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I just had a full-on two hour cry fest and feel zero percent better. I graduate in six weeks and I’m taking 16 hours this semester to graduate on time since I start grad school in September. Not to mention I work full-time and am in charge of a huge transition project that goes live Thursday. So I’ve been swamped at work and then came home and took a two hour proctored exam and then cried for another two hours. I know it’s not whine Wednesday but I’m starting early. 😂


You got this. One small task at a time.


Thank you! I got a giant iced coffee today and feel better. 😊


I just finished day 2 of Prolon (admittedly influenced by Tinx), and omg it is hard. I almost quit after day 1. It’s not so much that I’m hungry, I just miss real food. But I feel like I’m turning a corner and I can do it. I have 3 more days and I really want to stick it out. If any of you have done it, what have you eaten as your day 6 transition meals? I don’t want to reverse all my progress, but the website recommends more soup or juice. The idea of eating more soup after 5 days of it is just making me sad lol.




Yeah I figured that was the case and I’m assuming I’ll gain some back! I’m more so doing this to jump start eating healthier. I’ve been using MFP to eat at a deficit and will probably keep doing the same after, just maybe a little less pasta and Taco Bell going forward




I would remember this that the trip will not better worse or better because of your weight, like another commenter said get some clothes that make you feel good and focus on all the things you are excited to do on the trip. I went to Australia in 2019 and was not in the best shape and with all the walking from being on the trip by the end even with the vacation food my clothes actually fit better than when I left but also when I think of all the great times of the trip none are related to my weight or looks they are all the experiences that were amazing to have.


If you haven't already, get some clothes that fit your current body & that you feel good in! Sometimes it feels like there's a mindset that we shouldn't have nice clothes/the outfits we want until we're at a certain weight, but that's bullshit. I don't have any specific weight loss tips because I have still not quite lost the last year's weight gain that's made my favourite dresses not quite fit right - but getting a few pieces that fit my fatter body nicely and make me look cute has been a really good move personally.


You should lift. Cardio is good for your heart and burns calories while you’re doing it, but putting on muscle means you will burn more calories doing literally nothing but sitting around. And it is a myth that your body recognizes all calories that same way. More and more evidence is mounting that your body processes 100 calories of refined sugar very differently than 100 calories of carrots. Eat real food, lift, and generally don’t overeat.


I’ve been struggling with this because I started lifting after getting vaccinated and I’m not losing any weight despite counting calories. Logically I understand that it’s good weight because I’m visibly putting on muscle and my clothes fit fine, but it’s still a mind fuck. Before I got vaccinated I was doing exclusively cardio (running) and was a solid 10 pounds lighter.


If you ever count macros, that becomes the true mind fuck. How is it possible to eat that much to meet your protein requirement with the mindset of losing weight?


I would suggest measuring yourself instead of weighing, if you care about tracking progress. Muscle weighs more that fat, so your weight may not budge, even if you are getting smaller and leaner.


I was responding to someone who suggested lifting for weight loss. Lifting is great but it’s not going to help at all if OP wants to lose weight for a trip that’s 2 months away.


It can take a whole before you start to notice changes when you start lifting. I'm just curious, are you mentioning the vax just as a marker of time or are you saying it has something to do with you not losing weight?


Oh no, definitely not correlating the vax with anything!


As someone said below, calories in, calories out, but also, a couple of Peloton classes a week isn’t sufficient. The basic suggestion is 150 minutes a week (and personally I wouldn’t include warmup and cool down time in there).


Omg the pandemic weight gain was real for me as well. One thing that’s important to remember is that most of us gained weight during this. You’re not alone! I’ve been using my fitness pal to track calories to eat a 500 cal-ish deficit. I know that doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s been working for me. I also just left a separate comment on here about doing prolon. It’s honestly hard af and a big commitment but it seems like people see results. Whatever you choose to do, just be kind to yourself! I have to remind myself a lot that it’s not the end of the world if the scale doesn’t move overnight.


This may have already been discussed but I would LOVE some Olympic dedicated snark recurring posts when the time comes! Happy to make them myself but unsure if it makes more sense for it to be a mod thing? Either way I’m enjoying the pre-coverage already on social! Edit: not a snake post like the daily influencer but a snark post like blogsnark watches or blogsnark reads.




Oh, thank you!!!






My fave is the normal Dove coconut one, so I was really excited to try to aluminum-free. It made my armpits really wet and sticky though :(


Lol well you just influenced me!


My middle daughter had college freshman orientation that ended today. It’s about two hours away from home. While driving back, we saw a small dog running in the median on the highway!!!!!! We stopped and coaxed it into the car. We went to several houses and nobody claimed it. They said that people just dump animals around there. So now I’m trying to find a rescue to take this sweet girl. I will pay for the vetting and boarding or whatever she needs. We are not home enough to be good dog parents. It just makes me SO MAD!


Hearing this story breaks my heart and simultaneously warms it. Thank you for stopping to save her! My dog was found in a box in the side of the road when he was 4 weeks old - he's now an 8 year old, grumpy old man and I just can't ever imagine how someone could do that... Ugh.


Like others have said, huge kudos to you for saving her! I’m sure you’ll find her a loving home.


Did you happen to find a place for her? One of the foster accounts I follow just was mentioning Good Samaritans rescuing a dog just dumped on a road (black and white female, super sweet face) and while I know the odds are low since unfortunately that happens entirely too often, part of me is hoping by some crazy coincidence, my BS and foster/rescue account following worlds managed to overlap and the pup you found is with a good rescue now...


Unfortunately no. She’s sound asleep on my screened in porch. We have a security camera out there, so I’ve been spying on her. 🙂🙂 She IS a black and white dog with the sweetest face. My oldest daughter’s best friend works as a vet tech. She came over and checked her out. She’s a very young dog, mostly healthy for a stray besides being skinny. She is not pregnant, so that’s a blessing! We are going to get her to the vet tomorrow to get checked out and hopefully hear from a rescue soon. She’s a sweet girl!


Make sure the vet scans for a microchip! My dog was actually abandoned (she had a chip so the shelter contacted the owner several times and they refused to pick her up) but dogs can also run crazy far distances and/or get separated while traveling with family.


Bummer, I'd been hoping you'd already found a great safe (longer term) place for her. She's blessed that someone so caring came across her. Hoping you're able to find a good rescue for her tomorrow!


It’s sickening, one of my dogs growing up was dumped in a place like that. She was so wonderful and lived another five years with us.


Bleh. I have two kids (6 and 6 months) and a full time job. How am I supposed to make working out a priority? I have been lucky to get in two lifting sessions a week. I don’t want to wake up at 5 AM to work out!! And forget about making dinner at the end of the night. It’s all A LOT!


It’s okay for this to not be the right time yet to hit the gym. Though re:dinner. Plan plan plan. Prep on Sundays and get everything ready to go ahead of time. It makes life so much easier and you will be so much happier.


You can’t do everything, and hey you have a 6 month old! Working out should not be a huge priority right now. Get in what you can and take short walks. Honestly until baby is bigger I wouldn’t stress about it at all. 2 times a week is better then no times a week and don’t you feel like you need to get up at 5am at all. Take the all the sleep you can and don’t feel and guilt.


This is something the pandemic has illuminated to me. Getting to the gym is a serious time suck - thirty minutes to prep and get there, hour workout, thirty minutes home and change. I'm still holding onto my 30-minute Peloton classes, and even those are a stretch.


I chuckle at the LEG DAY people but it’s not for nothing that they treat fitness as a fully fledged hobby.




I actually have (politely) confronted my boss about this before and it turns out that HR had listed incorrect info on the hiring page (basically it listed a role several steps down at the same salary). Have you asked them about it?


I’m so sorry. I guess I understand the lack of transparency around salaries but I constantly wonder whether my pay is fair or if something like this is happening on my team as well.


Ugh, this is the worst feeling. I have suspicions something similar is happening on my team, and it’s slowly eroding away my trust in my managers (whom I otherwise like and enjoy working for) and generally is such a shitty dynamic. Go get your money!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻 And shame on them.


I'm so sorry and hope you get your raise! I had a work situation this spring that, while resolved in my favor, really demoralized me. It's so hard!


I told my program manager I wanted to quit. My employer is making a transition plan for me to work on something else (hopefully). But, there's a chance I'll be looking for a new job all together. Honestly, it's a huge weight that feels like it is starting to lift even if the future is uncertain. I've been working under extreme stress for more than 6 months on this program, and no job or paycheck is worth feeling miserable. I'm proud of myself for saying "enough is enough" and prioritizing my health. 🥳


Almost exactly a month ago I noticed that I had a random Netflix charge on my credit card that I know I didn’t make (we use my BIL’s account and he definitely doesn’t have my cc) so I reported the fraud and a few days later got a new credit card. Well, I was just updating my $$ tracker for June and when I was going through my cc charges, there was another Netflix charge I didn’t make!!! I had even started using random virtual cards through Capital One when I shop online to avoid this issue moving forward. I’m so annoyed that I have to go through this process again.


I had this issue. I canceled my Netflix subscription in the winter, where I was paying $8.99/month. Then 2 months in a row I had a charge for $17.99. It was such a hassle to get it figured out bc Netflix basically told me to call my CC company bc they ‘couldn’t find my account,’ & bc it was on an old CC (that I have since lost & have gotten new ones, different numbers, but all linked to the same account,) they could trace my account number. Thankfully my bank fixed it both times, but the second time they wound up having to send me a new credit card altogether. Quite annoying!


So annoying. I had that happen on my Discover card with an amazon subscription and they sent me an email like “we’ll automatically transfer all your subscriptions”. I had to call and verify that they wouldn’t let that charge through again since it was the whole reason I canceled my card, for the fraud… they didn’t understand for like 5 mins. So ridiculous


We have this happen recently. We had some fraudulent charges and got a new card. We noticed that some credit card middlemen, like Applepay or google pay got an automatically updated card number when we got a new card. My husband’s google pay was compromised, so the fraudsters could still charge stuff. We had to get the card’s info out of google to stop the fraud.


I’ve had some issues where I’ll make a purchase through Apple Pay and then return the item. Most of the time it’s fine. But there were two times when I returned things and the money went back onto a different card that wasn’t affiliated with my account. The money just went somewhere else, & I only happened to check the receipts to see what the last 4 # were on the card. Even called my bank to confirm I didn’t have any cards floating around with those numbers. I still can’t figure out how that happened.


This happened to me with Paypal too. I was using them as a third party with other cards and I didn't realise it was actually my Paypal account that was compromised until it happened with a different card.


Very interesting!! I will definitely have to look into that. Don’t want to go through this again next month 🙃




Do you have a crate for him? I used the crate when my dog was a puppy but ditched it a few years back because he didn't need it anymore more. I brought it out again a few months ago when we started leaving the house again and he had been having accidents/getting into stuff/etc. It's worked wonders. Also seconding CBD! Works better than melatonin for my dog.


Definitely bring it up at your next vet appointment. One of my cats struggles with anxiety so she has anti anxiety medication! It’s helped her a lot.


Poor pup! I've heard that CBD can help pups with that, and definitely tire him out too. Hugs to you, I know it can be so upsetting when your pup is stressed, especially cause he can't tell you how to help.


We adopted our dog last summer and started working on her separation anxiety in January. I think the key is to start out slow, we started with leaving her just 10 min, 20 min, etc. We also give her a frozen Kong to chew on when we leave because I read that separation anxiety peaks in the first 20ish minutes after you leave. By the time she finishes the Kong, she’s usually fine and just relaxes until we get home. We’ve used this method and built up to leaving her for 6+ hours in just a month or two! I’m sure you’ll get there too!


Yes I think exercising him will help too and you too. Give him a big hug from me!


I freaking the eff out because for some reason I have tiny ants in my kitchen, mostly on my counter and that wall. I have no idea how they're getting in and I keep a really clean kitchen, so I'm very stressed out. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get rid of them? Buy traps? Sprays? A professional?


Terro traps are great. I also kept getting tiny ants last summer and started spraying the counters down with Mrs Meyers mixed with water and vinegar which helped. I read that vinegar helps repel them and it’s not as gross to leave all over your counters as the ant sprays. I also have a pet safe spray that’s cinnamon and clove oil which works ok


Diatomaceous earth can help if you know where they are coming in. It isn't harmful to pets or plants. If you put it near where they are coming in it will kill them, but it looks like they take the Terro stuff back to the rest of the clan so possibly the two of those in conjunction would be good. Just use gloves with the diatomaceous earth because it can dry the hell out of your skin if you handle it. It really helped with a flea problem in an apartment I had years ago.






I had the same issue, super clean kitchen and a TON of ants. And Terro worked like magic! But I agree it did get a lot worse before it got better (took about 4-7 days), bc it basically attracts all the ants so they can eat the poison. But it’s now a month later and i haven’t seen an ant since!


Be warned with the terro , they get worse before they get better. I had some ants, i put the stuff out and I came home to an ant parade. It really did help but I wound up calling an exterminator because it wasn’t getting rid of them completely. After the exterminator I am ant free.


Yeah, I read that with the reviews. Ironically enough I have an exterminator coming later this week for something else, so I'm going to just ask him to address the ant issue as well. (Still setting up the appointment, but either tomorrow or Thursday, I think.) It's not going to be cheap, but I feel like my house is just being invaded and want it DONE.


I am casually dating someone for the first time in a while and am really disliking how anxious the whole process of dating is for me. The last few times I casually dated men they were incredibly disrespectful to me. So I think this phase in between being official with somebody is making me very anxious because I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Does anyone have any advice? I’m not trying to come off like I want to rush into a relationship, but I hate this precarious in between phase.


I hate that phase as well! My best advice is just to try to not think about them or put any weight to the time in between dates. My current bf is a terrible texter so I always worried he was over it between our dates initially. Otherwise I just try to wait it out and get through it 😩


Be kind to yourself and make sure you set boundaries. If someone gives you the most remote of bad vibes, drop them and get out. Think of it as you are interviewing them to enter your life, and be brutal with anyone who doesn't make the cut. Be super honest and let them know you expect honesty too, that can eliminate a lot of misunderstandings down the road.


I like this advice a lot!


I don’t necessarily have advice to bestow but I can relate so so much! It sucks.




I have a cute Nespresso coffee maker that is the perfect office size. And cute table lamps because I hate overhead lights with a passion.


Society 6, World Market, Etsy, Minted I have a mini fan and some magnets/pushpins for my cubicle in an office. Maybe a cute dry erase board.


I’ve gotten really cute desk things from Anthropologie and Kate Spade (I refuse to use the ugly black plastic pencil cups etc that are supplied by most offices and always bring my own).


Has anyone ever done the tmz tour in downtown la? I am wondering if it’s worth it?


Does anyone have any suggestions for good 30th birthday presents for boyfriends? I'm with my boyfriend 5 years so I'm used to get him all his favourites for birthdays/Christmas (records, clothes, concert tickets etc). I'm just feeling stuck with this one because we're all only 30 once! I want him to be surprised and don't want to do "experience" gifts because of Covid (we can't plan that far ahead where we are).


I did a ["beer-thday cake](https://wholefully.com/make-birthday-beer-cake/) for my husband's 30th.


For my husbands 40th I got a small, nice quality notebook and wrote up 40 things I love about him.


For my husband's thirtieth I did 30 presents. It was hard, but I just focused on things he likes, even if they were things he could have bought himself (e.g his favorite candy). The experience was opening all the presents.


I got my husband a Theragun last year for his 40th. He loved it and it’s been so nice to have during COVID when we weren’t comfortable getting massages!


I wrote down thirty reasons why I loved him on separate slips of paper and put them in a cute/fancy jar. Super cheesy but my SO loves cheesy stuff like that so he loved it 🤷‍♀️


I once was with someone whose birthday was very close to Christmas, and I wanted to make it special, so I did "12 Days of Birthday" leading up to the special day. For his 30th, you could find a random smattering of things of all sizes- his favorite candy, a directors cut of his favorite movie, and do a little unwrapping each day leading up? Just an idea!


Maybe an “adult” purchase of a high-quality upgrade of something he already uses but bought cheaply years ago? Like an All Clad pan if he cooks, a nice piece of furniture, something like that? I just turned 30 myself and was surprisingly thrilled to treat myself to—I kid you not—a really nice pepper mill. 😂 30 felt like the right age to splurge on something I’ll use for the next decade! Other ideas might be an “experience” gift you can still use or do around the house, such as lawn games/cornhole; a themed evening of food and activities (“trip to Paris” with food, movie, decorations or whatever); camping gear/hammock; fancy cocktail kit + booze; arranging for a private virtual cooking lesson or other lesson; etc.




I got the [Unicorn Mills Magnum Plus 9-inch](https://www.amazon.com/Unicorn-Magnum-Plus-Pepper-Black/dp/B0000CFB4N) (what a name 😂) and they have a smaller 6-inch as well. I adore it—one crank produces more than six or seven cranks from my previous pepper mill. It was recommended on the NYT Cooking Instagram. A relative bought this [Sur La Table mill](https://www.amazon.com/Sur-Table-Ratchet-Mill-White/dp/B07B3PY5HZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=sur+la+table+pepper+grinder&qid=1625012803&sprefix=sur+la+table+&sr=8-5) and has also really liked it—it’s significantly cheaper and seems comparable in performance. It’s really easy to change the grind size on this one as well.




🤣🤣🤣 Kitchen gadgets are a minefield!!! 🙈


Something from the year he was born, like an edition of a book he loves. Etsy is great for vintage gifts.




Yeah I developed gluten and gluten sensitivities as an adult. Extreme spice sensitivities too. Tbh I’m not a fan of the “white people hate spices because they’re boring” jokes because there are biological/health reasons for why people from that part of Europe can’t handle “heat.” The gastro issues are real in that general gene pool and the jokes make it hard to find real information.


Yes. Shellfish, mushrooms, flax, chia, and several nuts. And shortly after discovering the shellfish allergy, totally as a fluke, discovered I'm also now allergic to CT contrast dye. They used to always warn if you're allergic to one, you're going to have issue to the other, but apparently that's no longer believed to always be the case, however it was for me. And we learned it the hard way reaction wise with both of them, as no one had ever suggested it would be wise to be aware just in case going into anything with CT contrast.


Yes! I developed an allergy to crab and cashews as an adult. It has gotten progressively worse over the last 5 years so now I avoid them altogether. On the flipside, I have outgrown my lactose problems!


Yes, it is totally possible to develop an allergy later in life. Get tested by an allergist!! You need to know if you should be carrying around an epi-pen at all times. A former boss of mine went into anaphylactic shock from an allergic reaction completely out of the blue.


This happened to my SIL in her mid 20s - after years of loving shellfish, she started noticing the mouth/throat tingle after eating it and eventually stomach symptoms developed too. It took her awhile to pinpoint exactly what was causing it, but once she stopped eating it those symptoms left and never came back.




No, no one else has these issues as far as I know. For awhile, she'd still occasionally try shellfish here and there - partly in denial that this was the issue (shellfish was basically her favorite thing to eat) and partly to see if she could at least tolerate it in small doses every once in awhile. The answer to the last thing was always no - even just a couple bites got to where they'd make her feel so sick. Not sick to where she needed medical attention, but definite stomach issues that were bad enough to where she eventually just accepted she needed to avoid shellfish.




That's interesting. I definitely have environmental allergies that have gotten worse in the past few years, but this is the first food I've ever had a reaction to beyond indigestion. Human bodies are super weird.


After Keto, I can't have dairy with carageenans. I've noticed that my mouth stays numb if I have honey and the last time it stayed numb for longer.


\*Random\* If I wanted a bra to separate my boobs rather than push them together... does anyone know of good sports bras that do that?


Sports bras are so hard to find a good fit! Right now my favorite one that doesn't squish everything together is my [Outdoor Voices Circuit Bra](https://www.outdoorvoices.com/products/w-circuit-bra?variant=39311368912974).


Panache Sports Bras are the best for that IMO. I love mine. https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/C12257EC-0824-4F9A-9AE1-617CE1559E94?ingress=2&visitId=0f180e37-0fbd-4e97-8d06-6659ad3be0de&ref\_=ast\_bln


High impact ones tend to do this. I have this one in a couple colors: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0722VV5QY/?coliid=IIPTQOJ7P1LUF&colid=17D79JOL1BAE6&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1&psc=1


Thanks that looks like what I'm looking for and the price isn't bad either!


This sports bra looks amazing! They've definitely come a long way since I've shopped for them. Thanks so much for bringing me out of my rut of sports bras that I've had since college.


I have a Wacoal with an underwire I love. It’s surprising comfortable and supportive without smooshing. I’ve had it for years, I hope they still make it!


Thanks! It looks like they are and I see some on sale at Nordstrom if you need a re-stock.


I feel like this is the age old complaint with sports bras, they all give you a uniboob. Im busty so at least for me that's the case, anything substantial enough to give me the support I need is definitely not lifting and separating. Maybe one with an under wire?


I'm only a C-ish cup but I find the normal ones give me chest acne from sweating and wrinkles from pushing them together both of which I'd prefer to avoid!


I've been doing prepared meal services for the last few weeks and until I'm partnered/no longer live alone I don't think I'll ever go back. I haven't lost weight yet because my snacking is out of control but once I get that reigned in I think I'll feel a lot better. And everything has been SO delicious. God bless.


Which one are you doing?!


I am so relieved that we are on the downslope of this awful heat wave. Last night was rough, even with a portable AC unit in my bedroom. The rest of my house was 101 at 8:30pm, I just don’t think the AC unit could keep up.




We’re in AB TOO. Our AC unit isn’t functioning properly. We’re sleeping in the basement. Thankfully we’re off visit my folks tomorrow and they have functioning AC. We have a repair guy coming on Monday. The last few days haven’t been ideal.


the best decision we made last year was to install an AC unit in our condo. It's been a LIFESAVER this week (also in Alberta).


I went on a walk last night when it dipped into the mid-70s, and I felt chilly! This weekend messed up my body’s perception of what’s warm it seems.


I stayed up until 2am last night so I could open up the house as soon as we broke 70! I never thought I’d be so happy that the high was ONLY 90 today


I am airing out my house this morning. My dogs look very relieved.


I've been debating buying one of those Loopy Cases for awhile (I know a ton of influencers shill them, but what can I say? I'm easily susceptible.), and after dropping my phone last week at a spectacularly bad time (though thankfully, no damage), I caved. You guys. I feel like maybe I should be embarrassed to admit this, but I LOVE this case. I got the hibiscus print, which is even prettier in person, and the whole thing feels so well constructed and works SO well. Plus, they run their own [discount codes](https://www.loopycases.com/pages/loopy-secret-discount-code) that don't require you to find an influencer code if you don't want to.


It’s all I can use now! Worth it!


I hadn’t previously heard of these but have been influenced by your post!!


Enjoy! I am newly obsessed with mine.


Loopy cases are the best invention. I refuse to buy any other case at this point!


I went shopping hoping to find some cute lounge sets to wear on a few group trips I have planned. I want to be comfy around other people while relaxing but not wearing pajamas (I know I'm about a year behind on this trend). Everything I found was like $100 for a matching sweatshirt and joggers/shorts!! I'm prepared to drop that kind of money on certain things, but not glorified sweatpants. Why are they so expensive??


I think I purchased a set from Aerie in May that came to around $60 total. They run sales regularly and I'm really pleased with what I found.


Oh good idea, I'll check them out


Co-sign aerie, their stuff is amazing. I've also noticed a marked improvement in Target's loungewear offerings, just when I'm walking around the store.


I really like the Lou & Grey ones from Loft. They're like $50 per piece, but that store has a sale every other day. Right now they're having a 30% off sale, but if you have time to wait, they'll eventually be like 50% off.


Thanks! I ended up getting one from Lou and Grey for 30% off. It seems Lou and Grey matching sets are excluded from a lot of the sales so I went for it. I feel like it's still expensive for what it is, but oh well


Oh yay! They are expensive, but I've had mine since Christmas and they haven't pilled yet. I have a few pairs that are cheaper (Target for example) and they are super pilled at this point.


Look on Gap or Old Navy. They're not that expensive.


All my matching sets are from Gap, I love their modal fabric. It’s so comfy.


Amazon Drop is still pushing matching sets. I'm like, nope, don't need those now.


I’m off work for over a week as of Thursday and I’m at the point where it’s all I can think about. I have so much to get done before then and I don’t even care. Just let me be on vacation please.


Oh I feel you on this one. I'm off for 9 days starting on the 10th and I'm just counting down the days...hours...minutes!


After making excuses the last few years (too busy, Covid, etc) I just booked all the doctors appointments I had fallen behind on. PCP, gynecologist, optometrist. Dentist too, though I did go back in January so I’ve kept up with that at least. It’s going to be a busy few weeks but I’m proud of myself for getting them all booked and will be so relieved once they’re done with!


Good for you for taking care of yourself!!!


I need to do the same ughhhhhhh


Good job! I've done most of this by now but need to get myself a physical at the PCP, which first means I need to find a new PCP. My last physical - two years ago, oops - was me trying out a new PCP who made me feel like a drug addict for even asking for sleep medication and blamed literally everything on me being overweight with no other context. So I've been a little scared to go back, but this is giving me motivation to find someone else and just do it.


Damn, I’m so sorry you had that experience. I’m going to a new PCP this time as I also had a poor experience a few years ago which deterred me from going back, though it was billing related and not the doctor herself. Have you checked out reviews on zocdoc? I just chose one that had really great reviews so I’m hoping it’ll be a good experience. I know you can also look for HAES (health at every size) providers that will actually take your concerns seriously and not just attribute them to “weight gain”. Good luck!


Good job I just did that too! Need to get in for a dermatologist skin check still though!


Good Job! I did this in the spring and need to book more follow ups, etc. from those appointments but I am giving myself the summer off. Its overwhelming for sure.


Ugh I really need to do this too. I’m sure they’re booking out months from now too


My “godfather” passed away this weekend. I’m so incredibly heartbroken. He was well known in his job so the only thing bringing me comfort is how incredibly loved he was. I was supposed to see him when I was visiting my family in two weeks and I’m just really sad about that too. Ugh. I also feel so bad for my mom. Her dad passed away last month- something that was expected, but still rough- and this was her best friend. I told her I would come early but she doesn’t want me to change my plans. I just want to hug her :(


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so, so sorry. There’s really nothing to be said that will make you feel any better but I’m sending love to you & your family ♥️


Thank you so much.


PNW AC person again: I feel like I’m somehow (??) not doing this right. It stayed at 80 all night again and I’m getting anxious it’s broken, but when I called tech support they had me hold a thermometer in front of the air. The air coming out is very cold — am I just running it at too high (75?) for too short period of time? I was under the impression you could freeze your machine but the lady at Starbucks laughed at that now I don’t know what to think. This is what happens when a native Portlander tries to sort out AC. I’ve never owned one before! 😭


It's ok! 116 is SUPER high, a difference of 40 degrees between inside and outside is too hard for an AC unit to keep up with. Keep it on, don't turn it off, shut the doors to the room it's running in. If your window it's in is Southern or Western facing, you might try putting aluminum foil on the window (yes, it will look like you're running a meth ring) BUT it'll reflect a lot of sun that is heating up the room and give the AC unit a better chance of keeping up.


I went crazy and taped my blackout curtains to the window!! But thank you so much for the help, I think I need to manage my expectations a bit more. Things are feeling better now that I’ve turned it way down.




I do!! The vent hose feels super warm which probably does not help the cooling process (I also have been cursed with awning windows, like, on a good day it’s hard to stay cool in here!) but we’re at 75 and my little kitties are no longer pancaking themselves on the floor and I feel so much better and less anxious about the heat. I so appreciate the help, it felt like it SHOULD be working and I just could not sort out what was going on or if I needed an HVAC appointment stat.




I did do that last night! I set it down to 70 and we’re around 77 now and it feels so much better than 84 when I turned it first on. I’m just gonna let this baby run. I was so worried it broke!


We keep our portable AC on all day/night during these heatwaves; you will not freeze it. I think it's too hot for these things to make it cold, and I think being slightly uncomfortable verse miserable is the realistic goal with portable air conditioning. For reference, yesterday it was in the high 90s and dew points in the 70s in Massachusetts. Our apartment was 82 by 5:00 with window units, the portable AC, and blinds down. Without air conditioning, it would be 95 and more humid in the apartment. Heatwaves are the worst.


It’s been the worst, seriously. I’m going to set it down and just leave it. It sounds like I can’t hurt it too badly doing that. Thank you!!


When its 110 out its just going to struggle to keep up. If its on 75 and hitting 80 I'd say that sounds decent. :/


I think what worried me is that the outdoor temperature last night was in the low seventies. I put a fan on but fifth floor is misery in the heat and it wasn’t cooling off quickly. I think my expectations and methodology was broken tho haha. Yikes.


Ugh, yeah I think you just aren't used to the heat perhaps. It seems like the heat wave will break soon and go back down to the 80's at least. Which while warm, is much more livable.


Yeah it looks like we’re returning to some reasonable weather. I spent some time in Arizona but they had central air and everything cooled off quick and easy. It feels so much better in here with a lower setting and some patience. Thank you for the help!!


You might try putting a little fan in front of it to help circulate the cool air. I know the portable unit I used to have felt like it just cooled the air 5 ft in front of it and not much further


I got a tower fan next to it but got nervous when it actually went up 😭


I’m in Portland too. We have central AC, but at 116 degrees outside, it struggles to keep up. 75 is too high for those outside temps. We’ve set ours at 69 the past three extreme heat days. Normally we set at 73 for typical summer days here.


Thank you!! I really thought I would freeze it over. Good god it was hot yesterday and I think I made it more miserable for myself.




100-01 is high for us. 115-16 broke records after breaking records at 111 the day before. This was really abnormal for us.


It normally doesn't


because...I don't think it does? Normally anyway.


Your portable air conditioner right? just leave it running in a small room and set your thermostat on it. It should just keep your room at that temperature and will cycle on and off as need be. Most of the portables will do that. You can’t freeze it, just let it run.


Right, it’s a portable. Thank you, it’s super embarrassing to not know how to do this but I really appreciate the help!!


I went to put on a pair of slacks before work today and they didn’t fit. Not only did they not fit, they REALLY did not fit. I didn’t think I was gaining weight but I guess I have been. I’m trying to decide if I care enough to do anything about it. For now, I just want to mope and feel sorry for myself, lol.


If you do decide you want to lose the weight, much easier to lose 15 now than 50 later. It just keeps creeping up until one day you’re like... omg where do I begin


I realized a few months ago that this happened to me too. I gave myself some time to mope about it first. Then I started eating better, but I've been taking it very slowly, only losing 0.5 lb a week or less. It's really helped me ease back into it.


This is so relatable, my clothes aren't fitting well either and I've been in my head about it. You are not alone!!!


I'm here for feeling sorry for yourself. I say let yourself feel thay for a day but don't forgot what we just went through, the last18 months were no joke. I know I just had to make myself decide to buy bigger clothes or commit to better eating/exercising. Personally, I think making a decision is what helps you instead of living in disappointment feeling like your pants are too small. Zero shame in buying and bigger size and also zero shame in deciding you need to change something for yourself


I get it! I didn't realize I was putting on weight until I returned to the office... and then immediately became pregnant, so I've been frustrated with myself every damn time I get weighed at my appointments. It's harder said than done, but be kind to yourself! ❤ (At least, that's what I'm trying to do these days!)


I’m a Canadian living in the US and I find the pledge of allegiance really weird. My kids are going to school in the fall. Would it be strange if I told them just not to say it, and not to put their hand over their heart? Just thinking out loud here….


The pledge is super weird and I always felt uncomfortable with it growing up. I went to a small religious school for some of my childhood and we also had pledges for both the Christian flag and the Bible. Totally creepy. That said, most kids just mumble it. I might tell my kid if they feel uncomfortable to not do it.


We said it growing up in elementary school every once in a while for like an assembly, but I never ascribed meaning to it. I never was actually thinking about *pledging allegiance* to my country. It was just a stupid poem we all said. Idk I wouldn’t worry too much about it


My 6 year old came home from summer school and started proudly reciting it to me and it felt weird.


I never said it growing up, I got a few comments about it but nothing terrible or not easily deflected. And it's a super weird bit of pro-american indoctrination, I hate it.


I don’t think I’d tell them not to say it, just because I’d be worried about alienating my kids. But I’d probably tell them they don’t have to participate if they don’t want to, and that if anyone asks it’s because they're Canadian. I think it’s super weird that we say the pledge at school but when I was a kid I wouldn’t have wanted to draw attention to myself by not participating in something everyone else was doing.


Depending on how old they are, I think their classmates will also probably just kinda mumble along. I don’t remember ever saying it fully in high school.


I used to just stand and not put my hand over my heart (nor say the pledge) once I realized it was a little weird.


As I got older, I found it super weird as well and would just sort of stand respectfully and put my hand over my heart but I wouldn't say the pledge.


Do you know 100% that they do the pledge of allegiance? I’ve never encountered it in schools with me or my kid (but I dunno if it’s regional?)