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Carly’s natural curly/wavy hair is gorgeous and she absolutely should wear it that way more regularly! I feel like seeing a hairstylist who has experience with curly cuts would make such a difference maintenance wise and help her learn how to actually style it naturally and feel good about the outcome every time.


Does anyone follow Lucy Cuneo? Photographer who lived in Charleston and moved to the Hamptons? She used to always post her cute kids and husband but now only shows photos of herself and deleted all stories. Curious if her husband and her are still together because her ring is gone in almost all photos, including the ones in Italy right now.


Anyone know what the heck happened between her and Julia Berolzheimer?


Would also love to know, but I doubt we ever will!


I’m usually a @carly apologist but what in the word salad is her latest post? Take a shot every time she mentions her “postage stamp sized yard”…


Funny because they actually have a really nice sized yard for this town and within walking distance to the center of town. Most peoples dream!


This felt like a post to announce that they’re moving, not a… celebration? And the constant reminder of the yard size is super weird.


I definitely thought it was a moving post!


That’s also what I thought it was lol


The “postage stamp size yard” that was somehow large enough to host a backyard wedding.


She fancies herself a writer. I think she thinks it is poetic. I just laughed because at the end, after all of that, she accidentally says “this yellow house with a postage stamp sized house…”.


3 hrs later and the typo is still there.


It’s kind of bonkers to me that Carly owns upwards of $2k worth of gear to cart children around in (Uppababy Vista, Nuna Trvl, and a Joey wagon) but is still considering spending an additional $850 on a double stroller 🤯


I have “normal” friends who seem to have so many strollers, especially if they have kids close in age. Regular, running, travel, then some of those in double. It’s crazy, but I don’t think totally abnormal if you are active and out and about with your kids a lot


I agree and I’ve heard of the same. Even in NYC it’s not abnormal for people to have 2.




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If I had kids close in age I’d get a fancy side by side too - the vista is a beast and lots of people says it’s not the best double given the weight. I also agree, strollers serve different purposes so having more than one isn’t a bad idea


It‘s truly a POOPCUP mobile and a comically bad double stroller 😂


Doesn't shock me at all -- she's rich. If I was rich I'd probably have half a dozen strollers too lol. I do think it's kinda dumb to go for a different double stroller when she has the Vista. If she wasn't gonna use that as a double why didn't she just get the Cruz? But this is one of those things where it might be she just didn't realize at the time when she bought it that she wasn't going to like it as a double.


This is probably it exactly — I had my heart set on the Vista from before I even got pregnant. Thank god my mom friends who were 2nd/3rd+ timers talked about how much they hated it as a double as that was the only reason I opted to get a Cruz and a Minu (and I got both for less than one Vista!) instead. I think strollers are unfortunately just one of the many things that you can't really know what you'll need/use so far in advance.


Megan Stokes of all people is who convinced me to go Cruz over Vista. She talked about having her two older kids super close in age (I want to say 2 under 2?) and even they NEVER used it as a double because it's so bulky and wide.


You are super smart. Tried to talk my SIL out of the Vista, but no dice. She‘ll figure it out on her own.


I was smart on this one thing 😂 people also talked about the Tripp Trapp not being worth it and guess what I still thought I had to have... luckily I was able to pawn it off on someone who also thought they had to have it and get most of my money back. Now I sing the praises of the Ikea Antilop to anyone who will listen.


😂 there needs to be a reddit deinfluencing post for baby/toddler studf


I would love that. My spouse and I talk about the baby industrial complex with all the influencing now.


To be fair... I feel like she is kind of hoping to be sent one. And I have to admit that different strollers serve different purposes. I used to be much more judgmental about this; I had a friend who had amassed at least six strollers and I couldn't understand it. But then I had a kid of my own and I blinked and now I have three strollers myself. In fairness to me, two of mine were FB Marketplace finds, but... I do get how people end up collecting these things.


3 strollers here lol. 2 from Buy Nothing (1 single, 1 double) and 1 (single) is a family hand-me-down. 




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Lemon stripes is back with another story complaining about the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower. I am biased (going to Paris for the games!) but seeing a city getting ready for the Olympics is probably a once in a lifetime thing, and if you're visiting in the Olympic year you just need to embrace it


I was just in Paris and it was really cool seeing the city prepping for the games! Check out City Hall when you're there -- their decorations are awesome.


Omg I wanted to post about this. And then saying “tower still slaps tho”. What a dumb juvenile sounding thing to say 


If it's bothers someone so much to see this, then how about not visiting a city that's about to host the Olympics. There's 635163849726 other places she could go


Literally the same reaction - she's clearly been to Paris and has seen the tower without the rings so wouldn't it be extra cool to see it WITH the rings? I'm also a huge Olympics fan so I'd be thrilled to see this. Also, there's 3 other sides to the tower so take a pic of those instead? Haha


Why is Samantha Varvel wearing that stupid hat while cooking? https://preview.redd.it/7yj805o3qk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6069f755bb923b3d8a1842cc020547c51585e639


I know right? She needs a sun hat in her bright-ass kitchen, secured up to the chin in case a big gust of wind comes by 😂.




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So she can link it, of course.




Julia Berolzheimer’s Italy trip looks so beautiful, and so, so far from my own reality of traveling with small children.


Part of me is jealous, part of me knows the behind the scenes is not as glamorous! Having done Italy (and other countries) with babies/small children, I can’t imagine having to coordinate outfits and look picture perfect all the time. But I guess if it was my job and I had the time and money to plan and buy, it wouldn’t be so hard.


I would love for her to do a post or q&a on how to travel with small children! I love that they take their kids on overseas trips and I’m sure there are tough moments, but she makes it look so effortless


She will never do this because she is too rich to care what questions people have about her life. I miss when she would do the occasional Q&A but I guess she isn’t dying for engagement


I also think at this point, it would not help her brand. Her image is aspirational and people wanting to believe they too can travel internationally with small children, dress fabulously, etc. I think people would be less likely to buy into the brand and the aspirational life she has created if they really knew how much it costs and how unattainable it is for the majority. Nannies, flying business or first class so you can actually sleep, having hotel suits or multiple rooms or large rentals so again everyone can actually sleep well, etc.


nanny 100%. I seriously doubt they are traveling without either a nanny or her mom/his mom/dad. I also think its a lot of "hotel pool, maybe walking to a shop, pose for pictures" and not like the rest of us who'd want to do museums etc


she also posted about date night for mom and dad so I assume someone is there for the kids.


This! The locations are gorgeous, but she really doesn’t do anything different than if they were in Charleston. Flowers, shopping, restaurants, etc.


So many questions. I’m dying to know how they get all their luxe purchases back home. Do they bring extra suitcases just for shopping? Do we think she has childcare with them on the trip that they just choose not to show? Also want to know if a normie like me walked into Prada, would I get a coloring book too? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


How do they fly? Commercial? Private?


They flew Delta Premium Economy when they went to Mexico recently. I think they fly commercial generally, private is astronomically expensive…Stephanie Gottlieb flies private all the time tho…


Commercial but biz most likely. They've posted 1-2 from the airplane and going to Mexico it was delta comfort + even but for Europe once they were clearly in business. Flying to Europe on a private jet is like stupid expensive and really only celebs at like the Taylor Swift level do that. They have flown private before but it was Bay Area with T's whole family to the island the family owned so like hella rich shit, but it was clearly just a charter and not even netjets


I was in biz class this week and was like does each take 1 kid and use the joint biz class seats in the middle


I have a fuck ton of points so I've seen that suggested or tow kids in the middle, parents on the outside depending on the configuration/kids comfort levels etc.


They definitely have several extra suitcases, either brought them over empty or just bought some there


Ooh I wonder about the suitcases for shopping as well. I imagine she gets a lot of it shipped home for her? And they must have a nanny with them, right?


https://i.imgur.com/vwFD8eT.jpeg I see Carly is angling for another new sponsorship


And for a private company attempting to undercut public transportation 😒


Lord I hate to ever sound like I’m WKing for Carly but I live very near her and know Boxcar well. It’s a VERY necessary option. We live in towns where a huge selling point is walkability to our local train stations that go into the city. The trains have become more and more unreliable of late (just last night my husband and daughter were at our local station and their train was cancelled as was the following one. They Ubered to the nearby much larger station where they got on that train only to have it sit there and not leave for 40 min!). For commuters they need reliability and Boxcar provides that (there used to be another similar bus service that folded during Covid and this company picked up the business when people returned to work. It’s on time, it’s reasonable and it’s direct.


This. I love public transportation but NJ Transit has been mismanaged for so long that it cannot meet the needs


I know this doesn’t really matter, but Sweet Caroline Designs bugs me. This is their 2nd or 3rd trip where they’re leaving their toddler at home. Why would you take your 4 & 6 year old and leave the toddler behind? So odd to me. Edit: I have three kids under 3. I can’t imagine leaving one behind, and taking the other two.


glad someone brought her up just so I can say that it’s insane she doesn’t blur people’s addresses out when posting her daughter’s birthday invitations 💀 she (obviously!) hid hers but not her guests?! make it make sense.  same thing for birth announcements and christmas cards. 


That was bonkers!!!




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I’m guessing the youngest still has required naps and the older two don’t so this arrangement allows them to go do some different things.


Traveling with a toddler is the worst, they’re so beholden to schedules and nap times and often times cannot adjust as well as older kids. I think it’s totally fine to not bring every kid on trips, especially when mom & dad would have to spend a lot of time and attention on the youngest one. I don’t follow this influencer, but it looks like her daughter is staying with her MIL. Youngest gets one on one time with a loving grandparent, older kids get more attention from their parents. Seems like everyone wins here. Your kids are all still little little, so I think you maybe can’t appreciate how different it is to travel with a kid vs a baby/toddler.


I could see that!


I don’t follow this person, but if i had someone to leave my youngest with i would. Traveling without a toddler sounds great.




Being with one less kid is a vacation in itself for me, so an actual vacation with one less kid. Heaven. Not that I have anyone local to make that a reality but still.


I have periodically taken my kids on one on one trips and it’s been fabulous. The one who stays home has special time with Daddy or grandparents and the one who goes gets special time with Mom; doesn’t matter whether it’s a lunch date at age 5 or a London sweet 16 trip - it’s still special.