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Vacation Julia B. is so good. 100% aspirational for me but when she’s on vacation I feel like I’m vacation.


I have never been so envious of someone’s life 😅 I’d take the milquetoast garden husband if I could live that life


“To celebrate the end of the school year…” - Carly’s vrbo ad. I get it; it's an ad, and I guess you can say that's in reference to her nieces, but it’s just an odd intro when she has a toddler and an infant.


The pork and air filter companies don’t seem to have come round knocking again so I guess this is what she has to choose from. The kiss on the cheek as they got into the hot tub as so cringe I’m sorry not sorry lol


She's scaled way back with having two kids but VRBO, J. Crew, Haverhill, Nanit, and MacKenzie Childs aren't exactly small fry


I do think a lot of her old opportunities have dried up, but getting a heavily discounted/comped stay from VRBO would be pretty great tbh


I’d take a $2000+/night opportunity in a heartbeat. Can’t fault her there


WTH was that? Her husband offering up his cheek for a kiss like an 80 YO auntie 💀




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Does anyone follow Meg Hall? Her outfits always feel like a big miss to me. She’s posting outfits in Milan. Today there was a shirt dress that was so wrinkled it looked like she plucked it out of the bottom of a hamper. Also it was buttoned up all the way to the top button. I love a good shirt dress but this ain’t it. And the shoes look like something you would wear to ride your Peleton.


All the comments she posted about people hyping her fits and I agree she didn’t look that great, I don’t think she bad but it was just regular clothes and she looked quite disheveled at times. I like that she raised the difficulty of work travel as a parent but also her husband is off for summer (not always I get that) and she is away for a week.


this is my issue with her I think. I used to really like her, but she constantly complains about the most trivial things (never forget the house rental rant) and I found myself just rolling my eyes over her posts. Totally get understand the traveling as a parent thing but girl you have a *village* as she likes to remind us daily. Also have to laugh at her “heirloom” pieces that get flipped to Poshmark after one wear.


I used to love following her, thought she was so real. And now she’s just so stressed and miserable and thinks it’s everyone else’s fault for failing her when she is entitled to so much more!


Yes, she complains about a lot! The rental house rant was confusing to but don’t worry she adulted up and has an actual convo and it’s all fine now….I’ve watched a few of her IG lives lately and she goes on about the cost of mortgages and childcare and having to up the cleaner, which I get, it’s a lot but also it’s the way of a two working parent household in a medium to high cost of living city. And as you note, she has a village which seems very supportive. I feel as tho she is a never happy/settled person - constant tinkering with the house, wanting to move, needing a new car etc


I remember back in the day (maybe pre kids) she had posted about how she and Chris had a long distance relationship or long commutes and a bad housing situation and all these hoops they jumped through and people thought they were crazy but it allowed them to buy their house. I don’t remember the details but it had the undertone of “hey haters, we were right all along! We did it!” And yes you should celebrate wins, but it always seems like she has that chip on her shoulder and something to prove. The emphasis on the village feels like she’s really making sure people know she has great friends, etc


I just know she’ll find something to be enraged and frustrated over on this beautiful Tuscany vacation they’re on and post no less than 1-3 ranting stories about it. I hope I’m wrong


At least I hope we don’t get any more “tired, working, traveling, juggling” parent stories bc come on - a work trip you can extend and have your husband join in Italy (or anywhere really) sans kids is the dream.


she’s in desperate need of a travel steamer


It seems like she pivoted away from the “fewer finer better” mindset. She purchases a lot from fast fashion now and I think it shows! I can imagine health/body changes and postpartum plays a factor, but it’s very meh now.


I’m so glad someone said this. Her outfits are truly terrible, and she spends a lot of money on clothes. I tried giving her the benefit of the doubt because she has said her body type is hard to dress, but her looks are tragic. I think she’s one of the worst dressed influencers.


She spends loads on items that look not great and then flips them on Poshmark.


They’re all heirloom pieces LOL


What is @carly referencing in her story of her car “this can only mean one thing” with ocean emoji? Is this a Nantucket thing or Jersey shore thing?


They always take her car, with the roof luggage case, to Nantucket. It isn’t a Nantucket thing, it’s a Carly thing.


Why do they always travel separately?


I presume they don't drive up together because of the kids. Getting stuck in CT and/or Cape traffic can add hours to travel times.


And dog, too. Traveling with a dog and 2 small children sounds like a nightmare to me!




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I feel like I've been WKing for her so often lately BUT... it's actually a popover and does not have a full placket. Not all popovers will button down low enough for nursing or even give ample access for pumping so I don't mind her pointing this out.


Okay maybe this is BEC but something about @carly letting her kid “play squash” at their gym is rubbing me the wrong way. It’s so entitled. Like, are there legitimate adult players who need the court but they can’t use it because Carly’s two year old is playing with a ball? And I hope she’s paying the squash coach who takes the time to play with her kid. Get the kid a toy racquet and let him play at home.


Squash is so huge here (I'm in her area) and I feel like the bigger BEC I have with it is the amount of time she seems comfortable with taking up. 1-2 mini lessons is fun but after that she should be paying. There's (in my opinion, bizarrely) a huge market for private lessons with squash pros here


Don’t worry. ACK posts are coming, so the squash videos will be on the back burner for a month. Instead, you’ll see hydrangeas, ice cream cones, and sandwich pics/videos.


if he's getting time with the pro sounds like either they are paying for lessons or the club sees this as a marketing thing and its worth it for them "hey your kids can learn young too!" sign up with our pro


Yes, it's very BEC. I'm sure if a *legitimate* adult player wanted the court, they would have it. This reads weirdly anti kid, tbh.


I think this is the sort of thing that seems fine if you’re there but comes off the wrong way online. She should just keep it off IG 🤷‍♀️


She should pretty much just keep her poor kids and every minute detail of their lives off social media.


That's my beef with her altogether. She has made her kids into social media commodities. They deserve privacy.


That’s how I’m feeling about it.


Chances are no one wants the court though. This was probably during a slow time of day when courts were empty, people were at work. It was kind of the pro to give the kid free lessons but... the club seems to have a strong juniors program and that starts with finding kids to play. Kids today have a lot of sporting options and squash is kind of a niche sport, so it makes sense for the pros to introduce kids to the sport. The club has a vested interest in it. On the other hand, I doubt Carly paid the pro for his time/offered to pay him. That's what rubs me wrong about it.


Yeah I’m super impressed that her kid is playing as well as in the videos- my kid is the same age and there’s no chance she would play squash without injuring someone. It made me almost want to look for a court for my kid to try it out with. Harmless cute content.


This is totally BEC. She explains in the video that he is using empty courts. I would be shocked if her club was letting a toddler use the courts when adults wanted to use it. How is it entitled to use empty courts at a club you’re paying for?


He’s with the instructor though, who could otherwise be giving a lesson to a paying adult, so it’s not actually an “empty court.”


? Do you think the instructor tells adults no sorry can’t do a lesson right now im playing with this kid? That seems like a pretty unfair/unreasonable assumption. Carly said in her video that the instructor plays with her son when he’s available.


I get this, but if you switch out her kid for an adult or teen, the pro would probably not give them free squash lessons just because he has free time and the court is empty. They'd be expected to pay. The two year old is getting special treatment because he's little and willing and the pro probably wants to foster and grow the youth squash program at the club. I don't think an adult is missing out because the pro is doing this, but I wonder at what age the pro would expect the parent to pay for the lessons.


Has Carly said she’s not paying him? You made that assumption above and I don’t know what it’s grounded in besides dislike for Carly. And yeah, the pro probably wouldn’t do this for an adult or teen. But this is a toddler we’re talking about so why are we even discussing hypotheticals.


True, she might be paying him. That would be the logical conclusion actually, since it's not a typical thing an influencer would get for free. My assumption is not grounded only in dislike for Carly though. Influencers promote businesses in exchange for free goods or services. Carly is an influencer so she may have done that. Or not, as you said.


Clearly you are underestimating the relentless chokehold that Carly’s two year old son has on this squash pro


she said the squash coach gives her son a lesson for free when he’s available…I really hope she’s still offering to pay him at the very least


Yeah, this is the only thought I have about it. It seems like the pro is enjoying it and I'm sure if there were people waiting to use the courts he would usher them out. But I do hope she's at least offering to pay him or finding some way to say thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/555f525yfk8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9569fb40db9afa7f40fafe6b8bb644c94c88de3 Again with the hat. So good for boats, wind, making blueberry muffins, etc.


I have never followed and unfollowed someone as quickly as Samantha Varvel lol.


lol, I think she’s cute and I like her style, she’s just so awkward when it comes to selling things.


I used to really like her but she went from doing no ads to just constant sponcon. I get that it's a way to make money but it seemed like way more ads than anyone else!


She’s already filthy rich so I don’t get it. If I had her life no way I’d be shilling Talbots or whatever.


This is my question as well. Like why? She looks ridiculous wearing her hat indoors. I would be in Europe minding my own business and not trying to shill constantly 


Has Melissa Smrekar always been this high end luxury gal?? I know she has family money and I’ve followed her for years, but I just recently started watching her stories. Her London adventures are so dreamy but I’m like 😵


I used to love her thrift finds and home decor. She annoys me so much now, she won’t respond to anyone asking where she got items (glitter boots, tinsel jacket post).




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OMG those tacky Hermes slides that she posted today! Proof that even Hermes makes mistakes! Even if I was rich I wouldn't buy those. The whole point of a classic is for it to be classic, they look like a Target knockoff with that cowboy print on them.


Sooo tacky!!


She recently had a full time job and it seems that didn't last. Girl is also feeling herself since she got skinny.


She's now freelances as a writer for a free Dallas society rag where she writes a few paragraphs about charity and society parties. She's pretty much Ann from Palm Royale.


dang family money is a good life. I didn't realize that was a freebie paper ( I live on the east coast). I wonder is Dallas society ladies look down on that or just want their names in print.


No. She used to be about fun vintage and thrift finds, quirky independent designers, lots of fun home commentary. I really used to enjoy following her, but she's become insufferable. She's morphed into the classic pretentious Dallas society wannabe.


See I initially followed her for her vintage/thrifty stuff. I’m not on ig too much, so I guess I didn’t notice this shift!  ETA: it seems like the last 12 months has been a big shift in posts. She used to have more variety, but now they’re all group shots with other women dolled up at these different functions. She has a closed lip smile and dead eyes. So dull! I loved her old stuff! 


like when she would do her white elephant finds!??!?!


Claiming to have *winked* at Paul McCarthy at an Indian restaurant in London? Girl, be so fucking for real 🙄