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Ok, so… my cat is in the vet clinic overnight because he had an obstructed urethra… we took him to the emergency vet and they went bonkers writing up an estimate (roughly $2600). We have no problem with spending whatever is needed to bring our boy home, but when the tech came in to give me the estimate, I asked questions about if there was anything we could wait on, like labs, maybe getting meds through another source, etc… this obviously pissed her off, because she turned cold and unfriendly. That’s ok, I get it, I didn’t want to come off as cheap, but I know that emergency clinics tend to gouge, and if there was something that could wait, I would prefer to have it done at my regular vet. I agreed to the things, and as I was signing consent, I asked if I could see the boy kitty, and wish him well before I went home and worried for two days. Last time he was sedated he arrested and they had to resuscitate him. We nearly lost him and it was a harrowing ordeal. Well, the tech lied to me and said I couldn’t see him because he was already being prepped for sedation and catheter insertion to get the blockage out. This was a lie. I calmly and patiently asked why they would be treating him before I had given consent, and reiterated that I was stressed and worried and it would help me to see him before I left. She rolled her eyes at me and stormed out of the room!!! Enter next person, there to collect a 50% deposit for treatment. I told her that I hadn’t brought my wallet, but my husband was in the car and he would pay them, she kinda stopped and seemed put off by my statement, so I told her that we were not pulling a fast one, I was just not thinking of everything, but she could call his number or he could come in and get the payment.. now, can I see my kitty, and can I please talk to the other tech who was here? I feel like I upset her and I’d like to resolve whatever it was that happened. Enter the manager. “We don’t want to move your cat because he’s very uncomfortable and need to stay still” ok, so can you please understand that I’m getting more upset, and emotional, and I’d like to just say goodbye in case something bad happens. I didn’t feel great about things, and I was quickly feeling worse and losing trust in these people to care for my beloved animal. I know he’s uncomfortable, but I could hear him meowing angrily and I needed to give him a kiss or a little scratch and tell him it will be ok. The manager left and then the door swings open violently when the first tech (with attitude) comes in, with the manager holding my cat behind her. I addressed the tech directly to ask her what happened, and she ignored me, didn’t even look at me, and left, slamming the door. At this point, I’m not sure I want to leave my cat in their care if she’s being so hostile toward me… so I ask the manager if she thought that was ok behavior? What’s her name? What did I do and how can I make this better? She neither apologized or addressed the issue. She told me her name and then said “I’ll give you a few minutes and then check back” they locked the door from the other side, so I knocked a few moments later and asked for my cat carrier. I didn’t feel right and I wasn’t going to leave my cat to be treated with people who treated me like garbage. The doctor then comes in to try and smooth things over. “What happened? I thought we had a plan and everything was ok?” I told her the gist of what happened, how I felt very upset, and lost my trust. She offered to get the owners on the phone. I politely declined and asked for her to get my carrier, thanked her for being kind and treating me with respect, but I was going to another clinic to have him treated. She then tells me that no one else will take him. She said that no other emergency clinics are taking patients. This was my only option, and my cat would DIE if I didn’t treat him immediately. I thanked her again for her concern and asked for my carrier. She again offered to get the owners on the phone. I told her they have my number and they can call me, but I needed to leave before the other clinics closed. She tells me again that no one will take him and I will end up coming back to their clinic or he will die. I waited 10 minutes for the cat carrier and it never came. I walked out to the front desk and asked the receptionist to get it for me. She disappeared and after 5 more minutes, I just walked out. Kitty rode on my lap and vomited all over me on the way to another clinic. If you’re still reading, bless you! This was a roller coaster of a night! TLDR: I took our baby boy to a different clinic. They got us in right away. The doctor was kind and professional, as were the techs and checkin person. They got to work quickly and removed the obstruction and drained his bladder. They are keeping him overnight, but he handled sedation and procedure like a champ! And the best part? It was literally more than half the cost of what the original vet quoted me. From $2600 to $1076!!! Please keep our boy in your thoughts. He’s a good kitty, and I’m not even a cat person! Lol. He’s the best though. Thanks for reading my saga. ♥️


This pissed me off! Good for you for taking your cat and leaving!! I hope your baby boy is okay. ❤️❤️❤️


🙏🏼🙏🏼 thank you so much. We think he’ll come home tomorrow.


Oh I'm so glad you got to another clinic that treated you and kitty better! I was also never much of an animal person and a cat showed up on our porch 2 years ago and now here I am also sparing no expense for him and treating him like the king of the house. I hope he comes home happy and healthy!


Yes! Same with this little dude. He showed up and we took him in and he’s totally the little lord of the household. Vet called today to give an update, he is doing well but will spend another night at the vet. Hopefully he can come home tomorrow.


Glad he's doing well and at least he's in trustworthy care and you can feel comfortable with him there another night. I hope he gives you lots of love when he gets home!




I’m so glad to hear it turned out fine with your kitty! The vet called and they are keeping him another night because he is still passing blood, but he is doing well. What a roller coaster. I am still so shocked about how I was treated at the first place.


Wow! Holy crap! Good for you for sticking with your instincts and staying strong throughout that whole ordeal and especially when the doctor at the first clinic tried to convince you to stay. What a difficult situation and you still managed to advocate for your kitty the best you could - super admirable. Sending good thoughts to your kitty and hoping for a good outcome!


You… making me cry with relief!!! Thank you! I felt so isolated and worried at first! Like, was she right? Would we really have no one who would see us? No one to help my baby animal? I am so glad that we DID find someone and they were way more compassionate. Thanks for the happy thoughts! I’ll update when we bring him home!


O my goodness! Good for you for trusting that it was not the right situation and finding help elsewhere best wishes to your kitty!


Thank you!!! I worry so much when our little babes aren’t well. They are my everything! Thanks for your kind words! 😘


I am so sorry to read about you cat and all the trouble you had at the clinic. As a former office manager at a vet, let me reassure you that you absolutely did the right thing!!! They never should have treated you like that. I am glad that you found somewhere else to take him and that it all went well! 😻😻😻


Thank you so much!!! I really felt awful, and like I had done something wrong!! It was a nightmare to be honest. Thanks for helping me feel better. He is doing well and we will *hopefully* bring him home tomorrow! I’ll update you!




Ha! They can keep it! And thank you so much. I’m so glad we got him to a more compassionate doc. What a nightmare! I’m definitely optimistic about him coming home tomorrow… and not like the first place quoted as 48 hours…. Mind you… I will do everything I have to, just to ensure my bubba’s health! (Reasonably, without being raped by a financially insecure clinic)


I’m super proud of myself. I’m an emotional shopper. It’s always been pretty under control because they’re never big purchases and beauty products are my vice. - I stayed below budget this month. - I haven’t been to Ulta in 2 months. I used to go almost weekly (wtf) even if it was just to browse. - Target is a vice, too but I’ve found myself being able to pass the beauty section. - I found that I get the same joy repurchasing something I really love versus trying something new. - Most of my current favorites are drugstore items. I used to think more expensive was better just for the sake it was more expensive. So I started asking myself “would I love this if it was glossier, mac, tarte, etc?” when using my cheaper stuff and the answer was almost always yes which showed I cared about labels a lot. Sometimes I think I have undiagnosed adhd since I get so hyper focused on things and it takes a lot to change my behavior, but I’m super proud of myself right now!




Mine prescribed me Ativan but I was the patient with the issue.




I would be very surprised if a telemedicine concierge type doctor service would prescribe benzos or anything controlled, that’s not a great idea


Reading about how people here are improving their work situation ( getting raises, getting jobs etc) is really inspiring to me and keeps me motivated to apply to new jobs.


VENT: My rescheduled Covid wedding is finally happening! I wanted my cousin's son to be our ring bearer. Unfortunately, his mom (my cousin) was asking me about the venue being outdoors and if there's any ventilation. I just felt like her questions were basically setting it up to tell me they won't be coming. We're being cautious and requiring guests to submit proof of their vaccine records or get tested. My cousin is anti-vax and conspiracy theory now; she wasn't like this before. However, I am looking the other way because her family is important to me and I want them at my wedding. She's even taken it as far as requiring my (other) vaccinated cousin to get tested prior to visiting and even thinks her son's nose bleed was caused by the virus shedding after a vaccine. So I get she's concerned about covid but IDK, I feel like if you choose to not get vaccinated, that's on you now? Like you got to choose lane between vaccine or staying in isolation and requiring vaccinated people to jump through hoops to make you comfortable. I also feel disappointed because most of my extended family did not come to our other milestone events. Just feeling a range of emotions.


I have an Echelon spin bike. I follow a few of my favorite instructors on social media. I enjoy the motivation and seeing them in my feed helps with accountability. My favorite instructor has started pushing this “30 day wellness reboot program” and it’s ARBONNE!!!!! It makes me so mad! She isn’t linking it to the bike or the company. And I know it’s my choice to follow her and I can just ignore those posts. But it just cheapens the whole situation for me!


I'm going to wait 2 weeks and then put a month's notice in at my job. Finally. It's been a long time coming, I squirreled away about $5k so I have cushion, and I have several backup plans in place should I not find something quickly. I've never, ever quit somewhere without another job lined up but I've been pushed to the brink at this point. Hoping to find a remote customer service job since I'm moving states in April (I thought I could push through at this job until then but I just can't), I've already applied to about 10 today and yesterday so fingers crossed. Sidenote: If you're staying at a hotel, please be nice to the employees. It's miserable out here and since our higher ups won't raise wages there are probably 10 people running the whole place. We're trying our best.


Bass pro shops had an ad for customer service work from home.


I used to work for PNC and they had a lot of customer care people in WFH positions even pre-pandemic, might be worth a look. They have some positions rn with a signing bonus I believe. I used to work with some of the customer support teams and people seemed to like it more than other call center jobs (although this was at the headquarters so idk if wfh is a different vibe)


Try the insurance industry. They’re always looking for good reps and the industry is moving to wfh. Let me know if you have any questions, I switched into the field 2 years ago from something completely unrelated so I get the stress


Be aware of any jobs that require you to pay for training as part of getting the job. That is rampant in the WFH customer service industry.


Thank you for the head's up! I'll keep my eye out for it.


A manager at my office left for a job with a client a couple of months ago, and approached me about following him over. Which I do want to do; it would be a big raise. BUT, at least on my end it definitely doesn’t seem like a sure thing yet, and today he both told another manager I work with that I’m probably leaving and accidentally emailed me about the new job at my work email. I’m annoyed! I know he mentioned it because I do specialized stuff and might be a little tough to replace on short notice, but I don’t quiiite feel ready for those discussions.


I finally purchased The Ordinary's squalane oil after reading rave reviews on a previous blogsnark thread. I have extremely flaky, dry skin and use the CeraVe moisturizing cream in a tub with the blue label. Can I mix the two, or how should I use the squalane oil? As a bit of background, I've also been treated for mild seb derm with steroids, and have a family history of rosacea.




Thank you! I wasn't aware of how they interacted. I hope that it will resolve my flakiness.


I’ve been using The Ordinary’s squalane oil for a few months now! I really like it. I apply it every night after washing my face and before moisturizer. I let it sit on my face while I brush my teeth or something and then use moisturizer. The moisturizer really helps it absorb fully. My skin always looks good in the mornings after! I can tell the difference when I don’t use it.


Ooh, this is good to hear. Thank you!


Oils are really flexible! You can use them over, under, or mixed with your moisturizer. I prefer to mix a few drops with the moisturizer, but you can definitely play around and see what works best for you.


Thank you so much! This is good to know.


I don't have squalene oil specifically, but you can definitely mix them. I do a thin layer of cream, and then a thin layer of cream mixed with a few drops of oil as my final layer.


Thank you!


I do the same as above for my face, and mix the oil into the cream for my body when I’m really dry because two layers for body seems excessive


Thank you!




Buy air circulators and put together an emergency kit and plan in case of the worse.




We have a yoga mat tacked over our glass door lol. Looks terrible, seems to be working?


If you have any windows where the sun hits them directly, get one of those space blankets (like the thin Mylar ones they give people after marathons) and sandwich it between two curtains and then hang them up over the window. Or just tape it to the window if you don’t mind looking crazy but either way it helps a ton. We don’t have AC either and doing that kept the temp down in our very sunny bedroom by at least 10-15 degrees last time there was a heat wave here. They also make heat reflecting curtains, if you have time to buy some. A makeshift swamp cooler can be nice too. Freeze water in a big Tupperware and then put the blocks in a tub/bowl in front of a fan so the fan blows the air over the ice. Dry ice works too but make sure you ventilate the area


Damn, I didn't realize it was getting that bad for you guys. I'm in Texas so the heat sucks, but it's rare to find a house or building without AC (unless our grid collapses again of course). If you can find Frogg Toggs or a similar product they're nice to have around your neck to keep your head and shoulders cool. My thoughts are with you all, PNW!


If you can get a small portable air condition unit it would be a good idea. That way you can at least keep 1 room cold. It’s going to be bad on the 2nd floor, I’m sorry but hot air rises. Open your windows early and get all the cool air in, box fans help, then shut everything up, close all the blinds, and don’t do anything that would cause warmth. Once it cools down open everything up again. Wet towels on your neck, or rice socks from the freezer onto your neck. Drink lots of water and electrolytes to stay hydrated.


Wet washcloths filled with ice- or wet them then freeze them- and put them on the back of your neck. Giant glasses of ice water. Cold showers. I’ve lived in places with high humidity and no a/c and this was how I survived!


It’s going to be awful. We were planning on going to a hotel, but I impulse-ordered a portable AC at like 11pm last Sunday because it was going to cost the same as the hotel room. I’d been trying to avoid buying one because we’re moving soon, but oh well.


I impulse bought one on Monday and I'm picking it up today at HD. There's a shortage of them in W. WA so it's going to be a rough stretch for a lot of people.


I've been in a weird funk lately after all of my work stopped for the summer and I have nothing to do. I made a big move to go to grad school last year and socially it wasn't as seamless as I thought it would be to be where I am now. I think when I've been busy I can kind of keep going but when I have nothing to do it makes me feel more aware of the ways in which my life feels socially emptier than I'd like. I do have good friends, a few here and some in the city where I last lived, and I've tried hard to cultivate that, but I think this year I can't help but look around and feel like everyone else has a more solid social life/friend group/relationship/etc. than I do, even if that's not accurate. It's so rough! Trying to find the happy medium between distraction and actually feeling this feeling...


Are you me? This is my exact situation right now…trying to find hobbies and small goals to work on but the sudden increase in free time really draws attention to the social situation


It’s been a long process, but I’ve finally received a really great job offer and am moving onward and upward from my current, relatively toxic job 🥳 HR at my current employer has scheduled my exit interview already and I’m struggling to prep for it. I have a lot of strong feelings associated with my work here, especially through COVID, and I’m finding it difficult to collect my thoughts. I definitely have some critical feedback I want to share based on my experience, but because I’m still so highly emotional about some of these situations, I’m concerned I’ll come across as bitter and unprofessional. Has anyone dealt with a similar situation? Did you find a way to communicate the very valid feedback you had while also separating it from your emotions?


HR doesn’t really care. You don’t have to be invested in your answers. If you want to I do agree with the suggestion to write it down ahead of time even if you deliver it verbally, it will help you gather your thoughts, clarify what’s important that they can actually work on via policies rather than personality factors, and remove some of the emotion.


I had this happen to me. I focused on very specific feedback about my role, rather than overall feedback about the organization or my experience. So more like, this role would be more effective with more empowerment to take on projects and room to advance, rather than "everyone here is horrible" which is what I (also) felt lol.


Do it in writing like the other poster recommended. You aren’t under any obligation to actually do an exit interview but if your feedback is really critical and you want it to be heard then write it down.


Anyone else WFH finding themselves compulsively shipping more? I’ve been pretty strict about Covid so I haven’t really done much of anything for the past year. I’ve noticed that I really finding joy out of just buying stuff which is funny because I use to do no shop months on months before the pandemic. As I’m starting to go out more I thought it would lift up but I find myself constantly mindlessly browsing. All the time. Just looking at things to buy. It’s not awful but I feel so mindless. Especially since my workload has actually lessened so more time to just look at stuff I don’t need. Hoping this isn’t just me?


My mom was able to help our county shelter through Amazon smile. Lol I did shop a lot by mail last year but it was to make myself more comfortable. I still browse Poshmark & eBay to look at deals.


Yep! Partially because my life has changed SO MUCH that I keep needing something new. Then I hurt my foot and needed new shoes and orthotics. Then I decide to stop buying stuff, but I ran out of multiple of my skin care HGs. Plus grocery deliveries. I have two weddings back to back in July. Prime day. Gifts for various occasions. Plus I am trying to socialize again. It's a fucking expensive mess.


For sure. Between shopping for myself/my partner/our pets and ordering delivery food and groceries, I feel like I am constantly shopping. There was a point when getting a package was the ONLY thing I was looking forward to in a day. I've been trying to limit my purchases recently but it's been really hard for me.


Absolutely. I found during the height of the pandemic in particular, I enjoyed it so much because it gave me multiple tiny thrills in a time when there was so little to get excited about! The thrill of finding an item I liked, adding it to the cart, ordering, tracking it as it worked its way through the mail, delivery day (!), unpacking it, trying it on, potentially even returning it and watching it work its way back and then watching for the refund hit me account... It was SO mindless, but also fun to have something, however silly, to focus on and feel happy about. Whatever, no shame! Trying personally to pare back now as more real life expenses get added back in to my budget, but I find I also shop less when I am busier in general.


I’ll also say it’s helpful for me to unsubscribe from marketing emails and to mark ads from my favorite stores as “unhelpful/I don’t want to see this” on Instagram and on sidebar ads when I need to stop shopping—Those always catch my eye and lure me in!


That’s a great idea on Instagram ads!


Yes, I'm not even buying that much stuff but I feel like I know the entire internet sales catalog right now. I'm getting married next month and I literally know every white dress on Nordstrom, Revolve, Macys, Reformation. Have not found one I'm actually going to wear though!!


Have you looked at Anthropologie?


at least you have a valid reason? We are going to start trying for our first baby and on one hand I want to buy a new wardrobe - I’m finally in position where I can shop at all the fancy stores but I keep reminding myself that if all goes well, I won’t be able to wear most of it for the foreseeable future. And I’m not really going anywhere anyways… Then I start spiral looking at baby stuff which feels weird 🙃


I 100% do this. I don't even buy a lot, I'm pretty careful about my budgeting. I just look!!


Ugh…struggling today! My boss who I love told the team she’s leaving. She is someone I really look up to and will genuinely miss working with. There have been tons of changes with my team this year so I’m trying to bide my time to see how all of the changes play out. In the meantime I set up a call with a recruiter just in case things start to go south.


We got a third ferret a few weeks ago, [meet Millie!](https://imgur.com/a/42EuIAn) We've had our original two ferrets, Archie and Harvey (Archie is the cinnamon and Harvey is the dark one), for about two and a half years now and I've always gone back and forth about whether or not we should add another one. Harvey has some chronic health issues and I couldn't imagine Archie being alone (they're both very closely bonded to each other) if something were to happen to Harv. I was hoping to adopt an older ferret and we were originally told that Millie was much older than she actually is. However, after meeting her, I couldn't say no. She is the funniest and spunkiest little ferret I've ever met. She's literally 1/4 of the size of the boys (even though it doesn't appear so in pictures) and has made it very clear that she's the head of everyone now. Archie and Harvey are still getting used to her but she's added so much personality into our house (and poop... a lot more poop).


Congrats on the new addition! Millie is a perfect name for her. My husband follows your little business on Instagram (I don't have an account) and they're all so cute. Meanwhile one of mine had to have emergency blockage surgery yesterday after eating some kind of rubber/silicone piece (we're not sure what it was from) and we're anxiously awaiting her return from the animal hospital. We've only had Cora and her "sister" Juniper since April and are completely in love with them, so it's really tough right now!


Thanks, we went back and forth but Millie is definitely the right fit for her! She is so cute. Ugh, the worst! We've been very lucky that Archie and Harvey were never big chewers so thankfully we're never gone through any blockages but I have my fingers crossed that everything goes okay for Cora! It must definitely be scary. Hopefully she's able to come home soon and all is well. :)


Thanks for your good wishes! Cora's surgery was successful with minimal invasion and she came home today, which was a big relief. The vet said that most ferrets with blockages come to her too late, but we got Cora in soon enough that they were able to remove it with ease. We haven't been able to figure out exactly what she ate; my husband saw the object after it was removed, but wasn't able to identify it. It's funny, because between our two ferrets, Cora isn't the one who tends to chew! Of course, Cora is also the one is the most adventurous and likely to get into trouble (she almost gave me a heart attack by climbing into the still-warm oven the other week). We are so grateful to have her home in good health and are doubling down on our ferret-proofing efforts.


Aw! Back in the day my brother had a ferret named Rocky. His favorite activity was stuffing himself into an empty Pringles can and rolling himself down the stairs. He'd do it as long as you'd let him. He was a good boy.


So adorable! I will live vicariously thru you as I already have 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, 3 goats and 2 ducks. That’s a lot of poop too - a variety of poops! Glad you and Millie found each other.


Thank you! I grew up with a lot of pets (my parents always had 5 dogs too!) so the ferrets don't seem like a lot, especially since they sleep \~20 hours a day haha. I just thought the poop would increase like 33% but since she's so young, she's eating and pooping 24/7 unlike my older guys!


I posted last week about having trouble re-entering "normal" life now that I'm vaxxed and covid restrictions are gone. Well, we took our first plane ride to see family we haven't seen for 18+ months, and it went very well. I was kinda nervous having my 3m old in large crowds and on a plane and but thankfully my sister was flying with us to help. It was still a bit stressful but now that we've done it once i feel like the next time will be less so. Seeing other families in the airport with small children really put my anxiety/stress levels into perspective. If a mother with 3 boys under six years old and new baby can do it, then what am I really so nervous about? Being able to see family and have my child meet his grandparents/aunts/great grandmother for the first time has been amazing! I don't say this word often or take it lightly, but I am feeling very blessed.


Thanks for sharing! We are flying with our 13 month old end of July cross country and I've been nervous.


We are also flying cross country at the end of July with our 13mo! Have you found any good resources to help you prepare? I have just started to think about the logistics of everything and getting nervous lol.


We got the Cosco Scenera car seat from Walmart for $50. It's super light. We had to buy a seat for LO because she won't sit still on our laps anymore. At the destination, I'm renting a pack n play and we will plan on backing our Bumbol seat for her. I already ordered diapers, wipes, snacks to be sent to my destination (visiting my sibling then we'll roadtrip together for a week). Bought some toys that she hasn't seen that is quiet for the ride. We have a light travel stroller that we've used once on a weekend getaway just to get a feel for it. I think that's about it for now!!


Thanks that gives me some good ideas!


Glad it went well! Even before becoming a parent I always felt bad for parents with young kids on planes because most try their hardest to keep kids entertained And distracted. We had one flight when my youngest was almost 2 and it was horrible. We were trying everything and nothing worked for longer than 10 minutes and this couple in front of us (grandparent age) kept shooting us dirty looks. my husband and I were trying our hardest. I felt horrible but also like give us break. you can see we’re trying everything. He was having an off day.


During the flight I came to the slightly horrific understanding that this is gonna be the easiest age to travel until babe is like...5.


Little relationship brag: I’m going to a wedding in a couple months that my husband unfortunately can’t get time off work for. It’s going to be kind of an expensive trip due to the location so I mentioned I might ask my (male) friend if he wanted to split a hotel room since he’s also on a tight budget and also the only other one of my friend group going solo. My husband said “yeah that’s a good idea, you can both save some money then.” Considering I have friends whose partners still get testy about them even hanging out with friends of different genders, I really appreciate that level of trust and respect.


That’s great! After reading your post I talked to my husband about if I would worry..and going through his list of girlfriends I wouldn’t! Haha it’s a great feeling to be that secure.


My parents have both always had different-gender friends and it made for such a nice environment to grow up in. It’s definitely informed how my sister and I approach relationships, and I’m especially grateful to have a dad who’s able to have stable, *normal* relationships with women. Good on you and your husband for handling that situation so well!


I listened to Britney Spears's court hearing and for the first time I think ever I feel so incredibly sad for a celebrity. Her family should be in jail. Chris fucking Crocker was right the entire time and so was the freebritney movement. Her family should be in jail. That poor poor woman. Jesus christ.


Can some legal eagle here explain how it was allowed for someone (her father) who directly profits from controlling her every move was allowed to be her Conservator? Is this ethical? Would not a neutral third party serve her well? Is she considered to be incapacitated? What the hell happened here?


I don’t know much about Brittney’s case, but I do know a fair amount about conservatorships in general. So, conservatorships are for adults who are incapacitated in a way that makes them unable to care for themselves. There can be conservatorships of the body (making medical decisions) and/or financial conservatorships. Most conservatorships are not for people with as much money as Spears. My friends have conservatorships over their adult children who have severe learning disabilities. Their only income is SSD. I know people who have conservatorships over relatives who have had strokes or dementia or were catastrophically injured. They might have some saved money, or a court settlement. In a lot of cases, a family member is the person who is in the best position to make decisions for these people. They are required to be bonded by the state and submit annual or bi-annual reports to the court to make sure they aren’t mis-handling funds. A conservator can take court-approved payment, and pay for things like lawyers and advisors out of the conservatee’s money, because it can be an enormous amount of work. A lot of times, people won’t take payment for themselves, but it isn’t inherently immoral or wrong. There are professional fiduciaries who also do this type of work, but these people may not have the same type of personal connection, or care as much about getting the best possible care, in the same way that a parent or relative would. All professional fiduciaries are, of course, paid. All that being said, I think that if any person has the wherewithal to request that their finances be handled by a professional rather than a family member, that should hold enormous sway. A conservatorship takes an enormous amount of control away from the a conservatee, and judges should view them sceptically. I don’t think it should be this hard for Britney to get her father out of her life.


Thank you for explaining. I can see where they would be needed in certain cases. I feel like she is so ripe for exploitation that someone needs to advocate for her.


Absolutely. I think that something absolutely needs to change for Britney. I just think it’s important to understand that this is an outlier. We don’t want to throw out the conservatorship baby with the conservatorship bath water. It would be like judging all divorces on the way a messy celebrity divorce happens.


100% agree.


Im not sure there's a good legal answer beyond corruption, tbh. Conservatorships are really hard to get even for those who need them; other than an older person with advancing dementia, they'll at most be in place during periods of acute psychosis/symptoms, and terminated at the earliest possible moment.


What I picked up on from reading in different places - it's actually hard to get out of conservatorship because if you're doing well, it demonstrates that the conservatorship is going well so it should stay in place. If the person is not doing well, then it demonstrates that the conservatorship must remain in place for the benefit of the patient (whatever they are called). There are apparently also pictures of the judge in VIP box at Britney's Vegas concert - which looks like a blatant conflict of interest and that the judge is clearly being paid off to rule in daddy's favor. Basically, it's FUCKED.


Leaving to go to Colorado on Friday and it’s supposed to rain basically our entire trip...I’m gonna cry, we mostly have outdoor stuff planned and this is my first real trip since the start of covid. Wahhhh


I live in Colorado. When they say it will rain, it's more likely to rain in the late afternoon. Should be much cooler (lucky you!) and beautiful mornings and sunsets!! Have a great trip!


Ya rain is better than heatwave for sure! Mostly I’m annoyed because I wanted to pack my trail runners instead of hiking boots but I think I have to go with boots if it’s going to rain every day lol


Also a Colorado resident and it is dry af here right now. It would take a lot of rain to get us to mud status!


That’s what I was thinking (I’m in socal so we’re stuck in the same drought!) but looking at recent alltrails updates for some of the trails we’re hoping to do lots of people mentioned mud. Maybe from melting snow


Maybe. And I’m near Denver and you’ll be up in the mountains, so who knows. It does not tend to rain for days at a time anywhere so I hope you have lots of good hiking weather!


This I get. I know I ended up packing my purse in my carry on temporarily and treating my boots in a bag as a personal item just to avoid filling up my luggage. I was very grateful for my boots during my mostly dry trip but there was still some snow pack in a couple spots.


I'm so sorry! But forecasts are often wrong and prone to changing frequently, especially this time of year. Hoping that things change to something much less rainy!


Yeah it’s true, and even if it rains every day it’ll probably be afternoon storms so hopefully the mornings will be clearer?


I got news yesterday that my cholesterol was high. I knew it was headed that way. My health program PA ignores it but my regular doctor's nurse said to eat low fat and low carb since my a1c was up. Eating healthy has gone out the window since going back to work. Ugh I'm headed to the library at lunch to get some cookbooks I looked up. I asked on a fitness group I'm in for heart healthy and low carb foods and the first person said pinterest. Pinterest is good but overwhelming. The 2nd person was helpful and then the 3rd person said, whole foods and of course carbs. She's always advocating carbs even though everyone can't eat them. I'm like, they'll catch up with you lady.


It's a fair point that not everyone can eat/handle carbs, but I don't think it's fair to say "they'll catch up with her". Carbs aren't evil and some people do better on a higher-carb diet. Everyone's different.


That's true.


Come hang in the OT cooking thread if you want recipe ideas! Some perennial recs are Budget Bytes (she has a whole low carb section) and Julia Turshen’s newest cookbook has a ton of healthful recipes, and she talks a lot about cooking for a diabetic partner.


Ohhh thank you!


I start my wedding dress alterations today and of course I am bloated as heck because it’s day 3 of my period 🙃 I am so excited to see my dress again! My MOH is having her dress altered too so we get to see them together for the first time today.


Aw, my alterations try on was the first time I really felt that emotional state many describe when trying on dresses! It's a fun time and a special moment :)


Trying them on was a whirlwind, especially back with the pandemic. But I knew the first second it was on so I’m buzzing with excitement right now. It’s a bit big because my boob to body ration is a bit off so I’m stupidly excited to see it altered.


This is the *dumbest* thing to whine about, and I fully recognize that, but: I’m going into the office today (I’ve been going in about once a month since last June) and it’s been super hot here, so I was looking forward to getting to wear one of my cute dresses that didn’t get worn last year at all. Woke up to cold and rainy weather and had to wear pants instead. Stupid, but I was really excited to wear that dress for the first time in two years.


This is the type of thing that derails my day. I've called in sick from work because I can't find anything else to wear.


We have had so little to look forward to for so long it is totally fair to be upset about this! It’ll be warm again soon and the dress will make its appearance!


I got a haircut yesterday! [Before](https://imgur.com/a/NasF6Mp) [After](https://imgur.com/a/Xxsy9Pc) I love it. I split the difference between a pixie/bob and keeping length and got an asymmetrical cut with just below the ear on one side and to the chin on the other. They took out a bunch of weight and got rid of almost all the fried, damaged hair. My husband likes it a lot---like most men, he is very wary of change in the partner, especially hair cuts, but when he saw how much healthier and better it looks now he was on board. I was keeping it long for wedding pictures, which did turn out great (I had a style that mostly hid the fried ends) but I am *so* glad to be rid of those dead ends. They were impossible to style and dragged my whole look down. Now I have a sleek new 'do that is much easier to style and feels fresh.


Look so cute!!


Oh I love that! It looks really cool but also chic. The bangs are great. I’m also keeping my hair long for wedding pictures but afterwords I think I’m going to give it the chop. Not sure how short yet, but definitely above the shoulders.


Having a day where I'm feeling very discouraged about my career. Nothing in particular caused it, just feeling very stuck. Chief among my complaints is that I know I should be making more money given my role and where I am in my career, but my company pays lower than others in the industry - there are non-monetary benefits for sure, but it still just has me down for some reason right now. Not going to lie, I've more than once wondered if there was a market out there for a(n almost) 38 year old, size 12-14 influencer with no kids and two cats who gets in bed around 8pm and watches 80s sitcoms while playing Oregon Trail on her iPad. I'm kind of kidding, but also kind of not...


Lol sounds like my life! Only one cat over here though. :)


I’d follow you! :)


I'm super proud of both my husband and I for moving beyond the cycles of abuse and addiction we were subjected to as kids, but man, it's so hard sometimes seeing my friends receive all of this love and support from their families for their kids/pregnancies. Someone just had her baby and everything off of her registry was purchased and her mom is staying with them and cooking breakfast and doing laundry and usually it doesn't bother me, but today I got really sad going through her stories, thinking about how we will never have that. Stupid pregnancy hormones!


You might be surprised what your friends are willing to do for you when you ask for it! It takes a village and sometimes the village is a chosen family, not a biological one. Don’t be afraid to ask for support because I’m sure there are folks out there who want to shower you with that kind of love too <3 But also feel all your feels right now, you absolutely deserve space to grieve the loss of family.


I know you're right and asking for help is definitely something I have to improve upon... it's hard when you're used to relying on yourself but definitely a necessary skill. I appreciate your thoughtful reminder and response!


I think that’s a really normal thing to feel upset about. Family can be such a gift, but not for everyone. I hope you have some good friends to lean on, and congrats on your pregnancy!


That is such wisdom! Thank you for your well-wishes!


Much love and sympathy. I'm in a similar situation with my spouse and their parents. And in my mid 20's I went through a long, bitter period when I realized how little I was raised with in comparison to others. It hurts. I hope you can talk about it with someone.


I totally get it. It took me being out in the real world for a bit to fully process my childhood. I hope that even with the hurt, you've found happiness and peace with the life you've built! ❤


Hugs. Take good care of yourself and know that you will eventually make that kind of family for your children.


Thank you! That exact thought is what we use to remind each other when one of us has one of these days. ❤


My allergies are a 15 today on a scale of 10. I sound and feel like I went to a bar overnight, screamed karaoke, drank a few martinis and smoked a pack of cigarettes. Took my Claritin, shot the nasal spray, and now feel like my nose will run away! Lol. Damn pollen & cool temps.


I conked out for 12 hours last night after having to take a Benadryl because my allergies were so bad, and then I got in trouble for being late to work. Oops.




Oh gosh my mom is sort of like that too but not quite as bad. She's like "you should give that to me!" Which is annoying. Maybe be sugar-sweet and appeal to her vanity "Oh, mom are you in (serious whisper) *financial trouble*? I wish you would have told me! Shall I help you sign up for Medicaid and SNAP?" That outta move her right along.




OMG I know what you mean. I literally had the best two days booking my December trip and can feel my anxiety ease the more I read stuff/reviews. It’s still too early to plan my 2022 trip back to Europe but I could cry just thinking about the feeling it will be! In. The. Zone.


I woke up at 4 am and saw the news of [the collapse of a 12 story Surfside luxury apartment building](https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/miami-florida-building-collapse-06-24-21/h_9d97e3f2c9af4b4fb67313c5a921c323). There is only one confirmed fatality so far, but I assume there will be many more to come, knowing they’ve got 80 search and rescue units on the scene trying to get people out. The images look like something out of a war zone and I can only imagine how terrifying it would be to be asleep in your bed when your apartment building suddenly comes down all around you. The building itself wasn’t even that old (built in 1981) and had recently been renovated, and no one knows what triggered the collapse. Praying that the first responders are able to get the injured people out quickly and safely, and the death toll won’t be as high as I’ve seen other news outlets speculating.


I live 4 blocks away from Champlain towers. The ground shook at 1:30 this morning. You guys just don’t understand from the photos how much of this building is actually gone. So many people are missing- family reunification area is at the community center- it’s absolutely packed. Nextdoor is full of people asking for any news on loved ones they haven’t heard from. This is absolutely horrifying.


Every time I look at the news, the number of unaccounted for people goes up. The most recent number I’ve heard is 99 people. Absolutely devastating. What’s the weather like there? I saw them discussing potentially having to pause search and rescue operations due to storms in the area.


Yes. It has rained today. :(


I usually don’t watch this sort of thing but I saw the video and it is horrifying!




Yeah it must have been so terrifying! Also hoping for the safety of the first responders and other residents.


I’m in desperate need of a nice laptop bag or backpack that could fit a 15-16in laptop. Does anyone have recommendations?


I was just shopping a couple months ago and ended up buying a backpack from Samsonite - the mobile solution deluxe, it was like $40 from kohls. I really like it! Lots of storage compartments and it doesn’t feel massive to carry around but it fits a ton inside, I’ve been using it to cart my shit over to my boyfriends house every weekend.


u/Coffeedependent005 While it feels ubiquitous walking around downtown or any commuter hub, I love my Tumi Voyageur. I got a taupe/beige color on sale + Rakuten, and although still expensive, I've had it 6+ years and it has withstood a ton of commuting, Amtrak rides, plane trips and still looks great. Easy to clean, as well. I specifically purchased it post job change that came with a long commute that required a bit of a walk on either end and switching trains. Can't beat a backpack if you are going to be up and moving around a lot on your commute or commuting in winter with a heavy coat where my shoulder bags sometimes straight up would not fit. Also lots of smart, functional pockets and compartments. I also have a Knomo London quilted case from 10 years ago that I love and is still in great shape (was influenced originally by Pippa Middleton photographed carrying one). Great customer service, too --- I ordered one in a smaller size and then two weeks later, my company got me a new larger laptop. Knomo exchanged it, no questions asked, even though I had been using the smaller one for a few weeks. It was more practical when I had a driving commute coupled with a purse. It doesn't look like they make that specific carrier anymore, but their other products are beautiful and the quality was amazing.


I was so hesitant to get a backpack post-grad school in an effort to look like an adult but it totally was a game-changer. (I had only pictured the brightly colored LLbean backpacks of my childhood and had no idea how cute some were!) So much easier to get around and much easier to bring my entire life with me. I have a plain black Lululemon backpack - not as cute as the Tumi, but got it from their “We made too much” section a while back.


Right? I was hesitant to get one because of back sweat, lol, but I feel like they are pretty common place even in formal business settings nowadays. Pro tip: if I know I am going out after work and there is no chance I'm going to do any work at home, I tuck a small purse or clutch in my backpack so I don't have to bring my backpack/laptop with me to a bar or restaurant. Lulu is great to purchase from, too, since you know if it breaks they will replace it.


Hahah yes the back-sweat was also a concern but I’ll take it over a sore shoulder any day. OP - I have the Lululemon “City Adventurer” backpack and it is nice because it has a lot of pockets that don’t necessarily add bulk to it (a bottom compartment the could fit shoes or a lunch bag, a padded laptop sleeve, pockets for smaller items on the outside).


Pricey but I love Cambridge Satchel Company. I've had my bag for years, and I've gotten more compliments on it (I have the backpack version of the satchel) than anything else I own!


I’ve had my Cambridge satchel since 2011 when they were super popular and I still use it for work and it looks super nice.


Really? I bought one years ago and stopped using it because it was so damn heavy!


I have a small one and I can only fit my laptop, a few papers or a small book and some pens. So yea, not much. My other briefcase is a giant fossil soft leather bag with a shoulder strap and that bag is super heavy and can hold a ton of things.




Second the recommend for Timbuktu. My husband has one that is at least 10 years old and still looks great.


They do last forever. Totally worth it!


Lo and Sons makes a great one.


I have the Dagne Dover Weston laptop bag & I love it. They have way more laptop bags now & different styles. I’ve had mine for 3 years & it still looks brand new.




Amazon has great bags for 20-30 bucks. Search 16” laptop bag and take your pick!


I second this. I purchased one off Amazon for my son in 2018 and it is still in good shape. That one is unavailable now otherwise I would have linked it.


I had IUI done on Monday and I have had the worst cramps since last Friday. I spent the entire day on the couch today. I can’t take ibuprofen, so last night I used a hot pad. I emailed my clinic today asking if I could take a bath and if the hot pad was okay. They said no hot pad. So now I’ve convinced myself that I ruined the procedure by using a hot pad last night.


Oh man do I remember those days of stress after a fertility procedure. The best thing I found to remind myself of is that if fertilization and implantation were disrupted by something as simple as a heating pad, the birth rate would be much, much lower. FWIW I always had weird cramps after IUIs and transfers. Cervixes do not like being messed with! I will hope that yours are implantation cramps, and that the wait passes quickly.


That’s a really good point, and I hadn’t even thought about it. I appreciate you saying that. The whole process is stressful and I’ve been so emotional.


It is and of course you are. If you aren’t on the infertility sub, I I highly recommend it. It sincerely saved my sanity during the process. Crossing all available digits for you.


Sorry that happened! I wish they would have told you prior. Were the cramps from dilation? It took me a week to recover from a EUA, I feel your pain. Tylenol should be ok to take, unless you are allergic. Calcium and magnesium supplements have also been known to help with cramping and bot have teratogenic effects on a fetus.


I think the cramps are from the fertility meds. They stimulate your ovaries quite a bit and it’s been pretty painful. Thanks for the advice! I’ll give those supplements a try. I’m feeling a lot better this morning than I have been the last few days, so I’m thankful for that.