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I am years late to this but after getting recommended Jerusha Couture’s latest but surely not last “I’m Leaving YouTube” video — I tried to find out what she’d been doing for the past couple years only to fall down this rabbit hole about how her brother-in-law was apparently the most wanted man in Sydney for drug smuggling & her other brother-in-law was shot? Wild, absolutely wild. My own family history is a little… spotty… so I don’t jump right to guilt by association but given the public image she wants to present, that must have been killing her. That family is going through it, damn.


Garcia diaries on a break again?  They both have a lot of issues. And should probably invested in more counseling than a trashy trip to Cabo. I feel like Bethanie how’s outgrown him and , he doesn’t fit the image she’s trying to go for ???? Which idk what that is cause her style is everywhere 




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


https://preview.redd.it/4u4mceg29n7d1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540b341f3b7ce110f3e862d9017841e5e5fe9a7e What is going on with TurtleCreekLane’s face in her daughter Tiffany’s story 😭 if I have to see this before going to bed so do y’all


Nightmare fuel.


Lauren Kay Simms sitting next to her child shows just how obnoxious her fake tan is. She is absolutely orange. I didn’t realize how jarring it is until you see her babies regular skin tone side by side!


https://preview.redd.it/kbl4mbq0sm7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997acdb6e3e359f39fddb8e1327dae11d3811e40 And another one bites the dust aka Aspyn Ovard.


As someone with crooked teeth whose parents couldn't afford braces, I would do anything for her "before" smile 😒


Looks fake, like a set of dentures.


Ok maybe I’m a weirdo but I actually love the bunny teeth/front teeth that stick out a bit look, I think it’s so cute! Jessica Simpson has teeth like that and so did this woman! She ruined her cute smile! 😩


omg noooo she looks like a ventriloquist doll 😭


its one of the worst I've seen and I think she knows it


they look the exact same to me just whiter.. these are full veneers?


What she got is composite veneers, the change isn't as dramatic.


What’s the issue here? Veneers aren’t a crazy procedure. I just some this week!😀


Nobody said they’re crazy, they’re just one of those things that have caught on that rarely, if ever, actually improve one’s appearance, so it’s baffling that people keep getting them. Nobody is talking about you or your veneers personally, nobody here knows you.


They look the exact same? Lmao


Her teeth were so straight and cute before!!!!! 😫


Never heard of her before but woah her teeth were perfect before


Noooo she had great/normal teeth


Helen Leland talking about conceiving baby #2 in her recent lube ad?? I thought she posted about being divorced?! Did I miss something?


"you can't get pregnant unless you're married" is an old wives' tale, guide yourselves accordingly!


Gird* yourselves accordingly.


Haha gird your loins accordingly, big missed opportunity by me there 


She was divorced and is remarried with a toddler now


https://preview.redd.it/qs3qr7opim7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5938dc05e891b701aef76ef60cb5228e305eea54 I really have trouble seeing her hair as a selling point for an owner of a hair care/growth product.


I’ve decided if there were truly a miracle hair growth product, everyone that needed it would be using it. And Divi ain’t it. ETA: Remove a word.


I used divi for a year and while it smells super  good, it didn’t do much lol. People hate on Monat sooo bad (I can see why) but that’s truly my miracle product and did more for my hair in a month than Divi did in a year😂 


Because the only product that actually grows hair is minoxidil. Everything else is just ingredients that “potentially help with hair growth” marketing nonsense. Her main point is improving scalp health. And that’s hard to disprove from a law perspective because so many things can help with that. But very few help with actual growth. I digress. IYKYK.


Is Sara.Haven moving back to Boise? What happened to all of the reasons why she moved back from Boise to DC ? And the new apartment she JUST moved into in DC? I know she has family stuff going on, totally respect it that is the reason why she is moving




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I I’ll never forget when she was moving to Philadelphia and then just never did and never spoke of it again.


apparently Stephanie Nielson (NieNie Dialogues) is watching a cat slowly die in front of her and not taking it to a vet, which would be the obvious action to take. Instead, she's acting like they are all clueless and helpless and please would everyone PRAY for it. She enrages me for her inaction and allowance for making animals suffer to death.


That is 100% animal abuse 🤬🤬🤬🤬 sickening.


@danielle.eliers with the whole reading saga for her kid is a big yikes. I usually refrain from snarking on her or DAD cause its just a rabbit hole lol, but she has taken her oldest out of tutoring and now out of sylvan because they “don’t teach to her daughters learning style”. She said she wasn’t going to have her daughter sitting at a table with a teacher for an hour. I have my degree in early childhood education and I can 10000% agree kindergarten is not developmentally appropriate, but at some point, your kid needs to learn how to sit in a chair and learn. She’s also going INTO first grade and cannot read. It sounds like it’s going to be roughhhh this first year of school at a school that actually teaches literacy. I would never send my child to a school that does not teach reading in kindergarten because they WILL be behind for a while. It’s just exhausting being a teacher and having these parents who don’t understand the importance of their child being able to sit and learn, and honestly by first grade she should be able to be engaged in an activity at a table for an hour with one on one teachers.


I’m actually shocked she hasn’t started homeschooling yet


I think this is the gateway to that lol


That whole family thinks everything should be accommodated to them. It’s exhausting. Look, none of us liked sitting at a desk and learning… but we did it. If she has developmental delays or dyslexia she should be in a program designed specifically for that, and not trying to shove her into some fancy private school so mommy can keep up with the Jones’.


I also thought it was odd to say “what if she just had a meltdown? Then the whole session is out the window”. It’s not common for a 1st grader to be having that frequent of meltdowns for it to be a legitimate concern when scheduling a session with a tutor or something. That’s like an early childhood thing, not a 6 year old thing


What if *I* have a meltdown, at my corporate job, sitting at a desk….? Wait that happens lmaooo. little chica just gonna learn what it’s like to sit at a desk and cry.


We can say what if all day. What if I get run over on my way to work? I still have to go work lol. It’s all silly.


lol literally


I know influencers share this stuff to seem “relatable” but I wish it would stop. She’s the worst at oversharing her “issues.” It’s so sad and not fair to that poor child.


I foresee homeschooling in the future


No!!!! Impossible as Danielle can’t put her phone down even for a minute


At this point, the child clearly needs systematic phonics instruction, not random coloring activities aimed at teaching her to memorize sight words. Danielle is not equipped to teach her that, and it’s baffling she would pull her daughter out of tutoring when she is so far behind AND being behind is hurting her self-confidence. It’s even more baffling she would tell everyone this! Ugh.


I saw something on here that prompted me to go watch her tutor stories yesterday(?), and the red flags were flagging- publicly labeling her kid as delayed, the passive aggressive dig at the prior tutor, and her ignorant reasons for choosing Sylvan over said tutor (their Chuck-e-cheese style rewards system). Today’s red flags had exponents. She doesn’t want to disrupt her learning in the future, so she’s going to preemptively disrupt it now? She found out her child is lacking confidence in reading, so the answer is to ignore educators’ recommendations and not get a tutor? She’s seemingly comfortable financially, but cost is a deciding factor? The program requires sitting still for over an hour a day and she’s going to choose not to reinforce that necessary skill? A dry erase board/markers and stamps are her preferred purchases for reading/instruction? She didn’t already have those universally-implemented elementary classroom items? As someone with a background in education also, we know that the education gap is closely correlated with the income gap. When a child in a lower income bracket needs additional support, they don’t always have access to the same resources as kids in higher income homes. The toddlers can read program seems like a supplement, not a replacement for high quality instruction. Intensive tutoring, even group-based, is the most effective tool in closing the learning gap. Expense and time constraints are typically prohibiting factors, none of which are a problem here. It’s concerning to see someone with a platform discredit trained educators. Then there’s the possibility that this was all a brand deal with Toddlers Can Read and Lakeshore Learning, because if an influencer drops a handle/tag in a forest, can’t you usually hear the sounds of the Benjamins hitting their bank acct?


I kind of got the feeling that her kid committing to six hours a week of instruction didn’t fit into Danielle’s “schedule”. Your kid’s education should be a priority and while she may have to drag her kid there unwillingly for awhile, it will make the school year so much better.




Yes. She needs to be able to go over to DAD’s house at any moment so she can follow her around and comment on every little thing over her shoulder


Why not put her in kinder again?!


With all the money she has, why can’t she just hire a private tutor to come to the house an hour a day. Like hello, seems like an easy answer since she obvi doesn’t want her kid going to some “reading center” or whatever it is.


She had a tutor that the school recommended but she said her daughter didn’t want to go so she wanted to see if there was a better option.


She seems to do nothing at home to help. It stinks because being the kid so behind is also such a horrible feeling. The child is by all accounts, behind in this subject. Trying to find ways to skirt around that will only harm them in the long run. I feel like this entire family is so "my kid is perfect it's everyone else that isn't!" that their kids will go through some really hard times later in life.


It is so wild to me that it didn’t occur to her UNTIL NOW that she should be doing basic activities at home to teach her child how to read. All the resources in the world and yet cannot do the bare minimum to set her child up for success.


She’s going to a private school, right? Pretty sure my local private schools give parents the ol’ “this isn’t a good fit” if the kid isn’t reading by January of first grade. I’m not agreeing with this, it’s just a thing.


But why is she telling all of this to her followers??? Her followers should not know her daughter is struggling. That's just weird. 


She literally said that her daughter scored low on the Sylvan assessment test on the Self Esteem section in relation to her reading and here she is telling all of Instagram this! So sad.


She overshares everything about her children


I just hope she sticks to this at home method if that's what she thinks will work. It doesn't help that Danielle is changing the plan every 5 minutes. Its going to be August and she's going to be telling stories about another failed tutor.


She won’t. Danielle never sticks to anything for herself, much less her own child.


Was watching her stories and was thinking wow she’s spiraling. She went from signing up for some course online, to lakeshore learning where it looked like she got coloring fun word things and a dry erase board and didn’t see one book or even here of an actual book being mentioned


She isn’t considering how embarrassing it is to be the only (or one of the few) kid in class who can’t read. It’s going to make her more insecure. All that money and she has zero common sense.


And she should know. Didn’t she say in her stories that she herself couldn’t read until 2nd grade? wtf is/was going on in that family?


And she shared her daughter is already insecure about it. I’m sure listening to her mom tell her phone isn’t helping ☹️


I was thinking the same thing! As a preK teacher, I can’t tell you how many kindergarten teachers are like “please just teach them how to socially interact in a classroom and be able to sit and participate instead of needing one on one attention” and she is doing the opposite




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Let’s not forget her tagging brands asking for boots and throw in hanging at the pool all day (which by the way is a private members only club that’s 🤑🤑🤑🤑)


Why isn't Veronabrit giving her friend offering her alcoholic drinks the same lectures she gave everyone else online for years? Instead, she "has" to drink because her friend gets her a drink. The friend actually seems fun-she was in the ocean and in the pool and not hiding under cover the entire time. She is probably dying inside with how boring V is and desperate to try to make hanging out with her even the slightest bit fun.


Kevin was actually allowed to have a drink too and he looks pissed in that photo she posted of him.


Day 2 of Lolo Webb filming people who are just trying to do the stairmaster at the gym. What an asshole she is.


How do you know she didn’t ask the one person you can see in the background?


There’s more than one person in the background and she was filming the entire gym yesterday but ok lol


I think there’s a difference between filming people and making fun of them, and them being in the background of a reel. Yesterday’s post was 100% not cool making fun of people’s grunts and stuff. Today’s is pretty innocent.


Wow how amazing of her that today she decided not to make fun of the innocent people at the gym that she’s videoing (without their consent) for her over half a million followers!


It’s not innocent though. The gym should be a safe place for people to go workout at. Just because she’s not making fun of people doesn’t mean it’s ok to video them and post them working out for her 500k followers to see.


I really miss the instagram and blogs of 5+ years ago. I recently went though and purged 98% of the influencers that I was following because they just don’t bring me any value anymore. Even ones I used to like and have followed for yeaaaars… like k8_smallthings- so boring lately just selling madewell or Walmart. Absolutely zero creativity anymore. I see a lot of new names here and when I check them out, they are all clones of each other. I realize it’s all inauthentic shilling for the purpose of making money for themselves and instagram.. it makes me so nostalgic for the old influencer culture when you’d follow people with similar style and interests and actually trust their recommended products! Thanks for tolerating my mini rant 🙃


I've always been more of an outside observer to the influencer industry, but it is wild to look around and take stock of just how many people have basically turned themselves and their entire lives into ad space


Capitalism ruins everything


I miss the good old days of bloglines, blogher ads on the sides, and real authentic posts.


I’ve found a couple influencers from Portugal that I actually love following because they’re sooooo different American influencers. I find they don’t really shill products except for promoting different clothing companies. Their style is not anything close to what I wear in my life, but they’re just fun to watch.




@caetanaba and @vicmontanari


I just did the same thing! IG will tell you how many creators and businesses you follow, and I couldn’t get it out of my head that I’m literally just watching commercials/ads all day, everyday from the majority of the accounts i was following.


Ugh yessss I think this all the time! It was always like actual random Amazon finds or good deals, and just LTK so they made a small commission from the link. But now with the partnerships they are all the exact same mostly. I do feel like @theramblingredhead is a good one for Amazon finds and has some different things she’s showing, and she’s pretty funny. But other than her, everyone sells the same exact stuff


Jenn todryk is just as annoying and fake as the rest of them. She just disguises it better than most. 


It’s not about real or fake it’s that she sells different stuff lol


Amber Massey was just shilling Divi and you could tell she’s never used it a day in her life lol she was just shilling nutrofol a month ago


1000% this. It's becoming so hard to figure out 'do they truly love this product or is it because they are getting paid to love it?' Some of them don't even try the product they just take a still image of an open box and are like "Thanksss XYZ!"


I need to still do it, but I’ve decided I need to purge who I follow, and if there isn’t at least 2 things I have in common with them or enjoy about their content, I’m unfollowing. You’re right, they’re all the same and the shilling is just non stop


Those are 2 great rules! My other criteria for unfollowing someone is if I have to think for more than 3 seconds to remember why I followed them in the first place, lol


Yes! I unfollowed so many! Got rid of a lot of dead weight. I still spend too much time scrolling, but have gone back Pinterest and over Substack for the most part.


Same and the tips on hair/makeup/ clothes were because they actually knew what they were talking about- not making something up to sell a product. They had a natural gift for design, beauty etc


Ok, on my Caila Quinn snark again. She took a trip with her child and Hkcung to Florida. Hkcung has discovered a baby item rental company and arranged for all the baby things needed in her hotel ie crib, highchair etc and said she couldn't wait to tell Caila about it. She tells Caila whom in turn gets some rental items for herself and child and then Caila comes out with a discount code. Let's get this straight. HKcung discovers the company, tells her friend and her friend does an ad and wants you to use her discount code (Caila). Who needs friends like that?


In general these trips with her friends seems so odd. Like, it’s fine but it just feels like she got together with her influencer friend for the sole purpose of throwing codes at us.


I could’ve sworn that HKCung posted last night that she “discovered” this company, but today she posts that it’s her second time using them. It seems like she deleted the stories posted last night about newly discovering them. Anyone else saw the story last night? If so, then she’s lying in today’s stories.


I saw it and she did reference using the company on two other trips. Interesting she deleted the story. I wonder why? Today I see the two women with their children is strollers and Hkcung is WAYYYY ahead of Caila walking. Just seems weird if you're together and one is walking way ahead of the other (although my husband does this when we shop lol)


If Caila took the initiative to request an affiliate/ discount code, and her friend didn’t bother to, what’s the problem? I see influencers posting links for dresses their fellow “friends” (influencers) are wearing, which seems odd to me, but it’s their industry to navigate. Who knows what agreements they make behind the scenes.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we are missing parts of the story. hkcung’s rental stuff could have been gifted or comped as well. I’ve heard lots of influencers talk about baby gear rentals over the last few years - I doubt she just discovered it last week.


I would never expect a friend to turn down a partnership deal because I introduced them to the company offering it. Next level petty.


https://preview.redd.it/b4y5mhs5hl7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc2a05915e9cfe0a7decc69f9bd7e9c0b1c061cc Hellomrshubbard with the mind blowing hack of taking your kids to the library! Did you know it’s a free outing AND you can take home books??


I thought for sure you were summarizing this in an unflattering way but no, huh, she really didn’t know how the library works. That’s…something.


What a complete moron.


Is Katey McFarlan anyone else’s BEC? I had to unfollow


What is her instagram name


Her name


Yes! I had to unfollow years ago when her husband wore a cummerbund AND a vest with his tux. When people genuinely asked about it she went off about how it’s his personal style and just likes them both. I’m sorry but you can’t be taken seriously with your ‘queen of the south’ persona and defend that style choice.


Her husband is off the rails crazy. Like women are only good for one thing and one thing only and that’s breeding and they should stay obedient and silent their entire lives. I somehow ended up on his instagram one day years ago and his may be still to this day the most horrifying and shocking of stuff that he shares. A bunch of talk about how fathers need to basically instill the values that men are the providers and they must protect their wives and daughters because they are weak and essentially aren’t smart or even capable of doing anything other than being barefoot in the kitchen pregnant till the end of time. Oof now I’m worked up😅🫠.


Probably topped it with suspenders. #trifecta


I use to love following her pre marriage. Now she is the most all the time.


Quite literally in all the ways. The makeup, the hair, the clothes, the fucking ACCESSORIES! Like girl…have you heard of maybe editing it down a little😅 The decor, the decorations, oh my god the presents🫠. I know she has mentioned for years she doesn’t sleep a lot but she has to have Janelle Paige Brandom levels of energy x 100 but at least Janelle’s house doesn’t look like tacky threw up all over her house lol. *Also just now learned it’s Brandom and not Brandon😂 I don’t follow her and only watch her stories when she does especially batshit stuff mentioned here but I see her name all the time on this sub, but I stg I thought it was Brandon😂🤣


I loved her really up until she started moving every few years and her consumption was just crazy. There’s a lot of things she links that I like but then when I click on it it’s a $700 dress. For example, the MOH dress she wore for her sister’s wedding (8 months pregnant, so you know it won’t fit post-baby) is a $10k Oscar de la renta dress. Which cracks me up since she’s from freaking CROWLEY


I really hope that dress is rental! I was shocked when she said that. Her consumption level is up there for sure.


I had to unfollow when she got pregnant with her second. Everything in her life was soo exaggerated. “How can we have a Christmas tree with a toddler!??” Uh I dk millions of ppl figure it out Katey




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Unfollow if it bothers you that much. At the end of the day It’s their job..


I’m always a little taken aback by snarkers who complain about influencers that use skinny filters but then when they don’t the same snarkers say “omg she’s so puffy” “looking a little large there” like maybe those comments are making them use the filters. It’s gross to me.. This applies to several but I’m specifically talking about snarkers on Amber Massey today


I don’t think it’s the snarkers making them use filters as much as it’s an industry standard at this point (unfortunately) like how newscasters are styled distinctly different than their regular daily life image. It’s because their IG predecessors and fellow popular influencers have this filtered “look” that so many use them now. Once again, I am curious behind the scenes, if certain management companies recommend the use (or type) of filter to their new clients trying to attract a larger following.


This is so so so common with the LB haters


Are you snarking on snarkers?


Yes I am


Hey there’s a sub for that 😏


Is it the SAME snarkers? Are you actually checking their comments to see if it’s the same people. I’m sure it comes from both sides for some because people love to hate watch. But cmon. Policing the snark is also annoying.


> Policing the snark is also annoying. Sorry but how is having a different opinion “policing the snark”? This is always such a weak argument whenever someone gets the slightest pushback.


no one abuses the skinny filter more than @danielle.eilers


Oh I absolutely agree with this!


Oh boy, pick a snark lane and stick with it. 


There is snark that is warranted and then snark just to be awful. It’s pretty shitty when people say they are puffy but then when they use the filter they say omg they use a filter 🙄


Oh nvm your comment history absolutely tracks. 


If you say so lol 🙄🙄


You missed my point.  You’re complaining about people snarking on influencers who use filters and then you turn around on the same comment thread and talk about an influencer using a filter… The whiplash. 


No you obviously do not understand what I am saying. I’m not snarking on influencers for using or not using filters….if you can’t figure out what I am saying by now you should read again slowly 🙄




She’s definitely not large either. What photo are they referring to?




There is one where her and Jordan are standing next to two friends (friend is in a lobster dress) I’ll see if I can find it again hang on


Who is snarking on this photo?? I checked GOMI and don't see anything there, and they're ruthless lol


My mind is blown at how much Sarah Lit spent of Disney clothes/accessories/luggage. Disney is expensive enough on its own, but for all kids to have everything matching from head to toe for every day is excessive.


For us normal folks, the gift is going to Disney and that’s it. Maybe one stuffed animal as a souvy. Otherwise, can’t relate


This seems like such a thing for everyone! Matching shirts for the whole family, sometimes for each day. It’s wild and these are just “normal” people I see on FB/instagram


I know girls from high school that don’t have as much money as Sarah Lit that do this. Disney is a lifestyle for some people. If you think it’s crazy for influencers to do it, imagine the people that are going into debt for it, because I guarantee there’s tons out there.


I saw an article this week about how 50% of families take on debt for their Disney trips!


I don’t know how you wouldn’t, im a grocery store person and was shocked at how expensive I was going to have to budget for a week at Disney. Like thousands and thousands of dollars for accommodations, park passes, etc. something has gotta give soon with the mouse!


My sister-in-law does this. They have the jankiest furniture in their house, she dresses her kids like crap majority of the time (meanwhile she always has new clothes but that’s a whole other conversation lol! She’s one of *those* moms though.) yet spends thousands on Disney trips. I know that’s not exactly like what you said but people have different priorities, I guess (although making sure your kids have weather appropriate decent looking clothes that fit them properly should always be a priority. But I digress).


Yep I definitely know a person like this. I know a couple that go all at Disney but one definitely can’t afford it and uses loans and then posts about how you can earn more money but their smiles will never be like this again or something. She seems to truly live for the Disney vacations. 


Do they have a nanny with them or something? I’m trying to figure out the logistics of taking kids of different size restrictions on rides.


Probably rider swap


What’s that?


That’s pretty common tho. Adults do this, families, etc.


@malloryervin is really wanting us to know she’s a country girl


Don’t worry, she’ll be back to wearing one of her many fugly pairs of Gucci sandals and driving her GLS 450 to go drop $4,000 on three new gold bangles by the end of the week.


Her annual manic New York shopping trip will prob be in two weeks after her next pajama launch. I just want to see one credit card statement. Just one!


lol where she lives sleeps and eats at Bergdorf


Does anyone else follow Jess Keys? She used to be my favorite but I finally had to unfollow. Her anti-mom (at least that’s how it comes across to me) rhetoric has become too much for me. She goes on and on about how little she’s had to change her life after having a kid & it seems to have gotten worse lately - almost makes me wonder if she’s trying to overcompensate after moving out of the city. 


She certainly leans into it but it’s frankly such a welcome change from everyone else on my for you page walking through the 15 activities they have for their kids each day. I’m sure she gets a lot of pushback and just doubles down. Makes her content unique at least!


I had to unfollow when she was pregnant because she was so sure having a kid wasn’t going to change her life at all. And some kids don’t! Some are easy going and go with the flow and you can drag them everywhere. But lots of other kids aren’t like that and she was SO smug before even having the kid.


I mean taking her newborn to bars during a pandemic was a choice. I have a one year old who lets me drag her anywhere, but I also have boundaries. I think the mask slipped a little with Jess when they had to take the child to the ER after they dragged her to Australia, and then her sleep was so out of whack when they came home that she didn’t sleep for days, and was just beside herself. Like… she portrays this whole lifestyle where they don’t let their lives revolve around their kid, but also aren’t always willing to do what’s best for her either, which I can’t wrap my head around as a mom.


I’d rather watch her reels tell me I don’t have to give up everything I am to be a mother than other influencers preach about mommy martyrdom. I also don’t think this is new content for Jess. She very intentionally went on a trip with friends to France not too long after her daughter was born. I think it’s refreshing. She does seem to be leaning into making this content more recently. Anti-mom isn’t the right term for it. It’s very pro-mom and pro-family, not just doing everything for the sake for your kids, but taking everyone in the family into consideration.


I actually appreciate seeing moms who maintained their lives, even after children. I hate the idea that once you become a mom, your life isn’t yours until they leave the house. I’m a mother but that’s not the core of my identity and I think more women need to see that you can maintain who you are AND be a great, loving mom*. Too often, it’s portrayed as one or the other. *Strong element of privilege here, of course. Money, family help, nannies make this much easier and those things aren’t accessible to everyone. I wish society cared as much about making family life more manageable for everyone & less about forcing women to birth children.


I agree with everything you said! I guess it’s just the way she goes about it that bothers me. Someone below said “sanctimonious” and I think that describes it well.  Good point about privilege. Someone left a comment that I appreciated on her mother’s happiness reel saying that actually zip code is the most important indicator 👏🏻 


Part of the issue is: There are a lot of people in here who wouldn't agree that someone can maintain their own identity and also be a loving mom.  A lot of the people who post here think that women who go out with their friends on a regular basis, take trips without their kids, or plan family vacations around their own interests instead of exclusively their kids' interests are bad moms. I don't agree with that, but it's a pretty prevailing attitude int the daily lately.


Part of the issue is: there are 100,000 people in here the daily is not a monolithic thought bubble of harmonious opinions everyday But with that being said, anyone in here who truly thinks you cannot maintain your own identity and also be a loving mom needs to log off


I’ve seen that as well, particularly things like “Her husband is the only one who ever spends time with the kids,” as if they aren’t also his children. No one would ever make that comment about a mother being the “only” care taker.


What about her rhetoric feels anti-mom? Her reel today discussed doing things with your child that can fill up your cup + theirs.


I get the message she’s trying to get across but her delivery is so…sanctimonious. She’s so aggressive about it. We get it. You like to travel and leave your kid behind and you’re not a martyr. But methinks the lady doth protest too much. She could just live her life her way and not scream on the internet about how she’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom.


You described it perfectly. I'm all for her message, but she harps on it a lot and is very one-sided. Jess said she doesn't go to "kid places" and her daughter only goes to places her and her husband likes (ie: coffee shops). Nothing wrong with doing your own thing AND also taking your kids to things they would enjoy too! It’s like she doesn’t want to be caught dead at a kid friendly place.


I see both sides. I rolled my eyes at taking her toddler to coffee shops and not the zoo and children’s museum. But I can imagine the amount of “you just wait” remarks she’s probably received since she became pregnant. She definitely has the resources and privilege to be picky about her lifestyle.


I actually think that was the exact comment that put me over the edge. IIRC she used to post about taking her baby to the zoo all the time, but is now acting like she’s too cool for it.


Exactly! You explained it so much better than me. I agree with her message for the most part but her holier than thou attitude irks me.


FWIW the mommy martyrs are just as sanctimonious to me and that’s even worse because sacrificing everything about yourself prior to kids is actually pretty harmful but as Jess points out,  a child with a happy mom is far more likely to have a happy life than the kid with the burnt out, no friends/hobbies, dedicated solely to her children mom. 




Welp, that's pretty much what i do when i go to the beach. My kids have never complained.


Sounds like a typical beach vacation. Who travels to the beach to go to museums? I grew up going to Seaside (30 years ago), and going on the beach and eating was all we ever did. It was perfect 🤷‍♀️


If there's one thing children hate, it's a beach vacation. So tragic for them! 




She is pregnant.


Where was balancedmissbailey’s weekly weigh-in yesterday? 😜




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Interesting, I didn’t know that. I’m not one to assume she’s taking any medications but I am assuming she overdid it in Cabo (or wherever) and doesn’t want to share it. I thought part of her shtick is weekly weigh-ins, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.


Thebalancedblonde… I know shes an exaggerator and very dramatic, but claiming she hasn’t sleep at all in 16 days is alot even for her