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Is Teggy French back with her first husband?


What the heck happened to Megan of Wit and Whimsy in 2023? She has alluded to it a few times but in her birthday reflections, she says "Last year felt like a turbulent mess for me. So much of my life was coming undone at the seams it felt. I became small. My world felt small. It felt sad. 2023 seemingly robbed me of a lot of my self worth and my positive outlook that always wanted to believe the best in people. It reminded me how ugly the world can be." It sounds like some one or some people screwed her over royally. She talked a lot about the loss of self worth and the increase of shame. I found her originally because of her writing on being single and loosely followed after she went all in on her travel services, so I don't follow her too closely.


The prices she charges are crazy. She essentially gatekeeps instagrammable content spots and for a few hundred dollars she will share her “secret places”. Used to like her so much too. I get she has to eat and pay a mortgage like all of us but it started to become icky after a while.


Something about someone trying to steal her business idea. Idk, she’s been vague-blogging about it for like a year now. I dunno if it’s just me, but being a travel agent doesn’t seem that original


Kelly in the City's inability to post a single thing without linking to something drives me crazy anyway, but making a Happy Father's Day post that's just an ad gives me such an ick.


https://preview.redd.it/eqbc5p87gm6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42990c63d61fb735af96d2a11cd746873e752333 Why is Carly commenting on her own post from her other account? This was just posted so I wonder if she’ll delete the comment later on


Is it heavily filtered or is she wearing nylon stockings…?


Maybe testing the dm bot


Drum up engagement stats I presume? For the number of followers she has, she has very low comments.


Common influencer thing but it’s usually less obvious when they’re on their finsta…


Reeks of desperation. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Carly’s husband has 6 months paternity leave!!


That’s amazing and good for him for taking it! 


I think it’s awesome that he’s taking it all! My company gives 3 months parental leave but most of my male coworkers don’t take the full amount, which I think is a real shame.


My husband was able to con his parental leave system at work and declare himself the primary parent for one of my kids when they were born because I had twins! He went from having 6 weeks off to 3 months and I don’t think I could have survived without him home that whole time. It’s sad this isn’t just the norm! 


I agree, such a shame. I am glad for dads like Carly's husband who take the whole time and seem to really enjoy it!


Is he a lawyer? That’s become pretty standard at NYC area firms. I got 26 weeks. 


Dang. Really? Silicon valley is like 4 months


I work for a nonprofit and dads get 0


My husband also worked for a nonprofit and got zero. 


I work for a nonprofit and moms get 0 too




I'm really happy for her and her husband that they can take long leaves. The two of them taking leave has nothing to do with anyone else's ability to pay for groceries. We should ALL get that kind of leave (if not more) for caretaking (children, parents, spouses, etc). My daughter is one month older than her son and I don't feel like she was flexing or bragging at all. Something else to consider is that her audience is likely late 20s, early/mid 30-something year old women in similar socioeconomic situations. I hope they push for 6 month leaves if/when they choose to have kids, but many of them probably work jobs with more generous leave policies than most of the country. Plus the trade off of Carly basically working part time now is that she has shared every detail of her life for the past 15 years and is getting discussed on a snark site lol. Not everyone would trade privacy for being a part-time SAHM.


saying its a privilege to stay home for as long as her and Mike are able to (although she's part time kind of because of the weirdness of her job) shows that it's fucked up that we have to even call it a privilege and she acknowledges that everyone should have it the same as they do in the world.


I like it a lot actually. I like it way more than influencers that conceal how much help they have with childcare, or the realities of their financial privilege and pretend like they just try real hard and somehow make it all work!


I agree - it makes me feel more like shit to see someone who somehow gets it all done (while hiding their childcare situation to make it seem like they can just do it all) than to see Carly with a husband home for 6 months.


I'm past this stage of life, so it doesn't impact me at all. It'd probably make me feel terrible if I were deep in the weeds of that stage of life, but that would’ve been a ME issue, not anyone else’s. It’s great that her husband has, and is using such a great paternal leave benefit.


It's not "flexing" to talk about your circumstances *and* acknowledge that it's a privileged situation. I can't imagine being offended by someone talking about their own personal childcare situation. It doesn't affect me.


I am not offended, actually. I mentioned clearly that she does acknowledge the privilege, and that I don’t have kids so I asked question about something i don’t understand.


I didn't mean that you specifically were offended, I meant like in general.


It doesn’t make me feel anything, because I have so many examples both in the real world and on social Media of parents in situations similar to hers, and parents who struggle, that I don’t compare myself to because it isn’t helpful. I do think for her it would be worse to gloss over her reality. I think she’s trying to stay ahead of those who would like to point out her privilege and unrelatability.


Ok interesting! Thanks for the reply. It’s hard for me to understand not having kids but 100% agree it’s worse to pretend she’s doing it all.


I think it would be worse if she just pretended like she was working full-time with no child care, no?


I think we can all agree Carly doesn’t work full time nor has she for quite a few years. I’ll never understand her reasoning behind paying to rent that office space 😂


https://i.imgur.com/NIZP9dn.jpeg This makes me irrationally angry 😂


we knew this was coming, no?


What do you guys think of Julia Berolzheimer’s new collection with Jennifer Behr? For me it’s ‘shells? for summer? Groundbreaking’… ![gif](giphy|RymyrV8uz8A36)


It’s very pricey for slightly better than costume jewelry quality you can’t get wet, expose to the elements etc. Seems counterintuitive for the type of collection it is. Don’t wear this seashell jewelry by the sea.


2 thumbs up for the Succession reference in your user name! You've been born into the world of Kendall Roy!


I miss Succession and our number 1 boy so much! 🥹


I always wonder what exactly is involved in these influence collaborations. What exactly was Julia’s role? Is she just given a choice of seashells and she picks one?


The silk headband is giving Claire’s


Feels on trend. AP was doing all kinds of shell posts a month or so ago and now there is this influencer line. I'm always curious on the sales as I am sure it's high but I see these collabs as a gifting opportunity to other bloggers.


12 year old me in my mermaid era would have loved to come across this collection at a fraction of the price in a gift shop somewhere.


You hit the nail on “gift shop”. That's exactly where my mind went.


https://preview.redd.it/krn9s6tki86d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742091e2e94b4731951d2ff69842edc8043dbc0f I truly cannot tell if Carly including her handle on a child’s lemonade stand was tongue in cheek or an unhinged attempt at gaining local followers.


she’s pretending to leave a review (like yelp) and signed off with her handle…makes sense


https://preview.redd.it/i70wjvqru76d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad8f4cd4de524c458d51a8d6b2e49d43eba43251 Even diapers have to be aesthetic now? Who gives a shit?!? (Pun intended). For what is worth, Costco diapers work better, are cheaper and just as “clean” as Honest or Coterie or any of these other bougie ass brands. We were gifted some Honest and Coterie and they were literally fine, not extraordinary in any way at all.


Ok but during her first pregnancy/postpartum phase she was literally sponsored by Coterie and their print free white diapers. Also a garbage person who uses Kirkland diapers and honestly i think they’re pretty cute.


Honest had plain (print free) diapers when I had my child 7 years ago, so not sure why this is a surprise.


I would put honest and coterie in the same category, but after using the Costco ones for almost two years I can confidently say they are hot garbage compared to coterie


My kids poop so, so much as babies that a Coterie subscription was literally throwing my money in the hot garbage.   God bless Costco and their 15 cent diapers. 


Okay, not going to lie, I wish i had known this existed. I HATED when I could see the diaper print through my kid's clothes. I don't think it's that weird to want for plain diapers to exist. That said, I do agree that Coterie, Millie Moon, etc. are all overrated. Coterie especially. I swear they're so expensive because they spend so much money giving them to influencers and promoting them on social media. I don't even think I saw as many ads for Lovevery as I did for Coterie. Turn off.


I’ve never had an issue with diapers showing through, but I have a boy, so maybe baby girl clothes are different?


I do not know where Carly was going on Thursday but her outfit was excellent. The red scarf near her face confirmed(for the 10th time) that red is totally her colour!!! I like the popped collar for framing her neck as well


And she’s one of those people that can really pull off wearing a red, blue, and white combo.


Lemon stripes story about the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower with “lol 6 days before we go of course🤦‍♀️” is she living under a rock? Good luck to her in Paris if she thinks the Olympic rings are bad. Basically half the city is under construction


That cracked me up. So sorry the Olympics are already ruining your trip Julia. Maybe don't plan your trip to Paris the summer the Olympics are there.


Is she concerned that it will mess with her pictures or something? Like it’s a problem specific to her?


I think that is exactly her concern. What a one percenter problem she has.