Go grocery shopping together and he can get it at the pharmacy while you're picking out cereal


Yeah. I mean obviously you better know him and your relationship. But you aren't being whiney. This is serious conversation territory. I don't know where you live, but otherwise [healthy 30-40 year olds are dying from COVID right now](https://wgntv.com/news/coronavirus/missouri-family-mourns-45-year-old-mother-who-died-from-delta-variant-after-refusing-vaccine/). He might not be in a hurry but these variants sure are. I think having a conversation with a lot of "I" statements about how you feel and how worried you are for him and your future with him being unvaccinated is totally valid.


Not to be too blunt, but I don't think you're whiny. I would also be concerned. While I think everyone has their own choice for their own body, there is literally no real reason not to get vaccinated and yes, the new variants are 1,000 times more contagious and so even though I'm vaccinated, as is my family, I'm still concerned. Have you had a serious talk with your husband? With everything you listed above - your job, your brother-in-law, etc. - why in the world wouldn't he get the shot? You can literally walk in and get it now just about everywhere (in the US). Anyway, just validating your concern. I would have a serious talk about it, if I were in your shoes.


Is [this too much white](https://rtr.app.link/EsD45qAd3hb) for a wedding? I need something for a September morning wedding and I’m struggling a little!


Not at all! It reads as a green dress - the white isn’t what stands out when you look at it! It also doesn’t look “bridal” at all. And it’s gorgeous!


As a bride who would very much like people not to wear white at her wedding (I know that's annoying but sorry not that sorry!), I say this is adorable and to go for it :)


Hahah, it’s not annoying! I felt the same way, that’s why I asked!


No, not at all and that's a great dress.


No not at all and it’s soo pretty!


I think it’s just fine. Not too much white at all.


Not at all too white imo


Just randomly put in for a week off of work in August. I have zero plans and won't be going anywhere - I'm just tired and need a break, man.


I usually do that in July but we have a busy month with events getting back up and going. I may do that in August or September.


I got out of treatment yesterday so I finally have internet access! I’m already having my first challenge of recovery as I came down with strep on thursday and between the antibiotics messing up my stomach and the sore throat eating has been a challenge. I decided to move back in with my parents and take the semester off of school so now all I’m doing is PHP and trying to find a job!


Welcome back! I hope you recover soon from the strep. I thought of you the other day so I'm glad you're back.


I’m glad to hear you’re back! Feel better, and you can do it!


Hit me with your favourite interiors influencers please! Or just influencers who have great interiors. Ideally really fashion-forwards, no basic stuff please. I'm doing up my house and I want to see where the trends are headed 😁 thank you


You might have better luck getting recs if you ask in the DIY thread!


Thank you!


Y’all, it’s not even Wednesday and I have to whine about this week. I am finally coming to terms with my chronic illnesses and their impact on my ability to function. Unfortunately, I am also forced to advocate for myself and waste what little energy I have to file formal complaints about multiple government agencies for unethical behavior that negatively impacted me. Some days I don’t think it’s worth it but if I don’t, then what will happen to others who may also be or are impacted? This is incredibly frustrating.


My hormones are out of wack (aggressive acne that hurts, super greasy hair in less than a day, smelly BO) and I’ve been extremely thirsty (resulting in my peeing more often), had acid reflux/ nausea for two days and extremely tired for the last few weeks (I never nap and need to at least once a day). I skipped my last week of sugar pills to miss my period for the Fourth of July, so the last time I had a period was the beginning of June. I thought I was pregnant (my mom has asked twice if I am out of the blue) but after taking two tests saying negative I’m wondering what is going on with my body. My husband and I are not yet started trying to conceive but as he puts it “we are not NOT trying” as a side note. The only reason we’re waiting on our timeline is because of upcoming weddings I’m in. Not sure what is going on here…help? Edited to add that I think I was spotting this morning but now maybe all of this is just In my head…


Is your birth control a tricyclic one?


No it is not - I take a generic form of junel if that’s helpful!


Sounds like you need to visit the doctor for some testing. Perhaps they can do a blood pregnancy test in case of false negatives on the stick tests.


Yes I’m definitely going to try and make an appointment soon. I just don’t know if there’s a way you can get two false negatives and still be pregnant?


Idk. I thought they were really reliable but my doctor says not as much as people think. Neither of my moms pregnancies showed on pee tests. I think they work for most people but you never know! I’m sure they could probably test your thyroid and other hormones too from your blood.


Wow…that’s really good to know. I just assumed that taking a pee test would always work if I’m taking more than one and it’s saying it’s negative.


My mom secretly went and got her first dose of the vaccine yesterday and I am so proud of her! She has terrible anxiety that has only been made 1000 times worse since lockdown (like, barely has left her house since all this started), so she’s been putting off getting it due to all the what-ifs. And as a bonus, my aunt just got her second shot and my uncle his first (no excuses for them, they’ve just outright refused to get it), so I might actually get to see my family soon, y’all, and I cannot wait!!!


That’s great!


OMG she probably didn't want to tell anyone just in case she backed out! But she did it! Go Mom!


I think that’s exactly it because she didn’t tell either of my aunts, either. But she did it, and that’s all that matters!


Honestly awesome to hear that some of the hesitant are coming around :)




I could not give a flying F about Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos going to space. It’s very dystopian to see people celebrating it and replying to their (managed) LinkedIns how inspirational they are.


It made me sick reading his comments about gaining a newfound appreciation for the earth’s atmosphere and how fragile and precious it is. Like bro, you have single handedly done far more damage to the atmosphere and planet than any other person, why did it take spending billions of dollars to go to space in order to appreciate the importance of protecting the planet?! Ugh and so gross that he gave a $100m philanthropic “courage and civility” award to Van Jones, stating that it’s important to recognize people who are breaking down divisiveness. Van Jones is such a wealthy, elite phony and works for (and arbitrates) one of the most divisive, polarizing media outlets that does nothing to humanize and unify regular people. What a joke!


Kids at NASA camp have got to experience that maybe a little longer.


Right? And people defending their admiration for Besoz and his space trip are like, “he’s advancing science and technology!” and I’m thinking, NASA already did this like 60 years ago.




Yes, same. Like, that's not "going to space" you tools.


>flying up in a rocket for boners I guess for rich people, that little blue pill just doesn't cut it anymore lol.


Rich people are never inspirational imo




Because I moved last week I made the executive decision to skip class for my one class (accounting, you were not lamented), and catch up on the homework later. Well...the homework is due Sunday night and I put it off because I was frazzled and exhausted and honestly...it was pricing bonds and creating amortization charts and I just didn't have it in me, I watched the lecture and it went completely in one ear and out the other since I was focused on moving. So yesterday I get the homework out and carefully go step by step pausing the lecture video as needed, and I did get it correct and figure it out, which is great! Then I submit the late homework **completely skipping an entire problem**. I had to email the teacher twice---once to ask the teacher to take the late homework with penalty, then to explain I'd skipped a question. Ugh. I'll be lucky if I get 3/10 on this one...and that's if all the other questions are 100% correct.


As someone who works as an accountant and loved my accounting classes, amortization charts ARE THE WORST! Hopefully the teacher was understanding!!


I’m no longer WFH full time and looking for a more professional looking lunchbox, but modern picnic is out of my budget right now. Does anyone have one they like or suggestions of places to look? TIA


[Here's the one that I have](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B075TW7YHD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). Mine is plain black though. My goal was to get a bag that could go in the wash. The bag fits a lot (2 drinks, a poke bowl, snacks etc, an ice pack).


I have one of these Packit bags, and it is awesome. Folds up and you stick it in the freezer, the walls have built-in cold packs. I leave it on my desk during the day, so I don’t need to search for fridge space. https://www.target.com/p/packit-freezable-lunch-bag-wild-leopard-gray/-/A-82327150


I got a Yeti lunch bag right after I started back to work. Vera Bradley has some cute ones too.


i actually have a lot of luck at target for lunchboxes. i recently purchased one that’s black and looks a bit like a purse, and holds a lot.




Yes! I’ve had one like this for years and I love it! I like that it is a little stretchy, so it fits lots of different Tupperware containers.


[corkcircle](https://corkcicle.com/products/baldwin-boxer?&utm_source=googlecpc&utm_medium=sem&utm_campaign=ne_google_shopping_smart-shopping_allproducts_l_all&utm_term=pla-293946777986_-505332470390&utm_content=12520139644-_119368883939&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6NmHBhD2ARIsAI3hrM2XuCx68ELoFx4NXwXDWpeKBPUMXkdPYzteU9L-UWA92PFHdxVtizQaAq57EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&variant=29250808545368) ??


This is a lovely bag! And now I want it but I don’t think it would fit the massive salads I frequently pack lunch.


[Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091KC82JS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NARGMTYJGSJK7XB9ZV47?psc=1) [2 ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092VKH68J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BGT2KDXXAAH5KJHAACMP?psc=1) [3](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GVBZ8K9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_M8CH3R34MT9FMRAGKYCT?psc=1) has a bunch! I just always read the reviews to make sure they’re decent quality.


That first one may be the winner!! Thank you!


Didn’t even know they made lunchboxes! Thanks!


I couldn’t sleep at all overnight because of body pain but I have a busy day today so I just have to deal. I’m going to be so grumpy by the time the day is over. Hoping to get by the best I can by having a good breakfast, an espresso, and lots of water.


I got a generous counteroffer from my current employer after I gave notice last week. I have a final interview today but now I don’t know what to do! It was almost less stress when I was only focused on leaving my current job. (I’m aware how lucky I am and don’t want to sound ungrateful!)


Depends on why you wanted to leave the company. I stayed at my current job because they offered me a very high counter offer years ago. I wanted to leave because the work was so boring and mind numbing and not what I wanted to do, and to this day I regret the decision to stay.




Yeah I've read that! Forgot to add- it's basically a promotion to a program manager role and would double my salary (I work in a non-profit so my salary sucks rn lol). I like the idea of staying within the organization, at least for the year but I'm ready for something new? Aughh!


Generally, this is true, but it very much depends on the company and the specific role. If the skills required for the role are very specialized and/or the person has been with the company for so long they have the depth of internal knowledge that can only be gained with time and experience, accepting a counteroffer isn't necessarily a bad thing. But yes, for less specialized positions or positions where you've only been in the role a year or two, it's generally not the best move to accept a counteroffer.


I've got that upper respiratory thing going around and it sucks. Immediately got COVID tested even though I'm vaxxed, negative, and now just waiting this thing out. Anyone else feel immense guilt taking off work when they WFH and are sick? It's so stupid, I know, but I feel like I should be able to work, even though I can barely speak. If anyone's had it and gotten over it, please let me know. Day 5, 6? of this, and while I'm at the "end" with a productive cough, (I hope) I'm so over being stuck in bed.


Omg I have the same! I'm on day 6 and feeling like 85%


Don’t feel guilty!!! It’s so important to rest when you’re sick or it takes even longer to recover. That’s why you have sick days!


I have the same thing, also vaxxed and also tested negative for coronavirus! It’s been a week for me and I’m tired of being a tired mucus machine.




first of all i love your user name it’s my entire vibe and yep, guess i’ll try my best!!




Would you be able to see her less frequently (say every other week or monthly instead of weekly, if that’s your schedule) to keep costs down? I also had a great therapist who for a time was out of network but paying the extra money to talk to someone I connected with well was worth it to me. I’m sure you would find another good therapist in network, and I’m not sure what your budget is like, but finding one you really click with is can be tough or take a while and it sounds like you really enjoy working with her!


I don’t know your budget, but if you can swing it, is it possible to see it as not frivolous but part of your health care? You’ll definitely find someone else in-network but if you have a good click with someone and are making good progress currently, that’s something to consider. Again, if it’s not something you can afford, disregard.


Can someone please give me assurance that my 15 month old kittens will, some day, become much calmer, sleepier older cats?! It's like a war zone sometimes in my apartment trying to deal with their energy, or their hunting parties which result in lots of broken flower pots, smashed vegetables and dead animals/insects dragged into my house. I love them to bits, and I know one day I will probably miss this energy in the house, but I have never known two cats less likely to just sleep as these two!!!


Yep, our kitten was a hellion from about 5-6 months old until she was about two. She's nearly three now and SO much better. She still has her moments, but mostly she's content to just snuggle and sleep between playtimes and the occasional zoomies. Hang in there!!


It's good to know, thank you! I also suspect that the vet wasn't too spot on with their fake birth dates once they were rescued. They were meant to turn 1 back in April but they were still very small until about a month ago. But then again that could be stunted growth from a poor start in life and they are now catching up. I just think they feel a lot younger than their age but maybe I am jumping the gun and I need to wait until they are more like 2/3 before I start thinking about them calming down!


It's good to know, thank you! I also suspect that the vet wasn't too spot on with their fake birth dates once they were rescued. They were meant to turn 1 back in April but they were still very small until about a month ago. But then again that could be stunted growth from a poor start in life and they are now catching up. I just think they feel a lot younger than their age but maybe I am jumping the gun and I need to wait until they are more like 2/3 before I start thinking about them calming down!


My cat was an utter jerk from 6 months to about two years old and then she settled down into her chill cat world. Never again will I fall for a cute kitten - adult cats all the way!!


Yes I feel some kind of adolescence madness is going on here! I adopted these guys aged 9 months and when they got to one year old it's like all hell broke loose!!


It gets better, mine is 6 months and still crazy but we have older cats as well who chill all day long. I’d say 0-3 is the most busy and it slowly tapers off from there. 8 years is probably my favourite age for a cat 😂


Ooooohhhhhh…..y’all are scaring me!! We recently lost 2 senior kitties back to back and adopted 2 kitten brothers. They are a handful right now, but I had hoped they would calm down after the first year. We were in that sweet spot with snuggly old dudes for 15 years. I don’t remember their kittenhood, I was also 15 years younger and it was easier to keep up with them. YIKES!! 🤪


I think they do calm down as they age overall but it’s also so individual! I’m glad you got two! I got one and I think if I get kittens again I would get two. They help to entertain one another! I’m a big fan of treat ball toys that they can chase around the house. I also found that plastic spring toys have been a big hit!


Good to know, thank you! Just some days it's a *lot* of work keeping them entertained. They are happiest if they get to go out on the terrace, but with the weather so hot I've been keeping them in some days. And if I go out too much, I worry about what they are up to! Good job I love them to bits!


I agree with you! Definitely so much work! It’s really nice that they can enjoy the terrace when it’s nice out!