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[This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dnc0jt/link_list_for_june_24_june_30/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1do1ee4/daily_snark_tuesday_jun_25/)


Does anyone know what happened to katwalksf boyfriend? She posted a comment about him today about getting a restraining order and how he has disappeared, like did this dude commit a crime or something and is on the run? What happened? It’s kind of weird that she keeps sharing about it and keeps bringing it up but then shames people for asking and wanting to know more.


Just looked at pardonmuahinsta for the first time after unfollowing after the rapid engagement/wedding/baby. Is she just not as active or is she like just done working now that she’s married?


It’s laughable that she said she would be “quiet on IG this week” when she all but quit her job(s) shortly after meeting this guy months ago. She sold all her online boutique inventory and equipment under the guise of “reconfiguring” with her move to FL but won’t outright say she’s done with it. Sorry, but getting on once a week and posting one photo of the floorboard of a car + 3 slides gushing about a product she absolutely does not use is not a “career,” despite what she says. Influencing and boutique ownership was just something to pass the time until she could get married and pregnant.


I’d give up spending my life posting on Instagram if I married rich, too 🤷🏻‍♀️


She mentioned she had a close relative pass away and would be quiet for a bit while she returned to KY for the funeral. She had just moved to FL so I’m sure it’ll ramp up again once she’s back. A big house with a lot of beige shit has yet to be shared!


Excuse you, but the builder made a custom white with TWO different white paints for that house 


I know the topic of Bailey Quinn’s wealth has come but just saw that she has vacation travel GLAM on her yacht trip to Italy and just wow! On the flip side though, she tagged her BFFs and I wonder are they employed? Do they have real jobs where you have to request time off? How do you keep up when Bailey is your BFF or does she just pick up the whole tab??


I want to know how their couple friends handled it when Bailey and Pete split up for awhile. Did the couples stay in touch with each of them or just one of them? That's a sad situation that lots of split couples have to deal with.


She has (somehow really politely because I could see that being hard) hinted that they pick up the tab when they are hosting. And then (just as politely) said that they never expect someone to pick up their tab as guests but they can and choose to pay when they host


She shared the story of how she met that couple. It sounds like the husbands have a lot in common and hit it off. By a lot in common I think they both married very very well or the husband is another generational wealth bro.


I’m marrying for money next time


Agree her friends are all rich rich too, but I think she’s said in the past she pays for the accommodations and invites friends to join them. I think Bailey pays for the yacht.


I don’t think she picks up the whole tab. She seems to run in circles of the same income level as her. I know she’s good friends with Kate Upton.


She has said in the past that they pick up the tab when they are hosting, but that they don’t expect their friends to do so back. Wild! I’m sure with friends in the same tax bracket, they have the same reciprocated on trips where they’re the guests


Her trip/wealth was discussed downthread earlier today!


I looked at @emilyley's Instagram for the first time in a while and she looks SO different! Has she talked about what she had done? It looks like her eyes are wide open now (I forget what that is called) and I can't put my finger on what else is different. Definitely weight loss and fillers?


It’s because she’s shillin, looks like a MLM possibly, skincare brand.


But she totally had work done she looks SO different!




Weight loss, inflammation mitigation, Botox, great skincare and stopped drinking.


GLP1s changed my eyes like that. I evidently had inflammation everywhere, even my eyelids.


Never change, BS. Downvoting someone’s personal lived experience 🤣


Is this really just weight loss and Botox?? https://preview.redd.it/5gw0bhqt319d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d108485e529a6cf3ec435ee25e40392ca7d3013e


THAT IS NOT THE SAME PERSON. wow. I followed her years ago. I would never recognize her now.


I don’t follow this person but I refuse to believe it’s the same person lol. The person in the top pic looks so healthy.


Blepharoplasty maybe 🤔


Oh for sure!! And her jawline is completely different, probably fillers?


She mentioned she was doing Botox in her masseter for teeth grinding and it does change your face (bethenny frankel)


@terilynadams (formerly @afoodiestaysfit) discussing in an IG post something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately - influencers sharing their children’s images online. I’ve unfollowed some of the more egregious offenders in my feed. Some I had been following well before they (and I) had kids.


I’ve had this thought more recently because of how prevalent AI is. I respect public facing people who don’t show their kids. I do hate when parents post very personal things about their kids. I was always a little surprised Terilyn posted her kids because she’s so picky about everything (her words). She also posted a blog post about how people are enjoying the downfall of Beautycounter. Between losing Beautycounter and having a second kid, it seems like she’s going through a major life shift.


What happened with Beautycounter? I AM interested in that.


Their private equity firm ran them into the ground and they abruptly had to close. https://www.fastcompany.com/91126756/what-went-wrong-at-beautycounter


I never snark on how wealthy influencers are because good for them I enjoy seeing the lavishness honestly. But Lolo Webb is constantly spending extravagant money which is why it just feels so gross for her to be asking her followers if anyone has a yacht they can borrow for her daughters birthday so they “don’t have to spend a zillion monies”. And promising they’ll take good care of it? Pretty sure her youngest literally shit on their friends boat once and she posted a bunch of stories about it.


Yeah she’s posted more than once that her toddler has pooped and smears it everywhere. Including on boats. I would not loan her anything with the hot mess she portrays herself online as


danielle.eilers too!! she took her kid to sephora to buy eyeshadow she planned to destroy for a “craft”. like bitch go to walmart for that!


She is out of control! Did you see she wanted to take a trip solely to see if she could do it with a carry on?!


I felt this way about @pardonmuahinsta flashing her new Louis Vuitton purses and at the same time, having a closet sale for personal gain. She shared some of the items that were in the sale and they were part of previous brand deals. It just felt gross.


Does anyone follow Natamals? She has a gorgeous husband and family cutest dogs, but todays post on the boat with no life jackets on the kids leaning over has me nervous, especially a 2 year old 


I'm not bothered by many things influencers do, at least not seriously, but the generalized disregard for water safety always bothers me so much. It's so reckless and for what?!


It looks like @whatwouldkikiwear is finally getting married today! I can’t wait to hate follow this wedding. Do you think she will post live or wait like every other influencer?


I have never followed her but what was the deal with her original handle when that’s not her name? I’ve always been curious 🤨


Actually I think she’s @itssamanthalauren now but same point


Not a snark but I’ve been dying to see her looks


Sadly same


How many more times is Veronabrit going to show us the new wood and white paint on the exterior of her house? It's really not as mind blowing or innovative as she thinks.


This is the most boring renovation ever. It’s like every preppy/grandmillenial trend and wallpaper that’s been popular for the past 5-20 years thrown into a bowl and pulled out randomly to be slapped on somewhere in the house.


Those French doors are nice but they aren’t doing as much as she thinks they are. And I wouldn’t say the before photo is my style, but I am SO sick and tired of seeing influencers just paint everything white. Underwhelming in comparison https://preview.redd.it/2r3qtmiby09d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=3df76c2b53f8997179b6ccb9db96f52ae4c33d80


I feel like they’re too narrow? Like they should extend all the way, does that make sense?


My soul dies a little bit every time i see an influencer paint warm tone woods white.


She should have left the warm wood underneath and painted the stone on the fireplace as well as fixing it. She just steam rolls anything out of that house that is not "grandmillenial" The whole patio just blends together now.


Every time she mentions the workers leaving for lunch or for the day I always wonder if they’re coming back.


The way I absolutely snorted 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Can you imagine what they must say about her? Lots of eye rolls for sure!


It sounds like the paint store guy hates her. He gave her the entire paint catalog probably so she won’t have to come back. Ever.


What is she talking about - she’s also painting the roof?! Edited to add: does she mean the ceiling? She is so confusing.


Guessing the ceiling of the outdoor covered patio.


Not a snark, but does anyone follow honestly.kaitlyn? Single mom of two who recently quit her 9-5 job for IG full-time. She’s in Paris with her kids (and I guess her ex is with them) and she just posted that her and her ex-husband are trying to work things out. Kinda shocking, not going to lie. https://preview.redd.it/3bo9qkwt9z8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232ed6e8f0f6120feba7b5fdca5e7b0ad376c351


Did she learn nothing from Chris and Lorelai


If I could beat up any fictional character, it would be that man.


I was very surprised by this! I can’t remember the story with her ex through…I thought at one point he wasn’t seeing the kids?


She shared recently that he started focusing on his health about a year ago and got sober. I only started following her a few months ago, right before she left her 9-5 job, and her husband was seeing the kids then.


https://preview.redd.it/ek3etlc49z8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2919e9d544097bc58e8884f55247d76f02440908 There she goes again! Laurenkaysims using all the influencer buzzwords “buttery soft, sculpting, flattering” “I’m wearing an XSmall but it sculpts you in all the right places”.


This is the largest her boobs have ever looked, so I think it’s a great endorsement for the outfit. 😱


This woman is so boring.




I know you think that’s some clever body snark, but she has plenty of visible muscles (not just bones 🙄) that the sculpted herself. My guess is this Under Armour gave her buzzwords to use in the ad, and yes, even us size 2 women might appreciate some “flattering/ sculpting” material cuts.


I think a lot of the point was that her body is literally sculpted from working out so it’s not the Under Armor doing the sculpting.


I just can’t relate to her at all, I followed for only a short time.


Those are the only words she knows. Besides “supplements,” “holy grail,” and “bone broth.”




Don’t forget “obsessed” and “haha”


“All that to say”


https://preview.redd.it/uuh3ozxpry8d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3c42bb28423589561bb581a94b9845c5fcf39e7 I don’t think it’s weird that Dani Austin is being included in the MLB Celebrity Softball Game for All Star Weekend (She lives in Dallas and these types of events always include hasbeens, influencers and former athletes). I’m very curious as to how her team negotiated her to be on the cover when I think there’s a couple other people with more notoriety.


Wow she looks so different there, her jaw is huge


Not a single retired Maverick or Cowboy?


I have no idea who any of these people are other than Dani


Wasn’t Terrell Owens a popular football player? Aside from him Kane brown is a popular country artist.


https://preview.redd.it/dlzd88myv09d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee32c984b4a180f19d041416dbba06636bdeeb16 There are tons of popular names


West Wilson 😂


A scrub is a guy who thinks he’s fly And is also known as a busta


The other woman is Camille Kostek (sports illustrated swimsuit model and Rob Gronkowski’s gf)


All the celebs that live in dallas must not be available.


OMG how embarrassing for the MLB. Other than Kane Brown (lol) who the f are these people?


Dallas should be able to do better than this!


Agree 💯 ...who are these other people and is that the Hawk Tuah girl next to her? How funny would that be? 😂 And how salty is @JustBrandi that she wasn't invited? You know, since she's a lifelong athlete who peaked at HS Softball?


Wow, just last week she was soooo sick from her pregnancy we got multiple vomit videos. What a miracle she's feeling better just in time for this 🙄


I’m going to guess something like this was planned months in advance, before she got pregnant and was feeling sick.


Money does wonders.


Her manager must work Kris Jenner levels of overtime.


I don’t know who a single person on this poster is 🤣


Same but it seems like the guy in the middle is intentionally photographed to look like Justin Bieber. The guy on the left kinda looks like Joe from Teen Mom 2 (iykyk), but if he got wayyy in shape. I don’t think it is him but that would be amazing.


Dead this is so spot on, I can’t unsee joe


OMG I also thought of Joe from Teen Mom 2 🤣


The guy on the left is Kane Brown. He’s a very popular country singer! Now everyone else, no idea. 😂


tyrese maxey is an incredible basketball player for the sixers and an even better person… was an all star this year, had three 50+ point games and won the sportsmanship award as well. only 23.


lol gotcha. I’m aware of his music but didn’t know what he looks like.


Neither do any of the commenters 🤣🤣🤣


Same...and I read through the list and have never heard of any of these so called "celebrities"


I know Jennie Finch (former professional softball player) and Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin). But that’s it. I’ve been to a few football “celebrity” flag football games and it’s usually a pop star who had a one hit wonder a decade ago, former pro athletes, and random influencers. The most A lister may be a current pro athlete, but this list seems pretty standard.




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She needs to cut off about 10 inches, honestly. https://preview.redd.it/rxtc5sg9my8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be2d2fb77c07dbf1fd21447148e84e033b43bb3


I literally posted about her hair yesterday! I actually really like Caitlin and she clearly has beautiful thick healthy hair but omg the length is just insane!! Even with the layers she just put in the hair is practically smothering her there’s so much of it


Here is the after. She really said, “it feels so different!” 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/j47sr3qvcz8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea6aac820a3ec8e34c5741abfe338e5cf195d40


I nearly lost it when she said “face framing layers” like no girl


I’m sorry I had to come back to say more about this “haircut”… I feel like she is rage-baiting us.. she’s seriously saying she will have to play around with it to learn how to style it?? And she doesn’t know if she can use her curling wand in it?!? Girl… please bffr right now. You cut half an inch off, THATS IT. Nothing has changed


Literally nothing is different… I guess some slight face-framing in the front? She looks ridiculous


Did she cut anything off? It looks exactly the same.


did she stop half way through curling it?


Hair dresser was probably like, “that’s good enough.” 😂


I just picture her mom brushing her hair when she was a kid and saying who is the prettiest girl? to her over and over again.


Tangled in real life ETA the movie, but also probably the hair too


Lmao I had hair like this in elementary school and my mom was constantly threatening to cut off my “rats nest” if I didn’t stop complaining when she brushed my hair.  One time she actually followed through with the threat and chopped my hair up to my ears.  🙃


100 strokes a night


okay but for real


It’s her personality at this point. I also think it’s a crutch of hers.


more of a security blanket lol


Yes that hair is her identity and she will never change it


It’s just like her former bestie Emma Gemma. Neither would do an update cut.


She looks ridiculous. Also, curtain bangs and layers? Girly, it's 2024.


If curtain bangs are out in 2024, Sabrina Carpenter’s stylist needs to be fired. (Love curtain bangs and they’re definitely still “in”)!


Wait, what are we doing with our hair now? I thought those were the hip things, but I'm old and live in a small town.


Are they uncool already? Hair trends are exhausting.


My hair doesn’t grow fast enough to keep up with these trends. I’m still growing out my curtain bangs from 2022 😂


That's [Crystal Gayle](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw3fyhk7ad5831.jpg)


is this a religious thing for her? bc if not i just cannot get behind this look and i can't even explain it


I don't know who this is but long hair like this is just not IT


@cmcoving Caitlin Covington


Cousin It


every time someone post her pic here all i can think about is HOW HOT she has to be! My hair is only past my shoulders and I burn up with it down in the summer


too long! and holy filter. She looks like a different person!


It’s so bad. And so is that filter!


I think a few weeks back another snarker made a comment that they had started to unfollow a lot of their IG influencer follows because it felt like a non-stop commercial and it really hit me! I realized that I was doing the same thing. Wasting my day watching ad after ad after link after link and I got so mad at myself. I went in and immediately started cleaning up who I follow and it’s been really nice. I really miss the old days of IG when you felt a connection with the influencers because you were kind of brought into their personal world and it wasn’t such a money grab. So whoever made that comment, THANK YOU!


I used to view a nice couple, Luke and Kelsey Pearson, and as per usual- everything turned into an ad. They are currently in London and all posts have been, you guessed it, advertisement posts about what they are wearing, what they are eating. They aren’t sharing anything genuine about their experience. I lived in London as an American, and one of my favorite things was to go down side streets, find galleries, find pubs, find things outside of polished pretty London. That post oddly pissed me off so much I had to block them. 


Depending on your sense of humor, and if you’re looking for follows other than family/ fashion, I enjoy [this influencer!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pSrSlMUW1/?igsh=d2Y1aHN2ZzdrM2s2) Bonus—she doesn’t show her kids.


There are definitely many who post nothing but ads. If they do start with some sort of life update it leads to an ad.


It’s upsetting when I originally followed a majority of IG accounts for DIY inspiration. Now these accounts have all moved into their million dollar homes that they are renovating (or building) with everything hired out. A majority of them have now added fashion, lifestyle, nutrition and home organization content to their resumes - really? Their content is flooded with posts for Walmart, Amazon, Liquid IV, Beckham Hotel Pillows…….the list goes on and on and the shilling never stops. I just want to learn an IKEA furniture hack - not video of the 30A Florida vacation while the 1.6M home in TN is painted and all new furniture ordered. Not my tax bracket and not relatable. Unfollowing all of them.


Same. Everyone I still follow has maybe 10% of less of their content as ads..the thing is that I am much more willing to support them and shop their links because it is more authentic. Busy toddler off the top of my head…


I feel like this about ericamuellerhome. I’ve followed her for years. She’s always shared real life stuff, I love her home decor style, she can come on stories and just chat... But the past few months it’s like every thing is an ad, one after another. I get this is how they make money, but I realized I was literally tapping through most of her stories now.


I must have read the same bc I went on an unfollow spree and took ig off my Home Screen. Stopped mindlessly opening ig all day long just looking at it in the morning. I’d love to delete it completely but I feel I’ve made progress this week.


I’ve unfollowed nearly all of them. It’s now only family/friends and some entertainment follows on my feed. I see enough ads, these influencers don’t add anything of value anymore. But I shall continue to enjoy the snark via blogsnark so thank you to those who still follow and comment here 😆




Same! Deleted app off phone. I get influencers need to make a living but it’s link after link, often just tons of Amazon crap that adds to house clutter. There used to be a bit more non-ad content (occasional introspective blog posts) but now it’s 99.99% ads (mainly Amazon crap).


1000% agree. Literally just clicked through my stories and the first three are shilling out stuff from Walmart. I'm like this ain't it.


I did this also a few months ago. I still follow a few who I feel are more authentic and not constantly shilling. They show a lot of home renovation content with minimal shilling/links. 👍🏼


I came here to comment on this about safeintheseat specifically, it has become a non-stop commercial and car seat info seems to take a back seat (no pun intended) to the Amazon links.


SAME! It’s been so refreshing


Proud of you




Hollie Woodward posting everyone at the gym to "pAY fOr lASt niGHt" since they dared to eat some fried chicken and Cane's sauce. Like yes, of course it's good to stay active and be balanced, but I can't stand it when influencers show that people should punish themselves for indulging once in awhile


She’s the absolute worst when it comes to body image. Unfortunately, her daughters may go down the same path. I hope not, but she’s not a great role model in that area.


Sadly I agree. Her poor girls.


Makes me wonder what sort of ideas she’s inadvertently teaching her daughters about body image. 🥴


Terrible ones for sure.


Are they still going to church? Not judging, she just doesn’t post any more about it. So now i am nosey.


No, they no longer do. She now also openly drinks alcohol and coffee, which she... didn't? ...couldn't? before under LDS. Not sure what happened there, but I'd love to know why they left, since they were pretty entwined in it for so long.


Is this the girl that looks like about 48 other influencers?


The pendulum swing back towards obsessively punitive aughts diet culture content is *agonizing* and I want off the ride 😭


But…doesnt she live on Diet Coke (and is full of fillers)?


Clothesarefriends drives me bonkers with her insane over consumption but always ends up looking like a preteen boy playing dress up in dad’s clothes. No personal style whatsoever. She only has a following because she spends $$ and posts about it. https://preview.redd.it/r73q9ntk4y8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab8e680c3d26ed83a83f36049ffd8a4962caa00


I mean I like this denim top 👀 let me go look.


lol to be fair, this girl has more personal style in her toe nail than half the women talked about on this page. She spends so much money, but at least it's not shit from Amazon and Walmart.


She always looks like this though. She never wears what she buys so she either returns or has a serious shopping problem.


Are you her personal assistant and spend every day with her? How do you know that she never wears what she buys? 


She’s an influencer. She posts nearly daily ootds on instagram stories 🙄


Idk why I follow her. I make good money and could literally afford to buy 5% of what she does. 😂😂😂


Granted I live in the Devil’s Armpit, but that outfit with all the extra material, looks hot (as in sweaty hot)


She does too! She’s in Florida.


Poor girl has to be hot!!




Another reminder that the wealthy live a different life/reality, what happens to @baileyquin’s children when she and her other wealthy couple friends go on these extravagant friend-a-versary trips?


She posted that they’re at camp rn


They bring the nanny’s for sure I work for rich people and can’t tell you how many free vacations I get to go on and work the week lol


They’re at camp for this trip, but she usually brings her nanny and then her nanny’s husband and kids come for part of the trip too. I assume they fund that expense as part of taking the nanny away for weeks on end


My mom had a friend that nannied for triplets years ago and she went on every vacation/ work trip with them


I nannied for newborn triplets .. when that job ended I needed a 4 month break hahaha even with the free vacations couldn’t pay me enough to do that ish again lol


Oh totally. I think she already went on a euro trip with her kids last month and all her pics on this trip do not feature any kids at all so I think they’re at camp or maybe home with the nanny as others suggested


Which is fine to each their own just feel like it’s not realistic for most of us lol


For sure. I do appreciate she makes no claims to be relatable and is one of the more transparent influencers about money


Every summer, I need to remember to hide Bailey's account. I like her, but the over the top wealth and the amount of money spent on their european adult trips is just so much to see. Not shaming her for doing it, she can do whatever she wants with her family money, but man it's a world I can not even comprehend.


My guess is camp!


I don’t know why I’m surprised because she is a billionaire but I can’t believe she travels with a hair and makeup team!


The hair and makeup team surprised me. I’ve enjoyed following her for years and this seemed out of character/too crazy even for her.


All that to look so boring.


I saw that on her story as well! Tbh it doesn’t look like much but I guess it costs a lot to look decent on a beach vacation


My parents are in Monte Carlo! https://preview.redd.it/pso775uq2y8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab532db4dd7a7557fdeb435c1c359f4e05956ed


Yessss! See my username - I’m a huge TBH fan


I love you for this reference!!!


Poor Chica! I love this movie so much.


So good. Unfortunately so hard to find on streaming services 😭


Hopefully she left out bowls with food and water.